Ký giả Na Uy đã dàn cảnh một đoạn phim nội dung một cậu bé đã can trường chống lại những viên đạn bắn sẻ của QUÂN ĐỘI CHÍNH PHỦ SYRIA (ASSAD) để cứu một bé gái khác. Sau đó ông ta gủi cho các BÁO CHÍ CHÍNH QUI trên thế giới như CNN, Washington Post v.v
Sẵn với những "định kiến có sẵn", chủ trương tuyên truyền tấn công chế độ Assad, Syria, các báo chí chính qui cũng như các "chuyên gia Trung Đông" của Âu Mỹ Úc ... cùng nhau ĐĂNG TẢI đoạn "tài liệu bằng chứng sự thật" này đế tấn công lên án chế độ Assad.. Sự việc gây "xúc động", chú ý rộng lớn...cho đến khi chính ký giả Na Uy này công bố sự thật về "cuộc dàn cảnh đóng đoạn phim" này.
Thế là các "chuyên gia ký giả" của chính qui thay vì xin lỗi độc giả và cẩn trọng với căn bản nghề nghiệp báo chí hơn nữa, đó là BƯỚC KIỂM CHỨNG NGUỒN TIN TRƯỚC KHI ĐĂNG TẢI (authentication) lại quay ra đổ thừa "chửi mắng" anh chàng Na Uy Lars Klevberg là cố tình làm hại "uy tín" báo chí chính qui! Làm như là bọn BÁO CHÍ CHÍNH QUI chúng có UY TÍN thật vậy!!! (Có ai còn nhớ Iraq Sadam có VŨ KHÍ TOÀN DIỆT? Quân Sadam giết trẻ thơ trong lồng kính, với cô y tá khóc lóc tại quốc hội Mỹ chính là con gái tên đại sứ Kuwait? Có ai còn nhớ nữ chiến sĩ anh hùng Jessiaca Lynch?)
Với kỹ thuật "điện toán" và phim ảnh cao cấp hôm nay, (computerized effects) một ký giả bình thường có thể làm một "cảnh giả" rất "THẬT" như vậy, thì liệu BỌN NHÀ NƯỚC CHÍNH PHỦ và chuyên gia cỡ Hollywood còn có thể 'TẠO CẢNH THẬT" đến cỡ nào nữa?
Vấn đề vẫn là CHÚNG TA, bài học này nhắc nhở chúng ta phải càng CẨN TRỌNG và phải GÁC BÕ ĐỊNH KIẾN như:
1-"chuyên gia", chính phủ là phải ĐÚNG, không thể GIAN DỐI!
2-Phe TA luôn luôn đúng đắn tốt lành
3- Phe ĐỊCH luôn luôn xấu xa và ác độc
Những thứ gọi là 'BẰNG CHÚNG LỊCH SỬ" chính qui, CHÍNH SỬ từ HOLLYWOOD.
Trang Nhân Chủ-Chủ Quyền Cá Nhân này cũng không là ngoại lệ!
What the Fake Syria Sniper Boy Video Tell Us About Media Experts
9/11 Eyewitness – FOX Freelancer Harley Guy Mark Walsh
Episode 174 – Patriot Mythology
Episode 207 – More Patriot Mythology
Taking the Fat out of the Bin Laden Video
Maher Osseiran on The Corbett Report
What the Fake Syria Sniper Boy Video Tell Us About Media Experts

