1- Một số nội dung bài vở bị sửa CÂU VĂN. Những câu văn đọc thoáng qua, tưởng không có vấn đề gì , nhưng thật sự là những LỖI TAI HẠI làm mất uy tín tác giả. Thí dụ trong một bài , Tôi (NKPTC) có nhắc lại câu văn rất phổ thông của Lão Tử trong Đạo Đức Kinh:
Đạo khả đạo PHI thường đạo, Danh khả danh PHI thường danh…
Nhưng một cách “nào đó” đã bị đổi thành:
Đạo khả đạo VÔ thường đạo, Danh khả danh VÔ thường danh…
Hoặc tôi viết GIẢO THUYẾT (lý thuyết giảo quyệt gian giảo) bị sửa thành Giáo thuyết (thuyết tín lý hoặc những lời giảng giải)
Đọc thoáng qua đại đa số độc giả thường không quan tâm, hay thấy lạ, chứ chưa nói là THẤY SAI rất tai hại và có thể gây ngộ nhận. Nhưng với độc giả đã có quen thuộc với đề tài sẽ thấy SAI trầm trọng!
2- Một số bài cũ CÓ NỘI DUNG MẠNH về tội phạm nhà nước, tập đoàn v.v – bị “biến mất”- và đôi khi bị “xóa hẳn” ngay khi vừa viết xong vài phút. Việc đã xảy ra ngay cho chính Tôi (nkptc).
Tôi có đem sự việc này trao đổi với chị Đông Sơn, để tìm ra nguyên nhân. Vì chính Tôi nhờ chị Đông Sơn chăm sóc trang và giúp Tôi quét bớt rác LỖI CHÍNH TẢ (sắc hỏi ngã nặng, do lỗi gõ phím (tranposition error, typo), do đó Tôi có giả thiết rằng CÓ THỂ do chị Đông Sơn sửa nhiều bài một lúc cho nên có những vô tình sửa ngoài ý muốn, hoặc bấm vội xóa bài v.v Tôi còn giả thiết “đỗ thừa” rằng có thể do chị Đông Sơn có 4 mắt nữa v.v Nhưng chị Đông Sơn kinh nghiệm với việc các trang mạng từ bao năm nay, dĩ nhiên, không có những lỡ tay đó. Nhất là tự ý sửa hẳn mạch văn … thì lại càng không thể. Chủ trương của TRANG , không cho phép bất cứ ai tự ý sửa hoặc xóa bài vở của bất cứ ai khác.
Tôi và chị Đông Sơn đành cười trừ, và quyết định nhẩn nha tra xét và từ từ tìm xem căn nguyên ra sao…..
Cách đây một tuần, mọi thắc mắc đã được GIẢI THÍCH rõ ràng, qua bản tin từ trang Antiwar.com và ngay chính bản thân của James Corbett VÀ TRANG CỦA ANH TA cũng bị như trang Nhân Chủ:
Bọn an ninh và chủ các dịch vụ như Youtube, FaceBook, trong trường hợp này là Google đã ra tay TỰ ĐỔI và TỰ XÓA bài của các trang, các tín mục mà chúng cho là “không phù hợp”!!!
Trong tình trạng quyền ngôn luận và CHỦ QUYỀN CÁ NHÂN đang bị tấn công vi phạm KIỂM DUYỆT ngang ngược, không chỉ đến từ định chế Nhà nước, quyền lực chính trị, mà từ ngay quyền lực của kẻ nắm NGUỒN TÀI NGUYÊN PHƯƠNG TIỆN như hiện nay, đã khẳng định thêm cho chúng ta CẤU TRÚC cũng như sự kết hợp chặt chẽ nhịp nhàng giữa bọn TẬP ĐOÀN CÔNG TY và bọn quyền chính định chế.
Trang Nhân Chủ mạnh dạn khuyến khích độc giả, hãy TẢI VỀ MÁY bất cứ bài viết nào bạn thấy THÍCH và CẦN… phòng khi bị XÓA, chúng ta vẫn còn nhờ nhau khôi phục được thông tin.
