Sarah Harrison, người đàn bà trí tuệ hành động lặng lẽ của Wikileaks

Sarah Harrison, được bọn báo chí chính qui "diễn tả" là con của một gia đình trung lưu học thức Anh, nhưng trở thành cô gái "lêu lổng bỏ học theo trai"! Nhưng nếu gặp gỡ những người thật sự BIẾT và LÀM VIỆC chung với cô Sarah, chúng ta sẽ biết rõ hơn về nhân vật lặng lẽ nhưng đóng góp rất nhiều vào những quyết định SINH TỬ của Snowden cho đến nay.
Một cô gái trẻ, nhưng có óc phán đoán chất vấn những vấn đề chính trị xã hội, một cá tính độc lập, táo bạo và đam mê công chính nhưng không ồn ào. Chính vì vậy, cô đã quyết định bỏ học ngang không theo con đường chínhh qui đầy tính nhồi sọ để dấn thân vào ngành báo chí. Tự nguyện tham gia không lương để học hỏi trực tiếp về báo chí điều tra với tổ chức danh tiếng Trung Tâm Đào Tạo Phóng Viên Điều Tra tại Đại Học Thành Phố , học viện này của nhóm phóng viên Mỹ ở Luân Đô ( Centre for Investigative Journalism at City University, London) do giáo sư Gavin MacFadyen | City University London chủ tọa. Và sau đó trở thành nghiên cúu viên của Phòng Ký Giả Điều Tra Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Trong thời gian này, Cô được cử đến trợ lực cho nhóm Wikileaks và Assange để soạn lọc phân tích các hồ sơ mật trước khi công bố. Sau đó trở thành một chuyên gia pháp lý trong nhóm luật gia của Wikileaks được điều hành bởi cụu chánh án nổi tiếng Tây Ban Nha Baltasar Garzón người truy tố bắt tên độc tài Pinoche khi hắn thăm viếng Anh và gặp gỡ Thatcher. Và hiện nay là phó tổng biên của Wikileaks.
Ngay sau khi Snowden có mặt tại HongKong, Sarah đã được chọn đến đây để đặc nhiệm trợ lực Snowden về mặt pháp lý trong những tuyên bố và lọc lựa "quy chế tị nạn", và cho đến nay vẫn lặng lẽ âm thầm làm việc cùng các chuyên gia pháp luật hàng đầu quốc tế tại Nga để trợ giúp Snowden.
Từ một thanh niên bỏ học, với lý tưởng và sự can đảm dấn thân, Sarah đã vượt qua rất nhiều áp lực dư luận truyền thống chính qui để thực hiện lý tưởng công chính và tự do. Chúng ta chỉ có thể cảm kích và thâm cảm được tài ba, kiến thức, và bản lãnh quyền biến của Sarah khi mường tượng được hoàn cảnh Snowden với kiến thức và kỹ năng tình báo điện toán, nhưng chỉ một thân một mình nơi đất lạ tại Trung Quốc, Nga và bị thường trực bao vây bởi bao nhiêu guồng máy tình báo, an ninh nhà nước Trung Quốc, Nga, và Âu Mỹ.
Hình ảnh gây ấn tượng mạnh mẽ và cảm phục, không chỉ người viết bài này mà hầu như tất cả những người quan tâm theo dõi cũng như có mặt tại phi trường Nga trong buổi họp báo, là một "cô gái trẻ tuổi, đơn giản, vui tươi, bình thản tự tin, bên cạnh Snowden để nhắc nhở những tuyên bố cẩn trọng nhưng mạnh mẽ dứt khoát" giữa một tình huống găy gắt, tế vi dưới áp lực của chính trị bang giao quốc tế và quyền lực quốc gia an ninh, tù tội, ám sát v.v những áp lực đối trọng quyết định sinh tử không chỉ riêng với cá nhân Snowden mà của cả thế hệ công-dân-tố-cáo đối kháng định chế Nhà Nước Quốc Gia: Cô gái trẻ này là Sarah Harrison, người đàn bà của Wikileaks đang cùng Snowden lèo lái con thuyền tự do dân quyền mong manh giữa cơn bão tố chính trị mà chính họ đã thổi lên với mong ước đánh thức quần chúng đứng dậy đối kháng guồng máy bạo ngược nhà nước chính phủ dành lại tự do dân quyền cho mọi người.
