Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Nhà Nước Chính Phủ Mỹ Đe Dọa Ngăn Chận các Nỗ Lực Bào Chế Bán Thuốc Chống Vi Trùng EBOLA

Nhà nước Mỹ- Cơ Quan Kiểm Soát Y Dược đã đe dọa truy tố 3 công ty dược phẩm TỰ NHIÊN (nôm na thuốc NAM- Herbal ) nếu những công ty này KHÔNG NGƯNG BÀO CHẾ QUẢNG CÁO BÁN THUỐC CHỐNG EBOLA!!!(threatened three companies with criminal prosecution)

Riêng Công ty thuốc NAM tự nhiên- Natural Solutions Foundation, cho biết chính phủ Mỹ đã tịch thu những thùng hàng dược phẩm kháng sinh họp chất Nước Bạc Colloidal Silver  của họ chở đi phi Châu chữa bệnh EBOLA (governments are actively seizing colloidal silver shipments to African nations)!!!??

Có vẻ nhà nước chính phủ Mỹ và đám tập đoàn đại công ty dược muốn ĐỘC QUYỀN và không muốn ai ngăn chặn chữa trị "cơn dịch" EBOLA này! TRước đó là bác sĩ quân y Mỹ Davis tìm ra cách chữa, cũng bị bác bỏ! (doctor: u.s. army rejected successful ebola drug 2 weeks)
Sao thế nhỉ?

Như chúng tôi đã cho biết trong bài "EBOLA hay không EBOLA, Nhu Cầu Nhà Nước Vũ Khí Hóa Tất Cả", trong đó giáo sư y khoa tại khu vực Dr. Cyril Broderick đã kêu gọi nhân loại chống lại âm mưu diệt chủng của Âu Mỹ  dùng nhân dân châu Phi đàn bà, trẻ em làm vật thí nghiệm cho EBOLA. Chúng muốn "giảm dân số" và cướp đất!

Với sự toa rập đồng lõa của LHQ cơ quan WHO, Bác Sĩ Không Biên Giới- Dr. Cyril Broderick kêu tuyệt vọng gọi bọn nhà nước châu Phi bảo vệ dân lành trẻ em châu Phi đang bị dùng làm vật thử nghiệm một cách bán khai bất nhân! ( The World Health Organization (WHO) and several other UN Agencies have been implicated in selecting and enticing African countries to participate in the testing events, promoting vaccinations, but pursuing various testing regiments.....AFRICAN LEADERS AND AFRICAN COUNTRIES NEED TO TAKE THE LEAD IN DEFENDING BABIES, CHILDREN, AFRICAN WOMEN, AFRICAN MEN, AND THE ELDERLY. THESE CITIZENS DO NOT DESERVE TO BE USED AS GUINEA PIGS!  

 Dr. Cyril Broderick giỏi y khoa nhưng ngây thơ chính trị! Trên đời này làm gì có bọn chính quyền tận lực lo cho dân chúng. Nếu có đã chẳng tồn tại được 3 ngày!!! Bọn chúng chỉ lo cho tập đàn quyền chính và gia đình riêng tư của chúng nó thôi! Chúng nó đã nhận tiền chia chác với nhau tất cả.



What is Colloidal Silver?

Colloidal Silver is a pure all-natural substance consisting of sub-microscopic clusters of silver, held in a suspension of pure ionized water by a tiny electric charge placed on each particle. Click Here to Return to Colloidal Silver Page
What does Colloidal Silver do?

Colloidal Silver is a powerful, natural antibiotic. It is the most usable form of the most effective disease, germ, virus and fungal killers known. It has been found to be both a remedy and a prevention for colds, flu, all infections and all fermentation due to any bacteria, fungus or virus, especially staph, and strep, which are often found in disease conditions. It has been reported to rapidly subdue inflammation and promote faster healing. The body needs Colloidal Silver to fight disease causing organisms and to aid healing. Taken daily, Colloidal Silver provides a second immune system resulting in more energy, vitality, vigour, relaxation, faster healing and reduced bodily toxins. An artificial antibiotic kills, on average, 6 different disease organisms, but Colloidal Silver is known to kill over 650 diseases without any harmful side effects or toxicity.  Click Here to Return to Colloidal Silver Page
Silver in our bodies?

