Cuộc phỏng vấn chủ trang Light On Conspiracies with Ole Dammegard người Đan Mạch tại Copenhagen của Tiến Sĩ Dr. Kevin Barrett, chuyên gia về Hồi Giáo Arab. Cuộc phỏng vấn phân tích những "vóc dáng giả địch" kỹ thuật bài bản của hai vụ bắn tại Copenhagen và vụ bắn Charlie Hebdo vừa qua.
Điểm đặc biệt của Ole Dammegard là ông ta khi nghe tin về việc tổ chức hội luận chủ đề "Nghệ Thuật, Báng Bổ, và Tự Do Phát Biểu" ("Art, blasphemy, and the freedom of expression.") tại trung tâm văn hóa Do Thái Krudttonden - Copenhagen, Ông Ole Dammegard , qua kinh nghiệm "khả nghi" vụ Charlie Hebdo, NHẤT LÀ có sự tham dự của nhà hí họa "tai tiếng" Lars Vilks, nên Ông đã chuẩn bị trước với những điều tra về thông tin cũng như hành sự, thông báo của an ninh cảnh sát Đan Mạch TRƯỚC ngày hội thảo. Đồng thời gửi người và cổ động bạn bè đi tham dự cũng như chuẩn bị máy quay chụp hình để ghi nhận tất cả những diễn biến CHI TIẾT có thể xảy ra TRƯỚC và SAU cuộc hội thảo này với KỲ VỌNG rằng Ông và các thân hữu cộng sự sẽ đánh động dư luận để ngăn cản một vụ "giả địch" mà Ông dự đoán sẽ xảy ra tại Copenhagen từ buổi Hội thảo này...
Nhưng sự vụ vẫn cứ xảy ra và Ông đã ghi nhận được đầy đủ bài bản của một vụ 'GIẢ ĐỊCH" nối tiếp Charlie Hebdo để đổ vấy lên cho Hồi Giáo và CỦNG CỐ ĐẶC QUYỀN cho DO THÁI.
Cũng như lần trước về vụ THIÊU SỐNG, trang Nhân Chủ sẽ KHÔNG LÝ GIẢI PHÂN TÍCH, không phiên DỊCH các nguồn tin tài liệu, với chủ trương để ĐỘC GIẢ, nếu thật sự quan tâm, hứng thú với sự vụ, sẽ tự tham khảo, tự chất vấn, và tự thuyết phục. Chúng tôi chỉ cung cấp các nguồn tài liệu để độc giả tham khảo và cùng nhau chất vấn bàn luận cho dù phải dùng đến cả BẢN DỊCH (tả) GOOGLE..
Chúng Tôi nhận định rằng trong thời điểm chiến tranh thông tin tuyên truyền, cái cách hay nhất vẫn là TẠO ĐIỀU KIỆN KHUYẾN KHÍCH ĐỘC GIẢ tự QUAN TÂM, tự KHAI TRIỂN KHẢ NĂNG HOÀI NGHI, CHẤT VẤN, LÝ GIẢI (Skeptical questioning- critical thinking), và tự thuyết phục để có một kết luận độc lập tự chủ của chính mình.
Nhân Chủ
Kevin Barrett

Dr. Barrett has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin, where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.
1- Copenhagen: Another false flag?
Is this a re-make of "Charlie Hebdo: The False Flag" ?
“Let’s see if this follows the script: They’ll claim it was Muslims attacking Jews or free speech. The patsies will be ‘well known to the authorities’ – meaning informants or useful idiots who have been manipulated by professionals. The patsies will have some kind of link to Islamic State, the bogeyman created by Israel and its friends in Western intelligence agencies. There will be dubiously-related shootings at two separate locations, like with Merah and Charlie Hebdo. The shooters will be wearing masks, because they will be special forces professionals, not the Muslim patsies. They’ll shoot the patsies instead of arresting them to make sure the loose ends don’t come unraveled. And Netanyahu will immediately call for Jews to flee to Israel – and then barge into Copenhagen uninvited, like a mobster at his victim’s funeral, conveying the message ‘I did it, and I dare you to do something about it.'”
So far, I’ve been right on all counts but one: Netanyahu has not yet made an uninvited visit to Copenhagen.
