"Outside the Box”
Thái độ "tự thiến" của Châu Âu trong tình trạng Ukraine chỉ đặt sự ổn định cũng như sinh mạng của người Châu Âu vào lò lửa bất ổn và hiểm họa chiến tranh., một tình trạng "nghịch lý" nếu vẫn lý giải vấn đề theo qui ước "truyền thống nhà nước tận thiện".
Tuy nhiên nếu hiểu rõ bản chất của định chế quyền lực nhà nước (The State) và mục đích tối hậu của nó không phải là "tận thiện" vì quần chúng xã hội, một người sẽ thấy những tiến triển này thật hợp lý với những biến chuyển tuần tự chặt chẽ. Sợ hãi, Chiến tranh là sức lực nền tảng của Nhà nước và mục tiêu của nó chỉ là quyền lực cai trị trong cái gọi là Biện chứng Hegelian:
" Những thảm trạng thật sự trên thế giới không phải là những xung đột giữa Đúng và Sai. Nó là những xung đột giữa hai cái Đúng" (Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel)Đây chính lá bản chất của quyền lực và quyền chính định chế Nhà nước, hay chủ nghĩa quốc gia nhà nước", điều mà những người hiểu biết thông minh và kinh nghiệm như Paul Craig Roberts không muốn thừa nhận chỉ vì vẫn còn tin vào nhu cầu định chế quyền chính trong xã hội. Trong khi những người phi quyền chính như Pierre-Joseph Proudhon kinh nghiệm và hiểu rất rõ. .
Hegel còn thánh hóa Nhà nước ở một mức độ tuyệt đối quyền lực khi từng khẳng định rằng:
"Một khi Nhà nước được thành lập rồi, sẽ chẳng còn anh hùng nữa. Họ xuất hiện chỉ trong tình trạng bán khai thôi". (Once the state has been founded, there can no longer be any heroes. They come on the scene only in uncivilized conditions)Như vậy Paul Craig Roberts và nhiều người đối kháng sao còn lạ lùng than vãn khi chính họ đang bị nhà nước coi như là tội phạm, kẻ thù đe dọa xã hội, khi thật sự họ "chỉ khai triển dân trí và trình bày sự thật" đến quần chúng!
Một bằng chứng hiển nhiên về bản chất định chế quyền lực nhà nước và mục tiêu của nó, sẽ rõ ràng khi đặt câu hỏi rằng NHỮNG NGƯỜI "TỘI PHẠM", thật sự họ là những ANH HÙNG, như Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Chelsra Manning, James Risen là ai? Họ đã làm gì ? Có phải trong "tình trạng bán khai" không? Và hàng triệu siuh mạng thường dân trẻ em đã chết trong bom đạn chiến tranh và đang tiếp tục bị giết hại từng ngày, đã phạm tội gì? Ai, cái gì đang buộc người dân Ukraine, Nga phải bắn giết nhau?
Hegel không SAi, khi khẳng định bản chất thật của nó, Nhà Nước (The State) và chỉ SAI khi xiển dương nó như một giá trị tuyệt đối không thể thiếu.
Tham Khảo Nguồn Dẫn
Update of Minsk Peace Deal — Paul Craig Roberts
Update of Minsk Peace DealPaul Craig Roberts
In my last column I provided reasons for believing that the deal will fail. I saw a larger downside for Russia and the Donetsk and Luhansk republics because Putin and the break-away provinces will be blamed. English is the world language, and this enables Washington and its presstitutes to control the explanation.
The Saker and I are in agreement that the provisions of the peace deal are ridiculous and cannot and will not be implemented. However, The Saker sees an advantage for the republics in the provision, if implemented, to remove heavy weapons from the conflict zones. The Saker’s viewpoint is worth knowing. Whereas I have stressed that the conflict could be ended by Russia accepting the republics’ requests for unification with Russia and that the longer the conflict is drawn out the more the West can demonize Putin and the break-away republics, Saker sees the conflict ending this year with the economic, military, and political collapse of Ukraine. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article40979.htm
Alexander Mercouris makes the point that one positive feature of the Minsk agreement,
which isn’t actually a deal or an agreement, is that Europe is now involved and opposes Washington’s plan to escalate the military conflict. He writes that the outcome in Ukraine depends on what the Europeans do, a point with which I concur. http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article40967.htm
It is difficult to believe that European governments are not aware that the entire Ukraine crisis is a Washington orchestration. Now that Europeans are beginning to realize the risk and recklessness in Washington’s aggressive hostility toward Russia, Europeans might develop an independent foreign policy, as opposed to lining up with Washington, and cast off their vassalage. If this were to happen, Washington’s hegemonic aggression would cease to have enablers. The Evil Empire would begin its break-up, and the chances for peace would improve.
by The Saker | February 13, 2015 5:30 pm
I have to say that I am both amused and appalled at the completely over-the-top reaction of most commentators to what we might as well call the Mink-2 Agreement (M2A). Apparently, analysis has been abandoned altogether and has now been replaced with hyperbole and vociferous but empty statement.
