Is Putin also in it – A Partner with The West?
In our previous analytical review of the events in Russia, and, in particular, Mr. Putin’s maneuvers and actions since his 2nd coming, we came to conclude that Putin camp is positioning itself for the final mop to remove the remnants of the pro-western Atlantic integrationists elements from the corridors of power – and, Medvedev, being the front of the pro-western camp, is also on the chopping block.
Now, with a different perspective, we are going to analyze Mr. Putin’s actions and the policy decisions, in conjunction with the global events – in a broader context. We cannot overlook the complementary side of the angle: What if Mr. Putin is also playing the game? What if Mr. Putin is also in it to pull the wool over the public’s Eyes?
The game, in such a case, is going to be a lot more complex – with unexpected turns and twists of the events. We will be watching – and subjected to, the implementation of the Machiavellian Diversion tactics on a really grand scale. Fun it is going to be.
It is difficult to watch the Russia-Ukraine-US-EU joint production and not to think of Machiavelli. He was an interesting character – The 17th century Think Tank who introduced Europe to the art of Political Jujutsu – the art of manipulating the opponent’s own force to defeat him. He formulated a complete instruction set and the methodology to achieve the desired outcome and the solution to any problem pertaining to the political dissent, turmoil, or crisis – He is still considered the last word in the field of Crisis Management. His techniques have since been analyzed, refined, and turned into a science - There are sophisticated algorithms and large scale computer programs that incorporate the Machiavellian strategies to model the solutions to a variety of socio-economic and political situations. The entire Machiavelli Crisis Management System is based on the application of three simple techniques:
1- Diversion:
The idea here is to divert the public attention from the real activities and actions of the rulings elites by creating enough commotion to distract and divert the public attention from the real issue.
2- Deflection:
Deflection is the process of guiding a popular movement – easy and slow, in the desired direction. This tactic also serves to provide a venting mechanism to let the steam out - thereby, avoiding the potential damage to the estate of the princely ones.
3- Hijack:
This one is quite simple and easy: just infiltrate, let the movement grove, and, then, hijack it at its peak – Bingo, the movement is now yours!
The Diversion in Action:
To have a better grip on the modus operandi and the application of the Machiavellian Diversion technique, think about the Clinton – Monica Lewinsky drama, and the Obama and Danish prime minister Helle -Thorning Schmidt’s photo-op at the Nelson Mandela memorial service. In both of these two cases, the public attention was diverted away from the real actions (think: sexual orientation) of these two persons to an, relatively speaking, insignificant staged event.
It is a great tactic, and works without fail.
Now, in contrast to these localized events of little significance, the current ongoing actions and furies on the global front are of a grand scale – impacting our socio-econoic affairs and our lives with devastating effects.
The world has certainly gone super charged – there is a lot of energy, and plenty of action; from Russia and Ukraine to Scotland and England, and from China and Japan to Brazil and Argentina – there is not a dull moment. And, if one were missing any action, there is the newly released drama of IS or IS NOT – with its collection of mannequins to bring in the added factor of excitement-anxiety-hate. With the millions of investors trying to figure out an entry point into the coves of BABA, it may be worthwhile to find out the remaining stock of mannequins still available on the Ali Baba portal.
There is too much commotion in the world for even the Buddha to maintain his attention span beyond a few minutes to be able to focus on the real issues facing the world – and, we are the mere mortals.
But, To What End? If one has to conclude that all this clutter and noise is there to divert the public attention, then, one may have ask, to divert from what?
For one, consider the multi-trillion dollar tsunami approaching the western shores – Unfunded obligations of US and EU nations to the tune of $600 Trillions – that is 10 times the global GDP. Combined it with the $1.5 Quadrillion overhang of the Derivatives, and you can see the disaster in the waiting. The joint US-EU infusion of more than $48 trillion worth of free money into the coffers of the major financial institutions has been able to slow the approach of the storm by supporting the large institutions - at the expense of the public. But, the event is almost here.
The solution to the looming disaster that will follow, with the billionaires’ perspective, is to takeover the public assets en mass – think Detroit.
It is can be called the Operation Takeover - forget the New World Order BS.
Of course, a lot of clutter, noise, and diversion is need to facilitate the implementation of the Operation Takeover – it will be the grandest of any operation humanity ever undertook.
Russia in Perspective:
We cannot overlook the fact that Russia is the land of instant billionaires - so is Ukraine. Mr. Putin, many sources claim, is a multi-billionaire himself. There is an incentive for every billionaire in the world to participate in the looming loot of public assets and resources – Mr. Putin may well be glad to lend a helping hand. After all, it is billionaires’ world.