How did I know exactly what was coming? Am I such a brilliant terror analyst? Maybe even psychic?Not really. The credit shouldn’t go to me, but to Bibi and his band of Gladio B false-flaggers. These guys just keep reading from the same script.
They say it’s a different play – but it’s not just the same script, it’s the same stage furniture, same characters, same actors, same director, and same…er…”producers.”
Yes, it’s definitely “springtime for Hitler”… in more ways than one. The Zionist producers, led by Zero Mostel in the role of Sheldon Adelson, have brought us another Hitler – another “enemy of humanity = enemy of the Jews.” It’s that EVIL MUSLIM BOGEYMAN, ladies and gentlemen! Pretty soon they’ll be painting Hitler moustaches on their black ski masks.
It’s also “springtime for Hitler” in another sense: The Zionist neoconservatives who scripted the whole “clash of civilizations” and staged the false-flag events that launched and sustained it are basically Zio-Nazis. They’re reading from the playbook of Leo Strauss, the number one disciple of Carl Schmitt. Schmitt was the leading Nazi philosopher who urged leaders to lie to the people, fabricate “national emergencies” to justify dictatorship, and brainwash the people into fearing “evil enemies.” The Zio-Nazi Strauss, as Shadia Drury explains, was even more radical than Schmitt. And the neocons who took over the West on 9/11/01 are even more extreme than their guru, Leo Strauss.

“said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ … ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'”Listen up, Karl: I’m not going to sit around for years “judiciously studying” your false-reality-creating false flag operations. I’m going to get in your face as soon as they happen. And one of these days, when enough people wake up, you and your murderous, lying friends will find yourselves twisting slowly in the breeze.
Copenhagen False Flag?
by Stephen Lendman
It's too early to know much about Saturday's Copenhagen killings. Rush to judgments can prove wrong.
Automatically calling these type incidents terrorist attacks is way over-the-top. On a typical Chicago weekend, multiple shootings occur.
Much like in other US cities nationwide. Most go unreported. Headlines don't scream "terrorism."
We'll never know the motive behind Copenhagen's incident. More on this below.
Perhaps what happened reflected an angry man losing it. Or maybe another state-sponsored false flag?
On Saturday, two people were reported killed. Five others injured in twin Copenhagen, Denmark shootings.
One attack targeted the Krudttonden cultural center. At the time, it was hosting a discussion on Islam and free speech titled "Art, blasphemy, and the freedom of expression."
Lars Vilks participated - the Swedish artist known for lampooning the Prophet Muhammad.
Event co-organizer Helle Merete Brix said "I saw a masked man running past. I clearly consider this an attack on Lars Vilks."
Police called it "a terror attack." So did French Foreign Minister Laaurent Fabius.
In 2010, an American woman calling herself Jihad Jane (aka Colleen R. LaRose) was charged with plotting to kill Vilks. In January 2014, she was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.
Later on Saturday, a man was shot and killed near Copenhagen's main city center synagogue.
Reuters said Danish police "launched a massive manhunt with helicopters roaring overhead and an array of armored vehicles on the usually peaceful streets of Copenhagen."
They shot and killed the alleged suspect outside a train station. They claimed he opened fire first. Don't cops always say that? As of mid-afternoon Sunday Copenhagen time, he's unnamed.
Danish intelligence head Jens Madsen said the shooter may have been "inspired by militant islamist propaganda issued by IS and other terror organizations."
It's unknown if he had any connection to alleged terror groups. Police said Danish intelligence had him "on their radar." What they said and did may be world's apart.
The suspect was declared guilty by accusation. No arrest. No formal charges. No due process or judicial fairness. Dead men tell no tales.
Chief police inspector Torben Molgaard Jensen said "(w)e assume that it's the same culprit behind both incidents."
Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt called what happened similar to January Paris attacks.
"We feel certain that it was a politically motivated attack, and thereby it was a terrorist attack," she said. Despite no evidence proving it.
European Council President Donald Tusk called what happened "another brutal terrorist attack targeted at our fundamental values and freedoms, including the freedom of expression."
Late Saturday, Charlie Hebdo columnist Patrick Pelloux said "(w)e are all Danish tonight."