Reading some of the comments made here one could be forgiven for thinking that somehow the war in the Ukraine was over and that the AngloZionist Empire, aided by Putin, Surkov and an anonymous but sinister army of Russian oligarchs, has just inflicted a terrible and final blow to the Novorussian dream.
What is going on here? Has everybody just gone crazy?
In part, this is due that one could read anything, everything and its opposite into this agreement (more about that later) and also to the fact that the western media simply had to present any agreement as a triumph of western willpower, diplomacy and sanctions.
This is all utter nonsense, of course, but that is what you get for exposing yourself to the corporate media. So let’s set aside all the loud clamoring and use our brains to actually *think*.
First, I would remind everybody that the junta as broken every single agreement it committed to. Every single one. And there is absolutely no reasons at all to believe that this time around this will change.
Second, Poroshenko can promise all he wants, but the real power in the “independent Ukraine” is held by Uncle Sam and by the “Maidanites” he controls.
Third, why do you think that Merkel and Hollande suddenly felt a powerful urge to “scratch their diplomatic itch” and decided to intervene? Could that sudden urge to negotiate have a little something to do with a place called Debaltsevo? If yes, what does the M2A say about Debaltsevo? Exactly. *Nothing*.
Fourth, the agreement not even signed by Poroshenko, but by Kuchma on behalf of the Ukraine.
Fifth, check out this section:
9. Restoration of full control over the state border of Ukraine by the government throughout the conflict zone, which should begin on the first day after the local elections and be completed after a comprehensive political settlement (local elections in some areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions on the basis of the Law of Ukraine and constitutional reform) at the end of 2015, subject to paragraph 11 — in consultation and agreement with the representatives of individual areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions in the framework of the Three-Party Contact Group.
Do you see what I see? Nevermind that the border is supposed to get back under Kiev’s control only after “something” happens, but check out the “something” itself: constitutional reform in consultation and agreement with Novorussian leaders!!!!
Does anybody seriously believe that the Rada will participate in anything even remotely looking like this? Liashko? Farion? Tsiagnibok and Iarosh all working together with the “subhuman colorads” from the Donbass to change the Ukrainian Constitution? Of course not!
So so far, let’s sum this up. M2A was:
1) signed by a person with no authority
2) on behalf of a junta with no powers
3) it does not say a word about the main reason for the meeting in Minsk
4) it contains clearly impossible sections
How is that for a brilliant text?
In truth, there is a short section of the document which does contain one realistic elements: a ceasefire followed by a withdrawal of heavy weapons. That’s it. The rest is nonsense. See for yourself
#4: local elections organized by the junta and Novorussians together. Nonsense
#5: pardons and amnesties. Blanket amnesty for all the war crimes (including MH-17 and Odessa “barbecue”). Disgusting.
#6: exchange of “all for all”. Except that most folks in the junta hands are long dead.
#7: humanitarian assistance. Empty statement, the assistance is already coming in.
#8: payment of pensions: the junta does not have the money anyway. Will not happen.
#9: Constitutional reform. Will not happen
#10: Withdrawal of all foreign forces. Nonsense: those who are there (NATO countries) will stay, those who are not there (9000 Russian soldiers) cannot “leave” since they are not there to begin with.
#11: Constitutional reform including the creation of “The creation of people’s militia”. LOL – apparently, that will be the new name for the Novorussian armed forces.
#12: Elections if all of the above happens first. Since it ain’t, they won’t.
#13: Creation of “working groups”. Right. Keep dreaming.
The fact is that what is the most interesting about M2A is not what it says, but what it does NOT say:
1) not a word about Debaltsevo
2) not a word about the junta actually sitting down to negotiate with the Novorussian authorities
3) not a word about the future status of the Ukraine
4) not a word about the Ukrainian economy (which is still in free fall)
5) not a word about any peacekeepers (which are indispensible to make any ceasefire stick)
6) not even a word about the fact that the Novorussians are not “terrorist” but people seeking national independence. Poroshenko has still not spoken to them directly.
It is possible that these issues were, in fact, discussed, but that this will not be revealed to the general public. There might be secret clauses to M2A. However, it is at least as likely that these issues were discussed and that no agreement whatsoever was found, hence they were set aside.
