Ebola (Sốt Xuất Huyết) Vũ Khí Sinh Hóa và Kế Hoạch Thanh Lọc Nhân Chủng Vùng Phi Châu?
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Ebola Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?: Scientists Allege
By Dr. Cyril Broderick, Professor of Plant Pathology October 19, 2014 "ICH" - "Liberian Observer" -
Dear World Citizens:
By Dr. Cyril Broderick, Professor of Plant Pathology October 19, 2014 "ICH" - "Liberian Observer" -
I have read a number of articles from your Internet outreach as well as articles from other sources about the casualties in Liberia and other West African countries about the human devastation caused by the Ebola virus. About a week ago, I read an article published in the Internet news summary publication of the Friends of Liberia that said that there was an agreement that the initiation of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was due to the contact of a two-year old child with bats that had flown in from the Congo. That report made me disconcerted with the reporting about Ebola, and it stimulated a response to the “Friends of Liberia,” saying that African people are not ignorant and gullible, as is being implicated. A response from Dr. Verlon Stone said that the article was not theirs, and that “Friends of Liberia” was simply providing a service. He then asked if he could publish my letter in their Internet forum. I gave my permission, but I have not seen it published. Because of the widespread loss of life, fear, physiological trauma, and despair among Liberians and other West African citizens, it is incumbent that I make a contribution to the resolution of this devastating situation, which may continue to recur, if it is not properly and adequately confronted. I will address the situation in five (5) points:
Horowitz (1998) was deliberate and unambiguous when he explained the threat of new diseases in his text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional. In his interview with Dr. Robert Strecker in Chapter 7, the discussion, in the early 1970s, made it obvious that the war was between countries that hosted the KGB and the CIA, and the ‘manufacture’ of ‘AIDS-Like Viruses’ was clearly directed at the other. In passing during the Interview, mention was made of Fort Detrick, “the Ebola Building,” and ‘a lot of problems with strange illnesses’ in “Frederick [Maryland].” By Chapter 12 in his text, he had confirmed the existence of an American Military-Medical-Industry that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise of administering vaccinations to control diseases and improve the health of “black Africans overseas.” The book is an excellent text, and all leaders plus anyone who has interest in science, health, people, and intrigue should study it. I am amazed that African leaders are making no acknowledgements or reference to these documents.
I am now reading The Hot Zone, a novel, by Richard Preston (copyrighted 1989 and 1994); it is heart-rending. The prolific and prominent writer, Steven King, is quoted as saying that the book is “One of the most horrifying things I have ever read. What a remarkable piece of work.” As a New York Times bestseller, The Hot Zone is presented as “A terrifying true story.” Terrifying, yes, because the pathological description of what was found in animals killed by the Ebola virus is what the virus has been doing to citizens of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia in its most recent outbreak: Ebola virus destroys peoples’ internal organs and the body deteriorates rapidly after death. It softens and the tissues turn into jelly, even if it is refrigerated to keep it cold. Spontaneous liquefaction is what happens to the body of people killed by the Ebola virus! The author noted in Point 1, Dr. Horowitz, chides The Hot Zone for writing to be politically correct; I understand because his book makes every effort to be very factual. The 1976 Ebola incident in Zaire, during President Mobutu Sese Seko, was the introduction of the GMO Ebola to Africa.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and several other UN Agencies have been implicated in selecting and enticing African countries to participate in the testing events, promoting vaccinations, but pursuing various testing regiments. The August 2, 2014 article, West Africa: What are US Biological Warfare Researchers Doing in the Ebola Zone? by Jon Rappoport of Global Research pinpoints the problem that is facing African governments.
Obvious in this and other reports are, among others:
(a) The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), a well-known centre for bio-war research, located at Fort Detrick, Maryland;
(b) Tulane University, in New Orleans, USA, winner of research grants, including a grant of more than $7 million the National Institute of Health (NIH) to fund research with the Lassa viral hemorrhagic fever;
(c) the US Center for Disease Control (CDC);
(d) Doctors Without Borders (also known by its French name, Medicins Sans Frontiers);
(e) Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company;
(f) The UK’s GlaxoSmithKline; and
(g) the Kenema Government Hospital in Kenema, Sierra Leone.
Reports narrate stories of the US Department of Defense (DoD) funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone. The reports continue and state that the DoD gave a contract worth $140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research. This research work involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly Ebola virus. Hence, the DoD is listed as a collaborator in a “First in Human” Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715, which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in March. Disturbingly, many reports also conclude that the US government has a viral fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Kenema, a town at the epicentre of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The only relevant positive and ethical olive-branch seen in all of my reading is that Theguardian.com reported, “The US government funding of Ebola trials on healthy humans comes amid warnings by top scientists in Harvard and Yale that such virus experiments risk triggering a worldwide pandemic.” That threat still persists.
The U. S., Canada, France, and the U. K. are all implicated in the detestable and devilish deeds that these Ebola tests are. There is the need to pursue criminal and civil redress for damages, and African countries and people should secure legal representation to seek damages from these countries, some corporations, and the United Nations. Evidence seems abundant against Tulane University, and suits should start there. Yoichi Shimatsu’s article, The Ebola Breakout Coincided with UN Vaccine Campaigns, as published on August 18, 2014, in the Liberty Beacon.
Africa must not relegate the Continent to become the locality for disposal and the deposition of hazardous chemicals, dangerous drugs, and chemical or biological agents of emerging diseases. There is urgent need for affirmative action in protecting the less affluent of poorer countries, especially African citizens, whose countries are not as scientifically and industrially endowed as the United States and most Western countries, sources of most viral or bacterial GMOs that are strategically designed as biological weapons. It is most disturbing that the U. S. Government has been operating a viral hemorrhagic fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Sierra Leone. Are there others? Wherever they exist, it is time to terminate them. If any other sites exist, it is advisable to follow the delayed but essential step: Sierra Leone closed the US bioweapons lab and stopped Tulane University for further testing.
The world must be alarmed. All Africans, Americans, Europeans, Middle Easterners, Asians, and people from every conclave on Earth should be astonished. African people, notably citizens more particularly of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are victimized and are dying every day. Listen to the people who distrust the hospitals, who cannot shake hands, hug their relatives and friends. Innocent people are dying, and they need our help. The countries are poor and cannot afford the whole lot of personal protection equipment (PPE) that the situation requires. The threat is real, and it is larger than a few African countries. The challenge is global, and we request assistance from everywhere, including China, Japan, Australia, India, Germany, Italy, and even kind-hearted people in the U.S., France, the U.K., Russia, Korea, Saudi Arabia, and anywhere else whose desire is to help. The situation is bleaker than we on the outside can imagine, and we must provide assistance however we can. To ensure a future that has less of this kind of drama, it is important that we now demand that our leaders and governments be honest, transparent, fair, and productively engaged. They must answer to the people. Please stand up to stop Ebola testing and the spread of this dastardly disease.
Thank you very much.
Dr. Cyril E. Broderick, Sr.
About the Author:
Dr. Broderick is a former professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry. He is also the former Observer Farmer in the 1980s. It was from this column in our newspaper, the Daily Observer, that Firestone spotted him and offered him the position of Director of Research in the late 1980s. In addition, he is a scientist, who has taught for many years at the Agricultural College of the University of Delaware. Copyright: Liberian Observer Corporation
US Bio-warfare Laboratories In West Africa Are The Origins Of The Ebola Epidemic.
By Aggeliki Dimopoulou
Could Ebola Have Escaped From US Bio-warfare Labs? American law professor Francis A. Boyle, answers questions for tvxs.gr and reveals that USA have been using West Africa as an offshore to circumvent the Convention on Biological Weapons and do bio-warfare work. Is Ebola just a result of health crisis in Africa - because of the large gaps in personnel, equipment and medicines - as some experts suggest?
That isn’t true at all. This is just propaganda being put out by everyone. It seems to me, that what we are dealing with here is a biological warfare work that was conducted at the bio-warfare laboratories set up by the USA on the west coast of Africa. And if you look at a map produced by the Center of Disease Control you can see where these laboratories are located. And they are across the heart of Ebola epidemic, at the west coast of Africa. So, I think these laboratories, one or more of them, are the origins of the Ebola epidemic.
US government agencies are supposed to do defensive biological warfare research in these labs. Is there any information about what are they working on?
Well, that’s what they tell you. But if you study what the CDC and the Pentagon do… They say it is defensive, but this is just for public relation purposes than anything. It’s a trick. What it means is what they decide at these bio-warfare labs. They say, “well we have to develop a vaccine”, so that’s their defensive argument. Then what they do is to develop the bio-warfare agent itself. Usually by means of DNA genetic engineering. And then they say, “well to get the vaccine we have to develop the bio-warfare agent” - usually by DNA genetic engineering - and then they try to work on the vaccine. So it’s two uses type of work. I haven’t read all these bio-warfare contracts but that’s typical of the way the Pentagon CDC has been doing this since at least the 1980’s. I have absolute proof from a Pentagon document that the Center of Disease Control was doing bio-warfare work for the Pentagon in Sierra Leone, the heart of the outbreak, as early as 1988. And indeed it was probably before then because they would have had to construct the lab and that would have taken some time. So we know that Fort Detrick and the Center for Disease Control are over there, Tulane University, which is a well-known bio-warfare center here in USA - I would say notorious for it - is there. They all have been over there.
In addition, USA government made sure that Liberia, a former colony of the USA, never became a party to the Biological Weapons Convention, so they were able to do bio – warfare work over there - going back to 1980’s - the USA government, in order to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention. Likewise, Guinea the third state affected here - and there is an increase now – didn’t even sign the Biological Weapons Convention. So, it seems to me, that the different agencies of the US government have been always there try to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention and engage bio-warfare work. Indeed, we had one of these two lab bio-warriors admit in the NY Times that they were not over there for the purpose of either screening or treating people. That’s not what these labs are about. These labs are there in my opinion to do bio-warfare work for different agencies of the US government. Indeed, many of them were set up by USAID. And everyone knows that USAID is penetrated all up and down by the CIA and CIA has been involved in bio-warfare work as well.
Are we being told the truth about Ebola? Is that big outbreak began all of a sudden? How does it spread so quickly?
The whole outbreak that we see in the west coast of Africa, this is Zaire/Ebola. The most dangerous of five subtypes of Ebola. Zaire/Ebola originated 3500 km from the west coast of Africa. There is absolutely no way that it could have been transmitted 3500 km. And if you read the recently published Harvard study on the DNA analysis of the west Africas’ Zaire/Ebola there is no explanation about how the virus moved there. And indeed, it’s been reported in the NY Times that the Zaire/Ebola was found there in 1976, and then WHO ordered to be set to Porton Down in Britain, which is the British equivalent to Fort Detrick, where they manufacture all the biological weapons for Britain. And then Britain sent it to the US Center for Disease Control. And we know for a fact that the Center for Disease Control has been involved in biological warfare work. And then it appears, at least from whatever I’ve been able to put together in a public record, that the CDC and several others US bio-warriors exported Zaire/Ebola to west Africa, to their labs there, where they were doing bio-warfare work on it. So, I believe this is the origins of the Zaire/Ebola pandemic we are seeing now in west Africa.
