Khủng Bố Là Gì và ISIS- ISIL Thánh Quốc Hồi Giáo là Ai?
Hiện nay ISIS hay cứ gọi nôm na nhưng chính xác Thánh Quốc Hồi Giáo, đang là đề tài, niềm vui, và nỗi sợ của nhiều người trên thế giới. Nói rằng cái nhóm tổ cò Hồi giáo này là ĐỀ TÀI, hay NIỀM VUI, hoặc NỖI SỢ là tùy vào nguồn chủ kiến và mức độ nhận thức của mỗi người.
-Nếu bạn đang nằm trong cơ cấu quyền lực kỹ nghệ chiến tranh, rõ ràng đây là mối lợi lớn!
-Nếu bạn là dân Hồi giáo bình thường, nạn nhân còn sống sót từ trại giam của Nato, Mỹ- sống sót sau khi gia đình, thân nhân, nhà cửa tan tành dưới hỏa tiễn từ máy bay không người lái của Mỹ- hoặc sau một đợt hành quân càn quét, của lính Âu Mỹ, rõ ràng đây là mối hy vọng vui vẻ duy nhất và cuối cùng của bạn.
-Nếu bạn là người thiên chúa giáo đang ở xứ Âu Mỹ, óc bạn đồng dạng với con đà điểu, chắc chắn bạn sẽ vừa căm thù vừa cuống quít hãi sợ!
Âm vang ISIL, Nó cưu mang nỗi khủng bố và hành động khủng bố, và nó đang là vấn đề chính trị thế giới. Muốn hiểu nó phải hiểu về khủng bố và chính trị khu vực một cách toàn cầu- hay dể hiểu hơn chút là CHÍNH TRỊ TOÀN CẦU MỘT CÁCH KHU VỰC!
Khủng Bố là hành động gây hãi sợ kinh hoàng đến quần chúng vô tội không phân biệt biên giới NẠN NHÂN của một nhóm toa rập âm nưu nhằm đạt mục tiêu lợi nhuận quyền lực riêng cho nhóm đó. Nho nhỏ thì như Mafia ở Sicily, Ý; lớn hơn thì như nhóm cực hữu ở Âu Châu trong chiến dịch Gladio của Âu Mỹ, hoặc lớn hơn nữa như nhóm Do Thái của Bengurion (Jewish Terrorism and the Creation of the State of Israel).trước năm 1948.
Khủng bố khác với những nỗ lực ĐẤU TRANH VŨ TRANG của các nhóm dân bị trị, bị chiếm đóng như nhóm Tâm Tâm Xã của Việt Nam thời thuộc địa kháng Pháp -vụ Phạm Hồng Thái nổ tạc đạn tại Hàng Châu; của nhóm Washington thời đấu tranh đòi độc lập chống đế quốc Anh. Nhóm Hezbollah ở Liban; Hamas tại Gaza v,v chỉ nhằm chống sự xâm lược của ngoại bang là Do Thái và Mỹ. Như nỗ lực của ANC -Nelson Mandela chống nhóm thiểu số cai trị kỳ thị Da Trắng. Hành động vũ trang BẠO ĐỘNG này chỉ nhằm vào kẻ thù đối tượng cai trị xâm lược, chứ không bừa bãi khủng bố quần chúng dân lành vô can ở những nơi khác, xứ sở khác.
Tại Trung Đông, sự cai trị của Anh Âu sau khi đế quốc Ottaman sụy đổ khiến nhiều nhóm Ả Rập nổi lên chống Anh Âu bằng phương tiện vũ trang bạo lực. Khi Anh Âu rút khỏi khu vực này, họ vẽ lại và phân chia lại bản đồ quốc gia khu vực này trong chủ trương tạo chia rẽ hận thù, tận dụng sự mâu thuẫn tranh chấp nội tình của Hồi giáo giữa Sunni và Shia và các giáo phái nhỏ như Alawite, Salafist v.v các nước hồi giáo Trung đông này luôn luôn bị xếp đặt sao cho những nhóm khác biết đối nghịch chộn chung lại với nhau. Như Syria đa số là Sunni lại bị cha con Asad thuộc thiểu số Shia Alawite cai trị. Bahrain đa số là Shia nhưng bị cai trị bởi nhóm vua Sunni Wahabi..Trừ Batư Iran- là nước cổ đại theo nhánh Shia từ đầu.
Cần nên biết rằng khối Ả Rập không phải là khối thuần nhất. Họ là tổng hợp của nhiều nhóm sắc tộc và tôn giáo có truyền thống sinh hoạt tục lệ không chỉ khác nhau -mà chủ yếu có khi đối nghịch -(có cả thiên chúa giáo và do thái giáo). Thí dụ như ở Iraq, đa số là người Hồi Shia nhưng bị nhóm Sunni thiểu số do đảng Baht của Sadam Husein được Anh Mỹ giúp cầm quyền cai trị, bên cạnh còn một nhóm Kurds khác biệt.
Giáo điều Hồi giáo của họ giữa các giáo phái cũng khác biệt và đối nghịch nhau theo từng nhóm Sunni, Shia, Alawite, Whabi, Salafi, Taliban v.v Cũng như Thiên chuá giáo với Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Evangelist, Anglican, và vô số các nhóm nhỏ khác như Baptists và đủ các loại thánh. Giáo hội Phật giáo cũng không là ngoại lệ - đủ các chi nhánh gấu ó nhau. Rồi còn bị chi phối tác động của tập tục bán khai cổ hủ từng vùng, khu vực bản xứ nữa. Chẳng hạn tục lệ CẮT MÒNG ĐÓC của phụ nữ KHÔNG PHẢI CỦA HỒI GIÁO mà là tục lệ của khu vực một số khoảng 27 xứ xã hội đông bắc phi châu- Ethiopia, Eritrea là nước Thiên Chúa Gíáo nhưng đa số dân ngu vẫn giữ tục lệ man rợ này- hoặc ăn bốc không phải của Hồi giáo - mà người Ả Rập và khu tiểu Á- Ấn Độ đều như vậy- Như người Đông Á (Việt, Hoa, Hàn, Nhật) dùng đũa và tục thờ cúng tổ tiên- hoặc như nhiều gia đình thiên chúa giáo Hoa hay Việt vẫn giữ tục lệ thắp hương bàn thờ v.v
Nói chung, bản chất của hệ thống, bản chất của quyền lực- bất cứ quyền lực loại nào- cũng là phân hóa và băng hoại vì nó hư cấu không thật, không phải tự nguyện nhận thức vì chân, thiện, mỹ vì tự do hạnh phúc con người. Ngược lại nó nô lệ con người, gây tranh chấp thù hằn đau khổ cho con người!
Đặc biệt là từ sự hình thành của nhóm khủng bố Do Thái do Bengurion lãnh đạo tiến hành tàn sát ám sát không chỉ người Ả Rập nói chung mà bắn giết cả người Âu Châu - cho mục tiêu cướp đất Palestine thành lập nước Do Thái trong sự bảo trợ của Âu Mỹ. Sự kiện này khiến các nhóm Hồi giáo vốn đang căm giận Âu Mỹ thiết lập và ủng hộ các chế độ băng hoại độc tài tại xứ sở họ, đặc biệt Palestine như Arafat hình thành nhóm Fatah để chống lại việc giết người cướp đất Palestine của Âu Mỹ và Do Thái. Sau hiệp ước Oslo và sau cái chết của Arafat- nhóm Hamas hình thành dùng vũ trang bạo lực chống việc Do Thái chiếm đóng Gaza Palestine tự trị độc lập .
Nhưng thủ đoạn chính chính trị tuyên truyền của Âu Mỹ và Do Thái đều qui các nhóm này là KHỦNG BỐ. Nhất là từ khi Âu Mỹ và Do Thái tái can thiệp mạnh mẽ và trực tiếp vào tình hình chính trị kinh tế khu vực này trong thời chiến tranh lạnh khi Liên Sô còn là một thế lực chi phối nửa địa cầu.
Một sự kiện làm thay đổi bình diện cấu trúc quyền lực chính trị khu vực cũng như cấu trúc các nhóm CHỐNG SỰ CAN THIỆP MAN RỢ của Âu Mỹ trong khu vực, đó là việc Liên Xô tiến chiếm Afghanistan năm 1979.
Afghanistan, cũng như các xứ sở còn nền tôn giáo ngự trị (chẳng hạn như Israel là Do Thái Giáo-Judaism, Nam Mỹ Thiên Chúa Giáo) - dân chúng Hồi giáo đang bất mãn nổi lên chống lại chính phủ xã hội âu hóa "vô thần" chống Alah của nhóm có khuynh hướng xã hội thân Sô Viết Amin sau cuộc cách mạng Saur truất phế vương quyền Mohammed Zahir Shah.
Quân Sô Viết tràn vào với lý cớ được chính phủ xã hội (socialist) mời -như Mỹ được Ngụy VNCH "mời" vào Việt Nam (sic)-, sau đó Sô Viết giết Amin đặt Babrak Kamal lên cầm quyền. Các nhóm Hồi giáo nổi lên kêu gọi thánh chiến chống Babrak Kamal. Một cao trào Mujahdeen lan rộng. Và Mỹ nhảy vào huấn luyện cung cấp vũ khí chống Sôviết. Cố vấn an ninh quốc gia Mỹ Zbigniew Brzezinski thừa lệnh Jimmy Carter đến Afgan 1979 trực tiếp điều động tiến trình này.
Phim: Cố vấn An Ninh Quốc Gia Mỹ Brezenski đến tận Afgan khích động và tận dụng "dân ngu" thành lập AlQaeda 1979.
Phong trào thánh chiến Mujahdeen cũng không thuần nhất, họ gồm nhiều khuynh hướng tôn giáo Hồi khác nhau. Trong đó nhóm Taliban chiếm thượng phong vì được Mỹ và Pakistan trực tiếp ủng hộ tài trợ, đặc biệt dưới thời Reagan.
REAGAN tiếp các "chiến sĩ tự do AlQaeda Taliban" tại Nhà Trắng
Trong thời kỳ này Osma Bin Laden được CIA Mỹ, ISI Pakistan nuôi dưỡng và huấn luyện cũng như tài trợ để chống Soviet. Khi Liên Sô rút khỏi Afganistan vào năm 1989. Tình hình Afgan không ổn định với nhiều phe phái Hồi giáo địa phương cũng như các nhóm từ các xứ Hồi giáo được CIA Mỹ đưa vào tham gia "thánh chiến". Vị trí chiến lược chính trị dầu khí của Afgan và tình trạng phân hóa vì tôn giáo của họ- khiến nó bị Âu Mỹ tiến hành kế hoạch sâu xé ngay cả sau khi Liên Sô đã rút và sụp đổ sau đó. Năm 1996 Phe học sĩ Hồi giáo Taliban- đa số là sắc dân Pashtun -chính thức nắm quyền với sự tài trợ của Pakitan và CIA Mỹ, nhưng không kiểm soát hoàn toàn lãnh thổ, phần còn lại do nhóm Northern Alliance (Liên Minh Bắc) kiểm soát.
Cùng trong giai đoạn này, để khuấy rối chia rẻ, kiểm soát và gây suy yếu khu vực. CIA tận dụng não trạng tôn giáo và phân hóa của khối Hồi giáo, tạo ra nhóm AlQaeda từ khối trữ liệu (database) hay danh sách những nhóm cộng tác viên vũ trang Hồi giáo với Mỹ. (AlQaeda nghĩa là khối trữ liệu-danh sách= database). Bin Laden được đánh bóng và bơm lên thành lãnh tụ của "khối trữ liệu danh tính" này.

Đặc biệt trong thời gian chuyển tiếp này, từ năm 1999-2001 trước vụ 911, chúng ta thấy những "bản tin nho nhỏ về nhóm Salafi " do Abu Musab al-Zarqawi thành lập, với nhiều tên khác nhau, để rồi đến năm 2004 trở thành Al Qaeda Iraq. Đồng thời thêm những Al Qaeda Syria, Al Qaeda Lybia v.v được tung ra để dàn đặt cho một kết hoạch lớn hơn thay thế "con ác quỉ Bin Laden - Al Qaeda" do chính họ tạo ra- một kẻ thù "hậu Osama Bin Laden" hay "hậu Al Qaeda". Bóng dáng ISIS hay ISIL đang ló dạng từ đây! tất cả nguồn của những "tin" này đều từ CIA "báo cáo" ra!!!
Chúng ta cần biết rõ CIA và Âu Mỹ tận dụng não trạng nông nổi tôn giáo của dân chúng khu vực này. Và họ chỉ cần lập một nhóm nhỏ lãnh đạo do chính nhân viên đặc nhiệm CIA, MOSSAD cải trang với cái tên Hồi giáo là sẽ có hàng ngàn các tay súng ngây ngô hưởng ứng. Niềm tin cực đoan tôn giáo được sôi sục trước những bạo ngược của chính sách Âu Mỹ và tay sai bản xứ độc tài đàn áp lấn chiếm đời sống xã hội của họ, khiến họ ủng hộ bất kỳ cái tính danh Ả Rập nào có bóng Alah và hô khẩu hiệu chống Âu Mỹ.. Tệ hại hơn nữa là họ thường cứ mơ về thời huy hoàng của đế quốc Hồi giáo cách đây hơn ngàn năm. Nó như đám đầu ngục Việt Nam, khi gặp tai họa khó khăn hiện tại - không vận não giải quyết hiện trạng với điều kiện hiện tại mà cứ mơ về quá khứ- kẻ mơ thời huy hoàng Diệm, Thiệu, đứa mơ thời "bác Hồ", và cả lũ cùng mơ thời Quang Trung, cố Lê, cố Trần, minh quân thánh chúa, tổ tiên linh thiêng v.v vậy!!!
Hệ quả là, nhóm quyền lực Âu Mỹ với phương tiện và tài nguyên cũng như kinh nghiệm nghiên cứu khoa học, nắm vững tâm trạng trình độ dân trí khu vực- tận dụng nhuần nhuyễn những kế hoạch giả địch (false flags) khắp mọi nơi, dùng ngay những người nông nổi địa phương để tạo hỗn loạn và lấy lý cớ trực tiếp can thiệp như từng thực hiện với Operation Gladio và hiện nay đúng là một Gladio ấn bản II Trung Đông.
Những sự kiện vừa trình bày ở trên, trước đây đều bị lên án mỉa mai, đều bị chụp mũ là "thuyết âm mưu" ghen tị, khuynh tả chống Mỹ v.v Cho đến khi nó "vô tình" bật ra từ chính cửa miệng "lãnh đạo chính trị" như Hillary Clinton, thượng nghị Sĩ, Bộ trưởng ngoại giao, ứng viên tổng thống Mỹ :
Và dĩ nhiên, luôn luôn vẫn chỉ BUỘT MIỆNG MỘT NỬA SỰ THẬT mà thôi!
ISIS hay Tổ Quốc Hồi Giáo và Hai vị "Thánh Tụ"
ISIS viết tắt của "ad-Dawlat al-Islamiyya fī’l-‘Iraq wa’sh-Sham" hay The Islamic State in Iraq and Ash-Sham- sau đổi thành ISIL The Islamic State in Iraq and Ash-Sham and Levant. Cuối cùng để ngắn gọn chúng lại đổi thành Islamic State hay Islamic Caliphate.
Chủ trương theo tuyên bố của nhóm Hồi giáo này, theo chủ thuyết Hồi giáo Salafism -nghĩa là Tiền Bối, Tiền Nhân, Tổ tiên- một giáo phái trong đạo Hồi- chủ trương nối theo gương Tổ tiên, tiền bối- ISIS Nghĩa là nối gương tổ tiên tái lập đất tổ của Hồi giáo- vùng đất trải suốt Iraq (babylon cái nôi của văn minh nhân loại) đến vùng lãnh thổ truyền thống Al- SHAM (bao gồm hầu hết cả trung đông của "tổ tiên 3 ngàn năm" của họ- Hiện nay ISIS đã đổi thành cái tên ISIL - (S)ham được bỏ thay vào là tên vùng Levant cho tân thời- cũng chỉ một hàm ý vùng "đất cổ 3 ngàn năm của tổ tiên Ả rập".
Như vậy Cái tên ISIL bao gồm địa lý cổ xưa thời hư cấu Kinh thánh- Thánh chiến gồm Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, và Turkey hôm nay. Khi nó bao gồm vùng tên Levant còn có hàm ý mở rộng qua cả Bắc phi và nguợc sâu vào Turkey và Iran.
