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Tham Khảo: Bài Đọc Thêm: Không chỉ Hồi Giáo, nền Dân Chủ Gián Tiếp đang hủy hoại thế giới!!!

Richard M. Salsman
Richard M. Salsman, Contributor
I cover the intersection of economics and politics.
Không chỉ Hồi Giáo, nền Dân Chủ Gián Tiếp đang hủy hoại thế giới!!!

9/19/2012 @ 10:56AM |8,992 views

The Religion That's Killing The World Isn't Just Islam, It's Also Democracy

The latest anti-American protests in the Middle East – which include the murder of the U.S. ambassador to Libya – have been fueled by still more U.S. appeasement of Islam. We’ve seen this craven foreign policy for roughly five decades now, starting with Jimmy Carter. Presidents Bush and Obama are only the latest to sin by apologizing for America’s secular values and politics, by claiming Islam to be a “good and peaceful religion,” and by helping to oust those rare Middle East leaders who’ve tried to keep Islam out of politics.
U.S. embassies and interests are under attack again in the Middle East, including in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood now rules, thanks in large part to Mr. Obama’s sabotage of a long-time U.S. ally, President Mubarak. The new regime, hostile to Israel, has shredded the peace treaty which had been in place since the secular Anwar Sadat signed it in 1979. The chaos of U.S. Middle East policy under Mr. Obama is obvious merely from his recent remarks in an interview with Telemundo. Asked if Egypt was still a U.S. ally, Obama dissembled: “I don’t think we would consider them an ally. But we don’t consider them an enemy. They are a new government that’s trying to find its way. They were democratically elected.” For democracy zealots like Mr. Obama, the most important thing about the Muslim savages ruling Egypt is not that they are savages and U.S. foes, but that they were “democratically-elected.” Democracy zealots believe the vote validates anything, just as Weimer Germany thought it validated Hitler and his Nazi Party in the 1930s.
The U.S. State Department defines an “ally” as any nation which has a mutual defense treaty with the U.S. Apparently the U.S. still has such a treaty with Egypt, so a State Department official last week, pressed by a reporter, had to publicly contradict the remarks of President Obama and declare that Egypt was, in fact, a U.S. ally. If Egypt is an ally, why does its new government foment hatred and violence against America, her interests in the Middle East, and her long-time ally, Israel? If Egypt remains a U.S. ally, was it also an ally when President Mubarak ruled? Yes. Why then did Mr. Obama make sure U.S. policy favored Mubarak’s ouster, and help blaze a path to power for the Muslim Brotherhood? Mr. Obama also recently forgave $1.5 billion in debt owed to U.S. taxpayers by Egypt, to assist the Muslim Brotherhood, the regime fomenting anti-American riots in Cairo, and because the debt was incurred under ex-U.S. ally Mubarak. Much like Jimmy Carter and George Bush before him, Barack Obama brazenly mistreats U.S. allies and aids U.S. enemies. As dutiful Christians, each loves the enemy and turns their other cheek when struck by them.
The so-called Arab Spring” of 2011 – in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya – was supposed to entail an overthrow of Arab tyranny, autocracy, and militarism, in favor of political freedom, reasoned deliberation, and lawful government. But that’s only what the democracy-obsessed Western media claimed at the time; it was never the likely outcome for those who knew what majority opinion had been in the Middle East for these many past decades. The opinion has been poisonously Muslim, its results both savage and brutal. What a hoax was the “Arab Spring.” These nations are now ruled by religious zealots, because that’s precisely what comprised the majority of their peoples. I predicted this outcome as the hoax first unfolded more than a year ago. In February 2011, I wrote of “Another Illiberal Democracy – in Egypt,” that “democracy is no guarantor of genuine liberties or rights,” and that “far more often it brutally tramples them.” In March 2011 I wrote that “Libya Exposes Obama as Our Latest Neo-con President,” and how Mr. Obama was merely perpetuating “the obscene tradition of Democrat presidents, and neo-conservatives, who sacrifice American interests.” Also in March 2011, I wrote, in “U.S. Arms Its Islamic Enemies – Again,” that “the enemy of America’s enemy is not her friend, but her enemy, contrary to what liberals and conservatives believe.”
