Cổ sử Ai Cập không hề có cái tên Pharaohs hay bộ lạc nô lệ Israelites. Việc bịa đặt của “kinh thánh” và những tên “học giả” cổ ngữ, một loại kiến thức độc quyền, cố tình dịch SAI cho một tiến trình lừa đảo vĩ đại.
Quí vị nào đã đọc qua tác phẩm “Việc hư cấu về dân tộc Do Thái Giáo” của giáo sư sử học Do Thái tại Đại Học Tel Aviv Shlomo Sand- cũng như đã theo dõi tập tài liệu về bằng chứng khảo cổ về Kinh Thánh của các nhà nghiên cứu do BBC thực hiện: BBC Two – Bible’s Buried Secrets
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Tất không thể bỏ qua nghiên cứu cổ sử Ai Cập này của tiến sĩ Ashraf Ezzat’s Blog | Pyramidion
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Ancient Egypt Knew No Pharaohs Nor Any Israelites
If you think that history is all about the past … you’d better think again.
If you think the stories the Hebrew Bible had told about ancient Egypt was the truth … you’d better think once again.
And if you believe that ancient Egypt was ruled by pharaohs … then you’d better read the next lines
Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
Ancient Egypt knew no Pharaohs
The title might sound a bit strange and perplexing, but in my book (published on Kindle) I’m going to elaborate on the historical reasons why the rulers of ancient Egypt were called kings and not Pharaohs.Supported by a community of high-profile scholars and their amazing findings, the author will reveal one of the biggest acts of deception in history hidden behind the myth of Egyptian Pharaohs.
And yes, the whole story of Egypt ever being ruled by so called Pharaohs is nothing but a pure myth and a blatant deception. as a matter of fact the Exodus story took place in an obscure and small Arabian village called Mizraim.
Our research combined with a body of serious and academic investigations will expose a staggering two-thousand-year deception.
In the second century BC, the Hebrew Bible was translated to Greek at the legendary library of Alexandria. Seventy Jewish scribes, hence the designation Septuagint Bible, were assigned this task by the Ptolemies in which they cunningly replaced this obscure Mizraim and its Faraon with the mighty Egypt and its king. The Greek forged version, with this malicious distortion of ancient history, has been the source for all translations of the Bible worldwide ever since.
“Kings or pharaohs, what difference does it make?” some might argue. Well, it would make a world of difference if we discovered that for thousands of years we’ve been living a myth, another twisted/misinterpreted Jewish tale that we continue to cling to and hold dear as the only irrefutable truth till this very day. It would make a difference to discover that we had renounced truth and instead embraced falsehood.
It would make a world of difference if we knew that what took place at that remote period of time in the ancient Near East has shaped, over the long centuries and through our willful ignorance, the way we live today with all this web of political, ethnic and religious conflict and intolerance.
It is only by exposing the ancient deception and revealing the truth could we untangle this web of antagonism and belligerence we currently endure. Separating the truth from falsehood is what we hope to achieve by debunking this myth of Pharaoh/Moses in Egypt.
Ancient Egypt, the rise and demise
Egypt, a nation mistakenly known worldwide as the land of the pharaohs, is so embedded in history you can trace back its culture, spirituality and traditions for thousands of years. While the world was still crawling out of its prehistoric ages, ancient Egypt was building the great pyramids under a powerful and highly organized central government .The thing that makes Egypt stands out as a unique civilization in the ancient world, besides the magnificent legacy of colossal wonders is the fact that ancient Egyptians kept a solid and coherent documentation of their chronicles.
The Egyptian records covered the geo-political, socio-economic, military records and even the daily life activities in a way that left not much room for second guessing or speculation.
Despite that obsession for documentation, Egyptian records are completely devoid of any mention of Moses, Israelites or the so called Pharaoh.

Afterwards, the ancient Egyptian monuments and texts had been shrouded in sheer silence and neglect. The great civilization that had once witnessed the first dawn of human conscience and helped to shape the human code of moral conduct turned into oblivion.
