Càng ngày những "chi tiết không ăn khớp" của vụ bắn giết tại Toulouse Pháp càng lộ diện dần dần. Điều đầu tiên phải khẳng định là do nỗ lực của báo giới độc lập. Giới báo chí phóng viên độc lập, với một tinh thần báo chí và nguyên lý điều tra đã đặt những câu nghi vấn chuẩn xác và táo bạo, khiến bọn cầm quyền bị buộc phải trả lời lúng túng và khỏa lấp. Nhưng càng khỏa lấp càng lòi ra những dấu diếm gian manh.
Khi sự vụ vừa nổ ra, một số trang độc lập đã điều tra thu thập một số chi tiết chồng chéo do các cơ quan an ninh nhà nước của Mỹ, Afganistan, và Pháp đưa ra. Và họ đã nghi rằng vụ này là một trò khủng bố đen (false flag, balck terror) do Pháp, Mỹ và Mossad của Do Thái phối hợp làm. Như trang Nhân Chủ có đăng (Chuyện Gì đã Xảy Ra Bên Trong Nước Pháp???), những chi tiết ngờ vực và TẠM KẾT LUẬN như:
1- Mohamed Merah là do Mỹ, Pháp và Do Thái đào tạo đóng vai khủng bố trong chương trình Phản Gián Phối Hợp tại A Phú Hãn- (Joint Special Operations Command and the DIA's Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center (DCHC). Chương trình này đào tạo những gián điệp để thâm nhập các nhóm, và tổ chức Hồi giáo tại những quốc gia được chấm điểm.
2- Vụ bắn giết 3 người lính nhảy dù Pháp gốc Hồi giáo, đã có bằng chứng không phải do Merah. Theo những nhân chứng thì hình dáng kẻ sát nhân không giống Merah.
3- Có những chỉ dấu cho thấy Merah cũng không phải là kẻ trực tiếp bắn 4 người Do Thái tại Toulouse. Qua những đoạn quay từ máy "Ghi Hình" gửi trên mạng, mà Al Jazeera có được, nhưng bị Do Thái và Pháp cảnh cáo không cho đăng tải, thì có những chi tiết "xếp đặt" và "phim kịch" hơn là "nguyên bản".
4- Merah bị gài bẫy và bị giết để làm "dê tế thần"
Và cho đến nay, THEO THÔNG TIN CHÍNH QUI- và một số chi tiết từ chính giới chức An Ninh Do Thái cũng như Pháp lấp lửng đưa ra là:
1- Merah đã từng được An Ninh Pháp, Mossad đưa đến thăm Israel vào năm 2011!
2- Merah "từng" là nhân viên "điềm chỉ" cho An Ninh Nội Chính Pháp.
3- Merah hành động một mình, không nhận lệnh gì từ Al Quaeda.
Thế là thế nào? Chúng ta lại cứ phải chờ tiếp!
Nếu thật sự đúng như những diễn giải của giói báo chí điều tra độc lập, thì tội nghiệp cho chàng trai trẻ Merah, tin vào "Nhà Nước", làm việc lãnh lương, rồi bị bắn đứng thủ tiêu vì mục tiêu chính trị bất nhân của bọn chính trị gia Nhà Nước.
Và một lần nữa thêm bằng chứng để chúng ta khẳng định sắt đá là BỌN NHÀ NƯỚC AN NINH KHÔNG BAO GIỜ NÓI THẬT- và CHÍNH CHÚNG NÓ MỚI LÀ KẺ KHỦNG BỐ ĐỜI SỐNG NGƯỜI DÂN từ NHIỀU MẶT.
Nhân Chủ
Các Nguồn Tham Khảo:
Israel confirms visit by Mohammed Merah
JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Toulouse killer Mohammed Merah visited Israel in late 2010, Israeli officials said.Confirming French media reports, the officials said Monday that Merah, who claimed responsibility for the murders in southern France of four Jews and three soldiers, crossed into the West Bank from Jordan in September 2010 before leaving the same way three days later.
Merah passed an Israeli security screening at the Allenby Bridge border crossing, the officials said, but it remained unclear whether his visit included Israel as well as Palestinian areas.
Merah, who jumped to his death from a window amid a hail of gunfire by French police on March 22, claimed to have belonged to al-Qaida. He visited Afghanistan in November 2010.
During a 30-hour standoff with police, Merah admitted to the killings at the Ozar Hatorah school in Toulouse and the three soldiers in nearby Montauban.
2-Elite French counter-terrorism police were closing in Wednesday to arrest a suspect in the killing this week of three children and a teacher at a Jewish school in the southwestern city of Toulouse, France.
The suspect in the attacks was identified as a 23-year-old Frenchman from Toulouse of Algerian descent named Mohammed Merah. He has reportedly traveled to Afghanistan and Pakistan, served jail time in France from 2007-2009 for non-terrorism related offenses, and allegedly has proclaimed ties to al-Qaida. Police earlier Wednesday arrested the man's brother, whose computer IP address was reportedly used to answer an ad for a motorbike for sale by one of three French soldiers shot last week. A youngster cries against a hearse following a ceremony at the Ozar Hatorah Jewish school in Toulouse March 20, …
The suspect's mother has been brought to the scene to try to assist police in persuading her son to surrender. France's Interior Minister Claude Guéant also arrived on the scene, outside a residential building in the northern Toulouse neighborhood of Croix-Daurade.