Copenhagen police inspector Jorgen Skov said "(e)vidence does not suggest that there have been any co-perpetrators."
"We don't know if it's an act of terrorism, but we're investigating it as an act of terrorism," he added.
Police initially indicated two gunmen involved. Then said only one.
They claimed he "hijacked a car," abandoned it after about a five-minute drive north of the attack areas, and proceeded on foot.
Netanyahu commented as expected. He wants European Jews emigrating to Israel for alleged greater safety.
"Again, Jews were murdered on European soil just because they were Jews," he said.
"This wave of attacks is expected to continue, as well as murderous anti-Semitic attacks. Jews deserve security in every country, but we say to our Jewish brothers and sisters, Israel is your home."
Defrocked/reinstated ultranationalist Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called for "war on Islamic terror."
Jews are the canary in the coal mine, he claimed, adding:
"The string of terror incidents in Copenhagen, at the synagogue and at the free speech event, prove what we have been saying for years, that Israel and the Jews are the first to experience this terror because they are the front line in the terror war against the West and the entire free world."
"The international community in its entirety cannot be satisfied with declarations and demonstrations against this terror, but must throw off the rules of political correctness and conduct an a truly uncompromising war against Islamic terror and its causes."
Maybe he has another Gaza war in mind. Perhaps this time along with attacking Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran.
European Jewish Association general director rabbi Menachem Margolin wants Jews armed with guns for protection.
He wants "as many people within the Jewish community as possible" carrying weapons. He wants "Jewish institutions secured 24/7." Perhaps he wants Europe turned into the wild west.
Was Saturday's violence the act of an angry man, terrorism or another staged false flag? Whenever these type incidents occur be suspicious. Accept nothing at face value.
Post-9/11, US-dominated NATO declared war on Islam. Israel wages it against Palestine.
Muslims are vilified for their faith, ethnicity, and cultural values. They're a convenient enemy of choice. Automatically linked to terrorism.
Attacks on fundamental freedoms follow incidents like 9/11, Paris killings and numerous others like them.
Most are false flags. They're used for political advantage. Not a single new millennium terrorist plot in America was uncovered despite claims otherwise.
Lots of innocent Muslims were falsely charged, indicted, prosecuted, convicted and imprisoned despite having committed no crimes.
Lawyers like Lynne Stewart defending Muslims Washington wants convicted risk similar treatment. Europe is no better.
UK police state laws are some of the continent's toughest. So are France's. Following Charlie Hebdo shootings, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls announced a draconian new anti-terror law.
Similar legislation is proliferating across Europe. Police state measures by any standard. Much like what's destroying US freedom.
Fundamental rights are being eliminated in plain sight. With no desperately needed public opposition. Sacrificing freedom for greater security assures losing both.
Post-9/11, witch-hunt persecution of Muslims followed. So did baseless accusations and mass surveillance.
Europe wasn't spared. Post-Charlie Hebdo, things are worse than ever. Thousands of French police and military forces patrol city streets and other public areas.
Police raids spread across France, Germany, Britain, Belgium, Greece and elsewhere in Europe.
Muslims are targets of choice. Automatically associated with terrorism. So is anyone challenging policies favoring monied interests at the expense of all others.
Including wars without end, force-fed austerity, social injustice, rampant racism, and systemic unfairness reflecting things rigged for the rich against society's most disadvantaged.
America is a virtual police state. So are Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and other European countries. Expect worse ahead post-Copenhagen.
Expect the latest incident to be used to wage greater war on freedom. Perhaps losing it altogether is another 9/11 type false flag away.
All the easier because abused people able to act in their own self-interest do nothing.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
False Flag: Copenhagen terror displays all the hallmarks of Charlie Hebdo 2.0
Editor’s Note…
As many have already suspected, the triple terror attack at Denmark mimics or follows the footsteps of the Charlie Hebdo false flag in France. The Danish police has claimed in today’s press conference that the alleged terrorist was on the terror watch list, was known to the authorities (yet somehow slipped under the radar), and supposedly “acted alone on all three events” and was “inspired by the Charlie Hebdo attack”. There is no evidence what so ever to support the latter claims, as the alleged suspect was conveniently shot dead by the cops. There could have been other black-ops teams operating at the two other crime scenes, unless proven otherwise beyond reasonable doubt, and now the authorities are trying so sweep the case under the rug by blaming everything on the dead patsy. It needs to be investigated if any counter-terrorism drills took place in the vicinity of the crime scenes under the guise of the recent terror buzz in Europe, which would be the standard practice in any false flag event. Once again cartoonists and Jews were targeted, serving the double whammy of polarizing public opinion around “free speech” and “hate crimes”. Yet another case of engineering consent for the TTIP police-state in Europe, then.