Hiểu được như vậy, chúng ta mới có được hình ảnh rõ hơn về Sarah Harrison và vai trò của cô trong sự kiện chấn động toàn cầu đầu tiên trong lãnh vực này. Rõ hơn, nhưng cũng chỉ mới là một nửa. Nửa còn lại phải đợi chính Harrison trả lời. Nhưng với chủ trương âm thầm làm việc, chắc còn lâu lắm chúng ta mới có nửa câu trả lời còn lại.
Riêng gia đình của cô Sarah Harrison, bà mẹ Jennifer Harrison, 62 tuổi, thầy giáo chuyên dạy trẻ khiếm tật cùng người chồng, ông Ian, là cụu vô địch bóng bàn Anh quốc, đã rất hãnh diện về cô con gái đầu lòng này:
Tôi rất hãnh diện về con gái tôi. Tôi tin tưởng con gái tôi một cách âm thầm. Tôi tin tưởng sự phán quyết của nó, tôi tinưởng những giá trị của nó theo đuổi và tôi tin tưởng nó quyết định đúng đắn...Con gái tôi rất tận tâm theo đuổi những gì mà nó quyết định làm và rất trung tín với những ai mà nó cảm thấy quan trọng với cuộc đời nó"(‘I am very proud of my daughter. 'I trust my daughter implicitly. I trust her judgment, I trust her values and I trust her to make the right decisions. ‘She is very committed to whatever she decides to do and very loyal to the people she feels are important in her life...")
Đây là phần thưởng đầu tiên mà Sarah nhận được: Mẹ cô đã trút được gánh nặng "gia đình tự nguyện làm tay sai nhà nước dùng tình cảm, tình thân tạo áp lực, gây khó khăn cho người trogn cuộc". Julian Assange, Sarah Harrison là hai người may mắn nhập cuộc mà không bị áp lực tình cảm gia đình (emotional black-mails) vì có hai người Mẹ hiểu biết và bản lãnh.
Ai DÁM bảo ĐÀN BÀ bản chất THẤP KÉM HƠN lũ ĐÀN ÔNG?
Thật là kinh tởm cho lũ an phận giá áo túi cơm "khôn chết, dại chết, biết sống"!
Ai KHÔNG CHẾT, ai sống mãi trong cuộc tữ sinh vô thường?
Vấn đề là SỐNG NHƯ THẾ NÀO cho xứng đáng GIÁ TRỊ Ý NGHĨA một ĐỜI NGƯỜI mà thôi.
Sarah Harrison, the woman from WikiLeaks
Then Sarah Harrison walked through his door.
Within a few years, Harrison would become the intense, 31-year-old emissary of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the mystery woman sent to spirit former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden from Hong Kong to Moscow, where she is now aiding his quest to evade U.S. authorities.
But then, in late 2009, Harrison was an eager 27-year-old applying for an unpaid internship, a graduate of a prestigious boarding school with ambitions to become a journalist.
Harrison had no prior experience, but MacFadyen said he saw a spark that led him to bring her on board — a break that would set her on the path to meeting Assange and eventually bring her into the whistleblower Web site’s inner circle.
Within a few years, Harrison would become the intense, 31-year-old emissary of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the mystery woman sent to spirit former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden from Hong Kong to Moscow, where she is now aiding his quest to evade U.S. authorities.
But then, in late 2009, Harrison was an eager 27-year-old applying for an unpaid internship, a graduate of a prestigious boarding school with ambitions to become a journalist.
Harrison had no prior experience, but MacFadyen said he saw a spark that led him to bring her on board — a break that would set her on the path to meeting Assange and eventually bring her into the whistleblower Web site’s inner circle.
“It was an intelligent choice to send her” to Snowden, MacFadyen said. “She’s smart, determined and fully believes in the moral principle of shedding light. This is something she has strong feelings about.”
