1- Phải chăng Kẻ tổ chức Vụ phim chống Hồi giáo và cuộc tập kích có kế hoạch ăn khớp? Ai có lợi trong kế hoạch này?
2-Khích động Hồi Giáo cuồng tín để làm gì? Phải chăng cố tình đào một hố thật sâu giữa Hồi Giáo và Người Âu Mỹ? Ai MONG MUỐN ĐIỀU NÀY..???
3- Bọn Chủ Chiến và Đại Bản lại có đủ LÝ CỚ ĐỂ NGANG NHIÊN ĐỒ QUÂN VÀO LYBIA!! Đòn tuyệt vọng của đám Đại Do Thái Cộng Hòa tại Mỹ trong mùa bầu cử chăng?
4- Sự thật Mỹ chỉ có tòa một ĐẠI SỨ DUY NHẤT tại thủ đô Tripoli, ngoài ra khộng có tòa lãnh sự nào khác! Vậy "biên cố này" xảy ra ở đâu? Trong dịp nào mà CHỈ CÓ 4 nhân viên ngoại giao, Đại Sứ và 3 tùy viên" đến tham dự?
Trên thế giới, chỉ có bọn DO THÁI và Ngụy Ngục ĐẶC BIỆT LÀ NGỤY Thiên chúa GIÁO là mong muốn ĐIỀU NÀY.
Nhưng Ngụy Ngục chắc chắn không đủ khả năng và trình độ làm viêc này (Hê hê hê)
Chỉ còn Do Thái...từ vụ 911 đến những vụ ám sát, khiêu khích sự ngu đần của đám người Hồi giáo, ăn cắp danh tính thân thế căn cước của kẻ khác.. Do Thái tận dụng mọi thủ đoạn để gây căm thù giựa Hồi Giáo và Âu Mỹ...
Libyan Witness: Ambassador Stevens Was Alive When Found
Posted By John Glaser On September 17, 2012 @ 3:32 pm In News | 7 Comments
US Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens was alive when angry Libyans found him after an attack on the consulate building in Benghazi last week, eye witnesses have told the Associated Press.

He was breathing and his eyelids flickered, one witness said. “I tested his pulse and he was alive,” he said “No doubt. His face was blackened and he was like a paralyzed person.”
Photographs of Stevens’ seemingly lifeless body were taken, but one man present took a video of the Libyans carrying Stevens struggling body to the hospital.
This new account sheds light on the confusion surrounding the incident. Initially reported as a spontaneous demonstrated that turned violent, later reports and US intelligence confirmed two separate things seemed to be happening. On the one hand, Libyan protesters were demonstrating against an anti-Muslim film, recently protested against in Cairo. On the other hand, elements of al-Qaeda planned an all out attack on the building, and used live rounds and grenade launchers amid the dueling offensives.
Last 5 posts by John Glaser
Libyan witness: Stevens was breathing when found
By MAGGIE MICHAEL | Associated Press – Mon, Sep 17, 2012
CAIRO (AP) — Ambassador Chris Stevens was still breathing when Libyans stumbled across him inside a room in the American Consulate in Benghazi, pulled him out and drove him to a hospital after last week's deadly attack in the eastern Libyan city, witnesses told The Associated Press on Monday.
Fahd al-Bakoush, a freelance videographer, was among the Libyan civilians searching through the consulate after gunmen and protesters rampaged through it last Tuesday night. Al-Bakoush said he heard someone call out that he had tripped over a dead body.
A group of people gathered as several men pulled the seemingly lifeless form from the room. They saw he was alive and a foreigner, though no one recognized him as Stevens, al-Bakoush said.
He was breathing and his eyelids flickered, he said. "I tested his pulse and he was alive," he said "No doubt. His face was blackened and he was like a paralyzed person."
Video taken by al-Bakoush and posted on YouTube shows Stevens being carried out of a small dark room through a window with a raised shutter and being laid on the floor. One man touches his neck to feel for a pulse. Some of the men shout, "God is great."
The video has been authenticated since Stevens' face is clearly visible and he is wearing the same white t-shirt seen in authenticated photos of him being carried away one another man's shoulders, presumably moments later. Two colleagues of al-Bakoush who also witnessed the scene confirmed that he took the footage.
Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the attack on the consulate, part of a wave of assaults on U.S. diplomatic missions in Muslim countries over a low-budget movie made in the United States that denigrates the Prophet Muhammad.
The accounts of all three witnesses mesh with that of the doctor who treated Stevens that night. Last week, the doctor told The Associated Press that Stevens was nearly lifeless when he was brought by Libyans, with no other Americans around, to the Benghazi hospital where he worked. He said Stevens had severe asphyxia from the smoke and that he tried to resuscitate him with no success. Only later did security officials confirm it was Stevens.
A freelance photographer who was with al-Bakoush at the scene, Abdel-Qader Fadl, said Stevens was unconscious and "maybe moved his head, but only once."
Ahmed Shams, a 22-year-old arts student who works with the two, said the group cried out "God is great" in celebration after discovering he wasn't dead. "We were happy to see him alive. The youth tried to rescue him. But there was no security, no ambulances, nothing to help," he said.
The men carried Stevens to a private car to drive him to the hospital since there was no ambulance, all three witnesses said.
Video shows Libyans trying to rescue US ambassador
Libyans tried to rescue Ambassador Chris Stevens, cheering "God is great" and rushing him to a hospital after they discovered him still clinging to life inside the U.S. Consulate, according to witnesses and a new video that emerged Monday from last week's attack in the city of Benghazi.
Associated Press
Fahd al-Bakoush, a freelance videographer, 22, discusses a video he shot that shows civilians removing the body of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens from a small dark room in the U.S. consulate in Benghazi in the aftermath of the Tuesday Sept. 11, 2012, attack, during an interview with the Associated Press, in Benghazi, Libya.
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I saw former ambassador Bolton on Fox news talking about how "if they don't like u... (September 17, 2012, by gettingreal2) MORE
We basically knew from the beginning that Libyans had tried to defend the Americans and... (September 17, 2012, by gettingreal2) MORE
This is good news in the midst of this tragedy, showing that Libyan people tried to... (September 17, 2012, by -ftg-)
Libyans tried to rescue Ambassador Chris Stevens, cheering "God is great" and rushing him to a hospital after they discovered him still clinging to life inside the U.S. Consulate, according to witnesses and a new video that emerged Monday from last week's attack in the city of Benghazi.
The group of Libyans had stumbled across Stevens' seemingly lifeless form inside a dark room and didn't know who he was, only that he was a foreigner, the man who shot the video and two other witnesses told The Associated Press.
The account underlines the confusion that reigned during the assault by protesters and heavily armed gunmen that overwhelmed the consulate in Benghazi last Tuesday night, killing four Americans, including Stevens, who died from smoke inhalation soon after he was found. U.S. officials are still trying to piece together how the top American diplomat in Libya got separated from others as staffers were evacuated, suffocating in what is believed to be a consulate safe-room.
The Libyans who found him expressed frustration that there was no ambulance and no first aid on hand, leaving him to be slung over a man's shoulder to be carried to a car.
"There was not a single ambulance to carry him. Maybe he was handled the wrong way," said Fahd al-Bakoush, a freelance videographer who shot the footage. "They took him to a private car."
U.S. and Libyan officials are also trying to determine who was behind the attack. Still unclear was whether it had been planned beforehand or was sparked by an anti-Islam film made in the United States that, hours before the Benghazi assault, had sparked protests at the American Embassy in Cairo.
On Sunday, Libyan President Mohammed el-Megarif contended foreign militants had been plotting the attack for months and timed it for Tuesday's 9/11 anniversary.
However, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice said it appeared spontaneous and unplanned, that extremists with heavier weapons "hijacked" the protest and turned it into an outright attack. She noted Libya is awash with weapons.
A CIA memo sent to U.S. lawmakers this weekend, and obtained by The Associated Press, says current intelligence still suggests the demonstrations in Benghazi "were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo" and "evolved into a direct assault" on the diplomatic posts by "extremists."
Soon after the attack, Libyan civilians roamed freely around the trashed consulate, its walls blacked and furniture burned. Among them were the videographer al-Bakoush, and a photographer and art student he often works with.
They heard a panicked shout, "I stepped over a dead man," and rushed to see what was going on, al-Bakoush said. The body had been found inside a dark room with a locked door accessible only by a window. A group of men pulled him out and realized he was a foreigner and still alive.
He was breathing and his eyelids flickered, al-Bakoush said. "He was alive," he said. "No doubt. His face was blackened and he was like a paralyzed person."