The western press very quickly accepted the video as real and used it to support the US administration’s narrative on Syria. Many top US news sources began to spread the story. Even though the producer said he explicitly added big hints that the video was fake, like the children surviving multiple gun shots.
Propagating false stories on Syria, is nothing new for the western press. In the lead up to the conflict many stories were exposed as frauds, such as the Anti-government activist “Gay Girl in Damascus” which turned out to be a middle-aged American man in Scotland. Syrian Danny Abdul Dayem which was frequently interviewed by CNN was using fake gun fire and flames in his interviews.
The fake sniper video wasn’t enough to support US government narratives by itself, as the now deleted original upload didn’t suggest the identity of the snipers. So the west’s media suggested that it was Syrian military snipers that were targeting the children without any evidence. Journalists failed to mention how they reached the conclusion that an actor in Malta was shot by the Syrian military. It may be that the western press is quick to trust pro-rebel sources, as the video was uploaded by the pro-rebel Sham Times along with their own twist.
The Guardian’s headline for the video was “Syrian boy ‘saves girl from army sniper’” and the Telegraph delicately suggested the Syrian military was responsible for the fake bullets. The International Business (IB) times stated, “the snipers, who reportedly are said to be the government forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.” IB Times never explicitly mentioned who reported this information. They then took it a step further and concluded the article with “the incident certainly is not the first time that Pro-Assad gunmen have targeted children”. Well it is at least not the first time the mainstream media has presented false reports as fact. In 2012, CNN claimed a bullet that killed a four year old girl in Aleppo was shot by government snipers even whilst admitting the bullet came from rebel held buildings.
Other journalists took to Twitter to make unfounded claims about army snipers targeting the boy. Vinnie O’Dowd who has done work for Channel 4 and Al Jazeera tweeted “Syrian Regime Targets kids. Liz Sly of the Washington Post tweeted incredulously that “Soldiers kept shooting” at children.
Scrutinising the Scrutinisers (Experts)

This is very strange since both children in the film walk away after being directly and repeatedly hit by bullets. The creators of the film said he purposely scripted this as a big hint that the video is fake. The lack of scrutiny the media experts employed suggests incompetence or the same level of bias as the media that employs them .
Heather Saul of the Independent wrote that one of the ‘Middle East experts” she showed the video to was from Human Rights Watch. Indeed, Human Rights Watch European Media Director Andrew Stroehlein, showed no doubt on the authenticity of the film when he tweeted it out to his followers. The New York based human rights organisation is not new at tweeting false information, last month they used an image of the Odessa fire, where US-backed militia’s burned thirty two people to death, as an example of ‘Putin’s repressive policies’. In 2008 Venezuela expelled two HRW staff members accused of “anti-state activities” after producing a report against the Chavez government. Guardian journalist Hugh O’Shaughnessy accused HRW of using false and misleading information in the report, as well as pro-Washington bias. In 2009 HRW received financial donations from the Saudi government which may, in part, explain the anti-Syrian slant.

Blaming the Producer
Instead of humbly accepting blame for spreading disinformation, many western journalists and their experts reacted by blaming the producer of the film. The collective rage of the entire mainstream media forced the film’s producer to delete any trace of this 30,000 dollar experiment. Some journalists took to Twitter to express their rage at being exposed as easily duped by convenient propaganda.
The experts that were fooled by the video also strongly protested. HRW posted a complaint that the fake video “eroded the public trust in war reporting’, in other words blind trust in HRW analysis and war propaganda. Eliot Higgins posted an open letter to the producer of the film on his website Bellingcat, condemning the film.
GlobalPost referred to the film as ‘irresponsible and dangerous’ but not because it could be used to promote wars and make false accusations. What the real danger to the mainstream media and their experts seems to be, is that as a result of the films exposure as a fraud, future video claims may now have to be properly scrutinized and the public may not be so unquestioning in future. However it is the journalists’ lack of scrutiny that is truly what is irresponsible and dangerous. Had the director not admitted the film was fake, these journalists more than likely would have kept promoting the story as an example of Syrian Army war crimes.
Maram Susli also known as “Syrian Girl,” is an activist-journalist and social commentator covering Syria and the wider topic of geopolitics. especially for the online magazine“New Eastern Outlook”.
First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2014/11/27/what-the-fake-syria-sniper-boy-video-tell-us-about-media-experts/
First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2014/11/27/what-the-fake-syria-sniper-boy-video-tell-us-about-media-experts/
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