Tư Tưỏng San Chung Sẻ Cùng Sản Phẩm của nhóm PirateBay Thụy Điển, thăng trầm theo thời gian cùng kỹ thuật điện toán!
Chúng ta nếu vào thăm trang Piratebay.se hầu như có thể tìm đuợc tất cả mọi thứ, ứng liệu, hình phim ảnh âm nhạc, từ cũ đến mới , thượng vàng hạ cám KHÔNG CÓ GIỚI HẠN KIỂM DUYỆT v.v trên quan điểm triết lý: TẤT CẢ MỌI NGƯỜI ĐỀU TỰ TRÁCH NHIỆM CHỌN LỰA ĐÚNG SAI CHO BẢN THÂN... KHÔNG AI CÓ QUYỀN ÁP ĐẠT LUÂN LÝ ĐÚNG SAI CHO AI HẾT!
Và TẤT CẢ NHỮNG SÁNG TẠO PHÁT MINH đều là kết quả từ những KIẾN THỨC PHÁT MINH LIÊN ĐÓI của NGƯỜI ĐI TRƯỚC mà có. (Standing on previous generations' knowledge) Cho nên KHÔNG THỂ GỌI LÀ ĐỘC QUYỀN hay BẢN QUYỀN RIÊNG BIỆT của RIÊNG AI . Điều này là một sự thật chính xác.
Xét ngay từ chính bản thân mỗi chúng ta là những dẫn chứng cụ thể. Chúng ta làm một việc gì, sáng chế một cái gì , nghĩa là CHÚNG TA ỨNG DỤNG KIẾN THỨC CHÚNG TA HỌC TỪ NHỮNG NGƯÒI ĐI TRUỚC, DỰA VÀO NHỮNG THÀNH QUẢ cũng NHƯ THẤT BẠI của những NGƯỜI ĐI TRUỚC thuộc TẤT CẢ LÃNH VỰC KHOA HỌC (Vật lý, hóa học, toán học, triết học v.v)
Ngay nhóm Linux, mẹ của các hệ thống điều hành điện toán như Windows, OSX v.v cũng ý thức đuợc tính chung này nên họ không lập bản quyền (opem source) và để mọi người khắp nơi đóng góp làm thăng tiến nó.phi lợi nhuận như Android (dùng cho các máy điện thoại di động), Ubuntu và hàng ngàn các ứng liệu khác đủ ngành chuyên môn, Audio, Graphics CAD v.v Sự kiện này minh chứng TIẾN BỘ không chỉ đến từ LỢI NHUẬN và ĐỘC QUYỀN! Mà nguợc lại LỢI NHUẬN ĐỘC QUYỂN đã sinh ra thủ đoạn ngăn chận và làm chậm lại đà tiến bộ phát minh!
( Danh mục các ứng liệu hệ thống điều hành MỞ MIỄN PHÍ
Trang Piratebay.se thật sự KHÔNG CHỨA NHỮNG THỨ NÀY! mà chỉ là nơi LIÊN KẾT cho các máy người sử dụng nối và san sẽ với nhau theo từng loại hồ sơ mà thôi. Trang dùng ứng liệu mạng liên kết toàn cầu (torrents)- những máy của nguời sử dụng có chứa cùng một loại những hồ sơ phim ảnh v.v và TỰ NGUYỆN MỞ MÁY để nhũng người khác nối nhau chép mỗi nơi một chút rồi tổng hợp về máy của mình. và nếu muốn cũng sẽ tự nguyện tiếp tục san chung sẻ cùng những hồ sơ vừa có cho mọi người khắp toàn cầu cần nó. muốn có nó. Càng nhiều người có cùng một hồ sơ mở máy san sẻ thì tốc độ chép tải càng nhanh, và số luợng bản chép càng nhiều càng rộng càng xa v.v!
Thí dụ hồ sơ 1 PHIM là 1G. nếu chỉ có 1 người có phim này mở máy tốc độ chuyển sẽ chậm. Nhưng nếu 100 người có cùng 1 phim mở máy, 1G sẽ chia 100, mỗi máy có phim sẽ cho 10MB tức 1/100 của phim.. như vậy tốc độ sẽ giảm 100 lần. Và cứ như vậy càng nhiều ngưòi tự nguyện mở máy san sẻ, người nhận sẽ chép nhanh hơn.. và sau khi chép xong, người nhận tiếp tục làm kẻ cho tư nguyện, sẽ cho phép súc chuyển tải nhanh hơn nữa. Phương pháp và tinh thần mở rộng san sẻ tự nguyện này tuyệt đẹp! Đây là THÓI QUEN MỚI của người tiến bộ
Cảm tạ nhóm Piratebay.se và anh Rick Falkvinge.
Phưong pháp nhanh gọn và hoàn toàn tự nguyện miễn phí này đã từng bị nhà nuớc chính phủ tìm đủ mọi lý cớ đánh sập! Các nhóm khác thay nhau bị quyền lực áp chế đánh sập Piratebay.se vẫn sống còn!
Pirate Bay decade: Fighting censorship, copyright monopolies bit by bit
Published time: August 16, 2013 09:05

