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Các Ông Giám Mục Ám Hữu (khao khát muốn thật nhiều) với Những Cái Mông Đít Đàn Bà.
Hiện nay, thế lực quyền chính và tôn giáo đang lạm dụng sự kiện "khủng bố" giả địch do chính chúng tạo ra ĐỂ tấn công NỀN TỰ DO của NHÂN LOẠI.
Chúng tấn công đầu tiên vào chính ngay TỰ DO NGÔN LUẬN của quần chúng nhân danh chống "khủng bố cực đoan"; và chính bọn nhà nước đang CỰC ĐOAN với những bắt bớ hành nhiễu thẩm cung từ ngay những EM BÉ, THIẾU NHI.
Chúng đang lạm dụng nỗi sợ, lòng hận thù "khủng bố" để BẮN VÀO CHÍNH NGUYÊN LÝ TỰ DO mà VOLTAIRE đã khẳng định với chúng ta.

Tham khảo những thủ đoạn Nhà Nước nhân danh Tôn giáo Xâm Phạm Nhân Quyền Tự Do
Australian Labor Party Censorship and Religious Vilification Laws
Perhaps the Federal liberals can redress some of the anti-democratic, anti-free speech laws of the Brumby Bullshit Labor party, but Labor party Victorian state laws are still in force! Brandis plans to allow free speech.
250,000 Innocent Australian websites attacked by Australian ALP government
ASIC Federal Police and Mark Dreyfus have used section 313 to block sites. Perhaps ones associated with this website, something Optus technical support could not even tell me what the Optus network was blocking preventing me accessing this site intermittently for six months. I don't like conspiracy theories,, but with 20 years IT experience could not work out why i could not access just one site, this site hereticpress.com from the Optus network, Access was only possible through proxies. Optus technical were barely literate. I suspect they have been blocking major gateways. When you request a webpage, it does not go directly to your computer, it goes through many steps to reach you. traceroute I suspect in my humble experience that they may have been blocking a major network carrier and could have isolated many more real and honest Australia networks, more than then 250,000 they claim. These luddites are not fit to run a chook raffle. ASIC should release the list of innocent sites IPs affected and the dates and times they started this ham-fisted action to get Optus to block sites for them. A Titanic failure of a government going down in cahoots with big business to silence Australians in secret. Who is our ATTORNEY GENERAL! DOES HE HAVE DUAL CITIZENSHIP. What other sites has he blocked?The UK solution to election advertising is to ban paid advertising. "Relaxation of the ban could lead to the airwaves being dominated by the political pressure groups with the deepest pockets". That is exactly what we what we already have in Australia and Gillard disgracefully wanted to pay political parties when budgets for the poorest Australians have been cut. The European Court has upheld the UK's blanket ban on political advertising while in Australia the Gillard led ALP wanted to make the Australian taxpayer pay political parties to advertise. Disgracefull conduct. In the UK Westminster system, on which the Australian democracy is based, the media screen free Party Political Broadcasts limited in time to a period before just a General Election.
SInce dropping the unworkable internet filter last year, the ALP has secretly used a very arbitrary censorship wrongly banning 1,000 innocent websites at first before admitting they blocked 250,000 innocuous websites That would explain why I have burnt out two modems and had to use a proxy server to edit this website for six months. Optus techs knew less than I did. Please release the full list of sites blocked, some may have been gateway sites used to trace a route to a server?. ASIC asked internet service providers (ISPs) to block sites, they claimed the 250,000 sites blocked were mostly empty, but it would take so long to check every IP. Censorship, media spin and lies, all power is with the Attorney general dreyfus to decide what Australians can view. Zero accountability. Section 313 of the Telecommunications Act allows government requests to ISPs to block websites it says are in contravention to the laws of the Commonwealth. A week later they revealed they had blocked a quarter-of-a-million innocent websites. Utter mongrel bullies have cost me so much time and lie saying 249,000 sites were empty, They did not, could not have checked all 249,000 sites of it they were important gateway sites, they censor lie and cheat, standard ALP practice. Jasmine-Kim Westendorf from the Melbourne Free Press Melbourne Free University website, whose site was mistakenly blocked along with 1,000 other sites said "We never thought the block was directed at us, but the fact there was no recourse available to us, there was no-one who would give us answers, there was no way we could challenge the decision that had been made by this mysterious Australian authority was pretty concerning". What they could not do in public, the ALP are doing in secret to censor information, there is no transparency, no notice to the website owner and no appeal is possible. How widespread are these requests, how many sites have been banned and how many innocent sites were offline? At least 1,000 that were recently discovered by accident through a gross mistake. If sites critical of politicians are banned, you would never hear a word about it, sites would just disappear from the internet and the people would not have the right to an informed vote. Censorship by stealth, a policy of the Gillard ALP and championed by Senator Steven Conroy, international internet villain of the year 2009.
"At various times, the Attorney-General's office, the AFP and ACMA all denied responsibility for the block. Government agencies could demand sites be blocked with no co-ordination or accountability in place. "In that instant, we glimpsed the everyday reality of living under a totalitarian government." The Federal ALP.
The Gillard Government has been sneaking in Conroy's web filter without telling anyone. Befuddled website owners had noone to turn to, noone to appeal to that their site was entirely legal and unfairly banned. Businesses ruined overnight by ham fisted Labor party bullies. At various times, the Attorney-General's office, the AFP and ACMA all denied responsibility for the block. While secretly blocking many innocent Australian websites, Dreyfus and the ALP cannot even look after their own security on Australian government websites. Attacking and banning innocent Australian websites without any notice, while leaving their own internet doors open for Chinese hackers to get whatever they want. They will need to gut the new ASIO building back to an empty shell and start again. How many more million will this Labor party bungle cost? No accountability for their own culpable failure to protect Australia's security. The Australian parliament has scores of arrogant ignorant luddites with law degrees, but not a single IT expert in sight apart from the Liberal's Malcolm Turnbull who started ozemail two decades ago. Senator Conry, chief ALP censor wants to move government website to the cloud which will make security much worse than it already is. Cloud computing is a bullshit name for having someone else manage your data. Very hackable and insecure. "At various times, the Attorney-General's office, the AFP and ACMA all denied responsibility for the block. Government agencies could demand sites be blocked with no co-ordination or accountability in place. "In that instant, we glimpsed the everyday reality of living under a totalitarian government." The Federal ALP.
Newly updated in 2013 Lobby groups treating Australia with Contempt. A tribute to wikileaks and Julian Assange. Editorial 2010 on the dishonest Victorian Labor Party which mentored Julia Gillard. The arrogant Federal Labour party were rebuked at the 2010 Australian Federal election and survive as a minority government. Now Australia have some Greens to protect us from holier-than-thou Labor politicians who say they believe in God and know what is best for all of us. A continuing three year struggle against a tyrant Stephen Conroy and Federal and State Labor who are still trying to destroy a free press in a democracy. Censorship the real sleeper in the government's $43bn NBN chaos. ACMA are already censoring websites and U-Tube video. The thin edge of the censorship wedge. Labor have no moral compass, no values at all, no Paul Keating "Big Picture" just many selfish small-minded individuals like Senator Conroy who wish to remove our rights and liberties to thank their own narrow religious lobby groups.
Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has declared he has "unfettered legal power" over telecommunications regulation, including the ability to request Australian telcos "wear red underpants on their head". A worrying degree of arrogance!
All powerful Labor POLITICIANS with imaginary friends wearing RED UNDIES are out to destroy our democracy by censorship.
Three years of stress and now a slight relief that Victorian Labor bullies no longer have absolute power to censor what they do not like in Victoria. non serviam! Labor. Support Education for all Australians, real facts on life on earth an education on science and evolution and the real story of life on earth, not some Biblical 2,000 year old fiction. LONG LIVE THE GREENS. One Herculean task already completed, removing the filthy Brumby Bullshit Labor party in Victoria, the unelected leader PR spin master Brumby spent $124 million in 2010 year on self agrandisement and propaganda. Brumby and his zealot Robert Hulls have been destroying the foundations of an ancient common law and this democracy at a State level. The Victorian Labor party were thrown out of office and Federal Labor will follow Victorian Labor where Julia Gillard cut her political teeth.
Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has declared he has "unfettered legal power" over telecommunications regulation, including the ability to request Australian telcos "wear red underpants on their head". A worrying degree of arrogance!
All powerful Labor POLITICIANS with imaginary friends wearing RED UNDIES are out to destroy our democracy by censorship.
Three years of stress and now a slight relief that Victorian Labor bullies no longer have absolute power to censor what they do not like in Victoria. non serviam! Labor. Support Education for all Australians, real facts on life on earth an education on science and evolution and the real story of life on earth, not some Biblical 2,000 year old fiction. LONG LIVE THE GREENS. One Herculean task already completed, removing the filthy Brumby Bullshit Labor party in Victoria, the unelected leader PR spin master Brumby spent $124 million in 2010 year on self agrandisement and propaganda. Brumby and his zealot Robert Hulls have been destroying the foundations of an ancient common law and this democracy at a State level. The Victorian Labor party were thrown out of office and Federal Labor will follow Victorian Labor where Julia Gillard cut her political teeth.
- Australian Sedition Laws Inciting to violence. Leaves this page
- Internet Censors Vesting censorship power in ACMA and Police
- Complaint made to Conroy Emailed protest to Senator Conroy
- Conroy's Reply with PDF attachment justifying the trials
- The Constitution on Religion Section 116 The Human Rights Act
- UN Conventions Public Reporting combating corruption
- Join the Campaign Stop Conroy degrading the internet and free press
- China inc. Taking gifts from foreign governments
- Christian Labor Leader Kevin Rudd And in the beginning... Let there be Rudd, who begat Gllard...
- Julia Gillard New PM 24th June 2010 And Rudd begat Gillard to censor us all
- Liberals are a little better. Liberals Against the filter. Let there be Abbott, Hockey, Andrews...etc..
- Sub judicae Conroy attacking iiNet's case before the courts
- Banned Users' IP addresses Lists of IP addresses and domains
- A rigged trial A tiny trial sample of ISPs 2,000 banned sites
- Intimidating Critics Conroy's staff Trying to Silence Critics
- Kate Ellis Brushed off a formal complaint regarding Conroy
- Telstra excluded then destroyed Optus favoured Telstra banned from bidding
- The Liberal Position Former Liberal Senator Coonan's policy
- Student questions Religion in politics and Australian History
Victorian Labor's Religious vilification laws
- Free speech abolished by Bracks The repressive Religious vilification Act
- Types of Gods God delusions Deism Theism and Pantheism
- Rights abolished in Victoria habeus corpus, private property cross examination
- Science under threat Ridicule of intelligent design theory
- Vilification of Heretics Serious ridicule of non-believers Atheists Heathens and Heretics
- Common law rights abolished in Victoria Bracks, Brumby and Hulls destroy human rights
- VEOHRC Email supporting vilification laws 20th September 2007
- Protest ignored A 27,000 signature petition ignored by labor government
- Biased academic support Religious views secular universities
- References vilification laws Case Law and commentary
Other Heretic Press Religion and History Pages
- Evolutionary Timelines Developments Since the Cambrian period
- History Timeline B.C. Greek philosophers
- History Timeline A.D. Developments in Science
- Ancient beliefs Before and after Jesus
- Giordano Bruno Burnt at the stake in 1600
- Buddha Some original translations
- Divination A history of trying to foretell the future
- The Enneagram symbol A system of change and self observation
- Personality and Religion Locus of Control
Defend Democratic rights and liberties
Ncola Roxon plans to capture the online data of all Australians. An impossible task storing evey keystroke of every Australian for two years, another absolutely crazy Labor party idea for a police state.European Union free speech. A generally disorganised community of hackers is uniting against the Australian Labor party to try and protect our democracy when democratic conventions, common law, logic and reason have all failed to STOP Labor party governments abolishing a free press and even in Victoria sacking an elected local Brimbank council and appointing a Labor administrator for 170,00 Victorians whose democratic vote has been cast aside. What level of response does this call for from voters but to metaphorically take up arms and using every legal democratic means against a dishonest undemocratic Brumby led Victorian Labor party. Your Council! Not anymore, it belongs to a State Labor appointed administrator who have appropriated local planning permission and are making some atrocious, if not dishonest planning decisions. The media spin from Brumby Media advisers on council corruption fails to mention it was the behaviour of ignorant and corrupt State and Federal Labour party members who caused many of the reported concerns at Brimbank. Server Log Victorian Parliament server log searching in images of Brimbank Council. Labor dishonesty and corruption in Brimbank has given birth to a grass roots coalition to try and stop a rotten-to-the-core Labor party. Join the Brimbank residents and ratepayers association One fed up resident Darlene Reilly has thankfully started a local movement against Labor party dishonesty. Join the peaceful campaign to stop federal labor censorship and work hard door-knocking and campaigning for other honest candidates to ensure Brumby's state labor party is thrown out of government in 2010.
Brimbank residents and ratepayers association
Federal MPs Bill Shorten and Senator Stephen Conroy were also named in the Brimbank council corruption. Another private Catholic school censor, Bill Shorten Show-bag Shorten to the unions, "He's got an ego, and in politics that's fine, but if there's no loyalty to those who have helped him, always been one to back himself". John Button said, "Bill is a future champion - I know that because he's told me". The ego is extraordinary. The Age article fails to mention Brimbank council. Brimbank residents are sick and tired of state and federal labor party members interfering in local council business.We say that any 2008 Brimbank election candidate endorsed or put forward by Federal MP for Maribyrnong BILL SHORTEN is not fit to be a Brimbank Councillor.
We say that any 2008 Brimbank election candidate endorsed or put forward by the Federal Senator STEPHEN CONROY is not fit to be a Brimbank Councillor.
Were Brimbank council sacked for telling Labor members Madden Conroy, Shorten and others to keep out of council business? Some reports of a council member trying to evade a parking fine are trite. My vote has been cast aside in the Victorian Brumby Labor take-over of an elected council. More on the demise of the Australian democracy, Brimbank council and a Victorian Brumby state Labor party rotten to the core. We say that any 2008 Brimbank election candidate endorsed or put forward by the Federal Senator STEPHEN CONROY is not fit to be a Brimbank Councillor.
Australian Labor Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd on a radio show AM with Chief Sir Michael Somare, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea. Rudd was very critical of the Fijian Government's faults.
Rudd on Freedom of the Press in Fiji "The wholesale assault on press freedom by the wanton acts against journalists, both print and electronic, in Fiji and furthermore, the assault on the independence of the judiciary. Fiji has therefore done this to itself, in warranting suspension from the Pacific Island Forum."
Democratic Structures and Human Rights Abolished in Australia
In Victoria, it is a bad as Fiji where elected councils are dismissed, state Labor has no right to do this, they need to investigate state Labour corruption and Bullies who interfered in council business and now they have arrogantly and illegally taken over the council. Votes of the people mean nothing and even the courts are not independent, they are also dominated by politicians, Victorian State Labor Attorney General Rob Hulls arrogantly appoints his own judges and boasts about it. Hulls sneers at his critics as troglodytes. He couldn't give a damn about the impartiality of the judiciary in Australia. Senator Conroy has also tried to influence the courts and to intimidate and silence technical criticism of internet filtering.The wages of Victorian Labor Spin Doctors up 400% for Premier Brumby to manipulate the media, the Premier's own strategic communications branch, a small army , average salary $91,000. The media is not only being censored, but government budgets for advertising are out of all proportion with the public's need to know, government advertising is becoming a large percentage of the income of some commercial media outlets. They may consider twice before publishing a story that bites the dishonest Victorian Labor government hand that feeds them. The press is already gagged in Victoria and Queensland regarding race and religion by vilification laws. Federal Labor Communications Minister Senator Conroy is introducing internet censorship and the Attorney General Robert McClelland's censorship plans are like a war time D-notice system that it is not even needed.
Media lawyer Justin Quill said to The Australian Newspaper, It would be abhorrent to reintroduce D-notices even if they are dressed up as something else". It would be abhorrent to me, the media and it should be abhorrent to the general public. Australia was ranked No 28 on the world press freedom index in 2008 but has miraculously improved to 16 in 2009." In 2010 Reporters without borders listed Australia as being under surveillance as an enemy of free speech and the Internet.
Sadly the Australian Prime Minister's words apply to his own country, he could be talking about an elected council being sacked by state labor thugs or his Communications Minister and his Attorney General as well as members of State Labor governments in Queensland and Victoria right now, Victoria doesn't even have an independent corruption commission. Queensland Premier Bligh on Victoria. "Measures are missing, particularly those that oversee the behaviour of elected officials. The Victorian Ombudsman has little power to investigate politicians. And despite a 2006 election promise, there is no register of lobbyists and their clients."
Broadmeadows Progress Association spokeswoman Sonja Rutherford said her group had given up trying to get an appointment with its MP. MPs were being used as bait to raise money for a private group, the ALP. Access to Labor MPs is for the rich only. Brumby defends fund-raising and Victorian Electoral fraud. Rich friends of Premier Brumby get whatever they ask for. Lies spin and PR machines. Victoria is much worse than Queensland where at least some of the corruption has been exposed and written about by Fitzgerald. Electoral voting dishonesty in Victoria, what a low for democracy in Australia. Free speech on religion abolished, the right to question an accuser abolished in domestic cases, the right to own personal property abolished, right to access internet information (Pending abolition) by Federal Labor. Paternalistic, Christian bullies censoring and destroying our ancient human rights. Many Federal and state Labor government members are interested in themselves, not in democratic rights. China inc.. Page Created 13th September 2006, Last updated 9th February, 2013. Federal and State Victorian, Queensland (Fitzgerald Reports) and Tasmanian labor governments intent on censorship and media manipulation to prevent us learning of ways they are destroying our rights and liberties.
Fitzgerald on the Beattie QLD Labor government. Greed, power and opportunity in combination provide an almost irresistible temptation for many which can only be countered by the near certainty of exposure and severe punishment.Even if we cannot rely on politicians to voluntarily curb their excesses or tell the truth, a well-informed community which is committed to doing so can influence the way it is governed."
The Australian Community will not be well-informed as they will not have a free press under Labor's mandatory internet filtering. Labor Politicians are continuing to outlaw a free press on the internet for all Australians.Australian government Treasury Server Log. The Victorian Premier Brumby's access log. Justice.vic.gov.au server log. Victoria Police server logs. Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy Access Log. Please comply with the access conditions. The Australian federal Rudd government has no interest in free speech. Federal Labor is committed to internet filtering and the Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has been trying to prevent any technical or human rights criticism of labor's censorship policy. Treasury Server Log. Victorian Parliament server log.
There are no full time staff at hereticpress.com, there is no Google advertising, no free trips to China for us, no sponsorship of any sort
The Federal Australian labor party:
Imposing Internet Filtering and Censorship
It looks like hereticpress.com has already been placed on a filtering list by one bastard anti-democratic US company, Blue Coat Systems. Blue Coat was named by wikileaks for selling tools to governments in countries like China and Iran to prevent dissidents from organizing online. Blue Coat WebFilter is a content filtering "service" (censotship system) that categorises domain names, directories and IP addresses for policy enforcement and security. A listed site hereticpress.com has been categorised as one to be filtered out as improper for some reason! It has been accessed and someone will be warned, possibly about the dangers of heretics and thinking non religious thoughts. It is easy for filtering to spy on users, but Blue Coat Systems could also completely block access to political content. A part of The hereticpress server log. - - [27/Jul/2009:20:41:35 -0500] http://notify.bluecoat.com/notify-Warn-User-Access?http/www.hereticpress.com/
Someone may be in trouble for accessing hereticpress.com, but there is nothing criminal on this site, no pornography not even a swear word or a single profanity among hundreds of pages and millions of words! The filtering of political commentary is already being imposed on internet users, but it will be mandatory filtering in Australia if Senator Stephen Conroy has his way.
