Sau sự sụp đổ của Sô Viết, Mỹ trở thành nước mạnh nhất về tất cả mọi lãnh vực, và nó trở thành đế quốc toàn cầu như chúng ta đã thấy đang thấy!
Nhà nước Mỹ hành xử ngang ngược, hống hách, bất chấp luật lệ, dù là luật lệ quốc gia, hiến pháp quốc gia hay công pháp quốc tế..bất chấp dân quyền, nhân quyền, nhân đạo, nó đã và đang giết người hàng loạt, bất chấp là kẻ cầm súng hay thường dân trẻ em vô tội...
Song hành với nó là Do Thái, cũng muốn hành xử đế quốc, nhưng đế quốc ngồi trên lưng Mỹ! như con Lừa đội lốt Hổ! Do thái dùng những trò tống tiền rình mò đã khống trị nền chính trị kinh tế Mỹ, đặc biệt từ sau khi J.F. Kennedy bị ám sát vì dám vạch mặt cưỡng lại nhóm tập đoàn đại bản Do Thái! (1)
Tính ngang ngược hống hách, khi bị thách thức đúng mức, nó trở thành trẻ con ăn vạ, và điều này được chính nhà nước Mỹ và người Mỹ minh chứng qua sự kiện Snowden.
Mỹ và họ hàng Âu Châu nhà nó "thành công" 90% toại ý trong việc ăn hiếp Wikileaks và Julian Assange, Bradley Manning... Đến khi bị gặp Snowden, Glenn Greenwald thì mọi chuyện đã khác......
Obama họp báo chê bai Putin là có dáng điệu "uể oải lừng khừng". Obama "dỗi" không thèm dự hội nghị! Quốc hội dân chúng Mỹ đòi tẩy chay thế vận mùa Đông tại Nga v.v.... chỉ vì không ăn hiếp được Snowden!!!
Nước Mỹ hôm nay giống như một đứa trẻ nhà giầu đươc nuông chiều quen thói, vẩn thường được chiều theo ý, quen bắt nạt những trẻ em yếu đuối hơn nó, và được như ý, Nay bỗng nhiên bị hẫng chân! Bị một đứa "trẻ Snowden" không sợ hãi tát tai lại, rồi còn bị nhóm người "nghèo" hàng xóm nhưng đã hết sợ "nhà Mỹ" và đám họ hàng Âu Châu nhà Mỹ đứng ra đối nghịch thẳng mặt , bênh vực "thằng bé Snowden" không e ngại, như Nga, Bolivia, Vênzuella, Ecuador v.v Thế là thằng "trẻ con Mỹ" lăn đùng ra ăn vạ, gào thết, và hăm dọa đủ thứ người, kể cả người trong nhà nó dám hiểu biết đứng ra can ngăn nói lời phải trái với nó!!!
Đấy nước Mỹ và người Mỹ hôm nay đang hành xử như thế, Và hệ quả Mỹ sẽ phải gánh vác chính là tự hủy. Và điều này đang xảy ra. Mỹ tự giết tinh thần tự do, tự trị của chính họ, Giết chết nền kinh tế sáng tạo tự do của chính Mỹ...Và đối kháng đã nẩy mầm và đang lớn mạnh dần.
Thời gian không dừng lại với ai hết!
