Nhưng từ ngày ấy 11-9-2001, nền TỰ DO DÂN CHỦ của CHÚNG TA càng ngày càng bị chính nhà nước chính phủ tấn công và xâm phạm. Những vụ "khủng bố" cấp thấp, lần lượt nối đuôi nhau xảy ra tại Mỹ và các nước đồng minh của Mỹ, cho dù NGÂN SÁCH AN NINH TÌNH BÁO, lẫn KỸ THUẬT và QUYỀN HẠN AN NINH GIA TĂNG xâm phạm quyền tự do căn bản HIẾN ĐỊNH của người dân, và ngay cả vi phạm nền tảng hiến pháp.
Tại Sydney, Úc, khu Martin Place, một khu trung tâm hành chính và đẹp của thành phố, vừa xả ra vụ "bắt giữ con tin" tại một quán cafe và Chocolat nổi tiếng (Lindt Chocolat Cafe) đang làm nhiều người bàng hoàng, hoang mang ... Nhưng vẫn còn rất nhiều người Úc đủ khôn ngoan, bình tĩnh sáng suốt thắc mắc:
" Tại sao hai (kẻ) chủ trương lại chọn cái quán đặc biệt này tại Martin Place, Sydney? Nếu như họ muốn công khai một TUYÊN BỐ, (khủng bố) tại sao họ không đơn giản cho NỔ BOM ngay tại CỬA thôi, không cần vào trong, các văn phòng chính phủ ngân hàng dự trữ liên bang, toà lãnh sự Mỹ, và truyền thông chính qui - truyển hình số 7- ngay tại khu vực này gần kề ngay quán cafe chocolat LindT, rồi tuyên bố "chúng tớ" ra tay đấy ? Tại sao lại phí công sức bằng cách chui vào quán cafe bắt con tin rồi treo lấp ló cái cờ ISIL ở cửa sổ với hàng chữ tán tụng đấng ALAH từ kinh Koran?
Từ cái nhìn của "khủng bố" hành động này chưa đủ là KHỦNG BỐ hy sinh "thánh mạng (matyr) gây thiệt hại và "kinh hoàng" cho đối thủ, ít nhất theo định nghĩa KHỦNG BỐ, và so với "mức độ khủng bố" mẫu mực mà ISIL đang tiến hành? "
Tuy nhiên, cho đến nay Cuộc "nắm giữ con tin" và "điều đình" của hai kẻ vũ trang tại quán cafe đang tiếp diển với những chi tiết "lý thú". Khoảng 5 con tin đã "lén chạy thoát" được; và theo Tweets của một người tên Marcia Mikhael, một quản trị chương trình của ngân hàng Westpac hiện đang bị làm con tin trong quán Lindt Cafe, cho biết:
1- Hai kẻ này đã treo sai lá cờ ISIL theo chủ định!!! Và đòi hỏi phải đưa cho họ ĐÚNG LÁ CỜ ISIL thì họ sẽ thả vài con tin!
2- Hai kẻ này còn đòi gặp tên thủ tướng Úc Tony Abbott, để tuyên bố "chính trị" gì gì nữa! Và sẽ thả 5 con tin, nếu yêu cầu được chấp thuận.
3- Yêu cầu báo chi Úc thông báo cho "hai đồng sự" khác ĐỪNG CHO NỔ BOM tại "hai nơi khác" trong thành phố Sydney!!!
4- Marcia "cho biết" hai kẻ hiện tại trong quán có bom và súng đạn chài!
Báo chí Úc thì tảng lờ sự kiện "Marcia Tweets", chỉ nói rằng thông tin do những người chạy thoát được thông báo!
"The escapees told Channel 10 TV that the man forced his captives to call him "brother" and would release a hostage if the flag was delivered. That should put the heated discussion about just what flag is being shown in the window, to rest. It would appear that the gunman is at least superficially an ISIS sympathzier, who just couldn't get his hands on the right flag in advance. "
Quí độc giả, nếu chưa từng đến khu vực Martin Place này, đầy những toà nhà cao các cửa hiệu, ngân hàng, cũng như các cơ quan quan trọng, có thể nhìn bản đồ từ Google sẽ nhận ra cái vớ vẩn của "khủng bố ISIL". "Thánh tụ IBRAHIM" tài ba lỗi lạc, chỉ vài tháng chiếm cứ TRUNG TÂM của Trung Đông, làm chao đảo thị trường dầu hoả, khiến Âu Mỹ "điên đầu" ...sao thành viên lại ấm ớ chui vào hiệu cà phê "treo cờ nơi cửa sổ" thế này?