Caliphate: là vùng lãnh thổ, hay xã hội được cai trị trực tiếp của vị giáo chủ hồi giáo kế vị Mohamed, là vị Caliph.
Caliph: là Giáo Quyền Vị của Hồi giáo, người lãnh đạo cao nhất của tất cả hồi giáo sau Mohamed. Như thế vị Caliph chỉ có một và là lãnh đạo của toàn thể hồi giáo thế giới. Bây giờ hãy so sánh Tổ Quốc Hồi Giáo và Lãnh Thổ Đại Do Thái theo lời "Chúa Hứa" (Promised land) !!! Chúng ta sẽ lý giải sau.

Chúng ta thấy ... cả hai là .. MỘT.
Hiểu căn bản về cái tên hiệu, cũng như "bản đồ lãnh thổ" theo chủ thuyết được tuyên xưng- chúng ta mới thấy được HÀM Ý của toàn chiến lược trong sự kiện một ISIS bất ngờ nổi lên từ mông lung với "lực lượng quân sự hùng hậu" cũng từ mông lung nhưng lại đang hung hăng đe dọa cả Mỹ lẫn Nga !!! Khiến toàn bộ dân Âu Mỹ lên cơn sốt rét trong mấy tháng qua, trong khi Do Thái bình chân như vại.
Tuy nhiên, chúng ta cần khởi đầu nói về ISIL bằng lối tuyên truyền ĐỔ THỪA dùng MỘT NỬA SỰ THẬT của phó tổng thống Mỹ Joe Biden. Trong buổi thuyết trình tại Harvard, Biden "tố cáo" là ISIS hay ISIL là DO NHÓM QUỐC GIA Hồi Giáo như Arab Seoud, Turkey, Qatar v.v nuôi nấng cấp vũ khí!!!
Trong buổi nói chuyện tại Harvard Kennedy School, phó tổng thống Mỹ đã trình bày một nửa sự thật và "lịch sử của ISIL rằng ISIL chính là Alqaeda ở Iraq và rằng đồng minh của Mỹ là Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, Arab Seoud, Arab Emirate v.v vì chỉ muốn lật đổ chế độ Asad nên cùng nhau đổ hàng trăm triệu mỹ kim và hàng ngàn tấn vũ khí cho những nhóm như Al Nursa, AlQaeda, giờ đây là ISIL...("The Turks … the Saudis, the Emirates, etc. What were they doing? They were so determined to take down (Syrian President Bashar) Assad and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war," "What did they do?” he continued. “They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad -- except that the people who were being supplied were al Nusra and Al Qaeda and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world. If you think I am exaggerating take a look, where did all this go? So now what happening- all of the sudden everybody's awakening because this ISIS called ISIL which was Al Qaeda in Iraq...")
Tại sao phó tổng thống Mỹ lại "lỡ lời" một cách thản nhiên nghiêm chỉnh và dài dòng chi tiết như thế?!? Để rồi sau đó cũng nghiêm chỉnh xin lỗi một vòng các nước đồng minh đang tiếp tục nuôi dưỡng ISIL?
Câu hỏi nho nhỏ đầu tiên: "AI, nhà nuớc nào mớ thật sự căm ghét chế độ Assad và đang tận lực muốn lật đổ nó nhất?" Quí dộc giả tự suy nghĩ và trả lời!
Cả như Biden không thú nhận thì các ký giả độc lập tại các trang độc lập người ta đã biết từ lâu và đã đăng tải đầy dẫy và rộng rãi, không chỉ một nửa sự thật như Biden giả vờ "lỡ lời" mà đầy đủ chi tiết gốc tích ISIL với bàn tay của chính CIA Mỹ và Do Thái chủ chốt tạo dựng cung cấp và huấn luyện. Những "đồng minh Trung Đông chỉ là nông nổi dại dột tay sai mà thôi. Tất cả đã đăng tải rộng rãi với đầy đủ chứng cớ hình ảnh từ trước đó lâu rồi, như của nhóm giáo sư Michel Chossudovsky-Canada- nhóm Voltaire Network tại Pháp ngay cả trang về kinh tế như Zerohedge cũng đăng tải rộng rãi. và nhóm CorbettReport tổng hợp chi tiết lại.
Cho nên bọn "nhà nước ẩn mình" buộc phải đưa Biden lỡ lời một nửa ra vẻ nhà nước Mỹ, CIA và nhà nước Do Thái Mossad "biết rõ nội tình" nhưng vô can không dính líu gì sất cả. Bà con vừa nhốn nháo và hả hê khi Biden cứ nhẩn nha xin lỗi từng "đồng minh" một, và ISIL cứ nhẩn nha tiến chiếm.
Cái tên tổ chức ISIL này nó biến đồi soành soạch mờ mờ ảo ảo trong thời gian "bóng ma Osama Bin Laden" chưa chết, cái tên Bin Laden vẫn còn hữu dụng, vẫn còn gây cho các nơi quần chúng còn não trạng ngây ngô bán khai run sợ. Thánh Quốc Hồi Giáo (Islamic state) chỉ là cái tên in đậm định sẵn cuối cùng, sau khi nó biến hóa như cái bóng mờ với Al Qaeda-Bin Laden -từ lúc phong phanh với cái tên -Jamāʻat al-Tawḥīd wa-al-Jihād (JTJ), rồi (“The Organization of Monotheism and Jihad”), đổi qua Tanẓīm Qāʻidat al-Jihād fī Bilād al-Rāfidayn (“The Organization of Jihad’s Base in the Country of the Two Rivers”) v.v chẳng mấy ai để ý ngoại trừ hồ sơ của an ninh tình báo Âu Mỹ.
Năm 2004 nhóm này tuyên bố "thuần phục" Osama Bin Laden, và "được" báo chí tình báo Âu Mỹ gọi là Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). Khi Mỹ cần lý cớ giữ quân tại vùng này sau khi tuyên bố "sứ mạng hoàn tất" (mission accomplished). Đến năm 2006, lờ mờ trong các bản tin nho nhỏ của tình báo và báo chính qui, nhóm này bỗng nhiên trở thành Quốc Gia Hồi Giáo Iraq -the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), rồi đùng một cái sau khi "tin chính qui" nhà nuớc Mỹ thông báo Bin Laden bị bắn chết thả trôi biển năm 2011 (sic)- và sau khi giết chết luôn Gadafi, báo chí an ninh Âu Mỹ tập trung đăng tải thanh thế nhóm này lớn dần với vũ khí lấy từ Lybia (trong vụ tấn công giết chết tên CIA đại sứ Mỹ tại tòa đại sứ ) mở rộng hoạt động qua Syria cùng lúc với "kháng chiến quân tự do Syria" do Âu Mỹ chính thức tài trợ- cùng tấn công lật đổ chế độ Assad!

Lãnh tụ của "Thánh Quốc Hồi giáo" này là ai?
Đầu tiên là Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, (hình bên cạnh Bin Laden) một thanh niên lêu lổng vô định người Palestine/Jordan, được bí mật tuyền chọn thành một trong những nhân viên CIA trong "khối trữ liệu" Al Qaeda của CIA- rất "lu mờ "chẳng ai lưu tâm trong thời chiến tranh Soviet/Afgan cùng Bin Laden. Tuy nhiên sau đó, khi Bin Laden khởi đầu "vắng bóng"- thì Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, bắt đầu được nhắc đến trên báo chí chính qui. Hắn xuất hiện và biến mất, cũng như bị tù, bị bắn chết, rồi lại sống lại liên tục năm lần bảy lượt trên báo cáo rò rỉ từ nhà nước CIA và báo chí chính qui Âu Mỹ như phim Hollywood. Nói ngắn gọn lại là y chang tiến trình bài bản của nguyên tắc tạo dựng một "huyền thoại"! Đến năm 2006 -Abu Musab al-Zarqawi được tình báo Mỹ báo cáo là đã chết thật và chết hẳn rồi... Và theo điều tra của tờ Wasington Post có được từ rò rỉ bên trong cơ quan tình báo Mỹ thì toàn bộ "sự vụ Abu Musab al-Zarqawi" là một huyền thoại Psyop (tâm lý chiến) thành công.(xem nguồn phụ bản)

Theo Voltaire Network, với bằng chứng hình ảnh- "thánh tụ hồi giáo" này chẳng qua là trò của nhà nước Mỹ và Do Thái. Bọn này được huấn luyện kỹ càng và làm nhiệm vụ do CIA, Mossad giao phó. Thượng nghị sĩ John McCain là trung gian điều hành mặt nổi (khác với vai trò của Brezenski điều hành thành lập Al Qaeda tiền thân ISIL tại Afganistan năm 1979). Hình ảnh cho thấy "thánh tụ Caliph Ibrahim" sau này- lúc gặp McCain chỉ đang đóng vai một chỉ huy thành viên "quân Syrian Tự Do! Và cũng chính là tên "khủng bố" danh tiếng trong danh sách chính thức của các cơ quan tình báo an ninh Âu Mỹ và LHQ!!!
Mỹ huấn luyện cho ISIL tại Jordan (theo infowar)
Một điều "lạ lùng trùng hợp" là cái Tổ Quốc Hồi Giáo này cùng với vị Thánh Tụ của nó ĐANG tập trung TIẾN HÀNH TẤN CÔNG những ĐỐI THỦ của nhà nước MỸ và DO THÁI như Syria, Iran, Nga, VÀ TÀN SÁT hàng loạt những vùng dân Hồi giáo...chống Mỹ, Do Thái.
Điều này lại cũng "trùng hợp" với những phanh phui của báo chí rằng chính Do Thái và Mỹ trực tiếp huấn luyện nhóm này tại căn cứ ở Jordan(sic) từ những năm trước đây sau cuộc chiến Afgan/Soviet.
Theo Nhânchủ, nhìn vào hành động của nhóm ISIL cũng như chính sách của nhà nước Âu Mỹ/Do Thái cho đến nay, nó cho phép chúng ta những chỉ dấu rõ rệt về một chiến lược tạo một kẻ thù mới, với "vóc dáng và kích thuớc" lớn hơn, hung hiểm hơn, đường dài hơn Bin Laden/ Al Qaeda, để làm cái cớ chính đáng gửi quân vào những nơi mà Âu Mỹ - Do Thái muốn vào nhưng chưa có lý cớ "hợp lòng dân". Giờ đây, nơi nào có ISIL nơi đó sẽ có Âu Mỹ đến...
Nhưng chưa đến bây giờ vội, cứ từ từ à ơi dí dầu. ... Chưa diệt nó vội, (Mỹ dự đoán là phải mất 30 năm để đương đầu với ISIL) phải đợi giúp nó -ISIL- thật sự "lớn mạnh" hung hiểm chiếm cứ "vùng đất hứa" trước, những vùng đất mà bọn "kẻ thù ta" đang ở như Syria, Iraq v,v - để ISIL tàn sát người dân man rợ hơn nữa; tuyên bố những đe dọa kinh khủng hơn cả chặt đầu Putin, cắm cờ tại Nhà Trắng v.v.. Làm sao cho hình ảnh Hồi giáo càng tàn độc càng tồi tệ càng tốt..Sau đó "phe ta" sẽ la hoảng thật to, cho "người dân của ta" thật khiếp sợ , thật căm ghét Hồi giáo Ả Rập vô điều kiện.... và quần chúng sẽ kêu gào "nhà nuớc phe ta" dùng võ lực quân sự diệt ISIL với bất cứ giá nào! Kể cả vi phạm hiến pháp, nhân quyền, vi phạm tội ác và chiếm đóng các xứ sở khác!!!
Lúc đó chỉ cần một toán đặc nhiệm SEAL như "đã vào" "giết Bin Laden" là tất cả sẽ hạ màn thôi! Và Quân ta sẽ "tiếp quản" những xứ sở từng có mặt ISIL, từng là lãnh thổ của con quái vật ISIL rất chính đáng!!!
Có một điều "nho nhỏ" mà một cái đầu, nếu còn một chút cái gì gọi là ÓC NGƯỜI, chắc chắn sẽ thắc mắc: Người ta thường lập quốc bằng những tuyên bố lý tưởng, trình bày điều tốt đẹp lấy lòng dân, dư luận thế giới, kết thêm bạn bớt thù để được công nhận và giao thương sau này v,v Thế nhưng cái thằng "Thánh Tụ" này, chỉ rặt tàn sát người, người Hồi giáo của nó là chính, mới bỏ mẹ! Và toàn là hăm dọa làm những điều ghê tởm, gây thù, gây oán, gây ghê tởm, với hầu như tất cả các nước trên thế giới!
Nói một cách khác, rõ ràng thằng Thánh Tụ này chỉ muốn thiên hạ kinh tởm ghét bỏ nó, và lúc nào cũng muốn triệt tiêu nó!!! Dù nó và cái thánh quốc thổ tả chẳng có trung tâm chính trị, hệ thống tài chính, kinh tế, nhà máy kỹ nghệ sản xuất, hệ thống hành chính gì hết! Tài sản vũ khí toàn đi ăn cắp luợm nhặt (và được cung cấp)! Theo quí độc giả cái "thánh quốc" có nền tảng quá "vững chắc" này, sống đuợc bao lâu"? Và nhờ đâu mà sống? Tùy cái đầu của mỗi độc giả kết luận!
Xét vui xét hài hơn một chút- Cái thằng Thánh Tụ này và cái "tổ quốc khí gió" của nó, sức vóc quân sự tài nguyên nhân lực, chưa được cỡ như thằng bé bụ bẫm Kim Jung Un của Bắc Hàn, chứ so làm sao với Tầu và Nga. Thế mà Nga lẫn Tầu chẳng hề hé môi hung hãn hăm dọa ai hết... Âu Mỹ nó chèn nén cứ phải nhịn như cơm sống!!! Mà Âu Mỹ lại run sợ vì cái thằng "Thánh Tụ" với cái Tồ Cò chưa thành hình ra sao cả!!! Thế là thế nào?
Lạ hơn nữa, là hai ông giời Nga Tầu cũng... ra giọng sợ ISIL!!! Và cũng ra đủ thứ biện pháp xiết chặt những khối người Hồi bị Nga Tầu chiếm giữ từ trước đến nay. Có thêm lý cớ chính đáng quốc tế đàn áp tiêu diệt thẳng tay vì những nhóm này "bằng chứng" có theo ISIL!!!
Nói gọn lại tí xíu nữa là với kỹ thuật cao cấp vệ tinh của NSA mà Snowden đã cho biết- và hệ thống DRONES (máy bay không người lái) hôm nay đang tung hoành bầu trời Trung Đông bắn "khủng bố" thoải mái. Thì cái đám thánh chiến và thánh tụ chưa có "lãnh thổ định chế kiến trúc tổ chức" này chui ở đâu mà trốn? Trong khi Drones cứ "bắn nhầm" dân lành, trẻ thơ vô tội hàng ngày khi các em ban ngày đang chơi, ban đêm đang ngủ say!
Ôi huyền thoại, truyền miệng nối huyền thoại này sang huyền thoại khác.. và vẫn chỉ là huyền thoại, kiến thức cửa miệng qua tai!!!
TẠI SAO BỌN ÂU MỸ lại TIẾN HÀNH THÀNH CÔNG dù với những VỚ VẨN như vậy?
Như chúng tôi có trình bày ở trên:
Chúng ta cần biết rõ CIA và Âu Mỹ tận dụng não trạng nông nổi tôn giáo của dân chúng khu vực này. Và họ chỉ cần lập một nhóm nhỏ lãnh đạo do chính nhân viên đặc nhiệm CIA, MOSSAD cải trang với cái tên Hồi giáo là sẽ có hàng ngàn các tay súng ngây ngô hưởng ứng. Niềm tin cực đoan tôn giáo được sôi sục trước những bạo ngược của chính sách Âu Mỹ và tay sai bản xứ độc tài đàn áp lấn chiếm đời sống xã hội của họ, khiến họ ủng hộ bất kỳ cái tính danh Ả Rập nào có bóng Alah và hô khẩu hiệu chống Âu Mỹ.., Tệ hại hơn nữa là họ thường cứ mơ về thời huy hoàng của đế quốc Hồi giáo cách đây hơn ngàn năm. Nó như đám đầu ngục Việt Nam, khi gặp tai họa khó khăn hiện tại - không vận não giải quyết hiện trạng với điều kiện hiện tại mà cứ mơ về quá khứ- kẻ mơ thời huy hoàng Diệm, Thiệu, đứa mơ thời "bác Hồ", và cả lũ cùng mơ thời Quang Trung, cố Lê, cố Trần, minh quân thánh chúa, tổ tiên linh thiêng v.v vậy!!!