Video taken by al-Bakoush and posted on YouTube shows Stevens being carried out of the room through a window with a raised shutter. "Bring him out, man," someone shouts. "Out of the way, out of the way!"
"Alive, Alive!" come other shouts, then a cheer of "God is great."
The next scene shows Stevens lying on a tile floor, with one man touching his neck to check his pulse. Al-Bakoush said that after that scene, they put Stevens in a private car to rush to the hospital.
The video has been authenticated since Stevens' face is clearly visible and he is wearing the same white t-shirt seen in authenticated photos of him being carried away on another man's shoulders, presumably moments later. The photographer and student who were with al-Bakoush at the scene gave the same account as he did.
"We were happy to see him alive. The youths tried to rescue him. But there was no security, no ambulances, nothing to help," said Ahmed Shams, the 22-year-old arts student.
When they entered the consulate, "there was no one around. There was no fire fighters, no ambulances, no relief," said the photographer, Abdel-Qader Fadl.
The accounts of all three witnesses mesh with that of the doctor who treated Stevens that night.
Dr. Ziad Abu Zeid told The Associated Press last week that Stevens was nearly lifeless when he was brought by Libyans, with no other Americans around, to the Benghazi hospital where he worked. He said Stevens had severe asphyxia from the smoke and that he tried for 90 minutes to resuscitate him with no success. Only later did security officials confirm it was Stevens.
Fadl said he drove to the hospital behind the car carrying Stevens.
During the assault, more than 30 U.S. staffers were evacuated from the consulate. So far, U.S. officials have not announced the results of an investigation into the circumstances of the four Americans' deaths.
They have said preliminary reports said that amid the evacuation, Stevens and foreign service officer Sean Smith were inside the consulate with a regional security officer. They got separated in the smoke. The security officer and others went back in to try to find the two of them and found Smith dead. They pulled him out but flames and gunfire forced them to flee before they could find Stevens.
Al-Bakoush and his colleagues said that once they learned his identity, they were stunned Stevens had been alone.
"I've never seen incompetence and negligence like this, from the two sides, the Americans and the Libyans," he said. "You can sacrifice everyone but rescue the ambassador. He is the ambassador for God's sake."
AP writer Kimberly Dozier in Washington contributed to this report.
Libyans tried to rescue Ambassador Chris Stevens, cheering "God is great" and rushing him to a hospital after they discovered him still clinging to life inside the U.S. Consulate, according to witnesses and a new video that emerged Monday from last week's attack in the city of Benghazi.
The group of Libyans had stumbled across Stevens' seemingly lifeless form inside a dark room and didn't know who he was, only that he was a foreigner, the man who shot the video and two other witnesses told The Associated Press.
The account underlines the confusion that reigned during the assault by protesters and heavily armed gunmen that overwhelmed the consulate in Benghazi last Tuesday night, killing four Americans, including Stevens, who died from smoke inhalation soon after he was found. U.S. officials are still trying to piece together how the top American diplomat in Libya got separated from others as staffers were evacuated, suffocating in what is believed to be a consulate safe-room.
The Libyans who found him expressed frustration that there was no ambulance and no first aid on hand, leaving him to be slung over a man's shoulder to be carried to a car.
"There was not a single ambulance to carry him. Maybe he was handled the wrong way," said Fahd al-Bakoush, a freelance videographer who shot the footage. "They took him to a private car."
U.S. and Libyan officials are also trying to determine who was behind the attack. Still unclear was whether it had been planned beforehand or was sparked by an anti-Islam film made in the United States that, hours before the Benghazi assault, had sparked protests at the American Embassy in Cairo.
On Sunday, Libyan President Mohammed el-Megarif contended foreign militants had been plotting the attack for months and timed it for Tuesday's 9/11 anniversary.
However, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice said it appeared spontaneous and unplanned, that extremists with heavier weapons "hijacked" the protest and turned it into an outright attack. She noted Libya is awash with weapons.
A CIA memo sent to U.S. lawmakers this weekend, and obtained by The Associated Press, says current intelligence still suggests the demonstrations in Benghazi "were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo" and "evolved into a direct assault" on the diplomatic posts by "extremists."
Soon after the attack, Libyan civilians roamed freely around the trashed consulate, its walls blacked and furniture burned. Among them were the videographer al-Bakoush, and a photographer and art student he often works with.