Internet Luddites and Censorship in Australia
Righteousness through ignorance. A religious labour party
Senator Conroy's hypocrisy truly galling. AUSTRALIA lags behind many other democracies in media freedoms mainly because of the anti-terrorism and Sedition laws. While the ruling Labor party state that they are reforming Sedition Laws, they are acting in other ways to curtail free speech and the flow of information in an even more fundamental way than sedition laws ever did. While stating that they are reforming terrorism and sedition laws, the Rudd/Gillard Labor government's stated intention is mandatory internet filtering.
In effect, only Conroy approved websites can be accessed. The Minister's censorship agenda is disguised in terms of protecting children using the term "cyber-safety", but their would be better ways to protect children than appointing ACMA as the Orwellian big brother in Labor's censorship information ministry. Conroy initially tried to bully critics by suggesting they were supporting child abuse but, Save the Children Australia and the National Children's & Youth Law Centre believe resources could be better spent on law enforcement than internet filtering.
In the more repressive Australian states of Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania, free speech on religion has already been abolished by religious vilification laws. Reported without borders have dropped the ball actually rating Australia higher for press freedoms this year than in 2008. Australia is ranked 16th in the annual Press Freedom Index for 2009.
Senator Conroy has acted like a bull in a China shop, determined to implement a internet filtering plan on all of us and he does not care what we say or how we object to it. Labor and Senator Conroy must be stopped if Australians wish to preserve any right to free speech. Labor is not concerned with the people's right to access information or what filtering will do to slow down internet connection speeds, they talk about noticeable levels, no real variables are being measured in their cyber-safety live pilot! They seem to be all acting according to their own Christian conscience not through any duty to preserve human or democratic rights of the people.
Ironically with regard to IVF technology Conroy said, "The law had not kept up with science and was failing to adequately protect children conceived through surrogacy". He could do a lot more to protect children internationally if he had more concern for children instead of a biased filtering agenda.
A practising Catholic, he has been labelled "the altar boy" by Liberals from across the chamber, but he wields the power of an absolute dictator over Australian telecommunications. The Labor party and Prime Ministers Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard have done nothing to stop an evangelistic fool like Senator Conroy rushing in to destroy a free press and slowing down vital communications in a vast country. Is this because Conroy has backing by the Christian lobby of Jim Wallace? When it comes to having his own child, the Victorian senator best known as an angry right-wing factional head-kicker took anything but a conservative course of action.
Conroy may have learnt his lesson trying to intimidate Mark Newton, I hope so because the Australian government cannot own or control the internet. But knowledge is power and the power is here with science and democratic structures which are worth preserving against labor politicians destroying our rights and liberties. To defend himself against rational criticism Conroy initially suggested that his critics supported child exploitation. He has a selective bias for IVF science that benefits him personally, while he is contemporaneously imposing by law his narrow minded Christian censorship views on information technology networks belonging to every Australian, he is becoming famous as an ignorant bully internationally.
In Britain, Senator Conroy won the annual 2009 Internet Villain of the year", also now blocking adult games ". Conroy and Labor are worthy of the awardfor continuing to promote network-level blocking despite significant national and international opposition" What a pity it seems to me that Senator Conroy was not a nomination for The Darwin awards instead! What an unwanted distinction to become famous internationally as a bully. Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard and the Australian Labor party can rightly stand beside Senator Conroy to accept the award.
Australians should be far more outraged than concerned UK ISP's regarding the bully and villain Conroy arrogantly pressing ahead with a secret and biased Opus Dei agenda.
One USA critic, Derek E. Bambauer of the Brooklyn Law School questions Senator Conroy efforts to silence dissenters and whether the restrictions are legitimate in the only Western democracy to mandate internet filtering, the Rudd Labor government!
All Australian labor politicians should be metaphorically tarred and feathered then lynched from the highest yard-arm in any election anywhere the oppressive labor censors are standing. Conroy should be dismissed from the Communications portfolio by his Big Brother, Kevin Rudd if he really gives a damn about free speech and the people of Australia.
Conroy listened to his IVF doctors, why is he ignoring and even worse bullying IT industry experts? Personal bias and religion rather than rational reason seems to be a large motivating factor for Senator Conroy? He worked with his doctors to make sure he was ineligible for the Darwin awards, he stated that he would work with the IT industry, but he has been extremely domineering toward concerned ISP staff and he has disregarded opposition from the Greens who have tried to question Senator Conroy. The Liberal shadow minister for Communications Nick Minchin was appalled to learn that Conroy had been bullying ISP staff. Generally Senator Conroy has no comment and refuses to answer questions. Greens question Conroy.
The Communications Minister should be assisting communications, not slowing them down. He is attacking a most fundamental right in our democracy to access information, he is destroying his portfolio, despoiling the Australian democracy, showing contempt for the isolated rural and remote Australian people, neglecting his responsibilities to them. Even worse, he has been intimidating the employer of one of his critics. The attack on our right to information and free speech makes Senator Conroy the number one enemy of the Australian democracy with a domineering holier-than-thou disposition towards scientific or human rights criticisms of censorship. Conroy should have come clean with the Australian people and told them he is a devoted Opus Dei member before he is a member of the labor party. A megalomaniac who thinks he can restrict our freedoms and rights to access information in an arbitrary and unjust fashion.
He really needs a more productive focus for his Communications portfolio, he should concentrate on improving the quality of internet connection speeds in Australia which are very slow compared to other countries. The sad state of telecommunications infrastructure in Australia. Senator Conroy has such a bias against doing anything productive, he just wants censorship, that is his misguided focus towards his portfolio, God help the Australian people! Europeans may not appreciate the tyranny of distance to Australia and the large internal distance between states and cities. A unique free Australian medical service covering many thousands of miles/kilometres in a vast country. The Flying Doctor Service. Senator Conroy should be working harder to improve Australia's telecommunications infrastructure and realise that his fixation on internet filtering is diminishing his capacity to be of service to the Australian people.
Is Conroy a member of Opus Dei?
The source of the rumour of the Opus Dei membership of Senator Conroy may be due to some unattributed postings on his wicki page or perhaps edits of his wicki page by his media manipulating staff members. On 19th March 2009 the Opus Dei reference was added to Conroy's profile by a Jay Fitzgerald. The attribution was un-cited and was removed two months later as being scuttlebutt by William Bowe on 12th April 2009. Is Conroy a member of Opus Dei? Would he tell us if he was? He behaves as if he is an Opus Dei member a religious fanatic out to control the media. No matter whether he is a member or not he needs a science education in evolution.
He could study what scientific method is, what variables a real pilot study could measure. I designed and conducted this study to test statements by the then Liberal Minister Garry Nairn that, "Australia leads the work in e-governance". Comparing US, UK and Australian websites, UK sites were on average better, I used four real linear subjective measures unlike Conroy's noticeable effect which is definitely a subjective variable to avoid measuring unless you want a very simple statistical analysis of categorical data. Notice and "Not-Notice" is not a measure unless you maybe have a full sample of users in a double blind trail who asked what they did and did not notice with and without filtering. With a slow enough group of inexperienced internet users, subjects they might not notice anything at all, ever! I notice that Senator Conroy is abusing science to advance a censorship agenda and the scientific community must expose his flawed use of terms like "live trial", "pilot" or "Cyber safety". Sample design should involve interval data measured subjectively like Kb of data downloaded over time. Senator Conroy's trial is not a trial at all, it is not scientific method, he uses a vague, nebulous cyber-safety pilot measure of "noticeable effect". While he is looking around for more good things to do other than censorship, he could also fix Australian government websites, so that they comply with the 1992 Disability Discrimination Act. There is a lot of work that needs to be done urgently, but sadly for Australians, Senator Conroy is off with the pixies Famulus Deus serving the LORD. There is nothing wrong with that, provided he does not impose his own views on us by law which is what he is arrogantly doing and almost all Labor members are capitulating and bowing down, prostrating themselves in adoration to Rudd/Gillard/Conroy's golden idol of cyber-safety. Non serviam!. One of the only isolated labor voices for rational reason to prevail was Carmen Lawrence Keep God out of our democracy. Hopefully she will be supported by others like Senator Kate Lundy to preserve a free press under the tyrant Conroy. Return to top of page
Emailed Complaint to Senator Conroy
To the DEPUTY LEADER OF THE GOVERNMENT IN THE SENATE Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy.From: meoptushome.com.au
Subject: ISP Filtering will slow down the Internet
Date: 24 October 2008 12:13:32 PM minister dbcde.gov.au
Dear Senator Conroy
I hoped for and expected more technical savvy from you than former communicators minister Coonan. You will be remembered as the censorship luddite for your action to filter every packet of data. Your plan does nothing to control peer to peer networks, it violates the legal maxim of Blackstone that, It is better for one guilty man to go free than to jail 10 innocent men. You will hobble the communications of 20 million people to try and stop a few rat-bags. Quoting Voltaire again in this compromised democracy "I disagree with what you say but I defend to the death your right to say it"
Do not punish the entire population and the economy to catch a few criminals. Your plan is ridiculous enough from a technical point of view without your complicity in a censorship move to suppress technical criticism of a plan to retard the digital economy.
Editorials on your plans are archived in hundreds of places worldwide, on CD, in mirror servers and archived in world databases. Instead of trying to retard the entire digital economy in Australia, you could with the foreign minister concentrate on making international policing agreements to close down the worst criminal websites. Ironically, a European study found that about 500 child abuse sites came from the USA. Ask the USA for their co-operation to close these sites down. International resources are needed to catch the small number of criminals who you really should be targeting more specifically.
Please do not slow down internet communication speeds and by force impose your own values on us all.
Yours Faithfully
Tim Anderson
The Editor
Subject: ISP Filtering will slow down the Internet
Date: 24 October 2008 12:13:32 PM minister dbcde.gov.au
Dear Senator Conroy
I hoped for and expected more technical savvy from you than former communicators minister Coonan. You will be remembered as the censorship luddite for your action to filter every packet of data. Your plan does nothing to control peer to peer networks, it violates the legal maxim of Blackstone that, It is better for one guilty man to go free than to jail 10 innocent men. You will hobble the communications of 20 million people to try and stop a few rat-bags. Quoting Voltaire again in this compromised democracy "I disagree with what you say but I defend to the death your right to say it"
Do not punish the entire population and the economy to catch a few criminals. Your plan is ridiculous enough from a technical point of view without your complicity in a censorship move to suppress technical criticism of a plan to retard the digital economy.
Editorials on your plans are archived in hundreds of places worldwide, on CD, in mirror servers and archived in world databases. Instead of trying to retard the entire digital economy in Australia, you could with the foreign minister concentrate on making international policing agreements to close down the worst criminal websites. Ironically, a European study found that about 500 child abuse sites came from the USA. Ask the USA for their co-operation to close these sites down. International resources are needed to catch the small number of criminals who you really should be targeting more specifically.
Please do not slow down internet communication speeds and by force impose your own values on us all.
Yours Faithfully
Tim Anderson
The Editor
Senator Conroy's reply on filtering
The Labor government and Senator Conroy know the facts already from unreleased reports, but they are in denial and are ready to restrict freedom of speech and the flow of information. A report commissioned by the previous government shows filtering will not work. The Rudd Government needs to swallow hard.Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy
Subject: Response to your recent correspondence [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: 3 December 2008 4:40:21 PM
Return-Path: Internet.Filteringd bcde.gov.au
Thank you for your correspondence and your interest in internet service provider (ISP) filtering.
Attached is information from the Minister on this matter. In addition, the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy has prepared material on a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding ISP filtering. This list is available on the Department's website at cybersafetyplan
These FAQs will be updated regularly to provide you with the most up to date information on ISP filtering issues.
We hope this information is of assistance.
The Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy
Subject: Response to your recent correspondence [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: 3 December 2008 4:40:21 PM
Return-Path: Internet.Filteringd bcde.gov.au
Thank you for your correspondence and your interest in internet service provider (ISP) filtering.
Attached is information from the Minister on this matter. In addition, the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy has prepared material on a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding ISP filtering. This list is available on the Department's website at cybersafetyplan
These FAQs will be updated regularly to provide you with the most up to date information on ISP filtering issues.
We hope this information is of assistance.
The Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy
A government moderated Blog lasted a few days All comments were moderated by staff! Prominent Australian bloggers lashed the Federal Government over its first attempt at public consultation via a blog. Darren Rowse, a Melbourne blogging consultant and blogger Evangelist said "The whole [online blog consultation] thing is a joke considering Conroy's Great Firewall will kill internet speeds and drive up internet connection costs in Australia, potentially crippling online businesses." One blogger wrote"I am offended that Senator Conroy has likened censorship opponents to child porn supporters. It is a straw-man argument and offensive to basic principles of democracy".
Conroy has not been listening to industry experts at all as he claims, how will the moderators behave in editing content, given intimidating behaviour from the minister's office to stifle criticism from Belinda? Digital economy Feedback Form The following email was posted on the short lived government blog page, it was posted even after a visit to this page from the Communications Department and the Victorian Labor government. Access Log.
Posted by me@optushome.com.au
12th December at 0820
Will you accept comment critical of the clean feed filtering which will retard the digital economy? Will you allow critics like Mark Newton from Internode to speak freely on the negative effect filtering will have on internet connection feeds? This is not the only blog in town, does it allow free critical comment, we shall see?
Internet Censorship and Religious Vilification
Yours Faithfully
Tim Anderson
The Editor
Return to top of page 12th December at 0820
Will you accept comment critical of the clean feed filtering which will retard the digital economy? Will you allow critics like Mark Newton from Internode to speak freely on the negative effect filtering will have on internet connection feeds? This is not the only blog in town, does it allow free critical comment, we shall see?
Internet Censorship and Religious Vilification
Yours Faithfully
Tim Anderson
The Editor
The Constitution section 116 and Human Rights Act Section 15
Victoria became the first Australian state to enact a charter of human rights in 2006. Unlike the US model courts cannot strike down laws that conflict with such rights. Courts can only issue a "non-binding" declaration or opinion that laws are inconsistent with human rights. The onus then lies on the executive and parliament to amend the laws or stand as human rights abusers. What does have more authority than a state law is the Australian Constitution.The Victorian Racial and Religious Vilification Act is in conflict with the Australian Constitution Act.
Section 116 on Religion states that "The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth."
The Federal and Victorian governments are breaching the Australian Constitution as well as the Victorian Human rights Act. It is a "Clayton's" model for human rights, an empty farce, the Federal Labor Rudd government obviously does not rate Human Rights very highly. How can they when they are implementing censorship laws abolishing a fundamental right to a free press and free speech. All Praise be to the great conscience driven Christian socialist comrades. The Victorian Human Rights Act has legal force in Victoria, see Page 15 on Freedom of Expression which conflicts with the Victorian Religious Vilification laws.
15. Freedom of expression
(1) Every person has the right to hold an opinion without interference.
(2) Every person has the right to freedom of expression which includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, whether within or outside Victoria and whether
(a) orally; or (b) in writing; or (c) in print; or (d) by way of art; or (e) in another medium chosen by him or her.
(1) Every person has the right to hold an opinion without interference.
(2) Every person has the right to freedom of expression which includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, whether within or outside Victoria and whether
(a) orally; or (b) in writing; or (c) in print; or (d) by way of art; or (e) in another medium chosen by him or her.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Victorian parliament is in breach of it's own Human Rights Act, but Australia has also ratified the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and Victoria is in breach of Articles 18, 19, and 26 which protect the right to freely speak about religion. The Australian Federal parliament should do something to reign in the excessive laws of the Victorian state which breach international agreements.UN Conventions
The UN Convention on Anti-corruption December 2005, ratified by 30 countries. Article 10 on Public reporting encourages countries to adopt measures to improve public access to information as a means to fight corruption.
Do we have to mis-quote something wrongly attributed to Voltaire yet again in this compromised Australian democracy. An Australian campaign for Human Rights. I disagree with what you say, but defend to the death your right to say it. What use are all these human rights when arrogant corrupt Labor politicians Bracks, Brumby, Hulls, Rudd and Conroy are acting according to their own conscience, they ignore a thousand years of history and human rights laws to implement their own Draconian Orwellian censorship laws!
Some Orwellian doublespeak from Labor is trying to change our language to exclude religious reference aimed at countering radicalisation of young Muslim men. But what about educating them and all Australian students on science and the history of human rights and evolution. Evolution has not been included in Gillard/Rudd's doublespeak dictionary. Religious schools undermine social cohesion.
Teaching creation science and intelligent design theory promotes religious extremism, kamikaze pilots, suicide bombers or Christian martyrs, they all have a Theistic belief in - A creator who starts things and remains involved; believe in a God, heaven and a glorious after-life.
Following the language change, there will be increased pressure for political correctness on all of us and possible action for thought crimes against anyone vilifying a religion with the down to earth language most of us value. Gambling is still gambling to me and not gaming. A rose by any other name still smells like the fascist Christian Rudd government and Terrorism is still based in religious ideology and terminology like "jihad", no matter what the doublespeak Rudd Ministry says. The Christians were no better with their crusading idea of a "holy war".
Julia Gillard Appointed PM 24th June 2010
Email to the PM 18th July 0035 hours.
There are plenty of validation errors in our Pm's new homepage an embarrassment to the countries IT skills.
Test PM's homepage for validation errors
Something funny is going on Julia's webpage, the code tells google not to index the page.
meta name="googlebot" content="noarchive"
Surely Julia can hire better IT web skills than this!
One more unrelated point is that the PM's electorate is named after a rogue and no hero to the people of Ballarat.
Peter Lalor
One last comment on Labor's censorship agenda, me and my readers will be voting Green to try and preserve a free press.
Censorship by Labor
Yours Faithfully
Tim Anderson
Well done Julia Gillard, Australia's first female Prime Minister and finally in Australia we have a leader who does not believe in God. What a pity her first act was to pander to religious views from Christian group FamilyVoice Australia, whose spokeswoman Ros Phillips said she was "delighted" the government's position on censorship was being maintained. Gillard fails to protect free speech. Very disappointing to all Australians interested in scientific facts and progress in education. Gillard grovels to Jim Wallace and the Australian Christian Lobby. Gillard is answering questions from the Australian Christian Lobby and Jim Wallace. But who does Jim Wallace and the Christian Lobby really represent? A narrow minded group of Pentecostals. If the government wants to know what Catholics think, ask a Cardinal or a Bishop not Jim Wallace. Who does the AICE group really represent? Don't the Rabbis have any say and older Jewish groups predating Ablert Dadon's lobbying activities. Gillard supports selected grown-ups who have their own lobby groups and they still have imaginary friends who demand censorship and that the whole country looks the other way when Israel violates human rights. Pastor Danny Nalliah of Catch the Fire Ministries released a statement giving five reasons not to vote Labor. Grovelling Gillard. Going along with the yelling religious idiot Conroy to censor the internet, Gillard has merely delayed plans to implement mandatory censorship while SENATOR CONROY BULLIES ISP's to implement voluntary filtering. It is not voluntary for customers. The three firms Telstra, Optus and Primus have pandered to Conroy and slowed down connection speeds of their customers. Gillard has given Conroy more time to bully intimidate and lie to the Australian people. Vote the labor censors out of office for crimes against a democracy trying to knoble a free press. That yelling backstabbing Conroy seems to have Gillard in his pocket, Gillard. Vote Green in 2010 and fill in all preference on the Senate Ballot form to Green candidates are first and everyone else is next and labor are last on the list, ensure that Labor is rebuked for arrogantly pushing ahead with the censorship of a free press in a nominal democracy. There are plenty of validation errors in our Pm's new homepage an embarrassment to the countries IT skills.
Test PM's homepage for validation errors
Something funny is going on Julia's webpage, the code tells google not to index the page.
meta name="googlebot" content="noarchive"
Surely Julia can hire better IT web skills than this!
