Who Is ISIS? An open source investigation
Who is Really Behind ISIS?
ISIS: A Short History
GlobalSecurity: Al-Qaeda in Iraq
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U.S. Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS
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The Snowden-Baghdadi Hoax
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Der "Islamische Staat" (ISIS) wurde von Mossad, CIA und MI6 gegründet
Der Führer des "Islamischen Staat" im Irak und Syrien (ISIS) - Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi - wurde von westlichen Geheimdiensten ausgebildet
Nach Dokumenten des US-Geheimdienstes NSA, die Edward Snowden öffentlich gemacht hat, ist der »Islamische Staat« im Irak und in der Levante ursprünglich von Geheimdienstagenten des Israel, USA und Großbritanniens gegründet worden. Ob das Papier authentisch ist, läßt sich derzeit zwar nicht verifizieren, doch finden sich inzwischen auch im Internet zahlreiche Quellen, die bestätigen, daß es sich beim IS um ein Geheimdienstprojekt handelt.
So sagte Anfang Juli in Beirut Nabil Naim, ein ehemaliger Kommandeur der Al-Qaida, im arabischen Nachrichtensender Al-Mayadeen, daß alle heutigen Einheiten des Netzwerks einschließlich IS derzeit für die CIA arbeiteten. Der »Islamische Staat« sei Teil einer Strategie für den Mittleren Osten, die »Hornissennest« genannt werde. Demnach sollen Dschihadisten aus aller Welt nach Syrien geschleust werden, um den Eindruck zu vermitteln, daß Israel von Feinden an allen seinen Grenzen umgeben sei.
Schon 1982 hatte das israelische Außenministerium in einem Strategiepapier den Vorschlag entwickelt, »daß alle arabischen Staaten in kleine Einheiten zerbrochen« werden sollten. Syrien, Irak und schließlich auch der Libanon sollten »in ethnische und religiöse Gebiete« aufgelöst werden.
So sagte Anfang Juli in Beirut Nabil Naim, ein ehemaliger Kommandeur der Al-Qaida, im arabischen Nachrichtensender Al-Mayadeen, daß alle heutigen Einheiten des Netzwerks einschließlich IS derzeit für die CIA arbeiteten. Der »Islamische Staat« sei Teil einer Strategie für den Mittleren Osten, die »Hornissennest« genannt werde. Demnach sollen Dschihadisten aus aller Welt nach Syrien geschleust werden, um den Eindruck zu vermitteln, daß Israel von Feinden an allen seinen Grenzen umgeben sei.
Schon 1982 hatte das israelische Außenministerium in einem Strategiepapier den Vorschlag entwickelt, »daß alle arabischen Staaten in kleine Einheiten zerbrochen« werden sollten. Syrien, Irak und schließlich auch der Libanon sollten »in ethnische und religiöse Gebiete« aufgelöst werden.
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Zionisten Agent Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi |
Im Kontext des »Hornissennestes« soll auch der »Islamische Staat« agieren. Deren Anführer und selbst ernannter Kalif Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi sei ein Jahr lang »intensiv militärisch vom Mossad ausgebildet worden«, hieß es in der in Bahrain erscheindenden Gulf Daily News. Al-Baghdadi war 2006/2007 im US-amerikanischen Gefangenenlager Camp Bucca im Südirak inhaftiert, das James Skylar Gerrond, ein ehemaliger Sicherheitsoffizier des Lagers, als »Dampfdrucktopf für Extremismus« bezeichnete.(jw)
Das »grüne Licht« für die Operation von IS im Irak sei am Rande des Energiegipfeltreffens des der US-Administration nahe stehenden »Atlantic Council« in Istanbul im November 2013 gegeben worden, berichtete ein Vertrauter des libanesischen Politikers und Multimilliardärs Saad Hariri, der an dem Treffen teilgenommen hatte, dem US-Nachrichtenportal NSNBC.