Lindt Chocolat Cafe - Martin Place -53 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Xem ra có vẻ hai tên "hồi giáo" này KHÔNG BIẾT CHỮ Ả-RẬP và cái chữ trên TẤM GIẺ RÁCH ĐEN ĐỦI kia nghĩa là cái con khỉ gì!!! Và... chỉ muốn tạo việc, tạo danh cho báo chí truyền hình.
Theo phỏng đoán của chúng tôi sự vụ sẽ "được kéo dài" tuỳ theo kịch bản cần thiết để "khủng bố tâm lý quần chúng" và quảng cáo cho chính phủ Abbott.
Kịch bản có vẽ được viết theo lối "tuỳ nghi diễn xuất" và "tuỳ nghi cương sảng" - nghĩa là sẽ diễn tuỳ theo mức độ phản ứng của quần chúng. Nếu quần chúng chưa hoảng, còn tỉnh bơ như trang Chủ Quyền Cá Nhân này, thì diển xuất sẽ gia tăng cường độ "gào thét" và "nước mắt"- Còn nếu quần chúng hớt hãi - màn sẽ hạ sớm hơn chút! Lý tưởng nhất là DÂN CHÚNG CỨ LỜ TÍT, chính phủ và bọn an ninh báo chỉ sẽ phí hơi và bẽ mặt!
Giả thiết có một hai con tin có võ thiếu lâm hay nhu đạo gì đó- đánh hạ và giết quách hai tên này, chắc chắn sẽ có hai gia đình "ái quốc Úc" trở thành gia đình tử sĩ của chính phủ Úc "vị quốc vong thân"- sẽ được lãnh tiền TỬ TUẤT ĐẶC BIỆT để im lặng làm tang lễ bí mật !!!
Kết quả có ra sao, một điều chắc chắn là bọn An ninh cảnh sát sẽ được thằng thủ tướng tay sai Mỹ Tony Abbott được "quốc hội" ra đạo luật cho thêm quyền rình mò nghe lén không cần trát toà,- cũng như bắt giữ và tra tấn không bị truy tố như nước Mỹ hiện nay!
Đặc biệt hiệu Cafe Lindt Chocolat này sẽ trở thành "di tích lịch sử" nổi tiếng ngay trung tâm của thành phố lâu đời nhất và lớn nhất nước Úc. Buôn bán sẽ đắt hàng hơn xưa!!!
Problem – Reaction – Solution & the Sydney Terrorist Incident Connection
from realnewsaustralia.com: There’s one thing governments, government agencies or particular groups or members within adhere to. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Recently Australian government intelligence agencies such as ASIO & ASIS have been pushing for greater powers when comes to spying, intelligence gathering and yes, even torture. Attorney General George Brandis has been seeking approval via a Bill Amendment to protect those involved in covert ops from litigation.
See this via TOTTnews…
In explaining the proposed changes to the law, Senator Brandis told parliament on July 16, “Covert operations may expose intelligence personnel or sources to legal liability in the course of their work. For this reason, some significant covert operations do not commence or are ceased. To address this issue, the Bill implements the recommendation to create a limited immunity for participants in authorised, covert operations…The limited immunity is subject to rigorous safeguards.”
The law is silent about an array of punitive measures, including inflicting permanent psychological damage, in the name of security interrogation. You don’t even need to have been charged with a crime. The National Security Legislation Amendment Bill is designed to “establish a framework for the conduct of covert intelligence operations”. I suspect that framework will now be revisited by the parliamentary joint committee on intelligence and security.
Our governments are always looking for more excuses to remove more of our freedoms and liberties. This smells like the perfect crisis they look for.
Why would 2 men choose that particular cafe in Martin Place, Sydney? If they wanted to make a statement why wouldn’t they just detonate an explosive device and claim responsibility? Why go to the trouble of taking a few hostages and hold a Jihadist flag at the window? From a terrorist perspective they’re not exactly going about this the right way to create the desired amount of fear that, by definition, an act of terrorism is supposed to create.