One more unrelated point is that the PM's electorate is named after a rogue and no hero to the people of Ballarat.
Peter Lalor
One last comment on Labor's censorship agenda, me and my readers will be voting Green to try and preserve a free press.
Censorship by Labor
Yours Faithfully
Tim Anderson
What a great opportunity lost by Gillard, instead of standing up for a free press, she is immediately sucking up to the idiot Conroy and religious groups. Will we also see the teaching of rubbish creation science in schools under Gillard. Julia Gillard respects religious beliefs but will not pretend to have faith for votes, that seems to be a lie already, she does not support gay marriage and is ignoring all technical expertise on the internet to support the branchstacker Conroy. Every intellectual in Australia should support the greens more enlightened position. One of Gillard's first acts was to COWTOW TO religious motivation and alpha male bullies in Labor like the internet censor Senator Conroy. Not good enough Julia Gillard, you may as well be an extreme Christian, you are so far acting like one. A biased Christian Labor party living in the past. Gillard's revolt over gay marriage in 2011.
Gillard has many advantages over Rudd, but she should have distanced herself from an apprenticeship with the most dishonest Labor party in the country, that of John Brumby's Victorian Labor party where corruption and branch stacking are common problems never addressed, some of her Victorian supporters like Bill Shorten and Senator Conroy are known at local Brimbank council levels to be dishonest in the western suburbs of Melbourne. "Showbag" Bill Shorten will be ready to stab Julia in the back as Julia stabbed Rudd. "Bill will be PM, he told me so" said John Button. I hope not.
The Victorian Labor party has covered up the real Eureka Stockade story and the fight for justice by the Bentley family, because Victorian Labor has ignored and tried to hide these claims they are being taken up in international courts, a great shame on injustice in Australia which the PM should address,we petition and pray that Julia will rise above her origins in the Victorian Labor party and address the issue of compensation for the Bentley family and the reason why her electorate should be renamed. It is unfitting for an Australian PM to be a member of an electorate named after a very flawed man mistaken for a hero for just two short years after the Eureka Stockade battle between miners and police. Lalor had to move away from Ballarat the people were so disappointed in him. The people of Ballarat who know the truth protested against the naming of the PM'S electorate after Peter Lalor.
Julia Gillard represents the western suburbs of Melbourne electorate Lalor in Werribee, the electorate is named after the 1854 Eureka Stockade miner's leader Peter Lalor. Lalor is often touted as being the Eureka stockade hero, but the real history is that he was a flawed person like most people are, Catherine Bentley claimed he was the murderer of a miner killed in a claim jumping war which James Bentley was blamed for. There is other evidence that Peter Lalor engineered a second trial of Bentley and that Bentley's Grand Eureka Hotel was stolen by friends of Lalor in the first Victorian government. "A positive, independent thinker, but no democrat". The Bentley family is the innocent victim of political corruption in the first Victorian parliament Lalor was a member of. The Bentley's are still fighting for justice and compensation in 2010 in the Uk and european Courts. Will Julia Gillard bring some attention to the "real" Peter Lalor and compensation that is still due to the Bentley family for the theft and destruction of the Eureka Hotel by miners led by Peter Lalor.
Weston Bate Lucky City: The First Generation at Ballarat 1851-1901. Melbourne University Press, Carlton Vic 1978 ISBN 0522 84157 0 p. 184 stated that "Withers and others were puzzled and hurt that the folk hero should prove to be a better fighter for money and political position than for the people's rights".
Australian curriculumThe Labor party needs to remember that government is secular, there is no place for Rudd, Conroy Hockey or Abbott to preach and mandate religious values to us or especially not to our children. Labor need to recognise that religious belief and justifying actions according to a religious faith is behind a lot of hostility in the world. Let Labor be struck down on the way to the 2010 election and see the light of science and the real truth of human origins. Invest in a real education for the young students of Australia. The Rudd/Gillard government plans to teach science within a cultural context, but science transcends race or culture it is a method of study and nothing to do with any ethnic group. A misguided Labor party chock-a-block with solicitors who seem to be devoid of any science expertise planning to teach science "as a cultural endeavour". Give children a chance to be free of faith and conscience driven hate and teach scientific method not social cultural studies dressed up as science. "Teaching myths in science class is a bit odd" IT is not only odd it is dishonest and an abrogation of responsibility to educate children on facts, not speculation and old superstition. Teaching history struggles for freedom and rights' as if it started in 1945 might annoy some of our home grown struggles for rights and freedoms like The Eureka Stockade heroes. How can a history course ignore Australian struggles for democracy and civil rights? Australia was a world leader in universal suffrage, 50 years before the United Nations. What would Australians who died a hundred years ago say about the history of human rights starting in 1945. This is Orwellian doublespeak to engineer education away for human rights gained through internal struggles here in Australia, seditious riots and rebellions written out of the school curriculum. Big Brother is here in the Labor party curriculum. Great Australian pioneers should be remembered with respect long before the United Nations and Human Rights declarations. Remember miners at the stockade like Michael Tuohy, Michael Hanrahan and the Bentley family who seek justice to this day.
Garry Bouma a priest at Monash wants religion taught in every subject area. This is going all medieval so intelligent design could be taught in science class as an alternative to what we know of evolution learnt since 1859. A great human achievement to know the truth of own own origins and our relationship to other animals. We are not created in God's image, we are moulded by genetic and environment events which determine who lives and goes on to pass survivor characteristics to their children.
Return to top of page
Stop the Conroy worm
The Yake lizard now lives in Australia. The Conroy worm first showed signs of life in November 2007, but it was not until December 2008 that the Conroy worm first failed to take over ISPs' as they had implemented an antidote, a patch to inoculate servers from the Conroy worm, public disclosure of all documents relating to the source and voracity of the Conroy worm from the minister's office! It was the leaking of the banned list which showed that many sites were inappropriately on the list. The Conroy worm intends to burrow deep down into the server below every user and will filter everything they ask for against a large secret list of banned IP addresses. You can be fined and jailed for linking to a site on the banned list, but you can never know which sites are on the list. This is ministerial double Dutch worthy of Sir Humphry Appleby. Ironically Conroy is the pot calling the kettle black in that he has accused an internet service provider of behaving like they were in an episode of Yes Minister. A nasty biased and possibly illegal attack on iiNet's defence. It is not only nasty, it may be illegal under sub judicae rules for a Minister to ridicule the defence (not even yet presented) of an important case then before the courts.Despite Conroy's interference with the the correct legal process, iiNet won the case. iiNet not responsible for peer-to-peer copyright violations
Ministerial Responsibility:sub Judicae
What does the evangelistic Communications minister think he is doing apart from appointing himself to the ABC board of directors? He will be trouble at the ABC, boasting at the start of his appointment of his wealth of experience in the arts. He has a religious bias no matter what he does; his public comments on iiNet, his attempt to intimidate Mark Newton from internode to "reign in his dissent", private bullying as well as very negative public comments on a communications case before the courts, ridiculing a defence case before it is even fully presented.Senator Conroy does not know his proper role in this Westminster democracy which has a separation of executive and judicial power. Senator Conroy seems to think that he is the hand of God dispensing a personal justice over every ISP, but he is not the judge of what the Australian people can see, he is our servant and he is definitely not the master of judges in court. He cannot take out his ideological "wrath" on any ISP's who has criticised his mandatory filtering policy. He has excluded Telstra from a tendering process, tried to intimidate Mark Newton at Internode and now tried to ridicule the defence case for iiNet. Three choice examples of ministerial culpability and breach of his parliamentary responsibility. NO make that four choice examples of ignorance incompetence or maybe just arrogant stupidity. On October 27th Conroy released confidential documents very damaging to a major public company, Telstra, Conroy's pet whipping dog. Conroy blunder could damage Telstra. No wait, he tried to influence a local Brimbank council and with Bill Shorten feathered his own political ego and nest stacking labor branches with token members who could not even speak English. Not blunders, but egocentric dishonesty. A summary is needed.
Conroy's Dishonesty Arrogance and Ignorance
Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard have done nothing to STOP the Conroy worm, even ignoring Kate Lundy proposed amendments, Conroy does not listen to any criticism, he attacks critics. Even the US government has concerns. US Ambassador to Australia Jeff Bleich urged the government to ditch the plan. Conroy has a religious bias and he will press ahead unless Labor wakes up and starts to support a secular democracy with a free press. A political liability for Labor, Senator Conroy. A rising tide of opposition in the Labor caucus should grow to an apology to the Australian people by the Labor party for so far letting this worm Stephen Conroy have his way to abolish freedom of the press. Wanted for crimes against a democracy, Conroy and the Australian Labor party. Vote Greens in 2010. Ongoing Labor party support for religion, imaginary friends and the destruction of a free press.Conroy's breaches of Democratic conventions
- Stephen Conroy supporting Noel Ashby a policeman to become a federal MP
- Sub judicae Conroy attacking iiNet's case before the courts
A few Labor DISSENTERS IN THE RANKS AGAINST the censor Conroy
- Neil Reilly Maybe not so necessary. It also may be very, very difficult to implement
- Penny Sharp A triumph of fear and false promise over what works and good sense
- Conroy ignores amendments from his own party member Kate Lundy
- Carmen Lawrence Keep God out of our democracy
The Labor party and Senator Conroy's censorship portfolio
- Things not permissible Putting women and child abusers in the same document ridiculous
- Free speech under attack A shelter for bloggers
- Hiding censorship plans from the public A truly anti-democratic Orwellian government
- Tax free lunatic "religions": Hillsong The Houstons taking advantage of the AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE
- Scientology funded by taxpayers Tax-free status for ruthless lunatics
- Conroy's lies Exposed by iiNet
- The-swift-takedown-of-stephenconroy-com-au
- Stephen Conroy.com.au Minister For Fascism
- Lobbying for a friend who helped labor fraud Senator Conroy supports Hakki Suleyman
- Constructing in secret a vast domestic intelligence gathering machine Targeting every single internet user in Australia
- Labor Senator Kate Lundy Shelving toxic net filters until after the 2010 election
- First, China. Next: the Great Firewall of... Australia Where access to the Internet is restricted by the state
- Conroy makes false complaints about his perceived enemies Google Wi-Fi snooping not so bad: privacy commissioner
- Big brother wants Further intrusion into private lives
- Trying to sell censorship to the world's greatest democracy
- Google appeals to US State Department Concerns over the Rudd Government's ISP filtering plan
- Outcry on internet censorship A barrage of criticism
- US State Department concerned raised with the Australian government
- Conroy demands of Google apply the same rules as in China
- Technology companies slam internet filter
- The Conroy Worm Australian censorship the most censored democracy
- Conroy at odds with US Democracy A widening coalition with concerns
- Internet not so special Dismissing a torrent of criticism
- Conroy at war with Google Attacking anyone who questions censorship.
- Google baulks at Conroy's call to censor YouTube
- Conroy trails not supported by iiNet
- He gave a A $250 million present for rich friends
- He gave Plum highly paid jobs to his mates
- He Boasted of his wealth of experience in the Arts to the ABC
- With Kevin Rudd, he demanded mandatory internet censorship
- He tried to silence critics of internet censorship like Mark Newton
- He wickedly suggested his critics supported child exploitation
- He Arrogantly disregarded reasoned opposition to censorship
- He misrepresented that mandatory filtering was used in other democracies
- He Abused scientific method to promote a biased secret trial of filtering
- He lied about how much slower filtering could make the internet
- He Conducted a biased live pilot test with only 9 ISP's participating
- Made public comments on a case before the courts sub judicae
- He arrogantly initially excluded a public company Telstra from bidding for government contracts
- He released confidential documents damaging a major public company
- He inappropriately influenced Brimbank council and stacked branches with supporters
The Gillard/Rudd new improved Christian socialist labor party cannot be trusted to preserve democratic rights and liberties or the separation of powers in a democracy. Conroy has absolutely no right to assess the defence of any case before the courts. He should be silent on any issue before the courts, especially any related to his communications portfolio. What incredible arrogance! I can barely believe it, sitting in judgement above the courts, he should be charged with contempt of Court by the Australian Attorney General. Rudd is also planning to appropriate local council and state planning permission powers so all power will be centralised in Rudd's Canberra and local government will be abolished. A Canadian view on sub judicae.
Canadian Attorney on Parliamentary Roles and Responsibility
The sub judicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the courts that is likely to influence the matter. The sub judicae rule strictly prohibits the Attorney General from commenting on prosecutions that are before the courts. Given the stature of the Attorney General's position, any public comment coming from the office would be seen as an attempt to influence the case."
Return to top of page The sub judicae rule bars any comment on a matter before the courts that is likely to influence the matter. The sub judicae rule strictly prohibits the Attorney General from commenting on prosecutions that are before the courts. Given the stature of the Attorney General's position, any public comment coming from the office would be seen as an attempt to influence the case."
Managing a relationship with our largest neighbour
A 30-strong commando unit of cyberwarriors. The Blue Army, which comprises a few dozen of the best talents China has to offer. Wikileaks revealed in March 2011 that Labor is trying to stop China having too great an interest in Australian natural resources. They should have declined free trips to China.A questionable relationship and the influence of Zionists on Gillard and Rudd. Thanks for looking in so frequently Canberra IP the frequency of your visits are showing an aspect of paranoia, make sure your Australian passports are real. Albert Dadon, a Jewish Zionist former employer of Tim Mathieson the Prime Minister's partner has been treating Australia with contempt, advocating Israel's interests over Australian interests. An informed journalist reported that expulsion of the Mossad chief may be the single foreign policy issue that did Rudd the most harm in domestic political terms. Seventeen members of our Federal parliament are going to Israel for the second Australia-Israel Leadership Forum.
Rudd expensive China research Centre
It is not anti-Chinese sentiment to note that China does not recognise a lot of human rights Australians take for granted. Australia has a long and great history of Chinese immigration since the gold rush of the 1850's. Australians might hope that labor politicians are impartial after accepting generosity from rich China supporters, but they should have politely declined free travel and free first class accommodation and rejected whatever propaganda they endured to get that given for something expected in return Quid pro quo. China does not support a free press for Chinese or Australians. Think of Tibet and dissident groups in China, think of Chinese attempts to censor our internet, consider Chinese cyber attacks on Australian internet sites. Many Australian Labor party members have been shamelessly accepting gifts from Labor's China Inc starting to smell Story deleted by the Australian as so many of their reports are, there one day gone the next. Labor Federal smell fishy. Peking Duck or Puppet on a string.
China is a great nation of many people, but it does not allow freedom of the press. Many freedoms that we might think of as human rights are denied to some minority groups like the Tibetan people who had their own country and leader, there is no right to protest in Tibet or Tiernamin Square, China censors the internet and jails critics and while China is becoming closer to Australia, Senator Conroy is introducing Chinese like censorship. We must remember our own values and China could try and appreciate that Australia does not try and influence the media in other countries, even when reports are critical like recent reports in India of violence towards Indian students. Democratic good governance requires a well-informed voter, a pluralistic democracy welcomes diversity and critics even if they are wrong. China must accept that we have a slightly more free press than them rated 16th in the world, but that many citizens wish to improve that poor ranking and will not allow a corrupt dishonest Labor party to lower this rating even further. A free press must often say things at odds with the Labor government's PR media spin and downright lies.
No doubt China will be protesting about websites such as this advocating a free press which is sometimes critical of China, they will look in occasionally to see if the Labor party has closed down this site yet. I log their visits but I don't want to display them, it might cause a real political researcher problems or it could just be a party hack. If China wants they can direct a few thousand people to bombard this site until it crashes. I hope they don't, I can edit material to be more accurate if I have been biased or wrong. Big Brother Rudd or Big Sister Gillard are not watching out for us at all, they are just gathering intelligence on critics and whistleblowers we can record that they are watching so they cannot say they were not aware of the danger. Australian Government Treasury visits to this page 20th November 2009.
It is more than coincidental that as China gets closer to Australia, so many labor members like the former Prime Minister Rudd, Wayne Swan, the former Defence Minister and Senator Conroy are all in danger of forgetting who they represent and that this is still nominally anyway, except for religious vilification and sedition laws on inciting violence, a Westminster democracy with a free press ranked number 16 in the world. What a shame for a young Australian democracy!
China Inc. Members, for example businessman Ian Tang. Tang gives travel, hospitality, gifts and donations to the Labor Party. Those involved we know about: Rudd, Swan, Agriculture Minister Tony Burke and Foreign Affairs and Trade Minister Stephen Smith. Tang is the chief executive of AustChina Investment and Development and Beijing AustChina Technology. Tang has sponsored Rudd on four trips to China, Swan on two trips, Burke on five and there's been one each for Smith and Ripoll. Rudd's old mate Bernie Ripoll. Ripoll, Labor MP for Oxley, shared an apartment in Canberra with Rudd and Treasurer Wayne Swan when they were in opposition. In terms of detail," Rudd once said of Tang. "I'm not really across what he does." Well you should not take "free"gifts from him them Mr Rudd! Tang is a wholly owned subsidiary of Macau gaming figure Stanley Ho. Ho and his associated entities donated $900,000 to the Labor Party in the run-up to the previous election. A US Senate committee hearing named Ho as having "associates" who are "involved in organised crime". And the US Library of Congress has cited Ho as having links to several illegal activities and the triad group Kong Lok. Then there's Helen Liu, the member of China Inc whose contacts with then defence minister Joel Fitzgibbon helped bring him undone. Her various gifts, donations and travel sponsorships for Fitzgibbon are well known. Then there's the fact the second biggest shareholder in Liu's Sydney property development firm Wincopy was the Bank of China, owned by the Chinese government. Wincopy made donations to Fitzgibbon.
Senator Conroy was in secret considering a major infrastructure bid which involves Huawei, a firm that some British MP's regretted employing Huawei and they have called for Huawei installed networking components in the UK to be replaced with British made ones. ASIO investigating Huawei? These articles on Huawei seem to be frequently deleted! "Huawei spies for Beijing" said Retired US four-star general Michael Hayden. The Prime Minister, the defence minister and Senator Conroy the Communications minister all seem to be moving closer to China, I hope we do not loose our own Australian values and our Westminster democracy in the process. A very interesting web search from the Huawei UK office has been logged. Huawei UK searching for "Huawei scandal Australian Firewall". Apart from Senator Conroy's tendering process what further scandal is still hidden regarding Huawei? Theo Theophanous is lobbying Canberra on Huawei's behalf An Ex Victorian Labor Minister putting dubious Chinese interests and his own financial reward above the interests of Australian security. Another labor snout in the China Inc. trough.
This website hereticpress.com was struck by a large Denial of Service Attack from China last week on 8th October 2010 and was completely disabled to all of Australia and Asia for 12 hours while Chima bombarded my server with millions of document request. It could be related to writing negative comments on Huawei? How dare we criticise Huawei and Chinese military interests, they will just disable us. They want to install our broadband hardware, in which they can hide any malicious software they want. China is far advanced in cyber warfare, Australia has no defence at all, NONE, it is about time Australia realised this, politiciancs are all too busy taking Chinese money and praying for a Saint. Please blessed Mary McKillop of the placebo effect, protect my webserver and the Australian broadband network from Chinese attacks. Oh great they stopped, it's a miracle.
