vào nỗi lo sợ theo bản năng của sinh vật, kể cả đang nỗ lực leo lên làm
người, nhóm quyền lực và quyền lợi thiểu số nhưng thụ hưởng nhiều này,
với nỗi lo sợ bị “san sẻ” và khinh miệt những người nghèo khổ đã đưa ra
NỖI SỢ NHÂN MÃN.. Một trong những tên cầm đầu là giáo sĩ Anh Giáo Thomas
Malthus (1766-1834), lập ra thuyết Malthusism cho rằng người ta sinh đẻ
nhiều quá sẽ gây khủng hoảng lương thực và hỗn loạn bệnh tật v.v. Hắn
từng tiên đoán là sẽ có nạn nhân mãn bùng nổ, nhưng rồi cũng trật lất,
vì khi loài ngừoi sáng tạo phương tiện CANH NÔNG SẢN SUẤT, và Y KHOA thì
kéo theo DÂN SỐ TĂNG, vì nạn chết đói và dịch bệnh suy giảm. Vấn đề
không phải là THIẾU NĂNG LƯỢNG, LƯƠNG THỰC mà chính là sự phân phối NĂNG
LƯỢNG và LƯƠNG THỰC không HỢP LÝ vì những chướng ngại do CƠ CHẾ TỔ CHỨC
bị giới hạn điều kiện để có được (qua thu nhập, lương bổng, chính sách y
tế) Cứ nhìn Trung Quốc trước khi mở thị trường và sau khi giầu
có thì rõ, sự thặng dư tiếp tục tập trung vào thiểu số QUÁ MÚC DƯ THỪA
PHUNG PHÍ, trong khi đại đa số vẫn thiếu thốn; Và nhìn khối xã hội tiến
bộ như Âu Châu sẽ thấy rõ.. khi các nguồn năng lượng lương thực v.v được
phân phối hợp lý, tạo nguồn thu nhập trao đổi hợp lý hũu hiệu, thì dân
số càng nhiều, sản xuất càng tăng, dịch vụ cũng tăng, ngay ngừoi già,
tật bệnh v.v không ai bị bỏ rơi dù “KHÔNG CÒN ÍCH LỢI KINH TẾ” cho xã
hội. Ngay như mặt địa cầu, hãy nhìn từ bản đồ và bản đồ tập trung dân
số, chúng ta sẽ thấy ĐẤT còn QUÁ RỘNG RÃI, nhiều nơi chưa có ngừoi ở,
THẾ NHƯNG bọn ĐẠI BẢN chủ trương tập trung lao động công xưởng, và TẬP
PHÂN PHỐI trong xã hội mà thôi..
Chính Malthus từng tuyên bố “chúng
ta buộc phải vì CÔNG LÝ và DANH DỰ chính thức gạt bỏ QUYỀN của những
người nghèo được trợ giúp.. Vì mục đích này, Tôi xin đề nghị đưa ra một
điều luật phán quyết rằng không có một trẻ sơ sinh nào được trợ giúp của
giáo xứ.. Những trẻ sinh ra không chính thức có hôn phối, nói theo cách
so sánh, thì chẳng có ích lợi gì cho xã hội, vì những đứa trẻ khác sẽ
thế chỗ nó ngay lập tức… Tất cả những đứa trẻ được sinh ra, vượt qua
khuôn khổ mức dân số ước định, phải một cách cần thiết bị tiêu diệt, trừ
khi những người lớn phải chết để nhường chỗ cho những đứa trẻ này “(we
are bound in justice and honour formally to disclaim the right of the
poor to support. To this end, I should propose a regulation to be made,
declaring, that no child born… should ever be entitled to parish
assistance… The [illegitimate] infant is, comparatively speaking, of
little value to the society, as others will immediately supply its
place… All the children born, beyond what would be required to keep up
the population to this [desired] level, must necessarily perish, unless
room be made for them by the deaths of grown person)
Dù vậy nhóm cực đoan man rợ nhân danh
loài ngừoi này vẫn tìm mọi cách để tung hỏa mù, chính đáng hóa cho việc
giết bớt người nghèo qua các phương pháp như CHIẾN TRANH, tạo bệnh
dịch, hoặc tạo khó khăn đời sống để giết lần mòn và cưỡng bức phá thai,
giới hạn sự sinh đẻ của những người mà bọn này cho là “hạ đẳng”.
