Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Châu Âu Lạnh Cẳng: Liệu Pháp và Đức Có Cưỡng Nổi Áp Lực Mỹ Do Thái Trong Cận Cảnh Chiến Tranh với NGA?

Châu Âu Lạnh Cẳng: Liệu Pháp và Đức Có Cưỡng Nổi Áp Lực Mỹ Do Thái Trong Cận Cảnh Chiến Tranh với NGA?

Ngày 6 tháng 3 vừa qua, nhà nước Mỹ đã "tạm hoãn" tiếp tế và tiếp ứng quân sự cho Ukraine nhằm "khuất phục" vùng Donbass, nơi 90% dân chúng đã bầu cho Viktor Yanukovych, tổng thống dân cử Ukraine bị Âu-Mỹ-Do Thái đảo chính vào tháng 2-2014. Việc "hoãn tếp ứng quân sự" này do áp lực biến chuyển "xét lại" của dư luận quần chúng các nước Châu Âu trước một cận cảnh chiến tranh tự hủy cả Châu Âu nếu xảy ra chiến tranh với Nga.

Đặc biệt sau lời kêu gọi vừa ngu xuẩn vừa hiếu sát điên loạn của tên tướng Mỹ NATO Philip Breedlove thành lập quân đội thường trực Liên Âu, dù đã có NATO. Lời tuyên bố của tên tướng Mỹ này đã gây dựng tóc gáy ngay cả trong giới chính trị tay sai Mỹ như chính phủ Đức. Theo Tờ Der Spiegel của Đức, văn phòng của thủ tướng Markel đã nhận định lời tuyên bố này là một "tuyên truyền nguy hiểm".

Phía nhà nước Pháp cũng bị áp lực từ quần chúng, nhất là phía cánh hữu của đảng quốc gia đang lên do Marie Le Pen lãnh đạo, dã tỏ thái độ phản đối chính sách hiếu chiến của Mỹ trong tình hình Nga và Ukraine.

Hiện nay, nhà nước Đức, Pháp đã tỏ thái độ đồng thuận với chính phủ mới của Hy Lạp và một số các quốc gia Châu Âu khácd như cộng hòa Czech và  Hungary tìm phương hợp tác và làm giảm cái gọi là "cấm vận kinh tế" với Nga. Đây là một biến chuyển quan trọng trong "nội bộ" Châu Âu cũng như mối bang giao "chủ tớ" giữa Mỹ và Âu Châu: Châu Âu không thể tuyệt đối chấp hành lệnh từ Mỹ với hiểm họa một cuộc thế chiến có khả năng tàn hủy gấp trăm lần hai cuộc thế chiến trong thế kỷ vừa qua cũng tại lục địa này.

Nhưng với một cấu trúc chính trị quyền lực và kinh tế tài chính nẳm gần như gọn lọn trong vòng tay các tập đoàn tay sai Anh -Mỹ Do Thái cũng như IMF, thì  liệu người dân Châu Âu và đặc biệt dân chúng tại hai quốc gia Pháp, Đức trung tâm của lục địa này có tỉnh táo khôn ngoan tự lật ngược thế cờ hay không? Hay vẫn nuốt chửng những tuyên truyền điên loạn của Anh/Mỹ Do Thái hận thù đố kỵ Nga một cách vô lối để tự hủy gánh lấy thảm họa chiến tranh, một cuộc chiến sẽ không có thắng thua, chỉ co hủy diệt toàn diện cho tất cả mọi người.

Đã đến lúc người Châu Âu cần phải ÍT NHẤT là lật ngược toàn diện đối sách không chỉ với Mỹ mà với ngay những thành viên của lục địa này về cả chủ trương kinh tế lẫn giải giới quân sự. Bước đầu tiên là tự biến Âu Châu thành lục địa phi quân sự, dĩ nhiên bằng cách lật đổ hẳn cấu trúc quyền lực chính trị hiện tại đang nằm trong tay tập đoàn thiểu số đang nắm toàn bộ sinh mạng an nguy của họ. Chỉ có thay đổi từ nền tảng như vậy Châu Âu mới có khả năng "Âu Hóa" nước Nga vào chung một khối trong mục tiêu thịnh vượng hòa bình chung Châu Âu.