Political Islam has never embraced freedom or rights; historically, its brutality was curbed only when ruled by autocrats like the Shah in Iran, Saddam in Iraq, and Mubarak in Egypt. Democracy zealots among Western intellectuals and U.S. political leaders have sabotaged such autocrats (and U.S. allies) in the region, in favor of overt enemies. Starting in 1979 in Iran, it was out with the secular military regime and in with a tyrannical theocracy; ever since then, but especially after 9/11, the pattern has been repeated in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Libya. The U.S. apologized for supporting secular rule and helped oust allies, in favor of elected theocrats and Islamic constitutions. From Carter to Obama the U.S. has preferred cold-bloodied, religious tyranny, as long as it arrived by majority vote. The religion that’s killing the world isn’t just Islam but also democracy – a deadly but undying faith in the superiority of Rousseau’s “popular will.” Alexander Hamilton rightly called democracy “our real disease,” and yet Republicans today, the progeny of his Federalists, and those who should extol constitutionally-limited secular republic, as their name implies, instead plead for religion and democracy. Joke of all jokes, George W. Bush had an audacity of dope sufficient to call his crusade for democratic theocracy in the Middle East a “forward strategy of freedom.”
This week marks the 225th anniversary of the framing and signing of the U.S. Constitution at the famous convention in Philadelphia in 1787. Thus it is appropriate to recall that it pledged to Americans a republic, not a democracy. James Madison noted that “there is no maxim, in my opinion, which is more liable to be misapplied, and which, therefore, more needs elucidation, than the current one, that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong.” Ben Franklin described democracy as “two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch” and liberty, in that context, as “a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” According to John Adams, “democracy never lasts long,” for “it soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”
Alexander Hamilton countered those who claimed that “a pure democracy, if it were practicable, would be the most perfect government,” for in truth “experience had proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.” In the first of the Federalist Papers, published in October 1787, Hamilton warned against populists and their usual hoaxes. “The noble enthusiasm of liberty is apt to be infected with a spirit of narrow and illiberal distrust . . . the vigor of government is essential to the security of liberty . . . a dangerous ambition more often lurks behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people than under the forbidden appearance of zeal for the firmness and efficiency of government. History will teach us that the former has been found a much more certain road to the introduction of despotism than the latter, and that of those men who have overturned the liberties of republics, the greatest number have begun their career by paying an obsequious court to the people; commencing demagogues, and ending tyrants.”
Historically, the greatest enemies of liberty have been religion and statism – individual subordination to a deity or to a tyrant. Democracy, which is rule by the people (demos means “people”), by a mere majority, has never guaranteed citizens a rational, rights-respecting governance. The fact that the people rule does not mean they rule properly, in conformity to man’s rights. In fact, that outcome has been rare in democracy, and even when it began well, it rarely finished well. Irrationality and state-worship assume many forms, but the forms most responsible for great harm have been religion and democracy. The former says we must abandon reason and persuasion and resort to coercion and violence; the latter says we must abandon rights and submit to the tyranny of the majority. Perhaps the worst combination is a democratic vote in a religious land. But there’s something worse. Religion is a primitive form of philosophy; it provides an over-arching view of the world and a code of ethics, but is anti-reality, anti-happiness, anti-man. But while religion is a primitive form of philosophy, Islam is a primitive form of religion – a primitive form of primitivism. This explains the rank brutality of the Middle East. More tragic still is that U.S. policy condones and promotes it.
If America is to provide any assistance at all to the Middle East, it should provide it not in the form of more religion, more mysticism, and more democracy, but more reason, more secularism, and more republicanism.
Mr. Salsman is the president of InterMarket Forecasting, Inc., an investment research and advisory firm.

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