Nhân Mãn Thế Giới? Gượm Đã Bạn Ơi!
"Hơn thập niên trước đây, đầu tiên tôi đã nghiêm túc xem xét lý luận cho rằng thế giới đang phải đối đầu vối một vấn đề nhân mãn kinh khiếp, khi đó tôi đang nghiên cúu tư liệu thông tin cho quyền sách của tôi về lịch sử sửa đổi tính di truyền hay GMO. Tôi đã thắc mắc và bị ấn tượng bởi sự chú tâm đặc biệt của tổ chức từ thiện gia đình Rockefeller và các tổ chức khác có liên hệ với tổ chức từ thiện đó trong việc bảo trợ công cuộc nghiên cúu hay ứng dụng lọc lựa chủng tộc. Câu chuyện thật sự về dân số toàn cầu khác hẳn với hình ảnh mà báo chí chủ luu muốn dẫn dắt cho chúng ta tin vào đó." (I was curious and in a strange way impressed with the intensity of the interest of the Rockefeller family’s foundation and other organizations affiliated with that foundation to sponsor the study or the application of eugenics. The real story about our global population is radically different as from the picture the mainstream media would lead us to believe.
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World Overpopulation? Hold On, Buddy!
Column: Politics
Region: USA in the World

In the course of my research I came across documented evidence that the Rockefeller Foundation had not only financed much of the work of Margaret Sanger and her eugenics Planned Parenthood organization during the 1930’s, when her “Negro Project” in black Harlem was trying to develop ways to eliminate the black population. The same Rockefeller Foundation at the same time financed the work of the various experiments of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin and Munich during the Third Reich. They knew exactly what barbarism they were supporting—ways to eliminate the “unfit.”
The same Rockefeller family in the 1950’s created and financed the enormously influential eugenics work of the John D. Rockefeller III Population Council.
In June 1952 John D. Rockefeller III convened a secret conference at Williamsurg, Virginia where some thirty of the nation’s most eminent conservationists, public health experts, Planned Parenthood leaders, agriculturalists, demographers and social scientists met. They formed a new group which could act as “a coordinating and catalytic agent in the broad field of population.” John D. Rockefeller III publicly christened The Population Council and announced that he himself would serve as its first president. They organized their vast financial and media resources to spread the myth of over-population that today is blindly accepted by most as scientific truth. They spread the myth that “people pollute,” or as the Rockefeller Foundation’s Alan Gregg preferred to describe growing human populations in the developing world, “cancerous growths that demand food.” Population reduction became the strategic priority, step-wise, of the US Government and then the US-controlled World Bank.
The Rockefeller-financed research into cheap, effective birth control, and other eugenics projects resulted in the US Government, officially and secretly, making reduction of population growth in key raw material rich developing countries like Brazil, India, Nigeria and Indonesia the explicit USA Government policy. “No population control, no USAID money.” Henry Kissinger drafted the document for it, NSSM-200, titled, ‘Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for US Security and Overseas Interests,’ and President Gerald Ford signed it as Government policy in 1975.
The mainstream media that has been controlled by Rockefellers and their eugenics-loving very rich and very loveless friends for decades, pumped us full of the myth that the world was a human “population bomb” as the title of a lying book by Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, in the time of the Vietnam War in the early 1970’s. In his book, published in 1970, Ehrlich argued, “We are going to have to adopt some very tough foreign policy positions…We must use our political power to push other countries into programs which combine agricultural development and population control.”
Population Implosion
There’s only one problem with their grand strategy of convincing us of an over-population danger. The world is facing, not a population bomb, but a population implosion, a collapse of the human species.
Some statistics are in order. It is well established, given average life-spans, death rates, that an average 2.1 live births per woman are required to maintain population equilibrium. A recent study looks at live birth rates around the world. The results are shocking perhaps to some.
In Germany, the birthrate has sunk to just 1.36, worse even than low-fertility Spain (1.48) and Italy (1.4). Western Europe as a whole will most likely shrink from 460 million to just 350 million by the end of the century. And barring dramatic reversal of the foolish One (sometimes Two) Child Policy, China’s population will be reduced in half.
Even the USA where a large immigrant Hispanic population immigration has kept birth rates higher, is now facing reduction. A Pew Research Center report found that immigrant births fell from 102 per 1,000 women in 2007 to 87.8 per 1,000 in 2012, to bring the overall US birthrate to a mere 64 per 1,000 women—not enough to sustain current population. Europe, in short, is dying off, China and Russia, and the United States as well.
Yes, some might argue, but the over-population bomb is in the developing world, in Africa, India, Latin America…
Not so.
The poor, highly fertile countries of the developing world, in part thanks to the Rockefellers and their loveless friends, are no longer reproducing as before. From 1960 to 2009, Mexico’s fertility rate plunged from 7.3 live births per woman to 2.4. India’s dropped from 6 to 2.5, and Brazil’s fell from 6.15 to 1.9. Even in sub-Saharan Africa, where the average birthrate remains a relatively high 4.66, fertility is falling and is projected to fall below replacement level by the 2070s. This change in developing countries will affect not only the U.S. population, of course, but eventually the world’s.
This population implosion will soon be recognized as one of the gravest problems facing the future of life, literally, on the planet.
F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook
First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2015/01/01/world-overpopulation-hold-on-buddy/
First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2015/01/01/world-overpopulation-hold-on-buddy/
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