Bọn Nhà Nước, CIA, MOSSAD Diễn Trò quá hời hợt trẻ con, bọn Báo Chí Chính Qui.. Tất cả đồng lõa trắng trợn coi thường quần chúng...Chúng bất cần, chẳng thèm kỹ lưỡng. Vì chính CHÚNG TA, QUẦN CHÚNG TỰ COI THƯỜNG MÌNH...
Chúng ta không dùng cái ĐẦU của mình. Chúng ta tự cho chúng ta là con trẻ để bọn "CHA MẸ" nhà nước báo chí chính qui mặc tình ĐÚT MỚM THÔNG TIN cho chúng ta.
Chúng CẨU THẢ vì nắm chắc rằng với căn bệnh loạn tâm và ám thị do vi trùng chủ nghĩa yêu nước, quốc gia dân tộc, nhà nước tận thiện, đại đa số dân chúng sẽ KHÔNG CHỈ nuốt chửng tất cả những phi lý, nghịch lý trẻ con nhất, MÀ CÒN sẵn sàng bênh vực chống chế bao che cho những trò diễn bất cẩn trẻ con này của bọn Nhà nước và truyền thông chính qui.
Xả đạn giữa đám đông sau lưng toán cảnh sát mà không trúng ai hết???, Cảnh Sát Pháp dàn cảnh tại Siêu Thị Bắn Đạn Giả!
Nhân Chủ-Chủ Quyền Cá Nhân Con Người-Thượng Đế, Nhà Nước là Ảo Thể- Chúng Ta là Thực Thể- Không có Thượng Đế, Không có Nhà Nước, Chỉ có Chúng Ta, Tôi và Quí Vị phải Quyết Định Phương Cách Tự Trách Nhiệm Trao Đổi để Sống Chung Tự Do, Bình Đẳng với Nhau Mà Thôi!
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Hội Chứng Thụy Điển hay Căn Bệnh Ức Chế Loạn Tâm của Chủ Nghĩa Nhà Nước?
Hội Chứng Thụy Điển hay Căn Bệnh Ức Chế Loạn Tâm của Chủ Nghĩa Nhà Nước?
"Trong não trạng của đám người theo chủ trương Nhà Nước Quốc Gia, thì "chính phủ vận hành tốt hơn" và mọi việc vận hành có vẻ bề mặt tốt, nhưng trong cốt lõi là cả một thảm họa.... Những người dân Mỹ (và tất cả các loại dân chứ không riêng Mỹ -nkptc) đang ngóng cổ chờ nhà nước chính phủ "cứu" họ-- và ngay cả hớn hở cảm tạ chính phủ đã giúp họ thoát nạn- đã chẳng nhận ra rằng chính nhà nước chính phủ là kẻ đã chơi hại họ, tạo vấn nạn cho họ ngay từ đầu...Nói một cách đơn giản chính sách vay nợ tài trợ an sinh kiểu xã hội chủ nghĩa và chủ nghĩa tập đoàn đại bản không hiệu quả" và cái ngày thức tỉnh đang đến... " (In the minds of the statists, "Government Works Better" and 'things' work at the surface; but at the core, it's a disaster... The Americans that look to the government to 'save' them - and even gleefully thank the government for helping bail them out - fail to realize that it was the government that f##ked them in the first place...")
Simply put, "debt-financed socialism and corporatism isn't working" and a day of reckoning is coming...
Nền Tự Do của người dân Âu Mỹ Đang Cáo Chung
Sau những vụ "giả địch" dàn cảnh khủng bố và tự giết hại dân của chính mình, RỒI ĐỔ VẤY LÊN CHO NGƯỜI HỒI GIÁO, các nhà nước chính phủ Âu Mỹ đã thành công trong chủ đích đánh bại sức đối kháng của quần chúng, TÁI LẬP và CỦNG CỐ chủ nghĩa QUỐC GIA DÂN TỘC, đặc biệt là chủ nghĩa nhà nước "statism", gia tăng quyền lực an ninh, và xen lấn trực tiếp vào đời tư quần chúng thô bạo hơn. Người dân bị đẩy vào thế phải soi mói rình mò nhau chẳng khác gì các xã hội độc tài cộng sản thời STASI Đông Đức! Nó cố tình tạo phân hóa gây căng thẳng ngờ vực giữa các nhóm dân và giữa những cá nhân trong xã hội: CHIA ĐỂ TRỊ- (Divide and rule)
Tại Pháp, một trong những xã hội tiên phong về nhân quyền và dân quyền, với những hội dân quyền đã từng bênh vực "kẻ khủng bố phản loạn" Phan Chu Trinh chống nhà nước Pháp bảo hộ, khiến Phan Chu Trinh nhận thức và khâm phục, hiện nay đang lao xuống vực thẳm của bạo ngược bán khai.
Sau vụ "giả địch" dàn cảnh tự giết dân Charlie Hebdo (1-West is Behind Charlie Hebdo False Flag Attacks, 2-Charlie Hebdo Paris Attack Was Inside Job, False Flag-3- The Charlie Hebdo Attack: Characteristics of a False Flag -4-Who profits from killing Charlie?.) - 4- (Tiếng Pháp Tải bản tin Video), 5- ( Tiếng Anh -Chép xuống máy), (French torrent) -- http://stormcloudsgathering.com/charlie-hebdo-cover-up - nhà nước an ninh Pháp vừa công bố chiến dịch "an ninh nhân dân", khuyến khích và kêu gọi quần chúng xăm soi rình mò nhau và báo cáo cho an ninh nhà nước tất cả những chỉ dấu của hàng xóm láng giềng già trẻ lớn bé v.v có thể là "khủng bố"!
Một bảng vẽ "hướng dẫn" gồm các hình ảnh giải thích bao gồm những chi tiết như "không hay đi ra ngoài chơi; ít nói chuyện với bạn bè,; không xem TV; không nghe nhạc v.v hay ngay như "không ăn bánh mì dài (baguette) "quốc hồn quốc túy Pháp" v.v đều là "chỉ dấu khủng bố!"
Tác động đầu tiên của "bảng hướng dẫn" này là đánh thẳng vào giới thất nghiệp, tạo mặc cảm và phân hóa để ĐÁNH LẠC HƯỚNG và ĐỔ THỪA SUY THOÁI KINH TẾ lên đầu nạn nhân thất nghiệp, nhằm ngăn chặn và giảm tác dụng các cuộc biểu tình của giới thất nghiệp này. Giới thất nghiệp tại thế giới và riêng Âu Châu đang tăng dần, một vấn nạn mà bọn Nhà nước không thể và không muốn giải quyết trong thập niên đang đến.
Tác dụng thứ hai là BÌNH THƯỜNG HÓA những "hành động và luật" của nhà nước xen thẳng vào kiểm soát hành xử đời tư của dân chúng, đặc biệt là thói quen ĐỘC LẬP TỰ CHỦ của người dân. Mục tiêu buộc người công dân phải "hành xử bày đàn" giống mọi người vì lo sợ bị nghi ngờ. Những "đặc tính khác thường" được nêu ra trong bản "hướng dẫn" của an ninh Pháp- thường lại là những phong thái cá tính của những người có tư duy hành xử độc lập và có tinh thần vận động đối kháng dân sự bất tuân.
Rõ ràng, bọn nhà nước chính phủ Âu Mỹ Úc đang thực thi chính sách của độc tài cộng sản "TÌNH BÁO NHÂN DÂN" nhằm gây PHÂN HÓA XÃ HỘI, dễ cai trị, chia rẽ ly gián dân chúng để giảm đối kháng, và nhất là tách rời những nhân vật vượt trội có cá tính mạnh, không bày đàn, độc lập tự trị trong xã hội, có khả năng vận động quần chúng... ra khỏi ảnh hưởng xã hội bằng sự sợ hãi và nghi kị của chính quần chúng. Những người viết thẳng nói thẳng như Paul Craig Roberts, G.S Norman Finkelstein hay James Corbett v.v dĩ nhiên không thích phí giờ đàn đúm thể thao, ăn uống, hoặc đi mua hàng hạ giá v.v Thời gian của họ là đọc tin, nghiên cứu và viết bài vận động, tố cáo tội phạm nhà nước.. Tất cả là những "chỉ dấu khủng bố" theo "con mắt" của quyền lực an ninh nhà nước.