For the following 1500 years too many narratives and stories had been spawned trying to retell the story of ancient Egypt, not as it actually occurred but through interpretations and manipulations that somehow served the interests of the story tellers (in our case the Greek monarchy and Jewish clergy)
The story of ancient Egypt, the Israelite version
Of all the narratives that were told about ancient Egypt, the Hebrew Bible is the only one that somehow claimed to monopolize the truth about the history of ancient Egypt.Thus, for more than two thousand years, most of the scholars of ancient Near East history relied primarily on the Bible as a scientific reference. And in doing so they simply followed what the Hebrew scribes wrote, or better yet tampered with in the history of ancient Egypt and blindly took it for granted. As for the common people, who were mostly illiterate and gullible, they simply fell prey to the distorted stories told by a new influx of Jewish immigration into Egypt and North Africa.
After the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek, there was no stopping for the wide dissemination of the distorted stories of the Israelites, especially that of Pharaoh and Moses.
The world began to envision Egypt, according to the Hebrew’s distorted narrative, as the land where pharaohs brutally reigned and enslaved the ancient Hebrews. Biblical Egypt was the land that witnessed the alleged devastating ten plagues, the fictional parting of the sea and the exodus of the Israelites.
But the truth that Greeks and the Jewish clergy had distorted in their Septuagint Bible is that Ancient Arabia was the place where the story of Pharaoh and Moses actually took place. At that point you’d probably wonder why the Jewish scribes committed that grand scale act of deception ( the answer to this question is revealed in my book ‘Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites‘)
So whenever Egypt was mentioned during the last two thousands of years, the word pharaoh would simultaneously pop up in the discourse thus adding more power, albeit deluding, to the Biblical designation of the rulers of ancient Egypt as pharaohs.“Get ready to think the unthinkable and imagine the never thought imaginable, for if Egypt knew no Pharaohs then it goes without saying that Egypt never Knew Moses either”
Ancient Egypt resurrected

What the predecessors thought of as mute masonry covered with some weird scribbling and coffins haunted with eternal curse began to attract eager historians and modern archeologists .
Upon dusting off the ancient artifacts and temple inscriptions modern archeologists, and for the first time, began to listen to the stone uttering the truth about the genuine story of ancient Egypt.
In the mid-nineteenth century the genuine version of the history of ancient Egypt and the Near East began to unravel as its true stories were being retold again. Ironically, what the excavated records of ancient Egypt had told the modern historians and archeologists was totally different from what the Hebrew narrative said or claimed to have taken place on the land of Egypt.
But what struck historians as a total surprise is the fact that ancient Egyptian records had no mention of any Israelites in Egypt, non-whatsoever, whereas the Hebrew Bible is replete with tales of Egypt.
As the more of ancient Egypt texts and inscriptions were decoded, the remoter from truth the Biblical narrative looked. Interestingly, as the non- stop archeological discoveries were in the process of resurrecting the true story of ancient Egypt the Biblical narrative kept on decomposing subjecting some of the dominant Israelite stories, like the exodus, to scientific doubts and second thoughts.
For two thousand years the world has been indoctrinated into an unshakable belief of linking the Israelites with Egypt. As more chisels were unearthing the true story of ancient Egypt, the more unauthentic the Biblical narrative seemed to be.
The Exodus story is currently refuted by prominent modern archeologists, many of whom are interestingly Israelis. Egyptologists now view the story of the Israelites’ exodus as a mere myth that could not reflect true history.
The ancient Egyptian royal titulary
If we went back in time and tried to find how the word
“Pharaoh” claimed that worldwide fame, we would undoubtedly have to
stop before the Hebrew landmark story of the exodus from Egypt.Was pharaoh the name of the Egyptian king, or was it his title or his epithet, that is one thing the Bible had not been clear about. But while such nuance could be appreciated in fictional works, it could never fit satisfactorily into a scientific historical account.
Tracing the etymology and the historicity of that word “Pharaoh” took me on a long journey back in time to ancient Egypt. During the exciting journey I stumbled upon the most amazing discovery.
I haven’t discovered a new royal mummy nor have I found the lost tomb of king Akhenaten, I simply found out, contrary to what everybody believed, that the history and the chronicles of ancient Egypt had no mention of pharaohs.