More Evidence Mossad Killed
JFK Over Israeli Nukes
The Missing Link In The JFK Assassination Conspiracy
From John
National Journal, for the sake of truth and knowledge
![]() | Does Mossad destroy the Kennedy family? |
John F. Kennedy sr. committed himself to two mortal sins against Jewry. He intended to smash their world-control-base in the USA by bringing the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) back under government control. Moreover, he denied Israel America's Nuclear-Weapon-Program. This would have meant to World-Jewry the loss of their power base and it finally resulted in bringing death over himself and his family. Kennedy's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson, did the opposite and provided Israel with the atomic program shortly after he took over office. Ever since, Israel has been in a position to threaten the entire world with weapons of mass destruction. After the death of JFK sr. all plans for making the FED a governmental institution were dropped and the idea has never since been resurrected.The Jewish leaders consider any threat against Jewish power as a threat to their physical existence and is taken deadly seriously. The FED is a private Jewish enterprise that prints the American currency. The printed product is then lent by the higher echelon of Jewry with interest to the US-government. It means that every American is paying interest, without having borrowed money, on the wages he earns through his hard work in form of taxes etc. On the other hand, without atomic weapons the Jewish motherland (as a safe heaven for all Jews) would not be invincible and the Chosen would not be free to confiscate the lands of other peoples and commit genocide under the comfortable umbrella of their immense nuclear arsenal of weaponry.Jews in power interpret any measures against them that could reduce their influence on world politics as a denial of their physical existence. Those who deny the total power of these people are subsequently marked as Amalek: Not only Amalekites must, according to biblical laws, be destroyed but also their descendants: "Talmudic ruling: 'it is forbidden to multiply the seed of Amalek' ... Amalekites, meaning that one is permitted to murder (sic) them until their remembrance is blotted out from under heaven." (Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion, Pluto Press, London 1994, p. 77, 84) Jahweh's order to blot out the Amelekites is also expressed in the Bible: "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys." (1 Samuel 15:3)John F. Kennedy sr. was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas/Texas in a Mossad organized operation. (Mark Lane, Plausible Denial, USA 1994 and Michael Collins Piper, Best Witness) Only five years later, his brother Robert, who had a very good chance of following JFK's presidency, was murdered too. In 1969 an assassination attempt against Edward Kennedy (JFK's older brother) failed but Edward's mistress died in this "car accident". Edward Kennedy subsequently announced that he would not run for president. David Kennedy (Robert Kennedy's son) died of an overdose of drugs whilst his second son suffered a lethal accident on the ski run in Aspen.And now John F. Kennedy jr. has died in a plane crash together with his wife and his sister in law. Although he was at risk for being a descendant of an Amelikite, he further provoked his fate by announcing the possibility of running for president sometime in the future. Later he committed a greater political error of judgement when he became interested in the murder of the slain Israeli Prime-Minister Ytzak Rabin. He was fascinated because the Rabin assassination showed strong parallels with the one of his own father. He was obviously planning to make his ideas public that his father and Ytzak Rabin were both murdered.
Bild am Sonntag | August 1, 1999 | Page 6, 7 |
(Germany's largest Sunday paper - excerpts) | ||
Dead Kennedy-Son: Murder Theories Flourish Israeli Author: Explosive device went off on board of Piper aircraft By PETER MICHALSKI ... Was it really a Pilot's error? Wild murder theories flourish after the lethal accident of JFK jr. as it happened after the fatal accident of Princess Diana. The French magazine "France Dimanche" took the lead and announced on front page: "John F Kennedy jr. was murdered!". The magazine refers to a pilot of New Jersey who heard a weird noise, caused by Kennedy's Piper during take off. This witness also wondered that an alleged co-pilot did eventually refuse to go on this flight, claiming he felt sick ... However, out of the many murder theories there is one standing out: The Israeli Journalist and book author Barry Chamish (44) is convinced that the Kennedy aircraft was blown up shortly before landing. The writer states that he received an e-mail message with excerpts of a "FBI preliminary investigation report" that contained sensational claims: Traces of an explosive device were found in the cargo section of the aircraft and laboratory tests concluded that these traces are "the typical type of explosives used by certain foreign intelligence services". Satellite exposures of the National Reconnaissance Office (a Pentagon System of Sky-Spies) are showing a flash coming out of the aircraft, which would indicate an explosion. Especially tragic, item 15: "Examinations of the bodies have established that Carolyn Besette-Kennedy carried a 3 months fetus, a boy." Sure, every murder version needs a motive. Who could have had an interest to murder John F. Kennedy jr.? Barry Chamish formulates it cautiously: "The most probable origin of the explosive device is a Middle Eastern state." He does not name the country by its name. But between the lines it is clear: He means Israel. His theory: Kennedy jr. was far to interested in the political assassination of the Israeli Prime Minister Rabin (1995), because his fathers murder which was similar to that of Rabin. Last Wednesday Kennedy jr. had arranged to meet the deputy Director of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad, Amiram Levine, for lunch at the "Oak-Room"-Restaurant of the New York "Plaza". The subject was: The Rabin case. Chamish: "Kennedy did not make a secret of his opinion that there were many questions open in the Rabin case." In his magazine "George" he asked in March 1997: "Who was behind the Rabin murder?" He was fascinated by the possibility that not the extremist Ygal Amir, but a body guard of Rabin could have fired the lethal shots. The suspected body guard has since committed suicide. |
Obama: Putin is slouchin’
Perhaps the president was trying to infer something about Putin’s intentions or public posturing based on his — well, actual posture. Something about Putin seems to invite scrutiny of his physiology by U.S. presidents trying to divine his inner workings (remember how former President George W. Bush looked into his eyes and saw his tender soul?).
But we couldn’t find much photographic evidence of Putin slouching. In fact, it looks like his carriage is pretty upstanding. See here:

(Dmitry Astakhov / AFP/Getty Images)
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