Why would they do that?
Why would they do that? As I suggested to try to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention to which the US government is a party. So, always bio-warriors do use offensive and defensive bio-warfare work, violating the Biological Weapons Convention. So effectively they try to offshore it into west Africa where Liberia is not a party and Guinea is not a party. Sierra Leone is a party. But in Sierra Leone and Liberia there were disturbances which kept the world from really paying attention of what was going on in these labs.
USA sent troops to «fight» Ebola. What do you think about that move?
The US military just invaded Liberia. They send in the 101st Airborne Division to Liberia. That’s an elite division of combat and they have no training to provide medical treatment to anyone. They are there to establish a military base in Liberia. And the British are doing the same in Sierra Leone. The French are already in Mali and Senegal. So, they’re not sending military people there to treat these people. No, I’m sorry.
Weren’t they afraid Ebola’s going to go out of control even in the USA or EU in a massive way?
It’s already gone in the USA and the European Union. So, there it is. Which raises the question: Was this Zaire/Ebola weaponized at any of these labs? I don’t have an answer to that question. I am trying to get an answer. And therefore it is much more dangerous than the WHO and the CDC are telling everyone. The WHO and the CDC are up to their eyeballs in this. They know all about what ‘s going on. It was the WHO that ordered the original Zaire/Ebola in 1976 to be sent to Porton Down for biological warfare purposes. So this could be more dangerous than the WHO and the CDC are saying.
And you can’t believe anything they telling you because they are involved in that. But certainly I can’t say it has been weaponized. I don’t know that yet for sure. I have the Harvard genetic analysis of it. When I was in college I had very good courses in genetics, and biochemistry and population biology but I am not a professor of genetics. I have a friend who is a professor of genetics and he is going to take a look at this and try to figure out if there’s been DNA genetic engineering perpetrated or performed on the Zaire/Ebola. Is there a genetically modified organism at work, a GMO? I don’t know. But if a GMO is at work that’s a pretty good sign it’s been weaponized. But in anyway, it is far more dangerous than the CDC and the WHO are telling anyone, because it’s clearly transmitted for a certain distance - we don’t know how far - by air. Breathing and coughing and sneezing. So, anyone treating people, seems to me, are going to need not only a protective suit but probably a breathing apparatus, at minimum. And you saw what happened to that Spanish nurse and that Spanish priest that were brought in, infected with Ebola. So right now the WHO and the CDC are telling healthcare workers that in addition to suits they need breathing apparatuses. So, again, I don’t believe you can trust anything the WHO or the CDC are telling you. And I really don’t know about the European Health Agency… If they‘re believing the WHO and the CDC then, in my opinion, they ‘re not properly protecting the health of the European people. And it’s simply bizarre that the CDC and WHO are relegating the screenings to the people in west Africa. It’s just bizarre. They need to be protecting health of their own people and they aren’t doing that. I read some of the European press but I’m not sure precisely what the European Health Agency is recommending but they certainly can't rely upon the WHO and the CDC. As for Greece, I know you have your own Health Ministry there and they cannot rely upon them at all, as well.
Some experts told recently the Forbes magazine that even ISIS could use Ebola as a biological weapon. I would like to have your comment on that.
This is total propaganda. These people are trying to distract public opinion from the fact. My opinion is that the origins of the current pandemic came out of the USA bio-warfare labs in west Africa. That’s what is going on here. ISIS has nothing to do with this. That’s just propaganda which is trying to scare and distract public attention away of what really is going on here. They doing the same thing here in USA. That’s what we need to concentrate on. Number one. And number two? We have to find out: was this Zaire/Ebola GMOed by either Porton Down or CDC or these US bio-warfare labs? It is far more dangerous than it currently appears. That’s the real issue. And I don’t have an answer to that question. It was the US government labs that research here. I’m not saying that Ebola was released deliberately by these labs. I have no evidence to that. It could have escaped. But this is really what we need to be focusing on. Not ISIS. It’s ridiculous, it’s preposterous.
What do you think should be done?
I would encourage the Greek government to convene an emergency meeting of your top health science people and to look into this on comprehensive bases and figure out what to do under these circumstances to protect the health of people of Greece. In particular they must not believe anything they are being told by the WHO and CDC. There is a need of open objective minds here about what is really going on. I think this needs to be done.
Back in 1985, I was down in Nicaragua investigating atrocities of the Contras there and all of a sudden the country was hit with an outbreak of a hemorrhaging Dengue Fever which is similar to Ebola. And it seemed pretty suspicious to me. So I met with some of the highest level officials of the Nicaraguan government and said: “you know, this very well could be US bio-warfare against Nicaragua. They did the same thing to Cuba. And my advice is you convene health care medical experts, not politicians, to look into this. And if you agree with me and that’s the result, file a complaint with the UN Security Council for violation of the Biological Weapons Convention against the USA”. And eventually that is what they did. Here I am not recommending the Greek authorities to file a complaint against the USA. What I am recommending is the same thing I did to the Nicaraguans. That you need to convene some of your top experts geneticists, doctors, etc.
And don’t get anyone in this group who has ever done any type of research for any agency of the US government. They are completely unreliable. Get Greeks experts completely independent of the US government or the British government. It’s funny here in the USA when the media want to get experts on this, all the experts they talk to are people who have done biological warfare work for the USA. And they are up to their eyeballs on this Ebola. And doing research on this Ebola. Of course they’re not going to give you proper advice. So, find this experts and make sure they never done any research for USA or Britain on any of this stuff but are qualified and can give you a qualified opinion of what is really going on and how dangerous this stuff is. And then aim to protect the health of Greek people. You definitely don’t have to wait for the European Union in Brussels to do it for you. I’m not telling Greece what to do. I’m just telling you how to do it. And this should be done immediately. It should have been done already. But ok, better late than ever.
Francis A. Boyle is a leading American professor, practitioner and advocate of international law. He was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the American implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. He served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International (1988-1992), and represented Bosnia - Herzegovina at the World Court. Professor Boyle teaches international law at the University of Illinois, Champaign. He holds a Doctor of Law Magna Cum Laude as well as a Ph.D. in Political Science, both from Harvard University.
He is also the author of "Biowarfare and Terrorism". The book outlines how and why the United States government initiated, sustained and then dramatically expanded an illegal biological arms buildup.
Read the Greek version of the interview here
See also -
Why the U.S. Is Building a High-Tech Bubonic Plague Lab in Kazakhstan: The country's meager opposition has called the lab a risk to the citizens of Almaty; the city sits in an active seismic zone, and the lab lies just outside town, in the midst of a populated suburban neighborhood.
By Aggeliki Dimopoulou
Could Ebola Have Escaped From US Bio-warfare Labs? American law professor Francis A. Boyle, answers questions for tvxs.gr and reveals that USA have been using West Africa as an offshore to circumvent the Convention on Biological Weapons and do bio-warfare work. Is Ebola just a result of health crisis in Africa - because of the large gaps in personnel, equipment and medicines - as some experts suggest?
That isn’t true at all. This is just propaganda being put out by everyone. It seems to me, that what we are dealing with here is a biological warfare work that was conducted at the bio-warfare laboratories set up by the USA on the west coast of Africa. And if you look at a map produced by the Center of Disease Control you can see where these laboratories are located. And they are across the heart of Ebola epidemic, at the west coast of Africa. So, I think these laboratories, one or more of them, are the origins of the Ebola epidemic.
US government agencies are supposed to do defensive biological warfare research in these labs. Is there any information about what are they working on?
Well, that’s what they tell you. But if you study what the CDC and the Pentagon do… They say it is defensive, but this is just for public relation purposes than anything. It’s a trick. What it means is what they decide at these bio-warfare labs. They say, “well we have to develop a vaccine”, so that’s their defensive argument. Then what they do is to develop the bio-warfare agent itself. Usually by means of DNA genetic engineering. And then they say, “well to get the vaccine we have to develop the bio-warfare agent” - usually by DNA genetic engineering - and then they try to work on the vaccine. So it’s two uses type of work. I haven’t read all these bio-warfare contracts but that’s typical of the way the Pentagon CDC has been doing this since at least the 1980’s. I have absolute proof from a Pentagon document that the Center of Disease Control was doing bio-warfare work for the Pentagon in Sierra Leone, the heart of the outbreak, as early as 1988. And indeed it was probably before then because they would have had to construct the lab and that would have taken some time. So we know that Fort Detrick and the Center for Disease Control are over there, Tulane University, which is a well-known bio-warfare center here in USA - I would say notorious for it - is there. They all have been over there.
In addition, USA government made sure that Liberia, a former colony of the USA, never became a party to the Biological Weapons Convention, so they were able to do bio – warfare work over there - going back to 1980’s - the USA government, in order to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention. Likewise, Guinea the third state affected here - and there is an increase now – didn’t even sign the Biological Weapons Convention. So, it seems to me, that the different agencies of the US government have been always there try to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention and engage bio-warfare work. Indeed, we had one of these two lab bio-warriors admit in the NY Times that they were not over there for the purpose of either screening or treating people. That’s not what these labs are about. These labs are there in my opinion to do bio-warfare work for different agencies of the US government. Indeed, many of them were set up by USAID. And everyone knows that USAID is penetrated all up and down by the CIA and CIA has been involved in bio-warfare work as well.
Are we being told the truth about Ebola? Is that big outbreak began all of a sudden? How does it spread so quickly?
The whole outbreak that we see in the west coast of Africa, this is Zaire/Ebola. The most dangerous of five subtypes of Ebola. Zaire/Ebola originated 3500 km from the west coast of Africa. There is absolutely no way that it could have been transmitted 3500 km. And if you read the recently published Harvard study on the DNA analysis of the west Africas’ Zaire/Ebola there is no explanation about how the virus moved there. And indeed, it’s been reported in the NY Times that the Zaire/Ebola was found there in 1976, and then WHO ordered to be set to Porton Down in Britain, which is the British equivalent to Fort Detrick, where they manufacture all the biological weapons for Britain. And then Britain sent it to the US Center for Disease Control. And we know for a fact that the Center for Disease Control has been involved in biological warfare work. And then it appears, at least from whatever I’ve been able to put together in a public record, that the CDC and several others US bio-warriors exported Zaire/Ebola to west Africa, to their labs there, where they were doing bio-warfare work on it. So, I believe this is the origins of the Zaire/Ebola pandemic we are seeing now in west Africa.
Why would they do that?
Why would they do that? As I suggested to try to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention to which the US government is a party. So, always bio-warriors do use offensive and defensive bio-warfare work, violating the Biological Weapons Convention. So effectively they try to offshore it into west Africa where Liberia is not a party and Guinea is not a party. Sierra Leone is a party. But in Sierra Leone and Liberia there were disturbances which kept the world from really paying attention of what was going on in these labs.