They heard a panicked shout, "I stepped over a dead man," and rushed to see what was going on, al-Bakoush said. The body had been found inside a dark room with a locked door accessible only by a window. A group of men pulled him out and realized he was a foreigner and still alive.
He was breathing and his eyelids flickered, al-Bakoush said. "He was alive," he said. "No doubt. His face was blackened and he was like a paralyzed person."
Video taken by al-Bakoush and posted on YouTube shows Stevens being carried out of the room through a window with a raised shutter. "Bring him out, man," someone shouts. "Out of the way, out of the way!"
"Alive, Alive!" come other shouts, then a cheer of "God is great."
The next scene shows Stevens lying on a tile floor, with one man touching his neck to check his pulse. Al-Bakoush said that after that scene, they put Stevens in a private car to rush to the hospital.
The video has been authenticated since Stevens' face is clearly visible and he is wearing the same white t-shirt seen in authenticated photos of him being carried away on another man's shoulders, presumably moments later. The photographer and student who were with al-Bakoush at the scene gave the same account as he did.
"We were happy to see him alive. The youths tried to rescue him. But there was no security, no ambulances, nothing to help," said Ahmed Shams, the 22-year-old arts student.
When they entered the consulate, "there was no one around. There was no fire fighters, no ambulances, no relief," said the photographer, Abdel-Qader Fadl.
The accounts of all three witnesses mesh with that of the doctor who treated Stevens that night.
Dr. Ziad Abu Zeid told The Associated Press last week that Stevens was nearly lifeless when he was brought by Libyans, with no other Americans around, to the Benghazi hospital where he worked. He said Stevens had severe asphyxia from the smoke and that he tried for 90 minutes to resuscitate him with no success. Only later did security officials confirm it was Stevens.
Fadl said he drove to the hospital behind the car carrying Stevens.
During the assault, more than 30 U.S. staffers were evacuated from the consulate. So far, U.S. officials have not announced the results of an investigation into the circumstances of the four Americans' deaths.
They have said preliminary reports said that amid the evacuation, Stevens and foreign service officer Sean Smith were inside the consulate with a regional security officer. They got separated in the smoke. The security officer and others went back in to try to find the two of them and found Smith dead. They pulled him out but flames and gunfire forced them to flee before they could find Stevens.
Al-Bakoush and his colleagues said that once they learned his identity, they were stunned Stevens had been alone.
"I've never seen incompetence and negligence like this, from the two sides, the Americans and the Libyans," he said. "You can sacrifice everyone but rescue the ambassador. He is the ambassador for God's sake."
AP writer Kimberly Dozier in Washington contributed to this report.
Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, with extensive help from James Farganne and Darren Brown – Sep, 13 2012.This will no doubt get plastered all over the web, but like just about anything I put up, it originated here. WE TOTALLY HAVE THE SCAMMING MEDIA BY THE BALLS HERE, WE CAN WAKE UP THE SHEEP WITH THIS, ARCHIVE AND POST!!!
So how, PRAY TELL, was a U.S. consulate raided there, people murdered there, and butt raped in the name of Mohammed? This is BEYOND wag the dog!Here is the link to the Department of State web site, with a complete list of All U.S. embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions world wide.
There is one in Libya, obviously in Tripoli. And I will state right now that I have that Embassy page saved and captured, in case someone decides to bury this by faking Benghazi in for a while.
To further bolster this fact, Here is Google Maps of Benghazi Libya. Delete Benghazi Libya from the search window, and type the word EMBASSY or CONSULATE there. Because one does not exist in Benghazi, it will throw you to an alternative location near you. Here is the Wikipedia list, no doubt soon to be faked, it will happen fast here Wont last long and if any fakes get thrown in, well, there are TONS of lists out there, and I will just snag another. They can’t bury this lie.
No wonder the Libyans are pissed! Is ANY of this real? Are there ANY embassy raids or riots happening ANYWHERE? This kind of desperate lying would indeed be used if an attack on Iran was SO IMMINENT THAT THE CONSEQUENCES OF GETTING CAUGHT IN THE LIE ARE IRRELEVANT. All they need is to fake it till they make the vote, and then say OOPS, we got the story wrong.