Không phải "ngẫu nhiên" mà các nhà nước then chốt Âu Mỹ Úc đang cùng đồng bộ tiến hành những trò triệt tiêu nền tự do, nền tự chủ độc lập của dân chúng. Chúng còn dùng việc TRẤN ÁP BẮT BỚ, THẨM TRA ngay cả TRẺ EM để khủng bố tinh thần người dân và biến những hành xử này thành "bình thường". Và nó đang bình thường! Đã không còn mấy ai phẫn nộ phản đối nữa! Tất cả đã bình thường từ Do Thái đến Mỹ, Pháp, Úc v.v và "nếp văn minh" này sẽ lan rộng với những màn giả địch liên tục sẽ tiếp diễn .
1-Police interrogate 8-year-old
2- Arrest of 8-year-old for alleged jihadi comments
3-France police detain boy, 8, interrogate him
4-French police interrogate 8 yr old boy after school reports
Chẳng còn nghi ngờ gì về TIẾN TRÌNH CỦNG CỐ NỀN CAI TRỊ BẠO NGƯỢC với những màn giả địch khởi từ vụ 911 (2001) cho đến Charlie Hebdo (2015). Cần phải KHẲNG ĐỊNH tất cả là trò GIẢ ĐỊCH của bọn chính phủ nhà nước Âu Mỹ Do Thái!
Đến thế kỷ này thì bản chất thật sự của định chế nhà nước chính trị (the nation-state) cũng như bản chất băng hoại của các tôn giáo, tín lý quốc gia dân tộc không còn dấu diếm được nữa. Tất cả đang vấy máu và triệt hạ nền tự do và nhân phẩm.
Riêng Nhà nước Quốc Gia (the State) nó là một tôn giáo cực kỳ nguy hiểm, hiểu chính xác như từng đặc tính của tôn giáo, hơn bất cứ tôn giáo nào. Khi đã nhiễm niềm tin, bằng chứng nhãn tiền và khoa học cũng không tác dụng. Larken Rose đã trình bày khá tỉ mỉ.
Chỉ còn tác động nhận thức giá trị tự thân mới có khả năng tháo gỡ sự sợ hãi và trọng quyền lực trong não trạng con người sinh vật. Đây chính là tự do đầu tiên và cuối cùng của loài người có nhận thức. Nếu không có nhận thức và tiến trình củng cố nhận thức miên tục giữ vững giá trị nhân bản, tự do, những ý niệm giá trị do chính chúng ta tự sáng tạo và hướng đến, tất cả chúng ta cũng chỉ sinh tồn như loài sinh vật bầy đàn man rợ nhất trong các loài sinh vật mà thôi.
Loài Người Nhân Bản như chúng ta biết đến, sẽ tuyệt chủng khi Ý NIỆM TỰ DO, NỀN TỰ DO biến mất trong não trạng chúng ta. Không có ý niệm giá trị nhân bản và tự do, tất cả chỉ còn là những bày thú tương tranh trên mặt địa cầu.
Tiến trình khai mở và vận động dân trí cần liên tục, miên tục và miên viễn cho đến khi không còn nhân loại trên trần gian này.
By BBC Trending What's popular and why
But it didn't take long for sarcasm to emerge. And it was the government's infographic about radicalisation that seemed to catch the internet's attention most of all. It spells out eight "tell-tale signs" of radicalization for people to watch out for in others, such as withdrawing from friends and family, quitting sporting activity, terminating old friendships and changing the way you dress. "In fact, the campaign to #StopDjihadism isn't about identifying potential jihadists, it's about describing unemployed people," was one of the most widely retweeted quips.
The most cutting remarks were about the warning that those who change their eating habits - indicated in the infographic by a cross over a baguette-shaped object - are likely to become extremists. "The government invites you to be wary of those who do not eat baguettes," said one user, in a theme that was echoed by many others.
The caption reads: "They suddenly change their eating habits" Jonathan Russell, Political Liaison Officer at the London-based counter-extremism Quilliam Foundation, told BBC Trending that sarcasm is to be expected when it comes to government-run campaigns. "The general response is that people don't like to be told how to think," he said. "This doesn't mean that those doing the mocking are supportive of extremism. It's more that because it is a centrally run campaign it lacks an element of credibility".
However he said he felt the campaign was a good and useful response to violent extremism in France. "It does look a bit ridiculous having a big cross through a baguette, but if you take the infographic holistically what it is saying is that radicalization is a complex process and it's all-pervasive: it affects lots of elements of life and all corners of society. What this campaign says is that every French citizen has a role to report things and stop it."
What about the Muslim response online? At around the same time as the government campaign was gaining popularity, another tag, #Ahmed8ans ("Ahmed aged 8"). It refers to the "arrest" of an eight-year old boy who, according to press reports, was summoned before police in Nice on Wednesday. BBC Trending has contacted his lawyer who spelled out his version of events. He said the child was asked by his teacher if he "was Charlie." He is of Muslim background and 8 years old. He said he was against Charlie Hebdo's cartoons of the Prophet and told his teachers that he was with the terrorists. He was sent to the school director, who according to the lawyer's account asked the child three times in front of the class, "are you Charlie?" A police complaint was filed against the child, according to the lawyer. There was criticism and outcry online by those using the #Ahmed8ans tag, and it ended up with slightly more tweets than the #StopDJihadisme tag.
Blog by Mukul Devichand and Olivia Crellin

The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation. The attack on the cartoonists’ office was a disciplined professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained special forces; yet the suspects who were later corralled and killed seemed bumbling and unprofessional. It is like two different sets of people.
Usually Muslim terrorists are prepared to die in the attack; yet the two professionals who hit Charlie Hebdo were determined to escape and succeeded, an amazing feat. Their identity was allegedly established by the claim that they conveniently left for the authorities their ID in the getaway car. Such a mistake is inconsistent with the professionalism of the attack and reminds me of the undamaged passport found miraculously among the ruins of the two WTC towers that served to establish the identity of the alleged 9/11 hijackers.
It is a plausible inference that the ID left behind in the getaway car was the ID of the two Kouachi brothers, convenient patsies, later killed by police, and from whom we will never hear anything, and not the ID of the professionals who attacked Charlie Hebdo. An important fact that supports this inference is the report that the third suspect in the attack, Hamyd Mourad, the alleged driver of the getaway car, when seeing his name circulating on social media as a suspect realized the danger he was in and quickly turned himself into the police for protection against being murdered by security forces as a terrorist.
Hamyd Mourad says he has an iron-clad alibi. If so, this makes him the despoiler of a false flag attack. Authorities will have to say that despite being wrong about Mourad, they were right about the Kouachi brothers. Alternatively, Mourad could be coerced or tortured into some sort of confession that supports the official story. https://www.intellihub.com/18-year-old-charlie-hebdo-suspect-surrenders-police-claims-alibi/
The American and European media have ignored the fact that Mourad turned himself in for protection from being killed as a terrorist as he has an alibi. I googled Hamid Mourad and all I found (January 12) was the main US and European media reporting that the third suspect had turned himself in. The reason for his surrender was left out of the reports. The news was reported in a way that gave credence to the accusation that the suspect who turned himself in was part of the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Not a single US mainstream media source reported that the alleged suspect turned himself in because he has an ironclad alibi.
Some media merely reported Mourad’s surrender in a headline with no coverage in the report. The list that I googled includes the Washington Post (January 7 by Griff Witte and Anthony Faiola); Die Welt (Germany) “One suspect has turned himself in to police in connection with Wednesday’s massacre at the offices of Parisian satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo;” ABC News (January 7) “Youngest suspect in Charlie Hebdo Attack turns himself in;” CNN (January 8) “Citing sources, the Agence France Presse news agency reported that an 18-year-old suspect in the attack had surrendered to police.”