Và đây chính là lý do ISIL bỗng dưng có rất nhiều tay súng, từ những người Hồi bị NATO, Mỹ bắt tra tấn; những người còn sống sót sau khi cả gia đình bị hỏa tiễn DRONE Mỹ NaTo tiêu diệt "bắn nhầm"; những người Hồi bị Do Thái đánh đập cướp mất nhà cửa đất đai, những tù nhân bị Mỹ và nhà nước tay sai Mỹ tại khu vực đàn áp bắt giữ tra tấn, và bỗng nhiên "được cứu thoát" hàng ngàn người v.v Họ từ khắp nơi đổ về tham gia cơ hội "thánh chiến", chỉ vì họ không còn con đường nào, nơi nào cho họ dung thân, cho họ một chút ánh sáng niềm tin công lý sau những bạo ngược bất nhân tàn độc xảy ra cho bản thân và gia đình họ, xứ sở họ!

Toàn bộ khối người Hồi giáo bị lọt bẫy, dù là ở các xứ Hồi giáo hay trong những cộng đồng nơi Âu Mỹ. Họ bị "chọc tức", bị sỉ nhục, khiêu khích để nổi điên và bị mắng nhiếc lên án! Họ bị đẩy vào con đường cùng để phải cầm súng và ôm bom! Như Phạm Hồng Thái từng suy nghĩ!
Chúng thành công vì DÂN NGU. Cả hai phía đều bị NGU DÂN bằng những tín lý tôn giáo hoang tưởng; những tín lý về Nhà nước hư cấu.. và căn bệnh ích kỷ tham lam, đố kỵ, hận thù v.v nó đưa đến những sợ hãi vô lối tàn độc: sợ cho mình, nhưng đổ vấy lên đầu người khác. Tâm lý sống của con người ta trong niềm tin Nhà nước, tổ quốc giống nòi, và tôn giáo tự tôn hôm nay đều như vậy, dù bất cứ ở nơi nào, xứ sở nào, nạn nhân hay tội phạm!

Nơi những xã hội Âu Mỹ, bọn quyền bính ngu dân nhẹ nhàng dễ dàng hơn. Phương cách hiệu nghiệm mà Hermann Goering, tướng Quốc Xã của Hitler đã dẫn giải:
Cuối cùng thì những kẻ lãnh đạo của đất nước, sẽ quyết định chính sách, và điều này luôn luôn là vấn đề đơn giản lôi kéo quần chúng theo, bất kể là trong nền dân chủ hay độc tài phát xít, hay dân chủ quốc hội, hay độc tài cộng sản. Có tiếng nói của dân hay không tiếng nói của dân, quần chúng luôn luôn được lôi vào vòng xếp đặt của giới lãnh đạo. Điều này dễ dàng thôi. Tất cả bạn phải làm chỉ là nói với quần chúng rằng họ đang bị tấn công, đồng thời lên án những ai kêu gọi hòa bình là không yêu nước là đặt đất nước vào tình trạng lâm nguy. Điều này hiệu nghiệm như nhau ở bất kỳ xã hội đất nước nào" (But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.')
Và nó còn hiệu nghiệm hơn chút nữa khi có thêm niềm tin độc tôn về một vị Chúa của dân mình, giáo hội duy nhất thánh thiện toàn hảo cùa dân mình, về một cõi thiên đàng của dân mình v.v cũng bị đe dọa !!! Mỹ, Úc, Anh, Nhật, Hàn, Hồi, Iraq, Iran, Âu , Á, Phi v,v như nhau cả chẳng có ngoại lệ nào hết!
Xét mục tiêu chiến lược toàn cầu và những thủ đoạn chiến thuật tạo dựng "khủng bố" gây chiến tranh và hỗn loạn khắp nơi, đặc biệt tại Trung Đông của Âu Mỹ, chúng ta không thể thoát khỏi kết luận rằng: Hệ thống nhà nước Âu Mỹ hiện nay chính là guồng máy KHỦNG BỐ tàn bạo nhất và lớn nhất toàn cầu! Nó không chỉ khủng bố xứ sở khác bằng bom đạn, mà còn khủng bố đời sống Y TẾ SỨC Khỏe với những màn tấn công vi trùng vào quần chúng để bóc lột tài chính và xiết vòng vây cai trị như những vụ "cúm heo (swine flu), cúm gà (bird flu) hiện nay là Ebola, và khủng bố tinh thần dân chúng bản xứ của nó bằng những trò giả địch (911- Boston- Newyork- London v.v ) đe dọa tự do và xiết chặt cai trị xâm phạm rình mò trộm cắp thông tin đời tư của công dân (tham khảo nguồn Cập Nhật Thông Tin về EBOLA- Tiến Trình Vũ Khí Hóa...- Cập Nhật Thông Tin về EBOLA- Tiến Trình Vũ Khí Hóa...
Chỉ còn sự khác biệt là nơi nào có nhiều Con Người hiểu biết trưởng thành, thì nơi đó có CƠ HỘI THOÁT HỌA CAO HƠN mà thôi. Mỉa mai thay, và cũng may mắn thay, nơi có nhiều con người hiểu biết nhận thức đang đối kháng tố cáo mạnh mẽ cái guồng máy khủng bố này, lại vẫn chính là nơi có guồng máy khủng bố tàn độc rộng lớn nhất này!!! Bên ngoài, nơi các guồng máy khủng bố nhõ bé địa phương, quần chúng vẫn đang ngủ say với chủ nghĩa quốc gia giống nòi dân tộc hàng ngàn năm nay!
“Chúng ta rất bao biện chống chế, cho nên hung hăng hiếu chiến, khi chúng ta bám vào một niềm tin nhất định, một giáo điều nào đó, hay khi chúng ta sùng bái cái quốc tịch đặc biệt của chúng ta, với cái tấm giẻ rách được gọi là quốc kỳ" We are very defensive, and therefore aggressive, when we hold on to a particular belief, a dogmas, or when we worship our particular nationality, with the rag that is called the flag.”― Jiddu Krishnamurti
Nếu ngày mai, nhận thức nhân bản, nhân chủ, tự do nhân phẩm bị tiêu diệt, thì có lẽ đại đa số quần chúng các nơi chẳng hề hay biết địa cầu đã tụt hậu lạc hóa và đã quay chiều. Chỉ có một thiểu số Con Người đau khổ mất mát và cũng đang miệt mài cách mạng sáng tạo tư duy xây ý niệm tự do nhân bản lại từ đầu! Những Sarah Harrison, Snowden, Assange, Manning, Binney, Thomas Drake, Daniel Elberg, Chris Hedge, Paul Craig Roberts v.v và hàng ngàn tiếng nói khác KHẮP NƠI, trong đó có trang Nhân Chủ, cho phép chúng ta kỳ vọng tương lai và KHẲNG ĐỊNH ĐIỀU NÀY!
Tất cả đang diễn ra trước mắt chúng ta đấy. Nhưng phải cần trí tuệ mới thấy rõ được.
Nếu dân trí không vươn lên, thì sau ISIL, sau Thánh Tụ, Thánh Quốc sẽ còn nhiều Con Ma, Con Quỉ đang nằm sẵn trong kho trữ liệu của nhóm mê quyền bính bạo ngược trong cái Nhà Nước Ẩn Tàng chờ dịp rỉ ra cho báo đài chính qui khua còi la hoảng.
Cuối cùng, CẦN PHẢI NHỚ RẰNG, khi thực hiện thủ đoạn quyền lực, chẳng khi nào chúng phí sức gồng mình dương tay, kéo cung dùng một mũi tên chỉ vì một con chim! Và cũng chắc chắn ở kỷ nguyên toàn cầu đa phương liên lập này, cũng không phải bắn một mũi tên chỉ là hai con chim thôi!
Duy Tuệ Thị Nghiệp!
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ISIS: A Short History
GlobalSecurity: Al-Qaeda in Iraq
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The day bin Laden vanished forever | ||
Take a trip back to Tora Bora, Afhganistan, in late 2001 - the last time Osama bin Laden was certified to be seen alive. Last Modified: 08 May 2011 11:05 | ||
![]() The mujahidin don't even smile under their pakools. They recharge their tanks, anti-aircraft guns and Kalashnikovs, and continue to wait for new orders from commander Ali Shah. One of them volunteers:"Osama is there, yes, because Kandahar is being conquered.” Osama bin Laden had been seen by the mujahidin only two days ago on horseback commanding his troops. Or was it a mujahidin remix of Just My Imagination fired up by hardcore hashish? Osama knew the area extremely well; he fought some of his first 1980s battles in this terrain. Mini-earthquakes shake the freezing cold night in Bamo Khel plateau. Massive B52s continue to pound Tora Bora at regular one-hour intervals, after slowly circling overhead in the crisp black sky. In a former Taliban prison – a cement box beside a depot crammed with grenades, rocket launchers, ammunition, the works – fourteen mujahidin under commander Shah and two journalists, The Observer’s Jason Burke and myself, pile up amid the wool blankets. "Omar, Omar". Silence. "Omar, Omar". The silence is pierced only by radio cackle and wood fire burning – our only source of heat and light. A day in the life We sleep in a cell literally filled with smoke. Everybody rises at 4am for Ramadan breakfast – stale pieces of nan – and then go to war in the trunks of Toyota pick-ups, some playing with hand grenades, oblivious to the possibility of sending us all to paradise. The B52s resume their deadly circular ballet. Flashes of light emerge from the mountains. Only two miles away a lethal concentration of over a thousand Arabs, sprinkled with a few Chechens and Uzbeks bent on fighting to the last man is being bombed to oblivion. The two thousand Afghan mujahidin are the commandos of Hazrat Ali, currently "chief of law and order" in Jalalabad. They are Pachis – a Pashtun sub-tribe with its own language and fierce code of war. Many of them spent years living in Peshawar during the Taliban holocaust. On the other side, the Arab commander is the feared Abdul Kuduz – the mujahidin know it because they intercept al-Qaeda's radio traffic. But none of them speaks Arabic – just like none of the Arabs understand the Pachi dialect. During all the time I spent on the frontline of the last, crucial battle of the 2001 Afghan War, the Arabs produced only scattered mortar fire. Al-Qaeda's positions are on top of the second range of three superimposed layers of mountains. This is the area known as Tora Bora – under which there is a complex network of caves, some natural, some man-made. The rock face is mercilessly subjected to massive B52 bombing. Beyond the highest layer of mountains are the tribal areas of Pakistan – reachable only after an 80km trek around the mountains. The invisible war The most absurd aspect in this surreal, asymmetrical war is the lack of coordination between the devastating B52 and F16 attacks and the ultra-slow offensive of the mujahidin. It takes them three B52 attacks just to position a Zu – a double-barreled anti-aircraft gun from Soviet pre-history. But their knowledge of the terrain is matchless. They say the US should be bombing the base of the mountains, not the top; later I would learn that Hazrat Ali's commanders, outsourced by the Pentagon, pocketed US Samsonites full of cash in exchange of bogus local intel. The "invisible war" constantly evoked by then Pentagon supremo Donald Rumsfeld also showed up – in the form of two pick-ups with tinted windows, a mixed commando of US Special Forces and British SAS. They were surprised and visibly uncomfortable to bump into two journalists. On November 17, 2001, as the Taliban regime was self-disintegrating, Osama bin Laden, his family and a convoy of twenty-five Toyota Land Cruisers left Jalalabad towards Tora Bora. In late November, surrounded by his fiercest and most loyal Yemeni mujahidin, in a cold and damp Tora Bora cave, Osama delivered a stirring speech. One of his fighters, Abu Bakar, later captured by Afghan mujahidin, said Osama was exhorting them to "hold our positions firm and be ready for martyrdom. I’ll be visiting you again, very soon". A few days later, what would have been November 30, Osama - along with four Yemeni mujahidin - left Tora Bora towards the village of Parachinar, in the Pakistani tribal areas. They walked undisturbed all the way – and then disappeared forever. Never say die On December 1, as the B52 bombing raids were raging, Osama had already left the building, as a number of mujahidin told me later. The crucial point is that - while Osama was already safe in tribal Pakistan, General Tommy Franks at Centcom HQ in Tampa, Florida, was being directed by Rumsfeld to concentrate on toppling Saddam Hussein. The rest, as we all know, is (tragic) history. In early December, I would also see Pir Baksh Bardiwal, the man responsible for intelligence operations in eastern Afghanistan, absolutely puzzled. Why didn't the Pentagon block all the obvious exit trails from Tora Bora, when any of Hazrat Ali's mujahidin, paid by the US, knew them by heart? Only a few Arab al-Qaeda jihadis were captured in Tora Bora after Osama left; later they were sent to the ninth circle of Dante's hell in Gitmo, along with dozens of Afghan bystanders. Most al-Qaeda fighters that remained in Tora Bora died in battle, as shaheed ["martyrs"], buried under the rubble caused by bunker-buster bombs. As far as the Pentagon was concerned, Pir Baksh was adamant: "Al-Qaeda escaped right out from under their feet." Not anymore – even though it took Washington no less than 3,519 days since 9/11 to find bin Laden "dead or alive", as John Wayne Bush promised, only 240km east of - you guessed it - Tora Bora. The problem is the man who was last seen alive on November 30, 2001 was reported dead, again, and again, and again. A Taliban leader said it happened in mid-December 2001, near Tora Bora (he claimed to have attended the funeral); Osama had not been able to survive a serious lung problem. By late 2002, everyone from then Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf to Afghanistan's Hamid Karzai, Israeli intelligence and the FBI's Dale Watson was sure of it. Yet it took Saudi intelligence years to come up with a definitive date: August 23, 2006. Throughout the 2000s, all Osama videotapes were revealed to be crass fakes. Beyond the fact that Obama's chief counterterrorism adviser John Brennan insists that Pakistan was not in the loop about the target assassination; beyond the fact that Osama was sold out by the Pakistani ISI and the military; beyond the fact that "justice" means capturing and trying someone in a court of law - not a targeted killing; beyond the suspicious fact that Washington did not profit from exhibiting Osama's body, Che Guevara-style (after all, Osama reveled in selling his myth as a sort of Sheikh Guevara); beyond the fact that al-Qaeda had already been strategically defeated by the Great 2011 Arab Revolt, and thus Osama was already irrelevant – a nagging question remains. That body now slowly disintegrating in the waters of the Arabian Sea – is it the real shaheed who chose, as promised, not to surrender and die in a "firefight" this past Monday? Or is it a replicate? Pepe Escobar is the roving correspondent for Asia Times ( His latest book is Obama Does Globalistan (Nimble Books, 2009). He may be reached at |
Al Qaeda: The Database

This article originally published by Global Research in 2005 sheds light on the nature of Al Qaeda, an intelligence construct used by Washington to destabilize and destroy sovereign countries, while sustaining the illusion of an outside enemy, which threatens the security of the Western World.
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Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that “Al Qaeda” is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. Courtesy of World Affairs, a journal based in New Delhi, WMR can bring you an important excerpt from an Apr.-Jun. 2004 article by Pierre-Henry Bunel, a former agent for French military intelligence.
“I first heard about Al-Qaida while I was attending the Command and Staff course in Jordan. I was a French officer at that time and the French Armed Forces had close contacts and cooperation with Jordan . . .
“Two of my Jordanian colleagues were experts in computers. They were air defense officers. Using computer science slang, they introduced a series of jokes about students’ punishment.
“For example, when one of us was late at the bus stop to leave the Staff College, the two officers used to tell us: ‘You’ll be noted in ‘Q eidat il-Maaloomaat’ which meant ‘You’ll be logged in the information database.’ Meaning ‘You will receive a warning . . .’ If the case was more severe, they would used to talk about ‘Q eidat i-Taaleemaat.’ Meaning ‘the decision database.’ It meant ‘you will be punished.’ For the worst cases they used to speak of logging in ‘Al Qaida.’
“In the early 1980s the Islamic Bank for Development, which is located in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, like the Permanent Secretariat of the Islamic Conference Organization, bought a new computerized system to cope with its accounting and communication requirements. At the time the system was more sophisticated than necessary for their actual needs.
“It was decided to use a part of the system’s memory to host the Islamic Conference’s database. It was possible for the countries attending to access the database by telephone: an Intranet, in modern language. The governments of the member-countries as well as some of their embassies in the world were connected to that network.
