Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Quần Chúng khắp nơi mất dần tính tự tin trở thành tuân phục và sợ hãi!

Ích Kỷ, Đố Kị, Tham Lam đã biến người ta trở thành ĐỘC ÁC với THA NHÂN trở thành sợ hãi và tuân phục QUYỀN LỰC. Một bản thăm dò mới nhất tạI Mỹ cho thấy 1/3 công dân SẴN SÀNG CHẤP NHẬN QUYỀN LỰC "mò mẫm thân thể" của GIỚI CHỨC AN NINH PHI TRƯỜNG..
Tuy nhiên, chúng ta cần đặt một số câu hỏi có liên quan đến thống kê này:
1- Tỉ lệ bao nhiêu công dân gốc Á và gốc Âu được phỏng vấn?
2- Tỉ lệ "Quan điểm tôn giáo" của họ là bao nhiêu..
Vì theo như những thống kê xã hội chính trị trước đó cho thấy phần lớn các "tín đồ thiên chúa giáo" luôn sẵn sàng chấp nhận quyền lực nhà nước miễn có mục tiêu "đàn  áp hoặc chống hồi giáo". Và di dân Á Châu thường có "truyền thống văn hóa Tôn ti trật tự và vâng phục"..
Dù vậy, bất kỳ tỉ lệ như thế nào , cũng cho thấy một xã hội với nền dân trí từng cao, không có nghĩa là nền DÂN TRÍ sẽ giữ vững , mà có thể tụt dốc vì bị trấn áp khủng  bố tinh thần qua những thủ đoạn của nhà nước và tôn giáo như vụ 911.