Another puzzle in the official story that remains unreported by the presstitute media is the alleged suicide of a high ranking member of the French Judicial Police who had an important role in the Charlie Hebdo investigation. For unknown reasons, Helric Fredou, a police official involved in the most important investigation of a lifetime, decided to kill himself in his police office on January 7 or January 8 (both dates are reported in the foreign media) in the middle of the night while writing his report on his investigation. A google search as of 6pm EST January 13 turns up no mainstream US media report of this event. The alternative media reports it, as do some UK newspapers, but without suspicion or mention whether his report has disappeared. The official story is that Fredou was suffering from “depression” and “burnout,” but no evidence is provided. Depression and burnout are the standard explanations of mysterious deaths that have unsettling implications.
Once again we see the US print and TV media serving as a ministry of propaganda for Washington. In place of investigation, the media repeats the government’s implausible story.
It behoves us all to think. Why would Muslims be more outraged by cartoons in a Paris magazine than by hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed by Washington and its French and NATO vassals in seven countries during the past 14 years?
If Muslims wanted to make a point of the cartoons, why not bring a hate crime charge or lawsuit? Imagine what would happen to a European magazine that dared to satirize Jews in the way Charlie Hebdo satirized Muslims. Indeed, in Europe people are imprisoned for investigating the holocaust without entirely confirming every aspect of it.
If a Muslim lawsuit was deep-sixed by French authorities, the Muslims would have made their point. Killing people merely contributes to the demonization of Muslims, a result that only serves Washington’s wars against Muslim countries.
If Muslims are responsible for the attack on Charlie Hebdo, what Muslim goal did they achieve? None whatsoever. Indeed, the attack attributed to Muslims has ended French and European sympathy and support for Palestine and European opposition to more US wars against Muslims. Just recently France had voted in the UN with Palestine against the US-Israeli position. This assertion of an independent French foreign policy was reinforced by the recent statement by the President of France that the economic sanctions against Russia should be terminated.
Clearly, France was showing too much foreign policy independence. The attack on Charlie Hebdo serves to cow France and place France back under Washington’s thumb.
Some will contend that Muslims are sufficiently stupid to shoot themselves in the head in this way. But how do we reconcile such alleged stupidity with the alleged Muslim 9/11 and Charlie Hebdo professional attacks?
If we believe the official story, the 9/11 attack on the US shows that 19 Muslims, largely Saudis, without any government or intelligence service support, outwitted not only all 16 US intelligence agencies, the National Security Council, Dick Cheney and all the neoconservatives in high positions throughout the US government, and airport security, but also the intelligence services of NATO and Israel’s Mossad. How can such intelligent and capable people, who delivered the most humiliating blow in world history to an alleged Superpower with no difficulty whatsoever despite giving every indication of their intentions, possibly be so stupid as to shoot themselves in the head when they could have thrown France into turmoil with a mere lawsuit?
The Charlie Hebdo story simply doesn’t wash. If you believe it, you are no match for a Muslim.
Some who think that they are experts will say that a false flag attack in France would be impossible without the cooperation of French intelligence. To this I say that it is practically a certainty that the CIA has more control over French intelligence than does the President of France. Operation Gladio proves this. The largest part of the government of Italy was ignorant of the bombings conducted by the CIA and Italian Intelligence against European women and children and blamed on communists in order to diminish the communist vote in elections.
Americans are a pitifully misinformed people. All of history is a history of false flag operations. Yet Americans dismiss such proven operations as “conspiracy theories,” which merely proves that government has successfully brainwashed insouciant Americans and deprived them of the ability to recognize the truth.
Americans are the foremost among the captive nations.
Who will liberate them?

We don’t have to speculate as to how this event is going to be used. It has already started.
To download the files mentioned in this video click here (French direct download),(English direct download), (French torrent)
Whatever you believe actually happened in Paris, one thing is very clear: the powers that be are going to try to use this event to expand wars, intensify domestic surveillance, and legislate away more of our rights.
This is not speculation. They have already started in France, in the U.K. (see this document), at the E.U. level, in the United States and they are going to attempt to push this on a global scale (also see this). All nicely coordinated to ride the wave of outrage that followed the attacks.
If you want a glimpse at just how far they want to take this, look at France. They’re already dealing out serious prison sentences for those caught saying anything that could be interpreted as supporting terrorism.
Does questioning the official story count as supporting terrorism? Where do you draw the line? Who decides?
Oh, so you don’t actually have to support terrorism. Just disagreeing is enough.
Humanity, do you really want to learn this lesson the hard way, again?
They are playing you people: Problem, Reaction, Solution. It’s the oldest trick in the book.
With so much riding on this story, obviously there are those who have a vested interest in preventing evidence which contradicts the official narrative from reaching the public.
On January 10th we uploaded a video entitled “Charlie Hebdo Shootings – Censored Video”. Within 24 hours it had over a million views. Then the video was age restricted and removed from listings in spite of the fact that it depicted no blood, no gore, no graphic violence of any kind.

It did, however, challenge the official narrative of the event. In spite of being age restricted the video continued to grow and added another million views.
We uploaded a French translation of this same video on January 12th. Within one day, the French version was taken down completely. Not age restricted, not blocked in some countries, completely deleted from the site. Again, this video showed no blood or gore whatsoever. In fact it didn’t even show actual murder.
We’re not going to show that footage again here. We’re not going to give them any excuse to block this video. However if you enter the following url into your browser (http://stormcloudsgathering.com/charlie-hebdo-cover-up) you will find a download link to the original files. Watch it and come to your own conclusions.
Of course, there is much more at stake here than our little video, or even the attacks themselves. The internet as a whole poses a threat to the ruling class, because in its current form ideas cannot be fully controlled. The internet in its current form makes it very hard for them to hide their corruption, their wars of aggression, and their covert operations, and that makes it hard to govern. They intend to change that (for your security of course).
Funny isn’t it, 17 people get killed in France, supposedly over a question of free speech, and the first thing that governments of the world want to do is use that event to take away free speech on the internet.
It’s also funny that these same governments expressed no outrage whatsoever as the United States military killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere.
Apparently it’s not murder if you use a drone or a guided missile.
Apparently it’s not terrorism if women and children are killed by soldiers and government bureaucrats.
No, it’s only murder when politicians and the corporate media tell you it’s murder, and if they get their way, they’ll be able to take down any website, video or social media account that dares contradict them.
There’s one question on many of your minds right now.
What can we do? How can we fight back?
Well, first of all, stop waiting for instructions. Do what you can. Use the talent you have. Get creative.
Remember necessity is the mother of invention. If each and every one of you just did what you could without worrying about whether or not you would succeed, that would be enough.
And remember, these politicians don’t have any real power. They just have your obedience.
Even their enforcement arms, the police and the military, are really just structured obedience.
Withdraw that obedience and it’s game over.
Update 1-20-2015
Reuters: Ex-UK spy chief calls for a new “accord” between tech companies and spy agencies to prevent terrorist attacks. Nothing should be off limits to the NSA or the GCHQ. In other words privacy would be made illegal.
Tại Pháp, một trong những xã hội tiên phong về nhân quyền và dân quyền, với những hội dân quyền đã từng bênh vực "kẻ khủng bố phản loạn" Phan Chu Trinh chống nhà nước Pháp bảo hộ, khiến Phan Chu Trinh nhận thức và khâm phục, hiện nay đang lao xuống vực thẳm của bạo ngược bán khai.
Sau vụ "giả địch" dàn cảnh tự giết dân Charlie Hebdo (1-West is Behind Charlie Hebdo False Flag Attacks, 2-Charlie Hebdo Paris Attack Was Inside Job, False Flag-3- The Charlie Hebdo Attack: Characteristics of a False Flag -4-Who profits from killing Charlie?.) - 4- (Tiếng Pháp Tải bản tin Video), 5- ( Tiếng Anh -Chép xuống máy), (French torrent) -- http://stormcloudsgathering.com/charlie-hebdo-cover-up - nhà nước an ninh Pháp vừa công bố chiến dịch "an ninh nhân dân", khuyến khích và kêu gọi quần chúng xăm soi rình mò nhau và báo cáo cho an ninh nhà nước tất cả những chỉ dấu của hàng xóm láng giềng già trẻ lớn bé v.v có thể là "khủng bố"!