To analyze and see if Mr. Putin is also playing along, we will focus on his actions, or, rather, inactions.
First of all, to quell the concerns and the argument that Russia might have been militarily intimidated by US to back off, Russia is more than a match for the western conventional threats. They have the world’s fastest and most precise missile system – carrying also the most bang - their air defense system is impenetrable – they are ahead in electronic warfare technology – and, bar the BS, the Western air force is no match to Russian new generation fighters. As for the nuclear threat posed to them, they are far ahead in the weapon deliver system – the count of the bombs is immaterial – no one will have the chance to cross the hundred mark counter, any way.
Putin’s Actions in Perspective:
With the threat to existence factored out, we can now put Mr. Putin’s actions, or, rather, inactions in proper perspective:
1- The Mother of it all, and Putin:
Putin is coming with the KGB background – well connected to the intelligence community. Russia and US both keep a tab on each-other’s defense drills and exercises – their satellites monitoring all the military movement and snooping on each other’s communications. He knew what really happened. And, yet, he supported the official line pertaining to the tyranny of 2001.
2- Until recently he had been following the policy that kept the Russian economy tied to the west – sacrificing even the most essential industries in order to do more business with his western partners, and to help the Russian instant billionaires make a few more billions in the process.
3- During his realm, Russia has become even more integrated with the western financial system – which has opened the Russian economy and the Ruble to exploitation.
4- Russian decision (with Putin’s endorsement, of course) to abide by the UN Sanctions, and to terminate its contractual obligations to supply the SAM 300 air defense system to Iran is a big question mark.
5- His inaction in Libya was tantamount to lending support to his western partners.
6- On the Ukrainian front, it is difficult to swallow that he had no inkling as to what the West was up to. Even though – with the public perspective, all the commotion had erupted abruptly with the President Viktor Yanukovych showing the middle figure to EU back in November of 2013, the fact is that such movements do not just erupt out in a state of vacuum – the only exception being that of The Big Bang.
The only explanation that fits is that Putin deliberately allowed the events of Ukraine to happen in that fashion – it may very well be the accommodation of billionaires – the gentleman’s agreement between the billionaires of Russia and the billionaires of Ukraine. It is quite possible that the Ukrainian camp didn’t live by the agreement.
7- Even after the Occupy Maidan goons and their snipers had made the poor Viktor Yanukovych run for his life, Putin had the opportunity, the legal frame-work, and the resources to swiftly move in, take out the bad guys, and reinstall – provisionally, Viktor Yanukovych as the legitimate president. After that, it would have been just a matter of a bit of clean-up operation, announcement of a national reconciliation on all issues of national importance.
And, it would have been an all OK by now, with thousands of Ukrainians still alive and happy with their families.
8- As for his response to the western Sanctions:
The continuous utterances of our partners and our colleagues are really sounding more pathetic by the day – But, it may be essential to safe guard the interests of the Russian instant billionaires. Otherwise, a tit-for-tat response to these sanctions would have brought the EU to its senses, if not to its knees, quite a long time ago.
What Putin needed to do was to simply turn off the gas supply to EU – no exception – Barring the BS, there is no viable source available to replace the Russian gas to EU – it is simply a matter of technical and logistical constraints. While for Russia, it would have been the best deal in the long run. With a minimal effect to their economy, they could sell all the gas they wanted to their partners in the east.
And, as for the Russian response to the sanctions from the US, Putin could have terminated the contract to supply rocket engines to US. It would have left US without rockets for its satellites for quite a few years to come – leaving its global snooping operations and military spying network in disarray.
But, Putin opted for the ‘our partners’ approach.
And, The Scoop:
The fact is that Putin’s actions, or, rather, inactions, do not fit the profile of an independent leader of a powerful country – There is too much bending, and too many compromises. We have to recognize the fact that, despite his nationalist/populist tendencies and affirmations, Putin has a strong social/economic base among Russia’s instant billionaires. He himself is a part of the billionaires club, and as such, he has a closer affinity with his class counterparts in the West than with his fellow citizens at home.
The fate the oligarchs of the world is interconnected – Either they form a yet more tightly knitted circle, and survive as a class, or get wiped out like the previous ones. The Super Elites of the billionaire class had two options; either to loosen up a bit and give concessions to the working classes, or tighten up even more and confiscate all from the masses. Unfortunately, the faction insisting on the second option has won – and, we are enjoying the implementation of the Machiavellian Diversion tactic in its full swing.
Mr. Putin’s might have been assigned a very important role to play in this grand game. If that is the case, he is playing it very well – A master in action, indeed.
And, that is scary, indeed!
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