Malaysian Airlines MH17 Downed by Ukrainian Military Aircraft. Kiev Regime False Flag
Selected Articles
At the APEC Summit in Beijing, Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott who is hosting this week’s G20 meetings in Brisbane, intimated in no uncertain terms, during a 15 minute encounter with Russian President Vladimir Putin, that Moscow was responsible for the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine.
During the meeting, Mr Abbott is reported to have stated that “Russia had armed the rebels who shot down the aircraft and killed 38 Australians.” Mr Abbott said that “MH17 was destroyed by a missile from a launcher that had come out of Russia, was fired from inside Eastern Ukraine and then returned to Russia… [and that this] was a very serious matter.”

Lest we forget, the downing of MH17 was used as a pretext by Washington to impose economic sanctions on the Russian Federation.
The Western media and governments have gone to arms length to suppress and distort the evidence which points to the downing of MH17 not by a Buk missile but by a Ukrainian military aircraft.
Spanish Air Traffic Controller’s Twitter Report [translated from Spanish]
One of the first reports (in real time) pointing to the presence of two Ukrainian military aircraft was revealed by the Spanish air traffic controller’s twitter messages on the day of the attacks. (emphasis added)
11:48 – 17 de jul. de 2014
The B777 plane flew escorted by Ukraine jet fighter until 2 minutes before disappearing from the radar,
11:54 – 17 de jul. de 2014
“If kiev authorities want to tell the truth, It´s gathered, 2 jet fighters flew very close minutes before, wasn’t downed by a fighter”
12:00 – 17 de jul. de 2014
“Malaysia Airlines B777 plane just disappeared and Kiev military authority informed us of the downing, How they knew?”
12:00 – 17 de jul. de 2014
“7:00 minutes after [plane disappeared], the downing was notified, later our tower was taken with foreigner staff, they still here ”
12:01 – 17 de jul. de 2014
“all this is gathered in radars, to the unbelieving, shot down by kiev, here we know it and military air traffic control also”
13:15 – 17 de jul. de 2014
“Here the military commanders are in control and admit that the military could be following other orders , but no, the pro-Russian”
13:29 – 17 de jul. de 2014
“Interior Minister knew what the fighters were doing in the area, the defense minister didn’t.”
13:31 – 17 de jul. de 2014
“Military confirm It was Ukraine, but still does not know where the order came from”
The Spanish air-controller’s Twitter account was closed down by Twitter. This report from Kiev’s air traffic control was dismissed by the mainstream media as “a conspiracy theory”. The audio records of communication between air traffic control and the plane were not made public.Spanish Air Controller @ Kiev Borispol Airport: Ukraine Military Shot Down Boeing MH#17 bBy Global Research News, July 18, 2014
The Report of German Pilot Peter Haisenko

The cockpit shows traces of shelling! You can see the entry and exit holes. The edge of a portion of the holes is bent inwards. These are the smaller holes, round and clean, showing the entry points most likely that of a 30 millimeter caliber projectile.Revelations of German Pilot: Shocking Analysis of the “Shooting Down” of Malaysian MH17. “Aircraft Was Not Hit by a Missile” By Peter Haisenko, September 09, 2014
The Suppressed BBC Report on Eyewitness Testimonies
The BBC in an early report from Eastern Ukraine (which was subsequently suppressed) provided testimonies that MH17 was shot down by a military aircraft. The BBC has censored its own news reporting. That BBC report including the video was removed by the BBC:
The inhabitants of the nearby villages are certain that they saw military aircraft in the sky shortly prior to the catastrophe. According to them, it actually was the jet fighters that brought down the Boeing.
The Ukrainian government rejects this version of events. They believe that the Boeing was shot down using a missile from a “BUK” complex that came in from Russia.
BBC reporter Olga Ivshina and producer Oksana Vozhdayeva decided to find the place from which the missile was allegedly launched.
Eyewitness #2: … And there was another aircraft, a military one, beside it. Everybody saw it.
Eyewitness #1: Yes, yes. It was flying under it, because it could be seen. It was proceeding underneath, below the civilian one.
Original BBC Video Report: Preserved by Google Web-cache[both the original BCC video as well as the web cache BBC report on Google has also been suppressed]
Below is the same BBC Russian Services report which was reposted on the internetSee Deleted BBC Report. “Ukrainian Fighter Jet Shot Down MHI7″, Donetsk Eyewitnesses By Global Research News, September 10, 2014
The Report of OSCE Monitor Michael Bociurkiw
Michael Bociurkiw, head of the OSCE group of monitors confirmed in late July in a CBC TV interview (which has not been suppressed) the presence of machine gun holes in fuselage (pointing to a military aircraft rather than a missile). The byline of the CBC report was ”OSCE monitor Michael Bociurkiw mentions bullet holes in #MH17, not able to find any missile so far”
Original source… – OSCE monitor Michael Bociurkiw mentions bullet holes in #MH17, not able to find any missile so far.