Mareh has barricaded himself in the building, which the police were surrounding after a thirteen-hour standoff, as French officials addressed the media nearby.Earlier Wednesday, two French police officers were wounded in a shoot out with the suspect, MSNBC reported. The operation to try to take Mareh into custody has been broadcast live on French television all day.
French news channel BFM TV reported that Merah "was linked to Forsane Alizza (Knights of Pride), an Islamist group banned last month in France," the BBC reported. "From a family of five children, the suspect is a mechanic by trade, according to Le Point."
A man claiming to be the gunman called French broadcaster France 24 Wednesday saying he had filmed the killings and would post the videos online, the broadcaster said.
The same .45 caliber gun has reportedly been used in three separate shooting incidents over the past nine days, resulting in seven deaths in the Toulouse area. Those killed include four people at the Jewish school this week, as well as three French troops of North African and Caribbean descent, who were killed in two separate incidents last week. The victims were shot in the head by a gunman riding a black Yamaha scooter, reports said.
The chief suspect is said to have cited the death of Palestinian children as the reason for the attacks, and to have targeted the French troops of North African descent (like himself) because he considered them traitors. French police allegedly tracked him based on recent emails inquiring about the sale of the motorbike.
Killed in the attacks on Ozar Hatorah school in Toulouse Monday were Jonathan Sandler, a rabbi and teacher at the school, his two sons, Gabriel and Arieh, ages 3 and 6, and Miriam Monsonego, the 7-year-old daughter of the school principal. A fifth person, a 17-year-old boy, was also wounded in the attack.
Those killed at the Toulouse Jewish school, who had dual French-Israeli nationality, were buried in Israel Wednesday. Their bodies were flown to Israel from France Wednesday, accompanied by their relatives and French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe.
The French embassy in Washington will give those who wish to sign a book of condolences over the Toulouse tragedy an opportunity to do so on Wednesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
2-Anyone who still disbelieves that Zionists are actively trying to put the far-right into power is a delusional moron. The Toulouse shooting was a dripping ZC drama from the very beginning:
CASTThat is, of course, unless we examine how the official story just doesn’t add up.
Jews – innocent perpetual Holocaust victims
Muslims – bad guys
Far-right – good guys falsely accused and vindicated, and who tried to warn us about the bad guys, and who will save us from the bad guys if you vote for them next month
We are supposed to believe that not only does the suspect have links to the non-existent ’al-Qaeda’, but – wait for it – the police tracked him down when he tried to SELL ONLINE the scooter he used for the shootings, which police had explicitly announced they were searching for. Not even Saturday morning cartoon villains are that stupid!
“FOR SALE: Black Scooter (Toulouse)”And all this occurring just before the French presidential elections. Would a real mujahid have chosen this timing for the shootings, knowing full well the effect it would have on the voters? I swear they are trying to insult our intelligence. (Of course the Gentiles won’t get it. They will just say: “See! The whitehatingwhitegenocidalantiwhite media was trying to blame the killings on the National Front! Now it turned out to be a Mudslime! Told you so! Marine Le Pen for president!”)
[so ridiculous that if you believe it, I have some gas chambers to sell you]
And just in case we don’t get the ZC message that it is horribly un-ZC to blame the far-right, here is the Zionist BBC to spell it out for us (1:30 onwards):
I am honestly not sure anymore; does it really take people like us who went through years of 9/11 truther boot camp to find this kind of thing nauseatingly obvious? Well, at least MrGlasgowTruther4U gets it:
Mohamed Merah: secret service informant?
MEDIAWATCH FRANCE, Tues. 27/3/2012: Was Mohamed Merah a French secret service informant? So says a former head of an intelligence agency here in France. Also, an Italian paper says Merah travelled to Israel in 2010 - with the support of French spy agencies.
Speculation Grows: Was France Gunman a Police Informant?
Posted By Jason Ditz On March 28, 2012 @ 6:36 pm In News | 6 Comments
The French government’s attempts to explain why gunman Mohamed Merah escaped scrutiny for so long before an ugly flurry of attacks rose to a new level with an official denial from French spy (DCRI) chief Bernard Squarcini that Merah was missed because he was a “police informant.”
Squarcini’s predecessor, Yves Bonnet, seemed to add to the speculation when he confirmed that Merah was “known” to the DCRI, and termed the local agent as his “handler.”
Merah’s trip to Israel is also getting a second look, with some unconfirmed claims that French spy agencies supported the trip. The details behind this aren’t clear either, but seems to support Bonnet’s speculation that Merah’s ties with DCRI are more than meets the eye.
Merah, 23, killed seven in a spree targeting “apostate” French Muslim soldiers and Jewish school children. The gunman said he was avenging the Palestinian people. In a raid to capture
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