Nhứ chính Malthus chủ trương :“Thay
vì cổ động cách sống sạch sẽ cho người nghèo, chúng ta nên khuyến khích
họ những thói quen ngược lại để dẫn đến những bệnh dịch. Trong vùng quê
xa, chúng ta nên xây những khu làng xã gần những vũng nước đọng, và đặc
biệt khuyến khích định cư tất cả trong những vũng nước trũng và tình
trạng chia khu rời rạc. Nhưng trên hết, chúng ta phải lên án (ngăn chặn)
những phương cách chữa trị những căn bệnh dịch; và những người nhân
đức, nhưng lầm lạc, đã nghĩ rằng họ đang phục vụ nhân loại bằng cách đưa
ra những chương trình triệt tiêu hoàn toàn những biến loạn đặc biệt này
(dịch bệnh) (Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we
should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the
streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the
return of the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near
stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and
unwholesome situations. But above all, we should reprobate [strongly
condemn] specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and those benevolent,
but much mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to
mankind by projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular
Cho nên chúng ta ĐỪNG NGẠC NHIÊN là
hiện nay, lâu lâu. bọn đại bản nhà nước tập quyền gồm giới giầu có
thượng tầng, lại đưa ra những CON VI KHUẨN TRONG PHÒNG THÍ NGHIỆM rồi la
làng là DỊCH BỆNH như cúm gà, cúm heo, rau tươi..v.v hoặc những trận
động đất, sóng thần quái lạ .. có nhiều yếu tố nhân tạo hơn thiên nhiên,
và nhất là việc tiến hành NHỮNG CUỘC CHIẾN TRANH liên tục với những LÝ
DO DỐI TRÁ và PHI LÝ..v.v tất cả chỉ là muốn giết những người nghèo,
những sắc dân mà chúng cho là HẠ ĐẲNG không xứng đáng để sống, để chúng
CƯỚP TÀI NGUYÊN CỦA HỌ với luận điểm rằng TÀI NGUYÊN phải dành cho nhũng
kẻ thượng đẳng xứng đáng để sống và di truyền hơn những kẻ khác.
Thật là man rợ, thú tính phi NHÂN
BẢN, PHI TÍN NGƯỠNG.. nhưng lại rất phù hợp vói não trạng chính trị và
tôn giáo trong niềm tin ĐỘC TÔN và cho mình là THƯỢNG ĐẲNG hơn kẻ khác
(hollier than thou)
NKPTC khảo cúu
Tham Khảo Nguồn:
History of Ruthlessness From Malthus to Darwin
we already made clear, Darwin’s views in The Origin of Species were
most influenced by the British economist and demographer Thomas Robert
Essay on the Principle of Population, as it Affects the Future, first
published in 1798, Malthus claimed that the human population was
increasing every twenty-five years in a geometrical ratio (1, 2, 4, 8,
16, 32, 64, 128, 256…), while the food supply was increasing in an
arithmetical ratio (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9…); that as the population
doubled, food resources showed a much more modest rise. Malthus claimed
that within 300 years, the ratio of population to food resources would
be 4,096 to 13. Again according to this unscientific claim, resources
were insufficient for the rapidly rising population, and Malthus alleged
that it was becoming essential to engage in a serious struggle for
survival. This was the same claim expressed in the subtitle to Darwin’s
The Origin of Species: the Preservation of Favoured Races in the
Struggle for Life…
his Essay, Malthus stated that this rapid population rise needed to be
halted, and came up with a number of solutions. According to him, misery
and vice were the two main factors that checked population growth.
Phenomena such as famine and epidemics were examples of misery, which
kept population in check. Other examples were such phenomena as wars.