“[According to a Pakistani major] the database was divided into two parts, the information file where the participants in the meetings could pick up and send information they needed, and the decision file where the decisions made during the previous sessions were recorded and stored. In Arabic, the files were called, ‘Q eidat il-Maaloomaat’ and ‘Q eidat i-Taaleemaat.’ Those two files were kept in one file called in Arabic ‘Q eidat ilmu’ti’aat’ which is the exact translation of the English word database. But the Arabs commonly used the short word Al Qaida which is the Arabic word for “base.” The military air base of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is called ‘q eidat ‘riyadh al ‘askariya.’ Q eida means “a base” and “Al Qaida” means “the base.”
“In the mid-1980s, Al Qaida was a database located in computer and dedicated to the communications of the Islamic Conference’s secretariat.
“In the early 1990s, I was a military intelligence officer in the Headquarters of the French Rapid Action Force. Because of my skills in Arabic my job was also to translate a lot of faxes and letters seized or intercepted by our intelligence services . . . We often got intercepted material sent by Islamic networks operating from the UK or from Belgium.
“These documents contained directions sent to Islamic armed groups in Algeria or in France. The messages quoted the sources of statements to be exploited in the redaction of the tracts or leaflets, or to be introduced in video or tapes to be sent to the media. The most commonly quoted sources were the United Nations, the non-aligned countries, the UNHCR and . . . Al Qaida.
“Al Qaida remained the data base of the Islamic Conference. Not all member countries of the Islamic Conference are ‘rogue states’ and many Islamic groups could pick up information from the databases. It was but natural for Osama Bin Laden to be connected to this network. He is a member of an important family in the banking and business world.
“Because of the presence of ‘rogue states,’ it became easy for terrorist groups to use the email of the database. Hence, the email of Al Qaida was used, with some interface system, providing secrecy, for the families of the mujaheddin to keep links with their children undergoing training in Afghanistan, or in Libya or in the Beqaa valley, Lebanon. Or in action anywhere in the battlefields where the extremists sponsored by all the ‘rogue states’ used to fight. And the ‘rogue states’ included Saudi Arabia. When Osama bin Laden was an American agent in Afghanistan, the Al Qaida Intranet was a good communication system through coded or covert messages.
Meet “Al Qaeda”“Al Qaida was neither a terrorist group nor Osama bin Laden’s personal property . . . The terrorist actions in Turkey in 2003 were carried out by Turks and the motives were local and not international, unified, or joint. These crimes put the Turkish government in a difficult position vis-a-vis the British and the Israelis. But the attacks certainly intended to ‘punish’ Prime Minister Erdogan for being a ‘toot tepid’ Islamic politician.
” . . . In the Third World the general opinion is that the countries using weapons of mass destruction for economic purposes in the service of imperialism are in fact ‘rogue states,” specially the US and other NATO countries.
” Some Islamic economic lobbies are conducting a war against the ‘liberal” economic lobbies. They use local terrorist groups claiming to act on behalf of Al Qaida. On the other hand, national armies invade independent countries under the aegis of the UN Security Council and carry out pre-emptive wars. And the real sponsors of these wars are not governments but the lobbies concealed behind them.
“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.”
In yet another example of what happens to those who challenge the system, in December 2001, Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel was convicted by a secret French military court of passing classified documents that identified potential NATO bombing targets in Serbia to a Serbian agent during the Kosovo war in 1998. Bunel’s case was transferred from a civilian court to keep the details of the case classified. Bunel’s character witnesses and psychologists notwithstanding, the system “got him” for telling the truth about Al Qaeda and who has actually been behind the terrorist attacks commonly blamed on that group. It is noteworthy that that Yugoslav government, the government with whom Bunel was asserted by the French government to have shared information, claimed that Albanian and Bosnian guerrillas in the Balkans were being backed by elements of “Al Qaeda.” We now know that these guerrillas were being backed by money provided by the Bosnian Defense Fund, an entity established as a special fund at Bush-influenced Riggs Bank and directed by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.
French officer Maj. Pierre-Henri Bunel, who knew the truth about “Al Qaeda” — Another target of the neo-cons.
We found bin Laden in Tora Bora ... but I aborted the mission, says elite Delta Force Commander
Updated: 03:29 AEST, 8 October 2008
Osama bin Laden was within Delta Force's sights, the commander claims - but slipped away
The commander of a U.S. military force so secret that many believe it does not exist has told American television how soldiers under his command found Osama bin Laden - but let him slip through their fingers.
The commander, calling himself Dalton Fury, expressed his frustration at having known where bin Laden was, but feeling he was powerless to do anything.
At one point, he said, his forces were closing in on bin Laden's men - but he decided to abort the mission because he did not have support from Afghan troops.
And in another incident Delta soldiers actually saw a tall man dressed in camouflage that they believed was bin Laden - only to have the Al Qaeda leader escape their bombing campagin in the mountains.
Speaking to CBS'S television news magazine 60 Minutes, Fury - who was disguised - talked about a book he has written entitled 'Kill Bin Laden', detailing his memories of the campaign in Tora Bora in 2001.
"Our job was to go find him, capture or kill him, and we knew the writing on the wall was to kill him because nobody wanted to bring Osama bin Laden back to stand trial in the United States somewhere," the mission commander told his interviewer.
He said the administration's strategy was to let Afghans do most of the fighting, however.
Using radio intercepts and other intelligence, he said, the CIA pinpointed bin Laden's location in the Tora Bora mountains near Pakistan.
Fury's Delta team joined the CIA and Afghan fighters and piled into pickup trucks. He claimed their orders were to kill bin Laden and leave the body with the Afghans, keeping an Afghan face on the war.
However an audacious plan to come at bin Laden from the back door was vetoed by a higher-up - Fury claimed he was never sure who.
And a second plan to drop hundreds of landmines over any escape route into Pakistan was also vetoed, with Fury claiming he had no idea why.
The only option left was a frontal assault. Fury said he had 50 men in Delta force up against bin Laden's 1,000 - support from the Afghan forces was needed.
But, he claimed, many of the Afghan soldiers were not on board - seeing Osama bin Laden as a hero.
"It was almost like it was an agreement, an understanding between the two forces (al Qaeda and the Afghans) fighting each other," he said. "Almost put on a good show and then leave."
One night - alone without his Afghan allies - Fury said he was told bin Laden was a mere two kilometres away.
He had to make a decision - and, faced with overwhelming odds, he elected to stay away.
But the decision always nagged him. He wrote in his book: 'My decision to abort that effort to kill or capture bin Laden when we might have been with 2,000 metres of him, about 2,000 yards, still bothers me.
"It leaves me with a feeling of somehow letting down our nation at a critical time.'
But, he added, it wasn't worth the risk.
Fury had a second chance: Later, a Delta force named Jackal radioed they had bin Laden in sight.
He wrote: "The operation Jackal team observed 50 men moving into a cave that they hadn't seen before.
"The Mujahideen said they saw an individual, a taller fellow, wearing a camouflage jacket. Everybody put two and two together, 'Okay, that's got to be Osama Bin Laden egressing from the battlefield.'
"They called up every available bomb in the air, took control of the airspace. And they dropped several hours of bombs on the cave he went into. We believe, it was our opinion at the time, that he died inside that cave."
Later, however, he was proven wrong, when American forces were unable to find bin Laden's body and the al Qaeda leader began releasing radio and video footage again.
Fury told 60 Minutes believes he knows what happened.
He said bin Laden was wounded in the shoulder by shrapnel from an American bomb, and was then hidden a town next to the al Qaeda cemetery.
"We believe a gentleman brought him in - a gentleman, him and his family were supporting al Qaeda during the battle. They were providing food, ammo, water. We think he went to that house, received medical attention for a few days then, and then we believe they put him in a vehicle moved him back across the pass," he was quoted as saying.
"It’s my understanding they believe he got into a vehicle. He moved as far as he could and then got out and walked across or was carried across into Pakistan. Free and clear," Fury says.
He lives in hope that the leader will still be apprehended.
"When this is all over and this all dies down, and once we finally do grab Osama Bin Laden, I think the fact that we lost him in Tora Bora will move out of my memory so to speak. I'm looking forward to those days."

Historical Origins of the Islamic State (ISIS): Who Was Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi?

The US intelligence apparatus has created it own terrorist organizations. And at the same time, it creates its own terrorist warnings concerning the terrorist organizations which it has itself created. In turn, it has developed a cohesive multibillion dollar counterterrorism program “to go after” these terrorist organizations.
Counterterrorism and war propaganda are intertwined. The propaganda apparatus feeds disinformation into the news chain. The terror warnings must appear to be “genuine”. The objective is to present the terror groups as “enemies of America.”
The underlying objective is to galvanize public opinion in support of America’s war agenda.
The “war on terrorism” requires a humanitarian mandate. The war on terrorism is presented as a “Just War”, which is to be fought on moral grounds “to redress a wrong suffered.”
The Just War theory defines “good” and “evil.” It concretely portrays and personifies the terrorist leaders as “evil individuals”.
Several prominent American intellectuals and antiwar activists, who stand firmly opposed to the Bush administration, are nonetheless supporters of the Just War theory: “We are against war in all its forms but we support the campaign against international terrorism.”
To reach its foreign policy objectives, the images of terrorism must remain vivid in the minds of the citizens, who are constantly reminded of the terrorist threat.
The propaganda campaign presents the portraits of the leaders behind the terror network. In other words, at the level of what constitutes an “advertising” campaign, “it gives a face to terror.” The “war on terrorism” rests on the creation of one or more evil bogeymen, the terror leaders, Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, et al, whose names and photos are presented ad nauseam in daily news reports.
Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi is presented to World public opinion, as the upcoming terrorist mastermind, overshadowing “Enemy Number One”, Osama bin Laden.
The U.S. State Department has increased the reward for his arrest from $10 million to $25 million, which puts his “market value” at par with that of Osama. Ironically, Al Zarqawi is not on the FBI most wanted fugitives list.
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Al Zarqawi’s Links to Al Qaeda
Al Zarqawi is often described as an “Osama associate”, the bogyman, allegedly responsible for numerous terrorist attacks in several countries. In other reports, often emanating from the same sources, it is stated that he has no links to Al Qaeda and operates quite independently. He is often presented as an individual who is challenging the leadership of bin Laden.
His name crops up on numerous occasions in press reports and official statements. Since early 2004, he is in the news almost on a daily basis.
Osama belongs to the powerful bin Laden family, which historically had business ties to the Bushes and prominent members of the Texas oil establishment. Bin Laden was recruited by the CIA during the Soviet-Afghan war and fought as a Mujahideen. In other words, there is a longstanding documented history of bin Laden-CIA and bin Laden-Bush family links, which are an obvious source of embarrassment to the US government.
In contrast to bin Laden, Al-Zarqawi has no family history. He comes from an impoverished Palestinian family in Jordan. His parents are dead. He emerges out of the blue.
He is described by CNN as “a lone wolf” who is said to act quite independently of the Al Qaeda network. Yet surprisingly, this lone wolf is present in several countries, in Iraq, which is now his base, but also in Western Europe. He is also suspected of preparing a terrorist attack on American soil.
He seems to be in several places at the same time. He is described as “the chief U.S. enemy”, “a master of disguise and bogus identification papers”. We are led to believe that this “lone wolf” manages to outwit the most astute US intelligence operatives.
According to The Weekly Standard –which is known to have a close relationship to the Neocons in the Bush administration:
“Abu Musab al Zarqawi is hot right now. He masterminded not only Berg’s murder but also the Madrid carnage on March 11, the bombardment of Shia worshippers in Iraq the same month, and the April 24 suicide attack on the port of Basra. But he is far from a newcomer to slaughter. Well before 9/11, he had already concocted a plot to kill Israeli and American tourists in Jordan. His label is on terrorist groups and attacks on four continents.” (Weekly Standard, 24 May 2004)Al-Zarqawi’s profile “is mounting a challenge to bin Laden’s leadership of the global jihad.”
In Iraq, he is said to be determined to “ignite a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites”. But is that not precisely what US intelligence is aiming at ( “divide and rule”) as confirmed by several analysts of the US led war? Pitting one group against the other with a view to weakening the resistance movement. (See Michel Collon, , See also )
The CIA, with its $30 billion plus budget, pleads ignorance: they say they know nothing about him, they have a photograph, but, according to the Weekly Standard (24 May 2004), they apparently do not know his weight or height.
There is an aura of mystery surrounding this individual which is part of the propaganda ploy. Zarqawi is described as “so secretive even some operatives who work with him do not know his identity.”
Consistent Pattern
What is the role of this new mastermind in the Pentagon’s disinformation campaign, in which CNN seems to be playing a central role?
In previous propaganda ploys, the CIA hired PR firms to organize core disinformation campaigns, including the Rendon Group. The latter worked closely with its British partner Hill and Knowlton, which was responsible for the 1990 Kuwaiti incubator media scam, where Kuwaiti babies were allegedly removed from incubators in a totally fabricated news story, which was then used to get Congressional approval for the 1991 Gulf War.
What is the pattern?
Almost immediately in the wake of a terrorist event or warning, CNN announces (in substance): we think this mysterious individual Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi is behind it, invariably without supporting evidence and prior to the conduct of an investigation by the relevant police and intelligence authorities.
In some cases, upon the immediate occurrence of the terrorist event, there is an initial report which mentions Al-Zarqawi as the possible mastermind. The report will often say (in substance): yes we think he did it, but it is not yet confirmed and there is some doubt on the identity of those behind the attack. One or two days later, CNN may come up with a definitive statement, quoting official police, military and/or intelligence sources.
Often the CNN report is based on information published on an Islamic website or a mysterious Video or Audio tape. The authenticity of the website and/or the tapes is not the object of discussion or detailed investigation.
Bear in mind that the news reports never mention that Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA and that Al Zarqawi had been recruited to fight in the Soviet-Afghan war (This is in fact confirmed by Sec. Colin Powell in his presentation to the UN Security Council on 5 February 2003) (see details below). Both Osama bin Laden and Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi are creations of the US intelligence apparatus. The recruitment of foreign fighters was under the auspices of the CIA.
The press usually present the terrorist warnings emanating from the CIA as genuine, without acknowledging the fact that US intelligence, has provided covert support to the Islamic militant network consistently for more than 20 years.
Amply documented, the training camps in Afghanistan established during the Reagan Administration had been set up with the support of the CIA. In fact, several members of the current Bush administration including Richard Armitage and Colin Powell were directly involved in channeling support to Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, where bin Laden and Al Zarqawi received specialized training. (See Michel Chossudovsky, and )
History of Al Zarqawi
The first time Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi’s name is mentioned was in relation to the thwarted attack on the Radisson SAS Hotel in Amman, Jordan, during the millennium celebrations (December 1999). According to press reports, he had previously gone under another name: Ahmed Fadil Al-Khalayleh, (apparently among other aliases).
According to the New York Times, Al Zarqawi fled Afghanistan to Iran in late 2001, following the entry of US troops. Official US reports suggest that he was protected at the highest levels of the Tehran government.
“United States intelligence officials say they are increasingly concerned by the mounting evidence of Tehran’s renewed interest in terrorism [and support to Al Zarqawi], including covert surveillance by Iranian agents of possible American targets abroad. American officials said Iran appeared to view terrorism as deterrent against possible attack by the United States.In 2002, his presence in Tehran, allegedly “collaborating with hardliners” in the Iranian military and intelligence apparatus, is part of an evolving disinformation campaign which consists in presenting Iran as a sponsor of the “Islamic terror network”:
Since the surprise election of reformer Mohammad Khatami as president of Iran in 1997 and his wide public support, Washington has been counting on a new moderate political majority to emerge. But the hard-line faction has maintained its grip on Iran’s security apparatus, frustrating American efforts to ease tensions with Tehran.
Now, Iranian actions to destabilize the new interim government in Afghanistan, its willingness to assist Al Qaeda members and its fueling of the Palestinian uprising are prompting a reassessment in Washington, officials say.” (NYT, 24 March 2002)
In February 2002, he was allegedly involved in planning terror attacks inside Israel.
Colin Powell’s Address to the UN Security Council
In the months leading up to the war on Iraq, Al Zarqawi’s name reemerges, this time almost on daily basis, with reports focusing on his sinister relationship to Saddam Hussein.