The old kingdom (2686-2181 BC) knew kings such as Djoser, Khufu and Teti , the middle kingdom ( 2055-1650 BC) had kings such as Senusret I and Senusret II and the new kingdom ( 1550-1069 BC) witnessed the topnotch kings such as Thutmose III, queen Hatshepsut, Akhenaten, Tutankhamun and Usermaatre Setpenre ( Ramsses II )
Egyptian kings typically had five names, a Personal or birth name, Horus name, Nebty (two ladies) name, Horus of Gold, and the most important of all titles (the throne/coronation name)
For example, king Tutankhamun’s throne name was Neb-Kheperu-re, which means “Lord of Manifestations of Re and was customarily accompanied by the epithet “lord of the two lands” followed by the usual benediction “life, prosperity and health”
Likewise, the coronation name for king Ramses II, long thought to be the Pharaoh of Moses, is Usermaatre Setepenre (does this look anything like Pharaoh?)
According to the ancient texts and papyri, high ranking officials like high priests, princes, commanders of the army… etc, addressed the king as the ruler of the crowns, beloved of the gods, lord of the diadems, living forever and forever… but never as Pharaoh.
Not so often kings of ancient Egypt were referred to as the magnificent in earth and heaven, lord of crowns and as “the sun in the sky” and this was the ultimate titulary that reflected the ascension of the king to the realm of deities.
Etymology shows that the word pharaoh is the Greek pronunciation of the compound word “pe-ro” or “pr –aa” which referred to the palace of the king or rather the great house and not necessarily the king himself.
Whoever came up with this Per-aa thesis he/they were most certainly thinking of the Biblical word ‘Faraon’. Therefore Per-aa thesis is nothing but a close approximation to Faraon/Pharaoh that lacks any historical authenticity. Obviously it was suggested by the early 19th century Egyptologists whose mindset was soaked with Biblical narrative.
The first generations of Biblical archeologists started digging in Egypt and Palestine hoping to corroborate the Israelite stories not seeking to find out the historical truth be that as it may. After more than one-hundred-year of extensive digging they failed to find any evidence that could prove Egypt was the land of the Exodus and Palestine the Promised land.
The staggering truth is that the geography of the Hebrew Bible cannot and will not fit into the Egyptian nor the Palestinian territories. In other words, the Hebrew Bible and its stories is an enigmatic case of lost geography (as well explained in my book)
Some argue that during the eighteenth dynasty (sixteenth to fourteenth centuries BC) the title pharaoh was employed as a reverential designation of the ruler as is the case in a letter to Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), who reigned 1353 – 1336 BC, whom is addressed as ‘Pharaoh, all life, prosperity, and health!.“Now take a deep breath, and try to digest that the Israelite’s Promised Land is not in Palestine where the modern day Israel has been established for nearly six decades now. How is that for a paradigm shift, pretty huge eh?”
But then again, that was entirely invalid, as shown in the letters of Amarna (Tablet correspondence between the Egyptian administration during the reign of king Akhenaten (1350-1334) and its representatives in Canaan and Amurru and also the state of international affairs between Egypt and the major powers of the Middle East, Babylonia, Mitanni and Assyria).
In the letters sent by the kings of Babylon and Assyria Akhentaen is addressed as the king of Egypt whereas in those sent by the Canaanite representatives he is addressed as follows:
“To the King my lord, my sun, my god, the breath of my life… your slave and dust under your feet. At the feet of the King my lord, my sun, my god, the breath of my life, I bowed down seven times”
The Great House vs. the White House
Like we of today refer to the president of the United States and his inner circle of high officials as the white house, in the ancient world the mighty king of Egypt and his court of priests and commanders were referred to as the great house.And just as the white house is neither the title nor the name of the president of United States likewise the “pr-aa/Pharaoh” was not the name nor the title of the ruler of ancient Egypt.
Never was there a papyrus or an inscription on any wall or pylon of any Egyptian temple that showed the word pharaoh as a reference to the king himself.
The name of the king, as the ancient Egyptian traditions decreed, was always enclosed in a royal cartouche. And if we are to be challenged, like we have frequently been, with allegations of royal Cartouches encircling the word Pr-aa, like may be that incident found in Kalabsha temple (Greco-Roman temple) … we always respond “foul play”
Kalabsha temple has been renovated/tampered with by scribes affiliated with the Greco-Jewish circle of power that was primarily behind the grand scale fraud of relocating the theater of the Exodus from its actual geography to the valley of the Nile in Egypt (this crime that has been growing like a snow ball and rolling from century to century distorting the whole history of the ancient Near East and thereby the whole world is to be exposed in my Kindle ebook)

Click the following link to buy a copy of Dr. Ezzat’s ebook “Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites” … Find out the truth, for the truth will set us free
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