Poll: Nearly One Third Of Americans Would Accept ‘TSA Body Cavity Search’ in Order to Fly
Majority of Americans adults think a law making it illegal to disobey the order of a TSA agent in any public place is reasonable
Paul Joseph Watson
November 8, 2012
A new survey commissioned by Infowars and conducted by Harris Interactive has found that almost one third of American adults would accept a “TSA body cavity search” in order to fly, with a majority of Americans also feeling a law that would make disobeying a TSA agent in any public place illegal is reasonable.
The shock results emphasize the level of indignity Americans are willing to tolerate in order to travel.
They also highlight how the TSA’s reputation has remained largely intact despite a series of scandals and widespread criticism from innumerable public figures.
However, on other fronts the poll provides good news for those concerned with how liberties are being lost in the name of stopping terrorism. For example, a clear majority (65%) of American adults feel that TSA pat down policies that in some cases involve TSA agents touching travelers’ genitals are unacceptable.
The survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of Infowars from November 5-7 among 2059 American adults.
American adults were asked the following question as part of the poll;
“Given the recent reports concerning the threat posed by terrorists who plan to implant bombs within their own bodies, how willing, if at all, would you be to undergo a TSA body cavity search in order to fly?”
A total 30% of American adults said they would be “willing” or “somewhat willing” to accept a body cavity search. 57% would be “completely” or “somewhat unwilling” to submit to it and 13% answered “don’t know”.
Although the exact definition was not explained in the question, given that the term “body cavity search” refers to the most intrusive search imaginable, one normally performed on dangerous felons before they go to prison, the fact that almost one third of American adults would submit to such an invasion of their privacy simply to get on a plane is astounding.
Those concerned with how much power has been concentrated into the hands of TSA workers, who are after all federal employees and not police officers, would also be disturbed at the response to the following question;
How reasonable or unreasonable do you feel it is that travelers should be made by law to obey every command given by a TSA agent inside an airport or any other public place given the threat posed by terrorists?
A total 57% of American adults said this was “completely” or “somewhat reasonable”. A minority of 43% said passing a law that would mandate total obedience to a TSA agent was “completely” or “somewhat unreasonable”. Out of that figure, just 16% thought it was “completely unreasonable”.
Surprisingly given their traditional distrust of big government, 60% of Republicans thought it reasonable compared to 64% of Democrats and 46% of Independents.
We recently highlighted the fact that back in 2008, the Department of Homeland Security seriously pursued the idea of making travelers wear electronic shock bracelets that could be activated in the name of incapacitating “terrorists.” In reference to that news story, the survey asked the following question;
In 2008, the Department of Homeland Security expressed an interest in having travelers wear electric shock bracelets that would both track travelers through the airport as well as allow airport officials and flight crews to incapacitate potential terrorists. How willing, if at all, would you be to wear such a bracelet in order to fly?
35% of American adults would be “completely” or “somewhat willing” to wear the shock bracelet, compared to 52% who would be “completely” or “somewhat unwilling”. Republicans were more likely to be willing than Democrats, 41% to 34%.
Given the rash of stories about TSA agents touching travelers’ genitals as part of pat down procedures for those who “opt out” of body scanners, the poll posed the following question;
In some cases, the TSA’s more invasive pat down procedures now include agents touching travelers’ genital area through their clothing. How acceptable, if at all, do you feel this is, considering the potential major threat posed by terrorists?
Despite the fact that this policy is already underway in some instances, a full 65% of American adults found TSA workers touching genitals “completely” or “somewhat unacceptable”. A further 35% of American adults found this “completely” or “somewhat acceptable”. More Republicans than Democrats (12% to 9%) were likely to find this “completely acceptable”.
Asked how the TSA is performing in its screening duties at U.S. airports, 77% of American adults said the federal agency was doing an excellent, good or fair job. 23% of American adults thought the TSA was doing a not very good job or a bad job in its duties. Despite sustained negative media coverage of the agency’s activities, of that latter netcategory, only 9% in total thought the TSA was doing a “bad job”.
More Democrats than Republicans (84% to 73%) responded that they thought the TSA was doing an excellent, good or fair job.
The results of this poll again underscore how ignorant many Americans remain of their rights at airports and other transport hubs where TSA agents are present. The results also clearly indicate that a substantial portion of Americans, around one in three, are willing to tolerate virtually any indignity if it is performed in the name of safety and security.
Click here for the survey results in full.
Abbreviated Methodology
This survey was conducted online within the United States by Harris Interactive on behalf of Free Speech Systems from November 5-7 among 2,059 adults ages 18 and older. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. For complete survey methodology, including weighting variables, please contact
Infowars is launching the national Opt Out and Film Week during Thanksgiving, November 19-26. Click here for more details or click here for the campaign’s Facebook page.

Article printed from Infowars:
URL to article:

Tavis Smiley, Cornel West nói về Bầu cử 2012 & Tại sao gọi Obama "tiến bộ" là lờ đi những kỷ lục sai xấu của hắn?

"Nếu bạn thực sự muốn nói chuyện về việc phụ thuộc vào chính phủ(bọn ăn bám vào xã hội), 16 nghìn tỷ USD cho bọn Wall Street là ăn bám xã hội đấy ạ, không có đến một người trong số họ đi tù liên quan đến hoạt động phạm tội, liên quan đến cho vay ăn lời cắt cổ, lũng đoạn thị trường, giao dịch nội gián.  Bọn ăn bám xã hội Wall Street này còn được bọn Chính phủ bảo vệ chúng nữa.  Jamal( một người dân da mầu bình thường) bị bắt với một nhúm bạch phiến nhỏ, ông ta phải vào tù.  Nhưng Ông McGillicuddy( một tên chủ xị gian lận, cướp bịp quần chúng bạc tỉ) bị bắt gặp trên phố Wall, hắn được bảo vệ bởi chính phủ.  Cả chính quyền Bush và Obama không có bất kỳ 1 cuộc điều tra, khởi tố những vụ án ở Wall Street nào hết.  Thế đấy ạ, bọn thực sự ăn bám xả hội như Wall Street, họ nhận được các khoản vay không lãi suất của Cục Dự trữ Liên bang.  Sẽ quá tốt đẹp không, nếu thành phần sinh viên có thể nhận được các khoản vay không lãi tương tợ vậy?" Cornel West.