Nhân Chủ
Google Doubles Down: Demands Review of All Antiwar.com Content
Posted By Eric Garris On March 20, 2015 @ 4:31 am In News | 53 Comments
On Wednesday morning [1]
(3/18/15), Google AdSense suspended ad delivery to Antiwar.com
demanding that we remove our 11-year-old pages that showed the abuse by
US soldiers of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib. We publicized this and
got a bit of coverage [2].
Yesterday (3/19/15) Google contacted us and told us that they had given in and would be restoring ad service to Antiwar.com shortly.
However, this morning they contacted us demanding that we remove this article [3].
Antiwar.com has no intention of allowing Google to dictate our content. We are looking into alternate sources of advertising and will not likely be working with Google AdSense in the future.
Don’t let them get away with it! We need your help today, and you can do that in two ways:
Make a donation to help us recover the lost revenue. We run this web site on a shoestring, and the money we fully expected to bring in from Google ads now puts a big hole our budget. We simply can’t afford to lose this income – but we’re not taking down any of our content. No way, no how! Please make your tax-deductible donation today. [4]
Contact Google ads and give them a piece of your mind. Tell them that you don’t appreciate their efforts on behalf of the Washington censors and demand that they reinstate us immediately.
Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheater Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Telephone: 650-253-0000
You can also interact with Google at their forum [5]
Thank you to all our supporters.
You can confirm that Antiwar.com is being blocked by going to Adsenseblockchecker [6].
Below is the text of the latest contact from Google:
From: adsense-noreply@google.com
To: adsense-noreply@google.com
Thank you for submitting an appeal. However, after thoroughly reviewing antiwar.com and taking your feedback into consideration, we are unable to enable ad serving to your site again at this time, as your site appears to still be in violation.
Example page where violation occurred: http://original.antiwar.com/chris_ernesto/2014/05/28/heads-up-the-us-is-losing-in-ukraine/
VIOLENCE/GORE: As stated in our program policies, AdSense publishers are not permitted to place Google ads on pages with violent or disturbing content, including sites with gory text or images. More information about this policy can be found in our help center ( https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/1348688?utm_source=crs&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=notificationhl=en&answer=105954 ).
VIOLENCE: As stated in our program policies, AdSense publishers are not permitted to place Google ads on pages with violent content. This includes sites with content related to breaking bones, getting hit by trains or cars, or people receiving serious injuries. More information about this policy can be found in our help center ( https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/1348688?utm_source=crs&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=notificationhl=en&answer=105954 ).
Please take some time to review your site again for compliance. When making changes, please note that the URL mentioned in your policy notification may be just one example and that similar violations may exist on other pages of your website. Appropriate changes must be made across your entire website before ad serving can be enabled on your site again.
If you’d like to have your site reconsidered for participation in the AdSense programme, please review our programme policies [7] and make any necessary changes to your webpages.
Once you’ve fully resolved any issues with your site, please review this Help Centre [8] article to learn more about how to create a successful appeal.
We appreciate your cooperation.
The Google AdSense Team
Yesterday (3/19/15) Google contacted us and told us that they had given in and would be restoring ad service to Antiwar.com shortly.
However, this morning they contacted us demanding that we remove this article [3].
Antiwar.com has no intention of allowing Google to dictate our content. We are looking into alternate sources of advertising and will not likely be working with Google AdSense in the future.
Don’t let them get away with it! We need your help today, and you can do that in two ways:
Make a donation to help us recover the lost revenue. We run this web site on a shoestring, and the money we fully expected to bring in from Google ads now puts a big hole our budget. We simply can’t afford to lose this income – but we’re not taking down any of our content. No way, no how! Please make your tax-deductible donation today. [4]
Contact Google ads and give them a piece of your mind. Tell them that you don’t appreciate their efforts on behalf of the Washington censors and demand that they reinstate us immediately.
Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheater Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Telephone: 650-253-0000
You can also interact with Google at their forum [5]
Thank you to all our supporters.
You can confirm that Antiwar.com is being blocked by going to Adsenseblockchecker [6].
Below is the text of the latest contact from Google:
From: adsense-noreply@google.com
To: adsense-noreply@google.com
Thank you for submitting an appeal. However, after thoroughly reviewing antiwar.com and taking your feedback into consideration, we are unable to enable ad serving to your site again at this time, as your site appears to still be in violation.
