Diễn Tiến Điều Tra Vũ Khí Hóa Học mà đám Đĩ Điếm Báo Chí Chính Qui không Tường Thuật:
Cho đến nay, dù không có bằng chứng, các chính phủ Âu Mỹ và nền báo chí chính qui coi như KHẲNG ĐINH chế độ Assad là kẻ đã dùng vũ khí hóa học giết thường dân!
Trong khi đó, theo cuộc phỏng vấn của James Corbett với bà Ayssar Midani, một nhà khoa học và vận động chính trị tại Syria cho biết thi chính quân của Assad đã đồng ý và sẵn sàng đứng ra giữ an ninh bảo vệ cho toán điều tra LHQ vào Syria- ngược lại các nhóm "chiến sĩ tự do khủng bố Syria" do Âu Mỹ ủng hộ, kẻ tố cáo Assad dùng vũ khí hóa học, lại có vẻ vừa hăm dọa vừa không muốn toán điều tra KHQ có mặt tại hiện trường. Cuối cùng, tóan điều tra LHQ đã bị Mỹ "hủy bỏ công tác",không cho họ đặt chân đến khu vực hiện trường xảy ra "vũ khí hóaq học", là vùng chiếm đóng của "phiến quân tự do", với lý do là ĐÃ ĐỦ BẰNG CHỨNG KHÔNG CẦN LHQ ĐIỀU TRA nữa!!!
Theo như bà Ayssar Midani, cho biết Nga có đủ bằng chứng qua Vệ Tinh thâu được là chính nhóm khủng bố hồi giáo do Mỹ ủng hộ Liwa al-Islam Brigade tại vùng Duma của Sheikh Zahran Abdullah Alloush đã bắn những trái phá có hóa học. Hình ảnh do vệ tinh Nga thâu đuợc đã được đại sứ Nga tại LHQ Vitaly Churkintrao cho Hội Đồng Bảo An LHQ. Nhưng BÁO CHÍ CHÍNH QUI của ÂU MỸ và ngay của NGA cũng không đưa bản tin này đến công chúng!!!
Nếu bản tin này đúng là sự thật, thì một lần nữa PUTIN và NGA lại cũng chỉ khôn lanh vặt mà chẳng có một khả năng chiến luợc đối trọng nào với Âu Mỹ. Vẫn giữ kín bằng chứng tội phạm của Mỹ để chỉ dùng Syria làm vật điều đình với Âu Mỹ... và sẽ luôn bị qua mặt như Iraq, và Libya.
Dù sự thể như thế nào, diễn biến cũng cho chúng ta thấy rằng: Tất cả bọn NHÀ NUỚC CHÍNH PHỦ đều dùng sinh mạng người dân như những con cờ cho mục tiêu tranh dành quyền lực. Và bọn quân đội dù của bất cứ phe nhóm nào, cũng đều là những tên sát nhân ghê tởm. Và cái gọi là Nền Truyển Thông Báo Chí Chính Qui hiện nay chỉ là một đám đĩ điếm cầm bút tồi bại không hon kém!
Ayssar Midani, a French Syrian citizen and political activist, joins us from Damascus to talk about the latest developments in Syria. We talk about the history of the terrorist jihadi insurgency in the country and their prior use of chemical weapons, the latest attack and claims of satellite evidence proving that the attack was not launched by government officials, and the likely consequences of a US-led strike on the country. - See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/#sthash.VHYawi1E.dpuf
Ayssar Midani, a French Syrian citizen and political activist, joins us from Damascus to talk about the latest developments in Syria. We talk about the history of the terrorist jihadi insurgency in the country and their prior use of chemical weapons, the latest attack and claims of satellite evidence proving that the attack was not launched by government officials, and the likely consequences of a US-led strike on the country. - See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/#sthash.VHYawi1E.dpuf
Ayssar Midani, a French Syrian citizen and political activist, joins us from Damascus to talk about the latest developments in Syria. We talk about the history of the terrorist jihadi insurgency in the country and their prior use of chemical weapons, the latest attack and claims of satellite evidence proving that the attack was not launched by government officials, and the likely consequences of a US-led strike on the country. - See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/#sthash.VHYawi1E.dpuf
Ayssar Midani, a French Syrian citizen and political activist, joins us from Damascus to talk about the latest developments in Syria. We talk about the history of the terrorist jihadi insurgency in the country and their prior use of chemical weapons, the latest attack and claims of satellite evidence proving that the attack was not launched by government officials, and the likely consequences of a US-led strike on the country. - See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/#sthash.VHYawi1E.dpuf
James Corbett interviews Ayssar Midani, Aug 27 (28 mins): She names the local Jabhat al-Nusra commander, Sheikh Zahran Abdullah Alloush, as having ordered the firing of the two rockets with chemical warheads. In fact, Alloush is the commander of the Liwa al-Islam Brigade, based in Duma. He is a well-known and documented figure. She says the satellite imagery actually shows the rockets being fired, travelling and reaching their targets, and that it has been given by Vitaly Churkin (Russian Ambassador to UN) to the UNSC. She does not say whether satellite telephone communications from or to Alloush substantiating the claim were intercepted. The video evidence (and audio evidence, if there is any) has not been released publicly, and this is a typically Russian authoritarian mistake. They will not comprehend the fact that the world public has to be treated as an equal interlocutor in emergencies, not an object to be manipulated by competing rulers. There is nothing else of importance in this video, though of course it is all very interesting.Pretext to Wage War on Syria: Another False Flag Operation, History repeating itself

The United States, United Kingdom, France and their allies backed up by the Western media was quick to blame, without any investigation or proof, the Syrian government of carrying out this attack. Warning that a red line had been crossed and that military action was on the table to “punish the Syrian government”.