Former Victoria premier John Bullshit Brumby and navy veteran John Lord are board members of Huawei Australia, along with former foreign minister Alexander Downer. Julie Bishop took freebies from Huawei including a free trip to Hong Kong. Thank goodness ASIO curtailed the spin and promotion of Huawei from these freeloading politicians concerned more about their own income than Australian security. Former minister and current board member Alexander Downer
Concern for a growing Chinese spy force attacking critical internet sites. I have had many hits on this webpage from China and Beijing's army of spies as well as Chinese Universities interested in Labor implementing censorship searching for the words "New Labor New Censorship Politics Religion And internet Filtering In Australia". What an great search from Fudan University, it hits the nail right on Labor's Christian Crown of Thorns and their censorship agenda. China is not just watching Australia, they may have inside information from one of the many labor members they have wined and dined. If they cannot get Labor to agree with them, they just attack any internet website, even the very China friendly Australian Prime Minister has been a target for Chinese hackers and spies. A vast Chinese Cyber Spy network of hackers. How far would a "shadowy" company go to get a large western contract and possible access to all communication networks? Why is the Australian parliament so interested in this webpage? There has only been one major news report on China Inc. Big Brothers Rudd and Conroy have arrived. Apart from Treasury there was also an interesting parliamentary search from Communications and the Australian Parliament for internode huawei. Liberal Senator Minchin was not happy about the tendering process which would could handed over Australian Telecommunications infrastructure to a dubious Chinese company, no wonder ASIO is investigating. Conroy's tendering process was an eight-person expert panel which recommended the winner, to the minister or parliament?
Australia's China ambassador was called to a dressing-down by China's Foreign Ministry regarding a Melbourne film festival. The Australian Labor party is cow-towing and compromising our rights and liberties for Chinese interests. After Rudd's free 2004 China trip, he made pro-Beijing comments and then accepted free travel from concerned Taiwanese benefactors. Labor are selling political access to anyone with money, all offers accepted, political access for the rich. Labor is mixing up government business and ALP fund-raising Cash for Chat.
The Chinese again hack a film festival website closing it down. The Australian ambassador was summoned and meekly like a servant went to the Chinese Foreign Ministry for a dressing down over Australia allowing a film critical of China to be shown! The Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun told Australian ambassador Mr Raby that "Australia must immediately correct it's wrong-doings". China attacks the Melbourne Mayor. Some Labor members think the Chinese request to stop the showing of a film should be considered, perhaps they are labor members who have been on the Chinese gravy-boat.
Australia should have been demanding that China cease attacking our free press and an Australian film festival being repeatedly hacked and disabled by China. An effect of China Inc syndrome perhaps? How many free trips to China have the ambassador or Minister accepted? The Chinese do not accept our way of life or our freedom of speech, they are bribing labor politicians. What do they expect in return for 360,000 dollars, "nothing" said Nuttell, a former QLD Labor Minister now in jail. If China were a friend of the Australian people they would not systematically attack an Australian website and further intimidate some artists to remove their work. How has Rudd dealt with China so far, grovelling and crawling like his ambassador! A continuing concern for an Australian detained in China without a trial. (Rudd - Five free trips to China). Can I have just one free trip to China all expenses paid and some spending cash and I will say very nice things about China, or maybe I won't. What is the real price of accepting no-strings gifts over and over again? Subscribe to heretipress.com. You get nothing for it but a warm inner feeling of goodness, but it allows me to spend less time being a menial security Zombie.
As well as accepting free travel and first class accommodation many times when in opposition, some labor party members have taken bags of cash or been given insider knowledge of large property deals Chinese firms were about to make.
How many members of Conroy's eight person panel have accepted free trips or "presents" from rich Chinese with strong links to the Communist party? How many on the panel are Christians intent on implementing censorship? The defence minister and anyone else who has accepted Chinese largesse should not vote on any issue related to awarding any contracts with Chinese companies. Wayne Swan initially knocked back one contract with a Chinese company because of security concerns due to location near a military facility. Perhaps Wayne Swan was able to fairly scrutinise Conroy's tendering process? But how many free trips to China does it take (Swan 2) before there is some Quid pro quo expected by the Chinese from Labor politicians and what are security concerns. For a while Australia had a defence minister who had many times accepted largesse from a rich Chinese business woman who possibly had military interests as well.
Christian Labor Leader Kevin Rudd
A review of the Prime Minister's webpage. Australian government websites are second rate compared to British government websites. Senator Conroy's censorship agenda is not going to help e-governance at all.The Jewish Lobby in Australian politics, making "chopped liver" of Kevin Rudd for "over-reacting" to Israel spies using Australian passports. Faith.htmlJews (Torah) and Christians (Old testament) generally belief that the Bible was dictated to Moses in its entirety by a single author: God. An Israeli computer analysis of the Bible showed it was written by more than one author. Only evolution provides answers to questions about the history and diversity of life on earth. Humans have known about evolution for 200 years since geologists discovered the ancient age of the earth and unearthed ancient bones of extinct animals. It is a great pity that politicians are so backward increasing invoking GOD. Such ignorance from "leaders" is retarding scientific progress and and corrupting the education of students with mythical ancient beliefs which have no power to explain life on earth. Chaplains in schools! Another example of religion impeding a scientific education.
A study by Anna Crabb on parliamentary speeches from 2002 to 2006 reported an increase in religious references to such terms as; Bible, God, pray, Jesus etc.. It's as if we've taken off our modern thinking caps and gone all medieval. THE creation of saints is "pure Monty Python" and the Family First senator Steve Fielding is more stupid than an earthworm, says the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. Some people say he goes too far pushing religious leaders to insist that followers choose between God and Darwin. Dawkin's is rightly a fierce opponent of the teaching of creationism and intelligent design in schools alongside evolution "for the same reason that we don't teach witchcraft in medicine or alchemy in chemistry classes"
Anna's full Thesis"When politicians become associated with a particular religious group there is the danger that they will represent this congregation rather than the population that they have been elected to represent. Politicians should aim to govern for all people, not just those that share their religious affiliation."
A review of her study by Andrew Norton. Though Andrew has some concerns about the statistical measures used, Senator Conroy should note what an academic study really is instead of his phoney "examination or trial" of filtering. Since her study there have been many more extreme statements by labor politicians indicating that they use religion and their own conscience to justify political action. The Australian Christian Lobby is asking election candidates to justify why they are worthy of the Christian vote. Jim Wallace has sent out a questionnaire to all major parties quizzing them about the relevance of their policies to Christians. Politicians like Conroy and Rudd and Gillard pander to these groups for support for Christian views to become the law for everyone. In 2010 before the Victorian Cardinal Pell has been campaigning like a politician for religious view to be forced on the community. Pell published an election guide for Christians Perhaps the tax free status of the church should be reviewed if they are becoming a political body. They could look within to examine their own failures before demanding anything of others. A protest at the Vatican by victims of abuse. Wallace stated that he had regular contact with Communications Minister Stephen Conroy.
But who does Jim Wallace and the Christian Lobby really represent? A narrow minded group of Pentecostals. A petition by Christians against the Australian Lobby who represent a few power-hungry bible-bashers. If the government wants to know what Catholics think, ask a Cardinal or a Bishop not Jim Wallace. Who does the AICE group really represent? Don't the Rabbis have any say and older Jewish groups predating Ablert Dadon's lobbying activities? Gillard supports selected grown-ups who have their own lobby groups and they still have imaginary friends who demand censorship and that the whole country looks the other way when Israel violates human rights.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard declared herself to be an atheist, so why has she spent public money on faith and superstition? Mary McKillopp was a great inspirational person, a better role model for good behaviour than Paris Hilton for sure, but Mary's elevation to that of a miracle worker and saint is contrary to all scientific and evidence based medicine. Faith and praying for a miracle is not great when real medicine is available. Saint Mary of the placebo effect, a positive belief can help but I would not abandon evidence based medicine and sack my cardiac specialist. This is a real worry for real medicine and science in Australia, back to the dark ages, praise Jesus, hell no back to the dark ages in Australia. Gillard dumps science education
A worry for scientists in Australia It might be a crime in future to use her image to suggest anything commercial, perhaps even for the ABC and on FaceBook. Trademark applications by the order she founded, the Sisters of Saint Joseph, cover the stickers, pendants, T-shirts and even wine bearing her name.
The use of her name will be subject to even stricter curbs requiring government approval for any use of a company name that suggests a connection to Mary MacKillop.
The government has pledged a $1.5 million grant to help commemorate the canonisation. God I hate this country sometimes, praise Jesus Government financial support for faith and superstitionSome great research and an amusing article on Praying for miracles by David Marr.
God bothering Liberals are better than Labor
LNP ruled by the religious extremists. The Coalition announced it won't be voting for an internet filter, so if you value democracy and a free press you can vote Green or Liberals. Liberals Against the filter.Catholic Libs storm the front-bench en masse. A Nielsen poll for The Age found 84 per cent of people agreed with the statement that, "Religion and politics should be separate". But what happened to secular democracy? The liberal leader is a very conservative Catholic, Tony Abbott trained to be a Catholic priest! Tony wants BIBLE classes to be compulsory which is sad considering that primary science education is already neglected. Leaders like this advocating more religion in schools are neglecting the real education needs of Australian children. Abbott quotes from the Gospel of Matthew to justify inaction to help homeless people.
A notable exception willing to challenge the tax exemption of religious groups is independent Senator Nick Xenaphon. His proposal to make a public benefit test before religion was exempt from tax was defeated by Liberal and Labor members. "I won't abandon (cult survivors) even though Kevin Rudd and Tony Abbott want to". Rudd and Abbott running scared. Liberal and Labor court these lunatic religious groups for political donations, they are too self interested to challenge the lunatic factions they take money from and allow them tax free status. Nick's rational view is not supported by Rudd or Abbot. The liberals have a serial cult appologist Eric Abetz, who dismisses victims of these cults as "voluntarily allowing themselves to be brainwashed". This liberal attitude completely ignores the plight of vulnerable people and the psychology of peer-group-pressure. Scientologists are a dangerous cult who try and suppress films critical of them, they pay no tax. Cults are thriving in Australia tax free being encouraged to exploit lonely and vulnerable Australians. Rudd and Abbot are ignoring and condoning crimes by self proclaimed religious groups while giving them a tax free ride to manipulate and deceive Australians.
Under current Victorian law I could be jailed for six months for severe ridicule of scientologists. The morons. Send me away to jail. God Bless you Nick Xenaphon. An encouraging sign in Australia, an Atheist's Conference.
A Sunday Age survey found that only three of 30 federal ministers confessed to being Atheists: Health Minister Nicola Roxon, Defence Personnel Minister Greg Combet and Financial Services Minister Chris Bowen. Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner was agnostic. A further 15 government ministers declined to comment or refused to respond, while 10 said they were Christian. Treasurer Wayne Swan is a "non-practising Christian", believing that "values, rather than religion, are important in public life".
Labor politician Lindsay Tanner has previously stated "The most important thing for us is how do we respond to the genuine concerns in the community about issues that are often manifesting themselves through a greater religious involvement in politics". Lindsay seems to be a bit inconsistent describing himself as being "agnostic" to the Age newspaper in 2010. Why would someone who is really agnostic want a greater involvement of religion in politics? Joe Hockey (Former Human resources minister threatened legal action against websites critical of human services. He has also thrown himself on the God bandwagon saying we should not take the Bible literally. But the Bible has been taken as a literal article of faith written by God, but now Joe Hockey admits it is a work of ancient fiction but he still defends God. SO! Advocate teaching science Joe and students can study the Bible in English literature, history or sociology subjects. Joe Hockey on God. Another Liberal believer with aspirations to lead the liberal party with the charisma of an undertaker, Kevin Andrews. Australian needs educated leaders Kevin, not men from the Daniel Mannix era looking for the Christian vote. Australia must start to teach children the facts rather than superstition. A memo from God for Kevin Rudd and by Annabel Crabb that is equally for Kevin Andrews and Joe Hockey.
A memo from God to Joe and Kevin by Annabel Crabb
Barely a day goes by without an article on Faith In Politics, or a bipartisan prayer meeting in the Great Hall, or yet another Labor politician "coming out" as a Christian. It doesn't bother me that much that you can't decide whether to be Catholic or Anglican; I turn now to the Opposition and acknowledge its leader, Mr Turnbull, who at least has picked a horse, and whose conversion to the Catholic faith I duly recognise. And to his disciple and Mine, Joe Hockey: Joe, thank you for the sentiment behind your speech to the Sydney Institute, In Defence of God, on Monday night.
An interview with Saint Kevin formally of the Lodge on the ABC Compass Show with Geraldine Doogue 8 May 2005. Kevin is leading a movement to re-claim God for the Labor Party. He has held meetings with labor members on "The God factor", he has a bias against science and is not only promoting religious views, he is making new censorship laws for everyone based on his own "conscience" Perhaps St. Kevin will split the labor party into the Catholic-dominated Kung Foo Jesus faction and the heathens as Daniel Mannix inspired DLP Christians have done before. Some quotes from St. Kevin the besotted God botherer. And here's a question for you. Are you a Christian? Kevin Rudd: Wow, pretty direct. Yes I am. No I'm not on a crusade. I've got a responsibility for the tradition of Christian politics that I come from. I've had a long standing personal policy simply not to publicly discuss questions of personal religious faith". "I come from a long history of people who have spoken about the relevance of their faith to their political beliefs". "I think any person in the public political process must first and foremost answer to their conscience, that's my view". Barely a day goes by without an article on Faith In Politics, or a bipartisan prayer meeting in the Great Hall, or yet another Labor politician "coming out" as a Christian. It doesn't bother me that much that you can't decide whether to be Catholic or Anglican; I turn now to the Opposition and acknowledge its leader, Mr Turnbull, who at least has picked a horse, and whose conversion to the Catholic faith I duly recognise. And to his disciple and Mine, Joe Hockey: Joe, thank you for the sentiment behind your speech to the Sydney Institute, In Defence of God, on Monday night.
Same sex marriage, another problem for Christian Labor. Perhaps as well as being a Christian Kevin Rudd is also trying to be a Roman Catholic, he has visited Pope Benedict to petition for an Australian woman, Mary McKillop to become a saint! Danniel Mannix a Melbourne Bishop a hundred years ago campaigned for a separate Roman Catholic school system, despite a hundred years of scientific progress, Kevin Rudd is none-the-wiser, he has no passion for the teaching of science, just 3/% of educational time is spent on science. Faith is what is taught in many Australian religious schools receiving public funding and Australian education remains in the dark ages of Daniel Mannix. In Victoria there are significant and acclaimed religious "academics" who say that more religion should be taught in every subject.
Kevin Rudd was letting the communications Minister, Cardinal Conroy abuse science to support a Christian censorship Big Brother regime. What a waste of money and an indictment on Kevin Rudd abusing scientific method and wasting taxpayer's money on faith and superstition visiting the Pope. Christian students can be inspired by seeing Rudd cow-towing to the Pope and Muslim students could feel left out of the Rudd Christian agenda. Rudd has no plan for helping students in religious schools obtain a 21st Century education, he is a bad role model to students visiting the Pope to plead on a matter of faith. A responsible Prime Minister should be insisting that all schools teach students the basic facts and truth of hominoids and Homo spaien's evolutionary history.
David Penberthy on Rudd. There are certain things you expect from a prime minister - an ability to manage the economy, spend taxes wisely, defend our national security, fund schools and hospitals, just to name a few. Until now I hadn't thought that buttering up the Pontiff to win His Holiness's support for our first Aussie saint was one of them.
I thought Kevin should have answered to the Australian People and human rights concerns before his own faith and conscience! I had hoped so anyway, but this is a typical labor Christian movement attitude driven by conscience. Julia Gillard although a self professed atheist has also supported religion to the detriment of science education. One of the only labor advocates for rational reason to prevail is Carmen Lawrence. "There is a risk that, religious reasoning, not subject to the usual rational challenges, may grow in significance". That certainly describes Senator Conroy, there is no rational reasoning in religion, just faith and conscience. Carmen Lawrence on Keeping God out of our democracy. One other Family First Christian Senator, Steve Fielding has also been a critic of moves by Federal labour to stifle the flow of information parliamentarians can disseminate with public funded budgets. Steve called it "censorship of the highest order", but Steve should also oppose internet filtering which is censorship of the first order the entire internet critical of Rudd should not be gagged as well Senator Fielding. In a worrying sign for the Government, the balance-of-power senator Fielding has joined the Coalition in fury over the rules. Thanks Steve. A united effort is required to STOP Rudd's multi-pronged undemocratic censorship agenda.
Apart from Lawrence, only one other Labor party member, Senator Kate Lundy is standing up for our democracy to challenge Cardinal Conroy by calling for voluntary filtering but Conroy is not listening at all. Conroy ignores amendments of Kate Lundy. Other Labor members should unite against the evangelistic maniac Senator Conroy to protect us from censorship, Gillard has done nothing to rein in the idiot and is ignoring her own party members with more brains and democratic values than Conroy. Conroy Censoring his own website content to remove discussion of "internet filtering" is Orwellian doublespeak and the worst sort of censorship, hiding political content from public scrutiny. Four young Liberals Simon Birmingham, Alex Hawke, Michael Johnson and Jamie Briggs standing up to Cardinal Conroy and their own liberal religious factions who are supporting censorship. Well done young liberals, supporting democracy and a free press.
The "Yes Minister" Communications Minister Cardinal Conroy is a much more extreme Christian than St. Kevin or the "agnostic" Lindsay Tanner. Labor members are just arrogantly following their own conscience imposing censorship.
Despite widespread community opposition and hundreds of thousands of hours of time and effort (and dollars on advertising) being spent to Stop Senator Conroy, Rudd/Gillard and the labor party have done nothing to "reign in" Conroy's abrasive inquisitorial bullish manner and his support for a paternalistic fascist Christian censorship regime for labour. While labor are reforming FOI laws, labor and Conroy are determined to restrict information in a most fundamental way. Where is the consistency of ideology in the labor party? They have no values anymore. Teach Conroy about labor's commitment to free speech it seems he has forgotten democratic fundamentals and human rights? Dullard Christian bullies who think they are holier-than-us. They need to study Democracy for Dummies, the history of the Westminster English democracy and international human rights laws, the Inquisition, the McCarthy era in American and the Taliban in Afghanistan: what can happen when paternalistic holier-than-thou religious ideology gains political power and makes arbitrary decisions about what the people can see or read. Tyranny!The resilient and arrogant Conroy worm is still expected to be released on every ISP in 2010 slowing down Australian internet connection speeds drastically and reducing the information Australians can access to only allow Labor government approved content. Adult Games will also be banned.
Senator Conroy is causing a great deal of stress and anxiety for every Australian concerned with a democratic fundamental like the right to a fair trail and free speech. Senator Conroy does have a non labor agenda, he is a Christian activist, a member of an egotistical "elite" and secretive Christian political action group Opus Dei? Is Conroy being meekly obedient and just following orders. Opus Dei has been likened to a cult exercising strict control over member's lives. Senator Conroy has no right to abolish the free press in a democracy that exceeds his authority. He cannot demolish a foundation stone of the entire democracy. Mandatory filtering of internet content is against a foundation stone of democracy, "The fourth Estate" a free press. In a democracy citizens must be be well-informed to vote with full knowledge. The Labor party and Senator Conroy are promoting views of the Australian Christian Lobby allowing religious groups to dictate government policy, causing alarm stress and concern to a large percentage of the Australian population who value the Westminster Australian democracy and a free press. An 8 MB sound file ABC interview Mark Newton an internet engineer and Jim Wallace from the Australian Christian Lobby which supports the arrogant luddite Conroy's filtering plans. The Christian Lobby are actively supporting Senator Conroy's mandatory filtering position and Gillard is answering questions from Jim Wallace like a lacky. Senator Conroy is also doing the bidding of the Christian Lobby! Maybe Gillard and Conroy should have stood for parliament as a candidates for the Christian Lobby instead of the Labor party?
When presented with thousands of questions from viewers in an ABC Q&A session, he arrogantly laughed about the volume of questions from the Australian people! A Labor government minister Stephen Conroy is determined to impose his own Christian vision of an Orwellian censorship nightmare on all Australians.
