Sunday, November 10, 2013

Một Giả Thuyết về Cơn Bão Siêu Tốc Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)Cần CẨN THẬN suy ngẫm và Truy Khảo

Một Giả Thuyết về Cơn Bão Siêu Tốc Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)Cần CẨN THẬN suy ngẫm và truy cứu xác định

-Chúng ta KHÔNG VỘI VÃ QUY KẾT bất cứ một điều gì. Chúng ta cần mở rộng để suy ngẫm đối chiếu những dữ kiện để nối kết cụ thể và khoa học hiện tượng thiên nhiên thời tiết này. Và tự quyết định.

Dĩ nhiên những lãnh vực này không chỉ cần sự CẪN TRỌNG, HOÀI NGHI mà còn cần một số KIẾN THỨC CƠ BẢN để thừa nhận hoặc bác bỏ tính hữu lý và khoa học giả thuyết này của tác giả.

Lần "đầu tiên"một tờ báo chính qui của Úc, tờ International Business Times,  đã đăng tải giả thuyết này một cách nghiêm túc. Nguyên nhân có lẽ là từ chính vị giáo sư vật lý Mỹ gốc Nhật nổi tiếng Michio Kaku đã chính thức giải thích hiện tượng và khả năng nhân tạo thời tiết này. Điều mà nhiều chuyên gia trong khối nghiên cứu toàn cầu gọi là Vũ Khí Thời Tiết.

Một trong những hiện tượng bất thường của cơn bão với tốc độc cao nhất chưa từng xảy ra này là luồng khí nóng và vùng nước nơi khởi đầu cơn bão Yolanda có độ "ấm" rất cao. Sự kiện này đã khiến các nhà chuyên môn theo dõi bão tố trong mấy thập niên qua qui kết là do tia vi ba phóng sạ (như tia via ba trong máy hơ nóng Microwave của chúng ta dùng).

Monday, November 11, 2013 12:51 PM EST

Did a Microwave Pulse Cause Typhoon Haiyan? Over 10,000 Feared Dead in Philippines (VIDEOS)

By Reissa Su

(Source: Youtube/Theworldinyourhands)
Super Typhoon Haiyan or better known in the Philippines as Typhoon Yolanda, has wreaked massive damage to property, agriculture and infrastructure especially in Tacloban, a city in central Philippines. Reports have surfaced that more than 10,000 were feared dead as Typhoon Haiyan made landfall in the Southeast Asian country. The figure allegedly came from a Philippine official. Authorities have yet to give an official death toll as communication lines in some areas remain down and relief operations are ongoing.
Emergency responders and rescue workers still struggle to reach Haiyan-ravaged villages to deliver relief goods and aid surivors of a powerful typhoon which had displaced more the 600,000 people, according to news reports.
According to the assessment of the United Nations, some survivors had no access to food, water and first-aid medicine. Relief operations did not immediately reach the affected towns due to massive damage in airports and bridges.
All eyes are on Philippine President Benigno Aquino as he faces one of the greatest challenges on his third year as the leader of the typhoon-prone country. Officials have reported that the president is sending out troops to contain the looting and restore peace and order in Tacloban. Mr Aquino is also considering imposing martial law in the area to ensure the security of the people.

Microwave pulse allegations

As Typhoon Haiyan aka Yolanda leaves the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR) and heads for Vietnam, reports have emerged that the Category 5 storm, one of the strongest typhoons in the world, was caused by a microwave pulse.
A microwave anomaly has been observed in the West Pacific, causing a heavy rotation to develop and eventually creating a large storm. Tropical storms caused by microwave anomalies or beams were previously discussed by Dr Michio Kaku, the Weather Channel and CNN. The 13-minute video, which is slowly going viral on Facebook, explains the findings and the possible origin of the microwave pulse. It was alleged in reports that a U.S. Airforce base is located near the microwave anomaly. The U.S. base is reportedly a satellite communications hub.
The microwave "beam" anomaly allegedly came from the Western islands and ends in the West Pacific Ocean, just north of Papua New Guinea. After the microwave beams, satellite images showed a "heavy rotation" begin to develop, eventually becoming a large tropical storm. The report said that the rotation developed within 1 day of the microwave anomaly.
Reports also said that weather modifications have been done using a microwave pulse. Watch the video here to find out more of the alleged findings of Typhoon Haiyan being caused by a microwave anomaly:

(Source: Youtube/dutchsinse)
According to reports, this has happened before with storms being created and controlled. The U.S. has not yet denied nor confirmed the allegations of involvement in the creation of Typhoon Haiyan.
Another video discussing the microwave pulse causing Typhoon Krosa and an earthquake in Taiwan:

(Source: Youtube/dutchsinsereloaded)

Những Trang Nguồn Tham Khảo Cơ Quan Chính Qui về Thời Tiết

West Pacific:

Climate viewer can be used here:

MUST SEE page of all works found regarding weather modification -- everything found by each researcher assembled here in an easy to decipher format!! thanks to Jim Lee (R3zn8D)

Microwave pulse produces two tropical systems Francisco and Wipha:

2nd Microwave pulse produces Typhoon Krosa:

3rd microwave pulse creates typhoon Lekima:

Earthquake beneath Japans Typhoons Francisco and Lekima as they passed over ... greater than 7.0M :

Earthquake beneath Taiwan / Philippines typhoon Krosa as it passed over... greater than 7.0M :

This has happened before, Storm control via microwave pulse .. seen during other Hurricanes such as "Sandy / Frankenstorm", Hurricane Irene, and Chantal.

"Sandy / Frankenstorm":



CNN in 1985 discussing weather modification via frequency:

Current US Military Directed Energy Warfare Office (DEWO):


Dr. Michio Kaku Confirms weather modification via frequency recently on ABC News:


The Weather Channel covers the topic of storms created via Microwaves:


US Navy creates plasma in the atmosphere using HF:






Watch the whole weather modification playlist here:


2013 cloud seeding results from Kansas (just one of many states reporting):


National Weather Service denies any knowledge when asked :

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