A major turning point in the propaganda campaign occurs on February 5, 2003. Al-Zarqawi was in the spot light following Colin Powell’s flopped WMD report to the UN Security Council. Powell’s speech presented “documentation” on the ties between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, while focusing on the central role of Al-Zarqawi: (emphasis added):
Our concern is not just about these illicit weapons; it’s the way that these illicit weapons can be connected to terrorists and terrorist organizations…(US Secretary of State Colin Powell to the UN Security Council, Excerpts, 5 February 2003)
But what I want to bring to your attention today is the potentially much more sinister nexus between Iraq and the Al Qaeda terrorist network, a nexus that combines classic terrorist organizations and modern methods of murder. Iraq today harbors a deadly terrorist network, headed by Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi, an associate and collaborator of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda lieutenants.
Zarqawi, a Palestinian born in Jordan, fought in the Afghan War more than a decade ago. Returning to Afghanistan in 2000, he oversaw a terrorist training camp. One of his specialties and one of the specialties of this camp is poisons.
When our coalition ousted the Taliban, the Zarqawi network helped establish another poison and explosive training center camp, and this camp is located in Northeastern Iraq. You see a picture of this camp. Graphic, above. [there were no WMDS at this camp according to ABC report, see below]
The network is teaching its operative how to produce ricin and other poisons. Let me remind you how ricin works. Less than a pinch — imagine a pinch of salt — less than a pinch of ricin, eating just this amount in your food would cause shock, followed by circulatory failure. Death comes within 72 hours and there is no antidote. There is no cure. It is fatal.
Those helping to run this camp are Zarqawi lieutenants operating in northern Kurdish areas outside Saddam Hussein’s controlled Iraq, but Baghdad has an agent in the most senior levels of the radical organization Ansar al-Islam, that controls this corner of Iraq. In 2000, this agent offered Al Qaeda safe haven in the region. After we swept Al Qaeda from Afghanistan, some of its members accepted this safe haven. They remain there today.
We know these affiliates are connected to Zarqawi because they remain, even today, in regular contact with his direct subordinates, including the poison cell plotters. And they are involved in moving more than money and materiel. Last year, two suspected Al Qaeda operatives were arrested crossing from Iraq into Saudi Arabia. They were linked to associates of the Baghdad cell, and one of them received training in Afghanistan on how to use cyanide.
From his terrorist network in Iraq, Zarqawi can direct his network in the Middle East and beyond. [Note he is present in several countries at the same time]
According to detainees, Abu Atiya, who graduated from Zarqawi’s terrorist camp in Afghanistan, tasked at least nine North African extremists in 2001 to travel to Europe to conduct poison and explosive attacks. Since last year, members of this network have been apprehended in France, Britain, Spain and Italy. By our last count, 116 operatives connected to this global web have been arrested. The chart you are seeing shows the network in Europe.
We know about this European network, and we know about its links to Zarqawi, because the detainee who provided the information about the targets also provided the names of members of the network.
We also know that Zarqawi’s colleagues have been active in the Pankisi Gorge, Georgia, and in Chechnya, Russia. The plotting to which they are linked is not mere chatter. Members of Zarqawi’s network say their goal was to kill Russians with toxins.
We are not surprised that Iraq is harboring Zarqawi and his subordinates. This understanding builds on decades-long experience with respect to ties between Iraq and al Qaeda.
As I said at the outset, none of this should come as a surprise to any of us. Terrorism has been a tool used by Saddam for decades. Saddam was a supporter of terrorism long before these terrorist networks had a name, and this support continues. The nexus of poisons and terror is new; the nexus of Iraq and terror is old. The combination is lethal.
With this track record, Iraqi denials of supporting terrorism take their place alongside the other Iraqi denials of weapons of mass destruction. It is all a web of lies. When we confront a regime that harbors ambitions for regional domination, hides weapons of mass destruction, and provides haven and active support for terrorists, we are not confronting the past, we are confronting the present. And unless we act, we are confronting an even more frightening future.”
The statement of Secretary Powell regarding Al-Zarqawi consisted in linking the secular Baathist regime to the “Islamic terror network,” with a view to justifying the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
The Alleged Al-Zarqawi Sponsored Chemical and Biological Attacks
Powell’s UN statement with regard to Al Zarqawi rested on the existence of a chemical-biological weapons plant in Northern Iraq producing ricin, sarin and other biological weapons, allegedly to be used in terror attacks on the US and Western Europe.
With reference to the North Iraqi facility where the ricin was allegedly produced, The London Observer’s correspondent in Northern Iraq (9 February 2003) blatantly refutes Colin Powell’s statement:
” There is no sign of chemical weapons anywhere – only the smell of paraffin and vegetable butter used for cooking. In the kitchen, I discovered some chopped up tomatoes but not much else. The cook had left his Kalashnikov propped neatly against the wall. Ansar al-Islam – the Islamic group that uses the compound identified as a military HQ by Powell – yesterday invited me and several other foreign journalists into their territory for the first time. ‘We are just a group of Muslims trying to do our duty,’ Mohammad Hasan, spokes-man for Ansar al-Islam, explained. ‘We don’t have any drugs for our fighters. We don’t even have any aspirin. How can we produce any chemicals or weapons of mass destruction?‘”Barely a few weeks later, at the height of the military campaign, US Special Forces, together with their “embedded” journalists, entered the alleged chemical biological weapons facility in Northern Iraq:
“What they found was a camp devastated by cruise missile strikes during the first days of the war. A specialized biochemical team scoured the rubble for samples. They wore protective masks as they entered a building they suspected was a weapons lab. Inside they found mortar shells, medical supplies, and grim prison cells, but no immediate proof of chemical or biological agents. For this unit, such evidence would have been a so-called smoking gun, proof that it has banned weapons. But instead, this was a disappointing day for these troops on the front line of the hunt for weapons of mass destruction here. Jim Sciutto, ABC News, with US Special Forces in Northern Iraq “ (ABC News, 29 March 2003)The Ricin Threat
On February 8th 2003, three days after Colin Powell’s UN speech, the ricin threat remerges this time in the US. Al Zaqwari was said to be responsible for “the suspicious white powder found in a letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist which contained the [same] deadly poison ricin.”
In a CIA report which was apparently “leaked” to Newsweek, a group of CIA analysts predicted that there was
“a 59 percent probability that an attack on the U.S. homeland involving WMD would occur before 31 March 2003″… It all seems so precise and frightening: a better than 90 percent chance that Saddam will succeed in hitting America with a weapon spewing radiation, germs or poison. But it is important to remember that the odds are determined by averaging a bunch of guesses, informed perhaps, but from experts whose careers can only be ruined by underestimating the threat.” (Newsweek, 24 February 2003, )The picture of Al Zarqawi, the mastermind is featured prominently in the Newsweek feature article.
In the National Review (February 18, 2003), Al Zarqawi was described as Al Qaeda’s “chief biochemical engineer”:
“It is widely known [from where, what evidence] that Zarqawi, al Qaeda’s chief biochemical engineer, was at the safe house in Afghanistan where traces of Ricin and other poisons were originally found. What is not widely known-but was briefly alluded to in Sec. Powell’s U.N. address-is that starting in the mid-1990s, Iraq’s embassy in Islamabad routinely played host to Saddam’s biochemical scientists, some of whom interacted with al Qaeda operatives, including Zarqawi and his lab technicians, under the diplomatic cover of the Taliban embassy nearby to teach them the art of mixing poisons from home grown and readily available raw materials.”Radioactive Dirty Bombs
There were rumors of attacks within the US also using ricin, sarin and other poisonous gases. In the immediate aftermath of Powell’s speech, there was an orange code alert. Official statements also pointed to the dangers of a dirty radioactive bomb attack in the US.
Again Al Zarqawi was identified as the number one suspect.
The various ricin and dirty bomb terror alerts proved to be fabricated. A fabricated story emanating from the CIA on so-called ‘radioactive dirty bombs’ had been planted in the news chain (ABC News, 13 Feb 2003). A few days following his address to the UN, Sec. Powell warned that:
“it would be easy for terrorists to cook up radioactive ‘dirty’ bombs to explode inside the U.S. … ‘How likely it is, I can’t say… But I think it is wise for us to at least let the American people know of this possibility.’“(ABC This Week quoted in Daily News (New York), 10 Feb. 2003).Meanwhile, network TV had warned that “American hotels, shopping malls or apartment buildings could be al Qaeda’s targets as soon as next week…”. Following the announcement, tens of thousands of Americans rushed to purchase duct tape, plastic sheets and gas-masks.
It later transpired that the terrorist alert was fabricated by the CIA, in all likelihood in consultation with the State Department (ABC News, 13 Feb. 2003). The FBI, for the first time had pointed its finger at the CIA. While tacitly acknowledging that the alert was a fake, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge decided to maintain the ‘Orange Code’ alert:
“Despite the fabricated report, there are no plans to change the threat level. Officials said other intelligence has been validated and that the high level of precautions is fully warranted.” ( ABC News, 13 Feb. 2003 ).A few days later, in another failed propaganda initiative, a mysterious Osama bin Laden audio tape was presented by Sec. Colin Powell to the US Congress as ‘evidence’ that the Islamic terrorists “are making common cause with a brutal dictator”. (US official quoted in The Toronto Star, 12 Feb. 2003). Curiously, the audio tape was in Colin Powell’s possession prior to its broadcast by the Al Jazeera TV Network. (Ibid.)
Meanwhile, Al Zarqawi had been identified as the mastermind behind the (thwarted) ricin attacks in several European countries including Britain and Spain.
In London, in January 2003, there was a ricin terror alert, which had apparently also been ordered by Al Zarqawi. The ricin had allegedly been discovered in a London apartment. It was to be used in a terror attack in the London subway.
British press reports, quoting official statements claimed that the terrorists had learnt to produce the ricin at the camp in Northern Iraq. Yet when US Special Forces in March 2003 raided the camp in Northern Iraq, nothing resembling biological or chemical weapons was found (see ABC report quoted above).
It is worth mentioning, in this regard, that news stories on the chemical weapons plant in Northern Iraq, have continued to be churned out, despite the fact that US Forces said that it did not exist. In a recent story in the Washington Times:
Zarqawi stands as stark evidence of a link between Saddam Hussein’s autocratic regime and bin Laden’s al Qaeda terror network. Zarqawi, 38, operated a terrorist camp in northern Iraq that specialized in developing poisons and chemical weapons.(Washington Times, 8 June 2004)The Spanish Connection
Meanwhile in Spain, Bush’s coalition partner, Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar had initiated his own disinformation campaign, no doubt in liaison with US officials.
Perfect timing! While Colin Powell was presenting the Al-Zarqawi dossier to the UN, on the very same day, February 5, 2003, Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar was busy briefing the Spanish parliament on an alleged chemical terror attack in Spain.
According to Aznar, Al Zarqawi was apparently linked to a number of European Islamic “collaborators” including Merouane Ben Ahmed, “an expert in chemistry and explosives who visited Barcelona” (reported in El Pais, February 6 2003).
Prime Minister Aznar’s speech to the Chamber of Deputies (Camera de diputados) intimated that the 16 alleged Al Qaeda suspects, who apparently were in possession of explosives and lethal chemicals, had been working hand in glove with Al Zarqawi.
The information had been fabricated. The Spanish Ministry of Defense report confirmed that the “lethal chemicals” turned out to be “harmless and some were household detergent… “ (quoted in Irish News, 27 February 2003, emphasis added):
A defence ministry lab outside Madrid tested the substances – a bag containing more than half a pound of powder and several bottles or containers with liquids or residues- for the easy-to-make biological poison ricin…The Spanish defence ministry, which carried out the tests, and the lab itself declined to comment “ (Ibid)The Link to Ansar al-Islam
Following Powell’s February 2003 presentation to the UNSC, Al-Zarqawi immediately gained in public notoriety.
Since early 2004, his name appears almost daily in CNN reports. All in all, his name is linked to some 25 “terrorist attacks” in Iraq, not to mention numerous terrorist warnings, threats or alerts. Already before the war in Iraq, he was presented in media reports as an ally of Saddam Hussein.
The press reports, which quoted Colin Powell’s UNSC 5 Feb 2003 speech, confirmed that Al Zarqawi was back in Iraq, working hand in glove with Ansar Al-Islam, which was held responsible for the attack on the UN in Baghdad. In August 2003, Zarqawi was identified, without supporting evidence, as having played a role in the attack on the UN, which led to the death of the UN head of mission and 24 other people.
Bear in mind Ansar was also said to be behind the alleged ricin plant in Northern Iraq, which was confirmed to be a fake.
It is useful to recall that Ansar al-Islam, which constituted a pre-existing Islamist group, developed into a paramilitary organisation, only after the 9/11 attacks. Ironically, it was allowed to develop in a region of Iraq, which was already under US military control, namely Kurdish held Northern Iraq.
Ansar was largely involved in terrorist attacks directed against the secular institutions of the Kurdish regional governments. It was also involved in assassinations of members of the Kurdish PUK. And the US military and intelligence were present in the region.
In other words, prior to the war, Northern Iraq -which was in “the no fly zone”– was already a US protectorate. According to one report «Al Qaida affiliates coordinating the movement of people, money and supplies for Ansar al-Islam have been operating freely in the [regional] capital.” (Midland Independent, 6 February 2003).
Responding to Colin Powell’s February 2003 UN address, an Iraqi foreign ministry spokesman had stated at the time that:
”the Iraqi government helped the [PUK] Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani against the Ansar al-Islam group. He [the spokesman] accused Ansar al-Islam of carrying out acts of sabotage inside Iraq…[and] that the United States had turned down an Iraqi offer to cooperate on the issue of terrorism.” (News Conference by Lieutenant-General Amir al-Sa’di, adviser at the Iraqi Presidency; Dr Sa’id al-Musawi, head of the Organizations’ Department at the Iraqi Foreign Ministry; and Major-General Husam Muhammad Amin, head of the Iraqi National Monitoring Directorate. BBC Monitoring Service, 6 February 2003).
The Abu Ghraib Prison Scandal
Was it a coincidence? At the very outset of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal, there were rumors of an Al Zarqawi terrorist attack on American Soil, in Jordan as well as in Iraq.
Al Zarqawi identified by CNN as “the lone wolf” was, according to these reports, planning terrorist attacks simultaneously in several countries. Then there was the mysterious video on the Nicholas Berg execution.
The Attacks in Jordan
A mysterious tape released by CNN pointed to Al Zarqawi’s plan to attack the Jordanian intelligence headquarters in an attack using chemical weapons which could have been more deadly than 9/11. Again the evidence is based on a mysterious tape.
CNN 27 APRIL 2004
JOHN VAUSE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Jordanian special forces raiding an apartment house in Amman in the hunt for an al Qaeda cell. Some of the suspects are killed, others arrested, ending what Jordanian intelligence says was a bold plan to use chemical weapons and truck bombs in their capital; targets including Jordanian intelligence headquarters, the prime minister’s office and the U.S. embassy. The Jordanian government fears the death toll could have run into the thousands, more deadly even than 9/11.The press reports which followed the original CNN report, often quote CNN as the sole source for their information.
For the first time the alleged plotters were interviewed on videotape, aired on Jordanian TV. CNN obtained copies of the tapes from the Jordanians. This man revealing his orders came from a man named Azme Jayoussi, the cell’s alleged ringleader.
HUSSEIN SHARIF (through translator): The aim of this operation was to strike Jordan and the Hashemite royal family, a war against the crusaders and infidels. Azme told me that this would be the first chemical suicide attack that al Qaeda would execute.
VAUSE: Also appearing on the tape, Azme Jayoussi, who says his orders came from this man, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the same man the U.S. says is behind many of the violent attacks in Iraq.
AZME JAYOUSSI, ACCUSED PLOTTER (through translator): I took advanced explosives course, poisons, high level, then I pledged allegiance to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, to obey him without any questioning, to be on his side. After this Afghanistan fell. I met Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in Iraq.
VAUSE: Al Jayoussi was only shown in profile. He had marks on his hand, neck and face. The Jordanians who taped the confessions say the suspect suffered the injuries during the arrest. CNN was not allowed access to any of those arrested. The Jordanian government says this plot is only the latest attempt by al Qaeda to destabilize this country.
ASMA KHADER, JORDANIAN MINISTER OF STATE: Jordan was fighting this type of plans years now, and the security forces were able to confront them.
VAUSE (on camera): The Jordanians say the alleged terrorist plot was just days away from execution. If successful, Jordan’s King Abdullah told a U.S. newspaper it could have decapitated his government.