Example page where violation occurred: http://original.antiwar.com/chris_ernesto/2014/05/28/heads-up-the-us-is-losing-in-ukraine/
VIOLENCE/GORE: As stated in our program policies, AdSense publishers are not permitted to place Google ads on pages with violent or disturbing content, including sites with gory text or images. More information about this policy can be found in our help center ( https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/1348688?utm_source=crs&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=notificationhl=en&answer=105954 ).
VIOLENCE: As stated in our program policies, AdSense publishers are not permitted to place Google ads on pages with violent content. This includes sites with content related to breaking bones, getting hit by trains or cars, or people receiving serious injuries. More information about this policy can be found in our help center ( https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/1348688?utm_source=crs&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=notificationhl=en&answer=105954 ).
Please take some time to review your site again for compliance. When making changes, please note that the URL mentioned in your policy notification may be just one example and that similar violations may exist on other pages of your website. Appropriate changes must be made across your entire website before ad serving can be enabled on your site again.
If you’d like to have your site reconsidered for participation in the AdSense programme, please review our programme policies [7] and make any necessary changes to your webpages.
Once you’ve fully resolved any issues with your site, please review this Help Centre [8] article to learn more about how to create a successful appeal.
We appreciate your cooperation.
The Google AdSense Team
Article printed from Antiwar.com Blog: http://antiwar.com/blog
URL to article: http://antiwar.com/blog/2015/03/20/google-doubles-down-demands-review-of-all-antiwar-com-content/
URLs in this post:
[1] Wednesday morning: http://antiwar.com/blog/2015/03/18/google-disables-all-ads-on-antiwar-com/
[3] this article: http://original.antiwar.com/chris_ernesto/2014/05/28/heads-up-the-us-is-losing-in-ukraine/
[4] Please make your tax-deductible donation today.: http://antiwar.com/donate
[6] Adsenseblockchecker: http://www.adsenseblockchecker.com/
[7] programme policies: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/48182?utm_source=aso&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=ww-ww-et-asfe_&gsessionid=aiys5vLLjuKJrUfdjJRxTA
[8] Help Centre: https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/113061#q4
The US doesn’t want peace in Ukraine — it wants control. So now
that the situation there has largely blown up in their face, it’s not
unreasonable to suspect them of fomenting more unrest in an attempt to
change momentum.
Monday’s ruthless attack by the Ukrainian government in Donetsk in which up to 100 people were killed was a clear indication of this. Although the government labeled the offensive as an “anti-terrorist” operation, the reality is that it was either a case of Ukraine killing its own people, or it was a military assault against a sovereign population, depending on one’s interpretation of the Donetsk People’s Republic referendum of May 11 in which the people overwhelmingly voted for independence from Ukraine.

Either way, given that the past two weeks have been filled with bad news for the US and its puppet government in Kiev, we should be on the lookout for more of these types of violent provocations. That’s what desperate, crumbling powers do when things don’t go their way.
The first bit of recent devastating news for the US were the aforementioned May 11 referendums in which almost 90 percent of voters in Donetsk Region and 96 percent of voters in Lugansk Region endorsed political independence from Kiev.
No matter what happens from this point forward, now that the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions have joined Crimea in voting for self-rule, there are 9.1 million fewer people, and approximately 30,000 fewer square miles the US can have in its “sphere of influence.” Knowing that the grand prize of owning control of Ukraine has just been reduced by 20 percent has got to hurt Washington’s empire builders.
And then there was the bombshell announcement on May 21, that after a decade of tough negotiations, Russia and China agreed to a $400 billion deal that will link Russia’s natural gas fields to China’s pipeline system. The deal “establishes possibly the most important gas benchmark in decades,” said Francisco Blanch, Bank of America’s global head of commodities research.
Though media in the US was obviously told to downplay the significance of the agreement, even countries like Australia – a willing participant in many recent US imperial ventures – are lamenting the deal. “We can’t afford to underestimate the significance of last week’s development for the Pacific gas market,” specialist gas industry consultant Graham Bethune of EnergyQuest said. “The negative impact for Australia’s [liquefied natural gas] competitiveness and future market share from this new market dynamic is serious.”