Join the GetUp campaign to try and STOP the Conroy worm from choking our internet connection speeds. Stop Stephen Conroy from hobbling internet speeds and blocking "undesired" content. What is "unwanted" by Conroy or any other minister who takes the portfolio, they could have a selective bias that has nothing to do with pornography. Senator Conroy would be just trudging along following in the footsteps of the former luddite Howard liberal government, except though that Liberal Communications Minister Senator Coonan, to the best of my knowledge never tried to intimidate critics as Conroy has. Conroy's road to hell is not paved with good intentions at all, his modus operandi involves deception and intimidation. Helen Coonan's staff happily emailed me after I complained about their proposed internet Bill. John Howard did not try and stop me in any way when I criticised his website, he happily replied to criticism! Who has the integrity? Child welfare groups called Conroy's plan an ineffective waste of money.
The new labor Rudd government elected in late 2007 seems to be a continuation of the previous liberal government with regard to Communications policy, they do not appreciate or care what internet filtering will do to slow down internet connection speeds or to compromise commerce and the flow of information in a democracy.
They are blindly following the former liberal government proposals, but they have a more repressive and aggressive agenda against critics. What is really needed is international law enforcement to physically close down some of the fraud, scam and criminal sites in Nigeria, the UK, Russia, Romania, China, Canada and the USA. Local Australian action which slows down the internet and punishes the Australian people is futile, global law enforcement co-operation is required. We could demand more action from America where an EU study identified 500 abuse sites from the USA. We could impose economic sanctions on countries like Russia and Romania where many of these sites seem to prosper unhindered by law enforcement.
Why would ISPs want to slow down their customers access speed by 86%? Senator Conroy on the ABC Q & A show lied that this 86% was outdated. In fact if his banned list has more than a few thousand entries it could slow the internet down by much more than 86%. Some of my pages with many graphics will be slowed down much more than 86% as the ISP's servers interrogate Conroy's list hundreds of times just to load one family webpage. Filtering does not make any sense and it never did. It is a great credit to these ISPs that while they may have pandered to Stephen Conroy for some finance to conduct dodgy trials, they chose a far more honourable and long term viable position of integrity for their customers, not to mention the heavy workload filtering would place on their servers. I take my hat off to them for not colluding with a biased and ignorant political agenda, good on them for not taking the easily available fistful of short-term counterfeit dollars from Senator Conroy's filtering budget. Conroy's plans are in tatters, he should resign as Communications Minister, he will forever be remembered as the aggressive Luddite who tried to Censor what Australians could have access to.
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Banned Users IP addresses and Scientific Method
If Senator Conroy has his own domineering way, a large percentage of the processing time of ISP computers in Australia will be devoted to the examination of his banned list billions of times a day, whenever any webpage item is requested the server will have to interrogate Conroy's list to see if it is OK to allow the customer access to that page. This is a crazy abdication of responsibility to stop criminal websites operating and to blame the Australian people! As well as slowing the server down when it is trying to send documents to web clients, filtering content will have two other inevitable side effects. Many innocent sites will be blocked and some criminally pornographic sites will get through. Conroy has no comment on managing "creeping" where the banned list expands to include political content at odds with the government of the day. The banned list already includes political sites such as wikileaks. Conroy has already intimidated ISP staff to "reign in their dissent", he is a bully.It would be impossible to examine every combination of IP addresses. The IP address, or dotted quad allows IP addresses from to allowing 4,228,250,625 combinations, four Billion, two hundred and twenty eight million IP addresses. Conroy's trial will "examine" blocking 10,000 sites which is a fraud on the Australian people and an abuse of science to support a political agenda. What hypocrisy for the Prime Minister Rudd to be talking about ensuring that scientific research is properly conducted, while his Communications Minister Conroy is conducting a dodgy trail with no scientific merit at all. The Rudd labor government does not care about scientific method, they believe in faith and that Jesus loves them all.
Senator Conroy's filtering pilot study should be reported for scientific fraud to the Science and Research Minister Kim Carr's proposed specialist independent body to deal with cases of scientific fraud.
This website uses a .htaccess file to restrict access to many browsers or web indexing robots who generally have breached the copyright and access conditions. Often instead of banning a specific IP, you can ban a range of IPs by removing the last digit, all 255 combinations are banned. Eg 255.255.255 will ban to Instead of writing each address, a range can be blocked, but while that may decrease the processing load on the server it will block some innocent websites using an address in that range. A large team of full time workers could not physically check by visual inspection the over four billion possible combinations of IP addresses. IP addresses can also be converted in hex format so that an "unwanted" site now becomes something that may easily get past a filter, conversion tables for html
The parliament of Victoria's IP
might be disguised in a similar way depending on the browser used as 203·16·24·170
Hereticpress.com may be accessed by What if you are a struggling honest internet business on an IP address like and ACMA or federal police advise that there are many sites of concern at 26.30.40. If they ban 26.30.40, your business is blacklisted by this process. There is no mention in Conroy's policy of any appeals process for anyone whose website is unfairly blocked to appeal against being banned.
A few entries from a .htaccess file (Common on Unix and Linux servers) This a larger example 24Kb. The real hereticpress.com webserver's banned list is 90Kb with 3,800 entries Kb blocking access to perhaps as much as 25% of all web users. Many users will be unfairly banned just to keep the banned file size small
deny from
deny from
deny from 220.124
deny from 220.125
deny from 222.233
deny from 222.234
deny from
deny from .proxy4.com.au
deny from .webproxy.com.au
deny from .steganos.com
deny from .anonymizer.com
deny from .shadowsurf.com
deny from .anonymouse.org
Things are slow enough now with basic security from a webmaster's point of view, just trying to retain copyright with little international law enforcement support. It is repugnant that Senator Conroy would even contemplate introducing a list that could grow to be millions of entries long, servers will slow down as the banned list gets larger. A good democracy thrives on informed decisions and computers are limited and lazy. A few Search techniques, searching and sorting algorithms. What is the fastest way for a computer to search a long list of entries edited secretly by ACMA and the Federal Police Commissioner. As Mark Newton pointed out, this secret list of sites will have to be distributed to thousands of ISP staff and will inevitably be leaked. ACMA have already taken action against Internode's internet community on the Whirlpool forums. ACMA targeting critics of internet filtering Whirlpool forums attacked by ACMA. From other evidence of minister Conroy's behaviour, he would have black banned Mark Newton's site for sure, ACMA are doing the Minister's bidding. Conroy has already shown his true censorship colours and now he has a more militant ACMA to support his black ban of sites the Rudd/Gillard labor government does not approve of.
On 17th March 2009, a know-it-all domineering censor at ACMA flippantly added a political commentary site to the banned list. Wikileaks is now a banned site. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is making an Australia great firewall like China and the United Arab Emirates is the only other country censoring Wikileaks. China censors out the BBC Chinese world service and Youtube. Chinese censors have discovered that their firewall is less than perfect especially when many users are online. Erratic Chinese filtering. There is no mention of how much slower the Chinese network is with filtering to remove sites offensive to the Chinese dictators.
ACMA is the Australian version of George Orwell's Big Brother, a censor emulating Chinese oppression. ACMA has been threatening that sites linking to a banned site could be fined $11,000 a day in fines. This is not a pornography site, ACMA have banned sites on political commentary as well as a Queensland Dental Surgery and other innocent sites. ACMA are acting like heavy handed censorship servants for the Christian zealot Communications minister Conroy. ACMA said Australians caught distributing the list or accessing child pornography sites on the list could face criminal charges and up to 10 years in prison.
After some Wickileaks pages were placed on the banned list of ACMA sites, Conroy has influenced international police to raid one home of a wickileaks administrator, how easy was it for Conroy to have wikileaks raided by police in another country, why are the websites distributing child pornography not raided by police? They could close down criminal sites if they had the will, instead they are closing down free speech. Wikileaks released a list of ACMA's banned sites. The Australian communications regulator's top-secret blacklist of banned websites has been leaked and it is not all pornography at all.
ACMA is a lackey for Communications minister Senator Conroy, who knows what arbitrary additions they will make to the banned list of sites critical of themselves and Senator Conroy. Why should I allow free access to my site for a toady for Senator Conroy who is effectively Big Brother in Kevin Rudd's new Orwellian Australia.
Big brother .acma.gov.au is now banned from accessing this site. They can get off their fat sycophantic toady arses and walk to the local library to check this sites content is in line with Conroy's Opus Dei censorship spin. Conroy, you egotistical ignorant relative of the apes, (who made the world?) perish in purgatory, flagellate yourself you sinner Conroy. I've said a prayer for you Senator Conroy that you start your own liberation and intellectual freedom so that you can really represent Australians, tell your Opus Dei confessor to, go to hell. The poor ignorant Senator Conroy needs to be rescued and de-programmed away from the egotistical elitist Christian Opus Dei cult, for the sake of all Australians.
- deny from .acma.gov.au
- deny from 203.9.192
- deny from 203.9.193
- deny from 203.9.194
- deny from 203.9.195
- deny from 203.9.196
- deny from 203.9.197
- deny from 203.9.198
- deny from 203.9.199
- deny from 203.9.200
- deny from 203.9.201
- deny from 203.9.202
- deny from 203.9.203
- deny from 203.9.204
- deny from 203.9.205
- deny from 203.9.206
- deny from 203.9.207
- deny from 203.9.208
- deny from 203.9.209
- deny from 203.9.210
- deny from 203.9.211
- deny from 203.9.212
- deny from 203.9.213
- deny from 203.9.214
- deny from 203.9.215
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A phoney rigged Filtering Trial
The minister for communications Senator Conroy cannot with any logic or reason claim that a secret simulated filtering trial was a fair evaluation of network performance. In order to test what effect such lists of banned IPs would have on network performance in the real world, one ISP industry expert Mark Newton stated that:ACMA's blacklist already has well over 1,300 entries and they are not necessarily illegal sites at all. Just blocking accurately each individual IP from 0.0.0 to 0.0.8 exceeds the first trial figure of 2,000 banned sites. To do it any other way will save entries, but it will inevitably block innocent sites. To extrapolate from a sample to the real Internet, the sample size needs to be as realistic as possible.
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Labor's abuse of scientific research methods
No surprise that Conroy's dodgy test reported a miraculous 100% success rate. It is a miracle or fraud, what is more likely, definitely looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck, more bullshit from Conroy, praise Jesus. A smokescreen.Government sponsored research. Some people with a Christian paternalistic bias who think they know best like Senator Conroy seem to think that science is whatever they can use to prove their views are correct, but in funding the research they introduce a bias into the results. A real test would fully disclose all information for others to conduct the same research. Good research is peer reviewed and all experimental conditions are disclosed. What is the basic hypothesis, the reason for spending $40 million on this pilot study? Conroy's hypothesis might be: that filtering will not affect network performance to a "noticeable level", how will he measure this? Noticing is a human subjective verb action, not an easy variable to measure. Senator Conroy has not even told us what the experimental hypothesis is, how will success of failure will be measured? I am not sure whether I am more annoyed by Conroy's misuse of science, his arrogance or his ignorance. Notice is a verb Senator, you need to look for nouns to measure, obvious nouns like MB, time intervals seconds and minutes, data; images, text, pages with a few images, pages with many images, the whole variety of noun things on the web, how much was downloaded over a set period of time on a specified network. A real trial here needs millions of samples to approximate reality, not nine ISPs.
The Victorian Labor party paid for simulated drug driving tests before enacting new laws. Now Federal Labor are also misusing science. Conroy's Internet Filtering Trial is a Joke. Senator Conroy's test of filtering was a simulated study with a very small biased sample of ISPs, one of them Webshield is listed in some Christian business directories. There are No identified subjects, NO specific users on real network connections, NOTHING was being downloaded.
As Rudd and Conroy have a blatant bias towards introducing filtering they should have managed that bias and kept their distance from the phoney "examination" and any analysis of results. When Conroy writes about "examine" and "noticeable" speeds, you know he has no idea about specific variables a scientific experiment can precisely measure. What does "examine" mean to a very biased bully like Stephen Conroy? It will be an international disgrace for Australia.
Scientific method is already in disarray in Australia, praise Jesus. The quality of some Australian University research is in a steep decline. Universities are so starved of funds many of them will conduct any biased experiment you want for funding and they will give a paying customer the result they wanted. Swinburne drug driving research paid for by police. Monash University professor Gary Bouma wants religion taught in all subject areas! The Victorian labor government sponsored biased research before they enacted drug driving laws. Labor Senator Conroy and Prime Minister Kevin Rudd are doing the same thing. UK University standards falling, perhaps under pressure to award degrees to full fee paying students. The very best UK and USA Universities.
It is ministerial misdirection and an abuse of scientific process to say in your pdf document that you will "examine" filtering yet in his 25 July 2009 letter to me, Senator Conroy makes the same mistake and again states as if it were evidence that "In these countries filtering has not affected internet performance to a noticeable level. This is infuriating and a misunderstanding of what science is. A real "Examination" would mean a real test to see how much slower internet connections were with filtering? You can't come to a trial to "examine" anything with a bias against a real test using scientific methodology. That is not examining anything, just taxpayers paying for a biased study to support labor's stated position on filtering.
There must be real users, on real internet connections! All trial conditions must be disclosed so others could replicate your trial with a similar size population, but ISPs participating in Conroy's dodgy trial have signed a non-disclosure agreement with ACMA. This is not science at all.
The Australian people rightly demand, a real test of server performance under extreme and unnecessary loads. When there are dramatic consequences for the people of Australia the science "examining" filtering should be first class instead of this abuse of science ("examine") and the Australian people to support labor's Christian censorship position. Conroy refused to say how many customers an ISP would need to enlist for a trial to be credible or whether the results would be independently examined and replicated by others. One fundament tenant of any experiment is that it can be replicated by others. Conroy's show trial "examination" is a fraud, it is a badly disguised anti-democratic Christian socialist conscience driven agenda by Prime Minister Rudd and Senator Conroy to censor the internet. Because this phoney test of network performance is only being performed to support labor's filtering position, it ignores anything else like, how many unwanted sites got through the filter and how many innocent sites were blocked!
My hypothesis is that the minister's secret examination blocking 2,000 and 10,000 (marginally more) sites will be a great success with a very small, barely noticeable network performance decrease. This is not science or a proper examination of anything, this is propaganda and a means to try and justify censorship on everyone.
It is absurd to suggest in a trial that 2,000 and 10,000 is a realistic sample on the internet where over four billion different addresses are possible. It is also not a real test on the processing load on servers with at least six millions Australian users all requesting documents that have to be checked against the banned list. In the real world of scientific method to "examine" anything, you have to approximate the real world with a good sampling methodology to select a cross section of ISPs and users, but very few ISPs wanted to participate, the sample of ISPs is biased containing only a half dozen ISPs out of a population of thousands. It is a sham of a trail, a foregone conclusion for a minister who seems to be following orders from religious superiors rather than conducting a real experiment Australians could be proud of as being good science. Conroy is unable to examine anything with any impartiality. It is a culpable ministerial corruption of his portfolio to try and silence critics of his biased show trials.
Stephen Conroy has been bullying ISP staff into suppressing their criticisms of his plan which could slow down internet connection speeds by 86%.
Stephen Conroy has already been dubbed the worst Communications minister in 15 years by ISPs who regard him as an idiot or incompetent, he has misled the Australian people that his plans are already being used in other countries which is incorrect. The minister's email in reply to my complaint, in the pdf attachment stated that:
In the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway and Finland, filtering predominantly to filter child pornography, ISP filtering has not affected internet performance to a noticeable level.
I wonder who did not notice the slower connections? This is not a statistical measure, it is ministerial speculation to support labor's filtering position. Connection as well as document retrieval speeds can be exactly measured, "noticeable" is not a measure of a specific variable. If you want to quote real research, give details like Kbs downloaded over a set period of time. Real Variables are what is studied in an "examination", speculation on what someone did or did not notice is not science, it is biased propaganda. Perhaps Conroy thinks he is in a dictatorship with Kevin Rudd, perhaps in a country like China, Iran or Saudi Arabia. Of course like the Chinese government, Rudd and Conroy will also have to make censorship deals with all major search engines who index and store cached versions of webpages. You can ban the source site, but it will be available elsewhere in cached archives. An irresponsible Communications Minister Conroy. Senator Conroy incorrectly stated that Britain, Sweden, Canada and New Zealand had all implemented similar filtering systems. However, in all cases, participation by ISPs was optional and the filtering was limited in scope to predominantly child pornography. Free software is already available to block most pornographic content.
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The Labor Party Trying to Silence Critics
Mark Newton, an engineer at an ISP who does love the internet Internode, has privately criticised the Rudd Government's communications clean feed policy, he was not listened to or at least considered even as an industry expert who would have to conform with mandatory ISP filtering laws. Instead of being at least heard, he has been bullied by Senator Conroy's staff, bullied by a policy advisor for Senator Conroy, Belinda Dennett. This sort of intimidation of critics is a hallmark of Chinese oppression of dissenters but then again it follows when Labor's relationship with China is full of corruption and dirty money. China Inc.If the Chinese can't pressure the Australian government to do their bidding suppressing films critical of China, they hack into the offending website for allowing the display of film critical of China.Congratulations to Internode, for loving the internet and for having passionate supporting honest and forthright intelligent employees who are unafraid to speak up. Some more extreme examples of peer group pressure and Personality in the workplace. How weak and capitulating does Senator Conroy believe everyone should be towards him? He has a great responsibility to Australians for their communications. He should not make demands that an employee should "reign in" making critical comments. This would be is very intimidating coming from a federal governments minister's department which is about to make new laws covering your industry. Being called into the office to explain ridiculous and scurrilous allegations from a Federal Minister must be very intimidating! Conroy's staff emailed and then phoned the ISPs industry association body, Internet Industry Association (IIA) to complain about an ISP staff member's private but not at all illegal conduct. This is an abomination in any democracy. Separation of Powers was the former principle!
Please address the issues Mark Newton raised Senator, play the ball and not the man.
Trying to have someone disciplined for being critical should make six million Australian wanting a faster internet connection outraged that Stephen Conroy is not a fit and proper person to rationally consider the best way of tackling crime on the internet or to protect Australia's communications networks. International Internet crime cannot be stopped by the tyranny of distance at Australian shores.
The real victims of crime here are any children in such pornography in "some" of the sites on the banned list. They have been abandoned by Australia and Senator Conroy's blind devotion to filtering. That list of banned sites ACMA has should be used with international law enforcement to, close down those sites, ensuring criminals running them are prosecuted. What country would refuse to help close such sites down, if a county does not co-operate have some courage and impose sanctions, take some real action to stop the crime and help the victims. Labor is washing it's hands of any responsibility for the exploited victims. They could be working with international policing agencies to take action. Rudd and Conroy should not be ignoring the plight of the victims and taking out their frustrations and anger on the innocent Australian people.
It is ironic that the labor government intended spending tens of billions of dollars to increase internet broadband connection speeds but that Senator Conroy has made a shambles of the tender process and excluded an essential company and infrastructure owner from any involvement. As well as turning the the tender process into a shambles, Senator Conroy was considering an Optus association with a Chinese company Huawei Technologies who would love an opportunity to take over our communications infrastructure just to advance Labor's filtering and censorship plans. Labor calls their censorship plan "cyber-safety" in a double-speak worthy of George Orwell in trying to impose censorship and their own values on all Australians. The British have grave concerns about having dealt with Huawei. Wuawei also emoloyed a former Premier Bullshit Brumby and Foreign Minister Alexander Downer. Lobbyists buying out the ALP. Senator Conroy was considering spending billions on communication networks with a tendering process which was a shambles. Senator Conroy has also spent 40 million on dodgy research of "noticeable levels" to try and justify slowing the whole Australian Internet down.
You can call Minister Conroy's spokes person Belinda on (02) 6277 7480 or 0417 011 991 for further information. Belinda on behalf of, or at ministerial direction wrote an email to Internet Industry Association (IIA) board member Carolyn Dalton in an attempt to pressure an ISP employee Mark Newton into "reining in his dissent".