John Vause, CNN, Amman, Jordan.
Al-Zarqawi’s plans for Amman scale the heights of horror. CNN quoted Jordanian authorities as saying that the attack involved a combination of 71 lethal chemicals, including blistering agents to cause third-degree burns, nerve gas and choking agents, which would have formed a lethal toxic cloud over a square mile of the capital, Amman. Many thousands would have died in what would have been al-Qaida’s deadliest terrorist attack.Alleged Al Zarqawi “Attack on America”
The Associated Press reported Monday that four of the men arrested said on Jordanian television that they had been recruited by al-Zarqawi to carry out “the first suicide attack to be launched by al-Qaida using chemicals … striking at Jordan, its Hashemite (royal family) and launching war on the Crusaders and nonbelievers.” One of the conspirators, Azmi al-Jayousi, said he received about $170,000 from al-Zarqawi to finance the plot and used part of it to buy 20 tons of chemicals. Images of vans packed with chemicals and explosives were shown on television. (Charleston Post Courier, 28 April 2004)
Two days later, following the alleged terrorist threat on Jordanian intelligence, the State Department announced that Al Zarqawi was planning an attack on America (29 April 2003, CNN Report). Note that the rumours of an attack on America and the attack in Jordan took place virtually at the same time.Bear in mind that the Attack on America report, focusing on “We are after them with a vengeance”, was published on day following the CBS 60 minutes program on torture at the Abu Ghraib prison. (Complete transcript at ).
The State Department today said the number of terrorists attacks around the world declined last year, but the government’s annual report on terrorism includes a chilling warning about the year ahead.
Kitty Pilgrim reports.
KITTY PILGRIM, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The State Department says terrorists are planning an attack on U.S. soil. High on their anxiety list, terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
AMB. COFER BLACK, COORDINATOR FOR COUNTERTERRORISM: He is representative of a very real and credible threat. His operatives are planning and attempting now to attack American targets, and we are after them with a vengeance.
The Nicholas Berg Video
Barely a couple of weeks later (11 May 2004), Al Zarqawi is reported as being the mastermind behind the execution of Nicholas Berg on May 11, 2004.
Again perfect timing! The report coincided with calls by US Senators for Defense Sec Donald Rumsfeld to resign over the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. It occurs a few days after President Bush’s “apology” for the Abu Ghraib prison “abuses” on May 6.
The Nicholas Berg video served to create “a useful wave of indignation” which served to distract and soften up public opinion, following the release of the pictures of torture of Iraqi prisoners. (See the intelligence assumptions underlying Operation Northwoods, a secret Joint Chiefs of Staff plan to kill civilians in the Cuban community in Florida, and blame it on Fidel Castro. ( ) .Did the US officials check the mysterious website or was it CNN?
CNN coverage of the Nicholas Berg execution was based on a mysterious report on an Islamic website, which CNN upholds as providing “evidence” of Al-Zarqawi’s involvement:
ENSOR: The Web site claims that the killing was done by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a Jordanian terrorist whose al Qaeda affiliated group is held responsible by U.S. intelligence for a string of bombings in Iraq and for the killing of an American diplomat in Amman. CNN Arab linguists say, however, that the voice on the tape has the wrong accent. They do not believe it is Zarqawi. U.S. officials said the killers tried to take advantage of the prison abuse controversy to gain attention.
BROWN: So, the administration said today we’ll track these people down. We will get them beyond, I guess, this belief that Zarqawi somehow was involved. Are there any clues out there that we heard about?
ENSOR: This is going to be very, very difficult. They’ve been looking for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi for several years now. There’s a large price on his head. He’s been blowing up a lot of things in Iraq according to him and according to U.S. intelligence. They don’t know where he is, so it’s — I don’t think they have any clues right now, at least none that I know of — Aaron.
A subsequent more definitive report by CNN was aired 2 days later on 13 May 2004
The CIA confirms that Nicholas Berg’s killer was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi; The CIA acknowledges sticking to strict rules in tough interrogations of top al Qaeda prisoners.” (CNN)
BLITZER Because originally our own linguists here at CNN suspected that — they listened to this audiotape and they didn’t think the it sounded, the sounded like Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. But now definitively, the experts at the CIA say it almost certainly is Abu Musab al-Zarqawi?
ENSOR: They say it almost certainly is. There’s just a disagreement between the CNN linguists and the CIA linguists. The U.S. Government now believes that the person speaking on that tape and killing Nick Berg on that tape is the actual man, Abu Musab al- Zarqawi.
The video footage published on the website was called «Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi shows killing of an American». ” Then the CIA experts released a statement saying that Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi was the man in the mask who beheaded the US citizen Nick Berg in front of a camera.” (See ). Yet several reports question the authenticity of the video. ( ).
Al Zarqawi is Jordanian. Yet the man in the video “posing as Jordanian native Zarqawi does not speak the Jordanian dialect. Zarqawi has an artificial leg, but none of these murderers did. The man presented as Zarqawi had a yellow ring, presumably a golden one, which Muslim men are banned from wearing, especially so-called fundamentalists.” (See Was Nick Berg killed by US intelligence? by Sirajin Sattayev,
Another report states that Zarqawi was dead.
Immediately when the issue of his artificial leg was mentioned in relation to the video, US officials revised their story, stating they were not sure whether he actually lost a leg: “U.S. intelligence officials, who used to believe that Zarqawi had lost a leg in Afghanistan, recently revised that assessment, concluding that he still has both legs.” (News and World Report, 24 May 2004).
There were a number of other aspects of the video, which suggest that it was a fraud: there was no blood when Nicholas Berg was beheaded. The audio was not in synchrony with the video, indicating that the film might have been manipulated.
3/11 The Madrid 11 March 2004 Train Bombing
While the press dispatches provide no evidence of of Al Zarqawi’s involvement in the Madrid 3/11 bombing, several of the reports implied, without supporting evidence, that he was involved. According to the CIA, the Moroccan group which allegedly “supervised the bombings in Madrid, [were] acting as a link between al- Zarqawi and a cell of mostly Moroccan al-Qaeda members.” (The Australian, 27 May 2004)
A CNN statement two days after the 3/11 Madrid bombing states that Al Zarqawi may be planning attacks on “soft targets” in Western Europe:
LISOVICZ: And Jonathan, specifically, Abu Musaab al Zarqawi is someone you have described as al Qaeda 2.0, which is pretty scary.For details on the Madrid bombing see, Madrid ‘blueprint’: a dodgy document by Brendan O’Neill at
SCHANZER: Yes. Abu Musaab al Zarqawi is the man we caught; we intercepted his memo last month. U.S. intelligence officials found this memo. It indicated that he was trying to continue to carry out attacks against the United States. He was seeking help from the larger al Qaeda network and was seeking to foment internecine violence inside Iraq. This is a man dangerous; he’s been linked to attacks in Riyadh, Istanbul and Morocco. This is essentially a freelancer. This is a lone wolf, someone that’s acting alone in the name of al Qaeda.
CAFFERTY: Where do we stand in your opinion on this war on terrorism? We have got this terrible situation in Madrid. We’ve got this fellow, Zarqawi, you are talking about, the lone Wolf that is active, some think inside Iraq. We have got terrorist attacks happening there. There is discussion all over Western Europe of fear of terrorism, possibly being about to increase there. Are we winning this war or are we losing it? What is your read?
SCHANZER: I think we’re winning it. We’ve certainly — I mean counterterrorism at its core is just restricting the terrorist environment. So we’ve cut down on the amount of finances moving around in the terrorist world. We have arrested a number of key figures. So we are doing a good job.(CNN,13 March 2004)
Extending the War on Terrorism
Are “we winning or loosing” the war on terrorism. These statements are used to justify enhanced military operations against this illusive individual, who is confronting US military might, all over the World. Al Zarqawi is used profusely in Bush’s press conferences and speeches in an obvious public relations ploy.
You know, I hate to predict violence, but I just understand the nature of the killers. This guy, Zarqawi, an al Qaeda associate — who was in Baghdad, by the way, prior to the removal of Saddam Hussein — is still at large in Iraq. And as you might remember, part of his operational plan was to sow violence and discord amongst the various groups in Iraq by cold- blooded killing. And we need to help find Zarqawi so that the people of Iraq can have a more bright — bright future. (Press Conference, 1 June 2004, emphasis added)And with a new interim Iraqi government, US and British troops would be in Iraq at “the request” of the interim government, in an agreement sanctioned by the UN. “The terrorists are still at large”: The tasks of the so-called “multinational force” would include “preventing and deterring terrorism”, namely going after Al Zarqawi, as a means to “establishing democracy” under G-8′s “political and economic reform in the Middle East and North Africa.”
Selected Alleged Al Zarqawi Terrorist events
Assassination of Iraqi Governing Council President Izz-al-Din Salim (17 May 2004)
According to a mysterious website the Islamic Renewal Organization’s (IRO) forum at and , Salim was executed by a Abu-Mus’ab al-Zarqawi affiliated group, the so-called “Military Wing of the Jama’ah al-Tawhid wa-al-Jihad,”. (quoted in BBC Monitoring, May 19 2004)
Bomb Attacks in Baghdad (6 May 2004)
Well, coalition officials say that this car bomb, which went off at about 7:30 in the morning, bears all the hallmarks of Abu Musab al- Zarqawi, that Jordanian national who, coalition officials have consistently said, they believe is behind many of the car bombs that have rocked this country in recent months.The Attack on the Basra Oil Facility (27 April 2004)
He also has ties, it is believed, with Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda network.
Now this bomb, as I said, went off at a time when many workers were headed towards the Green Zone. That’s the headquarters of the U.S.-led coalition.
Went off at a checkpoint. And when that happened, five Iraqi civilians were killed. A U.S. soldier, as well as the suicide bomber. Now, his nationality is not clear.
A claim of responsibility for the bombing has been put on a web site by a rather shadowy group that claims Zarqawi is its amir or its leader. The statement indicated that the bomber was from Saudi Arabia and that the car was packed with 600 kilograms or about 1,300 pounds of TNT
Responsibility for this attack by Zarqawi was based on information from the same mysterious website. No substantiating evidence based on police reports was presented:
BLITZER: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is now being blamed for the attack against the oil facilities near Basra. He’s being blamed for what happened , the near terrorist attack in Amman, Jordan. Dan Senor, first to you, then I’ll bring General Kimmitt in. Is he to blame for all of this?Another CNN report on the 27th of April 2004 states without evidence that Zarqawi was responsible for the bombing of an oil facility in Basra.
SENOR: Well, it certainly looks to be that way, Wolf. But it’s too early to tell. He is a very bad guy. He’s an international terrorist. Zarqawi has very direct ties to al Qaeda. He’s been involved with al Qaeda for a number of years. Several months ago, we discovered a document that was drafted by Mr. Zarqawi, headed for the senior al Qaeda leadership in Afghanistan that outlined his battle plan for Iraq. And in there were very specific operations that he had taken credit for that occurred in the past and he described the sorts of operations that he would like to be involved with going forward.
BLITZER: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is now being blamed for the attack against the oil facilities near Basra. He’s being blamed for what happened , the near terrorist attack in Amman, Jordan. Dan Senor, first to you, then I’ll bring General Kimmitt in. Is he to blame for all of this?Suicide bombing in Baghdad
SENOR: Well, it certainly looks to be that way, Wolf. But it’s too early to tell. He is a very bad guy. He’s an international terrorist. Zarqawi has very direct ties to al Qaeda. He’s been involved with al Qaeda for a number of years. Several months ago, we discovered a document that was drafted by Mr. Zarqawi, headed for the senior al Qaeda leadership in Afghanistan that outlined his battle plan for Iraq. And in there were very specific operations that he had taken credit for that occurred in the past and he described the sorts of operations that he would like to be involved with going forward.
Bombings in Baghdad and Basra, March 17-18 , 2004
Basra’s car bomb attack has remarkable similarities to what happened here in Baghdad last night. The Basra bombing, the target was a Alzeiten (ph), a small residential hotel out of the way. Again, the modus operandi, the way of delivering the bomb was a vehicle.
The attack took place just a little over an hour ago. Basra is in the British sector of Iraq and we’re told British troops rushed to the scene immediately. Again, similarities between what happened in Baghdad last night, where the target was the Mount Lebanon Hotel. Now it’s the Alzeiten in Basra. The Iraqi police are saying, in the context of the Basra attack, that anywhere between three and five people were killed. Always the early indications of casualties and fatalities will fluctuate. You can be sure of that — Soledad.
O’BRIEN: Walt, you know, you just mentioned, you said specifically remarkable similarities. Right now there is a suspect in the Baghdad bombing. Al- Zarqawi has been named as a suspect.
I know it’s early yet in the Basra bombing, but is there anything so far that is connecting this man to the bombing in Basra?
RODGERS: Yes, there is. But remember, what the U.S. military is saying at this point is that they believe this bombing here in Baghdad and the one in Basra will have the same hallmarks, which is to say, it’s an Islamist group. The car bomb, the way of detonating it, when the forensic experts go through what they’re expecting to find is similarities between what happened here in Baghdad last night and what happened last August 19th, when the United Nations compound was attacked here, killing 22 people.
What they are saying is that Abu Musab Al- Zarqawi is one of the leading suspects in the war on terror here in Iraq. They believe he’s spearheading the attacks here. But they’re also saying another Islamist group, Ansar al-Islam, could be responsible. In truth, what they’re saying is they’re not really sure who did it, but they just have a hunch — Soledad.
Pentagon PSYOP: “Terror Mastermind” Abu Musab Al Zarqawi is “Incompetent”
The Pentagon has released yet another mysterious video allegedly discovered in April by US forces in a hideout in the Al-Yusufiyah neighborhood of southern Baghdad. The video portrays “Terror Mastermind” Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi acting in a “foolish” and “incompetent” fashion. He appears “confused” on how to handle a US M-249 squad automatic weapon (SAW), which every US serviceman learns from day one.Modern psychological operations, or PSYOP,… is not unlike the public advertising that we are all exposed to wherever we go, every day, through all kinds of mass media. (US Airborne, Psychological Operations/Warfare )
Without further examination, the US media concurs in chorus: the video is authentic and the enemy is “incompetent”. Echoing the official Pentagon statement, the video, which portrays Zarqawi in US-style sneakers, mishandling a US produced machine gun, is casually categorized as “Al Qaeda propaganda”, apparently intended to boost Zarqawi’s image among his numerous followers. According to CBS Charles Osgood: “Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the most wanted terrorist in Iraq, obviously wanted to show his followers and the world what a fierce and fearsome warrior he is. So on one of his recent propaganda videotapes, he’s seen in the desert firing long bursts from a machine gun.” (CBS, 5 May 2006, emphasis added)
In the words of Major Rich Lynch, Commander of Coalition Forces in Iraq: :
“He’s very proud of the fact that he can operate this machine gun. Here is Zarqawi, the ultimate warrior, trying to shoot his machine gun. He’s shooting single shots. He looks down, can’t figure it out. Calls his friend to come unblock the stoppage…. He’s wearing his black uniform and his New Balance tennis shoes, as he moves this white pickup truck, and his close associates around him, his trusted advisers, do things like grab the hot barrel of a machine gun and burn themselves.” (CNN, 5 May 2006)Apparently the version of the video found by US forces in the safe house in the Al-Yusufiyah neighborhood is not the Al Qaeda “cleansed up propaganda version” meant for viewing by Al Qaeda sympathizers in the Middle East. The US military managed to get its hands on the complete unedited raw footage “showing what Zarqawi’s people apparently edited out, showing Zarqawi talking into the camera while fumbling and having trouble shooting the weapon in the automatic mode until somebody shouts for a soldier to go help him out” (CBS, op cit.). And this is the version which is also being aired on Iraqi television.
Who is Incompetent? Zarqawi or the US Military?
The video portrays “Enemy Number One” as “foolish” and unable to operate a machine gun. Zarqawi’s US made sneakers become a talking point on network television. The American media not only applauds, it expands at length on the ridicule surrounding Zarqawi without begging the “obvious” question: If terror mastermind Al Zarqawi is really incompetent, why is it that the US military and intelligence apparatus with its sophisticated weaponry and multibillion dollar budget is unable to defeat him? In the words of Britain’s Sunday Times: “[T]he most devastating American firepower cannot find, let alone suppress, Al-Qaeda’s Musab al-Zarqawi,…”
If you believe the Pentagon’s new line on how silly Zarqawi really is, does this not also point to “weaknesses” of the US military in waging an effective “war on terrorism” in Iraq?