Taking into account the international context of hostility towards Syria, it is easy to understand why the Western governments and their regional allies were jumping within hours on the carriage of false accusations, accusing the Syrian government and hence opening a window of opportunity to launch a military strike as they have done before in Iraq, Libya and in other places at different times all over the world. But it is more hardly to understand how established media organisations with a reputation on the national and international level are acting in such an unprofessional way as to blindly follow their political leaders in their reporting and criticism, or lack of, without any journalistic investigation or ethics and professionalism applied.
The Syrian stance
The Syrian government has repeatedly and unambiguously stated that it would never use weapons of mass destruction, if such weapons exist in Syria, against its own population. Not only because it makes no strategic sense but because of the unethical nature of the use of these kind of weapons by any government against its own population.
The Syrian government also immediately called for an international and scientific investigation backed by the United Nations of the facts and accusations towards it proving that is has nothing to hide.
No military strategic logic in the use of weapons of mass destruction
The Syrian national army has for the last couple of months been on the offensive and made huge gains on the battle field against the terrorist groups and foreign infiltrators all over the country. The Syrian army also made huge progress in Damascus countryside and the Eastern Ghouta and cleared large parts of it from these terrorist groups. From a military point of view it makes no sense to use weapons of mass destruction because the Syrian army proved for the last two years and a half that it doesn’t have to use such weapons to successfully counter the aggression against it and the use of chemical weapons in such an environment would not only affect the civilian population but would also endanger its own troops.
Political suicide
The Syrian government repeatedly stated that it would never use such weapons, if they exist, against its own population. The Syrian government also backed any international initiative to find a political way out of the crisis. It gave its full support for the Geneva II Conference while the foreign opposition in the same time boycotted participation in this Conference as well as every other political initiative to find a peaceful way out of the crisis. It is in this context of political goodwill and constructiveness that the Syrian government got the backing and support of many countries, not the least Russia and China, both permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. If, hypothetically speaking, the Syrian government would act against its own principles on which its international relations are build on, it would immediately lose this support and commit political suicide. So also from a political point of view it makes no sense at all to even think that the Syrian government would use weapons of mass destruction against its own population.
The timing : Visit of UN chemical weapons inspectors team to Damascus
It is of course no coincidence that the current crisis coincides with the visit of a UN chemical weapons inspectors team to Damascus as the whole world’s attention is now focused on Syria. The team of inspectors arrived in Syria to investigate another incident involving chemical weapons, the chemical weapons strike in the village of Khan al-Assal near Aleppo on March 19 in which dozens of people were killed. Also in this attack unfounded and baseless accusations were directed against the Syrian government without any investigations being made.
Turning the situation into a window of opportunity, the Syrian government made use of the visit of the chemical weapons inspectors team and, in an expression of openness and goodwill, agreed immediately to let the inspectors visit the site of the attack to make the necessary investigations. Unfortunately, on their way to the site, the inspectors teams came under a fierce attack by snipers belonging to the terrorists groups and had to return to their hotel in Damascus. These acts of violence and hostilities make it very clear which side wants to sabotage the work of the inspection team and has things to hide.
Despite being under attack by terrorist snipers the inspectors could still take samples and made interviews with local people about the events which took place and they will make another attempt to reach the site today, Wednesday August 28.
