Two Birds with One Flu: Coronavirus Weaponized Against China...and American Dissidents
Helen Buyniski
Lock Step (một mô
hình giả thử, thực hiện bởi Quỹ tài trợ Rockefeller) mô tả một thế giới mà chính
phủ kiểm soát từ trên xuống dưới chặt chẽ hơn bao giờ hết, sự lãnh đạo độc đoán hơn bao giờ hết, với mức
độ hạn chế nền canh tân và sự phản kháng của quần chúng ngày càng tinh tế hơn.
Trong năm 2012, (tức là hai năm sau khi xuất hành bản báo cáo), một chủng cúm cực kỳ
độc hại và chết người có nguồn gốc từ loài ngỗng hoang dã khiến cả thế giới phải
quy phục, lây nhiễm 20% dân số toàn cầu và giết chết 8 triệu người chỉ sau 7 tháng
tác hại- Phần lớn trong số nạn nhân là thanh niên khỏe mạnh. Nó tàn phá nền
kinh tế toàn cầu và làm sụp đổ nền thương mại quốc tế.
By now, most people following the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak have stumbled upon Event 201, the pandemic simulation held
at Johns Hopkins University in conjunction with the World Economic
Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Johnson & Johnson,
and other ruling-class heavy hitters two months before the epidemic was
declared. Seemingly tailor-made to set off "conspiracy theorists" - that
class of intellectually-curious thought-criminals whom the US media
establishment have placed somewhere between child molesters and drunk
drivers on the hierarchy of unforgivability - Event 201 was hurriedly
"debunked" by that same establishment, which
quickly set up and eviscerated a straw man (“No, Bill Gates didn’t cause
the coronavirus epidemic!”) and convinced the group itself to issue a
statement denying their exercise was meant to predict the behavior of the actual virus, 65 million deaths and all.
But few are aware that the epidemic
playing out in China and two dozen other countries, including the US, is
unfolding in line with a decade-old simulation
titled “Lock Step” devised by the Rockefeller Foundation in conjunction
with the Global Business Network. The scenario, one of four included in
a publication called “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and
International Development” in 2010, describes a coronavirus-like
pandemic that becomes the trigger for the imposition of police-state
controls on movement, economy, and other areas of society. The novel
coronavirus is thus not merely a depopulation exercise, as some have
claimed. It could be the trigger for the imposition of a global police
Lock Step describes “a world of tighter
top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with
limited innovation and growing citizen pushback.” In “2012” (i.e. two
years after the report’s publication), an “extremely virulent and
deadly” strain of influenza originating with wild geese brings the world
to its knees, infecting 20 percent of the global population and killing
8 million people in just seven months - “the majority of them healthy
young adults.” It devastates global economies and ruptures international
trade. But not everyone, the Rockefeller Foundation makes clear, is hit
Countries of Africa, southeast Asia, and
central America suffer the worst “in the absence of official containment
protocols” - it wouldn’t be the Rockefeller Foundation if someone
wasn’t licking their lips at the thought of a mass die-off in the Global
South - but western “democracies” also pay the ultimate price. “The
United States’ initial policy of ‘strongly discouraging’ citizens from
flying proved deadly in its leniency, accelerating the spread of the
virus not just within the US but across borders,” the report warns. But
remove such obstacles as ‘individual rights’ and you have a recipe for
surviving, even thriving in the event of a pandemic, the Foundation
“A few countries did fare better - China in particular. The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing-off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.”
The message is clear - police state good,
freedom bad. And other governments rapidly get the message, according
to the simulation. First and third world nations alike follow suit by
“flexing their authority” and imposing quarantines, body-temperature
checks, and other “airtight rules and restrictions” - most of which, the
report is careful to note, remain in place even as the pandemic recedes
into the past. “In order to protect themselves from the spread of
increasingly global problems - from pandemics and transnational
terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty - leaders around
the world took a firmer grip on power.”
This global power-grab is facilitated by a
frightened citizenry who “willingly gave up some of their sovereignty -
and their privacy - to more paternalistic states in exchange for
greater safety and stability…tolerant, and even eager, for top-down
direction and oversight.” Everything from tighter biometric
identification to stricter industrial regulation is welcomed with open
arms. It takes over a decade for people to “grow weary” of the
authoritarian controls imposed in the wake of the pandemic, and hints
that even the civil unrest that ultimately manifests is focused on the
developed world. After all, a popular uprising in the technocratic
police state envisioned by the simulation would be all but impossible -
as it will be in real life once 5G makes real-time total surveillance of
all cities a reality.