This begs the question, WHERE did the pictures and video come from? Answer. The U.S. and Israel are so guilty of so many war crimes that this type of footage is commonplace in archives. Since the consulate does not exist, they can put up any picture of any building they want and call it that, and no one is going to say “that is not what it looks like”.
Many of you are worried about what is coming next. They handed us the silver bullet. Please use this bullet to shoot out the heart of the media werewolf, THIS IS THE BIG CHANCE. This lie is SO BRAZEN and SO OBVIOUS that it should be enough to tip the balance and destroy the credibility of CNN, FOX, ABC, YOU NAME IT, ONCE AND FOR ALL WITH ANYONE. Don’t miss this chance, because once awaken to the fact that the media really does lie, a blinded lamb will often go bull stomping crazy.
And with the darkness of this hour, we definitely need it.
This article has withstood the scrutiny of several people on the forum who worked through the night to protect the credibility of this web site (and I thank them). One of them pointed out THIS ARTICLE,which speaks of the reopening of the U.S. embassy in Tripoli on August 27, which had to be rebuilt new after the war. Don’t let this confuse you, there is no Benghazi embassy, consulate, or diplomatic mission too new to be in any record.
Article dated 6-6-2012 speaks of a “Benghazi embassy”, which in the current wag is being called a “consulate” or “mission”.
One of the forum members found what may have been a toe dip propaganda piece dated 6-6 2012,where a story of a bombing against this “benghazi embassy” was floated to see if anyone would call the media on it’s bullshit. There was no significant coverage of this topic on ANY American news outlet, which I believe is fishy. If you were going to do a test run for a fictitious embassy, it would be best to do it in a limited way. My guess is they floated this story ahead of time to see if it would hold up before using this fictitious embassy for a major propaganda run in the U.S. and I simply do not believe CNNNBCABCFOXASS would not have been ALL OVER such a bombing. No comments from the President? Yeah right! Let’s see a photo of this “Benghazi embassy” dated prior to Sep11. Even these articles dated June 6 do not have that, nor have we found any pictures anywhere else.And if this “Benghazi embassy” was around 4 months ago, how long before that did it exist? Why are they calling it an “embassy” in this article, and a consulate/mission in the current rip? How long would it take the state department, Wikipedia, and all other web sites, including ones that update daily, to show this “mission?” Is (a minimum) of four months enough? Oh, I know, it was run by OSAMA BIN LADEN, and therefore was not a favorite, and he is crazy, which is why it has been called a CONSULATE, an EMBASSY, and a “DIPLOMATIC MISSION” in the various reports, three representations so different that they are not the same thing at all! That works in fiction I guess!
US Ambassador Killed: Fingers Pointing at Israel
The murder of the US Ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens, due to riots after the offensive film attacking Islam’s Prophet Muhammad has many signs which warrant pointing fingers towards Israel. (Pic. Credit: AFP).
Without hesitation Israel declared through its official media that “Sam Bacile”, 56-year-old author identifies as an Israeli Jew, and he says that he believes that his film will help Israel to expose the flaws of Islam to the world.
הכותב והבמאי סאם באסילה שוחח עם כלי תקשורת ממקום שאינו ידוע, והתעקש כי הוא דבק בעמדתו: “האיסלאם הוא סרטן, נקודה”. הוא אמר כי באמצעות הסרט ברצונו להעביר מסר פוליטי. היוצר בן ה-56 מזדהה כיהודי ישראלי, ואומר כי הוא מאמין שהסרט שלו יסייע לישראל לחשוף את פגמי האיסלאם לעולם. לפי דיווחים בעולם, מדובר ביזם נדל”ן ישראלי-אמריקני. מובאות מהסרט, שדובבו לערבית, פורסמו ביוטיוב. באסילה אמר כי צר לו על האדם שנהרג הלילה בקונסוליה האמריקנית בבנגזי, אך האשים בכך את האבטחה הרפה במקום
At the same time official Israel is concealing information that filmmaker “Bacile” must have served with the Israeli army intelligence. In Hebrew media, “Bacile” presents himself as fluent in Arabic, what is to my knowledge almost exclusive to intelligence operatives in Israel.
The media of the State of Israel stated that filmmaker “Bacile” went into hiding on Tuesday after his movie attacking Islam’s Prophet Muhammad sparked angry assaults by Muslims on US diplomatic missions in Egypt and in Libya, where the US Ambassador Chris Stevens became one of four Americans killed in the attack.