Didn’t anyone in Washington think this could happen, given its hostile behavior towards Russia? Did the global bully think it could just continue to punch without being hit back? “The US-British attempt to wound Russia’s economy and punish Putin for disobedience had just blown up in their red faces,” wrote Eric Margolis. “Russia has thus given its economy a big boost and made western sanctions look inconsequential. Chinese funds will allow cash-strapped Russia to modernize its oil and gas industry.”
The only bit of recent good news for the US in Ukraine was the election of the pro-EU Petro Poroshenko – known as the “Chocolate King” – who was voted in as Ukraine’s new president on Sunday.
But the election results will not change things on the ground. If anything, the legitimate protesters in Ukraine will become even more disillusioned now that another oligarch will be in charge – something that led them to hit the streets in 2004 and again this year. The people of Ukraine are politically astute, but even those who don’t pay attention to politics know exactly who Poroshenko is: He is Ukraine’s seventh richest man who owns one of the country’s largest television stations, and has made his main occupation as a politician since the failed Orange Revolution.
“Oligarchs are part of Ukraine’s problems; on that, pretty much everyone agrees. So why is [the new president, Poroshenko] being presented as Ukraine’s solution?” wrote Sarah A. Topol in Politico.
Immediately following his victory on Sunday, Poroshenko displayed some sensibility in saying that he wants to start talks with Russia once he’s in office. Russia agreed to the talks, as long as the US and EU are not involved. But Poroshenko must have had his hand slapped because the next day he ruled out discussions with the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in the east, calling them “bandit states,” “murderers,” and “terrorists.”
Poroshenko went on to say that he supports a continuation of the military attacks in the east and south, but believes “it must be shorter and it must be more effective, military units must be better equipped.” Analyst Daniel Patrick Welch told RT that “what that means today is [more] shelling against civilians, bombs that fall near occupied apartment blocks, fighter jets, and helicopter launches against an urban population.”
So there it is. We can expect more of the same when it comes to the US trying to win hearts and minds in Ukraine. They’ll continue to try and paint the pro-federalist opposition in Ukraine as “pro-Russian” rebels or as “little green men” from Russia. They’ll come up with a follow-up ruse to the “anti-Semitic flyers being distributed by pro-Russian separatists.” And they’ll try things like having Victoria Nuland tell everyone that protesters in eastern Ukraine wear “baklavas” on their face.
But when those efforts are met with laughter and are exposed as a hoax, the US will fall back on the one thing it knows it can always count on – unleashing violence in the name of fighting “terrorists.” This is especially convenient because it has the Ukrainian government and its militia of neo-Nazis to do the dirty work for them.
In the meantime, everyday people in Ukraine will begin to feel the impact of suffocating IMF loans and austerity measures, and will be burdened by the increased cost of everyday items that Russia previously gave them at a discount, namely natural gas.
It won’t take long for them to be back on the streets, and it won’t take long for others in the region to seek independence or alignment with Russia, as could soon be the case in Transnistria.
The US knows these things are just around the corner, and given its insatiable appetite for global primacy, they are not just going to sit back and watch as they lose their grasp on Ukraine and the rest of Eurasia.
Chris Ernesto is cofounder of St. Pete for Peace, an antiwar organization in St. Petersburg, FL that has been active since 2003. Mr. Ernesto also created and manages OccupyArrests.com and USinAfrica.com.
Heads Up – The US Is Losing in Ukraine
by Chris Ernesto, May 29, 2014
Monday’s ruthless attack by the Ukrainian government in Donetsk in which up to 100 people were killed was a clear indication of this. Although the government labeled the offensive as an “anti-terrorist” operation, the reality is that it was either a case of Ukraine killing its own people, or it was a military assault against a sovereign population, depending on one’s interpretation of the Donetsk People’s Republic referendum of May 11 in which the people overwhelmingly voted for independence from Ukraine.

Either way, given that the past two weeks have been filled with bad news for the US and its puppet government in Kiev, we should be on the lookout for more of these types of violent provocations. That’s what desperate, crumbling powers do when things don’t go their way.
The first bit of recent devastating news for the US were the aforementioned May 11 referendums in which almost 90 percent of voters in Donetsk Region and 96 percent of voters in Lugansk Region endorsed political independence from Kiev.