Malthus wrote that rapid population increase could be checked by such
means as war, famine, disease and the killing of newborn babies, to
balance population and food resources. Anyone with common sense and a
conscience will agree that such a claim is irrational, illogical, and
horrendously brutal. Accurate planning of income and essential resources
for the well-being and peace of societies is of course of the greatest
importance for the future of those societies. However, it is also
evident that planning wars, slaughter and murder will inflict nothing
but tears and suffering on a society’s future.
had a number of other illogical recommendations. For example, he
suggested that all possible measures should be taken to prevent poor or
laboring-class couples from having children. Malthus’s views reached a
peak in 1834 with a new law passed in England setting up special
“workhouses” for the poor. Under that law, married couples in workhouses
were kept apart by means of fixed rules to reduce the rise in
of the factors underlying these measures was the longstanding fear that
the rapidly rising numbers of the “lower classes” would eventually
overwhelm more civilized individuals. That fear is groundless, of
course, and the product of a grave deception. First, it is out of the
question for an individual to enjoy superiority over anyone else because
of his material status, social position, language, race or gender. God
has created all human beings equal. What makes people valuable is the
moral virtues and the fear of God they exhibit, not material means or
physical attributes.
the wake of the French Revolution, however, the British middle class
provided enormous support for Malthusianism. Fearing that they might no
longer maintain their former pre-eminence and power, they had no
hesitation over adopting radical measures to preserve them. This is one
of the characteristic errors made by those who distance themselves from
religious moral values. The elite of that time thought that society’s
future lay in there being as many wealthy and as few poor as possible.
Of course it is desirable to raise the number of wealthy people and the
level of well-being in a society. However, the methods implemented to
increase that well-being are of greatest importance. Raising the numbers
of the wealthy by slaughtering the poor and oppressing the needy, as
Social Darwinism suggests, is totally unacceptable, of course.
Furthermore, increasing the number of wealthy individuals is, by itself,
not enough for a society to progress. If those wealthy people lack such
religious moral values as honesty, altruism, modesty, patience, and
tolerance, their industry will damage a society instead of benefiting
it. Plans aimed at advancing societies can achieve their objective only
if that society reinforces its spiritual values at the same time as it
makes material progress.
many in Malthus’s time failed to realize this manifest truth and
supported the perverted views that would later lead their societies into
moral collapse.
To halt the rise in population, these were some of the ruthless solutions Malthus suggested:
of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary
habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more
people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the
country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and
particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and unwholesome
situations. But above all, we should reprobate [strongly condemn]
specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and those benevolent, but much
mistaken men, who have thought they were doing a service to mankind by
projecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders.
Malthus also encouraged the death of babies:
we are bound in justice and honour formally to disclaim the right of
the poor to support. To this end, I should propose a regulation to be
made, declaring, that no child born… should ever be entitled to parish
assistance… The [illegitimate] infant is, comparatively speaking, of
little value to the society, as others will immediately supply its
place… All the children born, beyond what would be required to keep up
the population to this [desired] level, must necessarily perish, unless
room be made for them by the deaths of grown persons.
possessed a sufficiently twisted logical framework as to justify
letting newborns die for the future of society. You might well assume
that such perverted views are a thing of the past and could no longer be
accepted by anyone today. Yet that is not the case. In modern-day
China, population planning is carried out by means of the killing of
newborn babies—making it easy to see the permanent effects on societies
of the destructive views of Malthus and his follower Darwin. The
communist Chinese state seeks to prevent its own people from living by
religious moral values, and looks at them through a Darwinist eye. For
that reason, in addition to the enormous social and moral collapse,
human beings are forced to work in labor camps devoid of the most basic
humane conditions. Children of parents with already more children than
the number permitted by the state are collected and killed. People are
executed for “thought crimes,” the executions themselves having assumed
the form of societal ceremonies. Contemporary China is an example of
what awaits a society that falls under the influence of Darwinist views.
theses not only prepared an oppressive law that further worsened the
conditions of the poor in England, they also made social problems even
more intractable. These theses, which still have their proponents today,
and which led the way to a theory such as Darwinism which inflicted
disasters like chaos, war, racism and atheism on the 20th century, have
no valid scientific foundations whatsoever. Indeed, Malthus’s ideas were
inspired by a story relating to goats and dogs, the truth of which
nobody could be sure of.