Turning Point in Pentagon PSYOP
The “incompetence” of Zarqawi seems at odds with previous media reports where he is presented as the skillful mastermind, capable of deceiving US military and intelligence operatives, possessing dangerous weapons of mass destruction and capable of waging a second 911 attack on America using handmade chemical and biological weapons.
In Colin Powell’s historic presentation to the UN Security Council on 5 February 2003, Zarqawi is upheld as a casus belli, working in cahoots with Saddam. He is portrayed as leading an international network of terrorist operatives, involved in attacks in different parts of the World. He was allegedly coordinating a chemical weapons plant in Northern Iraq prior to the US invasion, he also had links to the Tehran government; he was said to behind the 2005 Amman bombings as well as supporting Jemiah Islami, the Southeast Asian Islamic network accused of the 2002 Bali bombings in Indonesia. And now the Pentagon says, quoting the raw footage of an al Qaeda sponsored video: he is “incompetent” and unable to handle an automatic weapon. Meanwhile, the US has set up an elaborate military command structure (US Northern Command) to protect the homeland against Zarqawi and bin Laden..
Whose propaganda program are we dealing with? Zarqawi’s or the Pentagon’s? Or both?
The answer to this question was provided in a recent article in the Washington Post. Released barely a few weeks earlier, the article provides details on leaked internal military documents which confirm the existence of a PSYOP “Zarqawi program” at the Pentagon. (WP. 10 April 2006 ) The latter consists in creating a “Zarqawi Legend” by feeding disinformation into the news chain:
`”The Zarqawi campaign is discussed in several of the internal military documents. “Villainize Zarqawi/leverage xenophobia response,” one U.S. military briefing from 2004 stated. It listed three methods: “Media operations,” “Special Ops (626)” (a reference to Task Force 626, an elite U.S. military unit assigned primarily to hunt in Iraq for senior officials in Hussein’s government) and “PSYOP,” the U.S. military term for propaganda work…” (WP . 10 April 2006, further details )In this regard, the senior commander entrusted with Pentagon’s PSYOP operation is General Kimmitt who now occupies the position of senior planner at US Central Command (USCENTCOM), responsible for directing operations in Iraq and the Middle East confirms that
“There was clearly an information campaign to raise the public awareness of who Zarqawi was, primarily for the Iraqi audience but also with the international audience.”Is the recently released video, which consists in ridiculing rather than villainizing “Enemy Number One”, part of the Zarqawi PSYOP program?
A goal of the campaign was to drive a wedge into the insurgency by emphasizing Zarqawi’s terrorist acts and foreign origin, said officers familiar with the program. “Through aggressive Strategic Communications, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi now represents: Terrorism inIraq/Foreign Fighters in Iraq/Suffering of Iraqi People (Infrastructure Attacks)/Denial of Iraqi Aspirations,” the same briefing asserts… (Ibid)
According to US military sources, the purpose of psychological operations (PSYOP) is “to demoralize the enemy by causing dissension and unrest among his ranks, while at the same time convincing the local population to support American troops. (U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command, See also History of Psychological Operations/Warfare ).
The practice of “successful propaganda” in relation to the Iraq war has gone well beyond the official boundaries contained in military manuals. Propaganda creates an “outside enemy”. Al Qaeda led by Osama and Al Qaeda in Iraq led by Zarqawi. Al Qaeda is behind most news stories regarding the “war on terrorism” including the suicide attacks. What is rarely mentioned is that this outside enemy Al Qaeda is a CIA “intelligence asset”, used in covert operations.
There is evidence that the many of the “Al Qaeda in Iraq” sponsored suicide attacks on civilians are being conducted by US-UK special forces or by US sponsored paramilitaries.
In March, an American “security contractor” was found with explosives in his car. In September 2005, two British Special Forces disguised as Arabs, wearing wigs and traditional Arab headscarves were arrested by Iraqi police while driving a booby trapped car loaded with ammunition towards the center of Basra at the height of a major religious event. (Click for further details) These operations, which are now an integral part of war propaganda, serve to villainize the Iraqi resistance, as well as weaken the antiwar protest movement in the US and Western Europe.
Michel Chossudovsky is the author of the international best seller “The Globalization of Poverty ” published in eleven languages. He is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa and Director of the Center for Research on Globalization, at . He is also a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. His most recent book entitled: America’s “War on Terrorism”, Global Research, 2005, contains a detailed analysis of the role of Zarqawi in the Adminstration’s disinformation campaign.
For details on Chossudovsky’s book America’s “War on Terrorism”, click here.
To view the Zarqawi video clip (MSNBC) click here
Who is Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi? From Al-Zarqawi to Al-Bagdahdi: “The Islamic State” is a CIA-Mossad-MI6 “Intelligence Asset”
The following article first published ten years in June 2004 pertains to Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, the legendary leader and founder of Al Qaeda in Iraq.
Both Al-Zarqawi and Al-Bagdhadi are fabricated bogeymen.
While Al Qaeda leaders are routinely presented to World public opinion as “terrorist masterminds” threatening the “Free World”, what the media invariably fails to mention is that they were recruited and trained by the CIA, Mossad, Britain’s MI6 and Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) acting in liaison with its Western counterparts.
Al Zarqawi had been recruited by the CIA to fight in the Afghan war. This was confirmed by Secretary of State Colin Powell in his historic presentation to the UN Security Council on 5 February 2003.
Our concern is not just about these illicit weapons [WMDs]; it’s the way that these illicit weapons can be connected to terrorists and terrorist organizations…And now a new legendary terrorist leader of the Islamic State has emerged: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, who allegedly ordered the kidnapping and murder of the 3 Israeli teenagers (which served as a pretext to bomb Gaza) was trained by Mossad: “[He] took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech.” (Gulf News, July 15, 2014)
But what I want to bring to your attention today is the potentially much more sinister nexus between Iraq and the Al Qaeda terrorist network, a nexus that combines classic terrorist organizations and modern methods of murder. Iraq today harbors a deadly terrorist network, headed by Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi, an associate and collaborator of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda lieutenants.
Zarqawi, a Palestinian born in Jordan, fought in the Afghan War more than a decade ago [recruited by the CIA]. Returning to Afghanistan in 2000, he oversaw a terrorist training camp. One of his specialties and one of the specialties of this camp is poisons.
When our coalition ousted the Taliban, the Zarqawi network helped establish another poison and explosive training center camp, and this camp is located in Northeastern Iraq. You see a picture of this camp. Graphic, above. [there were no WMDS at this camp according to ABC report, see below] Colin Powell, UN Security Council, February 5, 20o3)
The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).Let us be under no illusions, the Islamic State is a CIA-Mossad creation. It is an intelligence asset.
Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.
NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.
According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”. (Gulf News, July 15, 2015)
The incursion of IS brigades into Iraq in June was part of a carefully planned military-intelligence operation supported covertly by the US, NATO and Israel. In Syria, the ISIL is said to be part of “opposition” fighting government forces. The Israeli military is directly supporting the ISIL out of bases in the occupied Golan Heights.
It is worth noting that the same strategy of using jihadist death squads to destabilize and foment violence in Iraq (including the numerous suicide attacks) was implemented by Washington from the outset of the US led occupation.
George W. Bush (June 2004 press Conference) candidly admits that the purpose of Al-Zarqawi’s “operational plan” was to sow “cold blooded killing”:
You know, I hate to predict violence, but I just understand the nature of the killers. This guy, Zarqawi, an al Qaeda associate — who was in Baghdad, by the way, prior to the removal of Saddam Hussein — is still at large in Iraq. And as you might remember, part of his operational plan was to sow violence and discord amongst the various groups in Iraq by cold- blooded killing. And we need to help find Zarqawi so that the people of Iraq can have a more bright — bright future. (George W. Bush, Press Conference, 1 June 2004, emphasis added)What GWB does not mention is that Al Zarqawi is not “this guy”, he is “our guy”.
Paraphrasing president Bush, “[our] guy Zarqawi, [a CIA sponsored intelligence asset]… his operational plan, [acting on our behalf], was to sow violence and discord amongst the various groups in Iraq by cold- blooded killing.”
In 2004, the aggressor nations, namely the US and Britain “came to the rescue of the people of Iraq” “so that they can have a brighter future” under a counter-terrorism mandate at “the request” of the Iraqi interim government, in an agreement sanctioned by the UN. What is rarely mentioned by the media is that the US led military alliance has been supporting the Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists.
Washington’s unspoken objective remains “to sow violence and discord by cold blooded killing”.
And in late June 2014, the same scenario has emerged: the Islamic State (IS) has “invaded Iraq” and America –which is covertly supporting the Islamic State– is called to rescue.
The Islamic State rebels are America’s foot soldiers, generously funded by Qatar and Saudi Arabia:
The “War on Terrorism” consists in creating Al Qaeda terrorist entities as part of an intelligence operation, as well as also coming to the rescue of governments which are the target of the terrorist insurgency. This process is carried out under the banner of counter-terrorism. It creates the pretext to intervene.Al Qaeda is “Made in America” … lest we forget with the support of Israel. And this includes the entire network of Al Qaeda affiliates in a large number of countries.
ISIS is a caliphate project of creating a Sunni Islamist state. It is not a project of the Sunni population of Iraq which is broadly committed to secular forms of government. The caliphate project is part of a US intelligence agenda.
In response to the advance of the ISIS rebels, Washington is envisaging the use of aerial bombings as well as drone attacks in support of the Baghdad government as part of a counter-terrorism operation. It is all for a good cause: to fight the terrorists, without of course acknowledging that these terrorists are the “foot soldiers” of the Western military alliance. Michel Chossudovsky, The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq, Global Research, July 01, 2014
Surely the revelations concerning the links of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi to the Mossad, not to mention the overt support of ISIL by the Israeli military and the Netanyahu government should serve to refute once and for all the absurd proposition that Al Qaeda (including its affiliates) is an “independent entity” which threatens America and the Western World.
A revised version of the June 2004 article below was incorporated as a chapter in my book, America’s War on Terrorism, Global Research, 2005.
“The Terrorists R Us.” The Islamic State “Big Lie” | Global ...
Jul 16, 2014 ... Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, ... |
Jun 18, 2014 ... ISIS previously posted a video on YouTube threatening to move on Jordan ... The source said that after training in Turkey, thousands of ISIS ... |
Sep 1, 2014 ... The overt support of ISIS, combined with the fact that it is battling the same ... in the notion that ISIS is an essentially indigenous phenomenon. |
Jun 18, 2014 ... ISIS: Made in USA. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a creation of the United States and its Persian Gulf allies, namely Saudi Arabia, ... |
Jul 1, 2014 ... A revised map issued over the weekend by ISIS claims territory in Spain and ... On Friday we reported on the ISIS five year expansion plan. |
Aug 16, 2014 ... A senior employee of the Dutch Justice Ministry said the jihadist group ISIS was created by Zionists seeking to give Islam a bad reputation. |
Jun 25, 2014 ... ISIS, as in the ancient Egyptian cult of the goddess of fertility and magic. ... The very details of the ISIS military success in the key Iraqi oil center ... |
Jun 28, 2014 ... The Western-backed Al-Qaeda offshoot ISIS, has made its way to Iraq through .... “The very details of the ISIS military success in the key Iraqi oil ... |
Aug 13, 2014 ... Last month Time Magazine posted an article refuting the claim ISIS — now ... ISIS is linked to the CIA, Mossad or any other intelligence agency. |
Jun 14, 2014 ... ISIS is a caliphate project of creating a Sunni Islamist state. It is not a project of the Sunni population of Iraq which is broadly committed to ... |
Sep 26, 2014 ... The ISIS internet videos showing gaunt, orange-suited Western ... And just like ISIS in the Middle East, the cartels get their weapons from the ... |
Jul 2, 2014 ... In Syria, the Al Nusrah and ISIS rebels are the foot-soldiers of the ... The Islamic State of Iraq and Al Cham (ISIS) is often considered as an ... |
Sep 25, 2014 ... ISIS, forged out of the remnants of al-Qaeda in Iraq, armed and trained by ... The ISIS War, predicted to last decades, if not indefinitely, will add ... |
Sep 4, 2014 ... Questions arise after experts say Foley ISIS beheading video likely "staged" ... Given the brutality seen in many of ISIS' grainy, low quality cell ... |
Sep 19, 2014 ... The recent beheadings of three Westerners, Foley, Sotloff and Haines, at the hands of the Islamic State (ISIS) has sparked a wave of ... |
Sep 3, 2014 ... In addition to ISIS obtaining weapons from Benghazi, many ... Jordanian officials that, “dozens of future ISIS members were trained at the time ... |
Sep 11, 2014 ... ISIS aims to sweep away Palestine and every other Arab state in the ... cause with Palestinian leaders, from Fatah and Hamas, against ISIS. |
Jun 13, 2014 ... Image: ISIS has convoys of brand new matching Toyota's the same vehicles ... Indeed, the Lebanon Daily Start in March 2014 reported that ISIS ... |
Sep 7, 2014 ... The ISIS is a 100 percent product of the U.S. proxy destabilization ... Since the proper context of the ISIS beheadings is not presented in the ... |
The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend”: How the US is Using ISIS as a
In June of 2012, at the Geneva Conference 1, which was to mark the return of peace and organize a new division in the Middle East between the United States and Russia, France, which had just elected Francois Hollande, put forth an restrictive interpretation of the final communiqué. Then she organized the revival of the war, with the help of Israel and Turkey and the support of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and CIA Director David Petraeus.
Clinton and Petraeus having been eliminated by President Obama, Turkey, in the summer of 2013, along with Israel and France, organized the chemical bombing of the Damascus ghoutta in such a way as to attribute it to Syria. But the United States refused to launch a punitive war.
In January, 2014, the United States, in a secret session of Congress, voted to fund and arm Daesh with the mission to invade the Sunni areas of Iraq and the Kurdish region of Syria to divide these large states. France and Turkey then armed Al-Qaeda (al-Nosra Front) so that it would attack Daesh and compel the United States to return to the original plan of the Coalition. If Al-Qaeda and Daesh reconciled in May following an appeal for calm by Ayman al-Zawahiri, France and Turkey are still not participating in Allied bombing.
In general, the Coalition of Friends of Syria, which, in July 2012, included "a hundred countries and international organizations," now includes not more than 11. The Coalition against Daesh, for its part, regroups officially "more than 60 states," but they have so little in common that their list is kept secret.
The United States seeks to control the oil of the region. In 2000, the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG) chaired by Dick Cheney had, through satellite imagery and drilling data, identified global oil reserves and had observed immense reserves of Syrian gas. During the military coup of 2001, Washington decided to successively attack eight countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon and Syria, Sudan, Somalia and Iran) to seize their natural resources. His staff then adopted a plan to remodel the "Broader Middle East" (which also includes the dismantling of Turkey and Saudi Arabia), while the following year the State Department created its MENA department to organize the "Arab spring."
Israel defends its national interests : in the short term, it continues its step by step territorial expansion. Simultaneously and without waiting to control the entire space between the two rivers, the Nile and the Euphrates, it intends to control all economic activity in the area, including of course the oil. For its protection in the age of missiles, it means on the one hand to take control of a security zone on its border (now it has pushed blue helmet peacekeepers from the border of the Golan and replaced them by Al -Qaïda) and on the other hand to neutralize the Egyptian and Syrian armies taking them from behind (deployment of Patriot missiles from NATO in Turkey, creating a Kurdistan in Iraq and South Sudan).
France and Turkey continue the dream of restoring their empires. France hopes to get a mandate over Syria, or at least a portion of the country. She created the Free Syrian Army and gave it the green, white and black three-star flag of the French mandate. Turkey, for its part, intends to restore the Ottoman Empire. As of September 2012, it appointed a wali to administer this province. Turkish and French projects are compatible because the Ottoman Empire had admitted that some of its provinces be administered with other colonial powers.
Finally, Saudi Arabia and Qatar know they cannot survive other than by serving the United States and fighting secular regimes, of which the Syrian Arab Republic is now the sole expression in the region.
However, in early 2012, the Syrian people began to doubt that President Bashar al-Assad was torturing children and that the Republic would be overthtown in favor of a Lebanese type of confessional system. The seige of the Takfirists of the Islamic Emirate of Baba Amr foreshadowed the defeat of the operation. France then negotiated an end to the crisis and the return of French officers who had been taken prisoner. The United States and Russia negotiated to replace the United Kingdom and France and to share all of the region such as London and Paris had done with the Sykes-Picot agreements of 1916.
