Người ta chen lấn, dành giựt, sẵn sàng giết nhau vì những thứ hoàn toàn KHÔNG CẦN THIẾT cho cuộc sống thoải mái hay hạnh phúc của họ. Tất cả hành xử say máu như một "thói quen" đã huân tập từ bao giờ!
Trò chơi vĩ đại dĩ nhiên là cuộc sâu xé toàn cầu vì quyền lực và khống trị. Những quyền lực chặt chẽ đã nằm trong vị thế của chúng từ bao lâu nay và chúng chẳng hề có ý định từ bỏ vị thế quyền lực này. Điều mà một số thành phần còn đạo lý và lương thiện tử tế của loài người cần phải hiểu rõ rệt rằng những kẻ này và đám tay sai của chúng không hề có chút lương tâm nào.
Chúng chẳng hề quan tâm có bao nhiêu người chết đói, bị giết banh xác trong chiến tranh hoặc phí đời trước màn ảnh truyền hình xem diễn viên Snookie trong những chuyện đời tư cho công chúng xem the Jersey Shore (reality show). Thật sự. Tôi chắc chắn rằng bọn chúng rất thống khoái những thứ này. Những trò hạ cấp hoá nhân bản xuống một tình trạng súc vật rõ ràng là những thuốc kích dục của bọn họ.
Chú ý cái cách bọn báo chí truyền thông khuyến khích người ta ào ra chà đạp lên nhau chỉ vì cái máy làm bánh nướng 2 mỹ kim như thế nào trong ngày Thứ Sáu Đen (ngày "lễ tạ ơn"- ThanhkGivings). Những cảnh người ta ào đi siêu thị Wal-Mart hay Best Buy từ lúc sáng sớm khi mà lẽ ra họ đã nên ở nhà với gia đình chuyện trò sau bữa ăn tối "lễ tạ ơn", gợi nhớ cho tôi cảnh tượng đàn súc vật bị lùa vào cửa nông trại. (Tyler Durden)
The great game is of course the never-ending global struggle for power and dominance. The current entrenched powers that be have been in their positions for a very long time and they have no intention of giving up that role. What the moral and decent percentage of humanity need to understand in no uncertain terms is that these folks and their minions have no conscience. They could care less how many starve to death, get blown to bits in war or waste their lives away in front of the television set watching Snookie on the Jersey Shore. In fact, I am certain that they totally get off on these things. Degrading humanity into an animal-like state clearly appears to be their aphrodisiac. Notice how the media encourages people to go out and trample each other for a $2 waffle maker on Black Friday. The scenes of people running into Wal-Mart or Best Buy in the early morning hours when they should be at home with their families having conversation after Thanksgiving dinner reminds me of scenes of cattle being shuffled into a sorting pen.
Thât kinh khiếp!
Tuỳ mỗi quí độc giả suy ngẫm chất vấn từ chính bản thân, gia đình, thân nhân, hàng xóm chung quanh mình, và có kết luận riêng!
1- Con Người hay Bầy Thú Tranh Mồi???
2- Giành giựt con Búp Bê!
3- Đánh nhau vì quần lót!
“An Unstoppable Zombie Holiday” – Humanity Shudders As America Exports Black Friday To the World

Because nothing gives "Thanks" like Americans fighting over things they don't need...
Exhibit 1: Doorbuster deals at a Wal-Mart in Michigan City, Indiana, had shoppers literally stealing items from other people’s carts.
Exhibit 2: 2 Women Fight At Norwalk Walmart Over Barbie Doll
Things appeared to get a little out of hand Thursday night, as shoppers swarmed the Wal-Mart in Michigan City, pushing and shoving as they fought to grab heavily discounted merchandise.
A shopper named Rich grabbed his cell phone camera and filmed as one man tried to grab what appeared to be a home theater system from another man in a Bears jersey. The Bears fan was able to wrestle it away, and get out of the scrum.
Some bystanders seemed amused by the chaos, others looked a little frightened.
It appeared the scene was about to repeat itself, with a woman as the victim, but she also managed to get away with her prize.
But it's not just America, it appears the UK as caught the post 'Thanksgiving Day'? bug...
Authorities said two women got into a pushing and shoving match — with at least one of them reportedly throwing a punch — over a Barbie doll on Thanksgiving evening.
Sheriff’s Deputies has to be called to the Walmart store in the 11700 block of Imperial Highway after reports of the fight broke out.
Witnesses said the two women began fighting over a Barbie doll just before 7 p.m.
Deputies were able to diffuse the situation and said no one was arrested.
Officials also said no one was injured in the altercation.
“The whole thing was pretty stupid,” said a shopper named Sonia, “that was very dumb.”
Exhibit 3: Girls fight over cheap panties...
Exhibit 4: Americans celebrating Thanksgiving in Britain may have felt right at home as Black Friday shopping chaos caused disruptions.
