Chẳng hạn nếu bạn và gia đình bạn có làm ăn đầu tư liên đới với tập đoàn dược phẩm, đây là đúng là thêm cơ hội hốt bạc lâu dài!
Hoặc bạn và gia đình thuộc những nhóm có cái đầu khỉ và bộ não của con Sài, con Lang theo nhóm "thanh lọc nhân chủng" (eugenicists) như Bill Gates, thì EBOLA quả là tin vui, vì nó đang "tàn diệt" những người Phi châu đen đủi nghèo khó "đáng chết" và nhường đất đai phì nhiêu tài nguyên thiên nhiên của họ cho loài hai chân "đáng sống" như bạn!!!
Còn nhiều loại vui buồn khác nhau nữa, kể không hết!
Nhưng...vấn đề là theo kinh nghiệm quá khứ, người ta không biết có thật là "thiên tai" hay cũng chỉ là "nhân họa" với những mục tiêu chính trị?
Đấy! Cái khốn khổ không phải ở tại con EBOLA hay con tườu con vượn nào, mà tại chính cái não trạng ươn hèn thờ quyền chính và căn bệnh chóng quên của loài hai chân chưa trưởng thành mà ra cả!
Lẽ ra, theo kinh nghiệm hàng chục ngàn năm qua, thì câu hỏi không còn là CÓ PHẢI LÀ MƯU TOAN của bọn Nhà Nước và Tập Đoàn hay không? Mà là Nhà nước và tập đoàn lợi nhuận chúng LÀM LÚC NÀO và NHƯ THẾ NÀO với Ý đồ gì đây?.
Nhìn lại tiến trình sinh hoạt của chúng ta mà xem. TẤT CẢ NHỮNG PHÁT HIỆN (discoveries), PHÁT MINH (inventions) đầu tiên của nhân loại, tất cả đều phát nguyên từ khát vọng tiến bộ, thách thức thiên nhiên, thiên tai v.v để phục vụ đời sống vươn lên của nhân loại... Nhưng khi các tập đoàn quyền chính (nhà nước quốc gia chính phủ) và các tập đoàn kinh thương hình thành, thì TẤT CẢ NHỮNG KHÁM PHÁ, PHÁT MINH KIA TRỞ THÀNH VŨ KHÍ TÁC HẠI CON NGƯỜI.
Thực phẩm, hạt giống v,v được khám phá, rồi phát minh cải biến canh nông, cũng đã bị BẠO LỰC LUẬTdùng làm vũ khí dể làm áp lực và cai trị con người- Chính sách hộ khẩu, thâu mua lúa, qui định điền thổ -hợp tác xã- chính sách lương thực v.v từ xưa đến nay, dù thay tên đổi họ, tùy chế độ chính trị, nhưng đều ngăn chặn kiểm soát tự do sản xuất và trao đổi của con người! Tai họa nạn đói...đều khởi đi từ bọn cầm quyền ngăn chặn và cướp quyền tự do tự chủ của con người! Rồi đến hôm nay, bọn tập đoàn lợi nhuận GMO (genetically modified organism) như Mosanto lạm dụng thành quả khoa học biến lương thực thành thuốc độc, cùng nhà nước tạo luật biến thành vũ khí cho lợi nhuận qua độc quyền và nô lệ hóa nông gia!(Seed Freedom)
Thành quả khám phá và sáng tạo thuốc thang y dược, chất dinh dưỡng, cũng do những bô óc và tâm tự do lớn của những con người nhu Hoa Đà Biển Thước, Hải Thượng Lãn Ông, Hứa Tuấn, Hippocrates v.v vô vị lợi... Theo dòng quyền chính và tập đoàn lợi nhuận, cũng trở thành "độc quyền sản xuất biến chế" và vũ khí giết người hàng loạt như chứng ta biết đến hôm nay.(The history of biological warfare)
Thành quả khám phá phát minh phương tiện giao thông chuyên chở, v.v cũng bị bọn nhà nước chính phủ biến thành những thứ đe dọa đòi sống tàn sát nhân sinh: chiến đấu cơ, chiến thuyền, xe tăng v.v Và ngày nay cấu kết với các tập đoàn vũ khí ĐỘC QUYỀN SẢN XUẤT (Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Dwight D. Eisenhower) tạo chiến tranh miên tục (perpetuate wars) cho mục tiêu cai trị và lợi nhuận.
Khám phá chất nổ của người Hoa, rồi cốt mìn (dynamites) của Alfred Nobel để phá núi sẻ rừng, khai mỏ trở thành đạn bom, đại pháo cho quyền lực các nhà nước và lợi nhuận đại công ty. Tàn sát thương tật nhân mạng hàng loạt khắp nơi!
Khám phá nguyên tử năng (E-mc2) của Albert Einstein, nhà nước quốc gia biến nó trở thành bom nguyên tử! Đe dọa sinh tồn của cả địa cầu!
Những khám phá phát minh của André-Marie Ampère, James Watt, René Descartes, Pythagoras of Samos, Euclid, và gần hơn Nicolas Tesla v.v tất cả đều bị bọn nhà nước làm luật để ăn cướp, độc quyền hóa và tạo đặc quyền cho các tập đoàn lợi nhuận thân cận trong mục tiêu bóc lột kiềm soát kềm hãm con người và xã hội.
Gần nhất và ngay trước mặt chúng ta là thành quả Điện toán và Internet. Tất cả khởi đầu vì nhu cầu phục vụ thông tin và sản xuất cho con người được thoải mái hạnh phúc. Nhưng bọn nhà nước đã dùng "an ninh quốc gia" ngăn chặn nỗ lực tư nhân, đẻ độc quyền nghiên cứu, khiến nó trì trệ hàng chục năm trời - Internet khởi từ thập niên 1950- đến năm 1969 bị nhà nước Mỹ độc quyền với chương trình ARPANET- 1969 và ì ạch cho đến 1983- sau khi bí lối trì trệ, nó buộc phải xì ra dân sự, và từ đó máy điện toán và internet thăng hoa phát triển với tốc độ chưa từng có ở bất cứ thời điểm nào của tiến trình khoa học trong lịch sử nhân loại , nhờ vào hàng ngàn, hàng trăm ngàn, hàng triệu con người khắp nơi tự do đóng góp sáng tạo chung sức xây dựng Internet và PC đến hôm nay, dù vẫn bị chính phủ nhà nước và tập đoàn kềm hãm qua các luật an ninh và bản quyền -(tham khảo tài liệu nguồn) -( hiện nay vẫn còn "sách vở" dạy rằng Internet là do Chính Phủ Mỹ phát minh!!!)
Và bọn tập đoàn cùng nhà nước chính phủ tiếp tục tìm đủ cách biến nó thành vũ khí ngăn chận tự do và kềm hãm sự to do phát huy kỹ thuật khoa học vì khả năng viễn ảnh tự do sáng tạo phát minh trao đổi không chỉ thách thức hình thái trung ương tập quyền của nhà nước và tập đòan lợi nhuận, mà còn có khả năng loại bỏ định chế phản tiến bộ này.
Cứ nhìn sư phát triển tự do đa dạng của GNU/LINUX và sự trỉ trệ độc quyền lớn lối của Bill Gate Microsoft- Apple/Machintos được luật và "lợi nhuận" bảo trợ- hoặc giữa các sản phẩm MỞ (open source) như Open Offices và MSoffice, hoặc các ứng và liệu MỞ- MIỄN PHÍ nhằm phục vụ tự do, đối kháng của quần chúng sử dụng, không hoại tín (virus) hay đạo tín (mine-mal-wares) như GnuPGP hoặc phục vụ ĐT di động Android như Carbon, CyanogenMod và rất nhiều nhóm tự nguyện miễn phí khác! Hoặc mới nhất là Bitcoin, các loại tiền mã hóa đang đe dọa vị trí độc quyền thống trị của quyền lực nhà nước và tập đoàn tài chính thế giới!
Nếu bọn nhà nước không dùng quyền lực ĐỘC QUYỀN và ngăn cấm người dân tự do, và không dùng bạo lực luật để bảo vệ bọn tập đoàn cho lơi nhuận phi lý khổng lồ, thì khoa học kỹ thuật tất cả các ngành đã tiến đến mức nào hôm nay- phải kể từ khi nhà thiên văn Balan Copernicus bị giáo hội Công Giáo ngu tối khuất phục, và Giordano Bruno bị thiêu sống man rợ, 17 tháng 2, 1600, và Galileo bị áp lực rút lui!
Giờ đây, muốn phát mính, thí nghiệm chế tạo những gì khoa học đều phải có "giấy phép" của nhà nước; hoặc phải trực tiếp phục vụ theo nhà nước mới được- chưa nói còn phải dòm chừng những đại công ty đang giữ "bản quyền" ngâm tôm tiến bộ để độc quyền lợi nhuận!Nếu không nó dùng tiền mua ém luôn - hoặc ám sát phá hoại- cái phát minh hay khám phá mới có hại cho lợi nhuận của chính phủ và tập đoàn, như trường hợp Tesla và máy phát điện miễn phí!
Nếu muốn liệt kê và thống kê sự tàn hại đình trệ của quyền chính lợi nhuận phí lý tham lam sẽ dài dòng lắm- xin để dành vào một bài khác.
Trình bày "dài dòng" chẳng qua để mọi người bửa óc ra mà nghĩ, mà lý giải và bỏ hẳn câu hỏi ngớ ngẩn rằng "nhà nước chính phủ có chủ trương ác, hại dân không?" Mà nên hỏi, Chúng thực hiện khi nào, ở đâu và thế nào? Bọn chính phủ lần này muốn gì, mục đích là gì?
Cái tên Ebola nguyên ủy là do trận dịch thuộc loại XUẤT HUYẾT (hemorrhagic) này xảy ra lần THỨ HAI tại khu vực sông EBOLA nước Zaire cũ nay là CongGo- Trận dịch thứ nhất xảy ra ở Nam Sudan, nhưng lúc đó "chưa biết rõ là vi trùng gì"(?!). Có nhiều nghiên cứu cho thấy bằng chứng của trận dịch Black Death kéo dài 8 năm, lan từ Constantinople- Thổ nhĩ kỳ hiện nay ra khăp Âu Châu- Nga- tiêu diệt hơn nửa dân số Âu Châu ( khoảng 200 triệu người) vào giữa thế kỷ 14 (1346-1353) (Was Ebola Behind the Black Death?) (có lẽ vì "hiệu quả" như vậy- nó đang được dùng để thanh lọc nhân chủng chăng?)
Loài Vi Trùng Xuất Huyết này có nhiều chủng loại khác nhau. Và nó được các phòng thí nghiệm quân sự của các nhà nước có khả năng khoa học, cũng như các viện nghiên cứu y học tư nhân nhận thầu của chính phủ NUÔI DƯỠNG BIẾN CẢI THÀNH VŨ KHÍ trong những thập niên qua như Tulane University .

Bên cạnh đó là những báo cáo từ các nguồn độc lập phanh phui cái gốc tích của con EBOLA này. Nó không phải từ Ebola dòng sông định mệnh ở Phi châu, mà nó đi ra từ các phòng thí nghiệm của quân đội nhà nước Mỹ đặt tại các nước nam, tây Phi, như Liberia, Sirea Leon. Guinea v.v
Theo các bản điều tra, người dân nghèo khổ lạc hậu tại đây đã bị dụ dỗ và lừa bịp để bị dùng làm con vật thí nghiệm trong bao năm qua!