Tác động đầu tiên của "bảng hướng dẫn" này là đánh thẳng vào giới thất nghiệp, tạo mặc cảm và phân hóa để ĐÁNH LẠC HƯỚNG và ĐỔ THỪA SUY THOÁI KINH TẾ lên đầu nạn nhân thất nghiệp, nhằm ngăn chặn và giảm tác dụng các cuộc biểu tình của giới thất nghiệp này. Giới thất nghiệp tại thế giới và riêng Âu Châu đang tăng dần, một vấn nạn mà bọn Nhà nước không thể và không muốn giải quyết trong thập niên đang đến.
Tác dụng thứ hai là BÌNH THƯỜNG HÓA những "hành động và luật" của nhà nước xen thẳng vào kiểm soát hành xử đời tư của dân chúng, đặc biệt là thói quen ĐỘC LẬP TỰ CHỦ của người dân. Mục tiêu buộc người công dân phải "hành xử bày đàn" giống mọi người vì lo sợ bị nghi ngờ. Những "đặc tính khác thường" được nêu ra trong bản "hướng dẫn" của an ninh Pháp- thường lại là những phong thái cá tính của những người có tư duy hành xử độc lập và có tinh thần vận động đối kháng dân sự bất tuân.
Rõ ràng, bọn nhà nước chính phủ Âu Mỹ Úc đang thực thi chính sách của độc tài cộng sản "TÌNH BÁO NHÂN DÂN" nhằm gây PHÂN HÓA XÃ HỘI, dễ cai trị, chia rẽ ly gián dân chúng để giảm đối kháng, và nhất là tách rời những nhân vật vượt trội có cá tính mạnh, không bày đàn, độc lập tự trị trong xã hội, có khả năng vận động quần chúng... ra khỏi ảnh hưởng xã hội bằng sự sợ hãi và nghi kị của chính quần chúng. Những người viết thẳng nói thẳng như Paul Craig Roberts, G.S Norman Finkelstein hay James Corbett v.v dĩ nhiên không thích phí giờ đàn đúm thể thao, ăn uống, hoặc đi mua hàng hạ giá v.v Thời gian của họ là đọc tin, nghiên cứu và viết bài vận động, tố cáo tội phạm nhà nước.. Tất cả là những "chỉ dấu khủng bố" theo "con mắt" của quyền lực an ninh nhà nước.
Không phải "ngẫu nhiên" mà các nhà nước then chốt Âu Mỹ Úc đang cùng đồng bộ tiến hành những trò triệt tiêu nền tự do, nền tự chủ độc lập của dân chúng. Chúng còn dùng việc TRẤN ÁP BẮT BỚ, THẨM TRA ngay cả TRẺ EM để khủng bố tinh thần người dân và biến những hành xử này thành "bình thường". Và nó đang bình thường! Đã không còn mấy ai phẫn nộ phản đối nữa! Tất cả đã bình thường từ Do Thái đến Mỹ, Pháp, Úc v.v và "nếp văn minh" này sẽ lan rộng với những màn giả địch liên tục sẽ tiếp diễn .
1-Police interrogate 8-year-old
2- Arrest of 8-year-old for alleged jihadi comments
3-France police detain boy, 8, interrogate him
4-French police interrogate 8 yr old boy after school reports
Chẳng còn nghi ngờ gì về TIẾN TRÌNH CỦNG CỐ NỀN CAI TRỊ BẠO NGƯỢC với những màn giả địch khởi từ vụ 911 (2001) cho đến Charlie Hebdo (2015). Cần phải KHẲNG ĐỊNH tất cả là trò GIẢ ĐỊCH của bọn chính phủ nhà nước Âu Mỹ Do Thái!
Đến thế kỷ này thì bản chất thật sự của định chế nhà nước chính trị (the nation-state) cũng như bản chất băng hoại của các tôn giáo, tín lý quốc gia dân tộc không còn dấu diếm được nữa. Tất cả đang vấy máu và triệt hạ nền tự do và nhân phẩm.
Riêng Nhà nước Quốc Gia (the State) nó là một tôn giáo cực kỳ nguy hiểm, hiểu chính xác như từng đặc tính của tôn giáo, hơn bất cứ tôn giáo nào. Khi đã nhiễm niềm tin, bằng chứng nhãn tiền và khoa học cũng không tác dụng. Larken Rose đã trình bày khá tỉ mỉ.
Chỉ còn tác động nhận thức giá trị tự thân mới có khả năng tháo gỡ sự sợ hãi và trọng quyền lực trong não trạng con người sinh vật. Đây chính là tự do đầu tiên và cuối cùng của loài người có nhận thức. Nếu không có nhận thức và tiến trình củng cố nhận thức miên tục giữ vững giá trị nhân bản, tự do, những ý niệm giá trị do chính chúng ta tự sáng tạo và hướng đến, tất cả chúng ta cũng chỉ sinh tồn như loài sinh vật bầy đàn man rợ nhất trong các loài sinh vật mà thôi.
Loài Người Nhân Bản như chúng ta biết đến, sẽ tuyệt chủng khi Ý NIỆM TỰ DO, NỀN TỰ DO biến mất trong não trạng chúng ta. Không có ý niệm giá trị nhân bản và tự do, tất cả chỉ còn là những bày thú tương tranh trên mặt địa cầu.
Tiến trình khai mở và vận động dân trí cần liên tục, miên tục và miên viễn cho đến khi không còn nhân loại trên trần gian này.
'The government invites you to be wary of those who do not eat baguettes'

A French government infographic titled: "jihadist radicalisation: the first signs that could alert you."
A French government infographic designed to help fight jihadist ideology gets widely shared online - but with a heavy dose of sarcasm.
On Wednesday the French government launched a website to counter terrorism in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Its message of national unity, aimed at young people who could be radicalised as well as the general public, quickly made a splash on the internet. The site was liked 17,000 times on Facebook; its official Twitter hashtag (#StopDJihadisme) was used 12,000 times; and a slick video meant to counter jihadist recruiters got over half a million hits. But it didn't take long for sarcasm to emerge. And it was the government's infographic about radicalisation that seemed to catch the internet's attention most of all. It spells out eight "tell-tale signs" of radicalization for people to watch out for in others, such as withdrawing from friends and family, quitting sporting activity, terminating old friendships and changing the way you dress. "In fact, the campaign to #StopDjihadism isn't about identifying potential jihadists, it's about describing unemployed people," was one of the most widely retweeted quips.
The most cutting remarks were about the warning that those who change their eating habits - indicated in the infographic by a cross over a baguette-shaped object - are likely to become extremists. "The government invites you to be wary of those who do not eat baguettes," said one user, in a theme that was echoed by many others.

However he said he felt the campaign was a good and useful response to violent extremism in France. "It does look a bit ridiculous having a big cross through a baguette, but if you take the infographic holistically what it is saying is that radicalization is a complex process and it's all-pervasive: it affects lots of elements of life and all corners of society. What this campaign says is that every French citizen has a role to report things and stop it."
What about the Muslim response online? At around the same time as the government campaign was gaining popularity, another tag, #Ahmed8ans ("Ahmed aged 8"). It refers to the "arrest" of an eight-year old boy who, according to press reports, was summoned before police in Nice on Wednesday. BBC Trending has contacted his lawyer who spelled out his version of events. He said the child was asked by his teacher if he "was Charlie." He is of Muslim background and 8 years old. He said he was against Charlie Hebdo's cartoons of the Prophet and told his teachers that he was with the terrorists. He was sent to the school director, who according to the lawyer's account asked the child three times in front of the class, "are you Charlie?" A police complaint was filed against the child, according to the lawyer. There was criticism and outcry online by those using the #Ahmed8ans tag, and it ended up with slightly more tweets than the #StopDJihadisme tag.