The practice of offering bargain basement prices the day after Thanksgiving has spread across the Atlantic, with some retailers opening overnight to lure shoppers.
Police were called early Friday morning to help maintain security at some supermarkets and shopping outlets that offered deep discounts starting at midnight.
As Liberty Blitzkrieg's Mike Krieger notes,
Greater Manchester Police said two arrests were made and injuries reported as police closed some stores to prevent more severe problems. One woman was injured by a falling television set.Black Friday is one of those days when all the hope and optimism one possesses for the future of humanity is threatened by the gross, primal, in-your-face reality. I’ve written about the holiday before, specifically, in the piece, The SDR: The Same Demented Regime. Here’s an excerpt:
The force tweeted “Keep calm, people!” at one point.
There were problems in many parts of Britain, including Wales and Scotland.
– From the Associated Press: Black Friday Chaos Hits Britain
The great game is of course the never-ending global struggle for power and dominance. The current entrenched powers that be have been in their positions for a very long time and they have no intention of giving up that role. What the moral and decent percentage of humanity need to understand in no uncertain terms is that these folks and their minions have no conscience. They could care less how many starve to death, get blown to bits in war or waste their lives away in front of the television set watching Snookie on the Jersey Shore. In fact, I am certain that they totally get off on these things. Degrading humanity into an animal-like state clearly appears to be their aphrodisiac. Notice how the media encourages people to go out and trample each other for a $2 waffle maker on Black Friday. The scenes of people running into Wal-Mart or Best Buy in the early morning hours when they should be at home with their families having conversation after Thanksgiving dinner reminds me of scenes of cattle being shuffled into a sorting pen.It was always a uniquely American embarrassment. A day when the rest of the world could smugly and confidently sneer at the their consumption-obsessed, overweight, and violent brothers and sisters abroad; secure in the fact that were distinctly different.
Well, as Bob Dylan sang, “The Times They are a Changin’,” and the highest-holy day of the American religion of consumerism is coming your way whether you like it or not. Naturally, it is gaining its most robust foothold in the United Kingdom. I thought Arriana Huffington summarized it well in the following tweet:
Here are some of the observations from that article:
LONDON (AP) — Americans celebrating Thanksgiving in Britain may have felt right at home as Black Friday shopping chaos caused disruptions.But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. As Glenn Greenwald notes, the Black Friday virus has also infected his adopted home country of Brazil. See below:
The practice of offering bargain basement prices the day after Thanksgiving has spread across the Atlantic, with some retailers opening overnight to lure shoppers.
Police were called early Friday morning to help maintain security at some supermarkets and shopping outlets that offered deep discounts starting at midnight.
Some of the worst problems were in the Manchester area in northwestern England where police were summoned to seven Tesco supermarkets after disturbances.
Greater Manchester Police Chief Peter Fahy said he was “disappointed” that stores did not have enough security personnel on duty for the after-hours shopping.
“This created situations where we had to deal with crushing, disorder and disputes between customers,” he said.
Fights broke out at some stores and major websites stopped functioning because of too much traffic as shoppers sought online bargains.
Think you’re safe in Africa? Think again. Check out this piece from MarketWatch:
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Funmi Adeyemi has been saving all year for Black Friday. Since October, she’s been surfing U.S. websites and has picked out $300 worth of merchandise, including Ralph Lauren apparel for her two-and four-year-old kids and shoes from Neiman Marcus for herself.Here’s a billboard from Nigeria:
And she’s made her selections from the comfort of home — in the Nigerian capital, Abuja.
Black Friday “is when I wait to do most of my shopping,” Adeyemi said. “I can buy everything in one day. I buy whatever catches my eye and whatever is the right price. It’s a big thing here and has gone viral. A lot of people are waiting for (U.S.) Black Friday sales.”
The 32-year-old project manager is waiting until Friday to see what discounts she can get before placing final online orders. And she’s a pro. This is the fifth Black Friday that she has spent shopping for U.S. deals from Nigeria with the help of mobile shopping app, MallforAfrica.
Major U.S. retailers do not ship directly to Nigeria, so MallforAfrica acts as middleman, shipping the goods bought on U.S. websites to the West African country. MallforAfrica CEO and founder Chris Folayan, a Nigerian who lives in the U.S., said there has been a spike in signups to the app in the past two days.
And Adeyemi and her fellow Nigerians aren’t alone. While Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving that traditionally kicks off the U.S. holiday shopping season, may be losing its sizzle in its home market, it’s gaining ground overseas.
“We’ve certainly exported the Black Friday madness to the world,” said Borderfree CEO Michael DeSimone. “It’s become a big shopping day around the world. We don’t just see (orders) from Canada and Australia but also the Middle East and China.”

Just in case you needed further proof that the religion of consumerism knows no borders.
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