The phenomenon of sharing culture and knowledge seems to swing in cycles between centralized and decentralized. The Pirate Bay appeared with little fanfare in the fall of 2003. At the time, BitTorrent was not the preferred sharing technology at all, and a Swedish think-tank named The Pirate Bureau wanted to try out the technology, as it showed promise by being decentralized.
While we would think that sharing activity would need to be decentralized by its nature, it turns out that this is rarely the case. When we were sharing culture and knowledge in our teens and before, that happened on cassette tapes. The cassette players of the day would even come with slots for two cassettes and a "copy A to B" button, having dedicated features to make it easy to share culture and knowledge between people.
As computers arrived, they too used the cassette tape early on to store culture, knowledge, and programs, so sharing carried over into this new world very easily.
Around the 1990s, phone-line modems became popular, and a proto-Internet of proto-websites - BBSes, bulletin board systems - flared up. Instead of connecting to the net and then being online with everybody at the same time, you would connect your computer to one BBS at a time over the phone line, and these BBSes would share files between them and make them available to their users.
Still, this was more convenient than going over to a friend's and copying a cassette tape, so sharing culture and knowledge over BBSes quickly caught on. There would be centralized repositories from where you could download whatever was hot that day - mostly text files, games, and the occasional blocky, low-resolution pornography. (A BBS with half a gigabyte of hard drive space was enormous at the time.)

Centralized vs. decentralized
Fast forward to the deployment of the Internet in general, and Napster in particular. Where BBSes had held the entire catalog of stuff on their hard drives, the genius of Napster was to connect users' hard drives to each other, rather than attempting to gather everything centrally.The bet of Napster was that the record industry would see the profit opportunities, and make Napster part of the industry. The alternative would be to force sharing underground, fostering decentralization.
As Cory Doctorow says: "copying always becomes easier - at no time in the future will it be harder to share than it is right now".
Napster was also a marvel in ease of use. Type the name of a song, listen to it almost instantly. You couldn't beat that. For all the talk of peer-to-peer and technical architecture explaining Napster's success, it was the simplicity of use that was its killer feature, not its underlying technical theory.
Now, as we know, the record industry chose madness over reason (and continues to do so), killing Napster.
In its wake, a somewhat decentralized protocol named DirectConnect appeared, one that made it possible for everybody to run their own Napster-like service. But the transfers were still quite inefficient - you had to find one specific person who had what you wanted, and then manufacture your own copy of the shared culture or knowledge from blueprints provided by that one person.
Pirate Bay era: Fighting censorship
The BitTorrent technology, largely made popular by The Pirate Bay, improved on this in two aspects.First, everybody would transfer to everybody. If you were looking for blueprints to manufacture your own copy of Game of Thrones, and 10,000 people were sharing those blueprints, you would get them from not one person, but get different pieces from thousands at once. It was vastly more efficient.
The second improvement was notable as it was not technical but legal. Where people had been indicted in the Napster and DirectConnect era for sharing thousands of blueprints to culture and knowledge, allowing others to manufacture their own copies using their own property, it was not possible to see what other blueprints somebody was sharing just because you were receiving parts of one specific item. This added a significant protection against prosecution for breaking the copyright monopoly.
But the real breakthrough of The Pirate Bay lay not in its technology, but in its defense of civil rights. When they were bullied by the copyright industry's lawyers, the operators of The Pirate Bay actually talked back - and people loved them for it. They didn't waste time being polite, either. "Fuck off" would be a very nice reply to a legal empty threat. Once they posted all the threats and their replies online, they were instant heroes in a generation of sharing.

The copyright industry wasted no time in pushing for censorship of The Pirate Bay, using every justification from child pornography (yes, they have consistently tried to associate the free sharing of culture and knowledge with raping children...) to global-level trade embargos.
In some countries, the copyright industry succeeded on paper in introducing such censorship, but censorship circumvention tools would appear almost instantly. Thus, The Pirate Bay bills itself as the world's most resilient BitTorrent site – a hard-earned reputation it has every right to. It has fought censorship pretty much worldwide, doing the world a favor in teaching the general population how to evade governmental censorship.
It is clear and notable that The Pirate Bay does not evolve much. Technically, it pretty much remains the same site it was around 2006, which must be said to be unique among the world's top-100 sites.
That fact also says a lot about the ongoing demand for the services provided. The conviction of the first operators of The Pirate Bay in 2009 predictably didn't change a thing with regards to the site itself. While the trial as such was a mail-order US-ordered mockery of justice that the future will look down very harshly on, it didn't make a dent in sharing.

No law can shut it down
As of 2013, there are maps of where people share culture and knowledge the most in violation of the copyright monopoly. The United States is consistently below average on these charts, but that's nothing to brag about at all: when you compare the sharing chart to a household-bandwidth chart, you find that they are very strongly correlated.Thus, the fact that people in the United States share less than their peers in Europe or Asia has at all nothing to do with respect for the market-distorting copyright monopolies: the real cause of less sharing is the severely underdeveloped and lagging Internet infrastructure in the United States.
This article started with an observation of the centralized versus the decentralized. It could just as well have been an observation between the lawyer community and the technical entrepreneur community. Where the lawyers attack technology, the latter responds by decentralizing and therefore becoming resilient to legal attacks.
A decade with The Pirate Bay has made four things crystal clear when predicting the future.
One, The Pirate Bay has shown that no laws in the world can shut down a service that is wanted by hundreds of millions of people; two, governmental censorship is as universally hated as it is easily circumvented; three, services keep decentralizing to protect themselves from legal assault; and four, the sharing of culture and knowledge in violation of the copyright monopoly keeps growing by the day from an already-sky-high level.
I think there are very important lessons to learn from these four observations. If only politicians were willing to learn half of them, we'd all be much better off.
Rick Falkvinge for RT
Rickard "Rick" Falkvinge is a Swedish IT entrepreneur known as the founder and first party leader of the Swedish Pirate Party.
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