Free PDF download of the classic pamphlet Fra Contadini by the Italian anarchist, Errico Malatesta(1853–1932).
This classically successful text is a simple to read explanation of anarchist ideas in a conversational style. It was first printed in 1884, when it appeared in La Questione Sociale, the paper that Malatesta founded in Florence, Italy.
It is accompanied by an introduction by present day Italian anarchist-insurrectionalist comrade, Alfredo M. Bonanno, who reiterates the practical reality of expropriation and insurrection, and affirms the senselessness of attempting to “update” comrade Malatesta’s great work, which attempts “… to convince the peasant, the worker, the emarginated ‘lumpen’ proletariat reader, of the mechanism of exploitation and repression, of the system of ideological and political swindling, with the aim of pushing them to rebel in the struggle against the class enemies, and ultimately, to insurrection.”

- Start with the right side (or cover) of the first spread and follow the zigzag pattern to the left page of the next spread.
- Then, at the end of the document, return back up the page ladder in the same zigzag number pattern until you get back to the top with your last page (or back cover).

Here is the total pattern top to bottom and bottom to top right to left.

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