Cũng nên biết đại tướng Wesley Clark từng là Chỉ huy tối cao liên quân Âu Mỹ tại Âu Châu, và cũng là người công khai lên tiếng CẢNH CÁO và phản đối kế hoặch chiến tranh chiếm đóng 7 nước trong vòng 5 năm của Mỹ mấy năm trước đây.
Wesley Clark là vị tướng hưu đại diện cho một nhóm tướng lãnh Mỹ chống lại sự kềm tỏa cũng như ảnh hưởng của Do Thái vào chính sách quân sự và ngoại giao của Mỹ.
Thật sự tuyên bố của Wesley Clark có hơi chậm trễ vì thật ra những ai có hiểu biết đều đã biết và biết rõ chi tiết hơn cả Wesley Clark từ lâu. Vấn đề là sự thật này khó có thể dấu diếm mãi được và nền "truyền thông chính qui" cần một chút "sự thật" để tồn tại nên mới để một vị cụu tướng 4 sao "chính qui hóa" chuyện người ta đã biết tỏng.
Câu hỏi đặt ra là khi đã "chính qui hóa" sự thật về ISIS, thì đối sách của người dân Âu Mỹ với nhà nước của họ là gi?
Nhỏ hơn chút nữa, nhà nước Âu Mỹ Úc có thay đổi trò lừa bịp về một hiểm họa khủng bố với chính quần chúng của họ không?
Khi niềm tin và lòng hận thủ đã được ăn rễ, sư thật bằng chứng không còn chỗ đứng. Một Wesley Clark, chứ có cả ngàn Wesley Clark cũng chưa thề làm lung lay "niềm tin" khủng bố của quần chúng hôm nay .
Nguồn Tham Khảo
General Clark reveals that Daesh is an Israeli project
General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Commander of NATO, told CNN that the Islamic Emirate ("Daesh") had been "created by our friends and allies to defeat Hezbollah."
General Clark thus clearly put into question the responsibility of Israel.Since 2001, General Clark has been the spokesman for a group of senior officers opposed to Israeli influence on the foreign policy of the United States, its aggressive imperialist developments and the remodeling of the "Greater Middle East". He had opposed the deployment of troops in Iraq, and wars against Libya and against Syria.
Obama’s “Fake War” against the Islamic State (ISIS). The Islamic State is Protected by the US and its Allies

According to Defense News, over 16,000 airstrikes were carried out from August 2014 to mid January 2015. Sixty percent of the air strikes were conducted by the US Air Force using advanced jet fighter and bombing capabilities (Aaron Mehta, “A-10 Performing 11 Percent of Anti-ISIS Sorties”. Defense News, January 19, 2015.)
The airstrikes have been casually described by the media as part of a “soft” counter-terrorism operation, rather than an act of all out war directed against Syria and Iraq.

Aerial view of jet aircraft
This large scale air campaign which has resulted in countless civilian casualties has been routinely misreported by the mainstream media. According to Max Boot, senior fellow in national security at the Council on Foreign Relations. ”Obama’s strategy in Syria and Iraq is not working… [ because] the U.S. bombing campaign against ISIS has been remarkably restrained”. (Newsweek, February 17, 2015, emphasis added).
Americans are led to believe that the Islamic State constitutes a formidable force confronting the US military and threatening Western Civilization. The thrust of media reporting is that the US Air Force has failed and that “Obama should get his act together” in effectively confronting this ”Outside Enemy” of America.
According to CFR Max Boot, military escalation is the answer: what is required is for the president “to dispatch more aircraft, military advisers, and special operations forces, while loosening the restrictions under which they operate.” (Ibid)
What kind of aircraft are involved in the air campaign? The F-16 Fighting Falcon,(above right), The F-15E Strike Eagle (image below) , The A-10 Warthog, not to mention Lockheed Martin’s F-22 Raptor stealth tactical fighter aircraft.
Question for Our Readers
Why has the US Air Force not been able to wipe out the Islamic State which at the outset was largely equipped with conventional small arms not to mention state of the art Toyota pickup trucks?

The air raids are intended to destroy the economic infrastructure of Iraq and Syria.
The USAF-15E Strike Eagle
We call on our readers to carefully reflect on the following image, which describes the Islamic State convoy of pickup trucks entering Iraq and crossing a 200 km span of open desert which separates the two countries.
This convoy entered Iraq in June 2014.
What would have been required from a military standpoint to wipe out an ISIS convoy with no effective anti-aircraft capabilities?
Without an understanding of military issues, common sense prevails.

If they had wanted to eliminate the Islamic State brigades, they could have “carpet” bombed their convoys of Toyota pickup trucks when they crossed the desert from Syria into Iraq in June.
The answer is pretty obvious, yet not a single mainstream media has acknowledged it.
The Syro-Arabian Desert is open territory (see map right). With state of the art jet fighter aircraft (F15, F22 Raptor, F16) it would have been –from a military standpoint– ”a piece of cake”, a rapid and expedient surgical operation, which would have decimated the Islamic State convoys in a matter of hours.
Instead what we have witnessed is an ongoing drawn out six months of relentless air raids and bombings, and the terrorist enemy is apparently still intact.(In comparison, the NATO bombing raids of Yugoslavia in 1999 lasted about three months (March 24-June 10, 1999).
And we are led to believe that the Islamic State cannot be defeated by a powerful US led military coalition of 19 countries.
The air campaign was not intended to decimate the Islamic State.
The counter-terrorism mandate is a fiction. America is the Number One “State Sponsor of Terrorism”.
The Islamic State is not only protected by the US and its allies, it is trained and financed by US-NATO, with the support of Israel and Washington’s Persian Gulf allies.
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