Khoan, dừng lại ngay !!! A !!!! lại thuyết âm mưu nói xấu nhà nước chính phủ Mỹ, lại bọn khuynh tả chống Mỹ phao tin thất thiệt! Nhà nước chính phủ KHÔNG BAO GIỜ LÀM ĐIỀU ÁC HẠI DÂN! Nhất là nhà nước dân chủ, có tín ngưỡng thiên chúa giáo như Mỹ!
Đây là lý luận cực kỳ thông minh và vững chắc của những "nhà văn nhớn" như Phan Nhật Nam, Dương Thu Hương.., nhưng là sự thông minh của cái "thủ lợn!" Họ có biết và có bao giờ nghe chính thằng Bin Tợn (Bill Clinton) chính thức đứng ra xác nhận và xin lỗi rằng chính nhà nước chính phủ Mỹ đã từng dùng người dân Mỹ làm vật thí nghiệm phóng xạ chích Plutonium vào họ, cũng như thí nghiệm bệnh phong tình chích vi trùng giang mai vào người dân vô tội không biết gì???
Đó là chưa kể không biết bao nhiêu sự vụ khác bị phanh phui nhưng chưa được chính thức "lỡ mồm" xác nhận hoặc công khai xin lỗi (tham khảo tài liệu)- Chẳng hạn vừa qua (2010) Obama và cựu ngoại trưởng Hillary Clinton cũng phải chính thức xin lỗi dân Guatamela vì chính phủ nhà nước Mỹ đã dùng dân họ làm vật thí nghiệm bệnh giang mai! Chứ không chỉ đơn giản là dân Mỹ như cựu Tổng thống Clinton thú nhận cách đó 20 năm!!!
Nhưng phải đợi một tiến sĩ Mỹ, bà giáo sư Susan M. Reverby thuộc viện Wellesley, có lương tâm nhân bản công chính, không mắc căn bệnh ngu ngục tổ cò như đám Tầu -Việt, trong lúc truy tìm hồ sơ nghiên cứu phát hiện ra sự vụ và quyết định VẠCH ÁO CHO NGƯỜI XEM LƯNG ghẻ lở của đất nước bà. Lúc đó, khi không còn dấu được nữa, Obama và vợ Clinton mới "thành khẩn xin lỗi"!!! (Wellesley professor unearths a horror: Syphilis experiments in Guatemala)
Quí vị - đặc biệt các nhà văn, nhà xí thờ tổ cò chính phủ gốc đậu phọng đỏ- cần biết rõ các tội ác của nhà nước Mỹ, xin tham khảo những văn bản chính qui được cựu thống đốc Mỹ bang Minesota, Jessie Ventura tổng kết trong cuốn (63 Documents the Government Doesnt Want You To Read )
Còn các tội ác của các nhà nước chính phủ "đối thủ" khác của Mỹ và của các "văn gia Việt", như Hitler, Musolini, Mao, Stalin, Hồ Chí Minh, Polpot v.v tự họ đã có, không những đủ mà còn DƯ THỪA, vì cường điệu hóa tố cáo thêm mắm muối không cần thiết vào nữa!
Xin lỗi quí độc già cái tật dài dòng của Tôi, vì phải soi bớt cái tối dạ ngu ngục của giới khoa bảng Việt nên đành phải vậy...
Tuy nhiên cũng không sợ lạc đề chút nào. Vì sau hai tội ác "được xin lỗi kia" tưởng rằng lời hứa "không bao giờ tái diễn" có thật.... Nhưng Nhà nước chính phủ, đặc biệt là nhà nước Mỹ, chúng nó như kẻ tình nhân mà Vũ Thành An từng rên rỉ "Đã bao lần Nó đã hứa- hứa cho nhiều rồi lại quên.." Khổ một đều là kẻ tình nhân của Vũ Thành An, kinh nghiệm nên "Ôi biết tin ai bây giờ"... Còn dân chúng đa số ngu ngục vẫn miệt mài cắm đầu tiếp tục tin vào nhà nước chính phủ tận thiện (benovolent state) muôn đời!!!
Chúng Nó tiếp tục thí nghiệm phóng xạ trên thân thể lính Mỹ, dân Iraq, Kuwait trong cuộc chiến vùng vịnh (Gulf War Syndrome and Depleted Uranium: Dr. Rosalie Bertell) và giờ đây đổ bể ra chúng nó đẻ ra thêm vài con giòng họ Ebola.
Theo tiến sĩ giáo sư luật gia nổi danh của Mỹ Dr. Francis Boyle thuộc University of Illinois, người soạn thảo đạo luật "chống khủng bố Vũ khí sinh hóa năm 1989 và chính sách thực thi hiệp ước Vũ Khí Sinh Hóa năm 1972 (the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the US implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.) và bác sĩ giáo sư Dr. Cyril Broderick thuộc University of Liberia and the University of Delaware, cả hai cùng lên tiếng tố cáo nhà nước chính phủ Mỹ nuôi và biến Ebola thành vũ khí và đang tiếp tục sử dụng nó! Nhà nước quân đội Mỹ vừa trực tiếp qua các cơ quan chính phủ như (a) Trung Tâm Quân Sự Nghuên Cứu Bệnh Truyền Nhiễm- The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), Fort Detrick, Maryland; và Trung Tâm Phòng Chống Bệnh (CDC -Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) cũng như trao thầu cho các viện y khoa , đại học trách nhiệm những trung tâm thử nghiệm tại Tây Nam Phi Châu như Tulane University, in New Orleans, USA, Doctors Without Borders Medicins Sans Frontiers); Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company; The UK’s GlaxoSmithKline; the Kenema Government Hospital in Kenema, Sierra Leone.(tài liệu dẫn chứng).
Báo chí chính qui và chính phủ giải thích rằng họ lập ra những trung tâm tại đây là để thí nghiệm TÌM THUỐC CHỦNG và GIẢI (VACCINE) Nhưng thật sự là bọn "khoa học gia" tay sai bất nhân này NUÔI, CẤY và CHUYỂN GIỐNG loài Ebola thành vũ khí để TẤN CÔNG!
Theo hai chuyên gia chính qui Mỹ này thì căn dịch hiện nay chính là từ các trung tâm vũ khí sinh hóa của Mỹ "thoát ra" do bọn chúng dùng ngay thân xác người dân làm thí nghiệm... và thuốc chủng, chữa KHÔNG HIỆU QUẢ! Ta sẽ lý giải sau.
Cũng theo vị giáo sư tiến sĩ y khoa tại bản xứ nước Liberian Tây Phi, Dr. Cyril Broderick, hiện nay Liberia đã "được Mỹ gửi tiểu đoàn lính dù đến dùng súng chữa Ebola". Trong lá thư gửi nhân dân toàn thể thế giới, ông cho biết Ebola hiện đang hoành hành nước ông và các nước Tây phi láng giềng như Guinea, Seria Leon, cote d'ivoire v.v là do chính cơ quan nghiên cứu vũ khí sinh hóa của Mỹ tại những nơi này tung ra để thử nghiệm ngay trên thân thể quần chúng nghèo khó ngây ngô, lại thêm có chính phủ nhà nước độc tài tay sai. Những tố cáo của Ông lật tẩy những luận điệu và giải thích sai lạc gian trá của giới báo chí, khoa bảng chính qui, và nhà nước Mỹ cho đến nay về Ebola.
Ông nhấn mạnh, ba (3) điểm gian trá về Ebola mà Âu Mỹ đang nói dối
1. EBOLA là tác phẩm của biến chế sinh học GMO- (IS A GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM (GMO)
2. EBOLA có quá trình lịch sử khủng khiếp từ việc thử nghiệm bí mật tại Phi Châu ( HAS A TERRIBLE HISTORY, AND TESTING HAS BEEN SECRETLY TAKING PLACE IN AFRICA)
3. Nhiều căn cứ đã được thiết lập vòng quanh Phi Châu và ngay tây Phi hàng bao năm qua để thực thi những thí nghiệm vi trùng, đặc biệt là EBOLA- ( SITES AROUND AFRICA, AND IN WEST AFRICA, HAVE OVER THE YEARS BEEN SET UP FOR TESTING EMERGING DISEASES, ESPECIALLY EBOLA) Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US
Một dẫn chứng lý thú mà hai ông chuyên gia này đưa ra lột mặt nạ dối trá của giới chúc, khoa bảng, và truyền thông Mỹ cũng như sự ngu độn của đám quần chúng tổ cò thờ chính phủ, rằng con EBOLA nó không thể bò và bay từ sông EBOLA CONGO gần 4 ngàn cây số đến tây Phi nhanh chóng như vậy. Mà nếu nó truyền nhiễm nhanh và xa như thế thì qua cách nào? Các chuyên gia Âu Mỹ ngậm miệng không "thèm" giải thích!
Trong khi đó tại Mỹ, những vụ "nhiễm Ebola" đang được thổi phồng khắp nơi. Lý thú nhất vẫn là một trường hợp cho thấy bệnh nhân "nhiễm EBOALA" được đưa lên máy bay với những ông nhân viên mặc kín Y - GIÁP trừ ông chủ nhiệm trung tâm y tế!!!
Nó cho chúng ta một dấu nhiệu khôi hài và lạ lùng của quan chức báo chí Mỹ với con vi trùng khủng khiếp này. Thế nhưng người Mỹ không phải ai cũng NGU NGỤC như Mỹ gốc Việt hay Việt dòng "đậu phọng đỏ" (Lạc Hồng, Lạc là ĐẬU PHỌNG, Hồng là ĐỎ- cho nên trong sách "Hà Đồ Lạc Thư của Nhân Chủ, Giống Lạc Hồng còn gọi là giống Đậu phọng Đỏ). Cũng đã có rất nhiều người nhìn ra cái lưng ghẻ lở của chính phủ xã hội Mỹ của họ, và lên tiếng cảnh cáo hiện tượng thổi phồng Ebola trong ngoài cho nhiều mục tiêu chính trị khác nhau.
Ngay như danh hài Jon Stewart cũng mỉa mai mắng bọn báo chí, chính phủ thổi phồng Ebola hù dân quá lố:
Trước hết, phải hiểu tại sao Vi trùng được dùng làm vũ khí và như thế nào? Khi một hóa chất đã dược tái chế thành vũ khí sẵn sàng sử dụng, nghĩa là KẺ TÁI CHẾ, SỬ DỤNG ĐÃ CÓ THUỐC GIẢI (antidote) - Cũng như vậy, khi một loại vi trùng đã trở thành vũ khí (bio weapon) thì chắc chắn nó đã phải có thuốc giải, thuốc ngừa (vaccine) cho người sử dụng. Đó chính là lý do chính phủ Mỹ cứ à ơi dí dầu lấp lửng những biện pháp ngăn chặn di dân du khách từ "vùng ebola" trở về! Bọn chúng biết thừa chẳng có vấn đề gì ầm ĩ, chẳng có mấy ai thật sự nhiễm, kể cả cô bé y tá Nina Phạm- nhưng cứ la ầm, nhưng không làm ỉ, chỉ để khủng bố tinh thần quần chúng.
Đây có thể là lý do Nhà nước chính phủ đã gạt phắt đi thành quả thật sự nhưng ngây thơ của các bác sĩ cấp dưới có lòng hồ hởi đi tìm thuốc giải. Theo lời khai của cựu bác sĩ quân y Davis tại căn cứ Ft. Detrick (Doctor: U.S. Army Rejected Successful Ebola Drug) Sau khi rời khỏi căn cứ Ft. Detrick, Ông Davis tìm đủ cách liên lạc thông báo sự kiện với chính giới Mỹ như dân biểu David Jolly của Florida ,ngay cả với giới WHO, rồi gửi thông tin cho các đài lớn tại Mỹ như CNN, ABC, MSNBC, CBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times v.v Nhưng tất cả im lặng và không hồi đáp gì !!!?? Chúng đã có giải pháp và kế hoạch, không muốn ai san sẻ, phá hỏng chăng!? LHQ đã có cả một chiến dịch chủng ngừa riêng của chúng rồi ông Davis ơi! Zmap đó !!! (The US Is Scrambling To Produce The Experimental Ebola)
Như vậy mục tiêu của đám tung EBOLA ra là gi?