USA sent troops to «fight» Ebola. What do you think about that move?
The US military just invaded Liberia. They send in the 101st Airborne Division to Liberia. That’s an elite division of combat and they have no training to provide medical treatment to anyone. They are there to establish a military base in Liberia. And the British are doing the same in Sierra Leone. The French are already in Mali and Senegal. So, they’re not sending military people there to treat these people. No, I’m sorry.
Weren’t they afraid Ebola’s going to go out of control even in the USA or EU in a massive way?
It’s already gone in the USA and the European Union. So, there it is. Which raises the question: Was this Zaire/Ebola weaponized at any of these labs? I don’t have an answer to that question. I am trying to get an answer. And therefore it is much more dangerous than the WHO and the CDC are telling everyone. The WHO and the CDC are up to their eyeballs in this. They know all about what ‘s going on. It was the WHO that ordered the original Zaire/Ebola in 1976 to be sent to Porton Down for biological warfare purposes. So this could be more dangerous than the WHO and the CDC are saying.
And you can’t believe anything they telling you because they are involved in that. But certainly I can’t say it has been weaponized. I don’t know that yet for sure. I have the Harvard genetic analysis of it. When I was in college I had very good courses in genetics, and biochemistry and population biology but I am not a professor of genetics. I have a friend who is a professor of genetics and he is going to take a look at this and try to figure out if there’s been DNA genetic engineering perpetrated or performed on the Zaire/Ebola. Is there a genetically modified organism at work, a GMO? I don’t know. But if a GMO is at work that’s a pretty good sign it’s been weaponized. But in anyway, it is far more dangerous than the CDC and the WHO are telling anyone, because it’s clearly transmitted for a certain distance - we don’t know how far - by air. Breathing and coughing and sneezing. So, anyone treating people, seems to me, are going to need not only a protective suit but probably a breathing apparatus, at minimum. And you saw what happened to that Spanish nurse and that Spanish priest that were brought in, infected with Ebola. So right now the WHO and the CDC are telling healthcare workers that in addition to suits they need breathing apparatuses. So, again, I don’t believe you can trust anything the WHO or the CDC are telling you. And I really don’t know about the European Health Agency… If they‘re believing the WHO and the CDC then, in my opinion, they ‘re not properly protecting the health of the European people. And it’s simply bizarre that the CDC and WHO are relegating the screenings to the people in west Africa. It’s just bizarre. They need to be protecting health of their own people and they aren’t doing that. I read some of the European press but I’m not sure precisely what the European Health Agency is recommending but they certainly can't rely upon the WHO and the CDC. As for Greece, I know you have your own Health Ministry there and they cannot rely upon them at all, as well.
Some experts told recently the Forbes magazine that even ISIS could use Ebola as a biological weapon. I would like to have your comment on that.
This is total propaganda. These people are trying to distract public opinion from the fact. My opinion is that the origins of the current pandemic came out of the USA bio-warfare labs in west Africa. That’s what is going on here. ISIS has nothing to do with this. That’s just propaganda which is trying to scare and distract public attention away of what really is going on here. They doing the same thing here in USA. That’s what we need to concentrate on. Number one. And number two? We have to find out: was this Zaire/Ebola GMOed by either Porton Down or CDC or these US bio-warfare labs? It is far more dangerous than it currently appears. That’s the real issue. And I don’t have an answer to that question. It was the US government labs that research here. I’m not saying that Ebola was released deliberately by these labs. I have no evidence to that. It could have escaped. But this is really what we need to be focusing on. Not ISIS. It’s ridiculous, it’s preposterous.
What do you think should be done?
I would encourage the Greek government to convene an emergency meeting of your top health science people and to look into this on comprehensive bases and figure out what to do under these circumstances to protect the health of people of Greece. In particular they must not believe anything they are being told by the WHO and CDC. There is a need of open objective minds here about what is really going on. I think this needs to be done.
Back in 1985, I was down in Nicaragua investigating atrocities of the Contras there and all of a sudden the country was hit with an outbreak of a hemorrhaging Dengue Fever which is similar to Ebola. And it seemed pretty suspicious to me. So I met with some of the highest level officials of the Nicaraguan government and said: “you know, this very well could be US bio-warfare against Nicaragua. They did the same thing to Cuba. And my advice is you convene health care medical experts, not politicians, to look into this. And if you agree with me and that’s the result, file a complaint with the UN Security Council for violation of the Biological Weapons Convention against the USA”. And eventually that is what they did. Here I am not recommending the Greek authorities to file a complaint against the USA. What I am recommending is the same thing I did to the Nicaraguans. That you need to convene some of your top experts geneticists, doctors, etc.
And don’t get anyone in this group who has ever done any type of research for any agency of the US government. They are completely unreliable. Get Greeks experts completely independent of the US government or the British government. It’s funny here in the USA when the media want to get experts on this, all the experts they talk to are people who have done biological warfare work for the USA. And they are up to their eyeballs on this Ebola. And doing research on this Ebola. Of course they’re not going to give you proper advice. So, find this experts and make sure they never done any research for USA or Britain on any of this stuff but are qualified and can give you a qualified opinion of what is really going on and how dangerous this stuff is. And then aim to protect the health of Greek people. You definitely don’t have to wait for the European Union in Brussels to do it for you. I’m not telling Greece what to do. I’m just telling you how to do it. And this should be done immediately. It should have been done already. But ok, better late than ever.
Francis A. Boyle is a leading American professor, practitioner and advocate of international law. He was responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the American implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention. He served on the Board of Directors of Amnesty International (1988-1992), and represented Bosnia - Herzegovina at the World Court. Professor Boyle teaches international law at the University of Illinois, Champaign. He holds a Doctor of Law Magna Cum Laude as well as a Ph.D. in Political Science, both from Harvard University.
He is also the author of "Biowarfare and Terrorism". The book outlines how and why the United States government initiated, sustained and then dramatically expanded an illegal biological arms buildup.
Read the Greek version of the interview here
See also -
Why the U.S. Is Building a High-Tech Bubonic Plague Lab in Kazakhstan: The country's meager opposition has called the lab a risk to the citizens of Almaty; the city sits in an active seismic zone, and the lab lies just outside town, in the midst of a populated suburban neighborhood.
What are US Biowar Researchers Doing in the Ebola Zone?

What exactly have they been doing?
Exactly what diagnostic tests have they been performing on citizens of Sierra Leone?
Why do we have reports that the government of Sierra Leone has recently told Tulane researchers to stop this testing?
Have Tulane researchers and their associates attempted any experimental treatments (e.g., injecting monoclonal antibodies) using citizens of the region? If so, what adverse events have occurred?
The research program, occurring in Sierra Leone, the Republic of Guinea, and Liberia—said to be the epicenter of the 2014 Ebola outbreak—has the announced purpose, among others, of detecting the future use of fever-viruses as bioweapons.
Is this purely defensive research? Or as we have seen in the past, is this research being covertly used to develop offensive bioweapons?
For the last several years, researchers from Tulane University have been active in the African areas where Ebola is said to have broken out in 2014.
These researchers are working with other institutions, one of which is USAMRIID, the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, a well-known center for biowar research, located at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
In Sierra Leone, the Tulane group has been researching new diagnostic tests for hemorrhagic fevers.
Note: Lassa Fever, Ebola, and other labels are applied to a spectrum of illness that result in hemorrhaging.
Tulane researchers have also been investigating the use of monoclonal antibodies as a treatment for these fevers—but not on-site in Africa, according to Tulane press releases.
Tulane University, Oct. 12, 2012, “Dean’s Update: Update on Lassa Fever Research” (.pdf here):
“In 2009, researchers received a five-year $7,073,538 grant from the National Institute of Health to fund the continued development of detection kits for Lassa viral hemorrhagic fever.
“Since that time, much has been done to study the disease. Dr. Robert Garry, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, and Dr. James Robinson, Professor of Pediatrics, have been involved in the research of Lassa fever. Together the two have recently been able to create what are called human monoclonal antibodies. After isolating the B-cells from patients that have survived the disease, they have utilized molecular cloning methods to isolate the antibodies and reproduce them in the laboratory. These antibodies have been tested on guinea pigs at The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston and shown to help prevent them from dying of Lassa fever…
“Most recently, a new Lassa fever ward is being constructed in Sierra Leone at the Kenema Government Hospital. When finished, it will be better equipped to assist patients affected by the disease and will hopefully help to end the spread of it.” [The Kenema Hospital is one of the centers of the Ebola outbreak.]
“The initial round of clinical testing has been completed for the first diagnostic test kits that will aid in bioterrorism defense against a deadly viral disease. Tulane University researchers are collaborating in the project.
“Robert Garry, professor of microbiology and immunology at Tulane University, is principal investigator in a federally funded study to develop new tests for viral hemorrhagic fevers.
“Corgenix Medical Corp., a worldwide developer and marketer of diagnostic test kits, announced that the first test kits for detection of hemorrhagic fever have competed initial clinical testing in West Africa.
“The kits, developed under a $3.8 million grant awarded by the National Institutes of Health, involve work by Corgenix in collaboration with Tulane University, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, BioFactura Inc. and Autoimmune Technologies.
“Clinical reports from the studies in Sierra Leone continue to show amazing results,” says Robert Garry, professor of microbiology and immunology at the Tulane University School of Medicine and principal investigator of the grant.
“We believe this remarkable collaboration will result in detection products that will truly have a meaningful impact on the healthcare in West Africa, but will also fill a badly needed gap in the bioterrorism defense.
“…The clinical studies are being conducted at the Mano River Union Lassa Fever Network in Sierra Leone. Tulane, under contract with the World Health Organization, implements the program in the Mano River Union countries (Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea) to develop national and regional prevention and control strategies for Lassa fever and other important regional diseases.
“Clinical testing on the new recombinant technology demonstrates that our collaboration is working,” says Douglass Simpson, president of Corgenix. “We have combined the skills of different parties, resulting in development of some remarkable test kits in a surprisingly short period of time. As a group we intend to expand this program to address other important infectious agents with both clinical health issues and threat of bioterrorism such as ebola.”
Why? Are the tests issuing false results? Are they frightening the population? Have Tulane researchers done something to endanger public health?
In addition to an investigation of these matters, another probe needs to be launched into all vaccine campaigns in the Ebola Zone. For example. HPV vaccine programs have been ongoing. Vials of vaccine must be tested to discover ALL ingredients. Additionally, it’s well known that giving vaccines to people whose immune systems are already severely compromised is dangerous and deadly.
Thanks to birdflu666.wordpress.com for discovering hidden elements of the Ebola story.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at www.nomorefakenews.com
NOVA is reporting that the new Ebola bio-warfare is to reduce Africa’s growing population and will spread worldwide outbreak no treatment no cure deadly virus.
Also in this post I am sharing supporting links from various sources on the recent Ebola outbreak. As you are about to see there are many questions that need to be addressed.