Hai cuộc đại chiến cũng đã quá đủ. Lần này nếu để xảy ra một cuộc chiến, thì người dân Châu âu không thể vô trách nhiệm vô tâm đỗ thừa cho các "tên chính phủ" được nữa.

Nhân Chủ

Europe, led by Germany and France, Blocks U.S. from RACING to WAR against RUSSIA?

by Eric Zuesse | March 9, 2015 5:28 am
On Friday, 6 March, President Obama placed temporarily on ice his planned increase in weapons and soldiers to help the Ukrainian Government[1] to ‘defend’ Ukraine against the ‘terrorists’[2] in Donbass, which is the Ukrainian region that had voted 90% for the President whom the Obama Administration overthrew in February 2014[3].
(Here[4] is where the EU first learned, on 26 February 2014, that the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych had been a coup instead of a genuine popular revolution.)
Obama replaced that Government with a racist-fascist anti-Russian regime[5], which quickly set about exterminating as many residents of Donbass as possible, as quickly as possible[6] (calling them ‘terrorists,’ for their refusal to be ruled by the new Obama-imposed, anti-Russian, Government).

According to German Economic News, Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Francois Hollande are balking at the speed of Obama’s rush to war against Russia.
Earlier, some of the smaller national economies in the European Union — the Czech[7] Republic, Hungary[8]  and Greece[9] — dissented from America’s effort to increase economic sanctions and military measures against Russia. But there is now increasing pressure upon the leaders in Germany, France, and Italy,[10] also to separate the EU from the American rush to war against Russia.[11]
Here is my translation of the key passage from the article on this matter, dated March 7th, in German Economic News:
“Apparently, the developments have shown that in the Euro-zone the Americans’ desire for a full escalation of the conflict against Russia could no longer be accepted without objection by the Europeans. The Americans were apparently informed by Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande that they are concerned about the rise of France’s National Front Party:
Its chairman, Marine Le Pen, rejects the current EU policy towards Russia. If the National Front comes to power in France, it would be almost impossible for the EU to pursue a U.S.-coordinated foreign policy, such as they both want to do. Therefore, Merkel and Hollande aim to contain the negative economic consequences to their own nations of sanctions against Russia, so as to prevent victory for the National Front.
“Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has spoken with President Putin in Moscow on a stronger partnership between Italy and Russia. The Italians are feeling the effects of the sanctions particularly strongly, and want to avoid an escalation in any case.
“Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias also has doubts as to the purpose of the US sanctions policy of the EU.”
Washington criticizes many European politicians for their opposing Washington’s anti-Russian policies. In Hungary and France, nationalist political parties offer especially strong resistance, because they oppose their own nation’s being ruled by Washington’s dictates.
Even though Washington backs Nazis in Ukraine, some European right-wing (though not nearly as far right-wing as in Ukraine[12]) parties are patriotically opposed to European taxpayers donating to fund Ukraine’s fascists.
The odd result is that some semi-fascist parties in Europe are especially balking at the extreme fascism, even Nazism,[13] that Washington supports in Ukraine. It’s too far to the right for them to go; they don’t want to be forced to go that far; they don’t want their nation to fund Washington’s aims.
Obama thus needs to juggle many balls at once in order to keep the Western Alliance together with him in his overriding foreign-policy goal of destroying Russia.[14]