Pin the blame on the dragon
It remains unclear what - or who -
unleashed the novel coronavirus in Wuhan. The initial claim that it
originated in bats from a “wet market,” in which live animals are sold
and then butchered in front of the customer, couldn’t have been more
perfect from a western point of view - wet markets are reviled in the
West, where consumers prefer that the animal cruelty required to put
meat on their tables happens behind closed doors. While wet markets
would seem to improve food safety by making it impossible to sell
“mystery,” mislabeled or expired meat, time and again they are fingered as disease vectors by the disapproving West, every time followed by calls
to ban them entirely. However, the Huanan seafood market hadn’t sold
bats for years, meaning - if the “wet market” hypothesis is to persist -
an “intermediate host” species would be required to get the virus to
humans. Snakes were nominated, even though scientists weren't sure they could be infected by a coronavirus - it was more important that they eat bats and were sold at the market. Three weeks after the Huanan seafood market was shuttered and disinfected, a Lancet study
put the last nail in the hypothesis' coffin, revealing the first
several coronavirus cases had no exposure to the market at all. Perhaps
unsurprisingly, this has not discouraged the media from continuing
to blame it for the epidemic.

Beyond the disintegrating “official
story,” rumormongers have pinned the blame on the Chinese government,
suggesting that through malice or incompetence Beijing released a virus
cooked up in a top-secret bioweapons program operating in the city’s
high-security lab. The chief purveyor of this theory is Dany Shoham, an
Israeli biosafety analyst, which should raise a forest of red flags in
anyone familiar with Israel’s own experiments in gene-targeted
biowarfare even before taking into account Shoham's own history of
fraudulently blaming
Saddam Hussein’s Iraq for the 2001 anthrax attacks. Other outlets
spreading this theory cite American biosafety consultant Tim Trevan, who
in a 2017 Nature article - published before the Wuhan lab even opened! -
that “diversity of viewpoint” and “openness of information” are both
critical to the safe functioning of such a high-risk lab and alien to
Chinese culture. The persistence of the “lab accident” theory of
coronavirus’ creation thus owes more to cultural chauvinism and
sinophobia than any fact-based clues.
While many alt-media outlets have
fingered Event 201 as the replica "drill" that so often coincides with a
false flag event, few are aware that on the day after that simulation,
the 2019 Military World Games kicked off in Wuhan, bringing
300 US military personnel to the city. Matthias Chang, former advisor
to the Malaysian PM, however, zeroed in on the games as the likely entry
point for what he described
as a biological war waged by the US against China. In an interview with
the Institute for War and Peace Reporting last month, Chang placed
coronavirus on a continuum of American bio-attacks he said included
deliberate infection of Guatemalans with syphilis and gonorrhea and
Cubans with dengue fever, as well as creating the Ebola epidemic in
Sierra Leone.
As of February 4, there are over 1,000 times more coronavirus cases
in China than outside of it, and the foreign cases appear to be
ethnically Chinese where reported. This is not a coincidence - a recent
scientific paper
revealed the enzyme which serves as a receptor for novel coronavirus is
produced by a certain type of lung cell found in “extremely large
numbers” in Asian men compared to those of other ethnicities. Even more
intriguingly, those lung cells are involved in the expression of “many
other genes that positively regulating [sic] viral reproduction and
transmission.” The paper’s authors stop short of suggesting the virus
came out of a lab, instead drily observing that it seems to have
“cleverly evolved to hijack this population of [lung] cells for its
reproduction and transmission,” but one man’s clever viral evolution is
another’s expert bioweapon development.
Certainly, American researchers have been
surreptitiously collecting Chinese DNA for decades. A notorious Harvard
School of Public Health program in the mid-1990s drafted village medics
to administer “free physicals” to locals “with asthmatic symptoms.”
These “checkups” were conducted as part of a genetic project that also
involved the US National Institutes of Health and Millennium
Pharmaceuticals, supposedly aimed at “identify[ing] and characteriz[ing]
genes that play a role in causing asthma and other allergic disorders.”
It later emerged
that the researchers had secured the required consent forms from
neither the local experimental ethics board nor the test subjects
themselves. A government inquiry was commandeered by an insider and
squelched. Over 200,000 DNA samples were thus collected and spirited out of the country.
US military literature
has been lusting after genetically-targeted weapons for at least 50
years. The infamous Project for a New American Century, whose members
have been steering the US ship of state into a series of icebergs since
the George W. Bush administration, described gene-specific bioweapons as a “politically-useful tool,” part and parcel of the "new dimensions of combat" in which the future's wars would unfold. In 1998, the year after PNAC's formation, reports Israel
was working on just such a weapon to target Arabs while leaving Jews
untouched flooded the media - part PR campaign, part warning. And it is
DARPA and other divisions of the US military, not the Chinese, that has
been intensively studying bat-borne coronaviruses for years, even as their own high-security biowarfare labs are being shut down for shoddy safety procedures.
Meanwhile, the likelihood of the Chinese
government unleashing a genetically-targeted virus on its own population
is vanishingly low. Unlike popular attitudes of “white guilt” in the
West born of a hangover from colonialism, the Chinese do not traffic in
racial self-loathing - indeed, outsiders have accused the
Chinese of an unspoken, unshakeable belief in their own racial
superiority, and regardless of whether that belief is problematic, it is
unlikely to lead to intentional self-genocide. Even
if behavior-correcting false flag was sought by Beijing in Hong Kong,
where US-backed pro-“democracy” protests have raged destructively for
months, such an event would not have been unleashed hundreds of miles
away in Wuhan.