2014 July 23 Breaking News Reuters: Sierra Leone’s chief Ebola doctor contracts the virus USA – DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE equipped largest Ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone – Stephen Becker Bio weapons virologist states growing evidence that the current Ebola outbreak is a covert biological warfare operation.
Fears that the west African Ebola outbreak could spread to other continents grew on Wednesday, July 30, with European and Asian countries on alert and a leading medical charity warning the outbreak is still not contained.
NOVA is reporting that the new Ebola bio-warfare is to reduce Africa’s growing population and will spread worldwide outbreak no treatment no cure deadly virus.
Also in this post I am sharing supporting links from various sources on the recent Ebola outbreak. As you are about to see there are many questions that need to be addressed.
2014 July 23 Breaking News Reuters: Sierra Leone’s chief Ebola doctor contracts the virus USA – DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE equipped largest Ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone – Stephen Becker Bio weapons virologist states growing evidence that the current Ebola outbreak is a covert biological warfare operation.
Fears that the west African Ebola outbreak could spread to other continents grew on Wednesday, July 30, with European and Asian countries on alert and a leading medical charity warning the outbreak is still not contained.
The Ebola Virus Pandemic: “A Weapon of Mass Destruction”?

This year’s first outbreak of the hemorrhagic fever virus Ebola started in February in the West African nation of Guinea. It then began spreading to Liberia and, for the first time, to Sierra Leone and now Nigeria. With the possible spread to England in attempts to trace 30,000 people who might have been exposed, and now an American death in Nigeria and two more Americans afflicted with it here in the US, Ebola has rapidly grown into what could become a global epidemic with a potential capacity to wipe out millions.
According to recent statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) released just last week, at least 672 people have died out of a total of 1,201 cases so far this year in West Africa. However, seven days later the number of fatalities has jumped to 887, a spike of over 200 deaths in just the last few days. [early August]
Because the incubation period may last ten days while the infected victim may not even be aware of any illness, the virus is highly contagious. Then what begins like typical flu symptoms of fever, later vomiting as the virus spreads rapidly inside the body causing people to succumb often within days of its onset. Victims literally die from internal bleeding that in the final stages can flow out of every orifice. It has the trappings of a ghastly zombie science fiction nightmare come true.
There is no standard treatment (other than isolating the infected and quarantining those at risk). Nor is there yet an official vaccine, although Reuters just announced that as early as next month the US government will commence testing an experimental Ebola vaccine on humans after positive results were found on primates. It has been reported that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) infectious disease unit and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will be running vaccine trials “as quickly as possible.”
The Department of Defense and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) classify the Ebola virus as a biowarfare agent. Reports of up to 90% of humans infected die within a very short time. Therefore, it is a very real, extremely potent potential weapon of mass destruction.
Every single day Ebola keeps cropping up in different places, eight cases spreading into Africa’s most populated nation Nigeria, several more now have surfaced beyond the African continent with suspected new cases in Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia. At least six others fresh off flights from West Africa are currently being quietly tested at locations here in the US in New York, Philadelphia and Ohio. With all the latest news of the spreading outbreak understandably giving rise to public fear and panic that it is just a plane ride away now, millions if not billions on this planet are pondering whether the African pandemic might be rapidly turning into a global epidemic spreading to every corner of the earth. Of course to reduce these concerns, the World Health Organization (WHO) and US government are busily downplaying the risks to citizens here in North America.
Is it coincidence that the first two Americans suffering from the deadly disease are now inside the US border? Is it coincidence that the most deadly outbreak of the disease in history has admittedly now killed nearly 900 West Africans already this year? Over 200 more than just a few days ago? Is it coincidence that President Obama has just signed an executive order to have the power to begin rounding up American citizens with respiratory diseases against their will? Is it coincidence that FEMA roundups are about to begin in Los Angeles, deceiving homeless people with the carrot stick of a meal to corral them into those FEMA concentration camps and Halliburton refurbished, soon to no longer be empty prisons we’ve been hearing about?
Throughout this last century the US government and military have a notorious track record for delving into the darkest, most sinister realms in its pathological, “cutting edge” pursuit of amassing the most powerful destructive forces on earth… from torturous mind control methods to unlawful, deceptive drug experimentation on unsuspecting soldiers acting as involuntary guinea pigs, to manipulating extreme weather events used as offensive weapons to create killer storms and droughts, to the use of potently lethal electromagnetic radio waves to alter and disturb the human mind and behavior that conceivably can even cause heart attacks.
For many decades the US military has been systematically carrying out numerous highly secretive black ops programs, from raining poisonous metals down on unsuspecting Americans as sprayed chemtrails to using poor inner city mostly African Americans in St Louis as guinea pigs directly firing radioactive volleys from urban rooftops just to see how humans react to high doses of radiation. Also throughout the 1950’s into the early 1960’s there was extensive atomic bomb testing in the Nevada-Utah desert sites as well as experimental weapons testing still being detonated to this day in the South Pacific, all done knowing that downwind are unsuspecting, unprotected human victims. For four decades right up until 1972, 400 poor black sharecroppers in Tuskegee, Alabama were purposely infected syphilis just to study the effects. As if that was not enough, US government scientists infected Guatemalans in the 1940’s also with syphilis just to experiment with penicillin. This ultra-covert, highly unethical and illegal, malevolent practice of customarily misusing science, often at top universities with unlimited taxpayer funding to harness brilliant yet twisted scientific minds to unleash Nazi Dr. Mengele-type nightmarish experimentation on innocent human populations is nothing new. For obvious reasons it has largely been kept secret and hidden from public view and awareness. But enough concrete evidence has been uncovered over the years to show how willingly diabolical the US military consistently is toward harming even its own citizens.
Less hidden but far more devastating evil acts have been perpetrated by American armed forces on civilians throughout the world. Senselessly destroying Hiroshima and Nagasaki as densely populated Japanese cities became the first intended targets and human guinea pigs of the atomic bomb. And President Truman ordered it even knowing Japan had all but surrendered already. But even prior to the Enola Gay dropping the atomic bomb, the US has used chemical warfare killing people all over the globe with Monsanto made napalm bombs that in one single attack wiped out 100,000 Japanese citizens. Hundreds of thousands of Southeastern Asians were napalmed to death during the Vietnam War. White phosphorus has been used to melt human flesh in Iraq and Israel has used it against Palestinians. Millions and millions of innocent humans have been murdered as a result of these most heinous international crimes against humanity decade after decade after decade with complete impunity at the hands of both the US and Israeli military.
So developing biological weapons from collecting monstrously lethal specimens of the Ebola virus should come as no surprise. Or when considering this already long and extensive US military history, repeatedly guilty of human slaughter on such mammoth, unprecedented scale, it should not be so shocking to realize the military purpose of Ebola as yet another highly destructive weapon in its vast lethal arsenal could be potentially used to eliminate an enormous segment of this planet’s readily expendable current human population.
This year’s first outbreak of the hemorrhagic fever virus Ebola started in February in the West African nation of Guinea. It then began spreading to Liberia and, for the first time, to Sierra Leone and now Nigeria. With the possible spread to England in attempts to trace 30,000 people who might have been exposed, and now an American death in Nigeria and two more Americans afflicted with it here in the US, Ebola has rapidly grown into what could become a global epidemic with a potential capacity to wipe out millions. According to recent statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) released just last week, at least 672 people have died out of a total of 1,201 cases so far this year in West Africa. However, seven days later the number of fatalities has jumped to 887, a spike of over 200 deaths in just the last few days.
Because the incubation period may last ten days while the infected victim may not even be aware of any illness, the virus is highly contagious. Then what begins like typical flu symptoms of fever, later vomiting as the virus spreads rapidly inside the body causing people to succumb often within days of its onset. Victims literally die from internal bleeding that in the final stages can flow out of every orifice. It has the trappings of a ghastly zombie science fiction nightmare come true.
In 1976 the Ebola outbreak first surfaced in Zaire (now the Republic of the Congo) and then concurrently in Sudan though with different strains, killing 280 people out of 318 diagnosed in Zaire (88% mortality rate) and 151 out of 284 in Sudan (at a killing rate of 53%). During the nearly four decades since those first outbreaks, little has been learned of the disease. The origin of the virus is believed to come from infected animals such as rats, monkeys and bats, all edible meat that are a main staple and part of many Africans’ diet. The so called bush meat can be a viral carrier. So humans remain at risk from animal to human transmission and of course now from human to human transmission, most often from exchange of bodily fluids.
There is no standard treatment (other than isolating the infected and quarantining those at risk). Nor is there yet an official vaccine, although Reuters just announced that as early as next month the US government will commence testing an experimental Ebola vaccine on humans after positive results were found on primates. It has been reported that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) infectious disease unit and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will be running vaccine trials “as quickly as possible.”
This contagious, incurable, highly fatal disease along with the typical bleeding from the eyes has people around the world reacting in horror especially with this largest outbreak to date. Both the CDC and WHO have emphasized that there is no reason for panic as far more people die from the common flu every year than the less than 2000 people killed by Ebola since its African emergence nearly four decades ago. The total numbers show two out of three humans who have been diagnosed with the Ebola virus, die from it with 1,717 deaths recorded out of a total 2,586 cases thus far. In stark contrast, 500,000 people die annually from influenza and a total of nineteen million are believed to have succumbed from the flu.
That said, it is important to disseminate accurate information of what we have come to learn about Ebola. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada:
“ INFECTIOUS DOSE: 1 – 10 aerosolized organisms are sufficient to cause infection in humans.”
Canadian researchers separating pigs from monkeys by wired pens found that infected pigs transmitted the virus by air to the monkeys. Also the viral organism can survive outside the host for several days at normal room temperature, evidence that the virus can stay alive on door knobs and household surfaces and be contagious for a considerable length of time.
The increased near nonstop mainstream reporting about Ebola in recent weeks is undoubtedly in part government propaganda designed to frighten people as well as perhaps take some of the heat off its number one genocidal ally Israel. The security state typically exaggerates or fabricates crises after crises in order strengthen its control through fear tactics over the general population. It only solidifies the absolute authority and power of the police state. Add the media propensity to over sensationalize as a tool of state sponsored propaganda and sufficient excuse emerges to activate security forces to quell ensuing panic and disorder. That said, local citizens in all nations do need to stay informed of any real global danger if in fact an Ebola pandemic does break out in a neighborhood near you, whether by accident or by sinister government design.
Right in stride with the Ebola hype comes the signing of Obama’s latest executive order. “Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases” allows for the “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases,” added to George Bush’s 2003 Executive Order 13295. This means that anyone with respiratory problems that might include bronchitis, COPD or pneumonia can potentially be rounded up at any time. This disinformation of protecting people under benign pretense is the deceptive bait by which the totalitarian police state closes in on its stranglehold of the American populace. Every week the government is ratcheting up conditions ripe for the next manufactured crisis on domestic soil that will ultimately pave the way for martial law and the FEMA roundups of American citizens. With these latest developments, we are one step closer.