Police shot dead a gunman on Sunday whose attacks on a Copenhagen synagogue and an event promoting free speech may have been inspired by an attack on French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo last month, authorities said.
Denmark’s spy chief Jens Madsen said the gunman was known to the intelligence services prior to the shooting and probably acted alone. He did not elaborate.
Two civilians were killed and five police were wounded in the two separate attacks in the Danish capital on Saturday.
“We cannot yet say anything concrete about the motive … but are considering that he might have been inspired by the events in Paris some weeks ago,” Madsen told a news conference.
Danish authorities have been on alert since Islamist gunmen killed 17 people in three days of violence in Paris in January that began with an attack on Charlie Hebdo, long known for its acerbic cartoons on Islam, other religions and politicians.
Police who had earlier released a photo of the suspect dressed in a heavy winter coat and maroon mask, said they did not believe he had received training in Jihadist camps in the Middle East.
Witnesses to the Copenhagen attacks said the gunman fired up to 40 shots at a cafe hosting a free speech event with Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who has received death threats for depicting the head of the Prophet Mohammad on a dog.
Vilks was unhurt but a 55-year-old man was killed. A guard was later shot in the head outside Copenhagen’s biggest synagogue, where around 80 people were celebrating a confirmation. Two police officers were also wounded there.
Police shot dead the suspect early on Sunday after he opened fire on them near a railway station in the Noerrebro district, not far from the sites of the two attacks. Officers later searched his home, which was nearby.
Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt said the attacks were terrorism and promised to protect freedom of speech and Denmark’s small but vibrant Jewish community.
“When you mercilessly fire deadly bullets at innocent people taking part in a debate, when you attack the Jewish community, you attack our democracy,” Thorning-Schmidt said outside the synagogue. “We will do everything possible to protect our Jewish community.”
Denmark’s former chief rabbi, Rabbi Bent Lexner, told Israeli Army Radio the synagogue guard was “a fantastic guy”, adding: “We are in shock. I am sitting now with the parents of the man killed. We didn’t think such a thing could happen in Denmark.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said such attacks would likely continue and said Israel would welcome European Jews who choose to move to there.
Witnesses said French ambassador Francois Zimeray had just finished introducing the cafe event, entitled “Art, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression”, when the assailant opened fire.
The venue was heavily-guarded by police, who fired back, but the attacker nevertheless escaped.
Vilks, who security experts said they believed was the gunman’s main target, sheltered on the floor of a cold room at the back of the cafe with one of the event’s organizer.
“The rather spare audience got to experience fear and horror – and tragedy. I can’t say it affected me as I was well looked after,” Vilks wrote in a blog post.
Helle Merete Brix, organizer of the event at the cafe, told Reuters she had seen an attacker wearing a mask.
“The security guards shouted ‘Everyone get out!’ and we were being pushed out of the room,” Brix said.
“They tried to shoot their way into the conference room … I saw one of them running by, wearing a mask. There was no way to tell his face.”
Denmark became a target of violent Islamists 10 years ago after the publication of cartoons lampooning the Prophet Mohammad, images which led to sometimes fatal protests in the Muslim world. Many Muslims consider any representation of the Prophet blasphemous.
Vilks stirred controversy himself in 2007 with drawings depicting Mohammad’s head on a dog, triggering death threats.
He has lived under Swedish police protection since 2010 and two years ago, an American woman was jailed for 10 years in the United States for plotting to kill him.
Like other European governments, Scandinavian leaders have been increasingly concerned about the radicalization of young Muslims traveling to Syria and Iraq to fight alongside violent jihadist groups such as Islamic State.