Theo diễn trình sự kiện tại Âu Mỹ và Phi Châu, chúng ta có thể thấy những hướng như sau:
Điều này cho thấy màn kịch chở bệnh nhân Ebola lên máy bay, chỉ là trò tăng cường sự KHỦNG BỐ QUẦN CHÚNG. Đây chính là mục tiêu NỘI CHÍNH của con EBOLA. Con Ebola thả ra chưa đến lúc và chưa được vào Mỹ hàng loạt để thành dịch (hàng loạt) như đang xảy ra tại Tây Phi (cũng chỉ mới chưa quá ngàn người) ! Mà chỉ là lai rai khủng bố tinh thần thôi. Cảm tạ ông chủ nhiệm cơ quan y tế đã khéo léo thông báo ngầm cho những ai khôn ngoan quan tâm!!!
Nhiều nơi trên nước Mỹ đã chính thức đình chỉ hiến pháp dân quyền, để cảnh sát và nhân viên có quyền bắt bất cứ ai bị tình nghi là "CÓ KHẢ NĂNG NHIỄM EBOLA" (Public Health Emergency Declared In Connecticut Over Ebola) -Và tác giả Joachim Hagopian, một sĩ quan Mỹ tốt nghiệp Westpoint, xuật ngũ và trở thành nhà vận động quần chúng về dân quyền, viết sách cũng vạch ra và cảnh cáo âm mưu dùng Ebola để triệt dân quyền, bắt những ai đối kháng nhà nước Mỹ. Ông nhắc lại một sắc lệnh của Bush năm 2003 Executive Order 13295. rằng cảnh sát nhân viên y tế có quyền bắt bất cứ ai thở khò khè trán nóng! Nhưng sắc lệnh này không chỉ dừng lại ở những ai thở khò khè nóng đầu mà còn cho phép nhân viên chính phủ bắt giữ bất cứ ai bị nghi là có giao tiếp gặp gỡ quen biết một bệnh nhân nào đó! Có nghĩa là "ông bà quan y tế" có quyền bắt giữ bất cứ ai ông bà ấy "nghĩ là cần bắt" vì an toàn công chúng xã hội!!!
Ebola lá cái cớ đè bẹp những đối kháng đang và sẽ xảy ra từ những thất bại kinh tế xã hội của định chế nhà nước đương đại. Occupy Wall St. đã là bài học thức tỉnh cho nhà nước!
Không ai có thể bỏ qua được các đại công ty dược phẩm Âu Mỹ đang chuẩn bị tiếp tục hốt bạc như những lần HN15- từng đe dọa sẽ giết 50 triệu!!!! Và dân chúng chờ mong hối thúc nhà nước MUA đủ loại thuốc chủng- Và từ đây các hợp đồng hàng tỉ nghiên cứu thuốc chửng "tử nhà nước chính phủ tận tình vì lo cho dân lành" và từ cơ quan WHO (LHQ) vì nhân dân thế giới. Trong đám ruồi và kên kên này, chúng ta thấy toàn những khuôn mặt nạ nhân quyền tử tế như sẽ ra tay tế độ xông vào xả thân nhận tiền nghiên cứu, như công ty sinh hóa ZMapp và Tekmira- cùng các nhóm sản xuất dược liệu như Sanofi Pasteur của Pháp và Sutro Biopharma tại San Francisco từng lãnh nhiệm vụ hợp đồng nghiên cứu Ebola. Và đừng quên rằng chính công ty này từng lôi dân nghèo ở Balan ra làm vật thí nghiệm cho con NH15 năm 2008. Tác giả Yoichi Shimatsu nhắc cho chúng ta biết sự trùng hợp của con Ebola và cuộc vận động thuốc chủng ngửa của WHO (LHQ) (The Ebola Breakout Coincided With UN Vaccine Campaigns )! Có cái gì na ná như Vivian Flu, Swine Flu HN15 ấy nhỉ!!!
Nhưng dân chúng, ôi quần chúng thờ nhà nước với bộ óc liệt bại mau quên- Chẳng ai còn nhớ Vivian Flu HN15 v.v Khi ích kỷ hoảng sợ và kỳ thị, chẳng còn ai ngồi xuống nghĩ cho thông, cho rõ rằng hàng năm, nhân dân những xứ nghèo lạc hậu, trẻ em phụ nữ chết vì đói khát, bệnh thiếu dinh dưỡng, sốt rét lên đến hàng chục ngàn trăm ngàn nhân mạng. Chưa kể chết vì Âu Mỹ cấm vận y tế lương thực như Iran, Iraq, và bị máy bay Drones "bắn nhầm" hàng ngàn, hàng chục ngàn mỗi năm... Chẳng ai la hoảng hay nhảy vào cứu độ! Trong khi con EBOLA, cứ cho là báo cáo đúng, chưa quá số ngàn! Thì tất cả bắng nhắng gửi chuyên gia và gửi cả quân đội thiện chiến lính dù đến!!!
Và rồi cũng đủ các hội đoàn nhảy vào đòi cứu khổn phò nguy bằng cách hô hào DÙNG THUỐC CHÍCH NGỪA của chính họ bảo trợ hoặc bào chế. như đám hội từ thiện của vợ chồng Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Ông bác sĩ ngây ngô Davis vội quá- nếu ông biết thuốc giải, cứ thế âm thầm hợp tác với đồng nghiệp qua tây Phi thật sự chữa trị vừa vạch mặt chính phủ. Nhưng e rằng bọn nó không để ông sống! Chúng nó sẽ bắt Ông chết vì mắc bệnh Ebola thật sự và chứng minh thuốc giải của ông là "dởm"!
Chúng ta đểu biết nhóm chủ trương thanh lọc nhân chủng Eugenicism chẳng bao giờ bó tay chịu chết hẳn. Nên nhớ, bọn "thanh lọc nhân chủng" này, chúng là những kẻ đặc lợi, đặc quyền trong xã hội, và bỗng dưng thấy mình quan trọng quí trọng hơn người khác chỉ vì chúng nắm quyền và có tiền, chứ không phải vì chúng thông minh tài ba hay hiểu biết viễn kiến xa xôi. Nó đi từ tính tham lam, lòng ích kỷ và vô tâm đố kỵ và kỳ thị mầu da mà ra . Bọn chủ trương này luôn nằm trong những nhóm quyền chính và tài phiệt, kể cả đám giầu sổi. Theo Tôi "đồ đoán" bằng kinh nghiệm bản thân gia đình và "dân tộc" thôi, thì trong số giầu sổi có ý nghĩ thanh lọc nhân chủng này Tầu, Việt, Ấn, Nhật, Hàn không phải ít!
Như vậy, có thể chúng dùng Ebola, cũng như HN15, như một cái cớ để tung các loại thuốc chủng ngừa, nhưng thật sự là những loại có tác động tiêu diệt sinh sản hoặc yểu tử như chúng từng lập luận và đề nghị. (Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population) Bill Gates và Gia đình hắn là thành viên ủng hộ chủ trương này. Có lẽ như vậy cho nên chẳng lạ gì khi nhóm này tận lực giúp "chích ngừa" tại các khu vực Phi châu và Á Châu cũng như tiếp tay và trực tiếp hết mình trong các chương trình viện trợ y tế cho các nước nghèo Á Phi (Top 10 Cases of Aid Used for Population Control
Và để cứu dân lầm than bệnh tật, nhà nước Mỹ còn đã gửi quân đến tây Phi, với lý cớ "phải ngăn chặn Ebola ngay tại nguồn bệnn hơn là chỉ lo chống ngăn ở Mỹ !1-Obama Battles Political Fallout of Ebola
" 2- More US troops arriving in West Africa for Ebola fight
Chúng ta khó có thể nắm bắt được hết sự thật và chi tiết của sự kiện đàng sau EBOLA. Những với những KINH NGHIỆM CHỨNG CỚ của quá khứ- chứng cớ và sự kiện từ những người có thầm quyền kiến thức cũng như kinh nghiệm về lãnh vực này lên tiếng cho đến nay. Chúng ta có thể kết luận với sự khẳng đinh rằng bọn Nhà Nước Chính Phủ, các báo chí chính qui đã và đang nói dối để che đậy những mưu đồ ác tâm khác trên đời sống quần chúng xã hội như chúng đã từng làm trong quá khứ xa gần vừa qua.
Như vậy bất kể thật sự mưu đồ là gì, khi mà đã dùng gian trá, khủng bố tinh thần quần chúng và sinh mạng con người làm phương tiện tiến hành, chắc chắn tàn độc bất chính và bất nhân!
Có lẽ phải dùng nhận định của ông Paul Craig Roberts, người có kinh nghiệm quyền chính nhà nước, từng là chủ đạo chính sách kinh tế của Reagan, biết rõ thủ đoạn nội tình trong định chế này: Nhà nước Mỹ là tên bậc thầy tội phạm của thời đại chúng ta !!!
EBOLA có là vũ khí đi nữa cũng không dám, không hướng về phía Nga, với Tầu, vì hai đám nhà nước này cũng chẳng hiền gì, chúng cũng có rồi và cũng không dùng để hướng về Âu Mỹ! Vậy vũ khí Ebola dùng cho ai?
Chỉ dấu cho thấy, Chúng đang khủng bố tinh thần quần chúng khắp nơi. Gây sợ hãi hoang mang tạo lý cớ xiết chặt ngăn ngừa chống đối trong khi tiến hành gửi quân tái chiếm và tái thực dân phi Châu với lý cớ chống con Ebola- để vừa diệt chủng thanh lọc nhân chủng vừa khống trị tranh dành cướp tài nguyên đại lục này, và vừa làm vòng vây bảo vệ cho đất hứa Do Thái mà gã chúa Giời tàn độc Ja Vê đã hứa với Jacob trước khi chết!!!
Kế hoạch "lớn" này không phải chỉ một sớm một chiều, năm hay mười năm. Nó là kế hoạch kéo dài cả trăm năm! Giời ơi! Có thật không vậy? Sao mà dài và tính xa thế?
Những cái đầu lợn óc đà điểu Á Châu, Đậu phọng đỏ- có ai còn nhớ thực dân cũ cai trị xã hội họ nối nhau dài bao lâu? Chủ nghĩa đại Do Thái Zionism kế hoặch từ lúc nào, và vụ cướp đất Palestine xảy ra đến nay đã bao nhiêu năm rồi không? (Who is the Enemy?, by Thierry Meyssan - Réseau Voltaire)
Có ai biết Hà Lan khởi đầu kế hoạh ngăn biển lấp đất làm đập và xây thành phố trên mặt biển từ bao lâu không?
Đường dài, nên Chúng phải khủng bố tinh thần quần chúng khắp nơi, để thực hiện một cách "chính đáng" không ai biết để phản kháng cho đến khi việc đã rồi!
Trong khi những kẻ biết lại đang trí đoản toa rập lặng im vì quyền lợi nhỏ như dám dân chúng nhà nước Đức, Nga, Ấn, và Tầu!
EBOLA hay không EBOLA nhìn kỹ diễn trình này tất cả vấn nạn khởi từ guồng máy chính phủ nhà nước của bọn quyền chính và lợi nhuận - khi chủ nghĩa nhà nước còn đó thì Ebola cũng chỉ là một con vi trùng trong muôn vàn con mà nó đã và đang tạo ra! Dân chúng vẫn còn ôm chặt định chế nhà nước quốc gia, thì họ cũng phải gánh những ghẻ lở chấy rận đủ loại vi trùng của định chế này! Không thể tránh! Cả hàng chục ngàn năm qua đã như vậy!