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010[15], and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity[16].
  1. placed temporarily on ice his planned increase in weapons and soldiers to help the Ukrainian Government: http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/03/07/obama-macht-rueckzieher-und-schickt-vorerst-keine-us-soldaten-in-die-ukraine/
  2. ‘terrorists’: http://rinf.com/alt-news/editorials/enemies-ukraine-speak/
  3. overthrew in February 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-RyOaFwcEw
  4. Here: http://fortruss.blogspot.com/2015/02/the-paet-ashton-transcript.html
  5. racist-fascist anti-Russian regime: http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/06/ukraine-international-war-criminal-obama-putin-2.html
  6. exterminating as many residents of Donbass as possible, as quickly as possible: http://rinf.com/alt-news/featured/brookings-wants-villages-firebombed-ukraines-anti-terrorist-operation/
  7. Czech: http://rinf.com/alt-news/featured/czech-president-says-poorly-informed-people-dont-know-ukraine-coup/
  8. Hungary: http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/12/u-s-war-russia-now-hungary.html
  9. Greece: http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/03/07/obama-macht-rueckzieher-und-schickt-vorerst-keine-us-soldaten-in-die-ukraine/
  10. increasing pressure upon the leaders in Germany, France, and Italy,: http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/03/07/obama-macht-rueckzieher-und-schickt-vorerst-keine-us-soldaten-in-die-ukraine/
  11. rush to war against Russia.: http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/03/obama-prioritizes-weakening-russia-weakening-isis.html
  12. not nearly as far right-wing as in Ukraine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-NzhHv6AAo&list=UUtvrV_ifhx0EDhmPPRl7adQ
  13. extreme fascism, even Nazism,: http://rinf.com/alt-news/editorials/obamas-ukrainian-stooges/
  14. overriding foreign-policy goal of destroying Russia.: http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/03/obama-prioritizes-weakening-russia-weakening-isis.html
  15. They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010: http://www.amazon.com/Theyre-Not-Even-Close-Democratic/dp/1880026090/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1339027537&sr=8-9
  16. CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007Q1H4EG
Source URL: http://www.4thmedia.org/2015/03/europe-blocks-u-s-from-racing-to-war-against-russia/

Der Spiegel: Germany Slams NATO European Commander’s Comments on Ukraine as ‘Dangerous Propaganda’