After being recommended by MacFadyen, Harrison began working with WikiLeaks in August 2010 on the internal vetting of confidential U.S. documents supplied by Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, which the site later released. At some point that year, according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation and who spoke on the condition of anonymity, Harrison and Assange became intimately involved. They cautioned that the relationship was not Harrison’s prime motivation in championing the WikiLeaks cause.
“She is firmly committed to what WikiLeaks is trying to do; she believes 100 percent in the mission,” one of the people said. “Any suggestion that her relationship with Julian is what has compelled her to do the things she has would be a totally wrong assumption.”
Although those who know her as an Assange confidante describe her as more comfortable behind the scenes, Harrison now finds herself in the spotlight. She has raced across continents to aid Snowden, assisting in his flight from Hong Kong and his search for asylum from Moscow. (On Friday, Venezuela offered Snowden asylum and Nicaragua said it would do so “if circumstances allow it.”) All the while, she has has maintained a low profile and refrained from public statements.
Acknowledgment of her role has come via bare-bones WikiLeaks statements and a comment from one Russian authority. Kristinn Hrafnsson, a WikiLeaks spokesman, declined to comment for this article. Harrison did not respond to an interview request. Assange, who has been holed up at Ecuador’s embassy in London for more than a year, said in an e-mailed statement that “Sarah is spirited, courageous and completely incorruptible,” but did not comment further.
After being recommended by MacFadyen, Harrison began working with WikiLeaks in August 2010 on the internal vetting of confidential U.S. documents supplied by Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, which the site later released. At some point that year, according to two people with direct knowledge of the situation and who spoke on the condition of anonymity, Harrison and Assange became intimately involved. They cautioned that the relationship was not Harrison’s prime motivation in championing the WikiLeaks cause.
“She is firmly committed to what WikiLeaks is trying to do; she believes 100 percent in the mission,” one of the people said. “Any suggestion that her relationship with Julian is what has compelled her to do the things she has would be a totally wrong assumption.”
Although those who know her as an Assange confidante describe her as more comfortable behind the scenes, Harrison now finds herself in the spotlight. She has raced across continents to aid Snowden, assisting in his flight from Hong Kong and his search for asylum from Moscow. (On Friday, Venezuela offered Snowden asylum and Nicaragua said it would do so “if circumstances allow it.”) All the while, she has has maintained a low profile and refrained from public statements.
Acknowledgment of her role has come via bare-bones WikiLeaks statements and a comment from one Russian authority. Kristinn Hrafnsson, a WikiLeaks spokesman, declined to comment for this article. Harrison did not respond to an interview request. Assange, who has been holed up at Ecuador’s embassy in London for more than a year, said in an e-mailed statement that “Sarah is spirited, courageous and completely incorruptible,” but did not comment further.

Perfect fit for WikiLeaks
Harrison grew up in a privileged British home, her father a retail industry executive and her mother a specialist in treating reading disabilities. In a brief telephone interview, her father, Ian Harrison, 74, said he was not “going to make any further comments about our family and our private life,” citing bad experiences with the British tabloid press.
He referred to an interview the family had given to the Daily Mail, which produced an article last weekend headlined: “The public school girl who fell for Julian Assange — then went on the run with the world’s most wanted man.”
He said he had not spoken to his daughter since her involvement with the Snowden case became known and had been keeping up with her movements largely by following the news. “We are proud of our daughter,” he said. “We just hope she is well.” When asked how his daughter would describe her profession, he said: “I would have said investigative journalist would have summed her view of what she does.”
Still, Harrison’s role within WikiLeaks has taken many forms over the years. A short biography on the WikiLeaks Web site describes her as a member of the group’s “legal defence team.” But Harrison is not a lawyer and studied English while at Queen Mary, University of London.
MacFadyen called her a dogged researcher, one reason he recommended her in 2010 to work on WikiLeaks documents. He believed she was a perfect fit for the work being done by Assange, whom MacFadyen had first met in California in the late 2000s and had since come to know and trust.
By 2011, however, Harrison had risen through the WikiLeaks ranks, becoming what some describe as “Julian’s gatekeeper.” She stepped in for Assange to conduct at least one WikiLeaks news conference, coming off as good-natured and self-assured. In a conversation with two Washington Post reporters in February 2011 at the Frontline Club for journalists in London, Harrison, who was sitting with Assange at the time, appeared fiercely loyal, criticizing a media outlet she felt had betrayed his trust.