Ngay đến như cái tình cảm lương thiện tốt đẹp của con người với mái nhà, bà con lối xóm, tình quê - nhưng khi có chủ nghĩa quốc gia với định chế nhà nước, nó cũng đã bị hư cấu nhân lên biến thành lòng hận thù đố kỵ- trở thành vũ khí tàn sát con người, tàn sát lẫn nhau giữa các cộng đồng dân chúng và ngay cả trong cùng cộng đồng sắc dân từ hàng ngàn năm qua cho đến hôm nay: đó là chủ nghĩa yêu nước! Lòng yêu nước! Nó đã vũ khí hóa trái tim và khối óc con người thành vũ khí niềm tin mù quáng, tệ hại tàn độc hơn cả niềm tin tôn giáo ! (nhìn lại Nam Bắc Việt Nam- giữa Nam giữa Bắc- Nam Hàn Bắc Hàn- Nam Mỹ Bắc Mỹ- Đông Tây Ukraine v.v Nói gì giữa các quốc gia như Tầu, Việt, Thái, Lào, Mỹ, Nga v,v!) (Patriotism) Mà thật ra nó chỉ là vũ khí đầu tiên và cuối cùng của những tên gian manh! (the last resort of the scoundrels)
Bất cứ ai mong muốn Hòa Bình giữa các dân tộc thì phải chống lại chủ nghĩa quyền lực nhà nước quốc gia -(Whoever wishes peace among peoples must fight statism) Lugwig Von Mises
Is The US Government The Master Criminal Of Our Time?
Is The US Government The Master Criminal Of Our Time?Paul Craig Roberts
UPDATE: As I read this notice from, a service of the US National Institutes of Health, the US Government and Pharmaceutical corporations have been conducting ebola tests on humans.
This is official confirmation of Dr. Boyle and Dr. Broderick’s reports that the US government has conducted ebola experiments. Perhaps the vaccine was not effective, and those on whom the experiment was conducted came down with ebola and perhaps also employees in the US bio-warfare laboratories located in Africa where the experiment was conducted.
It appears that the test consists of giving an ebola vaccine and then exposing the unaware person to ebola, apparently an engineered version for bio-warfare. Whatever the tests are, it is clear that Boyle and Broderick in their articles below are correct that experimentation with ebola by the US government is underway.
Two Scientists Say Ebola Originated In US Bio-warfare Lab
Experts have brought to the public’s attention that ebola is a genetically modified organism developed in US biowarfare laboratories in Africa.
In the two articles below reproduced from Tom Feeley’s Information Clearing House
(a good site worthy of your support), Dr. Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois and
Dr. Cyril Broderick of the University of Liberia and the University of Delaware provide their fact-based assessments. Dr. Boyle drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the US implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.
For speaking out, both Boyle and Broderick will be viciously attacked by the US print and TV media. Remember the case of Gary Webb who exposed the CIA’s drug-running that supported the Contras in Nicaragua. The cocaine that launched the War on Drugs was brought in by the CIA.
These are the URLs for the articles by Dr. Boyle and Dr. Broderick:
See also:
US Bio-warfare Laboratories in West Africa Are The Origins Of The Ebola Epidemic
Professor Francis A. Boyle interviewed by Aggeliki Dimopoulou
Could Ebola Have Escaped From US Bio-warfare Labs? American law professor Francis A. Boyle, answers questions for and reveals that USA have been using West Africa as an offshore to circumvent the Convention on Biological Weapons and do bio-warfare work.
Is Ebola just a result of health crisis in Africa – because of the large gaps in personnel, equipment and medicines – as some experts suggest?
That isn’t true at all. This is just propaganda being put out by everyone. It seems to me, that what we are dealing with here is a biological warfare work that was conducted at the bio-warfare laboratories set up by the USA on the west coast of Africa. And if you look at a map produced by the Center of Disease Control you can see where these laboratories are located. And they are across the heart of Ebola epidemic, at the west coast of Africa. So, I think these laboratories, one or more of them, are the origins of the Ebola epidemic.
US government agencies are supposed to do defensive biological warfare research in these labs. Is there any information about what are they working on?
Well, that’s what they tell you. But if you study what the CDC and the Pentagon do… They say it is defensive, but this is just for public relation purposes than anything. It’s a trick. What it means is what they decide at these bio-warfare labs. They say, “well we have to develop a vaccine”, so that’s their defensive argument. Then what they do is to develop the bio-warfare agent itself. Usually by means of DNA genetic engineering. And then they say, “well to get the vaccine we have to develop the bio-warfare agent” – usually by DNA genetic engineering – and then they try to work on the vaccine. So it’s two uses type of work. I haven’t read all these bio-warfare contracts but that’s typical of the way the Pentagon CDC has been doing this since at least the 1980’s. I have absolute proof from a Pentagon document that the Center of Disease Control was doing bio-warfare work for the Pentagon in Sierra Leone, the heart of the outbreak, as early as 1988. And indeed it was probably before then because they would have had to construct the lab and that would have taken some time. So we know that Fort Detrick and the Center for Disease Control are over there, Tulane University, which is a well-known bio-warfare center here in USA – I would say notorious for it – is there. They all have been over there.
In addition, USA government made sure that Liberia, a former colony of the USA, never became a party to the Biological Weapons Convention, so they were able to do bio – warfare work over there – going back to 1980’s – the USA government, in order to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention. Likewise, Guinea the third state affected here – and there is an increase now – didn’t even sign the Biological Weapons Convention. So, it seems to me, that the different agencies of the US government have been always there try to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention and engage bio-warfare work. Indeed, we had one of these two lab bio-warriors admit in the NY Times that they were not over there for the purpose of either screening or treating people. That’s not what these labs are about. These labs are there in my opinion to do bio-warfare work for different agencies of the US government. Indeed, many of them were set up by USAID. And everyone knows that USAID is penetrated all up and down by the CIA and CIA has been involved in bio-warfare work as well.
Are we being told the truth about Ebola? Is that big outbreak began all of a sudden? How does it spread so quickly?
The whole outbreak that we see in the west coast of Africa, this is Zaire/Ebola. The most dangerous of five subtypes of Ebola. Zaire/Ebola originated 3500 km from the west coast of Africa. There is absolutely no way that it could have been transmitted 3500 km. And if you read the recently published Harvard study on the DNA analysis of the west Africas’ Zaire/Ebola there is no explanation about how the virus moved there. And indeed, it’s been reported in the NY Times that the Zaire/Ebola was found there in 1976, and then WHO ordered to be set to Porton Down in Britain, which is the British equivalent to Fort Detrick, where they manufacture all the biological weapons for Britain. And then Britain sent it to the US Center for Disease Control. And we know for a fact that the Center for Disease Control has been involved in biological warfare work. And then it appears, at least from whatever I’ve been able to put together in a public record, that the CDC and several others US bio-warriors exported Zaire/Ebola to west Africa, to their labs there, where they were doing bio-warfare work on it. So, I believe this is the origins of the Zaire/Ebola pandemic we are seeing now in west Africa.
Why would they do that?
Why would they do that? As I suggested to try to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention to which the US government is a party. So, always bio-warriors do use offensive and defensive bio-warfare work, violating the Biological Weapons Convention. So effectively they try to offshore it into west Africa where Liberia is not a party and Guinea is not a party. Sierra Leone is a party. But in Sierra Leone and Liberia there were disturbances which kept the world from really paying attention of what was going on in these labs.
USA sent troops to «fight» Ebola. What do you think about that move?
The US military just invaded Liberia. They send in the 101st Airborne Division to Liberia. That’s an elite division of combat and they have no training to provide medical treatment to anyone. They are there to establish a military base in Liberia. And the British are doing the same in Sierra Leone. The French are already in Mali and Senegal. So, they’re not sending military people there to treat these people. No, I’m sorry.
Weren’t they afraid Ebola’s going to go out of control even in the USA or EU in a massive way?
It’s already gone in the USA and the European Union. So, there it is. Which raises the question: Was this Zaire/Ebola weaponized at any of these labs? I don’t have an answer to that question. I am trying to get an answer. And therefore it is much more dangerous than the WHO and the CDC are telling everyone. The WHO and the CDC are up to their eyeballs in this. They know all about what ‘s going on. It was the WHO that ordered the original Zaire/Ebola in 1976 to be sent to Porton Down for biological warfare purposes. So this could be more dangerous than the WHO and the CDC are saying.
And you can’t believe anything they telling you because they are involved in that. But certainly I can’t say it has been weaponized. I don’t know that yet for sure. I have the Harvard genetic analysis of it. When I was in college I had very good courses in genetics, and biochemistry and population biology but I am not a professor of genetics. I have a friend who is a professor of genetics and he is going to take a look at this and try to figure out if there’s been DNA genetic engineering perpetrated or performed on the Zaire/Ebola. Is there a genetically modified organism at work, a GMO? I don’t know. But if a GMO is at work that’s a pretty good sign it’s been weaponized. But in anyway, it is far more dangerous than the CDC and the WHO are telling anyone, because it’s clearly transmitted for a certain distance – we don’t know how far – by air. Breathing and coughing and sneezing. So, anyone treating people, seems to me, are going to need not only a protective suit but probably a breathing apparatus, at minimum. And you saw what happened to that Spanish nurse and that Spanish priest that were brought in, infected with Ebola. So right now the WHO and the CDC are telling healthcare workers that in addition to suits they need breathing apparatuses. So, again, I don’t believe you can trust anything the WHO or the CDC are telling you. And I really don’t know about the European Health Agency… If they‘re believing the WHO and the CDC then, in my opinion, they ‘re not properly protecting the health of the European people. And it’s simply bizarre that the CDC and WHO are relegating the screenings to the people in west Africa. It’s just bizarre. They need to be protecting health of their own people and they aren’t doing that. I read some of the European press but I’m not sure precisely what the European Health Agency is recommending but they certainly can’t rely upon the WHO and the CDC. As for Greece, I know you have your own Health Ministry there and they cannot rely upon them at all, as well.
Some experts told recently the Forbes magazine that even ISIS could use Ebola as a biological weapon. I would like to have your comment on that.
This is total propaganda. These people are trying to distract public opinion from the fact. My opinion is that the origins of the current pandemic came out of the USA bio-warfare labs in west Africa. That’s what is going on here. ISIS has nothing to do with this. That’s just propaganda which is trying to scare and distract public attention away of what really is going on here. They doing the same thing here in USA. That’s what we need to concentrate on. Number one. And number two? We have to find out: was this Zaire/Ebola GMOed by either Porton Down or CDC or these US bio-warfare labs? It is far more dangerous than it currently appears. That’s the real issue. And I don’t have an answer to that question. It was the US government labs that research here. I’m not saying that Ebola was released deliberately by these labs. I have no evidence to that. It could have escaped. But this is really what we need to be focusing on. Not ISIS. It’s ridiculous, it’s preposterous.
What do you think should be done?
I would encourage the Greek government to convene an emergency meeting of your top health science people and to look into this on comprehensive bases and figure out what to do under these circumstances to protect the health of people of Greece. In particular they must not believe anything they are being told by the WHO and CDC. There is a need of open objective minds here about what is really going on. I think this needs to be done.