No matter what happens from this point forward, now that the Donetsk and Lugansk Regions have joined Crimea in voting for self-rule, there are 9.1 million fewer people, and approximately 30,000 fewer square miles the US can have in its “sphere of influence.” Knowing that the grand prize of owning control of Ukraine has just been reduced by 20 percent has got to hurt Washington’s empire builders.
And then there was the bombshell announcement on May 21, that after a decade of tough negotiations, Russia and China agreed to a $400 billion deal that will link Russia’s natural gas fields to China’s pipeline system. The deal “establishes possibly the most important gas benchmark in decades,” said Francisco Blanch, Bank of America’s global head of commodities research.
Though media in the US was obviously told to downplay the significance of the agreement, even countries like Australia – a willing participant in many recent US imperial ventures – are lamenting the deal. “We can’t afford to underestimate the significance of last week’s development for the Pacific gas market,” specialist gas industry consultant Graham Bethune of EnergyQuest said. “The negative impact for Australia’s [liquefied natural gas] competitiveness and future market share from this new market dynamic is serious.”
Didn’t anyone in Washington think this could happen, given its hostile behavior towards Russia? Did the global bully think it could just continue to punch without being hit back? “The US-British attempt to wound Russia’s economy and punish Putin for disobedience had just blown up in their red faces,” wrote Eric Margolis. “Russia has thus given its economy a big boost and made western sanctions look inconsequential. Chinese funds will allow cash-strapped Russia to modernize its oil and gas industry.”
The only bit of recent good news for the US in Ukraine was the election of the pro-EU Petro Poroshenko – known as the “Chocolate King” – who was voted in as Ukraine’s new president on Sunday.
But the election results will not change things on the ground. If anything, the legitimate protesters in Ukraine will become even more disillusioned now that another oligarch will be in charge – something that led them to hit the streets in 2004 and again this year. The people of Ukraine are politically astute, but even those who don’t pay attention to politics know exactly who Poroshenko is: He is Ukraine’s seventh richest man who owns one of the country’s largest television stations, and has made his main occupation as a politician since the failed Orange Revolution.
“Oligarchs are part of Ukraine’s problems; on that, pretty much everyone agrees. So why is [the new president, Poroshenko] being presented as Ukraine’s solution?” wrote Sarah A. Topol in Politico.
Immediately following his victory on Sunday, Poroshenko displayed some sensibility in saying that he wants to start talks with Russia once he’s in office. Russia agreed to the talks, as long as the US and EU are not involved. But Poroshenko must have had his hand slapped because the next day he ruled out discussions with the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in the east, calling them “bandit states,” “murderers,” and “terrorists.”
Poroshenko went on to say that he supports a continuation of the military attacks in the east and south, but believes “it must be shorter and it must be more effective, military units must be better equipped.” Analyst Daniel Patrick Welch told RT that “what that means today is [more] shelling against civilians, bombs that fall near occupied apartment blocks, fighter jets, and helicopter launches against an urban population.”
So there it is. We can expect more of the same when it comes to the US trying to win hearts and minds in Ukraine. They’ll continue to try and paint the pro-federalist opposition in Ukraine as “pro-Russian” rebels or as “little green men” from Russia. They’ll come up with a follow-up ruse to the “anti-Semitic flyers being distributed by pro-Russian separatists.” And they’ll try things like having Victoria Nuland tell everyone that protesters in eastern Ukraine wear “baklavas” on their face.
But when those efforts are met with laughter and are exposed as a hoax, the US will fall back on the one thing it knows it can always count on – unleashing violence in the name of fighting “terrorists.” This is especially convenient because it has the Ukrainian government and its militia of neo-Nazis to do the dirty work for them.
In the meantime, everyday people in Ukraine will begin to feel the impact of suffocating IMF loans and austerity measures, and will be burdened by the increased cost of everyday items that Russia previously gave them at a discount, namely natural gas.
It won’t take long for them to be back on the streets, and it won’t take long for others in the region to seek independence or alignment with Russia, as could soon be the case in Transnistria.
The US knows these things are just around the corner, and given its insatiable appetite for global primacy, they are not just going to sit back and watch as they lose their grasp on Ukraine and the rest of Eurasia.
Chris Ernesto is cofounder of St. Pete for Peace, an antiwar organization in St. Petersburg, FL that has been active since 2003. Mr. Ernesto also created and manages OccupyArrests.com and USinAfrica.com.
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