Under CDC authority not just people with respiratory problems can be apprehended and detained against their will under the protocol of being quarantined. CDC asserts that any healthy American can be detained as well based on mere suspicion that he or she might have come into contact with an infected person. This loosening of the criteria for detaining individuals opens the floodgate for Big Brother to round up virtually anyone.
In other recent related news, along with people with respiratory problems, there is a current plan in place to soon be rounding up the homeless in Los Angeles and locking them up in FEMA concentration camps with implanted RFID chips. They will be baited with a promised meal. That famous poem by Martin Niemöller comes to mind about the passivity and denial of so many German citizens in response to the series of Nazi prewar mass roundups – “when they came for the homeless, I did not speak out because I was not homeless.” The Orwellian nightmare is officially underway.
In early August Dr. Kent Brantly, the American doctor who contracted Ebola while treating patients in West Africa, arrived in Atlanta and under police escort was rushed off to the home of the CDC Emory University Hospital. Today another American medical worker Nancy Writebol came in on a separate flight and was wheeled into Emory Hospital. Their arrival marks the first Ebola cases on US soil. Both were given an experimental drug in Liberia that apparently is improving their condition. Last Thursday before given the drug the doctor stated he felt he was dying but had already gained enough strength to walk into the hospital in Atlanta on his own. The new drug is called ZMapp and was developed by the San Diego biotech firm Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. after showing promising signs treating monkeys infected with Ebola.
No doubt the US government is highly invested in Ebola for both potential Big Pharma profits developing a vaccine as well as for a potential “final solution” as a convenient biowarfare global population-killer. Speaking of profits, Tekmira Pharmaceuticals, a company working on an anti-Ebola drug, just received a $1.5 million cash advance from another killer corporation Monsanto. In the past Tekmira was also awarded $140 million contract from the Department of Defense (formerly known more appropriately as the Department of War). In 2010 the CDC actually did acquire a patent on the strain that erupted in Uganda in 2007 that killed 39 out of 116 infected patients. The CDC patent owning that particular strain of Ebola from Uganda known as “EboBun” has the patent number CA2741523A1 and can be viewed here.
By filing for a patent on a product, in this case a highly lethal infectious disease, the US government is acquiring a governmentally enforced monopoly to exclusively profit from the “invention.” In the summary section of the EboBun patent, it stipulates that the US government in its patent ownership has complete legal control and ownership over all other strains of Ebola virus that share 70% and higher similarity. Thus, this deadly West African strain of Ebola will soon become the US government’s latest prize possession in biowarfare.
In bringing the two Ebola infected Americans back from West Africa to the CDC, in addition to optimizing their survival chance, the other all too obvious explanation is to harvest their Ebola cells for extraction that will then be used to patent the most deadly strain ever known to man. Infectious disease specialist Dr. Bob Arnot who worked on the ground in Africa with patients infected with Ebola virus recently went on television maintaining that “there is no medical reason to bring them here.” To make an exclusive claim of ownership of such a highly infectious disease stolen from the afflicted seems in and of itself invasively and exploitatively sinister. Of course it raises such red flag warnings and suspicion of how the virus might actually be used or more apt misused. Typically the government is quick to explore its military application as potentially the most powerful deadly biological weapon in the entire world.
Sierra Leone recently kicked out all US Ebola researchers from Tulane University and the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), a known center for biowar research headquartered at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Just prior to that event two weeks ago after three nurses died from the viral hemorrhagic fever, Sierra Leone nurses working in heavily infested Kenema district actually went on strike accusing the government’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation of mishandling the pandemic that is rapidly spreading. They complained that the medical workers caring for the ill are not properly protected and are suspicious that the American biowarfare team may be responsible for the recent surge in deaths. The Sierra Leone government then ordered the US bioweapons lab at Kenema to be moved due to the mounting anger of the local population blaming the Americans for infecting their citizens through their Ebola testing. Posted on the health ministry’s Facebook page is the conclusion that the diagnostic kits the US researchers have been using are fake and producing false results. It legitimately asks, “Have Tulane researchers done something to endanger public health?” Meanwhile, more people are becoming infected and dying there in that Sierra Leone district hospital than any other place on the planet.
Compounding the mystery, US mainstream media reported that the Sierra Leone leading doctor died from Ebola but the Minister of Health denied that claim. WHO is believed to be taking advantage of the crisis in medical services with pressure to deploy UN security forces in order to launch a massive vaccination (and possible infection) and quarantine campaign. In response, 700 soldiers from the Sierra Leone army have been deployed setting up roadblocks to help quarantine citizens, permitting only health personnel into the hardest hit areas. Troops in Liberia have also been sent to help contain the outbreak there.
The Minister also stated that all new confirmed cases will be admitted and treated at Kailahun Hospital, not trusting what has been occurring with the presence of the US biowarfare researchers at Kenema where rates of confirmed diagnosis have soared recently. Finally the Sierra Leone government is also demanding that the CDC send the biowar lab results to the African government for analysis, implicating that the US research group may be under investigation.
A doctor employed by the French charity organization Doctors Without Borders even stated that the locals’ perception that they will be killed in the Kenema hospital where the Americans have been conducting their research is “understandable,” given that the hospital has become the pandemic’s epicenter. Both the WHO and CDC documents admit that historically most of the Ebola victims have died at the Kenema hospital because of the questionable activities of medical staff. That sounds like an admission of guilt that the military biowarfare team instead of accurately diagnosing patients may have in fact contaminated them with the Ebola virus, possibly using the local Sierra Leone population as mere guinea pigs for their experimentation.
Back in 2009 Tulane University Ebola researchers received more than a $7 million dollar grant from NIH to fund the detection kits allegedly used in Sierra Leone. A 2007 Tulane University release entitled “New Test Moves Forward to Detect Bioterrorism Threats” boasts of an earlier $3.8 million NIH grant that led to early test trial success of “diagnostic test kits that will aid in bioterrorism defense against a deadly viral disease.” This document indicates that the Ebola biowarfare research team has been experimenting with its kits on Sierra Leone’s people for at least seven years before they were ultimately banished recently.
In another astonishing development, a rogue doctor with extensive experience treating Ebola victims, anonymously released what he calls a simple treatment for Ebola – massive amounts of Vitamin C. Similar but far more extreme than scurvy, the Ebola virus essentially drains the body of all Vitamin C, thus depriving oxygenated blood that bursts capillaries and triggers internal hemorrhaging that in effect causes victims to bleed to death. This Ebola specialist maintains that there is no need for a vaccine and warns against them, adding his opinion that the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone was actually caused by that biowarfare research team. The doctor recommends a high dosage treatment of 500,000 mg of Vitamin C per day, emphasizing that it is not a cure but will boost the immune system giving it the strength to kill off the Ebola virus in the body.
What is most certain in all these developing stories is the rapid unfolding of global destabilizing events and developments, bogus accusations and boldface lies streaming forth everyday from the propaganda mills of mainstream media and the US government.
But a closer examination of what is far more probable the actual truth indicates that so many of these simultaneous incidents are intimately related, and a mere connecting of dots spells an evil agenda promoting tighter control by a desperate security state that is now declaring war on all people who seek and speak the truth.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a masters degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing.
Ebola, Biological Warfare, Eugenics, WW III: A World On the Brink
Published August 9, 2014, filed under MEDIA, MILITARY, Tyranny, WORLD
By: Roger Landry (TLB)
The one thing We The People know for sure, is that there are many things our government is involved in that we surely don’t know … and a fair amount of these issues are not complementary to our safety, health or well-being.
From the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Geo-Engineering, GMO’s, Vaccines, Fluoride, Iraq (We know they have weapons of mass destruction), Libya and right on up to the chaos in Ukraine. Each and every one of these presents clear and present danger and harm, whether it be political, economic or physical, on some level, to this very safety, health or well-being. But the most devastating part of all this is all these blights on this trusting society are perpetrated or propagated by the very entity we trust to protect us from such events or mechanisms.
This government has a patent of the Ebola virus. George Soros and the Gates foundation are involved in the funding of the Ebola research facility that is at the center of this outbreak …
They are self-proclaimed elitists with population reduction in their repertoire, and this government is owned and controlled by this caste of elitist … FACT!
The utilization of deception, misdirection or outright lies is not new, but their facilitation is at a level so far beyond past utilization, that the truth must hold an elevated status on the endangered list of concepts at risk of extinction.
In 1981 William Casey (CIA Director) stated:
“We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything Americans believe is false.”
That was well over 30 years ago and the program had been instituted many years prior to this statement.
When a government must lie to its people to maintain its credibility or viability then … it is its people it fears.
When the people realize their government is lying to maintain its hold on power and can no longer be trusted to represent them then … it is this government it fears.
When these two concepts exist simultaneously … revolution is most likely unavoidable
What follows is a mind altering video series. Some will dismiss it as propaganda or tin foil hat wearing foolishness and some will dismiss it as outright fabrication and lies. You do this at what could quite possibly be your own peril.
TLB has done enough in-depth research to know we are well past the time in history where this government represents the well-being of We The People … The question is have they in fact become a detriment to the survival of the people?