But if nothing really important was decided, why did everybody participate to this exercise? Simple: everybody got something from it (assuming any parts M2A are actually implemented):
1) The Novorussians:
a) a stop of the terror attacks by the junta on Novorussian cities.
b) the recognition of the line of contact
c) the assurance that Voentorg remains open (control of border)
d) time to mobilize and train their planned 100’000 extra men
e) the recognition by all parties (including the Europeans) that they deserve a special status
2) Poroshenko:
a) the apparent and symbolic support for world leaders
b) a stop of the Novorussian advance
c) a vague hope that junta forces will be allowed to leave the Debaltsevo cauldron
d) money from the IMF (not nearly enough, but better than none).
3) Merkel and Hollande:
a) the illusion of relevance of a EU foreign policy
b) the (probably misguided) hope to stop the crazy Americans
c) the hope to an easing of the economic war with Russia (Mistrals?)
4) Putin:
a) the right to control the border until the constitutional reforms are made, in other words ad aeternam.
b) the recognition that without him no solution can be found
c) the hope for some easing of sanctions
Everybody got what they wanted and left with a smile on their face. Good for them, but none of that does anything to really settle the conflict or even begin to seek a solution.
The reality is that nothing at all happened in Minsk, at least nothing of any importance. The Novorussians won the latest battle (yet again) so they came in a position of strength and they got the junta to promise to stop the crazy shelling, and since Debaltsevo was not even mentioned, it looks to me that the junta forces there will be allowed to quietly withdraw as long as they leave their weapons behind.
So the Debaltsevo cauldron will be controlled by Novorussia. Putin got political recognition and the hope of at least no more sanctions (remember after Minsk 1 the EU immediately imposed more sanctions on Russia).
The Europeans got a little something too, mainly some good PR, and the big loser is most definitely Poroshenko who will now have the highly unenviable task of “selling” M2A to a totally crazy Rada (which, by the way, is currently considering an law proposed by Poroshenko’s party to make the denial of the Russian aggression against the Ukraine a criminal offense).
Just like in a chess game, time is a critical factor. M2A gave everybody a little time-out, but the conflict will resume and the only thing which will stop this conflict will be a double collapse of the Ukrainian economy and armed forces which I believe will most probably happen this summer.
Until then, the conflict will be more or less frozen, though I will believe in a junta withdrawal of heavy weapons systems only if/when I see it. Also – remember that one can very well fight with tanks, mortars and infantry.
Nazi Baderastan and Novorussia are two civilizationally different project which cannot and will never coexist under one roof. Yes, for tactical reasons there might be the need to pretend that this is possible, but the reality is that it will not.
The only way to keep Novorussia inside the Ukraine is to denazify the latter and until that is done, Novorussia will never really return to the Ukraine. That is a hard fact which nobody in the West is willing to accept.
In Kiev, they fully understand that, but their “solution” is to empty Novorussia form Novorussians and to give this much needed Lebensraum to the “Ukr” Master Race of western Ukraine. And that is something which Russia will never allow. Which leaves only two possible outcomes: the EU gives up and the Ukraine is denazified, or the US starts a full-scale war against Russia in a desperate attempt to prevent that outcome.
Two more things I want to mention here:
In purely military terms the withdrawal of heavy systems is entirely to the Novorussian advantage. Remember that Kiev used these systems to try to terrorize the Novorussian population while the Novorussians used their artillery to try to suppress the junta’s artillery.
The Novorussians could never use their artillery to attack because they were liberating their own land and did not want to murder their own civilians. So, in other words, if both sides really withdraw their heavy guns the junta will lose a crucial capability while the Novorussians will lose an almost useless one.
Short message to the “Putin sold out” folks: guys, I have been ignoring your mantric repetition of unsubstantiated slogans about Putin “selling out” and “backstabbing” and all the rest, but I will tell you that not a single one of you has ever been capable of making a coherent, fact based and logically supported analysis proving your point.
I think that mantras are great for yoga, but on this blog, they don’t make you look any smarter. I let you post them here “because why not?” but please don’t mistake that with a sign of respect for the nonsense you have spewing.
The main reason why I don’t debunk your nonsense is that time will do a much better job then I could, and that it will hurt you more when you are proven wrong not by my reasoning, but by undisputed facts on the ground (just like those who screamed that Putin betrayed Assad and Syria by making them, quote, “give up their only deterrence against Israeli nuclear weapons”).
Anyway, if you must, keep on with the mantra but please be aware that they only make you look very sophomoric. And considering that there are still a few blogs out there taking the same position (though less and less), you might want to consider posting there.
There each slogan, especially when expressed with a virile and categorical lack of nuances, will get you a standing ovation. Why suffer here when there are those “heavens of consensus” out there? Just think about it

Okay, that’s it for now. I am going to be on the road all day tomorrow, so please take this also as an “open thread” and “see you” all on Saturday, God willing.
The Saker
PS: this was sent to me by a friend today:
(cheer up guys, we will win!!)
Source URL: http://www.4thmedia.org/2015/02/minsk-2-the-useless-agreement-which-everybody-wanted/
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