Never let a good crisis go to waste?
The real-life coronavirus is much less
virulent than the pandemic described in Lock Step, with an official
death toll of “just” 427 and a global infection toll of “only” 20,629 as
of February 4, and the dead were mostly over 60 with preexisting
medical issues. Economies worldwide are nevertheless in free-fall just
like the simulation predicted. This drop is fueled by scare-stories
percolating in establishment media and alt-media alike (the name of an
actual article in ZeroHedge by a Rabobank analyst: “What if we are on the brink of an exponential increase in coronavirus cases?”)
while videos of dubious origin appearing to show horrific scenes from
within China keep the virus viral on social media. Adding to the fear is
coronavirus’ lengthy incubation period, up to two weeks in which a
carrier could be blithely spreading it to everyone they meet, creating a
constant threat of a “boom” in cases just around the corner.

China’s economy, of course, is being hit the worst, and the epidemic’s timing could not have been more disastrous from Beijing’s point of view, coming on the eve of the Lunar New Year holiday. At this time, some 400 million Chinese travel around the country to see family, mostly in the high-speed bullet trains that have their hub in - you guessed it - Wuhan. With much of this travel having occurred before the city was quarantined, cases are likely in their incubation phase all over the country, making today’s numbers look like a rounding error.

China’s economy, of course, is being hit the worst, and the epidemic’s timing could not have been more disastrous from Beijing’s point of view, coming on the eve of the Lunar New Year holiday. At this time, some 400 million Chinese travel around the country to see family, mostly in the high-speed bullet trains that have their hub in - you guessed it - Wuhan. With much of this travel having occurred before the city was quarantined, cases are likely in their incubation phase all over the country, making today’s numbers look like a rounding error.
Correspondingly, the situation couldn’t
be better for the American ruling class: a pandemic that targets Asians
striking China just when it’s most vulnerable is a powerful blow to the
rising superpower. And in case anyone still believes the circumstances
of the virus’ ascendance are merely an extended string of coincidences,
Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross took that plausible deniability and
stomped on it last month, unable to stop himself from gushing that
coronavirus would “help to accelerate the return of jobs to North
America” in an interview with Fox News. Prefacing his victory lap by
saying he didn’t “want to talk about a victory lap over a very
unfortunate, very malignant disease,” he pointed out that businesses
will be forced to take China’s inexplicable susceptibility to deadly
viruses into account when reviewing their supply chains. Unmentioned,
but adding to the perfect economic storm, was Trump’s signature on the
USMCA trade agreement, supposed to bring in an extra 1.2 percentage
points in GDP growth.
“On top of all the other things, you had
SARS, you had the African Swine virus there, now you have this,” Ross
said, hammering home the point by linking coronavirus to other suspect
plagues. Just as many scientists concluded
SARS was a manmade bioweapon, many - scientists and statesmen as well
as alternative media - have raised the alarm about coronavirus. Good
luck finding any of their statements on Google, however. Facebook,
Youtube and Twitter have been hard at work removing coronavirus
“rumors,” and Google has memory-holed hundreds of search results
regarding Chinese accusations of biowarfare. Even on platforms that
don’t censor on government orders, the baseless claims from Shoham and
other disinfo artists about Chinese biowarfare have muscled any comments from Chinese officials out of the way. Even the Malaysian politician’s comments are obscured
behind a Farsi language barrier - his original comments inexplicably
missing from English-language media and reprinted only by Iran’s IRIB
News Agency (this author can no longer even find the tweet that alerted
her to those comments, but would like to thank that person).
Coronavirus is not the doomsday epidemic
it is being portrayed as by irresponsible media actors. But as the Lock
Step scenario makes clear, one does not need massive die-off or victims
exploding in geysers of blood in the streets to achieve desired social
goals. It’s possible the novel coronavirus epidemic is a “dry run,” a
test of both China’s readiness to handle an outbreak and of the
international community’s reaction to such a plague. It's even possible,
though unlikely, that the epidemic was a mistake - that the virus
escaped from a lab, likely American, by accident.
It's also possible the plague may
suddenly become more virulent. Certainly the media buzz the first week
of February is that coronavirus is close to being declared a “pandemic”
by the WHO, which will necessitate the type of control measures hinted
at in Lock Step and described more exhaustively in Event 201. From
“limited internet shutdowns” and “enforcement actions against fake news”
to government bailouts of “core” industries, mandatory vaccinations,
property seizures, and other police-state provisions laid out in the
Model State Emergency Health Powers Acts passed
in many states in the paranoid aftermath of 9/11, the totalitarian
nature of these provisions is limited only by the imaginations of the
regimes carrying them out. Once events proceed to that stage, it is
extremely difficult to reverse them. We would be wise not to allow this
to happen.
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