Tại Úc Thòi Lòi, một quốc gia có đám Nhà Nước làm tay sai đắc lực nhất của nhà nước Mỹ tại khu vực Á Châu Thái Bình Dương, đám đĩ điếm báo chí chính qui của cả hai phía Tả và Hữu đã được lệnh tiên phong trong chiến dịch bôi nhọ hạ thấp và buộc tội PHẢN QUỐC cho anh Edward Snowden. Tung tin Snowden có liên hệ với tình báo Trung Quốc, Nga.. !!! Có lẽ trong nay mai, Snowden còn trở thành Al Quaeda!!!
Did Snowden have foreign help, US asks
The Age - 2 hours ago
The picture of Edward Snowden, bottom, former CIA employee who leaked top-secret documents about sweeping US surveillance programs, ...
- The Australian - 13 hours ago
US probes Snowden's China links - WA Today
www.watoday.com.au › World2 hours ago – The picture of Edward Snowden, bottom, former CIA employee who leaked top- secret documents about sweeping US surveillance programs, -
Snowden is certainly no saint or saviour | The Australian
www.theaustralian.com.au/.../snowden-is.../story-fnhulnf5-122666346383013 hours ago – IN 24 hours, Edward Snowden has gone from being a former contract worker at America's National Security Agency to a godlike figure who has ...
Hành động nhất quán này được thấy rõ không chỉ hiện nay mà ngay từ thời chiến tranh thế giới Úc luôn thí mạng người dân của họ theo lệnh của Anh Mỹ, rồi chiến tranh Việt Nam, Tmor v,v sẵn sàng bán đứng hay bỏ rơi công dân của mình theo lệnh Mỹ như trường hợp David Hick, Habbib, và hiện nay Jullian Assange. Wikileaks đã phơi bằng chứng dân biểu nghị sĩ quốc hội Mỹ làm tình báo cho Mỹ, báo cáo tình hình chính trị Úc cho Mỹ v.v
Tại Mỹ đám báo chí Chính Qui sừng sỏ liên tục tấn công không chỉ Snowden mà bất cứ nhân vật nào đã và đang tố cáo tội ác Nhà nước, trận đánh nhịp nhàng với bản Kiến Nghị Xin Obama KHOAN HỒNG cho Snowden!!!
Mỉa mai thay, trong khi đó anh Ai Wie Wei, một nhà nghệ thuật dân chủ đối kháng Trung quốc nổi tiếng đã lên tiếng bênh vực Snowden và lên án là Nhà Nước Mỹ đang hành xử chẳng khác gì nhà nước Trung Quốc. Cũng như bọn nhà nước Việt Cộng hay Ngụy ngục, hay bất cứ bọn nhà nước nào như Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, Arab Seoude, Brahain, Nga v.v khi bị người dân tố cáo và đòi dân chủ đều dùng chiêu bài "TAY SAI NƯỚC NGOÀI" để bôi nhọ đàn áp ĐỐI LẬP- Chính vì đại đa số dân chúng vẫn còn não trạng NHÀ NƯỚC QUỐC GIA nên chiêu bài "tay sai ngoại bang" lúc nào cũng hữu hiệu cho đến khi chính mình là nạn nhân, nếu như không may mắn có đủ điều kiện để BỎ ĐI TỊ NẠN NƯỚC NGOÀI, thì đã quá trễ ! Bài học này dầy đặc trong lịch sử và NGAY BẢN THÂN CỦA HÀNG TRIỆU NGƯỜI HIỆN DANG SỐNG KHẮP THẾ GIỚI BÊN NGOÀI TỔ CÒ của chính họ, nhưng cũng chẳng thể vỡ đầu ra được điều gì!!!
Để xem bọn chính trị gia và báo chí chính qui tay sai Mỹ sẽ phản ứng gì khi chúng đã từng ca ngợi Ai Wei Wei là nhà DÂN CHỦ TỰ DO khi anh can đảm trực diện đối kháng nhà nước Tầu, và hôm nay Ai Wei Wei lên án "nhà nước Mỹ dân chủ tận thiện" của chúng!
NSA surveillance: The US is behaving like China
Both governments think they are doing what is best for the state and people. But, as I know, such abuse of power can ruin lives
- The Guardian, Tuesday 11 June 2013 23.30 AEST
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and Barack Obama appear on the front pages of local papers in Hong Kong on 11 June 2013. Photograph: Bobby Yip/Reuters
Even though we know governments do all kinds of things I was shocked by the information about the US surveillance operation, Prism. To me, it's abusively using government powers to interfere in individuals' privacy. This is an important moment for international society to reconsider and protect individual rights.
I lived in the United States for 12 years. This abuse of state power goes totally against my understanding of what it means to be a civilised society, and it will be shocking for me if American citizens allow this to continue. The US has a great tradition of individualism and privacy and has long been a centre for free thinking and creativity as a result.
In our experience in China, basically there is no privacy at all – that is why China is far behind the world in important respects: even though it has become so rich, it trails behind in terms of passion, imagination and creativity.
Of course, we live under different kinds of legal conditions – in the west and in developed nations there are other laws that can balance or restrain the use of information if the government has it. That is not the case in China, and individuals are completely naked as a result. Intrusions can completely ruin a person's life, and I don't think that could happen in western nations.
But still, if we talk about abusive interference in individuals' rights, Prism does the same. It puts individuals in a very vulnerable position. Privacy is a basic human right, one of the very core values. There is no guarantee that China, the US or any other government will not use the information falsely or wrongly. I think especially that a nation like the US, which is technically advanced, should not take advantage of its power. It encourages other nations.
Before the information age the Chinese government could decide you were a counter-revolutionary just because a neighbour reported something they had overheard. Thousands, even millions of lives were ruined through the misuse of such information.
Today, through its technical abilities, the state can easily get into anybody's bank account, private mail, conversations, and social media accounts. The internet and social media give us new possibilities of exploring ourselves.
But we have never exposed ourselves in this way before, and it makes us vulnerable if anyone chooses to use it against us. Any information or communication could put young people under the surveillance of the state. Very often, when oppressive states arrest people, they have that information in their hands. It can be used as a way of controlling you, to tell you: we know exactly what you're thinking or doing. It can drive people to madness.
When human beings are scared and feel everything is exposed to the government, we will censor ourselves from free thinking. That's dangerous for human development.
In the Soviet Union before, in China today, and even in the US, officials always think what they do is necessary, and firmly believe they do what is best for the state and the people. But the lesson that people should learn from history is the need to limit state power.
If a government is elected by the people, and is genuinely working for the people, they should not give in to these temptations.
During my detention in China I was watched 24 hours a day. The light was always on. There were two guards on two-hour shifts standing next to me – even watching when I swallowed a pill; I had to open mouth so they could see my throat. You have to take a shower in front of them; they watch you while you brush your teeth, in the name of making sure you're not hurting yourself. They had three surveillance cameras to make sure the guards would not communicate with me.
But the guards whispered to me. They told stories about themselves. There is always humanity and privacy, even under the most restrictive conditions.
To limit power is to protect society. It is not only about protecting individuals' rights but making power healthier.
Civilisation is built on that trust and everyone must fight to defend it, and to protect our vulnerable aspects – our inner feelings, our families. We must not hand over our rights to other people. No state power should be given that kind of trust. Not China. Not the US.
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