Iraq revisited and other False Flag operations
Within hours after the attack, without any investigation or inspection being made, the U.S. government and its British and French allies bragged that they had undeniable evidence that the attack was carried out by the Syrian national army and that the Syrian government “should be punished” for it and… faced with Russian and Chinese warnings about the illegality of conducting once again a military attack against another country without a U.N.-mandate, the U.S., British and French governments were quick to respond that they would attack even without any U.N.-mandate.
This is of course nothing new as recent American history is dotted by examples of false flag operations, downright lies and distortion of reality to carry out their political plans and military adventures. The world witnessed how the American government lied about the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to condone the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the following regime change.
And, more recently, we could again witness how the United States misled and misused the United Nations when the American government used Resolution 1973 (the establishment of a no-fly zone and the use of “all means necessary” to protect civilians within Libya) to carry out regime change in Libya.
These examples show how total disregard and lack of respect for international law and rules characterise American foreign policy and that we can expect anything from a Nation who position itself out of any legal framework or international diplomatic norms.
Why the Rush to War?
Posted By Justin Raimondo On August 27, 2013 @ 11:00 pm In Uncategorized | 3 Comments
The UN inspection team in Syria has been "delayed" due to a dispute among the rebels, who could not or would not guarantee the team’s safety. While the Assad government has granted them access, the suburb of Damascus where the alleged chemical attacks occurred is in rebel-controlled territory. Western news media aren’t reporting the reason for the delay, mostly sticking with the official UN statement:“Following yesterday’s attack on the U.N. convoy, a comprehensive assessment determined that the visit should be postponed by one day in order to improve preparedness and safety for the team. Considering the complexities of the site, confirmation of access has not been obtained but is expected later today.”
The "complexities of the site" include a rebel occupation force that has everything to fear from a real inspection. These are same people responsible for serial hoaxes, some of them pretty crude, and all designed to fool us into believing Assad’s forces had launched a poison gas attack – not against rebel forces but against civilian bystanders. The last UN inspection led to the conclusion that if anyone had used chemical weapons it was the rebels, and after this tremendous buildup that’s the last news the US and its Syrian sock-puppets want to hear.
Of course it’s just a coincidence that the US government told the UN inspection team to turn back even before they arrived on the scene, with Washington claiming they already have enough evidence to convict the Assad regime out of hand. As the Wall Street Journal reported:
"The U.S. had earlier delivered a caution to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, with a senior official telling him the inspection mission was pointless and no longer safe, said a person familiar with the matter. Mr. Ban ordered his team to continue their work, this person said."
Meanwhile, the US has already told the rebels to expect an attack perhaps "within days" – "as early as Thursday," says NBC – that’s how eager they are to get on with it. Without even waiting for the UN delegation to depart, never mind issue their report! Talk about a rush to war: this is a stampede.
Once again a US administration is brushing aside UN inspectors because, after all, our intelligence-gathering capabilities make our assessments so much more accurate than anyone else’s, as the Iraq war proved (in Bizarro World). Yes, Uncle Sam knows all, sees all, as Edward Snowden recently confirmed: just ask New America Foundation senior fellow Steve Clemons, a somewhat mushy anti-interventionist before the Obama cult absorbed the left. Pontificating on the Rachel Maddow Show last [Monday] night, Clemons displayed his access to Washington VIPs like a peacock strutting his feathers, confiding in us that the US has "signals intelligence" supposedly proving the Syrian air force high command launched unspecified chemical weapons against rebel forces.
See, now aren’t you glad we have a National Security Agency with the ability to spy on anyone in the world?
Well, then, can we see the evidence? Clemons cited "signals intelligence." This is supposedly the source of the administration’s certainty that this time confirmed liars are telling the truth. Declassify the intercepted emails showing Assad telling his commander to gas ‘em all. Let’s hear the phone conversations played out in public:
Assad: "Go ahead, commander, do the deed. It’ll be a gas."
Commander Thug: "But, your malign majesty, don’t you read the papers? The Americans are listening in on the other end! Now they’ll thwart your glorious plan to commit genocide and go down in history as the worst mass murderer since Harry Truman!"
Assad: "Bullshit. Those Americans think they are smart, but I’ve outsmarted them. Because, you see, I’m wearing my Anti-NSA Encryption Ring – three boxtops and a dollar!"
Okay, enough already with the comedy, this is serious business – although the problem with that is it’s hard to separate the comic aspects of this war hysteria from its real world consequences. It’s hard not to laugh when our Secretary of State cites a YouTube video as a clear and sufficient reason to take this nation into war:
"I went back and I watched the videos, the videos that anybody can watch in the social media, and I watched them one more gut-wrenching time."