From Goats and Dogs to Darwinism
real source of inspiration for his Essay was a story about goats on a
Southeast Pacific island, said to have been left there by Juan
Fernandez, a Spanish sailor. According to the tale, these goats
multiplied and became a source of meat for mariners calling at the
island. But the goats rapidly grew in number and began to consume all
the sources of food on the island. In order to prevent British
privateers—who molested Spanish trade—from making use of the goats’
meat, the Spanish landed male and female dogs on the island. In time,
the dogs began to grow in number, and killed most of the goats.
Joseph Townsend wrote that in this way, a natural equilibrium was
established. “The weakest of both species,” he went on to say, “were
among the first to pay the debt of nature; the most active and vigorous
preserved their lives. … It is the quantity of food which regulates the
number of the human species.”
we already stated, various natural circumstances may have an effect on
an animal’s numbers increasing or declining and on species surviving or
becoming extinct. Yet it is a grave error to suppose that this dynamic
also applies to human societies, and experience shows the terrible
results of putting such an error into practice.
the Poor Law then in force in Great Britain, the poor were not left to
go hungry, but were forced to work very hard. Townsend maintained that
these laws obliging the poor to work resulted in excessive difficulties
and protests. Instead, he claimed that it was more reasonable to bring
the poor to heel by means of hunger. According to Townsend, “hunger will
tame the fiercest animals, and will teach them civility, obedience, and
subjection.”11 At the root of that ruthless and unconscionable attitude
lies the error of classing people according to their material means and
physical attributes. Such discrimination, totally incompatible with
religious moral values, has disrupted the social order and led to chaos,
anarchy and conflict throughout history.
Townsend, the story of the goats and dogs also constituted the basis of
Malthus’s theses. It also represents the source of inspiration for the
error expressed in the term “the survival of the fittest,” used by
Herbert Spencer, and of Darwin’s error of “evolution by natural
we have already emphasized, applying to human beings certain laws that
apply to animals was a great error made by a chain of people, beginning
with Townsend and followed by Malthus, Spencer and Darwin. They regarded
humans as savage creatures that could be reined in only by radical
measures and kept under control by war, hunger and poverty. The truth
is, though, that human beings are endowed with reason and common sense.
They act in accordance with logic and their conscience, not according to
instincts, as animals do.
Malthus’s Claims Not Based on Scientific Data
theory received support from various circles at the time, and also
constituted the foundation of a number of perverted ideologies and
movements in the following century. Yet it rests on no scientific
foundations and is riddled with inconsistencies. For example:

At the time Malthus wrote, there were no data regarding population
increases at his disposal. The first national census in Great Britain
was carried out in 1801, three years after Malthus wrote his Essay. In
any case, for Malthus to calculate the rate of population growth, he
would have needed statistics for years previous to 1801. He therefore
had no reliable statistics on which to base a figure for that growth,
and his claims were based entirely on presupposition.
Nor did Malthus possess any data with which to calculate the growth of
food resources. At the time, there was no way of calculating how much
land was under cultivation, not how many crops it produced. Again, he
engaged in mere conjecture.
In any case, the law that Malthus proposed was contradictory in itself.
He suggested that populations increased geometrically. In that case,
animals and plant populations also increased geometrically, and these
two form the basis of human life. In practice, however, animals, plants
and human beings do not multiply geometrically: Their rates of increase
vary according to prevailing circumstances. The entire ecosystem, humans
included, exists within a most balanced equilibrium. The self-evident
order in nature is a long way from “Eat or be eaten,” the so-called
struggle for survival proposed by Malthus and Darwin.
short, Malthus’s erroneous and illogical claims rest on no scientific
foundations whatsoever. Yet Darwin constructed his theory of evolution
on Malthus’s conjectures.