Please continue with this series …
2014 August 8 Breaking News CDC EBOLA BIOLOGICAL WARFARE USA Department of defense Eugenics
2014 August 8 Breaking News CDC EBOLA BIOLOGICAL WARFARE USA Department of defense Eugenics The new Ebola bio-warfare to reduce Africa’s growing population and will spread worldwide outbreak no treatment no cure deadly virus Part 42014 July 23 Breaking News REUTERS Sierra Leone’s chief Ebola doctor contracts the virus USA – DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE equipped largest Ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone – Stephen Becker Bio weapons virologist states growing evidence that the current Ebola outbreak is a covert biological warfare operation
2014 July 23 Breaking News CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Outbreak of Ebola in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone
USA Department of Defense funded Ebola trials on healthy adults in January 2014 Ebola outbreak no treatment no cure worldwide threat – Biological warfare waged on this scale is potentially far worse than nuclear war http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/outbreak…
Ebola Virus Hybrid Bio Weapon Invented by CDC
April 2014 Breaking News Biological warfare What Syrian Officials say about their own Biological Weapon Capability http://bio-defencewarfareanalyst.blog…
2014 July 22 Breaking News USA CDC department of defense BIO Warfare Virus mind control terrorism Part 1
2014 July 22 Breaking News USA CDC Biological virus warfare terrorism Part 2
July 11 2014 Breaking News CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden announced Citing a recurring problem with safety, USA officials have suspended the shipment of potentially dangerous germs from government laboratories in Atlanta to other labs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also shut down two of its laboratories where the recent safety lapses took place. One of the closed labs was involved an incident last month that could have accidentally exposed workers in three labs to anthrax. No one was reported ill. In an incident earlier this year, the CDC said another of its labs accidentally contaminated a sample of conventional flu virus with a deadly bird flu germ. That sample was then sent to another government lab http://foxbaltimore.com/news/features…
July 29, 2005 Texas Military School Fort Sam Houston Army base Launches Class for Bio Warfare Identification – Military website – http://www.defense.gov/transformation…
June 2013 Breaking News Iranian general warns of bio-warfare http://www.wnd.com/2013/06/iranian-ge…
2014 July Breaking News Labs Mixing Human DNA Animal DNA 2 of 5 Last days news
July 2014 Breaking News Mixing Human DNA with Animal DNA Last days final hour news prophecy
2014 July 18 Worldwide conflict leading to world war 3 leading to one world Government
2014 July 3 Bible Prophecy Current Events in motion leading to One World Government Currency & Religion NWO New World Order
2014 June 28 NWO GLOBALIZATION ALERT China attending RIMPAC2014
2014 June 25 Breaking News China Successful EMP Cyber Attack Japanese Spy Satellite Part 2
2014 June 24 Breaking News China urges peaceful development of seas says conflict leads to disaster
2014 June 25 Breaking News USA President Barack Obama Invites and China accepted Pacific Rim Military Exercises 23 nations in total at RIMPAC2014 http://www.defense.gov/news/newsartic…
2014 Breaking News Chinese General on Nuclear USS Ronald Reagan Amid China Sea tensions
2014 Breaking News Russian Stealth submarines launch ballistic missiles under Putin’s control
2014 Breaking News Putin Tests Nuclear Forces & NATO expansion
2014 Breaking News USA NATO shows Putin lies no withdraw Russia 40K troops Ukraine’s border
2014 Breaking News Russia military test Nuclear multi warhead ICBM
Zbigniew Brzezinski: It Is Infinitely Easier to Kill a Million People than it is to Control Them
There is massive change happening on this planet today purposely held outside the realm of our understanding and control. We quite possibly stand on the brink of the most catastrophic period in our words history … And by TLB’s reckoning it will not bode well for a massive portion of humanity. Wake up and speak out … while you are still allowed to …
The Ebola Breakout Coincided With UN Vaccine Campaigns
Post Categories: Afghanistan
The cross-border escape of ebola into neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia indicates something went terribly wrong during the illegal clinical trials by a major pharmaceutical company. Through the lens darkly, the release of ebola may well have been an act of biowarfare in the post-colonial struggle to control mineral-rich West Africa
Earlier this year, rural residents eagerly stood in line to receive vaccinations from foreign-funded medical programs. Since the cover-up of the initial outbreak, however, panicked West Africans rural folk are terrified of any treatment from international aid programs for fear of a rumored genocide campaign. The mass hysteria is also fueled in a region traditionally targeted by Western pedophiles by the fact that filovirus survives longer in semen than in other body fluids, a point that resulted in murderous attacks on young men believed to be homosexuals. Ebola detonated fear and loathing, and perhaps that is exactly the intended objective of a destabilization strategy.
This ongoing series of investigative journalism reports on the ebola crisis exposes how West Africans are largely justified in their distrust of the Western aid agencies that unleashed, whether by mistake or deliberate intent, the most virulent virus known to man.
Guilt Without Doubt
A pair of earlier articles by this writer examined the British and American roles in developing ebola into a biological weapon and its antidotes into commercial products. This third essay examines the strange coincidence of the earliest breakout in Guinea with three major vaccine campaigns conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN children’s agency UNICEF. At least two of the vaccination programs were implemented by Medicins Sans Frontieres (MSF, or Doctors Without Borders), while some of those vaccines were produced by Sanofi Pasteur, a French pharmaceutical whose major shareholder is the Rothschild Group. This report uncovers the French connection to the African ebola pandemic.
Human Guinea Pigs
The guinea pig used in laboratory testing of new drugs is neither a pig nor from Guinea, since its natural habitat is on another continent, specifically the Andes. The test subjects at the time of the very first ebola outbreaks in Guinea were not rodents or pigs; they were humans.
The mystery at the heart of the ebola outbreak is how the 1995 Zaire (ZEBOV) strain, which originated in Central Africa some 4,000 km to the east in Congolese (Zairean) provinces of Central Africa, managed to suddenly resurface now a decade later in Guinea, West Africa. Since no evidence of ebola infections in transit has been detected at airports, ports or highways, the initial infections must have come from one of either two alternative routes:
- First, the possibility of an anonymous “Patient A”, a survivor of the devastating 1995 Zaire pandemic, perhaps a doctor or medical worker who was a carrier of the dormant virus into Guinea. An example of a Patient A is Patrick Sawyer, the infected American resident of Liberia who first transmitted ebola to Nigeria. No attempt has been made by the national health ministry or international agencies to trace and identify the original ebola case in Guinea. So far, not a shred of evidence has surfaced to indicate&nbs p;the very first victim to be a foreigner or a Guinean who had traveled abroad.
- Second, the absence of a Patient A leaves the prospect of an unauthorized test in humans of a new antidote for ebola in rural Guinea, done under the cover of a vaccination program for another disease. Whether the covert clinical trial’s purpose was civilian health or military use of an antibody-based antidote cannot be determined as of yet.
The reason for suspecting a vaccine campaign rather than an individual carrier is due to the fact that the ebola contagion did not start at a single geographic center and then spread outward along the roads. Instead. simultaneous outbreaks of multiple cases occurred in widely separated parts of rural Guinea, indicating a highly organized effort to infect residents in different locations in the same time-frame.
The ebola outbreak in early March coincided with three separate vaccination campaigns countrywide: a cholera oral vaccine effort by Medicins Sans Frontieres under the WHO; and UNICEF-funded prevention programs against meningitis and polio:
- The MSF-WHO project administered the anti-cholera vaccine Shanchol. The drug producer Shanta Biotechnics in Hyderabad, India, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sanofi Pasteur based in Lyon, France. Formerly known as Sanofi Aventis, the pharmaceutical controlled by major shareholders L’Oreal and the Rothschild Group.
- The oral polio vaccine (OPV) drive funded by UNICEF was based on a pathogen seed strain developed by Sanofi Pasteur, which operates the world’s largest polio vaccine production facility.
- The meningitis vaccine MenAfrVac, was produced by the Serum Institute of India, owned by tycoon Cyrus Poonawalla, under development funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2013, a UNICEF drive in Chad with the same drug resulted in 40 child deaths from vaccine-linked symptom. MSF participated in the West African anti-meningitis project.

Medicins Sanofi Frontieres
While focused on the French role, it would be unjust not to shed light on the American chief of the UN children’s agency. UNICEF executive directory Anthony Lake has an ideal career background for the post of protector of children worldwide. Tony Lake was National Security Advisor to President Bill Clinton responsible for US military interventions, including: the Bosnia-Herzegovina war against the Yugoslav federation; the Battle of Mogadishu in Somalia better known as “Blackhawk Down”; and Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti. An ardent& nbsp;Zionist convert to Judaism, he is the perfect boss to dispense risky vaccines in Muslim-majority Guinea.
One of Lake’s closest international allies during the Balkans war, who shares his policy of “expansionist democracy” and “humanitarian intervention” is French-Jewish hero Bernard Kouchner. The co-founder of Medicins Sans Frontier, the leftist politician-doctor was appointed Foreign Minister under neoconservative President Nicholas Sarkozy. Before succumbing to the temptation of shouting “Physician heal thyself!”, let’s turn back to tracking ebola.
MSF, which translates into English as Doctors Without Borders, promotes itself as a brave band of selfless physicians who spend their time and own savings on helping the poor in global hot spots. Many of the volunteers, to their individual credit and moral goodness, actually exemplify the public-relations image, never realizing that MSF corporate sponsors include the Bill Gates-founded behemoth Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, AIG, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, BlackRock, Bloomberg and the French advertising giant Havas.
A rogue’s gallery of corporate predators, if ever there was, the donor list is notably absent of major pharmaceuticals, since it would be a conflict of interest to charitably dispense vaccines from a drug company while being paid for the free advertising. To avoid appearances of ethical impropriety on a global scale, the UN through its agencies WHO and UNICEF foots the bill, the major pharms get the profits, and MSF executives with their horde of bright-eyed volunteers dispense the low-end vaccines on the suffering mass es.
Not to discourage idealist doctors from a worthy cause, there is the undeniable attraction of safari fever and Orientalist exoticism for a surgeon from Pittsburg or Strasbourg to take part in this hybrid of “Amazing Race” and Club Med. Now off with the kid gloves: While posturing as principled ethical “witnesses” to human misery, the functional role of MSF role is as a conveyor belt dumping vaccines from major pharmaceuticals onto low-income and poorly educated populations of the developing world.
Repeated dosages of potent toxins on populations with poor health, which no public-health agency in the Western world dares attempt inside its own borders, can have harmful side effects, especially on children. The casualties of vaccination have gone unreported by the media and buried under official cover-ups. Even worse, vaccine programs could well have been used to conceal human testing of antibodies that originated in biological warfare labs for the purpose of mass murder of entire nations.
Best Laid Plans
Doctors Without Frontiers (MSF), once based in Paris and now in Geneva, comes under a dark cloud of suspicion because its distribution of a two-step anti-cholera vaccine. The dosages must be taken a fortnight apart, and this repeat procedure likely provided the pretext for an ebola-testing team to insert the ebola virus into the victims’ bodies and later return to dispense the antidote of monoclonal antibodies (Mab).
(This is not to say that MSF was knowingly involved as an organization but that its “federation” style of management leaves a lot of maneuvering space for an unethical doctor to infiltrate a country program on behalf a client pharmaceutical.)
After exposure to the ebola virus, a patient shows symptoms of high fever, vomiting and diarrhea, no less than 8 days later and likelier after two weeks. Re-arriving on schedule, the covert drug-testing team administers the anti-ebola antibodies as “the second dose of cholera vaccine”. The perfect crime of illegal human testing should have gone off without a hitch.
A problem arises, however, when many of the test subjects fall sick in less than two weeks and are unable to walk dozens of kilometers to the vaccine centers. With much of the original cohort of human test subjects absent for the antidote, and ebola out of control in the hinterland, the secret clinical trial free-falls toward a pit of liability and legal action. Disappointed operations managers for the sponsoring pharmaceutical order the exfiltration of their medical agents out of Guinea, leaving hundreds of victims to die in excruciating pain as the contagion spreads. Does anyone in Paris or Geneva really care? Don’t choke in laughter.
The Guinea outbreak was not reported by WHO until 6 weeks after the initial round of infections in February, which is quite odd considering the armies of medical workers afield in the countryside during those three vaccine campaigns. By contrast, the MSF office in next-door Senegal knew about the Guinean ebola contagion less than a month after outbreak.
Inside and Outside the Death Zones
On the map of Africa, the Republic of Guinea (not to be confused with Equatorial Guinea on the coast of Central Africa) is shaped like a reversed letter C, looping off the Atlantic shore and curving southeast into the interior. The Niger River cuts across the country from east to west; two separate regions along its banks were the centers of the initial ebola outbreak.