Mỹ Dẫn Đầu Chính Sách Quân Đội Hóa Cảnh Sát !

Bản chất bạo ngược và súc vật của quận đội được nới rộng đến "lực lượng bạn dân" đang xảy ra khắp nơi trên thế giới, đặc biệt tại Mỹ với "truyển thống" quân đội không can thiệp vào xã hội dân sự. Hiện nay những xã hội độc tài với quyền lực nen tảng là quân đội như VN, TQ v.v cũng đã áp dụng chinh sách này trong hơn 10 năm qua..
Thât mỉa mai, cuộc chạy đua chính sách "bạo ngược" an ninh tưởng chỉ có Sô Viết và các xã hội tương cận từng dẫn đầu, nay Mỹ đã vượt mặt và chiếm giải vô địch..

Một Truyền Thống Văn Hóa Bản Sắc Ngàn Năm của "Nhân Loại"

Một Truyền Thống Văn Hóa Ngàn Năm của "Nhân Loại" , mà những xã hội Tây phương đã "tự phá hủy". Hiện nay những "truyền thống văn hóa" này vẫn còn là những BẢN SẮC TUYỆT VỜI của nhiều DÂN TỘC mà người ta cương quyết bảo tồn  bằng mọi giá.. kể cả giết chết con mình, chị mình , vợ mình, mẹ mình ....

Theo thống kê của cơ quan LHQ, thì có khoảng 200 triệu "những đa con gái" bị giết chết, đày đọa, cưỡng ép, bỏ rơi v.v chỉ vì họ là CON GÁI!!!! Đặc biệt trầm trọng là tại Ấn Độ và Trung Quốc ..

Câu hỏi đặt ra là :  TẠI SAO ĐẾN KỶ NGUYÊN THÔNG TIN và NHÂN QUYỀN RỘNG MỞ hôm nay, mà người ta còn U MÊ MAN RỢ BÁN KHAI như thế? Làm thế nào mà những BẢN SẮC VĂN HÓA man r
này vẫn tồn tại và được TỰ NGUYỆN BẢO TỒN và DUY TRÌ cho dù đã có rất nhiều nỗ lực thông tin giáo dục để thay đổi và ngăn chặn?

Phải chăng vì chúng ta, dù lên án, nhưng chưa dám ĐỐI DIỆN THẲNG VẤN ĐỀ NGUYÊN THỦY của nó, để tháo gỡ tận gốc! Cái "Bản Sắc Văn Hóa" man rợ này từ đâu mà có?  Do nghèo đói kinh tế hay do niềm tin BẢN SẮC TRUYỀN THỐNG, TÔN GIÁO? quyền lực chính trị?

Phải đối diện với NGUYÊN NHÂN HÌNH THÀNH của VĂN HÓA BẢN SẮC này, thì chúng ta mới có PHƯƠNG CÁCH THÁO GỠ H

It’s a Girl Documentary Film

It's a Girl Documentary In India, China and many other parts of the world today, girls are killed, aborted and abandoned simply because they are girls. The United Nations estimates as many as 200 million girls(1) are missing in the world today because of this so-called “gendercide”.
Girls who survive infancy are often subject to neglect, and many grow up to face extreme violence and even death at the hands of their own husbands or other family members.
The war against girls is rooted in centuries-old tradition and sustained by deeply ingrained cultural dynamics which, in combination with government policies, accelerate the elimination of girls.
Shot on location in India and China, It’s a Girl reveals the issue. It asks why this is happening, and why so little is being done to save girls and women.
The film tells the stories of abandoned and trafficked girls, of women who suffer extreme dowry-related violence, of brave mothers fighting to save their daughters’ lives, and of other mothers who would kill for a son. Global experts and grassroots activists put the stories in context and advocate different paths towards change, while collectively lamenting the lack of any truly effective action against this injustice.
It’s a Girl will be available in September 2012 for screening events globally. (Learn more about bringing It's a Girl to your city!)
Stay connected with the project through our email updates or by connecting with us on Facebook.