Next time the minister directs you to tell someone's employer to stop them speaking up and they live in Victoria, quote them the Victorian Human Rights Act Belinda Section 15 and refuse to follow illegal orders from any minister. When refusing to follow a censorship agenda from your minister, you might also cite: The UN Convention on Anti-corruption December 2005, ratified by 30 countries. Article 10 of the Convention on Public reporting encourages countries to adopt measures to improve public access to information as a means to fight corruption.
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Kate Ellis Minister for Early Childhood Education, Childcare Youth and Sport.
A Minister with fashion aspirations A Grazia exclusive!. How can a story on a politician be an exclusive, is she working two jobs? Pardon my parody copyright violation Grazia. She is doing something wrong in dealing with her staff, she has the highest staff turnover rate of any government minister. 13 staff have left Kate's office perhaps due to autocratic management and a lack of direction?Mark wrote a letter of complaint to his local member of parliament, model Kate Ellis and subsequently had a meeting with her. I also emailed a complaint to kate, but no reply to date 4th April 2010. Too busy with portfolio responsibilities and magazine shoots no doubt. It does not appear that Kate Ellis is doing or is able to do anything against the Orwellian Conroy Opus Dei Christian forces of evil, she has not replied or taken action on behalf of the Australian people or her own constituent Mark Newton to try and stop the outrageous behaviour of her colleague, Communications Minister Senator Conroy. Maybe she is too busy.
I wonder what sort of opposition Kate faces in the blokey bully boy labor party or is she the bully with so many staff leaving her? Julia Gillard seems to prosper and Kate Lundy and others seems to be finding a voice, but some other female members of the state labor party like Tasmanian Paula Wriedt reported that two labor Premiers were very sexist against women.
Kate's webpages show her web publisher TRIPLEZERO is not on top of the finer technicalities of web publishing and her homepage contains 10 validation errors.Perhaps Senator Conroy could be sued for negligence if he implements this mandatory filtering plan. He should be prosecuted for damages for the nervous shock he is causing freedom loving Australians even proposing censorship law but calling it cyber-safety is a pathetic attempt at deception. Will labor "reign in" Stephen Conroy or will Kevin Rudd and the Labor party force Australia down Conroy's Christian path to righteousness through ignorance. All praise be to the great God who made everything good and nice for us to see, saintly Senator Conroy. As one Wirlpool forum member expressed it, Senator Conroy and labor, making the truth "thuthier".
A letter to The Hon. Kate Ellis, MP Minister for Youth and Sport Kate Ellis
Mark Newton's reply to Conroy's intimidation.
Following a meeting with Kate Ellis, Mark wrote a second letter as a follow-up and summary after the meeting. 17th November 2008.
Mark Newton's letter to Minister Ellis
ABC interview Engineer Mark Newton and Jim Wallace from the Australian Christian Lobby.
It is an abuse of political power to try and intimidate Mark's employer into silencing him!
44 Million dollars of taxpayer's money was spent by Senator Conroy to conduct "dodgy" research to try and justify censoring the internet and slowing down Australian's internet connection speeds to a peak hour crawl! ISPs will be forced after this dodgy trial to filter content by Conroy who has been trying to suppress valid criticism of his plan which will retard internet connection speeds. Why should we tolerate Conroy like a luddite miser with a lantern; walking, slowly, blocking and slowing all internet traffic to a peak hour crawl on a highway that can operate at the speed of electric circuits and the available networks!
Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said everything possible had to be done to shield children from violent and pornographic online material.
"We have always argued more needs to be done to protect children" he said.
Senator Conroy said the clean feed, also known as mandatory ISP filtering, would prevent users accessing prohibited content.
"We will work with the industry to get the best policy. (But) Labor is committed to introducing mandatory ISP filtering."
Senator Conroy said the Australian Communications and Media Authority would prepare a blacklist of unsuitable sites.
Senator Conroy is not working with the industry at all to get the best policy. Please Prime Minister Rudd, appoint a Communications Minister with some real technical knowledge rather than a luddite with a repressive censorship agenda. He has to listen to the industry when they say; this is crazy, it will not work, we will not do that to our customers connections, we will not do that to our own server processing workload. "We have always argued more needs to be done to protect children" he said.
Senator Conroy said the clean feed, also known as mandatory ISP filtering, would prevent users accessing prohibited content.
"We will work with the industry to get the best policy. (But) Labor is committed to introducing mandatory ISP filtering."
Senator Conroy said the Australian Communications and Media Authority would prepare a blacklist of unsuitable sites.
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Telstra excluded then destroyed. Optus favoured A "Shadowy" Chinese example
The majority of Australians (excluding the 1.4 million Telstra shareholders) can relax, what a relief, the Australian government politicians superannuation investments are safe. The Future Fund made a very timely sale of Telstra shares at the end of August 2009, just before Senator Conroy announced the Telstra break-up in mid September 2009. What great timing, better than the vast majority of other shareholders. Is there a reason why the future fund sold shares then and not at any other time? Could someone have leaked information about Conroy's destruction of Telstra? He has been planning their demise for a long time, previously excluding them from even bidding on infrastructure contracts. Bad news for the other 1.4 million Australian shareholders who did not sell their Telstra shares at the end of August.On April 7th 2009, Senator Conroy announced that no tenders were accepted and then he rolled out a wish list of communication fibre optic cables with an installation timetable in the best spirit of Sir Humphry Appleby. A nebulous wish list the public will fund for a mythical buyer to purchase in the distant future. At least the work (whatever portion of it is completed) will have no security concerns.
What else is Senator Conroy doing to destroy Communications in Australia, excluding Telstra from the tendering process and allowing a bidder from a repressive Chinese censorship background, "Huawei Technologies"?
Telstra, Internode and iiNet have refused to participate in Conroy's trials. The minister has made a very nasty and biased attack on iiNet, saying iiNets defence to an important legal case "belongs in a "Yes Minister" episode". Conroy is the one introducing a secret list that we can be fined or jailed for making links to, yet we cannot even know what is on the list. You belong in an episode of "Yes Minister" Senator Conroy, except one set in China or the old Soviet Russia. How nasty can a minister be to his opponents and critics! He seems to have no good will towards anyone, except, maybe his Opus Dei confessor fairs better.
Does Telstra being excluded from tendering for government contracts have anything to do with refusing to participate in Conroy's filtering trials? While Conroy has made Telstra ineligible to bid, the leading Optus bid would involve Huawei Technologies a company (subject to a US congressional investigation) From a national security or a censorship point of view like that of Senator Conroy the leading bidder Optus will use a company a shadowy Chinese company Huawei to construct mobile networks in rural areas. Britain had many concerns about Huawei's links to the Chinese military. Huawei Technologies has been called to western eyes the "shadowy company" based in Shenzen and founded by Ren Zhengfei, a Communist Party member. The Americans will not deal with Huawei and the British regret having Huawei instal part of their network. The reds are not under the beds anymore, they are in bed with Australian politicians.
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The Former Liberal Governments Position Howard and Coonan's Policy
Stephen Conroy seems to have just taken over the former Howard liberal government's communications policies.While the former Australian Prime Minister Howard spent public money to have his staff edit Wiki entries on the internet, the former liberal Communications minister, Helen Coonan overnight, with no debate also wanted to impose more censorship on Australians. Conroy is the same wolf in sheep's clothing as Helen Coonan was when she tried to introduce new Censorship laws when the government should have been going in a caretaker mode before an imminent election was called. Coonan at the 12th hour of the Howard government's term acted with no consultation to stop Australians seeing content not in line with Howard's spin doctors. Now Conroy may be doing the same thing, with the exception and added complication that Conroy's departmental staff have been acting to stifle public criticism of their policy.
ACMA or the Federal Police Commissioner can make arbitrary decisions on which sites to block! A McCarthy Era in Australia! Their motives may be admirable to stop internet fraud and pornography, but the consequences of censorship are wide ranging, especially when Conroy's staff are trying to stifle critics.
Federal Police can inform ACMA of websites to be blocked. ACMA Can we trust ACMA or Federal Police to make judgements about what we can all see? With regard to police making decisions, are they not supposed to prosecute people under existing laws rather than to take on the mantle of a judge? What about comments on the Bali nine, who federal police had arrested in Bali, some of them are on death row. Maybe Keelty resigned just in time. ISPs will be required to "take reasonable steps" to block such sites. It goes to show how little Howard, Coonan and now Conroy understand the internet. Senator Conroy should concentrate on producing quality communications himself so government websites conform with the 1992 Disability Discrimination Act to allow blind Australians keyboard access. Most Australian Government Websites fail to comply with discrimination laws, is that sort of information due to be censored, critics of Conroy's policy.
Thankfully the Former (resigned 6th May 2009 possibly before further Bali Nine Trials or possible executions) Commissioner Keelty will not be able to impose his narrow minded media censorship on us, but Kevin Rudd is doing nothing to reign in Conroy's plan to destroy the freedom of the press and the free flow of information?
In Victoria, we already have the Racial and Religious Vilification laws from the Bracks/Brumby labor party to contend with, it prevents free speech on race or religion despite the false comfort and assertions of VEOHRC in an email to me annotated below. VEOHRC case bulletins. This hereticpress.com site could become angelpress.com overnight with exactly the same content. All pages will be cached in search engine archives.
Will the Australian government be like China and insist on all search engines only indexing approved content.
People can avoid such censorship by using proxy servers, what hope will ISP's have of filtering content and what a genius the Federal Police Commissioner will have to be deciding what is good for us to see and what will be blocked? If we are to have any sort of democracy we must be able to be informed of what the government is doing. The media is often referred to as the Fourth Estate in a democracy.
The Former Federal Police Commissioner then responsible for deciding which websites to block was Mick Keelty. Mick Keelty had a very difficult job combating terrorism, he should not have been burdened with responsibility well outside his experience. He was not know to be a supporter or civil liberties, democratic rights or freedom of the press. He mis-used a tip-off from the father of one of nine drug smugglers to allow Bali police to arrest nine drug smuggling Australians at a Bali airport bound for Australia. Instead of arresting them in Australia where we do not have the death penalty, the "Bali nine" were arrested in Bali at the airport when they were bound for Australia and some of them are facing a death sentence. Keelty could have had arrested them in Australia, but he showed no interest in protecting Australians from a possible death penalty in Bali. Keelty also repeatedly denied there was any Federal police corruption.
Mr Keelty or anyone else should not be telling anyone what they cannot see, nor should anyone else like Senators Coonan or Conroy. Keelty and Federal Police a 2008 ABC report.
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The Australian Privacy Foundation chair Roger Clarke expressed disbelief at former liberal Communications minister Helen Coonan's proposals. Green Senator Kerry Nettle said the Bill would give the Police Commissioner "enormous power over what political content Australians can look at" on the web. Federal Senator Nettle said, "Environmental organisations such as Greenpeace had been accused of crime or terrorism-related actions". "Will the Police Commissioner call for Greenpeace's website to be shut down?" or hereticpress.com for publishing critical comment on the Australian government's broken websites. Senator Conroy! A luddite in the John Howard, Don Bradmanesque mould, with the added arrogance of trying to suppress criticism of his policy. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing! He might be more likely to abuse his power as Communications Minister to directly target dissenters and critics of his policy? We already have enough media manipulation in Victoria. Political and police corruption in Victoria.
Police have a difficult job already, but no matter how hard they may be trying to combat terrorism, we do not want Mick Keelty telling us what I can and cannot read or what I cannot publish. He has dismissed critics of his Bali nine mistake as "armchair critics", now he will have the power to stop all criticism. We already have anti-terrorism and sedition laws making it illegal to incite a rebellion or to praise terrorist acts. One man's terrorist may later be someone else's Nobel peace prize winner, like Nelson Mandella.
Commercials on Tibet were withdrawn by Channel Seven's Olympic broadcast which supports the Chinese government by not reporting dissent and even not running paid advertising on Tibet.
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Student questions Science and Religion in Australian History
In 1854 at the Eureka Stockade one of the miner's grievances against James Bentley was that Bentley's Hotel served alcohol on a Sunday.- What does the Bible say about working on a Sunday?
- What exact words did the 1854 Victorian miners licence say about working on a Sunday?
- What objections were there to Sunday trading in the UK in the 1800's?
- Why was the Eureka Hotel allowed to serve alcohol on a Sunday?
- What was the reasonable wage test case made in the Sunshine Harvester Award?
- Who was Daniel Mannix? Did he have any influence on the Labor party?
- What are three foundation stones of a three tiered Westminster Democracy
- Have any other democracies have implemented censorship of the internet or religion?
- List all the countries who impose censorship of the press or internet?
- What did Tony Fitzgerald say about a free press, why is it important for democracy?
- Describe scientific research procedure. Eg. Hypothesis, subjects, method, etc.
- What are IP addresses? How many of them are there?
Australian Religious Vilification Laws
The Australian states marked in red have enacted religious vilification laws; bottom right to top: Tasmania (No criminal Penalty), Victoria and Queensland provide for jail terms for anyone vilifying a religion.The Official Human Rights Commission defending vilification laws.
Federal Communications Minister Senator Stephen Conroy's plans for Internet filtering, combined with Victorian Queensland or Tasmanian State religious vilification laws State Laws, could allow anyone complaining to ACMA to have any website they do not like banned. Any website that does not comply with state laws could easily be banned by Federal Minister Stephen Conroy's filtering plans and the censorship powers he will invest in ACMA.
Just one complaint from any single aggrieved person in Victoria, Queensland or Tasmania that their religion has been ridiculed could result in a website being placed on the banned list for all Australians.
The religious vilification laws are "regrettable and highly counterproductive" said the former NSW Premier Bob Carr in condemnation of Victorian Bracks Government's laws. You can still speak freely and poke fun or ridicule a religion in the NT, NSW and other states, but under defamation or broadcasting laws you would be held accountable under the laws of the state your webpage was read in as well as the state you published from as in the Joe Gutnick case.
"Only the wealthiest enterprises, able to afford any legal charges, will be able to publish on the internet except, perhaps, for private individuals who are so impecunious as to be "judgement-proof" and hence able to flout libel laws with impunity.
Anyone interested in freedom of expression on religion should settle in the Northern Territory (NT) New South Wales (NSW) or Western Australia (WA) and then by .htaccess files ban every Tasmanian, Victorian or Queenslander accessing their site. Heretics can be very offensive to fundamentalists of any faith. We have no faith in Theism, Deism or any sort of God being confident of the weight of evidence of an ancient evolutionary past that rightly questions fiction, faith and conscience and Gods made in the likeness of labor politicians. Australian children have a desperate need for a real factual education on science and the older generation has an onerous responsibility to provide them with a 21C education including scientific method and hypothesis testing to discover the truth. Students should be informed of the vast amount of established facts on mammalian evolutionary relationships between animals. Religious can be very egotistical, that humans were made in God's image apart for the rest of life on earth. Such childish egocentric earth centred views prohibited the advancement of science and knowledge and cohesion between peoples and different religions.
The Victorian labor Premier Bracks and now his successor Brumby have effectively given extreme factions in some religions a weapon to prevent anyone being critical of them no matter what they say or do. banned Catholics have been banned from speaking about Islam, The Bracks' Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001. Even the Act's name is an oxymoron. It prevents tolerance and free speech. Section 8. incite hatred against, serious contempt for, or revulsion or severe ridicule (a class of persons) is now an illegal religious vilification, penalty six months jail.This is semantic masturbation by the Victorian labor party, I am revolted by the entire class of persons called the Victorian labor party, they make me feel sick, we should all hate them. Is that enough to get jail for six months. Ridicule the Victorian Labor party of rats and self serving democratic vandals. Oh NO! Sorry. Wait. This is just pure abuse, I wanted severe ridicule.
8. 2.b states the unlawful act may be in or outside Victoria. In section 9(1) a person's motive for engaging in any such conduct is deemed "irrelevant".
A local Muslim in Victoria could try and prosecute the Pope in Rome for being critical of Islamic history.
Premiers Bracks and Brumby have not stopped at confiscating private property or standing indolently by doing nothing when witness against corrupt police have been murdered, they are also preventing people speaking about race or religion. The road to hell is paved with Equal Opportunitie's good intentions, they may have been aiming to prevent religious friction with this set of new laws, but it is having a nasty effect on the right to freedom of speech. The Act stifles free speech and could be used to protect a religion from fair criticism. It re-introduces out-dated abandoned blasphemy laws and allowed the Islamic Council of Victoria to use the Act against Catch The Fire Ministry, who were found to have vilified Muslims. An American born and multiple award winning priest now at St Dunstan's Anglican Church in Camberwell, unfortunately left the American Bill of Rights at home when he moved to Australia. Gary Bouma appeared as a witness for the Islamic Council in this case against the Catch the Fire Ministry.
Each religious group will now have spies in each other's Churches, Synagogues or Mosques to report on any breaches of this ridiculous law that they can take action against. To have their revenge against the action brought by Muslims under the Act, small groups of evangelical Christians are now attending Islamic lectures for the purpose of "jotting down any comment that might later be used as evidence" in court.
This whole farce has been promoted by a body supposedly interested in Human Rights, the Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission, what an irony!
The Act allows militant religious people to take obstructive action against others for frivolous obstructive and vexatious purposes. Under this law truth is not a defence. This is an impediment to scientific endeavour, to accept faith beliefs and superstition over scientific research and reason.
As well as the 27,000 Christians protesting about the laws, judges have also criticised the Act saying that people's right to launch a lawsuit should be limited. In one case a self-described witch and convicted sex offender is taking action under the Act claiming that a course on the fundamentals of Christianity being held at the prison where he is incarcerated, poses a danger to his safety because of it's derogatory references to witchcraft.
I wrote to the Victorian Equal Opportunity &Human Rights Commission who advocated these laws and they also have a policing obligation under the Act. They were polite enough to reply to my email, though it is too late for them to have any impact on the role they have played promoting and advocating these laws which must lie at their feet as a foul smelling abomination on their role and professional duty to protect Human Rights. The VEOHRC email is annotated below with my comments under each paragraph in reply. My argument that evolution is supported by scientific evidence is no defence to any claim, by any group who believe in any form of GOD, that I have vilified them.
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Some types of belief or forms of The God Delusion
- Deism - A creator who starts off the universe and then sits back to see what happens.
- Theism- A creator who starts things and remains involved.
- Pantheism - Creator and Created are united.
- Animism - everything has a soul, the world is a pale corruption of the pure spirit world.
- Atomist - Ancient Greek materialists reduced matter to its finest components known as atoms.
- Atheist - A person who does not believe God exists
- Heathen - A person who does not belong to a widely held religion
- Agnostic - A person who believes nothing is known uncommitted claiming a lack of knowledge
- Sceptic - A person inclined to doubt accepted opinions
- Heretic - The holder of an unorthodox opinion
Ancient rights abolished
In the UK legal adversary system of law Australia inherited common law rights from British common laws and citizens have taken such rights for granted, basic rights such as; liberty unless you are tried by a court, owning personal property and freedom of speech. These rights are not codified neatly, all in one place like they are in America under the American Bill of Rights. The Separation of Powers does not exist in Victoria, the Bracks/Brumby government has no respect for common law rights. They make new rules overnight almost every night abolishing common law rights which have existed for good reason for 800 years before their time.You would expect that an Australian democratically elected government should preserve common law democratic rights. But Victorian Premiers Bracks and then Brumby has stolen the most fundamental of ancient common law rights against the might of Kings. They supported the Anti-terrorism Bill allowing two weeks detention with no charge, the former Premier Bracks said the public should not be involved in discussion of the new laws, he criticised the Chief minister for the ACT Jon Stanhope who leaked the Bill so the public could debate it, saying he should preserve the sovereignty of cabinet. And what of the sovereignty of the people and those who died for us to have basic rights like free speech or the writ of habeus corpus?