Plan der Schöpfer des »Islamischen Staat« war demnach, daß sich die Gruppe, deren Einsatz aus der US-Botschaft in Ankara gesteuert werde, durch den Verkauf syrischen Erdöls selber finanzieren sollte. Das gestohlene Öl sollte demzufolge über den Irak und die kurdischen Gebiete in die Türkei zum Mittelmeerhafen Ceyhan transportiert und verkauft werden.
Die Pläne scheiterten bislang offenbar an der Weigerung des irakischen Präsidenten Nuri Al-Maliki. Wäre Bagdad in der Sache »kooperativer« gewesen, hätte sich der Westen vielleicht nicht gegen den Regierungschef gewandt, so der Hariri-Vertraute. Der IS-Einsatz werde aus der US-Botschaft in Ankara gesteuert.
Plan der Schöpfer des »Islamischen Staat« war demnach, daß sich die Gruppe, deren Einsatz aus der US-Botschaft in Ankara gesteuert werde, durch den Verkauf syrischen Erdöls selber finanzieren sollte. Das gestohlene Öl sollte demzufolge über den Irak und die kurdischen Gebiete in die Türkei zum Mittelmeerhafen Ceyhan transportiert und verkauft werden.
Die Pläne scheiterten bislang offenbar an der Weigerung des irakischen Präsidenten Nuri Al-Maliki. Wäre Bagdad in der Sache »kooperativer« gewesen, hätte sich der Westen vielleicht nicht gegen den Regierungschef gewandt, so der Hariri-Vertraute. Der IS-Einsatz werde aus der US-Botschaft in Ankara gesteuert.
Es berichten u. a. arabische Medien wie Algerien heute darüber. Demnach hat Edward Snowdon eine Kooperation von Israel, USA und GB entdeckt, die eine Teilung des Irak und Syrien anstreben würden. Dazu sei IS als Kampforganisation der Sunniten gegen die schiitische Regierung geschaffen worden.
Is ‘IS’ a CIA-Mossad Creation?
Is ‘IS’ a CIA-Mossad Creation?
Is ‘IS’ a CIA-Mossad Creation?
By Pete Papaherakles —
The leader of the radical Islamic State (IS), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has been reputed to be a Mossad-trained operative whose real name is Elliot Shimon, the son of Jewish parents.
This information is said to have originated from 1.7 million pages of top-secret documents recently released by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden and made public by Iranian intelligence. Arabic Internet radio website “Ajyal.com” and the Arabic news website “Egy-press” were also early sources before the news went viral. Although it cannot be conclusively verified at this point, evidence points in that direction.
IS remains an enigma, as it seems to change names every week. First proclaimed the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, it soon became the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, then became simply Islamic State and finally the Islamic Caliphate with the stated goal of conquering half the world in five years from India to Portugal.
The official story about al-Baghdadi is that he was born near Samara, Iraq, in 1971. He is reputed to have earned a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Islamic studies from the university of Baghdad and was a cleric at a major mosque in Samara during the U.S. led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
He was given the title of Emir Daash and went by the false name of Ibrahim ibn Awad ibn Ibrahim Al Al Badri Arradoui Hoseini.
The leaked documents purportedly revealed that al-Baghdadi took intensive military training for a year from Mossad as well as courses in theology and Arabic speech.
Al-Baghdadi was reportedly a “civilian internee” at Camp Bucca, a United States military detention facility near Umm Qasr, Iraq. Key members of IS were also trained by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and U.S. Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012, near the Syrian and Iraqi border, according to Jordanian officials.
Some evidence suggests that al-Baghdadi may have been mind-controlled while held prisoner by the U.S. military in Iraq.
Nabil Na’eem, the founder of the Islamic Democratic Jihad Party and former top al-Qaeda commander has said that all current al-Qaeda affiliates, including ISIS, work for the CIA.
A recently released photograph shows al-Baghdadi along with half a dozen others, including Syrian rebel General Salim Idris, attending a secret meeting with neocon Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) in Syria in June 2013. A second photo shows al-Baghdadi posing with McCain and another “rebel.” McCain was instrumental in supporting terrorist forces fighting the Syrian government.