Back in 1985, I was down in Nicaragua investigating atrocities of the Contras there and all of a sudden the country was hit with an outbreak of a hemorrhaging Dengue Fever which is similar to Ebola. And it seemed pretty suspicious to me. So I met with some of the highest level officials of the Nicaraguan government and said: “you know, this very well could be US bio-warfare against Nicaragua. They did the same thing to Cuba. And my advice is you convene health care medical experts, not politicians, to look into this. And if you agree with me and that’s the result, file a complaint with the UN Security Council for violation of the Biological Weapons Convention against the USA”. And eventually that is what they did. Here I am not recommending the Greek authorities to file a complaint against the USA. What I am recommending is the same thing I did to the Nicaraguans. That you need to convene some of your top experts geneticists, doctors, etc.
And don’t get anyone in this group who has ever done any type of research for any agency of the US government. They are completely unreliable. Get Greeks experts completely independent of the US government or the British government. It’s funny here in the USA when the media want to get experts on this, all the experts they talk to are people who have done biological warfare work for the USA. And they are up to their eyeballs on this Ebola. And doing research on this Ebola. Of course they’re not going to give you proper advice. So, find this experts and make sure they never done any research for USA or Britain on any of this stuff but are qualified and can give you a qualified opinion of what is really going on and how dangerous this stuff is. And then aim to protect the health of Greek people. You definitely don’t have to wait for the European Union in Brussels to do it for you. I’m not telling Greece what to do. I’m just telling you how to do it. And this should be done immediately. It should have been done already. But ok, better late than ever.
Francis A. Boyle is a leading American professor, practitioner and advocate of international law. He was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the American implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. He served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International (1988-1992), and represented Bosnia – Herzegovina at the World Court. Professor Boyle teaches international law at the University of Illinois, Champaign. He holds a Doctor of Law Magna Cum Laude as well as a Ph.D. in Political Science, both from Harvard University.
He is also the author of “Biowarfare and Terrorism”. The book outlines how and why the United States government initiated, sustained and then dramatically expanded an illegal biological arms buildup.
Ebola Is A GMO Product Of US Bio-warfare Laboratories
Dr. Cyril Broderick
Dear World Citizens:
I have read a number of articles from your Internet outreach as well as articles from other sources about the casualties in Liberia and other West African countries about the human devastation caused by the Ebola virus. About a week ago, I read an article published in the Internet news summary publication of the Friends of Liberia that said that there was an agreement that the initiation of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was due to the contact of a two-year old child with bats that had flown in from the Congo. That report made me disconcerted with the reporting about Ebola, and it stimulated a response to the “Friends of Liberia,” saying that African people are not ignorant and gullible, as is being implicated. A response from Dr. Verlon Stone said that the article was not theirs, and that “Friends of Liberia” was simply providing a service. He then asked if he could publish my letter in their Internet forum. I gave my permission, but I have not seen it published. Because of the widespread loss of life, fear, physiological trauma, and despair among Liberians and other West African citizens, it is incumbent that I make a contribution to the resolution of this devastating situation, which may continue to recur, if it is not properly and adequately confronted. I will address the situation in five (5) points:
Horowitz (1998) was deliberate and unambiguous when he explained the threat of new diseases in his text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola – Nature, Accident or Intentional. In his interview with Dr. Robert Strecker in Chapter 7, the discussion, in the early 1970s, made it obvious that the war was between countries that hosted the KGB and the CIA, and the ‘manufacture’ of ‘AIDS-Like Viruses’ was clearly directed at the other. In passing during the Interview, mention was made of Fort Detrick, “the Ebola Building,” and ‘a lot of problems with strange illnesses’ in “Frederick [Maryland].” By Chapter 12 in his text, he had confirmed the existence of an American Military-Medical-Industry that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise of administering vaccinations to control diseases and improve the health of “black Africans overseas.” The book is an excellent text, and all leaders plus anyone who has interest in science, health, people, and intrigue should study it. I am amazed that African leaders are making no acknowledgements or reference to these documents.
I am now reading The Hot Zone, a novel, by Richard Preston (copyrighted 1989 and 1994); it is heart-rending. The prolific and prominent writer, Steven King, is quoted as saying that the book is “One of the most horrifying things I have ever read. What a remarkable piece of work.” As a New York Times bestseller, The Hot Zone is presented as “A terrifying true story.” Terrifying, yes, because the pathological description of what was found in animals killed by the Ebola virus is what the virus has been doing to citizens of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia in its most recent outbreak: Ebola virus destroys peoples’ internal organs and the body deteriorates rapidly after death. It softens and the tissues turn into jelly, even if it is refrigerated to keep it cold. Spontaneous liquefaction is what happens to the body of people killed by the Ebola virus! The author noted in Point 1, Dr. Horowitz, chides The Hot Zone for writing to be politically correct; I understand because his book makes every effort to be very factual. The 1976 Ebola incident in Zaire, during President Mobutu Sese Seko, was the introduction of the GMO Ebola to Africa.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and several other UN Agencies have been implicated in selecting and enticing African countries to participate in the testing events, promoting vaccinations, but pursuing various testing regiments. The August 2, 2014 article, West Africa: What are US Biological Warfare Researchers Doing in the Ebola Zone? by Jon Rappoport of Global Research pinpoints the problem that is facing African governments.
Obvious in this and other reports are, among others:
(a) The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), a well-known centre for bio-war research, located at Fort Detrick, Maryland;
(b) Tulane University, in New Orleans, USA, winner of research grants, including a grant of more than $7 million the National Institute of Health (NIH) to fund research with the Lassa viral hemorrhagic fever;
(c) the US Center for Disease Control (CDC);
(d) Doctors Without Borders (also known by its French name, Medicins Sans Frontiers);
(e) Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company;
(f) The UK’s GlaxoSmithKline; and
(g) the Kenema Government Hospital in Kenema, Sierra Leone.
Reports narrate stories of the US Department of Defense (DoD) funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone. The reports continue and state that the DoD gave a contract worth $140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research. This research work involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly Ebola virus. Hence, the DoD is listed as a collaborator in a “First in Human” Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715, which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in March. Disturbingly, many reports also conclude that the US government has a viral fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Kenema, a town at the epicentre of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The only relevant positive and ethical olive-branch seen in all of my reading is that reported, “The US government funding of Ebola trials on healthy humans comes amid warnings by top scientists in Harvard and Yale that such virus experiments risk triggering a worldwide pandemic.” That threat still persists.
The U. S., Canada, France, and the U. K. are all implicated in the detestable and devilish deeds that these Ebola tests are. There is the need to pursue criminal and civil redress for damages, and African countries and people should secure legal representation to seek damages from these countries, some corporations, and the United Nations. Evidence seems abundant against Tulane University, and suits should start there. Yoichi Shimatsu’s article, The Ebola Breakout Coincided with UN Vaccine Campaigns, as published on August 18, 2014, in the Liberty Beacon.
Africa must not relegate the Continent to become the locality for disposal and the deposition of hazardous chemicals, dangerous drugs, and chemical or biological agents of emerging diseases. There is urgent need for affirmative action in protecting the less affluent of poorer countries, especially African citizens, whose countries are not as scientifically and industrially endowed as the United States and most Western countries, sources of most viral or bacterial GMOs that are strategically designed as biological weapons. It is most disturbing that the U. S. Government has been operating a viral hemorrhagic fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Sierra Leone. Are there others? Wherever they exist, it is time to terminate them. If any other sites exist, it is advisable to follow the delayed but essential step: Sierra Leone closed the US bioweapons lab and stopped Tulane University for further testing.
The world must be alarmed. All Africans, Americans, Europeans, Middle Easterners, Asians, and people from every conclave on Earth should be astonished. African people, notably citizens more particularly of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are victimized and are dying every day. Listen to the people who distrust the hospitals, who cannot shake hands, hug their relatives and friends. Innocent people are dying, and they need our help. The countries are poor and cannot afford the whole lot of personal protection equipment (PPE) that the situation requires. The threat is real, and it is larger than a few African countries. The challenge is global, and we request assistance from everywhere, including China, Japan, Australia, India, Germany, Italy, and even kind-hearted people in the U.S., France, the U.K., Russia, Korea, Saudi Arabia, and anywhere else whose desire is to help. The situation is bleaker than we on the outside can imagine, and we must provide assistance however we can. To ensure a future that has less of this kind of drama, it is important that we now demand that our leaders and governments be honest, transparent, fair, and productively engaged. They must answer to the people. Please stand up to stop Ebola testing and the spread of this dastardly disease.
Thank you very much.
Dr. Cyril E. Broderick, Sr.
About the Author:
Dr. Broderick is a former professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry. He is also the former Observer Farmer in the 1980s. It was from this column in our newspaper, the Daily Observer, that Firestone spotted him and offered him the position of Director of Research in the late 1980s. In addition, he is a scientist, who has taught for many years at the Agricultural College of the University of Delaware.

Scientists allege deadly diseases such as Ebola and AIDS are bio weapons being tested on Africans. Other reports have linked the Ebola virus outbreak to an attempt to reduce Africa’s population. Liberia happens to be the continents’s fastest growing population.
Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?
Tue, 09/09/2014 - 09:59 admin
Scientists Allege
Dr. Cyril Broderick, Professor of Plant Pathology
I have read a number of articles from your Internet outreach as well as articles from other sources about the casualties in Liberia and other West African countries about the human devastation caused by the Ebola virus. About a week ago, I read an article published in the Internet news summary publication of the Friends of Liberia that said that there was an agreement that the initiation of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was due to the contact of a two-year old child with bats that had flown in from the Congo. That report made me disconcerted with the reporting about Ebola, and it stimulated a response to the “Friends of Liberia,” saying that African people are not ignorant and gullible, as is being implicated. A response from Dr. Verlon Stone said that the article was not theirs, and that “Friends of Liberia” was simply providing a service. He then asked if he could publish my letter in their Internet forum. I gave my permission, but I have not seen it published. Because of the widespread loss of life, fear, physiological trauma, and despair among Liberians and other West African citizens, it is incumbent that I make a contribution to the resolution of this devastating situation, which may continue to recur, if it is not properly and adequately confronted. I will address the situation in five (5) points:
Horowitz (1998) was deliberate and unambiguous when he explained the threat of new diseases in his text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional. In his interview with Dr. Robert Strecker in Chapter 7, the discussion, in the early 1970s, made it obvious that the war was between countries that hosted the KGB and the CIA, and the ‘manufacture’ of ‘AIDS-Like Viruses’ was clearly directed at the other. In passing during the Interview, mention was made of Fort Detrick, “the Ebola Building,” and ‘a lot of problems with strange illnesses’ in “Frederick [Maryland].” By Chapter 12 in his text, he had confirmed the existence of an American Military-Medical-Industry that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise of administering vaccinations to control diseases and improve the health of “black Africans overseas.” The book is an excellent text, and all leaders plus anyone who has interest in science, health, people, and intrigue should study it. I am amazed that African leaders are making no acknowledgements or reference to these documents.
I am now reading The Hot Zone, a novel, by Richard Preston (copyrighted 1989 and 1994); it is heart-rending. The prolific and prominent writer, Steven King, is quoted as saying that the book is “One of the most horrifying things I have ever read. What a remarkable piece of work.” As a New York Times bestseller, The Hot Zone is presented as “A terrifying true story.” Terrifying, yes, because the pathological description of what was found in animals killed by the Ebola virus is what the virus has been doing to citizens of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia in its most recent outbreak: Ebola virus destroys peoples’ internal organs and the body deteriorates rapidly after death. It softens and the tissues turn into jelly, even if it is refrigerated to keep it cold. Spontaneous liquefaction is what happens to the body of people killed by the Ebola virus! The author noted in Point 1, Dr. Horowitz, chides The Hot Zone for writing to be politically correct; I understand because his book makes every effort to be very factual. The 1976 Ebola incident in Zaire, during President Mobutu Sese Seko, was the introduction of the GMO Ebola to Africa.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and several other UN Agencies have been implicated in selecting and enticing African countries to participate in the testing events, promoting vaccinations, but pursuing various testing regiments. The August 2, 2014 article, West Africa: What are US Biological Warfare Researchers Doing in the Ebola Zone? by Jon Rappoport of Global Research pinpoints the problem that is facing African governments.