One democratic tradition of the Westminster system is the Separation of Powers. Common law rights like and freedoms, like the writ of habeus corpus have been granted by courts to citizens since King John signed the Magna Carta in 1215. The Magna Carta was signed in order to end the rule of kings. In Victoria we have so many problems caused by a weak capitulating Labor government with a socialist agenda against private property ownership which also supports dishonest corrupt police who bash internal affairs police and murder witnesses against them like Terrance Hodson.
More on rights abolished and Victorian Political corruption.
Free speech and science under attack
The people have suffered enough abuses of their democratic and legal rights under the Victorian Bracks/Brumby government, but it does not end with the above democratic legal abuses. Free speech has also been abolished by the Bracks/Brumby Racial and Religious "Tolerance", (Vilification) Laws. A new state sponsored form of the wicked old Spanish Inquisition. We could not even legally ridicule Christian authorities ready to burn a witch or heretic at the stake. The same restriction applies to Muslim extremists, under these laws, Danish Cartoonists could have been jailed for making prohibited images of Allah. Attempts to kill this cartoonist. The Muhammad cartoons row. Salman Rushdie could also be jailed for his book The Satanic Verses and Richard Dawkins for The God Delusion. How close is calling someone "deluded" to ridiculing them? Richard Dawkins could have been jailed in Victoria for saying because of his religious beliefs that Steve Fielding is more stupid than an earthworm for his belief in Noah's Arch. "THE creation of saints is pure Monty Python." One unfortunate English teacher was jailed for 15 days for naming a Teddy bear Mohammad. Such Muslim extremists would prevent all free speech on religion, they ignore all scientific evidence and their repressive views are supported by the Victorian Religious Vilification Laws!Richard Dawkins has been admonished by believers in God for the title of his latest book. Should he also be jailed? Lord Robert Winston talking at the University of Sydney said"
Richard replied, "If you're an atheist you have to be very coy about it...So perhaps those of us who are not religious, having been for some years content to live and let live, maybe we're just getting a bit fed up with it... people who believe in something for which there is not a shred of evidence act on that belief and, above all, impose their beliefs on others."
Ridiculing this Catholic Archbishop might help save many lives from Aids. This Australian Cardinal George Pell could be ridiculed as well. Another preacher, a senior Iranian cleric who also seems worthy of the ridicule he is receiving Extramarital sex fuels earthquakes.
Richard Dawkins plans to prosecute the pope over his inaction to protect people from pedophile Priests.
Expected promotion to a top Vatican job cancelled.
Salman Rushdie has survived a 20 year long fatwa against him by Muslim extremists who will not allow any debate ridicule or criticism. A government minister in Pakistan said that Rushdie's recent knighthood justified suicide bombing. Authors like Rushdie can be jailed under this Victorian act. You can be jailed for speaking about religion while others are free to advocate the most extreme crimes without being criticised because you can't criticise my faith, because faith is faith. All praise be to the Great Almighty Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.
These vilification laws could be misused to seize private property! Traditionally in the old common law escheatment was required to seize private property, a murder or treason conviction. Now property is being taken for minor offences such as speeding.
A conviction under this act could in conjunction with other Victorian legislation such as, The Proceeds of Crime Bill, or hoon and deeming laws, result in the forfeiture of property rights as happened during the reign of the last religious police force, the Inquisition. Defamation actions allow a defence of truth in the public interest, but in Victoria an action launched against someone under religious vilification laws does not allow such a defence of truth. These laws can be misused to seize personal property.
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Vilification of non-believing Atheists Heathens and Heretics
The vilification laws are so vague that I could claim I have been vilified by religions who do not accept the theory of evolution, that believers in God have vilified and ridiculed my rights to pursue a scientific education in evolution and natural causes. I am a passionate and devoted Heretic, does that also qualify as a religion? In my case it is a set of beliefs in following scientific method? Those who accept faith and belief in God are destroying my right to exist and even to gain employment.One religious zealot who did not like my web reviews on Australian University webpages said I should get in touch with my spiritual side and Peter Firminger of the Web Standards Group, a WANAU supporter said "the group did not need people like me" and I was summarily suspended from membership of a group I have contributed many articles to on web accessibility, just because of my lack of religious beliefs and because I am devoted to scientific method and rational argument. The Catholic University wrote to me ignoring all my research, inaccurately and aggressively trying to find fault with my pages and said, "Please do not bother contacting us again" The Catholic University site was illegally in breach of the Australian 1992 Disability Discrimination Laws, I was trying to help them! Standards at Australian Universities are in a steep decline. The Bullies and the Bullied.
Thousands of members of the WSG were told I was suspended, yet all I did was to defend scientific method against biased religious commercial interest in failing websites for accessibility tests. Some of the worst were members of the WSG who had me suspended for comments to WANAU supporters at Swinburne and RMIT. A devotion to science and lack of faith in religion is not a basis for discrimination. There was no reply to an email, to RMIT, however they continue on a daily basis to try and download my entire website (as Swinburne has also done), to take archive and index my entire work without permission. This website is mirrored on one site and that is the State Library of Victoria authorised copy. RMIT server logs 320 Kb file.
Belief in God seems to often over-ride the fundamental requirements for a Scientific education in Victorian and Queensland schools and Universities! non serviam, I will not serve a God, religious belief or faith. A national disgrace for a wealthy country, primary school students spend more time learning about a fictional God than they do on science, a mere 3% of their time in primary education is devoted to science! Other state government laws force religious education on primary students whose parents don't want it. Gillard is ignorant and anti-science. The Rudd government is funding extra religious classes. The School Chaplaincy Farce. Australian Secular Lobby working to try and bring Australian education out of the dark ages with a High Court Challenge advocating for the separation of church and state. Thanks to Ronnie Williams and the legal firm Horowitz & Bilinsky for taking action for all Australian students to have Chaplains in schools replaced with professionals like psychologists. ACMA are already censoring websites the thin edge of the Labor Christian wedge.
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Democracy trashed and common law rights abolished in Victoria
John Brumby and the Deputy Premier Rob Hulls have many times acted against the rule of common law and Westminster system of good government including appointing his own part-time judges to courts. Calling his critics "disrespectful troglodytes" demonstrates he is not aware of the Separation of Powers. Victorian Deputy Premier Rob Hulls is, in his over zealous agenda of corrupt socialist labor law reform destroying a thousand years of hard won common law rights and ignoring fundamental tenants this democracy relies on to function. As well as the Racial and Religious Vilification Laws detailed below, Robert Hulls is also at least partially responsible for many other assaults on our Westminster democracy and ancient common law legal rights:Brumby's media manipulation paid for by Victorian taxpayers. Labor lies to win an election and almost kills a great candidate Les Twentyman. If you are a bully and want bullies around you to do your bidding, why not appoint people with a criminal record for assault. State labor employs local council members. Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls exposed again as Mr Suleyman who was appointed a Justice of the Peace last year with Mr Hulls' approval has a criminal record for assault in the late 1980s. Bracks Brumby and Hulls run a most ignorant domineering labor party, they have been exposed again at the grass roots level in the Brimbank council corruption example.
THE ALP has responded to the Brimbank Council controversy by elevating one of the central players to the party's supreme decision-making body. Hakki Suleyman - identified by the Victorian Ombudsman as an unelected person with "undue influence" on the council - has been elected as one of 86 delegates to Labor's national tri-annual conference in Sydney this year.
Labor are a barrel of rotten apples to the grass roots level. They have been signing up many Turkish people who have no idea what is happening in labor branch stacking to make sure the Bill Shorten's mates win preselection as Labor candidates. Bill Shorten dictates to the labor party who will be the nominated labor representatives gaining preselection in a safe seat, his own former staff member Natalie Sykes-Hutchins. This must be infuriating for labor members working hard in the seat of Essendon. Premier Brumby just arrogantly shrugs off the corruption again and again. Perhaps the Supreme Court will make him produce any documents he has not already shredded relating to labor party corruption in the Brimbank Council by-election. Queensland is laughing at Victoria when it comes to combating corruption. Victorian Premier Brumby didn't even raise the issue of branch stacking at the June 2009 Labor state conference! A three-tiered democratic structure
The state government is monumentally corrupt in a most basic way for any Westminster democratic model, there are three separate levels of government in Australia; federal, state and local council. They are completely separate with different legal powers and staff, you cannot be a member of two levels at the same time or a judge or public servant. You can only serve in one political arena at one time, or so the three-tiered Westminster model assumes is the case. When corruption was uncovered in a local Western Melbourne suburb of Brimbank regarding permits for building approvals, state Premier Mr Brumby just arrogantly appropriated local council rights for the state government. When state labor MPs are exposed interfering in local council business, the most corrupt premier in Australia just appropriated local council rights to approve planning permits and then sacked the entire Brimbank elected council appointing an administrator. Astonishing ignorance and arrogance!Now in late 2009 the state minister Justin Madden has control of planning permits for all the smaller localities who have lost any say in local planning, Madden is going to charge a large fee for planning objections. A Labor dictator takes over planning permits. This is incredible corruption for State government to appropriate local council rights and immediately make it harder for people to object to inappropriate planning permits. Taking a local council's power destroys the democratic foundation of local "grass roots" government and imposes a corrupt centralised labor administration under Planning Minister Justin Madden who has also improperly employed local council staff to work for him and do his bidding. Madden has no respect for the democratic umpire. He needs to be taken off the political field. What a labor team of corrupt misfits and democratic vandals with no respect for people's rights or a three-tiered democracy of Victoria.
An elected Local Brimbank Council sacked by State Labor Thugs
Australia has a three tired system of government, local councils, state government and the federal Australian government, three separate levels, yet we also find Federal Senator Conroy mentioned in reports of undue influence by state labor party figures (mates of Conroy like Bill Shorten) in local Brimbank council matters. Conroy's breach of his ministerial duty knows no limits. Does Federal Senator Conroy know what the separation of powers in a three tiered democratic structure means? It seems that he is completely ignorant on the matter.A dirty Labor partyLocal State Labor Government Minister Richard Wynne said he had no choice but to sack the dysfunctional council. But it was labor party corruption that was the problem, state labor sacking an elected council appointing administrators, our elected officials sacked! This is a centralised socialist banana republic, this is not a Westminster democracy. Greens councillor Geraldine Brooks said it was "astonishing" that the undue influence of Labor MPs was being dealt with by the sacking of councillors. "It's a sledgehammer approach in an attempt to take the heat off Labor and state Labor's corruption". Opposition Leader Ted Baillieu said the Scales report showed Labor's destructive and corrupt culture was deeply entrenched in local government. "You could conclude from this that the ALP should be sacked. This is the ALP's culture" he said.
As a Brimbank resident I plead with you, please return our elected representatives, clean up the Victorian Brumby labor party with a Commission into Corruption. Telstra shareholders will hopefully have Conroy in their sites for destroying their portfolio. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd should stand back and observe that he represents all Australians and not just right wing Christians. He should distance himself from the irrational, bullish and ignorant disposition of Senator Conroy. Kevin Rudd must stop encouraging and supporting Conroy to destroy freedom of the press in Australia. Saint Kevin of the Holy Lodge the old Christian Socialist is still applauding his Christian labor colleague Senator Conroy for imposing censorship on all Australians. Maybe Jesus loves you Kevin, but democracy and the free press hate your guts.
Federal MPs Bill Shorten and Senator Stephen Conroy are also named in the Brimbank council corruption. The Brimbank council and Sunshine residents are sick and tired of state and federal labor party members interfering in local council business.
We say that any 2008 Brimbank election candidate endorsed or put forward by Federal MP for Maribyrnong BILL SHORTEN is not fit to be a Brimbank Councillor.
We say that any 2008 Brimbank election candidate endorsed or put forward by the Federal Senator STEPHEN CONROY is not fit to be a Brimbank Councillor.
Labor cannot be the state government and employ and control local councils. We even have two federal ministers named. Labor wants to control local councils as well as state and federal governments and they think it is OK to lie and cheat to do so, they are forgetting two fundamental concepts, the doctrine of the separation of powers and that this is a three tiered democratic system. What does Minister Madden think the Victorian democracy is, a footy game with no umpire! It appears that Justin Madden's state paid staff will do whatever labor requires at the local council level of government. Justin Madden thinks he is leadership material, perhaps he should complete a course in law or Australian politics first to make himself less arrogant and more worthy of such a position! We say that any 2008 Brimbank election candidate endorsed or put forward by the Federal Senator STEPHEN CONROY is not fit to be a Brimbank Councillor.
Federal MPs Bill Shorten and Senator Stephen Conroy named in the Brimbank council corruption report, Senator Conroy employed a convicted burglar Craig Otte. The Victorian State Labor Party Employs bashers and thieves to bully local councils and Premier Brumby is not interested at all! Stephen Conroy is the censorship advocate who defecates on our democracy at the federal and local council levels.
In April 2009, The Age Newspaper revealed that Noel Ashby claimed a Victorian government minister tipped him off that Paul Mullett was under investigation. A government minister, former chief of staff for Premier Bracks is alleged to have been aware of secret police investigations. Another Victorian government scandal Bracks and Brumby have presided over and covered up. They never want a Royal Commission into corruption, they are corrupt themselves. Perhaps the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd will also be dragged into this as well, as he has a former employee of former Victorian Premier Bracks in his office. Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet secretary Terry Moran has been named in a document prepared for the defence of former assistant commissioner Noel Ashby, one that suggests political interference in anti-corruption investigations.
It was common practice for former Premier Bracks to make secret deals with police, "It is a great democratic tradition to meet with stake-holders" Bracks said on ABC radio regarding his meeting with Paul Mullett. Minister Pallas should not have had regular meetings with Noel Ashby. Just before Ashby left the police force Brumby was pictured with Ashby asking Ashby what new road laws he wanted. Labor has this great tradition of meeting with police which is a hallmark of a police state. Enemies of labor are targeted and friends of labor are let off lightly or not charged at all with crimes they may be guilty of. I would believe an ex police officer with nothing to loose over the word of a Victorian Labor government minister for Brumby. Police minister Bob Cameron was reported in 2009 to have contacted disgraced Noel Ashby to discuss the case of the Premier's son being arrested just one week before former Premier Bracks resigned.
"One OPI diary note captured details of Foley calling Ashby on the day Nick Bracks, son of then premier Steve Bracks, was caught drink-driving. The note said Foley wanted to ensure Ashby and Cameron's stories are straight. This looks bad, but Foley explained it as simply seeking details for his boss before he faced the media. Perhaps more damning was another OPI note revealing that, one week after Nick Bracks' car crash, Ashby left a message for Foley saying something would be sorted out and we'd better leave it at that. What would be sorted out?"
The Victorian labor party are defiling our democracy, protecting their own and trying to influence police investigations. Premier Brumby just carries on arrogantly disregarding lies and corruption in his labor government and continues to appoint his own family into unadvertised government jobs.
The media is manipulated on a regular basis, John Brumby allocates a lot of money on political advisers, spin Doctors manufacturing lies for the people. Labor employ Orwellian double-speak and lies on a large scale. False statistics are released to deceive Victorians into thinking hospital waiting lists were improving and ubiquitous government advertising proclaims that a decaying public transport is really great. John Brumby's right-wing faction leader Health Services Union secretary Jeff Jackson is being investigated for alleged misappropriation of union funds. It seems that many people close to the Victorian Labor party and especially Bracks and Brumby are tainted with greed and political ambition. They will use any means they can to retain power and they will stop or sabotage any investigation into themselves or the criminal activities of their friends.
- No respect for privacy Secret files of opponents
- Leaking police files of enemies Influencing police
- Advertising dishonesty Taxpayers funding Labor advertising
- Secret trials The public will now be told virtually nothing.
- Citizens randomly, strip searched
- Private Land stolen by the Victorian government in 1854
- Separation of powers in a Westminster Democracy
- Domestic Violence Laws remove a right to cross examine
- Private property rights abolished by hoon and deeming laws
- Ubiquitous Victoria Police Corruption bashings and murder
- Dishonest academic research to support government repressive laws
- Criminal guilt attributed by error prone saliva testing
- Freedom of Movement abolished by Footscray Police
- Irresponsible Victorian parliamentarians
They seem to be like socialist lawyers, Rob Hulls being a "zealot" ready to abolish all ancient common law rights for his own agenda. When he was the Attorney General Rob Hulls has also been involved in under-hand tactics to dismiss valid property claims since they were lodged in the Supreme court in 2002. The Bentley case.
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Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission
VEOHRC Email to me on 20th September 2007
My comments are boxed below each numbered paragraph
From: no_reply_me@veohrc.vic.gov.au
Subject: Re: Response to your email of 10 September
Date: 20 September 2007
To: meagainatoptus@optushome.com.au
Dear Mr Anderson
I refer to your email of 10 September 2007 expressing concern about the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 (Vic) and the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission's role under that Act.
I think it would be helpful to clarify the definition of religious vilification in the Act, and the Commission's role in relation to handling complaints about religious vilification.
The Racial and Religious Vilification Act
1. Religious vilification is conduct that encourages others to feel hatred, serious contempt, revulsion or severe ridicule towards a person or group of people because of their religious beliefs.This could apply to Galileo or Copernicus who both feared criticising the Pope's earth centred crystal spheres Christian view of the Universe. Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake in 1600 for ridicule of the Christian Church. In 1616 the Roman Curia defiantly declared that the earth was immobile.
2. Articles that seek to explore differences in religions or engage in critique of religions in a constructive and reasonable manner are unlikely to be considered vilifying. Indeed, debates promoting the merits of one religion over another can and do occur. It is not unlawful to critique and discuss religions, providing this does not incite hatred, revulsion, serious contempt or severe ridicule towards a person or group of people because of their beliefs.
What is defined as a constructive and reasonable manner may vary depending on who is interpreting that manner. Darwin feared publishing his Origin of the Species through fear of reprisals from Christians. In American in 1925 in the Scopes trial, the teaching of evolution was outlawed for 60 years. Under that law it would be very easy to be convicted of inciting hatred, revulsion and serious contempt just by proposing on psychological and archaeological grounds that religion is based on an egocentric and misguided belief that humans were created in God's image. But humans are related to other monkeys. A newly discovered human cousin Homo floresiensis.
In about 550 BC Xenophanes of Colophon ridiculed the religion of the Greek Olympian Gods with one of my favourite quotes stating that, "If cattle could draw, they would make their own Gods in the likeness of cattle.
What I write on Heretic Press may not be ridicule designed to deliberately incite hatred to many sane minds, but what if someone else is in power who holds fervent religious beliefs? There was a debate on evolutionary theory Between Huxley and Bishop Wilberforce where Huxley said he would "rather be related to a monkey than to introduce ridicule into a debate". Now six months jail is being brought into the debate, or what is left of it that it is still legal to articulate.
To many religious people calling them relatives of monkeys might be to ridicule them, there is no objective standard on what constitutes ridicule, it will vary from time to time, place to place and person to person.
For the Hindu religion it might be McDonalds treating a cow unkindly or cooking chips in animal fat, for a Muslim it might be showing contempt for the Koran which is exactly what has already happened in a Melbourne case.
In about 550 BC Xenophanes of Colophon ridiculed the religion of the Greek Olympian Gods with one of my favourite quotes stating that, "If cattle could draw, they would make their own Gods in the likeness of cattle.
What I write on Heretic Press may not be ridicule designed to deliberately incite hatred to many sane minds, but what if someone else is in power who holds fervent religious beliefs? There was a debate on evolutionary theory Between Huxley and Bishop Wilberforce where Huxley said he would "rather be related to a monkey than to introduce ridicule into a debate". Now six months jail is being brought into the debate, or what is left of it that it is still legal to articulate.
To many religious people calling them relatives of monkeys might be to ridicule them, there is no objective standard on what constitutes ridicule, it will vary from time to time, place to place and person to person.
For the Hindu religion it might be McDonalds treating a cow unkindly or cooking chips in animal fat, for a Muslim it might be showing contempt for the Koran which is exactly what has already happened in a Melbourne case.