Blog by Mukul Devichand and Olivia Crellin
Turkish president accuses 'the West' of being behind Charlie Hebdo attacks and deliberately 'blaming Muslims' as conspiracy theories sweep the Internet accusing Israel of orchestrating it
- Recep Tayyip Erdoğan suggested French security forces knew of attack
- Turkish President said the West is 'playing games with the Islamic world'
- Said: 'French citizens carried out massacre, and Muslims pay the price'
Published: 02:45 EST, 14 January 2015 | Updated: 06:27 EST, 14 January 2015
The President of Turkey has suggested French security forces are to blame for the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris last week, since the culprits had recently served prison sentences.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan accused the West of 'playing games with the Islamic world', warning fellow Muslims to be 'aware'.
Erdogan said Muslims are 'paying the price' for the attacks on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish kosher supermarket in Paris last week.
Scroll down for video

Blame game: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggested French security forces were behind the Paris attacks as they 'track' former prisoners and the culprits in the Charlie Hebdo shootings had served time
'French citizens carry out such a massacre, and Muslims pay the price,' Erdogan said yesterday.
'That's very meaningful ... Doesn't their intelligence organisation track those who leave prison?
'Games are being played with the Islamic world, we need to be aware of this.
'The West's hypocrisy is obvious. As Muslims, we've never taken part in terrorist massacres. Behind these lie racism, hatespeech and Islamophobia,' Erdogan added.
Erdogan also denounced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for attending a solidarity rally in France on Sunday with other world leaders after the Paris attacks.
'How can a man who has killed 2,500 people in Gaza with state terrorism wave his hand in Paris, like people are waiting in excitement for him to do so? How dare he go there?' he said.

Erdogan denounced Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his attendance at the Unity rally in Paris alongside, from left to right, Malian President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, French President Francois Hollande, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, EU President Donald Tusk and Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas

Erdogan made the comments at a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Ankara on Monday
Erdogan did not attend the Sunday march, though Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu participated.
Erdogan is not the only senior Turkish politicianpublicly voicing conspiracy theories over the Paris attacks.
The Mayor of Ankara, Melih Gokcek, said he was convinced the Israeli intelligence service Mossad was behind the attacks, linking them to France's recent move towards recognising Palestine as an independent state.
'Mossad is definitely behind such incidents… it is boosting enmity towards Islam.' Mr Gokcek said, according to Financial Times.
In Russia, several pro-Kremlin commentators blamed the United States and the CIA for the attack, the newspaper reported.
One, Alexei Martynov, director of the International Institute for New States, said 'I am sure that some American supervisors are responsible for the terror attacks in Paris, or in any case the Islamists who carried them out.'
The former Imam and recruiter of jihadists, and the man who helped radicalise the Kouachi brothers has come forward to condemn the Charlie Hebdo murders.
Farid Benyettou, revealed as working as an intern in the hospital where many of the dead and dying were taken said: 'It was a cowardly assassination and monstrous.'

Farid Benyettou has condemned the Charlie Hebdo murders, despite radicalising one of the brothers involved in the shootings
His face hidden, the 32 year old told i-Tele: 'Whatever was done, whether it be the cowardly and monstrous murder of the journalists, or of the police and members of the Jewish community – it should not be attributed to Islam.
'If you are murderers then that's your business.'
Benyettou, who has since been removed from the wards of Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital to finish his studies in training school, said he had come forward in the name of Islam.
He said: 'I am not here to proclaim my innocence but to condemn what has been done. My innocence is not in doubt.
'Some people will say if I don't that 'Farid Beyettou may agree with what has been done' and some people may identify with that.
'No. Farid Benyettou absolutely does not agree with what happened.'
Benyettou said that he had mentored Cherif Kouachi, the younger of the terrorist brothers, for around two months.
He said: 'He came unexpectedly. He wanted discussion. With him it was always the same topic….
'It all turned around combat. He was fascinated by that – his knowledge of the religion was limited to that. Having a good relationship with his neighbours, the behaviour of Muslims in every day life, he had no idea about.
'And the relationship with God did not interest him. He was someone very, very stubborn. I told him I could not agree with what he was saying about violence and that it was probably the worst crime a Muslim could commit.
'He seemed to change his stance, accept criticism. Nothing could have seen what was to come.'
Then in a passionate defence of France he said: 'Some think that France oppresses Muslims. I am proof to the contrary. Yes I have a criminal record – terrorist written on it.
'I think this is the worst thing to happen yet despite this, doors have been open for me.
'I was given help, never been discriminated against. On the contrary.'
Benyettou was radicalised after the arrest of his brother, Youssef Zemmouri in 1998 when security forces dismantled the Parisian Salafist Group.
Self taught he became an 'emir' and taught theology courses.
He was arrested along with six others in 2005 for helping to send jihadists to Iraq after the US invasion.
Three years later, then aged 27, he was sentenced to six years in prison and release in 2011.
False Flags, Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui bono?
18 21

UPDATES: Well known writers Thierry Meyssan and Kevin Barrett see the “terrorist” attach on Charlie Hebdo as a false flag attack. See http://www.voltairenet.org/article186441.html [1] and http://presstv.com/Detail/2015/01/10/392426/Planted-ID-card-exposes-Paris-false-flag [2]
Update: According to news reports, one of the accused in the attack on Charlie Hebdo when hearing that he was being sought for the crime turned himself in to police with an ironclad alibi.
According to news reports, police found the ID of Said Kouachi at the scene of the Charlie Hebdo shooting. Does this sound familiar? Remember, authorities claimed to have found the undamaged passport of one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers among the massive pulverized ruins of the twin towers. Once the authorities discover that the stupid Western peoples will believe any transparent lie, the authorities use the lie again and again. The police claim to have discovered a dropped ID is a sure indication that the attack on Charlie Hebdo was an inside job and that people identified by NSA as hostile to the Western wars against Muslims are going to be framed for an inside job designed to pull France firmly back under Washington’s thumb. http://www.wfmz.com/shooting-at-french-satirical-magazine-office/30571524
There are two ways to look at the alleged terrorist attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
One is that in the English speaking world, or much of it, the satire would have been regarded as “hate speech,” and the satirists arrested. But in France Muslims are excluded from the privileged category, took offense at the satire, and retaliated.
Why would Muslims bother? By now Muslims must be accustomed to Western hypocrisy and double standards. Little doubt that Muslims are angry that they do not enjoy the protections other minorities receive, but why retaliate for satire but not for France’s participation in Washington’s wars against Muslims in which hundreds of thousands have died? Isn’t being killed more serious than being satirized?
Another way of seeing the attack is as an attack designed to shore up France’s vassal status to Washington. The suspects can be both guilty and patsies. Just remember all the terrorist plots created by the FBI that served to make the terrorism threat real to Americans. http://reason.com/blog/2014/07/22/human-rights-watch-all-of-the-high-profi [4]
France is suffering from the Washington-imposed sanctions against Russia. Shipyards are impacted from being unable to deliver Russian orders due to France’s vassalage status to Washington, and other aspects of the French economy are being adversely impacted by sanctions that Washington forced its NATO puppet states to apply to Russia.
This week the French president said that the sanctions against Russia should end (so did the German vice-chancellor).
This is too much foreign policy independence on France’s part for Washington. Has Washington resurrected “Operation Gladio,” which consisted of CIA bombing attacks against Europeans during the post-WW II era that Washington blamed on communists and used to destroy communist influence in European elections? Just as the world was led to believe that communists were behind Operation Gladio’s terrorist attacks, Muslims are blamed for the attacks on the French satirical magazine.
The Roman question is always: Who benefits? The answer is: Not France, not Muslims, but US world hegemony. US hegemony over the world is what the CIA supports. US world hegemony is the neoconservative-imposed foreign policy of the US.
According to National Public Radio, Charlie Hebdo is about free speech. The US has free speech, claim NPR’s pundits, but terrorists have taken it away from the French.
Just how does the US have free speech when NY Times reporter James Risen was psychologically put on the rack to force him to reveal his source, despite the fact that Risen and his source are protected by the US Constitution and whistleblower protections. Clearly, in the US “national security” has trumped everything else.