What the speaker did not state for foreign audiences was that Israeli Zionist intelligence had protected the filmmaker since the beginning and that after having accomplished his mission. He is probably now back in his Israel enjoying full protection in Tel Aviv or Herzliya or somewhere else under a pseudonym.
There are suspicions that “Bacile”, now in Israel, carried a passport with another name. The elements of the Israeli Zionist Mossad and intelligence customarily carry several falsified passports under different nationalities and names. The suspicion that the film was made not by “Bacile” alone and on his own initiative, but that the whole thing was a premeditated operation of the Israeli Zionist intelligence, designed to have exactly the effects it has had until now.
According to this website (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/12/CBS-Reports-Libyan-Security-Forces-Showed-Militants-Where-to-Attack-Our-Ambassador) “the Libyan security forces hired to protect the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya moved Ambassador Chris Stevens to a second building within the consulate, then told the militant crowds where he was”. Libya has been essentially under the control of Mossad since Gadhaffi was deposed by NATO-backed terrorists.
What Grapel did was the same scenario as in Benghazi, Libya. It is more than plausible that israeli elements had infiltrated the angry Libyan masses after showing them the film and incited them to shoot at the American embassy, where Ambassador Stevens and his team were killed. Such “false flag” attacks are the hallmark of Mossad, which always play the same dirty games, putting oil on the fire, kindling hatred and inciting the unaware to perpetrate crimes.The attack on the consulate in Benghazi reminds us of the American-Israeli Mossad agent Ilan Chaim Grappelli/Grapel, (אילן גרפל ), who was captured in Egypt during the revolution for inciting people to commit acts of violence.
Grapel was a war criminal who participated in the atrocities of the Lebanon “second war” in 2006, a former paratrooper who infiltrated the Egyptian revolutionaries and was causing trouble, inciting his acquaintances to perpetrate criminal acts against police stations and the military, spying on the military and the revolutionaries, photographing people and reporting to the Mossad, distributing money to some Egyptians and recruiting them to cause chaos, to steal and to sabotage public infrastructure in the country. Grapel had also been organizing a series of protest movements and preparing them to disobey orders of the military authorities after the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak.

The murder of the American Ambassador and three of his team was the logical consequence if one takes in account the guidance of the Libyan “security” team hired by the embassy. In sum, all well done, a plausibly deniable operation cooked up in the hellish kitchen of the Israeli intelligence, against their supposedly best friend and nearest ally.
According to what can be read, Ambassador Stevens had previously been a teacher in Morocco, he spoke fluent Arabic; he was very open towards the people and did not host racist prejudice against Arabs. Knowing the Israeli mentality, this may have been enough for him to become hated and ultimately marked as disposable at the Zionist jewish-dominated US Department of State.
Another possible background for this operation, also from my knowledge of the Israeli Zionist mentality, would be that they don’t know what to do to sow dissent in the Arab world since Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood won the elections in Egypt. This is strange because Morsi can be seen as a US/Western stodge who is ultimately favourable to Israel behind a facade designed to quiet his constituency.
Israel, the country which sickens everybody with their endless bellyache about “anti-smetism” whenever their crimes are criticized, it is the same country which employs all its energy to think about ways to cause trouble and chaos for other countries and Peoples.
The question is: what does Israel think to do after this dirty game? It is becoming clear that Israel has put this false-flag crime in seen as a cover of another big crime, or that they want something from the Americans and will try to use this to twist their arm. What could it be that they want? Is it the war against Iran or there is something else they want to force the USA to do? As of now, their dirty game would appear to have failed, as the whole event reeks of their participation.
We want to express our unqualified condemnation of the provocative film which insulted the religious feelings of Muslims all over the world. We also express our condemnation of the incident in which the American ambassador and three of his team were murdered in Benghazi / Libya at the hands of a group of extremists most probably infiltrated by Israeli operatives, an incident aimed at exploiting the natural anger of the people against such an anti-Islamic film. The anger of the people was misdirected and abused to provoke tragic bloodshed, which has nothing to do with freedom to express ones opinion. We demand that those who provoked and used this conflict be arrested and that they receive fair trials of law for what they did, and in the same way we demand that those who financed the unnecessary film published by “Bacile” be arrested and tried for their part in this atrocity.