My guess is this will end without any shots fired or bombs going off (Which is ideal), the public will be made to feel outraged that this was allowed to happen courtesy of the main stream media, the government will then seize this opportunity to call for and increase its surveillance capabilities of the public. Problem – Reaction – Solution.
Please read this excellent piece by our affiliate to gain a better perspective of how it’s done.
In the following feature piece, Ethan Nash takes an in-depth look at all three stages of anti-terror legislation, and analyses how media and government authorities have manipulated public perception and capitalised on pre-conceived fears to pass Draconian-type laws, erode our personal freedoms in unprecedented fashion, and set the catalyst for an Orwellian society to subtlety expand within our very backyard.
Australia – Descending into Darkness (Draconian Laws, Police State, Surveillance and more)
Prime Minister, Tony Abbott has committed Australian forces back to Iraq to help the US-led coalition against ‘ISIS extremists’ in the region, following a number of counter-terrorism raids and supposed foiled beheading plots over the past month in Australia. As a result, the government has now passed a new amendment to combat domestic threats at home – with two more legislative pieces expected to pass by the end of the year.In the following feature piece, Ethan Nash takes an in-depth look at all three stages of anti-terror legislation, and analyses how media and government authorities have manipulated public perception and capitalised on pre-conceived fears to pass Draconian-type laws, erode our personal freedoms in unprecedented fashion, and set the catalyst for an Orwellian society to subtlety expand within our very backyard.
Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell: We have all read the book, all seen the dystopic future that awaits any country overcome by the evil of tyranny – trapped in an unforgiving cycle of enslavement. Increasingly – indeed, day-by-day – an eerie resemblance of suppression and manipulation is evident in the world today: Spying, police, war, television, legislation and education are all driving factors in making this a reality. For years, I have always referred back to the United States as a precedent when anything threatened our rights over here
I think it is important to point out that I have been trained as a journalist; thoroughly, to always remain objective, black and white and removed of personal opinion and emotion. Indeed, with most content on this website, I believe I have adhered to these standards. However, in this case – my moral standpoint as a sovereign human being has taken over and compelled me to write this vital feature piece. Not only to protect my independence as a journalist, but to protect the freedoms and rights of each and every Australian citizen who will be affected by the increasing expansion of laws designed to systematically chip away at our fundamental freedoms.
For those that have followed TOTT News for a while now, I am sure you are aware of the extensive coverage we have provided when it comes to intelligence operations and civil liberties in Australia. In fact, it hasn’t been very long since TOTT News published the article, ‘Erosion of Privacy in Australia – Basic facts you need to know‘. Concerning, however, is the fact that in only a few short months have passed – the landscape of Draconian horrors has completely surpassed most points covered in the original article at the time of publishing.
I have spent the last two weeks reading over the new legislative amendment that has passed the House of Representatives, as well as the two amendments that will be passing Parliament by the end of the year. I would be lying if I told you chills didn’t run down my spine; my stomach sick with each passing line. We are in trouble folks – and, whilst I still have the freedom to do so – I’d like to take an in-depth look at all three amendments that threaten the very foundation of our free country.
Before speaking on the legislation itself, I’d like to take a look at the circumstances and events that have transpired over the last month to justify the introduction of such heinous laws into our society, and the expansion of police and surveillance operations abroad.
ISIS was formed during the ‘civil’ wars of Syria and Libya, as the United States and Western allies trained, funded and allowed the extremists to expand in the region to take down the democratically elected governments in the region.
A quick observation of the last two weeks will tell any rationally-thinking individual that things have expanded faster than most have ever seen before. It was just over 4 weeks ago – the beginning of September – and ASIO were seriously considering raising the terrorism threat to high in the wake of supposed ‘beheading’ videos that had emerged online. Just under a week later, they were successful in their justification to do just that – and the threat has been raised to ‘likely’.
Despite this, Prime Minister Tony Abbott says the Government has “no specific intelligence” of a plot to mount a terrorist attack. (I’d like everyone to keep this in mind whilst reading the rest of this article).
So, with no direct evidence of any plot in the making to attack Australian shores, surely there is absolutely no reason to panic or take concise, direct action against ISIS by limiting our freedoms for national security, right?? Wrong!