“She was at first in an incredibly vulnerable position, put in a job without any kind of mentoring, and then basically became Julian’s assistant,” said Heather Brooke, an American journalist who investigated WikiLeaks for her book “The Revolution Will Be Digitized.” “She is one of the cult of the faithful to Julian now, his gatekeeper, someone who ended up managing who did and didn’t get access.”
Harrison’s defenders describe her as technical-minded and a fierce advocate of information disclosure.
“Sarah is there not because of any relationship with Julian,” said Stefania Maurizi, a journalist with Italy’s l'Espresso magazine who has maintained weekly contact with Harrison over the past three years. “Sarah is there because of her skills; she is a very skilled person. She believes in what she is doing.”“She was at first in an incredibly vulnerable position, put in a job without any kind of mentoring, and then basically became Julian’s assistant,” said Heather Brooke, an American journalist who investigated WikiLeaks for her book “The Revolution Will Be Digitized.” “She is one of the cult of the faithful to Julian now, his gatekeeper, someone who ended up managing who did and didn’t get access.”
Harrison’s defenders describe her as technical-minded and a fierce advocate of information disclosure.
Vaughan Smith — who gave Assange refuge inside his sprawling English estate, Ellingham Hall, for 17 months while he fought a Swedish extradition order — recalled Harrison as deeply involved not only in WikiLeaks-related tasks, but also as a researcher on Assange’s legal case. Assange was fighting a request by Swedish authorities to question him on sexual assault allegations, which he has called a politically motivated smear campaign. Harrison, Smith said, quickly became part of a small group of WikiLeaks lieutenants who regularly strategized his defense from inside Smith’s country home, which Assange left in June 2012 to seek asylum.
Smith said that during Assange’s long stay, Harrison was a peacemaker always able to smooth things over during tense moments. He said he applauded her dedication despite “meager pay and potential risk.”
“It’s not as if she’s getting anything out of this other than doing something that she believes is right, helping a whistleblower,” said Smith, who owns the Frontline Club. “What she’s done takes a certain amount of courage, especially for someone who never sought the spotlight. This will be difficult for her; she is not used to getting this kind of attention. But she is trusted by Assange, and she clearly wanted to help WikiLeaks help Snowden. Assange needed someone, and she volunteered.”
Sarah Harrison is acting as Edward Snowden's 'adviser'. She has travelled with him to Moscow
We're so proud of our Wikileaks daughter, say family of the British blonde who went on the run with CIA whistleblower
- Family of Assange's ex-girlfriend Sarah Harrison say they haven't heard from her since she fled with Edward Snowden
- The 31-year-old accompanied the former CIA technician to Moscow
The mother of the public schoolgirl on the run with CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden says she is ‘very proud’ of her ‘formidable’ daughter.
WikiLeaks staff member Sarah Harrison, who is in hiding in a Moscow airport with Snowden, is the young British woman from Sevenoaks acting as the computer specialist’s ‘adviser’.
In her first interview, Jennifer Harrison, 62, spoke of her deep fears for her daughter’s safety, but told The Mail on Sunday: ‘I am very proud of my daughter.
'I trust my daughter implicitly. I trust her judgment, I trust her values and I trust her to make the right decisions.
‘She is very committed to whatever she decides to do and very loyal to the people she feels are important in her life. She is very loving and affectionate and has a clear sense of priorities.’
Mrs Harrison added: ‘I worry about all my children all the time, wherever they are in the world.
'I want them to be safe and above all to be happy. This is an unusual situation – it is unknown territory and I am concerned.’
The teacher, who helps children with learning difficulties improve their literacy, did not appear fazed to be caught up in an international diplomatic storm.
She was speaking from the farmhouse, in Maynards Green, East Sussex, that she shares with her husband Ian, a former England table tennis champion.
With its stunning views and rambling garden, it seemed a haven of sanity in comparison to the transit area of Sheremetyevo airport where Sarah – the eldest of their three daughters – is fighting the political storm.
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