The Snowden documents supposedly reveal that British, American and Israeli intelligence worked together to create IS, “a terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist actions across the world,” using a strategy called Hornet’s Nest designed to “protect Israel.” According to the documents, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders.”
After gathering the most fanatical terrorists in the world in one place, a veritable army of real terror was formed and filled with bloodthirsty murderers, who film their atrocities and post them to the Internet.
On August 19 IS posted a video that apparently shows an IS fighter beheading the American photojournalist James Wright Foley, in a message to the U.S. to end its intervention in Iraq.
IS is intended to be a provocative agent, which gives the West the justification to enter countries that are considered a threat to Israel in order to destroy them. This would then give Israel the opening it needs to take over a large swath of the Middle East and establish the Zionist dream of “Greater Israel” from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Pete Papaherakles is a writer and political cartoonist for AFP and is also AFP’s outreach director. Pete is interested in getting AFP writers and editors on the podium at patriotic events. Call him at 202-544-5977 if you know of an event you think AFP should attend.

By Pete Papaherakles —
The leader of the radical Islamic State (IS), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has been reputed to be a Mossad-trained operative whose real name is Elliot Shimon, the son of Jewish parents.
This information is said to have originated from 1.7 million pages of top-secret documents recently released by National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden and made public by Iranian intelligence. Arabic Internet radio website “Ajyal.com” and the Arabic news website “Egy-press” were also early sources before the news went viral. Although it cannot be conclusively verified at this point, evidence points in that direction.
IS remains an enigma, as it seems to change names every week. First proclaimed the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, it soon became the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, then became simply Islamic State and finally the Islamic Caliphate with the stated goal of conquering half the world in five years from India to Portugal.
The official story about al-Baghdadi is that he was born near Samara, Iraq, in 1971. He is reputed to have earned a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in Islamic studies from the university of Baghdad and was a cleric at a major mosque in Samara during the U.S. led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
He was given the title of Emir Daash and went by the false name of Ibrahim ibn Awad ibn Ibrahim Al Al Badri Arradoui Hoseini.
The leaked documents purportedly revealed that al-Baghdadi took intensive military training for a year from Mossad as well as courses in theology and Arabic speech.
Al-Baghdadi was reportedly a “civilian internee” at Camp Bucca, a United States military detention facility near Umm Qasr, Iraq. Key members of IS were also trained by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and U.S. Special Forces command at a secret camp in Jordan in 2012, near the Syrian and Iraqi border, according to Jordanian officials.
Some evidence suggests that al-Baghdadi may have been mind-controlled while held prisoner by the U.S. military in Iraq.
Nabil Na’eem, the founder of the Islamic Democratic Jihad Party and former top al-Qaeda commander has said that all current al-Qaeda affiliates, including ISIS, work for the CIA.
A recently released photograph shows al-Baghdadi along with half a dozen others, including Syrian rebel General Salim Idris, attending a secret meeting with neocon Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) in Syria in June 2013. A second photo shows al-Baghdadi posing with McCain and another “rebel.” McCain was instrumental in supporting terrorist forces fighting the Syrian government.
The Snowden documents supposedly reveal that British, American and Israeli intelligence worked together to create IS, “a terrorist organization capable of centralizing all extremist actions across the world,” using a strategy called Hornet’s Nest designed to “protect Israel.” According to the documents, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders.”
After gathering the most fanatical terrorists in the world in one place, a veritable army of real terror was formed and filled with bloodthirsty murderers, who film their atrocities and post them to the Internet.
On August 19 IS posted a video that apparently shows an IS fighter beheading the American photojournalist James Wright Foley, in a message to the U.S. to end its intervention in Iraq.
IS is intended to be a provocative agent, which gives the West the justification to enter countries that are considered a threat to Israel in order to destroy them. This would then give Israel the opening it needs to take over a large swath of the Middle East and establish the Zionist dream of “Greater Israel” from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Pete Papaherakles is a writer and political cartoonist for AFP and is also AFP’s outreach director. Pete is interested in getting AFP writers and editors on the podium at patriotic events. Call him at 202-544-5977 if you know of an event you think AFP should attend.
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