“National security” has nothing to do with national security. It has only to do with protecting the criminals in the US government from accountability for their crimes. Every time you hear Washington invoke “national security,” you know for a 100% fact that the government has committed yet another crime. National security is the cloak for Washington’s criminal operations. “National security” prevents the government’s crimes from coming to light and, thereby, protects government from accountability.
One wonders what role “national security” will play in the trial of alleged Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Tsarnaev has been in custody since April 2013 and under indictment since April 22, 2013. Yet jury selection is only now beginning in January 2015. Why this long delay? The guarantee of a speedy trial no longer means anything, but with all sorts of charges in addition to the bombing for which the government claims eye witnesses and confessions and with the Tsarnaev brothers already convicted in the media, the long delay is a puzzle. Yet, we have not heard from Dzhokhar Tsarnaey himself. It is difficult to push away the thought that Dzhokhar’s trial has been delayed in order to compete his conditioning and acceptance of his guilt and in order for the many questions raised by alternative media to be forgotten.
The print and TV media have dished up the government’s explanation without investigation. However, the alternative media have taken great exception to every aspect of the case. As the US government has taught us since the Clinton regime, the safest assumption is that everything the government says is a lie.
The most suspicious aspect of the event was the speed with which an army of 10,000 heavily armed troops consisting of police from various jurisdictions and National Guard soldiers outfitted in military gear and provided with tanks or armored personnel carriers were on the streets of Boston. Never before has such a massive force equipped with military heavy equipment been employed in a manhunt, much less for one wounded, unarmed, 19-year old kid.
For such a force to be assembled and deployed so quickly suggests pre-planning. What was presented as a manhunt for one badly wounded suspect looks more like a test case and precedent for locking down one of America’s largest cities, while squads of troops evicted US citizens from their homes at gunpoint and conducted indiscriminate searches of houses that contributed nothing to apprehending the alleged suspect. The chances are zero that any household would have harbored a badly wounded unarmed fugitive dying from the lack of medical care.
Not only was Boston and its suburbs locked down, the Federal Aviation Administration restricted airspace over Boston and issued a “ground stop” for Logan airport. Why?
Several other cities in Massachusetts and even some other states put their police forces on alert. Why?
On the scene were the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives, the CIA, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the National Counterterrorism Center. The US Attorney General committed the full resources of the US Department of Justice.
The only plausible answer is to raise the fear level in order to gain the public’s acceptance of the lockdown of Boston and police invasions of citizens’ homes. It makes no sense that danger from a badly wounded unarmed 19 year-old could possibly justify such expense and trampling of constitutional rights of citizens.
A non-gullible person must wonder if the bombing was an orchestrated event for the purpose of coordinating state, local, and federal governments in the lockdown of a major city. A poll of Bostonians last July found that 42 percent harbored doubts about the official version of events. http://www.globalresearch.ca/four-in-ten-bostonians-skeptical-of-official-marathon-bombing-account/5390848 [5]
The gullible always say that if a conspiracy existed someone would have talked. But people do talk. It just doesn’t do any good. For example, during George W. Bush’s first term a NSA whistleblower leaked to the New York Times that the NSA was bypassing the FISA Court and spying on American citizens without warrants. Under US law, NSA was in a conspiracy with the Bush regime to commit serious felonies (possibly for the purpose of blackmail), but the New York Times spiked the story for one year until George W. Bush was re-elected and the regime had time to ex post facto legalize the felonies.
Operation Gladio was a conspiracy kept secret for decades until a President of Italy revealed it.
The Northwoods Project was kept secret until years afterward when the second Kennedy Commission revealed it.
More than one hundred first responder police and firemen report hearing and personally experiencing multiple explosions floor by floor and even in the sub-basements of the World Trade Center twin towers, and these testimonies had no effect whatsoever.
It only took one high school physics professor to shoot down NIST’s account of the collapse of WTC 7. The fact that it has been conclusively proven that this building was brought down by controlled demolition has had no effect on the official story.
The co-chairmen and legal counsel of the 9/11 Commission published books in which they say that information was withheld from the Commission, that the US Military lied to the Commission, and that the Commission “was set up to fail.” Neither Congress, the media, nor the US public had any interest in investigating why information was withheld, why the military lied, and why the Commission was set up to fail. These extraordinary statements by the leaders of the official investigation had no impact whatsoever.
Even today a majority of the US population believes Washington’s propaganda that Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed some provinces. Neither judgement nor intelligence are strongpoints of the American public and juries.
Government tells Americans whatever story the government puts together and sits and laughs at the gullibility of the public.
Today the US public is divided between those who rely on the “mainstream media” and those who rely on the alternative Internet media. Only the latter have any clue as to what is really happening.
The stories of Charlie Hebdo and the Tsarnaev brothers will be based not on facts but on the interests of government. As in the past, the government’s interest will prevail over the facts.
According to news reports, police found the ID of Said Kouachi at the scene of the Charlie Hebdo shooting. Does this sound familiar? Remember, authorities claimed to have found the undamaged passport of one of the alleged 9/11 hijackers among the massive pulverized ruins of the twin towers. Once the authorities discover that the stupid Western peoples will believe any transparent lie, the authorities use the lie again and again. The police claim to have discovered a dropped ID is a sure indication that the attack on Charlie Hebdo was an inside job and that people identified by NSA as hostile to the Western wars against Muslims are going to be framed for an inside job designed to pull France firmly back under Washington’s thumb. http://www.wfmz.com/shooting-at-french-satirical-magazine-office/30571524
There are two ways to look at the alleged terrorist attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.
One is that in the English speaking world, or much of it, the satire would have been regarded as “hate speech,” and the satirists arrested. But in France Muslims are excluded from the privileged category, took offense at the satire, and retaliated.
Why would Muslims bother? By now Muslims must be accustomed to Western hypocrisy and double standards. Little doubt that Muslims are angry that they do not enjoy the protections other minorities receive, but why retaliate for satire but not for France’s participation in Washington’s wars against Muslims in which hundreds of thousands have died? Isn’t being killed more serious than being satirized?
Another way of seeing the attack is as an attack designed to shore up France’s vassal status to Washington. The suspects can be both guilty and patsies. Just remember all the terrorist plots created by the FBI that served to make the terrorism threat real to Americans. http://reason.com/blog/2014/07/22/human-rights-watch-all-of-the-high-profi [4]
France is suffering from the Washington-imposed sanctions against Russia. Shipyards are impacted from being unable to deliver Russian orders due to France’s vassalage status to Washington, and other aspects of the French economy are being adversely impacted by sanctions that Washington forced its NATO puppet states to apply to Russia.
This week the French president said that the sanctions against Russia should end (so did the German vice-chancellor).
This is too much foreign policy independence on France’s part for Washington. Has Washington resurrected “Operation Gladio,” which consisted of CIA bombing attacks against Europeans during the post-WW II era that Washington blamed on communists and used to destroy communist influence in European elections? Just as the world was led to believe that communists were behind Operation Gladio’s terrorist attacks, Muslims are blamed for the attacks on the French satirical magazine.
The Roman question is always: Who benefits? The answer is: Not France, not Muslims, but US world hegemony. US hegemony over the world is what the CIA supports. US world hegemony is the neoconservative-imposed foreign policy of the US.
According to National Public Radio, Charlie Hebdo is about free speech. The US has free speech, claim NPR’s pundits, but terrorists have taken it away from the French.
Just how does the US have free speech when NY Times reporter James Risen was psychologically put on the rack to force him to reveal his source, despite the fact that Risen and his source are protected by the US Constitution and whistleblower protections. Clearly, in the US “national security” has trumped everything else.
“National security” has nothing to do with national security. It has only to do with protecting the criminals in the US government from accountability for their crimes. Every time you hear Washington invoke “national security,” you know for a 100% fact that the government has committed yet another crime. National security is the cloak for Washington’s criminal operations. “National security” prevents the government’s crimes from coming to light and, thereby, protects government from accountability.