Darwin the Malthusian
In his autobiography, Darwin wrote:
October 1838, that is fifteen months after I had begun my systematic
enquiry, I happened to read for amusement Malthus on Population, and
being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence that
everywhere goes on from long-continued observation of the habits of
animals and plants, it at once struck me that under these circumstances,
favourable variations would tend to be preserved and unfavourable ones
to be destroyed. The result of this would be the formation of new
species. Here, then, Ihad at last got a theory by which to work…

concepts of evolution by natural selection and the struggle for
survival took shape in Darwin’s mind after reading Malthus. In The
Origin of Species Darwin admitted that he had fully accepted Malthus’s
is no exception to the rule that every organic being naturally
increases at so high a rate, that, if not destroyed, the earth would
soon be covered by the progeny of a single pair. Even slow-breeding man
has doubled in twenty-five years, and at this rate, in less than a
thousand years, there would literally not be standing-room for his
Darwin described the relationship between Malthus’s theory and the thesis of natural selection thus:
more individuals are produced than can possibly survive, there must in
every case be a struggle for existence, either one individual with
another of the same species, or with the individuals of distinct
species, or with the physical conditions of life. It is the doctrine of
Malthus applied with manifold force to the whole animal and vegetable
ideas of Darwin’s, which found support in the twisted thinking of
Malthus, possess no scientific value. Moreover, this cruel perspective
maintains that population planning can be ensured by eliminating the
weak and poor, and preaches that the weak need to be destroyed.
Regarding life not as based on peace, security and understanding, but as
a matter of mere survival necessitating a ruthless struggle, it
inflicted the most terrible catastrophes on societies.
From Malthus to a Ruthless World View
Malthus and Darwin’s views lacked any scientific foundation, they
received wide support. We need to seek the reason for this in the period
in which they both lived, which was post-Industrial Revolution England.
Following the Industrial Revolution, the British aristocracy feared it
would surrender its status and power to the working class. On the other
hand, they needed a larger, cheap work force. As a result of that
dilemma, the ruling class in Britain drew the conclusion that the “lower
class” had to be weakened, brought under control, oppressed, and put to
work. In stating that food resources were insufficient in the face of a
rapidly rising population, Malthus suggested that the solution lay in
preventing the “lower orders” from multiplying, thus causing a number of
measures to be taken against the poor. By applying Malthus’s thesis to
natural sciences and biology, Darwin provided the claim with a
fictitious scientific guise.
In his book Social Darwinism in American Thought, Richard Hofstadter says this about Darwin’s support for Malthus’s thesis:
had become popular in England… it had also been used to relieve the
rich of responsibility for the sufferings of the poor. Malthus had been
proved wrong by the course of events; and just when his theory was dying
out in political economy it received fresh support from Darwinian
In an article, researcher and author Ian Taylor has this to say about the degenerate ideas in Malthus’s thesis:
lesson in all this is that Darwin and others who reject both God and
the promise of His providence and intervention have found in the Malthus
principle a terrifying spectre of tragedy and despair that has driven
them into unspeakable ethical and absurd scientific propositions. This
in spite of the obvious weaknesses and deficiencies in Malthus argument.

science refuted Malthus’s “ruthless, despair-inducing, nonsensical”
claim, it has still managed to remain influential up to the present day.
Ian Taylor’s book In the Minds of Men summarizes the chain of
ruthlessness that began with Malthus and ended with Hitler:
maxim on which Malthus based his thinking was what later became the
“survival of the fittest” theme. The notion can be traced from Condorcet
to Malthus, to Spencer, to Wallace, and to Darwin. It eventually
mushroomed out to influence men such as Adolf Hitler, but we should be
reminded that it all began in the tale of the goats and dogs.
As we have seen, various administrators and leaders sought to use
Malthus’s opinions to mask their own interests. Various opinion formers
with their own ideological concerns played an important role in those
views receiving such wide acceptance. The disasters caused by the
support given to this ruthless world view, were on a scale never been
seen before. In the following pages, we shall examine how this merciless
world view that began with Malthus gained strength under the name of
Social Darwinism—and what it cost humanity.
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