The earliest infections were concentrated in the inland prefectures of Guecedo and Macenta on the interior borders of Sierra Leone and Liberia. The second-most affected region was closer to the Atlantic coast in the districts of Boffa and Telimele and the nearby island-capital of Conakry. The deaths in Conakry were concentrated at Donka Hospital, the prime treatment center.
What is striking about the Red Cross-Red Crescent Society map of the outbreak zones was the lack of infections over a wide swath along the border with Senegal, where MSF keeps its regional headquarters with a 300-member staff, which includes 80 foreigners. The reason can be attributed to the drier climate of Senegal, yet to the contrary ebola infections were reported near Guinea’s northern border with arid Mali, which is in the Sahara Desert.
On first reports of the outbreak, the Pasteur Institute branch in Dakar, Senegal, dispatched a mobile microbiology laboratory to Conakry at the request of the Guinean Ministry of Health. Meanwhile, the German-funded Bernhard-Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine office in Ghana cooperated with WHO to set up a mobile lab in Gueckedou Prefecture.
MSF staffers inside Guinea cooperated with the government’s Ministry of Health effort to set up isolation rooms in local clinics and hospitals along with blood-sample collection centers. Despite assurances from WHO and CDC that ebola is not transmitted through water or air, more than 100 nurses and doctors, including Sierra Leone’s top ebola expert, have died so far. Misinformation about ebola transmission is inexcusable when the 1995 Zaire outbreak was first spread by the washing of corpses.
Turning Panic Into Profit
Another appalling surprise came in June with the “second wave” of apparently more virulent ebola infections across Sierra Leone, even after the pandemic was coming under control in Guinea. This second breakout could be related to a mutation caused by the introduction of monoclonal antibodies during the covert antidote tests. Confronted by Mab-activated immune responses in humans, the virus could be expected to adapt by increasing the velocity of its docking with unprotected human blood cells. If mutation is confirmed, then all Mab-based&n bsp;serums should be banned due to the potential emergence of the unstoppable “super-virus”, a modified strain of ebola on steroids.
News media have focused on two potential cures for ebola issued by biotech companies ZMapp and Tekmira, both of them essentially business fronts for patent-sharing consortia. Whichever company gains approval from an FDA, ready to overlook the possibility of driving mutations, will be sure to win huge supplier contracts from the WHO and the US Department of Defense.
The dark horse in the foot race to profit from the ebola panic is France-based Sanofi Pasteur. The world’s third-largest pharmaceutical, under CEO Serge Weinberg, has earned a reputation for come-from-behind success in the final rounds of clinical trials in humans. Weinberg scored a coup in wooing his new chief scientist Gary Nabel from his position as head of viral immunology research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
The Sanofi strategy for ebola is being kept under wraps by its biotech partner Sutro Biopharma based in San Francisco. Sutro managing director John Freund, MD, is a former Morgan Stanley executive who built its health-care portfolio. The Sutro-Sanofi-Nabel monoclonal antibody (Mab) strategy, using tumor antigen Mabs, is listed for purposes “undisclosed”. The use of antibodies from abnormal or cancerous cells is the same as the cell-fusion method used by their now better-known competitor ZMapp.
For the unethical executive, it is tempting to conduct drug tests in humans without wasting years on monkey trials, as was done by wartime Japan’s Unit 731 and by Dr. Joseph Mengele. In 2008, Sanofi was accused of conducting secret trials of an untested H5N1 vaccine on 350 homeless people in Poland, killing at least 21 and causing the hospitalization of 200 others, according to the Telegraph of London.
The cold-blooded spread of a hemorrhagic fever cannot be attributed solely to corporate greed, since biodefense security is also a motive. The West African outbreak was likely linked to a dual-use experiment, for application in tropical health and as a biowarfare shield, as shown in the two earlier essays in this series.
On the List of Suspects
While a signatory of the Biological Weapons Convention, France did not sign aboard until 1984, providing sufficient time to guise its biowarfare research under civilian lab coats. The nation that produced brilliant scientists like Louis Pasteur, the pioneer discoverer of vaccines, France was one of the leading research centers in biological warfare, weaponizing anthrax, salmonella, chorela and rindepest, toxins that resonate with the French passion for cuisine.
The postwar French military had none of the ability to commandeer Germany’s formidable bioweapons technology, as did Britain, the US and Soviet Union. Instead of focusing on the German passion for “germ” warfare, French medical researchers skipped ahead by concentrating on molecular biology, in which viruses are of intense interest for their interactions with the proteins in cell membranes and nucleic acids.
Due to their high-tech sophistication, it is rare for French research centers to be caught red-handed, as happened when the Pasteu r Institute in Iran was discovered to be crafting aflatoxin for the Shah’s military.
French biologists moreover have had deep experience in tropical pathogens from their own African colonies and the Belgian Congo. The nation’s most notable achievement in recent years was Luc Montagnier’s isolation of the HIV, which notably he claims was not of African origin, indicating the Pasteur Institute’s vast library of biological agents.
The French are masters of ambiguity and dissimulation, and so there is no chance for a French military attache to be seen strutting around Guinea or Sierra Leone like a Jean Reno. The CDC in Liberia, in contrast, with its 50-member forward squad marching in protective gear stands out like a sore thumb.
Therefore, don’t forget to put the Elysee Palace on the suspect list if ebola is found out to be a biowarfare attack to destabilize West Africa and redraw the geopolitical boundaries. The French Army is largest foreign force on the continent. To borrow Churchill’s metaphor of nesting dolls, antibodies are a riddle wrapped in the mystery of ebola inside an enigma of biological warfare.
The other Sanofi project in Guinea involving a polio vaccine campaign could have enabled the follow-up work of checking on the success rate of the secret antibody tests. If so, it was a miserable failure or perhaps a wild success. In either case, the pharmaceutical and biotech industries will have profited handsomely from the ebola crisis when biodefense-research generals, high civil servants and UN bureaucrats sheepishly sign multimillion-euro R&D contracts.
Feverish Africa
After rural West Africans realized that vaccination programs coincided with the outbreak of Zaire ebola, foreign-funded medical staffers were assaulted by angry mobs and an ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone was burned to the ground. When medicine is exposed to be the problem and not a solution, the military has to be called in to quell public rebellion. The boundaries of every country in the region are now sealed by troops, and so the truth behind this epidemic will probably be buried with the victims.
As for MSF, UNICEF, WHO, CDC, NIH, USAMRIID and the rest of the alphabet soup of the hypocritical oafs of pharmaco-witchcraft, the herd instinct for self-preservation prevents any honest disclosure. As each day passes and casualties mount, the onus for the crime weighs heavier. A trustworthy investigation into this fast-spreading pandemic and prosecution of the perpetrators in a court of law have all the chances of snowfall in Zaire.
Yoichi Shimatsu, a Thailand-based science writer, organized public-health seminars by leading microbiologists and herbalists during the SARS outbreak in Hong Kong and the avian influenza crisis across Southeast Asia.
Exclusive to Rense.com 8-12-14
Rebirth of Empire & The American Role: The Global Biowarfare and Ebola Serum
Post Categories: Africa
Minions of the British Crown pressured the World Health Organization (WHO) to schedule a two-day expert panel on the pros and cons of authorizing the use of untested experimental drugs inside the ebola outbreak zone.
Celebrity microbiologists are hailing evangelical missionary Dr. Kent Brantly’s rebound from an ebola infection contracted in Sierra Leone, thanks to a novel wonder drug called ZMapp.
With rapt attention, world audiences watched a thrilling televised drama of a chivalrous medical volunteer helping his felled female colleague, followed by a desperate flight out of Africa and then a stake-out of reporters in front of an American hospital. Tales emerged from an isolation chamber of how a chilled vial of “secret” serum dripping into the hero’s veins saved his life within an hour.
If the astounding comeback from certain death sounds too good to be true, it probably is. In the media-driven panic over the spreading ebola contagion, any doubts about the antibody-based therapy and inconsistencies in the Brantly story are being trampled under a stampede of foreign medical personnel fleeing West Africa.
First off, the attribution of his near-instant recovery to ZMapp is fabricated nonsens. It is physiologically impossible for antibodies to trigger a patient’s immune reaction in anything less than a day.
A closer look at the bio-engineered antibodies in the drug cocktail reveals a reckless disregard of the potential cancer threat to patients. The many proponents of monoclonal antibody (Mab) therapy are well aware of the cancerous anemia risks, because the few laboratory animal studies were much too short to monitor the aftereffects in rats and monkeys.
In the waves the media hype, some numbers needs clarification about ebola outbreak: The mortality rate from ebola is nowhere near 90 percent. At worst, it is less than half that, and most of those victims probably died from combination of pathogens not just ebola. While ebola killed less than 1,000 people this year, in the meanwhile the deaths of somewhere around a quarter million people in Africa, mostly children, died of malaria in the same period without making any headlines in the Western press.
Three Divos of Virology
A trio of London-based microbiologists strongly urged the use of untested experimental drugs in Africa to protect health workers in an August 8 conference call with officials at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia. The shrill voices insisting on dispensing untested drugs include:
- David Heymann, director of Global Health Security at Chatham House, the British global-policy counterpart of the Council on Foreign Relations. As WHO assistant director, Heymann gained notoriety in 2002 for his medically incorrect pinning of the acronym SARS on to the Hong Kong coronavirus outbreak. Since coronavirus has dissimilar symptoms from severe acute respiratory syndrome, the term was a politicized reference to the territory’s Special Administration Region status following the handover of the Crown colony to China’s sovereignty.
In Tory tradition, the American microbiologist was rewarded for the vengeful slap against decolonized Hong Kong when the Royal Family gave him the title of honorary Commander of the British Empire (CBE). Perhaps his disease of low esteem for one;s birthplace should be called BAS. Benedict Arnold Syndrome.
- Jeremy Farrar, a British professor of tropical medicine at Oxford University and director of the Wellcome Trust. The medical charity was established by a grant from Sir Henry Wellcome, a Wisconsin-born pharmaceutical tycoon who in the late 19th century founded the predecessor company of GlaxoSmithKline. In 1910, Wellcome became a British subject and was accordingly honored with a knighthood for treason against his native democratic republic. Second only to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust promotes prescription drug use in the developing world, including Africa.
- Baron Dr. Peter Piot, the Belgian co-discoverer of ebola filovirus in Zaire, is a professor at the Imperial University in London, former UN undersecretary, and ex-director of UNAIDS. His ennobling by King Albert II may seem inappropriate for a microbiologist until one realizes that feudal lords and their knights were also ruthless professional killers.
Of Mice and Men
Whatever the unverified claims from these maestros of bioscince, the ZMapp genetic-engineering method is fundamentally flawed. The cell fusion of murine (rat) spleen tissue and myeloma (cancerous white-blood cells in bone marrow) produces aggressive antibodies that shift the immune system into overdrive, causing cancerous anemia.