One wonders what role “national security” will play in the trial of alleged Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Tsarnaev has been in custody since April 2013 and under indictment since April 22, 2013. Yet jury selection is only now beginning in January 2015. Why this long delay? The guarantee of a speedy trial no longer means anything, but with all sorts of charges in addition to the bombing for which the government claims eye witnesses and confessions and with the Tsarnaev brothers already convicted in the media, the long delay is a puzzle. Yet, we have not heard from Dzhokhar Tsarnaey himself. It is difficult to push away the thought that Dzhokhar’s trial has been delayed in order to compete his conditioning and acceptance of his guilt and in order for the many questions raised by alternative media to be forgotten.
The print and TV media have dished up the government’s explanation without investigation. However, the alternative media have taken great exception to every aspect of the case. As the US government has taught us since the Clinton regime, the safest assumption is that everything the government says is a lie.
The most suspicious aspect of the event was the speed with which an army of 10,000 heavily armed troops consisting of police from various jurisdictions and National Guard soldiers outfitted in military gear and provided with tanks or armored personnel carriers were on the streets of Boston. Never before has such a massive force equipped with military heavy equipment been employed in a manhunt, much less for one wounded, unarmed, 19-year old kid.
For such a force to be assembled and deployed so quickly suggests pre-planning. What was presented as a manhunt for one badly wounded suspect looks more like a test case and precedent for locking down one of America’s largest cities, while squads of troops evicted US citizens from their homes at gunpoint and conducted indiscriminate searches of houses that contributed nothing to apprehending the alleged suspect. The chances are zero that any household would have harbored a badly wounded unarmed fugitive dying from the lack of medical care.
Not only was Boston and its suburbs locked down, the Federal Aviation Administration restricted airspace over Boston and issued a “ground stop” for Logan airport. Why?
Several other cities in Massachusetts and even some other states put their police forces on alert. Why?
On the scene were the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives, the CIA, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the National Counterterrorism Center. The US Attorney General committed the full resources of the US Department of Justice.
The only plausible answer is to raise the fear level in order to gain the public’s acceptance of the lockdown of Boston and police invasions of citizens’ homes. It makes no sense that danger from a badly wounded unarmed 19 year-old could possibly justify such expense and trampling of constitutional rights of citizens.
A non-gullible person must wonder if the bombing was an orchestrated event for the purpose of coordinating state, local, and federal governments in the lockdown of a major city. A poll of Bostonians last July found that 42 percent harbored doubts about the official version of events. http://www.globalresearch.ca/four-in-ten-bostonians-skeptical-of-official-marathon-bombing-account/5390848 [5]
The gullible always say that if a conspiracy existed someone would have talked. But people do talk. It just doesn’t do any good. For example, during George W. Bush’s first term a NSA whistleblower leaked to the New York Times that the NSA was bypassing the FISA Court and spying on American citizens without warrants. Under US law, NSA was in a conspiracy with the Bush regime to commit serious felonies (possibly for the purpose of blackmail), but the New York Times spiked the story for one year until George W. Bush was re-elected and the regime had time to ex post facto legalize the felonies.
Operation Gladio was a conspiracy kept secret for decades until a President of Italy revealed it.
The Northwoods Project was kept secret until years afterward when the second Kennedy Commission revealed it.
More than one hundred first responder police and firemen report hearing and personally experiencing multiple explosions floor by floor and even in the sub-basements of the World Trade Center twin towers, and these testimonies had no effect whatsoever.
It only took one high school physics professor to shoot down NIST’s account of the collapse of WTC 7. The fact that it has been conclusively proven that this building was brought down by controlled demolition has had no effect on the official story.
The co-chairmen and legal counsel of the 9/11 Commission published books in which they say that information was withheld from the Commission, that the US Military lied to the Commission, and that the Commission “was set up to fail.” Neither Congress, the media, nor the US public had any interest in investigating why information was withheld, why the military lied, and why the Commission was set up to fail. These extraordinary statements by the leaders of the official investigation had no impact whatsoever.
Even today a majority of the US population believes Washington’s propaganda that Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed some provinces. Neither judgement nor intelligence are strongpoints of the American public and juries.
Government tells Americans whatever story the government puts together and sits and laughs at the gullibility of the public.
Today the US public is divided between those who rely on the “mainstream media” and those who rely on the alternative Internet media. Only the latter have any clue as to what is really happening.
The stories of Charlie Hebdo and the Tsarnaev brothers will be based not on facts but on the interests of government. As in the past, the government’s interest will prevail over the facts.
[2] http://presstv.com/Detail/2015/01/10/392426/Planted-ID-card-exposes-Paris-false-flag:http://presstv.com/Detail/2015/01/10/392426/Planted-ID-card-exposes-Paris-false-flag
The Charlie Hebdo Attack: Characteristics of a False Flag Operation?
Region: Europe
Theme: Intelligence, Media Disinformation
132 20

Usually Muslim terrorists are prepared to die in the attack; yet the two professionals who hit Charlie Hebdo were determined to escape and succeeded, an amazing feat. Their identity was allegedly established by the claim that they conveniently left for the authorities their ID in the getaway car. Such a mistake is inconsistent with the professionalism of the attack and reminds me of the undamaged passport found miraculously among the ruins of the two WTC towers that served to establish the identity of the alleged 9/11 hijackers.
It is a plausible inference that the ID left behind in the getaway car was the ID of the two Kouachi brothers, convenient patsies, later killed by police, and from whom we will never hear anything, and not the ID of the professionals who attacked Charlie Hebdo. An important fact that supports this inference is the report that the third suspect in the attack, Hamyd Mourad, the alleged driver of the getaway car, when seeing his name circulating on social media as a suspect realized the danger he was in and quickly turned himself into the police for protection against being murdered by security forces as a terrorist.
Hamyd Mourad says he has an iron-clad alibi. If so, this makes him the despoiler of a false flag attack. Authorities will have to say that despite being wrong about Mourad, they were right about the Kouachi brothers. Alternatively, Mourad could be coerced or tortured into some sort of confession that supports the official story. https://www.intellihub.com/18-year-old-charlie-hebdo-suspect-surrenders-police-claims-alibi/
The American and European media have ignored the fact that Mourad turned himself in for protection from being killed as a terrorist as he has an alibi. I googled Hamid Mourad and all I found (January 12) was the main US and European media reporting that the third suspect had turned himself in. The reason for his surrender was left out of the reports. The news was reported in a way that gave credence to the accusation that the suspect who turned himself in was part of the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Not a single US mainstream media source reported that the alleged suspect turned himself in because he has an ironclad alibi.
Some media merely reported Mourad’s surrender in a headline with no coverage in the report. The list that I googled includes the Washington Post (January 7 by Griff Witte and Anthony Faiola); Die Welt (Germany) “One suspect has turned himself in to police in connection with Wednesday’s massacre at the offices of Parisian satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo;” ABC News (January 7) “Youngest suspect in Charlie Hebdo Attack turns himself in;” CNN (January 8) “Citing sources, the Agence France Presse news agency reported that an 18-year-old suspect in the attack had surrendered to police.”
Another puzzle in the official story that remains unreported by the presstitute media is the alleged suicide of a high ranking member of the French Judicial Police who had an important role in the Charlie Hebdo investigation. For unknown reasons, Helric Fredou, a police official involved in the most important investigation of a lifetime, decided to kill himself in his police office on January 7 or January 8 (both dates are reported in the foreign media) in the middle of the night while writing his report on his investigation. A google search as of 6pm EST January 13 turns up no mainstream US media report of this event. The alternative media reports it, as do some UK newspapers, but without suspicion or mention whether his report has disappeared. The official story is that Fredou was suffering from “depression” and “burnout,” but no evidence is provided. Depression and burnout are the standard explanations of mysterious deaths that have unsettling implications.
Once again we see the US print and TV media serving as a ministry of propaganda for Washington. In place of investigation, the media repeats the government’s implausible story.
It behoves us all to think. Why would Muslims be more outraged by cartoons in a Paris magazine than by hundreds of thousands of Muslims killed by Washington and its French and NATO vassals in seven countries during the past 14 years?
