Nếu đang ở gần thành phố Newyork, hãy tham gia BIỂU TÌNH SÁT CÁNH VỚI EDWARD SNOWDEN!
Nếu BẠN LÀ CÔNG DÂN MỸ, thể hiện tinh thẩn trách nhiệm với tự do và dân quyền, hảy ký tên vào đây:

Explaining his actions, the 29-year-old computer expert said: “I can't in good conscience allow the U.S. government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building."
We thank Edward Snowden for his principled and courageous actions as a whistleblower, informing the public about vast surveillance by the National Security Agency that undermines our civil liberties.
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