Bị bắt qủa tang.

Caught in the Act

Saturday, 3. November 2012
“War plans were made long ago. They remain options of choice.”
clintonWashington wages direct and proxy wars dirty. Favored allies are cold-blooded killers. Cutthroats are America’s favorites. The more vicious the better. America’s so-called responsibility to protect (R2P) is a license to brutalize and kill.
Guns for hire willing to commit unspeakable crimes for a buck are recruited, armed, funded, trained, and deployed to commit the most heinous ones imaginable. Nothing too gruesome is out of bounds. Killing goes on daily like sport.
Massacres are strategically timed. Last June, death squads murdered over 100 Houla civilians. They were executed in cold blood. Children were slaughtered like adults.
Pro-government loyalists were targeted. Assad was wrongfully blamed for terrorist killings and atrocities. It wasn’t the first time or last.
Weeks later, death squads murdered dozens of Treimseh civilians. Assad was again blamed. Western and UN Human Rights Council reports were fabricated. Media scoundrels repeated them like gospel. Facts don’t interfere with propaganda. It’s standard policy.
Last March, a rare exception reported accurately. Der Spiegel discussed the “Homs burial brigade.” An insurgent “executioner” said he and comrades “kill in the name of the Syrian revolution. They leave torture (to) the so-called interrogation brigade….”
“They do the ugly work.” He believes in violence, he explained. He “cut the throats of four men.” He machine-gunned many more. Executions happen regularly, he said.
Assad loyalists are targeted, brutalized and murdered. Women and children aren’t spared. Der Spiegel’s “executioner” article explained. The publication said little more by way of follow-up.
Last March, Human Rights Watchalso reported on Syrian “Armed Opposition Groups Committing Abuses.” An “Open Letterto the Leaders of the Syrian Opposition” accused them of targeted killings, summary executions, kidnappings for ransom, torture, hostage taking, and other violent crimes.
HRW’s moment of truth didn’t last. It’s a reliable imperial ally. Amnesty International and similar groups replicate its anti-Assad propaganda. They’re well funded to support US interests.
The latest death squad atrocity was too obvious to conceal. On November 1, Reuters headlined “Syrian rebels kill 28 soldiers in checkpoint attacks,” saying:
Attacks occurred on three Saraqeb checkpoints. They straddle Syria’s main north/south highway. Even Assad opposition supporters can’t hide what happened. Video evidence showed it.
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights spokesman Rupert Colville called it “very likely that this was a war crime, another one.”
“Accountability will follow,” he added. How and in what form he didn’t say. Expect little more than rhetoric.
Throughout the conflict, Washington Post reports have been consistently one-sided. This time, fingers pointed the right way. “Syrian rebels execute unarmed government soldiers; dozens killed in fighting,” it said.
Graphic video footage documented what happened. It’s “not the first time that rebel fighters appear to have committed war crimes.”
Summary executions happen regularly. Soldiers and pro-Assad loyalists are targeted. Video posted online Thursday was filmed at Saraqeb’s Hamisho checkpoint.
“It shows rebel fighters kicking and insulting government soldiers, who are spread out on the ground. Some of them appear to be wounded.” One pleaded: “I did not hit anyone, by Allah. I did not kill anyone.”
“The man filming the video tells the soldier to shut up and directs his comrades, ‘Organize them for me.’ The fighters pull the soldiers to the center of the room and open fire on the group, kicking up clouds of dust. The shooting continues for 20 seconds.”
“A second video posted online Thursday, which appears to have been filmed shortly after the execution, shows at least three other bodies spread out around the checkpoint.”
“The man filming approaches two of the bodies and says, ‘The shabiha of Assad, the dogs.’ ”
The term refers to pro-Assad fighters defending Syria against Western-recruited death squads. In other words, they’re anti-imperial resistance fighters. Western reports call them terrorists.
New York Times reports also have been consistently one-sided. Covering up this atrocity isn’t possible. It headlined “UN Says Syria Execution Video Shows Apparent War Crime,” saying:
Video circulating online shows “antigovernment fighters armed with rifles kicking and summarily executing a group of captured soldiers or militiamen could, if verified, represent evidence of a war crime to prosecute the perpetrators.”
Human Right Watch consistently targets Assad. It also accused Syrian opposition forces of torture, other atrocities, and summarily executing security forces and pro-government loyalists in Aleppo, Latakia, Idlib, and elsewhere.
On November 1, Amnesty International headlined “Syria: Armed group carries out summary killing of security forces in Idlib,” saying:
Video footage showed armed militants “carrying out a mass summary killing of men in their custody.” They were beaten, kicked and shot multiple times. AI’s Ann Harrison said:
“This shocking footage depicts a potential war crime in progress, and demonstrates an utter disregard for international humanitarian law by the armed group in question.”
“Amnesty International has so far been unable to confirm the identity of the armed group that carried out these summary killings, and no group has yet claimed responsibility.”
“But we will continue to investigate the incident and once again urge all sides to respect the laws of war and to refrain from torturing, ill-treating or killing their prisoners.”
AI consistently is anti-Assad. Harrison’s comments were less than fully forthright. She and other AI staff regularly blame Assad for death squad killings and atrocities.
Press TV aired the disturbing video. These are the people Washington gets in bed with.
On November 2, Voice of Russia headlined “Bloodbath in Syria,” saying:
Western-recruited death squads kept on killing throughout the Id al-Adha truce and after it ended. It’s “unthinkable (that) the United Nations was unable to condemn them.”
Failure reveals duplicitous Western standards. Dozens died needlessly. Opposition forces attacked security forces, civilians and government offices. Schools, mosques, and childcare centers are fair game.
Washington wants Syria defeated by terror. Doing so risks regional chaos. It’s “no exaggeration to say that stability in this key region hinges on further developments in the Syrian crisis.”
America can easily stop conflict by calling off its dogs. Peace and stability undermines its imperium. Violence furthers it. Hired guns are used for that purpose. Syria’s being ravaged and destroyed. Olive branches Assad extends are summarily rejected.
On October 30, Syrian expert Patrick Seale headlined “Time for National Reconciliation in Syria.”
It’s long past time, but how?
Despite convincing evidence disputing him, he thinks Syria can be “saved from destruction and national disintegration.” What are the obstacles, he asked?
Deep wounds must be healed. How can they be when Washington won’t let them? Seale admits there’s “no readiness for reconciliation on either side.” He’s half right. Assad wanted it since last year. Repeated overtures were rebuffed.
Militant extremists also want conflict. They want Sharia law replacing secular Syria. Most Syrians want no part of it.
Seale thinks no one wants direct military intervention. Others call that wishful thinking. Washington has longstanding regime change plans. All options are considered. If nothing else works, expect NATO involvement.
Establishing pro-Western governance in Syria is key to isolating Iran and repeating the process. War plans were made long ago. They remain options of choice.
Seale is right saying Syrians and other regionally must choose who’ll rule them. Intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign countries violates international law.
One day perhaps America, key NATO partners, and Israel will observe it. So far doing so is nowhere in sight. Don’t expect it as long as imperial ambitions eclipse other priorities.
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Stephen Lendman- BFP Contributing Author & Analyst
Stephen Lendman was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. He received a Harvard BA in 1956 and a Wharton MBA in 1960. Since 2005, Mr. Lendman has been writing on vital world and national topics, including war and peace, American imperialism, corporate dominance, political persecutions, and a range of other social, economic and political issues. He hosts The Progressive Radio News Hour on The Progressive Radio Network. Visit Mr. Lendman’s blog site here. He can be reached at

Những Trò Gian Lận Sắp Xếp "Bầu Cử Dân Chủ" Kiểu Mỹ!