A Christian pastor ordered to apologise for vilifying Muslims. Danny Nalliah, described his group as martyrs and said he would go to jail before apologising. He will NOT be saying sorry for his comments. Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) deputy president Michael Higgins ordered the evangelical order, Catch the Fire, to apologise over statements made in a speech, comments on a website and in a newsletter. Judge Higgins stated that making fun of Islam is a major reason for finding against the church which is in effect reintroducing an ancient and out-dated law against blasphemy.
For a Christian scientist it might be the Steve project which deliberately sets out to ridicule the Christian intelligent design creationist theory.
What if I set out to ridicule a really patently stupid belief like a flat earth theory or that man is created in God's image which is a cause of many religious conflicts, my legal advice is that I could be jailed for six months, under this oppressive Victorian government law. Victoria has adopted an ineffectual Human Right Act that has no legal force, the human rights act, on freedom of expression, Part 15 which conflicts with these vilification laws so the Victorian government is in breach of its own Human Rights Act, but there are no legal ramifications from this conflict of laws. The Victorian government Deputy Premier and former Attorney General Rob Hulls could not care less, he has his own zealous agenda. In America these Vilification laws could not be enacted as they violate the American Bill of Rights.
What if I set out to ridicule a really patently stupid belief like a flat earth theory or that man is created in God's image which is a cause of many religious conflicts, my legal advice is that I could be jailed for six months, under this oppressive Victorian government law. Victoria has adopted an ineffectual Human Right Act that has no legal force, the human rights act, on freedom of expression, Part 15 which conflicts with these vilification laws so the Victorian government is in breach of its own Human Rights Act, but there are no legal ramifications from this conflict of laws. The Victorian government Deputy Premier and former Attorney General Rob Hulls could not care less, he has his own zealous agenda. In America these Vilification laws could not be enacted as they violate the American Bill of Rights.
The Victorian Human Rights Act Part 15. Freedom of expression
(1) Every person has the right to hold an opinion without interference.
(2) Every person has the right to freedom of expression which includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, whether within or outside Victoria and whether
(a) orally; or (b) in writing; or (c) in print; or (d) by way of art; or (e) in another medium chosen by him or her.
(1) Every person has the right to hold an opinion without interference.
(2) Every person has the right to freedom of expression which includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, whether within or outside Victoria and whether
(a) orally; or (b) in writing; or (c) in print; or (d) by way of art; or (e) in another medium chosen by him or her.
3. It is also important to note that the Act also provides an exception for conduct that was engaged in reasonably and in good faith and is either in the public interest or for a genuine academic, artistic, religious or scientific purpose.
How will you decide what is in good faith or the public interest? "Pressure for the legislation appears to have come from the Equal Opportunity Commission itself". What if we had a Muslim government in power at some time in the future in Victoria. Will strategic positions always be filled by someone with integrity to make such judgements fairly. What if someone else from a religious biased view were to make that judgement? Salmon Rushdie comes to mind and the propensity for some religions to put a death warrant on those they do not like. I actually try and promote the best of Sufi Islamic religion such as the psychologically beneficial STOP exercise which is somewhat akin to a psychological self study. I do not try and vilify anyone, but I have no patience at all for false beliefs or religion intruding into secular education.
This law is not just for now, it will apply in the distant future and we cannot even guess what abuses it may be put to in the future if a religious party were to win political power or even one seat in a hung parliament. I have no faith that Premier Brumby will not try and use this law to silence a critic of his capitulation with ubiquitous police corruption.
This law is not just for now, it will apply in the distant future and we cannot even guess what abuses it may be put to in the future if a religious party were to win political power or even one seat in a hung parliament. I have no faith that Premier Brumby will not try and use this law to silence a critic of his capitulation with ubiquitous police corruption.
4. The Commission's role
Primarily, the Commission assists people to resolve complaints of vilification by providing a complaints resolution service. The Commission is not a Court or Tribunal. The Commission's role is to investigate the complaint, and if it has substance and it appears that a resolution is possible, the Commission refers the people involved to conciliation. The outcome at conciliation is negotiated and agreed by the people involved. The Commission does not prosecute, make judgements for or against, nor can the Commission award compensation.
And if I have offended a Christian Scientist or Muslin by trying to teach science, I would refuse to apologise, then what do you do with me in a conciliation process?
5. Serious religious vilification
There is a criminal offence of serious religious vilification in the Act. Police may prosecute someone if they intentionally engage in conduct that they know is likely to incite hatred against others and they threaten, or incite others to threaten, physical harm towards that other person or group or people or their property because of their religious beliefs.
This is such a subjective judgement, what is serious to one person may be trivial to another. I am always aware that some religious groups may want to kill me for advocating evolutionary theory above beliefs faith and superstition. They certainly try and hack into this site frequently enough. I intentionally engage in educational advocacy and that will always conflict with beliefs faith and superstition. I intentionally engage in education against religious beliefs, I cannot see why a more repressive view on what is serious could not be used to jail me for six months under this Act merely for trying to educate people on natural causes and the evolution of many diverse life forms on earth.
On this page on evolutionary timelines, I state that the discovery of Homo floresiensis is another nail in the coffin, for the made in God's image Christian theory. To some religious people that might be inciting hated of them, they have burnt Heretics at the stake in the past. What if we had a devout Muslim or Christian as the Chief Police Prosecutor?
On this page on evolutionary timelines, I state that the discovery of Homo floresiensis is another nail in the coffin, for the made in God's image Christian theory. To some religious people that might be inciting hated of them, they have burnt Heretics at the stake in the past. What if we had a devout Muslim or Christian as the Chief Police Prosecutor?
6. I hope the above information is useful to you. You can find out more about the Act or the Commission by visiting our web site at humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au or calling our enquiry line on (03) 9281 7100.
Thanks or your reply, however it did not really clarify anything for me at all, except that we are lucky at the moment that we have some reasonable people in a position to make reasonable assessments and valuable responses, but that may not always be the case, VEOHRC have no control over what might be done with these laws in the near or distant future. This Act is a sleeping time bomb, just waiting for anyone crazy enough to use it to suppress free speech and jail critics. I shall be more relaxed with the archiving of server logs from justice.vic.gov.au, but then again Victoria Police are another matter and then again Brumby supporting police corruption is another huge worry for a critic of corrupt police. Ask after me if I disappear. VEOHRC should also be interested in the theft of private land by the Victorian government in 1859 land rights denied to pre-emptive title owners and aboriginal rights to land illegally seized by the Victorian government. Thank you.
Yours Faithfully
Tim Anderson
Yours Faithfully
Tim Anderson
Ridicule of a religion is illegal. Penalty Six months jail
New blasphemy laws in Ireland will be challenged by atheists.Victorian repressive laws against freedom of speech allow jail terms as well as fines could also result in scientists being convicted of racial vilification of intelligent design theory by Christian groups. Most progressive Christians opposing the repressive laws have been ignored. The laws are the views of former Premiers Bracks and now Brumby. "Pressure for the legislation appears to have come from the Equal Opportunity Commission itself" They do seem to be assertively promoting propaganda to support defending the road to hell they have paved with good intentions, supporting web documents from Helen Szoke Chief Executive of the Equal Opportunity Commission, who does not seem to support Human rights at all Helen stated in her support for these laws that:
An archive of Helen Szoke's claims for when this VEOHRC page is removed from the internet. "Freedom of speech is important, but it is not absolute. It does not mean you can say whatever you want, whenever you want. The Act is there to help us value our cultural diversity, The purpose of the Act is to ensure groups and individuals are able to reasonably debate religious differences. We are considering the most extreme point in the continuum of prejudice. A good way to think about vilification is as the promotion of hatred. This means that we are able to have robust debate about religion."
There is no robust debate with Helen's religious sniffer dogs probing under every church pew. Helen Szoke uses ridiculous examples to try and support her Commission's role in this insanity, examples of Racial and religious hatred that can lead to acts of physical violence, the Catholic conflict in Ireland, the systematic annihilation of Jews in Nazi Germany, the war in Serbia or the burning of witches in the middle ages". She neglects to mention that this Act would prohibit the ridicule of those burning witches, it would prohibit inciting hatred against Nazi Germany and any other group waging war including suicide bombers. Helen Szoke states that "16 of the 34 complaints made to the Commission this year have been declined as lacking in substance. Ergo, 18 cases were proceeded with by the Victorian Human Rights Commission against Victorians for vilifying a religion. A petition signed by 27,000 people calling for the removal of the religious aspects from the act has also been arrogantly ignored.
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Science and education under threat in Victoria
The quality of teaching and academic research in Victoria is in a steep decline, even at the highest level Phd. research papers can be of a really low standard and still pass. There are some moves to force candidates to face an oral examination to try and improve the quality, but when governments get involved in funding research to produce outcomes they want, there is no hope of any standards being improved. Drug driving research by Swinburne University was fundamentally flawed, corrupted by the undisclosed Police and VicRoads funding interest and completely lacked any scientific merit as research. Victoria is a laughing stock academically and the Victorian government is being revealed as being one of the worst oppressive governments ever seen in a compromised Westminster democracy. Removing rights to cross examine witnesses and making secret deals with corrupt police as well as taking private property with hoon and deeming laws. Hulls is asking other states to follow his own corruption regarding domestic violence.Even when if comes to objective information technology standards like disability discrimination from government websites, the Brumby government ignores all standards. A website audit of the Brumby webpage which fails to comply with all accessibility laws. Premier Brumby does not care about democratic traditions, the ancient legal rights of citizens, academic research standards or technology.
The Steve project could be guilty of ridicule of intelligent design theory. Speaking the truth is no longer an acceptable defence. Religion is what adds meaning to many people's life, they are passionate and religions are ego centric, mine is the only GOD. What of a religion that states that it is the chosen race and walks all over others. Can we criticise the religion of the soldier wearing the jackboots who kicks us in the face. Religion is not neutral.
The Bracks/Brumby government proclaims what the state religion is, complete ignorance with everyone afraid to say anything. It is unlawful in Victoria to ridicule or show contempt for the ideology of any race or religion, no matter how worthy they are of condemnation. Imagine this rule in WW11 Australia, being critical of Hitler and German aggression would be illegal. Bracks and Brumby seems to be a pragmatic determinists, from all the blood testing Victorian Police do to determine fitness to drive and criminality.
State Labour Premier Mr Brumby rallied for marijuana to be decriminalised while he was in opposition 11 years ago but has since changed his mind and with Bracks introduced zero tolerance flawed saliva drug testing. When he was the Victorian opposition leader, Mr Brumby introduced a private member's bill in 1996 to decriminalise marijuana and his views were later adopted as Labor Party policy. The Victorian Premier Mr Brumby, admitted smoking marijuana while at university, but he has now reversed his decriminalising views even to the extent of corrupting the academic process of scientific research methodology. He now prefers to set up random road blocks stopping all traffic to randomly test drivers for illicit drugs which are not proven to affect driving skills at all. Brumby now has zero tolerance for any illicit drug use, the hypocrite cannot face this injustice he has created with any moral fibre or courage.
Flawed drug driving research paid for by Victoria Police and VicRoads to support Brumby's back-flip on adopting a better harm minimisation policy which only the Green party supports. Former Victorian Premier Bracks has long been referred to in the labour party as "Hymie the robot" from the Get Smart 1960s television series. Hymie was excessively neat and tidy, devoid of feelings or empathy and takes everything very literally. A pragmatic robot from a different tradition other than a Westminster democracy. One democratic tradition of the Westminster system that Hymie ignored is the Doctrine of the Separation of powers between Parliament, the courts and law enforcement. He abolished many other common law rights like freedom of movement, ownership of private property and ancient rights like, the writ of habeus corpus a protection to citizens since King John signed the Magna Carta in 1215. The Magna Carta was signed in order to end the rule of tyrants like the current Victorian government.
Bracks was re-elected in 2007 but resigned in mid 2008 after only eight months of a four year term and Brumby took over as Premier why? Our democracy has a almost 1,000 years of history since King John signed the Magna Carta in 1215 which prevented the King jailing anyone at his discretion, the writ of habeus corpus. Hymie has obliterated such ancient rights and Brumby with Hulls is carrying on the tradition of labour corruption in removing ancients rights and liberties with the Domestic Violence Act abolishing the right to cross-examine witnesses.
"Lebanese, Christian or Islamic, Who cares" says Hymie the robot school master, "I will ban them all talking about each other's beliefs with my Racial and Religious Tolerance Act". Criticism of a religion can be racial vilification.
What human activity will Hymie and his successor Brumby ban next, drug tests on every corner for pedestrians, more sniffer dogs on the streets.Just A quick DNA test driver to discover if you have an adventure seeking gene or are of a risk taking genetic predisposition?"
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Biased pseudo-academic support for the erosion of free speech
The Bracks/Brumby assault on civil liberties has been supported by some biased Monash University teachers. Gary Bouma supports the repressive laws against free speech. Gary argued against the then National Treasurer Peter Costello who was against the introduction of these laws, Gary argued against critics of the vilification laws and in public argued for them "Costello is Wrong on Vilification Laws", The Age (1 June 2004). Gary stated that "Costello simply does not seem to understand the need...". Free speech loving Australians do understand they need to speak up against your irrational advocacy for superstition and a repressive religious police force advocating six months jail to anyone who offends any religious beliefs. Leave our "social fabric" alone. Gary Bouma appeared as a witness for the Islamic Council of Victoria in their case against Catch The Fire Ministries.My email to Gary. Email the professor, of sociology at the Keeping the Faith University, Monash who is promoting religious views at Australian universities. Can an American Professor and former Associate Anglican Priest who studied at Princeton Theological Seminary know anything about scientific methodology and the teaching of evolution? Why is Monash University allowing Gary to create an entry point for religious divisions and ignorance at a formally secular public University, Monash? The education charter in Australia has always been for secular non-religious education in all public schools. The teaching of science and evolution as a means to world peace seems beyond his religious comprehension.
Gary said, "The curriculum in all subject areas should be rewritten to incorporate an appreciation of the role of religions in Australian life." One clever Islamic King is doing the opposite to what Gary Bouma recommends with his religious police mentality.
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is trying to help his country catch up in science by excluding religion from his new university. An Islamic state which is excluding the Islam religion to have any hope of providing an unbiased scientific education. Updating Saudi education. The country's notorious religious police will be barred and all religious and ethnic groups will be welcome in a push for academic freedom and international collaboration. This undertaking is directly at odds with the kingdom's religious establishment, which severely limits women's rights and rejects co-education and robust liberal inquiry.
It will be a tragedy for Australian education if views like that of Gary Bouma are accepted in Australian Universities. Gary also supports the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act he is acting as if he were part of a religious police-force, a modern Spanish inquisition. He makes a ridiculous analogy that "yelling fire" in a crowd is the same type of sensible restriction on limiting free speech as the vilification laws are on race or religion. Peter Breen a NSW independent drafted some similar legislation for NSW and he also misquotes the example of yelling fire, these men are both biased, supporting religion in a supposedly secular education system and they are both in favour of the erosion of our civil liberties and free speech. Luckily for NSW citizens, the Premier Bob Carr was against the proposals by Peter Breen. When he came to Australian from America in 1979, Gary should have brought a copy of the Bill of Rights with him. You shouldn't have left home without it Gary.
A Senior Victorian judge, Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal president Stuart Morris called for the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act to be amended to "limit people's right to launch a lawsuit". It should be abolished. How long will some Muslim or Christian groups take to launch an action against Heretic Press for vilification for saying humans are related to monkeys? The Brumby labor government is responsible for this madness and many other injustices on the people of Victoria.
It will be a breeding ground for terrorists, some are already here at Australian Universities. TO STAND TRULY BY EACH OTHER
At least we some Australians who know better, some responsible academics at the University of Western Sydney who have knocked back requests to build a mosque on campus. The former Liberal Education/Defence minister, Brendan Nelson ( former education minister Julia Gillard) said that he had no problem with the teaching of a biased and unscientific religious view of creation called "intelligent design" theory in Australian science classes. Given that Christians and others are all fighting over fundamental beliefs, indeed Muslims are even killing themselves trying to hurt others in a belief they will live in paradise with Allah. I was hoping that Federal Labor and Julia Gillard would promote or even mandate the teaching of science and evolution in Australian schools which would be of some benefit towards world peace? Will Labor allow the teaching of the religious view of creation in science classes? How will labor ensure that Australian children do not grow up in intellectual poverty knowing nothing about science and evolution? How will Julia Gillard and the Labor government ensure that religious schools also teach real science to students?
What ignorance for an education minister to pander to religious groups for votes and deny all responsibility for their portfolio. Brendan Nelson was subsequently made Defence minister responsible for sending Australians to their death in a religious war against Islam. Nelson was briefly elected as leader of the Liberal party for a short time.
The former Victorian Premier Bracks was a pragmatic determinist, allowing Victorian Police to set up random road blocks to blood test drivers to inaccurately determine fitness to drive and criminality.
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What human activity will Hymie's successor Brumby ban next, he has already abolished an ancient right to cross examine witnesses. He supported decriminalisation of Marijuana in 1996 but now has zero tolerance for civil liberties, perhaps error prone drug tests on every corner for pedestrians, more sniffer dogs on the streets. "Just A quick DNA test driver to discover if you have an adventure seeking gene or are of a risk taking genetic predisposition?"
References vilification laws
- ACMA The Australian Communications and Media Authority ACMA
- List of links to reports Labor party political religious bias
- Australian Secular Lobby working to bring Australian education out of the dark ages.
- CIS Report on vilification laws
- Historical debate thwarted. Arresting Historians "Abhorrent and antithetical to the interests of a meaningful democracy and a tolerant, multicultural citizenry"
- Australian Press Council
- A battle against the corrupt state
- Absurdities in the legislation
Most Victorians did not want these vilification laws. Pressure for the legislation appears to have come from Robert Hulls, the Equal Opportunity Commission itself, and from some, but certainly not all, Muslim and Jewish groups.
Why indeed? The new Victorian Domestic violence act also removes an ancient adversary legal system right to question your accuser which was supported by an incredibly biased Victorian Law Reform Commission who stated the act was "in line with our victim-centred approach". All the ancient common law Rights of the accused have been thrown out the window along with "innocence until proven guilty".
Racial and religious vilification under the RRTA
The Racial and Religious Tolerance Act 2001 (RRTA) makes it unlawful to vilify a person on the basis of their race or religion, subject to the exceptions outlined below.Disputes in relation to racial or religious vilification are handled under the provisions of the EO Act.
Racial vilification is conduct that incites hatred against, serious contempt for, or revulsion or severe ridicule of, an individual or a class of people because of their race, colour, descent, ancestry, nationality or national origin, ethnicity or ethnic origin.
Religious vilification is conduct that incites hatred against, serious contempt for, or revulsion or severe ridicule of, an individual or class of people because of their religious beliefs or activities.
The RRTA sets out a number of circumstances (exceptions) in which conduct does not amount to vilification. These include conduct engaged in reasonably and in good faith in the performance, exhibition or distribution of an artistic work, in making or publishing a fair and accurate report of any event or matter of public interest, or in the course of any statement, publication, discussion or debate about:
- any genuine academic, artistic, religious or scientific purpose; or
- an issue in the public interest
Certain private conduct is also exempted from the RRTA. Racial and religious vilification is not established if it occurred in such a way that it would be reasonable to expect that the parties’ conduct was private (that is, it could not be heard or seen by anyone else). If the parties ought to have expected that their conduct may have been seen or heard by anyone else the private conduct exception does not apply.
A person’s motive for engaging in vilifying conduct is irrelevant under the RRTA.
The RRTA also provides criminal sanctions for serious racial and religious vilification offences involving intentional conduct.
Further information about racial or religious vilification under the RRTA is available by contacting the VEOHRC (see “Introduction”, above, for contact details).
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