by RT | March 9, 2015 11:44 am
U.S. General Philip Breedlove. (Reuters/Valentyn Ogirenko)
U.S. General Philip Breedlove. (Reuters/Valentyn Ogirenko)
A top NATO European commander’s exaggerated comments on the Ukrainian conflict are ‘dangerous propaganda,’ and put the West at risk of losing credibility, sources in the German Chancellor’s Office told Der Spiegel.
General Philip Breedlove made harsh remarks on the situation in Ukraine on Wednesday, saying that the self-defense forces, with the assistance of Russia, have prepared “over a thousand combat vehicles” and “sophisticated air defense, battalions of artillery” in the south-east of the country.
“What is clear is that right now it is not getting better, it is getting worse every day,” NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) concluded.
The comments came on the same day as the OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) stressed that progress in the fulfillment of the Minsk peace deal between Ukrainian government and the militias in Donetsk and Lugansk Regions.
Ceasefire violations on decline in E. Ukraine – OSCE[2]
Spokesman for the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, Michael Bociurkiw, described a decline of ceasefire violations and withdrawal of heavy weaponry by both sides in the conflict.
German authorities were “alarmed” by the stance of the NATO commander and wondered whether “the Americans [are] trying to thwart European efforts at mediation led by Chancellor Angela Merkel?” Der Spiegel wrote[3].
The sources in the Chancellor’s office told the magazine that they viewed Breedlove’s comments as “dangerous propaganda.”
According to the weekly, it is not the first time the German authorities are “alarmed” by the US general’s statements on the Ukrainian conflict as his numbers of alleged Russian presence in Donetsk and Lugansk have always been significantly higher than those available to European members of NATO.
Now, the German Chancellery “simply shake their heads” each time Breedlove makes comments on Ukraine, Der Spiegel said.
“False claims and exaggerated accounts, warned a top German official during a recent meeting on Ukraine, have put NATO – and by extension, the entire West – in danger of losing its credibility,” the paper wrote.
The German authorities described Breedlove as a “‘super hawk,’ whose role is that of increasing the pressure on America’s more reserved trans-Atlantic partners.”
Berlin ordered its Federal Intelligence Service to verify the numbers described by the top NATO commander and the check revealed “just a few armored vehicles.”
It “remains a riddle until today,” how he jumped to such conclusions, one intelligence agent told the weekly.
“The German intelligence services generally appraise the threat level much more cautiously than the Americans do,” an international military expert in Kiev said, as cited by Der Spiegel.
The magazine drew several more examples of General Breedlove’s “slips of the tongue,” including one he dropped at the beginning of the crisis; Breedlove said that Russians allegedly gathered 40,000 troops on the Ukrainian border and the situation was “incredibly concerning” as they were preparing for an invasion.
However, the findings of the German intelligence “contradicted Breedlove’s view in almost every respect.”
“There weren’t 40,000 soldiers on the border, they believed, rather there were much less than 30,000 and perhaps even fewer than 20,000. Furthermore, most of the military equipment had not been brought to the border for a possible invasion, but had already been there prior to the beginning of the conflict. Furthermore, there was no evidence of logistical preparation for an invasion, such as a field headquarters,” Der Spiegel wrote.
The NATO commander also made “inexact, contradictory or even flat-out inaccurate statements,” the sources said.
Members of the Ukrainian armed forces ride on armoured personnel carriers near Artemivsk, eastern Ukraine, March 3, 2015. (Reuters/Gleb Garanich)
Members of the Ukrainian armed forces ride on armoured personnel carriers near Artemivsk, eastern Ukraine, March 3, 2015. (Reuters/Gleb Garanich)
In November, Breedlove spoke of “regular Russian army units in eastern Ukraine” in the interview with German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. But the next day, he then told the website of the German newsmagazine Stern that they were “mostly trainers and advisers.”
“I stand by all the public statements I have made during the Ukraine crisis,” Breedlove wrote after Der Spiegel asked him to comment on his controversial phrases. “It is normal that not everyone agrees with the assessments that I provide.”
The NATO General insisted that the alliance strategy is to “release clear, accurate and timely information regarding ongoing events. As an alliance based on the fundamental values of freedom and democracy, our response to propaganda cannot be more propaganda. It can only be the truth.”
But it is not only Breedlove the Germans are concerned with as they also view the head of European affairs at the US State Department, Victoria Nuland, among “hindrances in their search for a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine conflict.”
The two are “doing what they can to pave the way for weapons deliveries,” the magazine wrote.
The weekly reminded that Nuland views Europe as a weak player, referring to the German Chancellor’s early February visit to Moscow for talks on Ukraine with Vladimir Putin as “Merkel’s Moscow stuff.”
She also famously said “F*ck the EU” in a leaked phone call, in which she discussed the future composition of the Ukrainian government during Maidan riots in Kiev.
EU won’t be pushed into confrontation over Ukraine – foreign policy chief[5]
Germany has been one of the most vocal critics of sending arms to Ukraine and now the country’s officials question NATO’s assessment of the situation in the country.
“The statements [on Ukraine] from our source do not fully coincide with the statements made by NATO and the US,” Frank-Walter Steinmeier, German Foreign minister, said on Saturday. “We are interested in not allowing it to grow into a misunderstanding.”
The German FM’s statement on the same day as the EU’s Foreign Policy Chief, Federica Mogherini, stressed that the European has a realistic view of Russian events, but it “will never be trapped or forced or pushed or pulled into a confrontative [sic] attitude” towards Moscow.
The Ukrainian government and the rebels in the south-east of the country struck a peace deal in Belarusian capital Minsk on February 12 after almost a year of fighting.
The signing happened with active mediation from Germany and its ‘Normandy Four’ partners – Russia and France.
The Ukrainian conflict began in April 2014, after Kiev sent its military to the south eastern regions, in which people refused to recognize the new coup-imposed authorities in the capital.
The fighting has seen over 6,000 killed and nearly 15,000 injured, the UN Human Rights Office said last week.


  1. [Image]​: http://rt.com/news/237793-ukraine-osce-ceasefire-withdrawal/
  2. Ceasefire violations on decline in E. Ukraine – OSCE: http://rt.com/news/237793-ukraine-osce-ceasefire-withdrawal/
  3. Der Spiegel wrote: http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/germany-concerned-about-aggressive-nato-stance-on-ukraine-a-1022193.html
  4. [Image]​: http://rt.com/news/238681-eu-oppose-confrontation-ukraine/
  5. EU won’t be pushed into confrontation over Ukraine – foreign policy chief: http://rt.com/news/238681-eu-oppose-confrontation-ukraine/
Source URL: http://www.4thmedia.org/2015/03/der-spiegel-germany-slams-nato-european-commanders-comments-on-ukraine-as-dangerous-propaganda/

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