Almost immediately after the terrorism threat was raised to high, a calculated effort of fear-induced manipulation and political trickery began a snowball effect that has dominated our lives for the past month in Australia:
- September 9th – ASIO seriously considering raising Australia’s terror threat level to high
- September 10th – Logan Islamic center raided by Australian Federal Police
- September 13th – Australian terrorism threat is raised to high by ASIO
- September 14th – Abbott to deploy forces to the Middle East
- September 15th – Brisbane train station bins closed as terrorism threat is raised
- September 16th – Secret Victorian search powers extended to ‘fight terrorism’
- September 17th – Biggest counter-terrorism raid in Australian history: Sydney and Brisbane targeted
- September 19th – Abbott there is “chatter” talking of targeting “government people” and “Parliament”
- September 19th - Terror raids: Attack feared within days, Tony Abbott says
- September 20th – AFP used extraordinary powers to detain people without charge
- September 21st – Spy organisation scouring social media for ‘extremist’ threats
- September 22nd – Australia seeks broad anti-terror powers after foiled beheading plot
- September 22nd – Islamic State followers urged to attack Australians by any means possible
- September 22nd – Tony Abbott warns balance between freedom and security may shift
- September 23rd – Terror suspect shot dead after two police officers stabbed
- September 23rd – Second wave of anti-terrorism legislation introduced to Senate
- September 24th – Terrorism fears will see more armed police and ‘pat-downs’ in Queensland
- September 26th – First anti-terrorism legislation passes the Senate, 42-12
- September 30th – Joint police anti-terrorism raids launched in Melbourne
- October 1st – First anti-terrorism legislation passes the House of Representatives
- October 3rd – Australian fighter jets will join the US-led campaign against Islamic State targets in Iraq
Why are we supposed to believe that ”chatter” is a logical response to increased security at Parliament House?? Why are the media not telling us about how 14 of 15 individuals raided were released with no charge?? Why are we supposed to be afraid that “anyone with an iPhone, a knife and a victim” can be a terrorist, Mr. Abbott?? Why do we have to shift the balance between freedom and security for?? Are our authorities not capable of doing their job??
Why are we supposed to believe a government and media collective that LIED to us about WMDs in Iraq??
How are we, as Australians, allowing a police and surveillance state to be completely rolled out based on a rubbish political spin??

Fear is a powerful emotion. When people are afraid, they react. Impact of danger on emotions and the distortive effect of fear on subjective beliefs and individual choices can have a lasting effect on a person. Not surprisingly, sociologists have come to identify our mediated knowledge of high-consequence risks as a major source of contemporary anxiety.
Despite the overwhelming evidence used to add perspective countering the induced-notion of fear of ISIS in Australia, the media and political establishment will have you believe that a terrorist is around every corner, forcing the public to respond based on emotion – rather than of rational thinking. TOTT News has carefully demonstrated how the media uses fear to manipulate public opinion in our 2013 article entitled, ‘Analysing Mass Media: Fear & Manipulation‘.
Now, if all of this wasn’t enough, Treasurer Joe Hockey is taking these events and subsequently focusing the punishment on to the Australian public. After it was estimated to cost $500 million per year to conduct the latest ‘mission’ in Iraq, and after giving a $630 million boost to intelligence organisations to protect us from the boogeyman – now it has been announced that further budget cuts will have to be made to pay for both security and defence purposes.
Indeed, it is not hard to see how the entire landscape of Australia has quickly shifted based solely upon hearsay threats and loosely-justified pieces of poorly constructed evidence. The utter manipulation of public opinion to serve an agenda-based declaration to commit once again in Iraq, coupled with the systematic erosion of our freedoms domestically have been supported out of fear, rather than rational thinking.
As a result of this onslaught of propaganda, a triple threat of legislative pieces are currently in the process of passing through our Parliament in the name of ‘national security’. Let’s take a look at just what these amendments entail, and analyse whether or not the politicians in Canberra are genuinely concerned about protecting us from these supposed external and domestic threats.