Obvious in this and other reports are, among others:
(a) The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), a well-known centre for bio-war research, located at Fort Detrick, Maryland;
(b) Tulane University, in New Orleans, USA, winner of research grants, including a grant of more than $7 million the National Institute of Health (NIH) to fund research with the Lassa viral hemorrhagic fever;
(c) the US Center for Disease Control (CDC);
(d) Doctors Without Borders (also known by its French name, Medicins Sans Frontiers);
(e) Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company;
(f) The UK’s GlaxoSmithKline; and
(g) the Kenema Government Hospital in Kenema, Sierra Leone.
Reports narrate stories of the US Department of Defense (DoD) funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone. The reports continue and state that the DoD gave a contract worth $140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research. This research work involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly Ebola virus. Hence, the DoD is listed as a collaborator in a “First in Human” Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715, which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in March. Disturbingly, many reports also conclude that the US government has a viral fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Kenema, a town at the epicentre of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The only relevant positive and ethical olive-branch seen in all of my reading is that reported, “The US government funding of Ebola trials on healthy humans comes amid warnings by top scientists in Harvard and Yale that such virus experiments risk triggering a worldwide pandemic.” That threat still persists.
The U. S., Canada, France, and the U. K. are all implicated in the detestable and devilish deeds that these Ebola tests are. There is the need to pursue criminal and civil redress for damages, and African countries and people should secure legal representation to seek damages from these countries, some corporations, and the United Nations. Evidence seems abundant against Tulane University, and suits should start there. Yoichi Shimatsu’s article, The Ebola Breakout Coincided with UN Vaccine Campaigns, as published on August 18, 2014, in the Liberty Beacon.
Africa must not relegate the Continent to become the locality for disposal and the deposition of hazardous chemicals, dangerous drugs, and chemical or biological agents of emerging diseases. There is urgent need for affirmative action in protecting the less affluent of poorer countries, especially African citizens, whose countries are not as scientifically and industrially endowed as the United States and most Western countries, sources of most viral or bacterial GMOs that are strategically designed as biological weapons. It is most disturbing that the U. S. Government has been operating a viral hemorrhagic fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Sierra Leone. Are there others? Wherever they exist, it is time to terminate them. If any other sites exist, it is advisable to follow the delayed but essential step: Sierra Leone closed the US bioweapons lab and stopped Tulane University for further testing.
The world must be alarmed. All Africans, Americans, Europeans, Middle Easterners, Asians, and people from every conclave on Earth should be astonished. African people, notably citizens more particularly of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are victimized and are dying every day. Listen to the people who distrust the hospitals, who cannot shake hands, hug their relatives and friends. Innocent people are dying, and they need our help. The countries are poor and cannot afford the whole lot of personal protection equipment (PPE) that the situation requires. The threat is real, and it is larger than a few African countries. The challenge is global, and we request assistance from everywhere, including China, Japan, Australia, India, Germany, Italy, and even kind-hearted people in the U.S., France, the U.K., Russia, Korea, Saudi Arabia, and anywhere else whose desire is to help. The situation is bleaker than we on the outside can imagine, and we must provide assistance however we can. To ensure a future that has less of this kind of drama, it is important that we now demand that our leaders and governments be honest, transparent, fair, and productively engaged. They must answer to the people. Please stand up to stop Ebola testing and the spread of this dastardly disease.
Thank you very much.
Dr. Cyril E. Broderick, Sr.
About the Author:
Dr. Broderick is a former professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry. He is also the former Observer Farmer in the 1980s. It was from this column in our newspaper, the Daily Observer, that Firestone spotted him and offered him the position of Director of Research in the late 1980s. In addition, he is a scientist, who has taught for many years at the Agricultural College of the University of Delaware.
Gulf War Syndrome, Depleted Uranium
and the Dangers of Low-Level Radiation
Desert Storm veterans along with the people of Iraq and Kuwait were
victims of one of the latest military experiments on human beings.
I believe that the ignorance was culpable and criminal.
by Dr. Rosalie Bertell
[ Biographical Notes ]Introduction:
I first heard about the military using depleted uranium for bullets from the Native Americans for a Clean Environment (NACE) in Gore, Oklahoma. Kerr Magee was operating a factory there, and in a liquid waste spill a young man, about twenty-one years old, was sprayed with the mixture and died. Many members of the public were also exposed, and were taken to the University in Oklahoma City for medical examination and feces analysis. It seems that the liquid waste contained primarily uranium and other heavy metals.Local people had found this factory to be very polluting. When I visited the town to see what was happening and to decide whether or not I could help, they showed me rust marks scattered over the surface of their automobiles where the toxic corrosive spray released from the factory routinely had impacted on the paint. People complained of burning throats and eyes, some with even more serious complaints, but little systematic information which would show that the factory was the source of their problem.
I met a young boy who showed me a frog he had caught--the frog had nine legs. It was in a bottle of formaldehyde. I wanted to take it for some tissue and bone analysis but it was his prize possession and he would not part with it.
I learned that the Kerr Magee plant had been disposing of its waste by deep-well injection in this rural, primarily farming area. The people, becoming alarmed at this practice which threatened the water table, got a court injunction to stop it. In an action, which seemed to the local farmers to be a retaliation, Kerr Magee had applied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to call their waste an "experimental fertilizer" and just spread it over the top of the land. The stories were quite strong evidence that this so-called fertilizer was sometimes just released into the local river, or released in one place on the factory property, with no pretense even to spread it.
The young boy had found his nine-legged frog on the hill which served as the "experimental plot." Hunters had found a rabbit with two hearts, and the local taxidermist told me that he had tried to mount two deer heads and the fur came off in his hands in clumps. He had never seen anything like it in his whole career.
As local people became sick and started to complain, Kerr Magee bought them out, and took over their land. The Native people, who were determined to preserve their land, formed a Coalition of White and Natives Concerned, and began the long legal fight with the company. They learned about environmental assessment hearings, licensing hearings, etc. and began to seriously participate. They also undertook a human health survey of all families -- there were about four hundred of them -- living within four miles of the factory. Every family was included in the survey, which was very comprehensive and carefully administered.
The International Institute of Concern for Public Health agreed to analyze this data for the citizens. The outstanding illnesses in the area were respiratory and kidney problems. There were significantly more persons with respiratory illnesses down wind of the plant, and significantly more with kidney problems down stream of the plant.
We intended to do a clinical follow-up of this survey, and designed the study with the cooperation of the Occupational Health and Respiratory Units at the University Medical School of New Jersey. We were not able to obtain funding for this study. Nevertheless, with the health survey and a great deal of local perseverance, Kerr Magee moved out. A second multinational tried to take over the factory--I think it was General Dynamics--but it failed.
I learned many things about the uranium bullets in the process of this research:
- They are incendiary, that is after piercing the object they can burst into flame.
- They are fragmentary, they disintigrate into small fragments inside the body, and cannot be removed.
- They are more dense than lead, and can pierce a bullet- proof vest, or a light armored car or tank.
- Because the "enemy" might also use them, the military made uranium armor as a protection.
- They were cheap, because the depleted uranium was a waste product of the nuclear-bomb program.
- They were radioactive, which meant that even handling them was risky, but no one seemed to be worrying about this!
Research into Gulf War Syndrome
Six years after the Gulf War there is still deep controversy over the causes of the severe health problems observed in the veterans. Reluctantly, the U.S. government has been slowly releasing data on possible Iraqi chemical exposures of the veterans, but many physicians, some of whom have reported that their jobs are being threatened, have said that this information does not explain the variety of symptoms observed.Shortly after the Gulf War, at the request of Staff Sargeant Carol Picou, San Antonio, Texas, who was herself a victim, Patricia Axelrod undertook research into the possible causes of this illness.
The research was jointly sponsored by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, Office of Women's Health. It was submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services on May 10, 1993, and was labeled: for internal distribution only. The research was intended to be a guide to further research into the problem, so its limitation to internal distribution did not make sense.
Our journal, International Perspectives in Public Health, published the document in full in 1994.
At the time, the U.S. Department of Defence was treating this illness as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and advising military doctors to treat it with muscle relaxants and sleeping pills, while ordering a mental illness assessment. Most of the information in Ms. Axelrod's Guide to Gulf War Sickness comes from interviews with Dr. Thomas Callender, a toxicologist; Dr. Barry Wilson, of Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories; and Commissioner Rudy Arredondo, Maryland's Commission on Black and Minority Health. Ms. Axelrod also interviewed many veterans and reviewed the journal articles and reports available in the public press. Information on leishmaniases was provided by the World Health Organization.
Potential Causes of Gulf War Syndrome
In this complex situation, any or all of the following factors may have interacted to bring about specific symptoms in veterans. Obviously, the combinations of factors differ with individuals, hence it is likely that there is not one single explanation of the whole spectrum of symptoms. However, the following main categories are candidates for causal relationships with illnesses reported by veterans:- Administration of three vaccines intended as protection against nerve and biological warfare agents. These were:
- Pyridostigmine, normally prescribed for myasthenia gravis and known to have serious side effects, especially when the person taking it is exposed to heat. It is also known that exposure to pesticides and insecticides (Baygon, Diazinon and Sevin) should be avoided when taking pyridostigmine because they can accentuate its toxicity. Some women who took this drug during pregnancy and have breast-fed infants have seen side effects in their child.
- Botulinum Pentavalent, an unproven vaccine intended to counteract botulism. It is unlicensed in the United States.
- Anthrax, to protect against the disease anthrax. This was apparently selectively administered to troops during the war, and women receiving it were warned not to have children for three or four years.
- Depleted uranium was used for the first time in this war. It was incorporated into tank armor, missile and aircraft counterweights and navigational devices, and in tank, anti-aircraft and anti-personnel artillery. The scientific information on this deadly chemical has been reported in "Radium Osteitis With Osteogenic Sarcoma: The Chronology and Natural History of Fatal Cases" by Dr. William D. Sharpe, Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, Vol. 47, No. 9 (September 1971). There was no excuse for this human experimentation because the effects of this exposure were known.
- Smoke and chemical pollutants released by the continuous oil- well fires. Levels of soot, carbon monoxide and ozone have been studied by an Environmental Protection Agency Task Force. The National Toxics Campaign, Boston, Massachusetts, found five different toxic hydrocarbon products in the smoke (1,4-dichlorobenzine, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, diethyl phthalate, dimethyl phthalate and naphthalene), any one of which could induce serious health effects.
- Old World leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease transmitted by the bite of many species of sand fly indigenous to the region. Non-indigenous people who enter an infected area are known to be more seriously affected by this parasite than the inhabitants. If left undiagnosed, and therefore untreated, it can be fatal. Diagnosis requires bone and spleen biopsy, and the disease can have a three-year incubation period without causing symptoms. It can be transmitted by blood transfusion, and transmitted by a woman to her unborn child. Leishmaniasis was reported as widespread in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. This disease is thought to be responsible for the Pentagon ban, November 1991, against blood donations from Gulf War veterans. This ban was lifted, for unknown reasons, on January 11, 1993.
- Pesticides and insecticides were used extensively throughout the war to protect against pestilence. It is known that large quantities of DDT, malathion, fenitrorthion, propuxur, deltamethrin and permethrin were used. They are all toxic nerve agents, and many are suspected carcinogens and mutagens.