Authorities have also been worried about possible lone gunmen like Anders Behring Breivik, the anti-immigrant Norwegian who killed 77 people in 2011, most of them at a youth camp run by Norway’s ruling center Labour Party.
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said he was struck by the similarities between the Copenhagen and Paris attacks: “First an attack against freedom of speech, then an attack against Jews, and then the confrontation with the police,” he told Europe 1 radio.
Hebdo Part Deux in Denmark: ‘ISIS-Inspired’ Gunmen Attack Cartoonist and Synagogue
February 15, 2015 By 10 Comments
21st Century Wire says…Is this yet another GLADIO-style attack in Europe?
It’s Hebdo Part Deux in Denmark this week, as the public are told that another “ISIS-inspired attack” took place earlier today…

One man was reportedly killed and others injured as two masked gunmen opened fire at the Krudttoenden Cultural Centre Cafe in Copenhagen (image above), after the venue was sprayed with over 200 bullets.
We’re then told that the gunman then fled in a carjacked Volkswagen Polo. As with the Paris action-drama, the two gunman are now ‘on the run’.
For good measure it seems, and identical to the Paris template, their was a second shooting – outside of a Synagogue, where two police officers were wounded in the arms and legs, and a civilian man was also killed. A gunman fled on foot.
Unlike the Paris Attacks, there were no “amateur cell phone videos” made to record the attack, only official CCTV images released to the public, perhaps because of issues regarding controlling the set and additional problems with poor execution in Paris which prompted wide-spread criticism over the “fakeness” of the films.
As a result, the Danish government have deployed the military and declared Martial Law until the terror threat level is reduced.
Organizers were hosting a dubious debate entitled, ‘Art, Blasphemy and Freedom of Expression’, with the star speaker being none other than Lars Vilks, 68, a Swedish cartoonist who sparks riots across Europe and the Middle East after publishing offensive drawings that depicted the Prophet Mohammed as a dog in 2007.

TROUBLED: Cartoonist Vilks has been targeted ever since his controversy in 2007.
If this was indeed another contrived false flag event, the staging could not have been better as this event also marked the anniversary of the Islamic fatwa against British author Salman Rushdie for his book The Satanic Verses.
The global media appeared to have the narrative in place in real-time. “I clearly consider this an attack on Lars Vilks,” said Helle Merete Brix, one of the event’s organizers – a declaration which she made to AP only minutes after the incident took place.
Last year a mentally ill Pennsylvania actor, Collen Rose, rebranded by the media as ‘Jihad Jane’ was sentenced to a 10-year prison term for “plotting” to kill Vilks, and two brothers were imprisoned for attempted arson in 2010 when they tried to burn his home down in southern Sweden.
Not surprisingly, the laconic Vilks has been complaining as of late that because of all the violence fewer organizations were inviting him to give lectures.
From a GLADIO perspective of using terror to coerce a government into a specific geopolitical position (as appears to be the case with France last month), Denmark does not appear to be falling outside of the US-led “Coalition” against ISIS in the Middle East. Last September, Denmark joined France, Britain, Australia, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Canada in launching airstrikes in Iraq. However, Denmark is NOT involved in the campaign in Syria, but that could change now that ‘terror’ has finally arrived on its doorstep.
Could this be a Hebdo Copy Cat attack? Perhaps, but readers may want to keep an eye out for any sudden geopolitical moves, or right-wing political advances in the immediate aftermath of this shady event.
If this is a false flag operation, expect colorful media coverage of new “terror raids” to take place somewhere in Europe over the next 72 hours, as western intelligence agencies move to liquidate some informant cells, and bring closure to the Copenhagen event – with a full Hegelian package of “Problem, Reaction, Solution.”
21WIRE was made aware of a series of ‘terror drills’ in Denmark, which began in mid-January and in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo False Flag Attacks in Paris last month.
Glasgow-based radio host Kev Baker explains more about the drills coinciding with this latest round of what is being called another “Islamic Terror Attack of Free Speech”:
British PM David Cameron didn’t lose any time, jumping on Twitter, to show solidarity with the Danish people, tweeting: “I condemn the shootings in #Copenhagen. #Freespeech must always be protected.”
Yes, we WILL hold you to that ‘free speech’ part Dave.
READ MORE FALSE FLAG NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire False Flag Files
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