The first Bill passed the House of Representatives on Wednesday after overwhelmingly passing through the Senate floor the prior Thursday (42-12 vote). Through this, the ASIO Act and the IS Act have now both been amended to include a rapid-expansion of powers for Australian intelligence organisations:
The National Security Legislation Amendment (No. 1) Bill 2014 amends the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 (the ASIO Act) and the Intelligence Services Act 2001 (the IS Act) to implement the Government’s response to recommendations in Chapter 4 of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security’s (PJCIS) Report of the Inquiry into Potential Reforms of Australia’s National Security Legislation (tabled in June 2013) relating to reforms of the legislation governing the Australian Intelligence Community.This has set an unimaginable precedent for the suppression of free speech in Australia, spying capabilities and expanded immunity of accountability for intelligence agencies conducting specific operations. Here is what the Bill contains:
- It allows ASIO to longer be capped on the number of devices they can monitor under a single warrant, as previously was the case with such operations in Australia. This has raised major concerns, especially with the broadened scope of monitoring a computer under any particular operation. For the purpose of a computer-access warrant, a ‘computer’ is now defined as a ‘network’ – which can allow ASIO to monitor the entire Australian internet with a single warrant.
- It allows Australian intelligence organisations and other third parties associates the ability to define a selective activity as a ‘Special Intelligence Operation’. In doing so, any operation that is conducted under the guide of an SIO definition, allows the organisation to be exempt from civil and criminal liability in the process of conducting them. This is a broad and dangerous term, because not only is it at the discretion of the Attorney General to approve and define an SIO – it also spans to any contractors, associates, black project workers and many more.
- Furthermore, it introduces five-year penalties for journalists and whistleblowers (potentially ten-years if it ‘hurts the safety or security of the public’) for the disclosure of information about Special Intelligence Operations. This is a major concern, because it has the potential to eliminate national security reporting in this country.
Despite the concern, there was no concerted campaign, no unified push by the media to stop this bill, which dramatically expands the powers of intelligence agencies whilst creating new offences for disclosing information about their operations. The Bill overwhelmingly passed the Senate and House of Representatives – with only a hand-full of politicians raising their concerns over the threat it causes to the very fabric of our free and open society.
No doubt, the passing of The National Security Amendment (No.1) Bill 2014 is a dark step in Australian history, and one every single individual in Australia should be deeply concerned about. However, whilst many remain oblivious to the legislation or in utter shock of it being passed overwhelmingly in the respective levels of Parliament – this is only just the beginning in a cycle of amendments to come.
On the 24th of September, Attorney-General George Brandis introduced the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Amendment (Foreign Fighters) Bill to the Senate, which is currently being referred to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security for review.
This second Bill is focused on individuals who either travel to or from conflict zones that are suspected in partaking in hostile activities, or people who support or plan terrorist/hostile activities domestically at home. It is an expansion to the 2005 Howard-era preventive detention and control order regimes, which are seen as highly controversial because they allow people to be subject to police restrictions or detention without charge and with limited judicial oversight.
Preventive detention orders allow a person to be detained without charge for up to 14 days. Control orders can restrict a person’s freedom of movement or their associations for much longer. The new amendments seeks to make it easier for officers to allow both preventive detention and control orders, whilst expanding on some of the penalties associated with the original legislation.
Some of the key points include:
- Retaining the current regime of control orders and preventive detention orders, which were due to expire next year.
- The Bill introduces the offence ‘advocating terrorism’. A person commits an offence if they intentionally counsel, promote, encourage or urge the doing of a terrorist Act or the commission of a terrorism offence. The offence carries a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment.
- Broadening the range of circumstances where control orders can be sought, including restricting the movement or associations people who have been involved in foreign incursions and return to Australia.
- Enforcing a “12-hour curfew” period for control orders that can force people to stay in a given location for a maximum of 12 hours in every 24 hours.
- Making it easier for police to apply for a preventive detention order or interim control order by lowering the threshold for their state of mind from a “belief” to a “suspicion”.
- Allowing preventive detention orders to be made verbally or electronically in urgent circumstances, and even to be made subject to a person when their full name is not known.
- An area will be declared where the Foreign Affairs Minister is satisfied that a terrorist organisation listed under the Criminal Code is engaging in a hostile activity in a particular area of the foreign country. The new offence will enable the prosecution of people who intentionally enter an area in a foreign State where they know, or should know, that the Australian Government has determined that terrorist organisations are engaging in hostile activities.
This is troubling to some who feel the amendment could potentially lead to a greater erosion of our freedoms; freedoms to support world views alternative to the official narrative or pre-conceived notion of public programming. Indeed, as with most legislative texts, the broadened language constructs do allow potential loopholes to be abused – and, with the new ability to arrest individuals easier and easier – the concerns are certainly justified.