- Destruction by allies of Iraqi chemical, nerve and biological warfare weapons resulting in widespread distribution of these toxins in the environment. This problem has now been, at least in part, documented by the U.S. Department of Defense. They are focusing on this potential cause as if it were the only candidate cause.
- The electromagnetic environment which permeated the battlefield during the war. Veterans were exposed to a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation created by electricity generated to support the high-tech instruments, thousands of radios and radar devices in use. This intense electromagnetic field causes both thermal and non-thermal effects, and potentially interacts with the other hazardous exposures and stresses of the battlefield. Electromagnetic radiation can alter the production of hormones (neurotransmitters), interact with cell membranes, increase calcium ion flow, stimulate protein kinase in lymphocytes, suppress the immune system, affect melatonin production required to control the "body clock," and cause changes in the blood-brain barrier.
The Hazards of Low Level Radiation
In the past few years the information available on the health effects of exposure to low levels of radiation has increased. We are no longer dependent on the commercial or military nuclear researchers who since 1950 have claimed that studies of the effects of low-level radiation are impossible to undertake. The new information is unsettling because it proves the critics of the industry to have been correct as to its serious potential to damage living tissue.There have also been significant new releases of findings from the atomic bomb research in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the self-acclaimed "classical research" of radiation health effects. I will list these findings toward the end of this article, along with studies from the nuclear industry.
In reviewing these research papers one is struck by the high-dose response when the radiation is delivered slowly, with low total dose. The conventional wisdom has claimed that at low dose/slow-dose rate the body is well able to repair most of the harm caused by the radiation. Some nuclear apologists go so far as to claim such exposures are "beneficial."
Because the nuclear industry has always maintained that the effects of low-dose radiation exposure are so small that it is impossible to study them, they proposed extrapolating the effects from those observed at high dose, using a straight line to zero (zero dose, zero effect), together with "correction factors" for low dose/slow-dose rate.
The effect of this "correction" is to reduce the fatal cancer estimates calculated by D.L. Preston, then Director of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation at Hiroshima, using the new dosimetry, from seventeen fatalities per million people per rad exposure, to five fatalities per million people per rad exposure. The corresponding estimates based on actually observed rates for nuclear workers is between ten and thirty fatalities per million per rad. Obviously, for the adult healthy male, the dose-response estimate should be about twenty for fatal cancers per million per rad.
However, although we can make a strong case for increasing the "official" estimates of harm by a factor of four, this fails to deal with non-fatal cancers, depressed immune systems, localized tissue damage (especially the respiratory, digestive and urinary tracts), damage to skin, and reproductive problems. Radiation can cause brain lesions, damage to the stem cells which produce the blood and, when the radiactive material is carried in a heavy metal (uranium) it can be stored in bone, irradiating body organs and nerves within its radius.
A Book by Dr. E.B. Burlakova
Detailed studies of dose-response at the low dose/slow-dose rate level:Dr. E. B. Burlakova has provided me with a copy of the book, of which she is editor: Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe: Human Health. In one Chapter of this book, Dr. Burlakova and fourteen other scientists publish their findings on animal and human studies of the health effects of low dose/slow- dose rate, exposure to ionizing radiation. They examined carefully the following biological phenomena under ionizing radiation exposure situations:
- alkaline elution of DNA of lymphocytes and liver
- neutral elution and adsorption of spleen DNA on nitrocellulose filters
- restriction of spleen DNA by EcoRI endonuclease
- structural characteristics (using the ESR spin probe technique) of nuclear, mitochondrial, synaptical, erythrocyte and leukocyte membranes
- activity and isoforms of aldolase and lactate hydrogenase enzymes
- activity of acetycholine esterase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase
- the rate of formation of superoxide anion radicals
- the composition and antioxidizing activity of lipids of the above mentioned membranes
- the sensitivity of cells, membranes, DNA, and organisms to the action of additional damaging factors.
However, the unexpected effects of low dose/slow-dose rate exposure to ionizing radiation can also be attributed to biological mechanisms, other than the direct DNA damage hypothesis usually used by radiation physicists. These secondary mechanisms are specific to the low-/slow-dose conditions. Three such secondary mechanism have been observed by scientists: the Petkau effect, monocyte depletion, and deformed red blood cells.
- The Petkau effect: discovered by Abram Petkau at the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. Whiteshell Nuclear Research Establishment, Manitoba, Canada in 1972 (Ref.1). Dr. Petkau discovered that at 26 rads per minute (fast-dose rate) it required a total dose of 3,500 rads to destroy a cell membrane. However, at 0.001 rad per minute (slow dose rate), it required only 0.7 rad to destroy the cell membrane. The mechanism at the slow-dose rate is the production of free radicals of oxygen (O2 with a negative electrical charge) by the ionizing effect of the radiation. The sparsely distributed free radicals generated at the slow-dose rate have a better probability of reaching and reacting with the cell wall than do the densely crowded free radicals produced by fast-dose rates. These latter recombine quickly. Moreover, the slight electrical charge of the cell membrane attracts the free radicals in the early stages of the reaction (low total dose). Computer calculations have shown that the attraction weakens with greater concentrations of free radicals. The traditional radiation biologist has tested only high-dose reactions, and looked for direct damage to the membrane by the radiation.
- Monocyte depletion: Nuclear fission produces radionuclides which tend to be stored by humans and animals in the bone tissue. In particular, strontium-90, plutonium and the transuranics have this property. Stored in bone, near the stem cells which produce the white blood cells, these radionuclides deliver a chronic low/slow dose of radiation which can interfere with normal blood- cell production. A few less neutrophils or lymphocytes (the white blood cells which are most numerous, and are usually "counted" by the radiophysicist) are not noticeable. In the normal adult, there are about 7,780 white cells per microlitre of blood. Of these, about 4,300 are neutrophils and 2,710 are lymphocytes. Only 500 are monocytes. If, for example, stem cells in the bone marrow are destroyed so as to reduce total white blood count by 400 cells per microlitre due to the slow irradiation by radionuclides stored in the bone, this would represent a depletion of only five percent in total white cells, an insignificant amount. If all of the depletion was of neutrophils, this would mean a reduction of only 9.3 percent, still leaving the blood count well in the normal range. The lymphocytes would also be still in the normal range, even though they were depleted by 400 cells per microlitre, or 14.8 percent. However, there would be a dramatic depletion of the monocytes by 80 percent. Therefore, at low doses of radiation, it is more important to observe the monocytes, than to wait for an effect on the lymphocytes or neutrophils (as is now usually done). The effects of serious reduction in monocytes are:
- Iron deficient anemia, since it is the monocytes which recycle about 37-40 percent of the iron in the red blood cells when they die;
- Depressed cellular immune system, since the monocyte secretes the substance which activates the lymphocyte immune system. [2]
- Deformed red-blood cells: Dr. Les Simpson, of New Zealand, has identified deformed red-blood cells, as observed under an electron microscope, as causing symptoms ranging from severe fatigue to brain dysfunction leading to short-term memory loss. He has identified such cells in elevated number in chronic fatigue patients, and speculated that because of their bloated or swollen shape, they are obstructed from easily passing into the tiny capillaries, thus depriving muscles and the brain of adequate oxygen and nutrients. The chronic fatigue syndrome has been observed both at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, called bura bura disease, and at Chernobyl. [3]
Basing one's theory on claims that is impossible to study the phenomenon is certainly a peculiar way to do science! This myth has now been clearly shown to have been rash and criminally negligent.
Unfortunately, the Desert Storm veterans were victims of one of the latest military experiments on human beings. The people of Iraq and Kuwait were also the victims of this misguided experiment. I believe that the ignorance was culpable and criminal.
Recent Reports on Low-Level Radiation
I would like to bring your attention to the following significant new reports on the effects of low-level radiation:- Health Consequences of the Chernobyl Accident, Results of the IPHECA Pilot Projects and Related National Programs, Scientific Report, World Health Organization, Geneva 1996.
- Consequences of the Chernobyl Catastrophe: Human Health, E.B. Burlakova, ed. Co-published by the Center for Russian Environmental Policy and the Scientific Council on Radiobiology Russian Academy of Science, ISBN 5-88587-019-5, Moscow 1996.
- Volume 137, Supplement, Radiation Research 1994, which published for the first time the dose-response data on cancer incidence rate observed in the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Prior to this publication, only cancer death data was reported.
- Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation V (BEIR V), U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Washington 1990. This provides new radiation risk estimates based on the newly assigned doses of radiation in this atomic bomb survivor study.
- "Inconsistencies and Open Questions Regarding Low-Dose Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation", by R. Nussbaum and W. Kohnlein. Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 102, No. 8, August 1994.
- RERF Technical Report TR9-87, by D.L. Preston and D.A. Pierce, Hiroshima 1987.
- "The Effects of Changes in Dosimetry on Cancer Mortality Risk Estimates in Atomic Bomb Survivors" Radiation Research, Vol. 114, 1988.
- "Mortality and Occupational Exposure to Irradiation: First Analysis of the National Registry for Radiation Workers" by G.M. Kendall. British Medical Journal, Vol. 304, 1992.
- "Mortality Among Workers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory" by S. Wing. Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 265, 1991.
- "Reanalysis of the Hanford Data, 1944-1986 Deaths" by G.W. Kneale and A. Stewart. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Volume 23, 1993.
- The Petkau Effect, Revised Edition, 1990, by Ralph Graeub, Translated from German by Phil Hill, and Published by Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, 1994. ISBN: 1-56858-019-3.
- Bertell, R. "Internal Bone Seeking Radionuclides and Monocyte Counts", International Perspectives in Public Health, Vol. 9, pp 21-26, 1993
- Les Simpson has published several papers in the New Zealand Medical Journal, and wrote a Chapter in the Medical Textbook on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (MI), edited by Dr. Byron Hyde.
Wellesley professor unearths a horror: Syphilis experiments in Guatemala
US apologizes for performing unethical study in 1940s

Susan M. Reverby discovered the work while doing research. (Jonathan Wiggs/Globe Staff) |
Picking through musty files in a Pennsylvania archive, a Wellesley College professor made a heart-stopping discovery: US government scientists in the 1940s deliberately infected hundreds of Guatemalans with syphilis and gonorrhea in experiments conducted without the subjects’ permission.
Medical historian Susan M. Reverby happened upon the documents four or five years ago while researching the infamous Tuskegee syphilis study and later shared her findings with US government officials.
The unethical research was not publicly disclosed until yesterday, when President Obama and two Cabinet secretaries apologized to Guatemala’s government and people and pledged to never repeat the mistakes of the past — an era when it was not uncommon for doctors to experiment on patients without their consent.
Even so, Reverby found in the files a story of almost singular exploitation and deception, conducted in a foreign land because, the nation’s surgeon general at the time acknowledged, it could not have been done in the United States.
“I was just completely blown away,’’ Reverby said in an interview. “I was floored.’’
In Tuskegee, scientists knew African-American sharecroppers had become infected with syphilis but withheld treatment, in the name of tracking the progression of the disease. In Guatemala, prisoners, soldiers, and inmates in mental asylums were willfully infected, sometimes by using prostitutes provided by the scientists, sometimes by pouring the germs onto skin abrasions the researchers caused.
The US scientists — who had received the blessings of Guatemalan health authorities — were among the leading lights in the field of sexually transmitted disease research. Flush with optimism in the dawning era of antibiotic treatment, they decided to expose vulnerable subjects to further their understanding of the effectiveness of the new drugs in treating sexually transmitted diseases. From 1946 to 1948, they tested their theories on about 1,500 Guatemalans; most who became infected received treatment, but at least one died.
Yesterday, Obama called President Álvaro Colom Caballeros of Guatemala to apologize, and Obama’s spokesman told reporters the experiment was “tragic, and the United States by all means apologizes to all those who were impacted by this.’’