Since that time, nothing works in the Coalition. Successive failures show that it cannot win.
In July of 2012 in Paris, France brought together with great fanfare the most important meeting of the Coalition and relaunched the war. The speech by Francois Hollande was written in English, probably by Israelis, and translated into French. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Ambassador Robert S. Ford (trained by John Negroponte) were engaged in the most vast covert war in history. As in the past in Nicaragua, private armies recruited mercenaries and sent them to Syria. Except this time, these mercenaries were managed ideologically to train jihadi hordes. Overseeing operations escaped the Pentagon to befall the State Department and the CIA. The cost of the war was huge, but it was not attributed to the treasuries of the United States, France and Turkey, for it was entirely paid by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
According to the Atlanticist and Gulf press, a few thousand foreigners came to lend a hand to the "Syrian democratic revolution." But on the ground the "democratic revolution" was nowhere to be found, only groups of fanatics chanting slogans such as "Peaceful Revolution: Christians to Beirut, Alawites to the grave! " [1] or " No to Hezbollah, no to Iran, we want a president who fears God! " [2]. According to the Syrian Arab Army, these were not a few thousand, but 250,000 foreign jihadists who came to fight, and often die, from July 2012 to July 2014.
But the day after his re-election, Barack Obama forced the CIA director, General David Petraeus to resign, and he got rid of Hillary Clinton during the formation of his new administration. So that at the beginning of 2013, the Coalition was based practically only on France and Turkey, the United States doing as little as possible. This was obviously the time the Syrian Arab Army was waiting for to launch its inexorable reconquest of the territory.
Francois Hollande and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Hillary Clinton and David Petraeus expected to overthrow the secular republic and impose a Sunni regime that would have been placed under the direct rule of Turkey, but including French senior officials. A model inherited from the late nineteenth century, but that held no interest for the United States.
Democrat Barack Obama and his two Secretaries of Defense, Leon Panetta and Chuck Hagel are driven by radically different politics: Panetta is from the Baker-Hamilton Commission and Obama was elected on the program of the Commission. According to them, the United States is not and should not be a colonial power in the Mediterranean sense, that is to say, they should not envisage territorial control by installing settlers. The experience of the Bush administration in Iraq was extremely expensive compared to its return on investment. It should not be reproduced.
After Turkey and France tried to enrol the United States in a vast bombardment of Syria, by staging the chemical crisis of the summer of 2013, the White House and the Pentagon decided to regain control. In January 2014, they convened a secret meeting of Congress and made it pass a secret law approving a plan for dividing Iraq into three and secession of the Kurdish region of Syria. To do this, they decided to fund and arm a jihadist group able to achieve what international law prohibits to the US Army: ethnic cleansing.
Barack Obama and his armies are not envisaging the remodeling the "broader Middle East" as a goal in itself, but only as a means to control natural resources. They use a classic concept of divide and conquer, not to create positions of kings and presidents in new states, but to continue the policy of the United States since Jimmy Carter.
In his speech on the State of the Union on Jan. 23, 1980, President Carter outlined the doctrine that bears his name: the US believes that it owns the hydrocarbons in the Gulf which are vital to its economy. Therefore, any questioning by anyone of this axiom will be considered "prejudicial to the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an attack will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force." Make no mistake, President Carter was not talking about supplying the US with Gulf oil instead of local oil, but of controling the world oil market using dollars, in the way the United Kingdom assured its 19th century power base by controlling the world coal market. Over time, Washington has developed the instrument of this policy, the CentCom, and extended its reserved zone to the Horn of Africa.
Therefore, the current bombing campaign of the Coalition no longer has any connection with the initial goal of overthrowing the Syrian Arab Republic. It has no connection either with its "war on terrorism". It is concerned exclusively with defending the economic interests of the United States alone, if necessary by creating new states, but not necessarily.
Currently, the Pentagon is symbolically assisted by a few Saudi and Qatari planes, but by neither France nor Turkey. It admits to having conducted more than 4,000 sorties, but having killed just over 300 fighters of the Islamic Emirate. If we stick to the official line, that is more than 13 sorties and an unknown number of bombs and missiles to kill one jihadist. These would be of the costliest and most inefficient air campaign in history. But if we consider the reasoning that preceded it, the attack by Daesh against Iraq corresponds to a manipulation of oil prices that have been reduced from $115 a barrel to $ 83, a decrease of nearly 25 %. Nouri al-Maliki, the legitimately elected Iraqi Prime Minister, who sold half of his oil to China, was suddenly stigmatized and overthrown. Daesh and the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government themselves have reduced their oil theft and export by approximately 70%. All the oil facilities used by Chinese companies have simply been destroyed. De facto, the Iraqi oil and Syrian oil has escaped the Chinese buyers and been reintegrated into the international market controlled by the United States.
Ultimately, this air campaign is a direct application of the "Carter Doctrine" and a warning to President Xi Jinping who is trying to conclude here and there, bilateral contracts to supply his country with hydrocarbons, bypassing the international market.
In the current period, the United States is willing to lead a war only to defend its strategic interests of controlling the international oil market. Therefore, it can go to war against China, but not against Russia.
France and Turkey will never be able to realize their dreams of recolonisation. France should think about the role that AfriCom has assigned to it on the black continent. She can continue to intervene in all states that are trying to get closer to China (Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Central African Republic) and restore "Western" order, but she will never be able to restore her colonial empire [3]. Turkey should also tone it down. Even if President Erdoğan manages to make an alliance against nature between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Kemalist officers, he will have to abandon his neo-Ottoman ambitions. Above all, he should remember that as a NATO member, his country is more than any other susceptible to be the victim of a pro-US coup, as were before him Greek Georgios Papandreou and Turkish Bülent Ecevit.
Saudi Arabia and Qatar will never be repaid the billions they invested at a loss to overthrow the Syrian Arab Republic. Worse, it is likely they will have to pay for part of the reconstruction. The Saud family should continue to respond to the economic interests of American officials, but not to pursue major wars and consider that at any time, Washington can choose to partition their private property, Saudi Arabia.
Israel can hope to continue playing underhand to cause the effective division of Iraq into three in the medium term. It would thus obtain an Iraqi Kurdistan comparable to what South Sudan has already created. It is however unlikely that it can immediately connect it to northern Syria. Similarly, it is unlikely to oust UNIFIL in southern Lebanon and replace it with Al Qaeda as it did with the FNUOD Force at the Syrian border. But in 66 years, Israel has become accustomed to try much and often to get a little more still. It is actually the only winner in this war against Syria and within the Coalition. It has not only weakened its Syrian neighbor for years, but it has managed to force it to abandon its chemical arsenal. In this way, it is the only state in the world to officially have both a sophisticated nuclear arsenal and a chemical and biological arsenal.
Iraq is de facto divided into three separate states of which one, the Caliphate, will never be recognized by the international community. Initially, we do not see what would prevent the secession of Kurdistan, other than the difficulty of explaining by what enchantment it increased its territory by 40% from its administrative definition, including the oil fields of Kirkuk. The Caliphate should gradually give way to a Sunni state, probably governed by men who have officially "left" Daesh, but in a less cruel manner. These would be a process comparable to that of Libya where veterans of al Qaeda were placed in power without raising the slightest protest.
Syria will gradually regain peace and focus on its long reconstruction. It will look for this to Chinese companies, but it will keep Beijing away from its hydrocarbons. To rebuild its oil industry and to exploit its gas reserves, it will turn to Russian companies. The issue of pipelines which cross it will depend on its Iranian and Russian supporters.
Lebanon will continue to live under the threat of Daesh but the organization will never play a role other than that of terrorists. Jihadists are just a way to gel a little more the polical operation of a country sinking into anarchy.
Finally, Russia and China should urgently intervene against Daesh, in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, not out of compassion for the local people, but because this tool will soon be used against them by the United States. Already, if Daesh is controlled by Saudi Prince Abdul Rahman, who finances, and by the caliph Ibrahim, who heads the operations, its principal officers are Georgians, all members of military intelligence, and sometimes Chinese Turkic speakers. In addition, the Georgian defense minister acknowledged, before changing his mind, his hosting of training camps for jihadists. If Moscow and Beijing hesitate, they will face Daesh in the Caucasus, in the Ferghana Valley, and in Xinjiang.Translation
Roger Lagassé
France says the name 'ISIS' is offensive, will call it 'Daesh' instead

Twitter/CBC News
What's in a name? When it comes to how to refer to the extremist group that has terrorized Syria and northern Iraq and violently imposed a caliphate, a lot.
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a bit of a misnomer, says France, as it lends the imprimatur of Islam to a group that the vast majority of Muslims finds despicable. "This is a terrorist group and not a state. I do not recommend using the term Islamic State because it blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims, and Islamists," France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in a statement. "The Arabs call it 'Daesh' and I will be calling them the 'Daesh cutthroats.'"
The name Daesh, according to France24, is a "loose acronym" for "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham). The name is commonly used by enemies of ISIS, and it also has many negative undertones, as Daesh sounds similar to the Arabic words Daes ("one who crushes something underfoot") and Dahes ("one who sows discord").
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The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a bit of a misnomer, says France, as it lends the imprimatur of Islam to a group that the vast majority of Muslims finds despicable. "This is a terrorist group and not a state. I do not recommend using the term Islamic State because it blurs the lines between Islam, Muslims, and Islamists," France's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said in a statement. "The Arabs call it 'Daesh' and I will be calling them the 'Daesh cutthroats.'"
The name Daesh, according to France24, is a "loose acronym" for "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (al-Dawla al-Islamiya al-Iraq al-Sham). The name is commonly used by enemies of ISIS, and it also has many negative undertones, as Daesh sounds similar to the Arabic words Daes ("one who crushes something underfoot") and Dahes ("one who sows discord").
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Geopolitics of the war against Syria and against the Daesh
In this new and original analysis, Thierry Meyssan exposes the geopolitical reasons for the failure of the war against Syria and the real objectives of the so-called war against Daesh. This is particularly important for understanding current international relations and the crystallization of conflict in the Levant (Iraq, Syria and Lebanon).
Voltaire Network| Damascus (Syria) 

The three crises in the Coalition
We are witnessing the third crisis in the camp of the aggressors since the beginning of the war against Syria.

In general, the Coalition of Friends of Syria, which, in July 2012, included "a hundred countries and international organizations," now includes not more than 11. The Coalition against Daesh, for its part, regroups officially "more than 60 states," but they have so little in common that their list is kept secret.
Distinct interests
In fact, the Coalition is made up of many states that each pursue specific goals and fail to agree on their common goal. One can distinguish within it four forces:

The evolution of the Coalition
These four forces have not been able to work together except during the first part of the war, from February 2011 to June 2012. It was indeed a fourth generation strategy: some Special Forces Groups organized incidents and ambushes here and there, while Atlanticist and Gulf TV portrayed an Alawite dictatorship repressing democratic revolution. The amounts invested and soldiers deployed did not amount to much and everyone thought they could take advantage once the Syrian Arab Republic was overthrown.However, in early 2012, the Syrian people began to doubt that President Bashar al-Assad was torturing children and that the Republic would be overthtown in favor of a Lebanese type of confessional system. The seige of the Takfirists of the Islamic Emirate of Baba Amr foreshadowed the defeat of the operation. France then negotiated an end to the crisis and the return of French officers who had been taken prisoner. The United States and Russia negotiated to replace the United Kingdom and France and to share all of the region such as London and Paris had done with the Sykes-Picot agreements of 1916.
Since that time, nothing works in the Coalition. Successive failures show that it cannot win.
In July of 2012 in Paris, France brought together with great fanfare the most important meeting of the Coalition and relaunched the war. The speech by Francois Hollande was written in English, probably by Israelis, and translated into French. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Ambassador Robert S. Ford (trained by John Negroponte) were engaged in the most vast covert war in history. As in the past in Nicaragua, private armies recruited mercenaries and sent them to Syria. Except this time, these mercenaries were managed ideologically to train jihadi hordes. Overseeing operations escaped the Pentagon to befall the State Department and the CIA. The cost of the war was huge, but it was not attributed to the treasuries of the United States, France and Turkey, for it was entirely paid by Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
According to the Atlanticist and Gulf press, a few thousand foreigners came to lend a hand to the "Syrian democratic revolution." But on the ground the "democratic revolution" was nowhere to be found, only groups of fanatics chanting slogans such as "Peaceful Revolution: Christians to Beirut, Alawites to the grave! " [1] or " No to Hezbollah, no to Iran, we want a president who fears God! " [2]. According to the Syrian Arab Army, these were not a few thousand, but 250,000 foreign jihadists who came to fight, and often die, from July 2012 to July 2014.
But the day after his re-election, Barack Obama forced the CIA director, General David Petraeus to resign, and he got rid of Hillary Clinton during the formation of his new administration. So that at the beginning of 2013, the Coalition was based practically only on France and Turkey, the United States doing as little as possible. This was obviously the time the Syrian Arab Army was waiting for to launch its inexorable reconquest of the territory.
Francois Hollande and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Hillary Clinton and David Petraeus expected to overthrow the secular republic and impose a Sunni regime that would have been placed under the direct rule of Turkey, but including French senior officials. A model inherited from the late nineteenth century, but that held no interest for the United States.
Democrat Barack Obama and his two Secretaries of Defense, Leon Panetta and Chuck Hagel are driven by radically different politics: Panetta is from the Baker-Hamilton Commission and Obama was elected on the program of the Commission. According to them, the United States is not and should not be a colonial power in the Mediterranean sense, that is to say, they should not envisage territorial control by installing settlers. The experience of the Bush administration in Iraq was extremely expensive compared to its return on investment. It should not be reproduced.
After Turkey and France tried to enrol the United States in a vast bombardment of Syria, by staging the chemical crisis of the summer of 2013, the White House and the Pentagon decided to regain control. In January 2014, they convened a secret meeting of Congress and made it pass a secret law approving a plan for dividing Iraq into three and secession of the Kurdish region of Syria. To do this, they decided to fund and arm a jihadist group able to achieve what international law prohibits to the US Army: ethnic cleansing.
Barack Obama and his armies are not envisaging the remodeling the "broader Middle East" as a goal in itself, but only as a means to control natural resources. They use a classic concept of divide and conquer, not to create positions of kings and presidents in new states, but to continue the policy of the United States since Jimmy Carter.
In his speech on the State of the Union on Jan. 23, 1980, President Carter outlined the doctrine that bears his name: the US believes that it owns the hydrocarbons in the Gulf which are vital to its economy. Therefore, any questioning by anyone of this axiom will be considered "prejudicial to the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an attack will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force." Make no mistake, President Carter was not talking about supplying the US with Gulf oil instead of local oil, but of controling the world oil market using dollars, in the way the United Kingdom assured its 19th century power base by controlling the world coal market. Over time, Washington has developed the instrument of this policy, the CentCom, and extended its reserved zone to the Horn of Africa.
Therefore, the current bombing campaign of the Coalition no longer has any connection with the initial goal of overthrowing the Syrian Arab Republic. It has no connection either with its "war on terrorism". It is concerned exclusively with defending the economic interests of the United States alone, if necessary by creating new states, but not necessarily.
Currently, the Pentagon is symbolically assisted by a few Saudi and Qatari planes, but by neither France nor Turkey. It admits to having conducted more than 4,000 sorties, but having killed just over 300 fighters of the Islamic Emirate. If we stick to the official line, that is more than 13 sorties and an unknown number of bombs and missiles to kill one jihadist. These would be of the costliest and most inefficient air campaign in history. But if we consider the reasoning that preceded it, the attack by Daesh against Iraq corresponds to a manipulation of oil prices that have been reduced from $115 a barrel to $ 83, a decrease of nearly 25 %. Nouri al-Maliki, the legitimately elected Iraqi Prime Minister, who sold half of his oil to China, was suddenly stigmatized and overthrown. Daesh and the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government themselves have reduced their oil theft and export by approximately 70%. All the oil facilities used by Chinese companies have simply been destroyed. De facto, the Iraqi oil and Syrian oil has escaped the Chinese buyers and been reintegrated into the international market controlled by the United States.
Ultimately, this air campaign is a direct application of the "Carter Doctrine" and a warning to President Xi Jinping who is trying to conclude here and there, bilateral contracts to supply his country with hydrocarbons, bypassing the international market.
Anticipating the Future
From this analysis we can conclude that:

Roger Lagassé
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