The Kiev Regime’s Official Report on the Downing of MH17
It is worth noting that one week after Michael Bociukiw’s statement, the Kiev regime released its official report (August 7) on the downing of MH17 drafted by Ukraine’s intelligence bureau, The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). This report, which borders on the absurd, has barely been acknowledged by the mainstream media.
According to the SBU report entitled Terrorists and Militants planned cynical terrorist attack at Aeroflot civil aircraft , the Donetsk militia (with the support of Moscow) was aiming at a Russian Aeroflot passenger plane and shot down the Malaysian MH17 airliner by mistake. That’s the official Ukraine government story which has not been reported by the MSM, nor mentioned “officially” by Western governments.
According to the Kiev regime, the Donetsk militia did not intend to shoot down Malaysian airlines MH17. What the “pro-Russian rebels” were aiming at was a Russian Aeroflot passenger plane.
The MH17 was shot down “by mistake” according to an official statement by the head of Ukraine’s Secret Service, Valentine Nalyvaichenko (Ukraine News Service, August 7, 2014).
According to SBU Chief Nalyvaichenko who casually accuses the Russian government of planning to shoot down a Russian Aeroflot flight:
“Ukraine’s law enforcement and intelligence agencies have established during the investigation into a terrorist attack on the Boeing… that on that day, July 17, and at that time military mercenaries and terrorists from the Russian Federation planned to carry out a terrorist attack against a passenger aircraft of Aeroflot en route from Moscow to Larnaca… as a pretext for the further invasion by Russia,”Nalyvaichenko said that the Kiev government reached this conclusion “in the course of its own investigation into the downing of MH17″.
“This cynical terrorist attack was planned for the day when the [Malaysia Airlines] plane happened to fly by, planned by war criminals as a pretext for the further military invasion by the Russian Federation, that is, there would be a casus belli,” he added.
Thus, according Nalyvaichenko, the terrorists downed the Malaysian airliner by mistake.” (Ukraine Interfax News, August 8, 2014)
According to Britain’s foremost news tabloid, The Mail on Sunday, quoting the head of Ukraine intelligence, the insidious design of the pro-Russian rebels (supported by Moscow) was to shoot down a Russian commercial airline plane, with a view to blaming the Ukrainian government. The objective of this alleged “false flag” covert op was to create a justifiable and credible pretext for Vladimir Putin to declare war on Ukraine.
Desperate MH17 “Intelligence” Spin. Ukraine Secret Service Contends that “Pro-Russian Rebels had Targeted a Russian Passenger Plane”. “But Shot Down Flight MH17 by Mistake”By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 06, 2014
Below is a selection of key articles which dispels the media lies and official government fabrications to the effect that the Donbass militia supported by Moscow was behind the attack on Malaysian airlines MH17.
Was Ukraine’s Ministry of Interior behind the Downing of Malaysian Airlines MH17? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 18, 2014
At no juncture during the Ukrainian crisis could the downing of flight MH17 have been more convenient for NATO and its proxy regime in Kiev. Kiev’s forces in eastern Ukraine are being repealed. NATO’s attempts to bait Russia into moving into Ukrainian territory have failed.
Dutch MH17 Investigation Omits US “Intel”. Fabrications and Omissions Supportive of US-NATO Agenda Directed against Russia By Tony Cartalucci, September 19, 2014
MH17 Verdict: Real Evidence Points to US-Kiev Cover-up of Failed “False Flag” By 21st Century Wire, September 14, 201
Report by Dutch Investigators of MH17 Crash Dispels Notion about Missile Attack. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 11, 2014
Spanish Air Controller @ Kiev Borispol Airport: Ukraine Military Shot Down Boeing MH#17 By Global Research News, July 18, 2014
Dutch Safety Board (DSB) Report: Malaysian MH17 was Brought Down by “A Large Number of High Energy Objects”, Contradicts US Claims that it Was Shot Down by a “Russian Missile” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Julie Lévesque, September 09, 2014
“Support MH17 Truth”: OSCE Monitors Identify “Shrapnel and Machine Gun-Like Holes” indicating Shelling. No Evidence of a Missile Attack. Shot Down by a Military Aircraft? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 09, 2014
MH17 Preliminary Report: Plane Hit by “Large Number of High-Energy Objects”By Ria Novosti, September 09, 2014
Camouflage and Coverup: The Dutch Commission Report on the Malaysian MH17 Crash is “Not Worth the Paper it’s Written On”By Peter Haisenko, September 11, 2014
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