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had called Colom Thursday night to break the news to him.
In her conversation with the Guatemalan president, Clinton expressed “her personal outrage and deep regret that such reprehensible research could occur,’’ said Arturo Valenzuela, assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs.
The US government has asked the Institute of Medicine, an independent agency that conducts health investigations for Congress, to conduct a review of the experiments. Separately, a presidential bioethics commission will charter an international panel of specialists to explore the current state of medical research on humans around the world and ensure that the atrocities of the past cannot recur.
Any decision about making reparations — financial or otherwise — will await the outcome of the two study panels, officials said.
A representative of the Guatemalan government said his nation will investigate, too — looking in part at the culpability of officials in that country. The records of the experiment suggest that Guatemalan government officials were fully aware of the tests, sanctioned them, and may have done so in exchange for stockpiles of penicillin.
The Guatemalan experiment happened at a time when biomedical research was expanding exponentially, but with a Wild West mentality. In Massachusetts, institutionalized children were fed oatmeal laced with radiation as part of nutrition experiments. In New York, elderly patients were injected with cancer cells.
But in the six decades since the Guatemalan experiment, much has changed in medical research. Now, before scientists can begin any study involving human subjects, their project undergoes review by panels known as IRBs — institutional review boards.
“You can’t believe some of the things people did back then, years ago,’’ said Dr. Anita Barry, top disease tracker at the Boston Public Health Commission. “Now, you’ve got IRBs, thank God — somebody looking over your shoulder making sure you’re doing something reasonable.’’
The discovery by Reverby is testament to doggedness — and serendipity.
She was in Pennsylvania four or five years ago conducting research for her recently released book, “Examining Tuskegee,’’ when she ventured to the archives of the University of Pittsburgh, which sit in an old industrial patch of the city. She was there to examine the records of a US surgeon general who was consumed with controlling syphilis, Dr. Thomas Parran Jr.
That is when she came across files belonging to a deceased researcher named John C. Cutler, who had been involved in the later years of the Tuskegee project.
“I expected to find something on Tuskegee,’’ Reverby recalled. “There was nothing. What he left behind were these records from the Guatemala study. That was all he left behind. Why he did this, I have no idea. Why would you leave this?’’
The more she read, the more dastardly the story turned. Reverby held on to copies of the documents as she labored on her Tuskegee book. Finally, with that tome complete, she returned to the documents on the Guatemala experiments. She first discussed their existence earlier this year, at a meeting of medical historians.
Reverby said she did not publicize her findings sooner because no one was in immediate danger and because, unlike Tuskegee, most of the subjects were treated. “It’s not like I could have stopped something that was happening now,’’ she said.
Arthur Caplan, a specialist in bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania who describes himself as a friend of Reverby’s, said he wishes she had disclosed her findings sooner. “But I also know historians move on a clock that’s slower,’’ he said.
After finishing a research paper describing the experiment, Reverby contacted a former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. David Sencer, who had helped her on the Tuskegee book. “He said, ‘Do you mind if I show it to other people before it’s published?’ ’’ Reverby said.
US government officials were stunned by the contents when shown the paper this summer. The CDC began its own review of Cutler’s papers.
In a synopsis of her paper scheduled to appear in the January issue of the Journal of Policy History, Reverby writes that the Public Health Service embarked on the Guatemalan experiments even as it continued the work in Tuskegee.
The researchers wanted to know whether penicillin could prevent — not just cure — syphilis. They also hoped their experiments would lead to better blood tests and dosing strategies for antibiotics.
Initially, Reverby reports, there was great enthusiasm for Cutler’s work. One federal researcher told him that “your show is already attracting rather wide and favorable attention up here.’’
But the fascination with the Guatemalan experiment was fleeting, in no small part because the results were unimpressive. The physician who supervised Cutler from the home base, according to documents found by Reverby, told the researcher, “I am a bit, in fact more than a bit, leery of the experiment with the insane people. They can not give consent, do not know what is going on, and if some goody organization got wind of the work, they would raise a lot of smoke.’’
Two years after the experiment began, it was ended. The final report was secreted away in Cutler’s papers — along with photos taken by his wife, herself a Wellesley alumna.
Stephen Smith can be reached at 

© Copyright 2010 Globe Newspaper Company.
NaturalNews) In a recent TED conference presentation, Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, who has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to new vaccine efforts, speaks on the issue of CO2 emissions and its effects on climate change. He presents a formula for tracking CO2 emissions as follows: CO2 = P x S x E x C.
P = People
S = Services per person
E = Energy per service
C = CO2 per energy unit
Then he adds that in order to get CO2 to zero, "probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty close to zero."
Following that, Bill Gates begins to describe how the first number -- P (for People) -- might be reduced. He says:
"The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."
You can watch this yourself at:
Reducing the world population through vaccines
This statement by Bill Gates was not made with any hesitation, stuttering or other indication that it might have been a mistake. It appears to have been a deliberate, calculated part of a well developed and coherent presentation.So what does it mean when Bill Gates says "if we do a really great job on new vaccines... we could lower [world population] by 10 or 15 percent?"
Clearly, this statement implies that vaccines are a method of population reduction. So is "health care," which all NaturalNews readers already know to be more of a "sick care" system that actually harms more people than it helps.
Perhaps that's the whole point of it. Given that vaccines technology help almost no one from a scientific point of view (, it raises the question: For what purpose are vaccines being so heavily pushed in the first place?
Bill Gates seems to be saying that one of the primary purposes is to reduce the global population as a mechanism by which we can reduce CO2 emissions. Once again, watch the video yourself to hear him say it in his own words:
How can vaccines actually be used to reduce world population?
Let's conduct a mental experiment on this issue. If vaccines are to be used to reduce world population, they obviously need to be accepted by the majority of the people. Otherwise the population reduction effort wouldn't be very effective.And in order for them to be accepted by the majority of the people, they obviously can't just kill people outright. If everybody started dropping dead within 24 hours of receiving the flu shot, the danger of vaccines would become obvious rather quickly and the vaccines would be recalled.
Thus, if vaccines are to be used as an effective population reduction effort, there are really only three ways in which they might theoretically be "effective" from the point of view of those who wish to reduce world population:
#1) They might kill people slowly in a way that's unnoticeable, taking effect over perhaps 10 - 30 years by accelerating degenerative diseases.
#2) They might reduce fertility and therefore dramatically lower birth rates around the world, thereby reducing the world population over successive generations. This "soft kill" method might seem more acceptable to scientists who want to see the world population fall but don't quite have the stomach to outright kill people with conventional medicine. There is already evidence that vaccines may promote miscarriages (
#3) They might increase the death rate from a future pandemic. Theoretically, widespread vaccination efforts could be followed by a deliberate release of a highly virulent flu strain with a high fatality rate. This "bioweapon" approach could kill millions of people whose immune systems have been weakened by previous vaccine injections.
This is a known side effect of some vaccines, by the way. A study documenting this was published in PLoS. Read the story here:
Here's the study title and citation: Does Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Increase the Risk of Illness with the 2009 A/H1N1 Pandemic Virus?
Viboud C, Simonsen L (2010) Does Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Increase the Risk of Illness with the 2009 A/H1N1 Pandemic Virus? PLoS Med 7(4): e1000259. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000259
The short answer is yes, seasonal flu vaccines do cause increased susceptibility to the H1N1 pandemic virus. In other words, seasonal flu vaccines could set up the population for a "hard kill" pandemic that could wipe out a significant portion of the global population (perhaps 10 to 15 percent, as Bill Gates suggested).
Conveniently, their deaths could be blamed on the pandemic, thereby diverting blame from those who were really responsible for the plot. As yet another beneficial side effect for the global population killers, the widespread deaths could be used as a fear tool to urge more people to get vaccinated yet again, and the entire cycle could be repeated until world population was brought down to whatever manageable level was desired... all in the name of health care!
The more people around the world are vaccinated before the release of the "hard kill" pandemic virus, the more powerful the effect of this approach.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Perhaps not coincidentally, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into vaccine programs targeting people all over the world. One such program is researching the development of "sweat-triggered vaccines" that could use specially-coated nano-materials to deliver vaccines to people without using injections.More interestingly, his foundation has also invested millions in sterilization technologies that have been called a "temporary castration" solution. (
It seems that the actions of the Gates foundation are entirely consistent with the formula for CO2 reduction that Bill Gates eluded to in his TED conference speech: CO2 = P x S x E x C.
By reducing birth rates (through sterilization technologies) and increasing vaccine penetration throughout the world population (by using sweat-triggered nano-vaccines), his stated goal of reducing the world population by 10 to 15 percent could be reached within just a few years.
Who will be left alive? The smart people
The interesting thing about all this is that this campaign to reduce global population through vaccines will obviously not impact people who consciously avoid vaccines. And those people, by and large, tend to be the more intelligent, capable people who actually have an improved ability to move human civilization forward with thoughtful consideration.I can only imagine that those people designing this vaccine-induced population control measure might be sitting around a table chuckling to themselves and saying, "It's only the stupid people that are going to be killed off anyway, so this is actually helping the future of humankind!" (Their words, not mine.)
In a weird world government kind of way, this effort might actually be based on some distorted vision of philanthropy where some of the most powerful people in the world quite literally believe the way to save humanity is to kill off as many of the gullible people as possible. Vaccines are, in effect, an "evil genius" kind of way to conduct an IQ test on the population at large: If you go get vaccinated every flu season, you're not too bright and probably don't engage the kind of strong mental faculties that humanity will no doubt need if it is to face a future where it is now all but obvious we are not alone in the universe.
If humanity is to save itself from its own destruction and compete as an uplifted species in our universe, killing off the least intelligent members of society (or making them infertile) may appear to the world controllers to be a perfectly reasonable approach. I disagree with that approach, but it may be precisely what they are thinking.
In any case, choosing to receive a seasonal flu shot is undoubtedly an admission that you have failed some sort of universal IQ test, whether or not this is the intention of world influencers such as Bill Gates. More importantly, it is also a betrayal of your own biology, because it indicates you don't believe in the ability of your own immune system to protect you even from mild infections.
Perhaps the world vaccine conspirators figure that if people are willing to betray themselves anyway, it's not much different for governments and institutions to betray them as well. In other words, if you don't even care enough about your own health to take care of your health, why should any government care about protecting your health, either?
As you ponder this, also consider something else: The U.S. is going broke due to sick-care costs which are rising dramatically under the new federal health care reform guidelines. Can you guess the fastest and easiest way to reduce those health care costs? If you guessed, "unleash a hard-kill pandemic that takes out a significant portion of the weak or sick people" then you guessed right. Sadly, killing off those most vulnerable to sickness could save the U.S. government literally billions of dollars in sick-care expenditures. Plus, it would save Social Security yet more billions by avoiding ongoing monthly payouts. (Again, I am completely against such an approach because I value human life, but I also know we live in a world where the people in charge have little or no respect for human life and will readily sacrifice human lives to achieve their aims.)
As far as Bill Gates goes, consider his statement in the context of what we've discussed here: "The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."
It suddenly seems to make a lot of sense when you understand that reducing the population reduces CO2 emissions, and using more vaccines on more people increases the death rate of the population.
My advice? Try to avoid being among those 10 to 15 percent who get culled through global vaccine programs. You will not only save your life, you'll also pass the "universal IQ test" which determines whether you're smart enough to know that injecting your body with chemicals and viral fragments in order to stop "seasonal flu" is a foolish endeavor.
Be healthy and wise, and you'll survive the world depopulation effort that victimizes conventional thinkers who don't have the intelligence to question what they're being told to do by their own corrupt governments.
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