Forget the UN inspectors, forget the scientists and the forensic experts poring over the evidence, forget a vote in Congress and never mind that only nine percent of the American people support this reckless policy – because he’s seen the videos. In the social media!
We don’t need facts when we have imagery, the woof and warp of war propaganda. Kerry’s war jeremiad is filled with images that conjure visions of terror, suffering, and inevitably the children come into the picture. The point isn’t to convince anyone, it’s to enrage everyone beyond the reach of reason. They’ve been doing it at least since World War I, when British tales of German soldiers bayoneting Belgian babies were touted by the John Kerrys of that era as proof of the Kaiser’s perfidy. The same narrative was trotted out in the run up to the first Gulf War, with the infamous incubator babies purportedly unplugged by Saddam and his Orcs. Although it is illegal to deliberately lie to Congress, none of the people associated with that particular hoax were ever held to account – although I have no doubt one of them at least has found his proper place in Hell.
It isn’t incubator babies, this time, but in retrospect we may very well discover it’s on the same level of veracity. Initial rebel claims of 1,300 dead were soon shrunk to around 330. Chemical weapons experts have already begun to question the meaning of those videos which so impressed the Fool of Foggy Bottom. In any case, the mere presence of chemical weapons, whether military grade or not, tells us nothing about who used them.
That the very same people who told us we couldn’t wait for the mushroom cloud to blossom over Manhattan (or Israel) before we acted in Iraq are now signing letters demanding intervention in Syria ought to set off your BS-detector. I love the headline on this release by Bill Kristol’s Foreign Policy Initiative: "Foreign Policy Experts Urge President Obama to Respond to Assad’s Chemical Attack." These people are experts, all right – at creating disasters.
How is the administration going to sell this to the American public? Even if it is shown Assad did indeed gas "his own people" (and lots of foreign jihadists we aren’t supposed to talk about), 46 percent – according to the latest poll – say stay out. The Obamaites will have a hard time convincing their own progressive base, which bitterly opposed the Iraq war – "Bush’s war" – and supported the antiwar Obama over unrepentant Hillary, who stood by her aye vote and paid the price.
Oh, don’t worry: the spin doctors are already working on that one, with a trial balloon being floated by The New Republic The piece purports to give us a peek at the internal debate going on in the White House: supposedly the "do less" crowd led by Gen. Martin Dempsey is winning out over the Samantha Power "do more" faction. In the end, we are told, the "do less"-niks will have their way, which TNR attributes to Obama’s inexplicable caution:
"The US would likely act, but it would act mostly to impose a sense of consequence, stopping short of doing something obviously designed to shift the balance inside Syria between Assad and the motley rebel crew. Envisioned thus, US military action would probably target things like the headquarters of airforce intelligence or other targets associated with the distribution of chemical weapons, but would probably spare Assad’s deadly air force. That is, it would do enough damage to show the world that Obama’s word is bond, that a red line – however accidentally drawn, however tardily noticed – is a red line, but would stop short of weakening Assad enough to let some increasingly shady people topple him."
Let’s be clear about what US military action against Syria entails: it won’t end with a few well-placed "precision" strikes. Instead, the US will be ineluctably drawn into yet another sectarian war in the Middle East: with its "prestige" now on the line, the argument that "we can’t back down now" and the inevitable comparisons of Assad to the failed painter of Vienna are sure to follow. "Appeasing" Assad, the confirmed mass murderer, is akin to appeasing Hitler! Munich! 1938!
Once we take moral and military responsibility for Syria, we will own it. Some new trumped up atrocity will be discovered by "activists," reported as incontestable fact by the Western news media, one air strike will lead to another and Washington’s regime change machine will go into full "liberation" mode. Chances are they’ve already picked out the statue of Assad to be toppled for that "iconic" Liberatory Moment – sure to be recalled years later as a farce. If you think Iraq is rife with deadly sectarian rivalries, what we’re in for in Syria makes Bush’s folly look like the "cakewalk" the neocons promised us. By the time anyone realizes this, of course, it will be too late.
Quietly, Israel Drives US Attack on Syria
Israeli Spies Claimed Secret 'Proof' of Chemical Weapons Attack
by Jason Ditz, August 27, 2013

According to the reports, Israeli military intelligence told the US they had wiretapped the Syrian government and heard them talking about using chemical weapons, insisting that “proved” that they were the ones who did it.
Israel has been pushing these stories multiple times, always citing dubious secret evidence that the public never gets to see. The administration, itself a big fan of secret proof that they don’t have to defend, has been only too eager to latch on to the idea, and it has now pushed them into an impending war.
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