We get silver and all minerals in our bodies through the food we eat. This comes directly from organic soil. This soil is rich in living organisms. These organisms break down the soil so plants are provided minerals in a form assimilable to the plant. Hence, we get silver naturally from the minerals present in organically grown plants. If we eat plants that have been grown on chemical fertilizers, as most plants are grown today; without living organisms in the soil to help provide nutrition to the plant, we do not get the quantity of vitamins and minerals which are available in organically grown foods. Thus deficiencies develop. As we age our ability to assimilate silver decreases. We develop a silver deficiency and an impaired immune system that can lead to cancer and other diseases. Dr. Robert Becker noticed a correlation between low silver levels and sickness. People who had low levels of silver were frequently sick, had innumerable colds, flu, fevers and other sicknesses. He believed a silver deficiency was the reason for the improper functioning of the immune system. He found that silver works on a wide range of bacteria without any side effects or damage to the cells of the body and can stimulate major growth of injured tissues.  Click Here to Return to Colloidal Silver Page
Why Silver?

Silver has benefited mankind's health for thousands of years. In ancient Greece and Rome, people used silver containers to keep liquids fresh. American settlers traveling across the West often put a silver dollar in the milk to delay its spoiling. Around the turn of the century, doctors prescribed silver nitrate for stomach ulcers and it has been common practice to put a few drops of a silver solution in the eyes of a newborn baby to kill bacteria that might cause blindness. A silver compound known as silver sulfadiazine has been used in 70 per cent of the burn centres in the U.S. It helps stop the herpes virus. Note: It is not the silver in dental fillings that is harmful but the mercury which is a deadly poison.  Click Here to Return to Colloidal Silver Page
What is the history of Colloidal Silver?

It was widely used 60 to 70 years ago when, among other reasons, the cost became prohibitive - about $100 per ounce in 1930 dollars. The quicker, more specific and fast acting man-made antibiotics became prevalent in the 1940s. High quality Colloidal Silver can now be produced a low cost.  Dr. Robert O. Becker says, “What we have actually done is rediscover the fact that silver kills bacteria which has been known for centuries. When antibiotics were discovered, clinical uses for silver as an antibiotic were discarded.”

Dr. Henry Crooks found that silver is highly germicidal, quite harmless to humans and absolutely nontoxic. From his bacteriological experiments with silver he concluded, “I know of no microbe that is not killed in laboratory experiments in six minutes.”  Click Here to Return to Colloidal Silver Page
What are the key characteristics?

Colloidal Silver is non-toxic, non-addictive and has no side effects. The body develops no tolerance and one cannot overdose. Colloidal Silver cannot cause harm to the liver, kidneys or any other organs in the body. It is safe for pregnant and nursing women and even aids the developing fetus in growth and health, as well as easing the mother's delivery and recovery. Colloidal Silver is odourless, tasteless, non-stinging, harmless to eyes, contains no free-radicals, is harmless to human enzymes and has no reaction with other medications. It improves digestion, aids in the regeneration of damaged cells and tissues, helps prevent colds, flu and organism caused diseases.  Click Here to Buy Colloidal Silver
Has it been medically tested?

YES! Colloidal Silver has been successfully tested at the UCLA Medical Labs where it killed every virus on which it was tested.  Click Here to Buy Colloidal Silver
What does the FDA say?

According to the FDA, Colloidal Silver may continue to be marketed and used as it was originally intended. Colloidal Silver exceeds FDA recognized standards (Sep. 13, 1991 letter written by Consumer Safety Officer, Harold Davies, U.S. Food and Drug Admin.) FDA has no jurisdiction regarding a pure, mineral element.  Click Here to Buy Colloidal Silver
What about Colloidal Silver for AIDS?

Since in active aids, the suppressed immune system of the body is open to all kinds of disease, Colloidal Silver is the perfect non-toxic medicine to use for its wide spectrum antibiotic effect. A researcher at Brigham Young University sent Colloidal Silver to two different labs including UCLA Medical Centre, and reported "It not only killed the HIV virus but every virus that was tested in the labs". According to FDA rules, Colloidal Silver cannot be used for treating the HIV virus, but it could be used as an antibiotic for all acquired diseases of active AIDS.  Click Here to Buy Colloidal Silver
What other uses are there for Colloidal Silver?

Tests prove, due to the high absorption of silver in the small intestine, the friendly bacteria in the large intestine are not affected. All bacterial, viral and fungal organisms are killed within 6 minutes of contact. Higher silver content in the body causes faster and more frequent contact with these organisms. No disease causing organism can live in the presence of simple silver. The following is a partial list of the more than 650 diseases that Colloidal Silver has been successfully used against

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