For those that have followed TOTT News for a number of years now, you will understand that we have followed the ‘Data Retention’ proposals from their inception in mid-2012 until now. For a long time, it seems as though the proposals were likely to be resurrected after originally being rejected by the Parliamentary Committee examining the reforms – and, as expected – and now back are set to be introduced later in the year.
As previously covered on this website, the new Bills set will seek to introduce a mandatory data retention scheme, where telecommunications and internet providers will be required to retain personal data for two years. Australia already allows warrantless access to this type of data, which has raised serious concerns about protecting journalists and has been grossly misused throughout the years – as over 250,000 requests were made in 2012 without justification.
The retention of metadata is troubling to some due to the extremely easy nature of obtaining the information, and the concern of how such data is being shared and used in Australia and abroad. It was revealed during the Edward Snowden leaks in 2012 that Australia is part of the ‘Five Eyes Alliance‘ (a relationship Abbott defends) – including Australia, the United States, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Through this, intelligence agencies gather and share information about citizens across an international collaborative network.
The first disclosure of Australian involvement in US global surveillance identified four facilities in the country that contribute to a key American intelligence collection program: The US-Australian Joint Defence Facility at Pine Gap near Alice Springs and three Australian Signals Directorate facilities: the Shoal Bay Receiving Station near Darwin, the Australian Defence Satellite Communications Facility at Geraldton and the Naval Communications Station HMAS Harman outside Canberra. These facilities, among others, contribute to the
NSA’s collection program codenamed X-Keyscore.
Furthermore, it was also revealed that the Australian government has been building another state-of-the art, secret data storage facility just outside Canberra to enable intelligence agencies to deal with a “data deluge” siphoned from the internet and global telecommunications networks.
Many civil liberties groups, organisations and individuals around the country have voiced their concern over the warrantless collection of our metadata by government agencies, and say this new series of amendments are an even darker step in a world of covert information gathering in Australia. The Australian Greens have launched a campaign to #StopDataRetention, and below is a video of Greens Senator Scott Ludlam voicing his opinion on the new legislation recently tabled in the Senate:
Note: TOTT News is not politically affiliated with or endorsing the Greens Party with this post.
—————————————————————————————————————————————————————FINAL WORDS:
In the end, fear and anger are the ultimate reductivists. When we feel afraid of becoming victims of evil, it becomes difficult to look beyond what it is that threatens us. It is human nature to want to protect the loved ones around us, and when danger arises, people want to know about. The media and government talking heads have capitalised on this, using auditory queues, linguistic patterns, and segment cliffhangers in their programming – in order to entice people to stay attentive and afraid.
Through this, the media will use any means necessary to make sure that such a goal is regularly fulfilled – even if it means giving an inaccurate representation of the truth. The media’s willingness to sensationalise topics continues to produce a discourse of fear, while the pervasive communication generates an expectation that danger and risk is a central feature of everyday life. Through this, people will no longer react out of rational thinking a logic analysis.
Australia is now at a cross-roads; we are staring down the cold eyes of tyranny and enslavement. Our rights and freedoms are systematically being taken away with each passing day, and soon, the free country that we once knew and loved will be replaced by a creeping state of Orwellian qualities. We are in control of our destiny; we have the power to stop this. One can make the conscious decision to stand up and fight for what little freedom we have left, or sit back and wait for the inevitable fate that awaits us.
Stand up, Australia – before it’s too late.
Remember WMD? Just labelling something ‘terrorism’ isn’t enough: http://www.crikey.com.au/2014/08/19/remember-wmd-just-labelling-something-terrorism-isnt-enough/
Australia’s Prime Minister gives a master class in exploiting terrorism fears to seize new powers: https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/09/22/australias-prime-minister-gives-master-class-exploiting-terrorism-fears-seize-new-powers/
Erosion of Privacy in Australia – Basic facts you need to know: http://tottnews.com/2014/01/23/erosion-of-privacy-in-australia-basic-facts-you-need-to-know
Brandis rebuffs questions on surveillance laws…again!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy_UXPy2Q5o
National security laws ‘strike at the heart of press freedom': http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/30/national-security-laws-strike-at-the-heart-of-press-freedom
Counter-terrorism raids – five unanswered questions: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/22/counter-terrorism-raids-leave-some-serious-questions-unanswered
Analysing Mass Media – Fear and Manipulation: http://tottnews.com/2013/08/04/analysing-mass-media-fear-and-manipulation-part-1/
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