Excessive stimulation of marrow plasma produces “abnormal antibodies” that can also inflict serious damage to the kidneys and nerve system. “Saved from ebola, die of cancer” is no solution.
Besides these adverse side effects, there are basically three additional knocks against prescribing untested antibodies:
- first, these immune-disrupting agents can encourage the ebola virus to mutate toward greater virulence, similar to how antibiotics pushed bacteria into evolve into drug-resistance superbugs. A super-virus more powerful than ebola would wipe out the entire human race.
- Second, one of the three Mabs in the ZMapp drug cocktail was tested only in rats, a species that does not share the same blood clot or lymph node systems as humans, and clotting inside small arteries is one of the main life-threatening aspects of ebola.
- Third, the panacea of Mab treatment will promote the erroneous perception of immunity among injected foreign physicians and aid workers who, to the contrary, will be carriers. Unlike bacteria, viruses do not die but just go dormant.
The RNA structure retains the ability to replicate when conditions are right. Wintertime indoor heating and dog-day summers provide ideal conditions in temperate zones for tropical virus reactivation.
Without strict quarantines and lifelong tracking of potential carriers, the ebola virus could soon spread like the common cold to every person on this planet..
Awarded by royalty and rewarded by the pharmaceutical industry, the medical adventurists in London are playing Russian roulette with millions, even billions of innocent lives worldwide.
Queen Mab of the Plagues
By no coincidence, the portfolio of patents on monoclonal antibodies (Mab) that supposedly cured the two American missionaries are owned by Her Highness Queen Elizabeth II. The intellectual property rights (IPR) from state-supported research in the United Kingdom and its subordinate realms including Canada, do not belong to the inventors but entirely to the Crown.
Royal patents, as opposed to property rights under civil law, are not bound to a 50-year expiration period but are held in perpetuity as a prerogative of monarchy. The Crown IPR regime is not just the holdover of absolute monarchy, since any research findings can be secured under the Official Secrets Act.
Behind a more liberal facade of decentralized copyright policies at the lower levels of the state, Crown patent rights remain basically unreformed.
The Queen’s copyright ensures that national health agencies in the developing world will never be permitted to manufacture monoclonal antibodies for their domestic population on a legal basis and therefore cannot market their generic drugs abroad. The ZMapp scandal is an abomination against the scientific spirit and human rights.
WHO Says?
WHO headquarters in Geneva reacted favorably to London calling. In recent decades, the UN health agency has morphed into an insider club for lab-based microbiologists rather than a network of general practitioners on the front lines of public medicine. The call for an emergency two-day meeting of experts was issued by WHO assistant director Marie-Paule Kieny, who led the Initiative for Vaccine Research since its inception. Most vaccine development is a lucrative fraud involving government grants for research lackeys of the pharmaceutical industry.
Margaret Chan, the non-physician director of WHO, is an avid supporter of multibillion euro vaccine research, which is funded by taxpayers but beneficial only to the big pharmaceutical companies.
During her term as director of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority during the SARS outbreak, Chan was an obstructionist foe of proposals for air-sterilization inside medical facilities and the use of herbal therapy, even after both innovative approaches proved successful in stopping the coronavirus in mainland China, in contrast with heavily funded but fruitless vaccine research.
The misguided habits of thinking are resulting in unnecessary deaths and pain to millions of sufferers who deserve patient-centered care rather than institutional cruelty.

Trickery Instead of Therapy
Brantly’s return from the brink of death was neither a miracle of science nor an act of God. His salvation was due to the simple old-fashioned breaking of a fever. Intake of clean water reduces inflammation. In the process, the blood is diluted, thereby having an anti-clotting effect that lowers the risk of damage to the small arteries, a life-threatening aspect of ebola fever.
Whether the two infected American doctors make a full recovery does not prove the efficacy (effectiveness) of ZMapp treatment, since the odds of surviving a hemorrhagic fever are far higher inside an antiseptic isolation ward of Emory University Hospital, equipped with purified air, frequent showers, flush toilets and clean bed sheets, than in the dank humidity of disease-ridden rural Africa.
In contrast with the suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia, country folk in the West African epicenter still draw water from sewage-polluted rivers and have no access to indoor-air filtration or even ice packs to cool a feverish forehead. No wonder the ebola mortality rate is so high.
Instead of a costly and untrustworthy panacea, what is really needed in West Africa is a massive amount of low-tech public health equipment, including portable water filters, air purifiers, small power generators, ice-making machines and small radio transmitters. Given the rampant corruption inside a region still wounded from war and rebelliont such supplies will never move beyond the major cities into the epidemic zone.
Media-generated fears of an ebola pandemic have sabotaged any effective medical-relief program outside of a few pockets of hope maintained by local clinic staffs, some churches and schools that serve as aid centers, and a minority of dedicated officials and community leaders. The situation, in short, is ripe for social-political destabilization in preparation for the recolonization of African states.
Rebirth of Empire
It is curious, indeed, how studies of Zaire ebola (ZEBOV) being quietly conducted in the backwater of Winnipeg, Canada, reached fruition just in time for the mysterious 2014 outbreak in Guinea. Even more inexplicable is why the outbreak wasn’t of the endemic (native) Ivory Coast EBO-C1 subtype but instead ZEBOV, which originates in distant Central Africa.
How could ZEBOV have traveled from the Congo region across 4,000 kilometers of farmland and jungle to West Africa without leaving a trail of misery or even a trace at any Congolese airport? The logical conclusion is that the first infection came from a European or American source, either from a laboratory specimen or as a deliberate act of bioterrorism.
The first scenario should be excluded because nobody in their right mind would ship a vial of frozen blood serum or a blood-smeared slide into ebola-prone West Africa. The samples always go out of the region and not into it. Judging from the high state of alert at CDC headquarters in Atlanta, the 2014 outbreak is an act of biowarfare. Since no known terrorist group has claimed responsibility, it must be a state-sponsored program that launched biowar in Africa.
Before discussing viowar capability, motivation needs to be examined. The creation of Chatham House following World War I was largely prompted by the influence of a political giant of foreign policy named Cecil Rhodes, the consolidator of the British Empire in Africa.
The untapped potential of the “dark continent” was heralded by Rhodes as a treasure for Britain’s future during coming centuries. Rhodes’s imperial vision, however, was swept away in the past three decades by the tide of national liberation and the victory of the anti-apartheid movement.
The next great fall for British interests in Africa is coming from four powers, including France with its Francophone linguistic strategy; the US and the Pentagon’s Africa Command; the Islamic surge southward from the Sahara and Horn region; and China’s multibillion-dollar economic drive.
Without adequate military forces and a declining national economy, London is turning to a “soft-power” approach of using its scientific, academic and media assets to “missionize” African elites and the younger generation.
The sudden ebola crisis proves to Africans that Britain with its antibody patents and influential tropical-medicine professors is providing the right sort of leadership armed with advanced science. However, it is easy to forget that those who control the antibodies are the only ones who can comfortably unleash a killer virus.
Biowarfare ja key to the recolonization of English-speaking Africa.
One salient point in the ebola crisis is that England, with its huge population of West African immigrants, has not reported a single case of ebola entry. God save the Queen, even if all her horses and all her men cannot put the British Empire together again.
Inside the Death Labs
The Royals did not don white lab coats or inject serum into rodents to earn copyrights on antibodies. Those long hours inside hiidden labs were put in by her loyal subjects at Proton Down. The Ministry of Defense (MoD) bioweapons laboratory was located near Stonehenge in Salisbury, Wiltshire, a county better known for its cheese than for ricin and anthrax.
There, the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) maintained two high containment areas for viral research, which started there in 1953. On its grounds, the Microbiological Research Establishment (MRE) routinely gassed and sprayed rabbits, sheep and even humans with bacteria and viruses.
Hemorrhagic fever viruses were field-tested long before the 1976 discovery of ebola. In the late 1950s, Porton Down microbiologists collected a lethal flavivirus, the tick-borne disease in Kyasanur forest monkeys from Karnataka, India.
In partnership with the US Army Research Unit, the MRE conducted virulence tests on human test subjects who included war veterans, the elderly and mentally disabled. Related studies in hemorrhagic fevers were done on the Alkhurma and Omsk viruses, collected respectively from Saudi Arabia and Russia.
Seven years after the Biological Weapons Convention, the MRE was closed and its lab facilities were transferred to the “civilian” Centre for Applied Microbiological Research. The military-run biowarfare program was hidden inside the Defense Evaluation and Agency (DERA), which continued the biowarfare research ay secret defense labs or under contract with civilian research institutes at universities and hospitals.
Ebola research was compartmentalized and assigned to infectious and tropical disease laboratories of university departments, headed by respectable microbiologists like Professors Farrar, Heymann and Piot. Piecemeal allotment of research contracts shields these fine gentlemen from moral qualms over creating bio-agents that can indiscriminately kill millions of women and children.
Due to fears of virus escape in the densely populated British Isles, DERA outsourced ZEBOV Mab testing in monkeys with the National Microbiological Laboratory of the Public Health Agency of Canada in Winnipeg. Professors and students in the Immunology and Microbiology departments at the University of Manitoba conducted these simian experiments. By outsourcing, biological warfare is protected in flagrant violation of the UN convention, while foisting any liability risks on Canadian taxpayers.
After years of preparation, the Manitoba series of Mab studies in test monkeys were conducted in 2013 and 2013, with the findings published in November. The timing of efficacious test results of Mab in simians was remarkably close to the initial ebola outbreak that erupted in Guinea in March.
The American Role
An issue for American citizens is why two ailing doctors were flown to Atlanta at risk of spreading the pandemic to the US, when there are modern medical facilities in the affected African nations, such as the USAID-funded JFK Memorial Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia, or American Hospital and Resorts in Lagos, Nigeria?
The Methodist Church USA and American Catholics also fund in-patient medical centers in the region. These US-funded institutions should have launched an ebola task force for regional patient care and to protect visiting American medical workers, like Drs. Brantly and Whitebol.
The only logical explanation for admitting ebola patients into US territory is global biowarfare surveillance by the CDC, which is cooperating with the medical branches of the Defense Department. The legacy of the 2011 anthrax attacks in Washington DC have left the heavy hand of antiterrorism on public health.
Aside from its nearly independent security-oriented CDC sub-agency, the US Department of Health and Human Services has had little civilian role in the public health response to the ebola threat.
The British drive for a revived imperium across Africa, along with the inordinate influence of GlaxoSmithKlein and Wellcome Trust in the WHO, will probably soon force Washington to reevaluates its current posture as a primarily a military-reaction force on the African continent.
It is unclear whether the US presence in Africa can be reformed from its chaotic morass of Christian missions, Africa Command outposts, USAID projects and corporate brand marketing.
The principled American vision of nurturing genuine democracy, sustained community self-development and public health on the other side of the Atlantic seems an evermore distant dream, if not a delusional mirage.
Yoichi Shimatsu, a Thailand-based science writer, organized a public-health team of medical experts for innovative approaches to the SARS and avian influenza crises in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia.
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