If Muslims wanted to make a point of the cartoons, why not bring a hate crime charge or lawsuit? Imagine what would happen to a European magazine that dared to satirize Jews in the way Charlie Hebdo satirized Muslims. Indeed, in Europe people are imprisoned for investigating the holocaust without entirely confirming every aspect of it.
If a Muslim lawsuit was deep-sixed by French authorities, the Muslims would have made their point. Killing people merely contributes to the demonization of Muslims, a result that only serves Washington’s wars against Muslim countries.
If Muslims are responsible for the attack on Charlie Hebdo, what Muslim goal did they achieve? None whatsoever. Indeed, the attack attributed to Muslims has ended French and European sympathy and support for Palestine and European opposition to more US wars against Muslims. Just recently France had voted in the UN with Palestine against the US-Israeli position. This assertion of an independent French foreign policy was reinforced by the recent statement by the President of France that the economic sanctions against Russia should be terminated.
Clearly, France was showing too much foreign policy independence. The attack on Charlie Hebdo serves to cow France and place France back under Washington’s thumb.
Some will contend that Muslims are sufficiently stupid to shoot themselves in the head in this way. But how do we reconcile such alleged stupidity with the alleged Muslim 9/11 and Charlie Hebdo professional attacks?
If we believe the official story, the 9/11 attack on the US shows that 19 Muslims, largely Saudis, without any government or intelligence service support, outwitted not only all 16 US intelligence agencies, the National Security Council, Dick Cheney and all the neoconservatives in high positions throughout the US government, and airport security, but also the intelligence services of NATO and Israel’s Mossad. How can such intelligent and capable people, who delivered the most humiliating blow in world history to an alleged Superpower with no difficulty whatsoever despite giving every indication of their intentions, possibly be so stupid as to shoot themselves in the head when they could have thrown France into turmoil with a mere lawsuit?
The Charlie Hebdo story simply doesn’t wash. If you believe it, you are no match for a Muslim.
Some who think that they are experts will say that a false flag attack in France would be impossible without the cooperation of French intelligence. To this I say that it is practically a certainty that the CIA has more control over French intelligence than does the President of France. Operation Gladio proves this. The largest part of the government of Italy was ignorant of the bombings conducted by the CIA and Italian Intelligence against European women and children and blamed on communists in order to diminish the communist vote in elections.
Americans are a pitifully misinformed people. All of history is a history of false flag operations. Yet Americans dismiss such proven operations as “conspiracy theories,” which merely proves that government has successfully brainwashed insouciant Americans and deprived them of the ability to recognize the truth.
Americans are the foremost among the captive nations.
Who will liberate them?
Video: Charlie Hebdo Hidden Agenda Exposed
Post Categories: Canada
StormCloudsGathering | Thursday, January 22, 2015, 11:36 Beijing

We don’t have to speculate as to how this event is going to be used. It has already started.
To download the files mentioned in this video click here (French direct download),(English direct download), (French torrent)
Whatever you believe actually happened in Paris, one thing is very clear: the powers that be are going to try to use this event to expand wars, intensify domestic surveillance, and legislate away more of our rights.
This is not speculation. They have already started in France, in the U.K. (see this document), at the E.U. level, in the United States and they are going to attempt to push this on a global scale (also see this). All nicely coordinated to ride the wave of outrage that followed the attacks.
If you want a glimpse at just how far they want to take this, look at France. They’re already dealing out serious prison sentences for those caught saying anything that could be interpreted as supporting terrorism.
Does questioning the official story count as supporting terrorism? Where do you draw the line? Who decides?
Oh, so you don’t actually have to support terrorism. Just disagreeing is enough.
Humanity, do you really want to learn this lesson the hard way, again?
They are playing you people: Problem, Reaction, Solution. It’s the oldest trick in the book.
With so much riding on this story, obviously there are those who have a vested interest in preventing evidence which contradicts the official narrative from reaching the public.
On January 10th we uploaded a video entitled “Charlie Hebdo Shootings – Censored Video”. Within 24 hours it had over a million views. Then the video was age restricted and removed from listings in spite of the fact that it depicted no blood, no gore, no graphic violence of any kind.
It did, however, challenge the official narrative of the event. In spite of being age restricted the video continued to grow and added another million views.
We uploaded a French translation of this same video on January 12th. Within one day, the French version was taken down completely. Not age restricted, not blocked in some countries, completely deleted from the site. Again, this video showed no blood or gore whatsoever. In fact it didn’t even show actual murder.
We’re not going to show that footage again here. We’re not going to give them any excuse to block this video. However if you enter the following url into your browser (http://stormcloudsgathering.com/charlie-hebdo-cover-up) you will find a download link to the original files. Watch it and come to your own conclusions.
Of course, there is much more at stake here than our little video, or even the attacks themselves. The internet as a whole poses a threat to the ruling class, because in its current form ideas cannot be fully controlled. The internet in its current form makes it very hard for them to hide their corruption, their wars of aggression, and their covert operations, and that makes it hard to govern. They intend to change that (for your security of course).
Funny isn’t it, 17 people get killed in France, supposedly over a question of free speech, and the first thing that governments of the world want to do is use that event to take away free speech on the internet.
It’s also funny that these same governments expressed no outrage whatsoever as the United States military killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and elsewhere.
Apparently it’s not murder if you use a drone or a guided missile.
Apparently it’s not terrorism if women and children are killed by soldiers and government bureaucrats.
No, it’s only murder when politicians and the corporate media tell you it’s murder, and if they get their way, they’ll be able to take down any website, video or social media account that dares contradict them.
There’s one question on many of your minds right now.
What can we do? How can we fight back?
Well, first of all, stop waiting for instructions. Do what you can. Use the talent you have. Get creative.
Remember necessity is the mother of invention. If each and every one of you just did what you could without worrying about whether or not you would succeed, that would be enough.
And remember, these politicians don’t have any real power. They just have your obedience.
Even their enforcement arms, the police and the military, are really just structured obedience.
Withdraw that obedience and it’s game over.
Update 1-20-2015
Reuters: Ex-UK spy chief calls for a new “accord” between tech companies and spy agencies to prevent terrorist attacks. Nothing should be off limits to the NSA or the GCHQ. In other words privacy would be made illegal.
THAM KHẢO: Video quảng cáo của Chính Phủ Ý tuyên truyền Chủ Nghĩa Quốc Gia Dân Tộc Ý
Bọn Ý Ngục đang bị vào "mê hồn trận" Chủ Nghĩa Quốc Gia Dân Tộc
Với tình hình khủng hoảng kinh tế và băng hoại xã hội, và sau vụ Charlie Hebdo, người dân Ý đang bị Nhà Nước Chính Phủ kích động tự ái dân tộc...
Một lũ Ý Ngục tối dạ đầy mặc cảm tự ti đang "tự sướng" với video quảng cáo dưới đây do đám báo chí truyền thông đĩ điếm tay sai của Nhà Nước thực hiện, thổi phồng và lăng-xê.
"Lòng yêu nước trong ý nghĩa đơn giản, rõ ràng và xác thực nhất của nó chính là một phương tiện cho người cai trị thực hiện tham vọng và mục tiêu mua chuộc của họ, với người bị trị, nó chính là từ bỏ nhân phẩm, tri' thông minh và lương tâm con người, mà mù quáng tuần phụ kẻ cai trị. Bất cứ nơi nào lòng yêu nước được bảo vệ, bênh vực, tôn vinh, thì là nó đang luôn được rao giảng trong hình dạng vừa nói qua đó. Lòng yêu nước chính là chế độ nô lệ. "- Leo Tolstoy
Quốc Gia Nhà Nước và Giáo Hội Tôn Giáo luôn hứa hẹn An Toàn Bình An trong điều kiện CÔNG DÂN - TÍN ĐỒ phải chấp nhận sự NÔ LỆ- VÂNG PHỤC (nkptc)
"Kẻ nô lệ tuyệt vọng nhất chính là nô lệ cho chủ nghĩa quốc gia dân tộc, tôn giáo với ảo tưởng về thần tích "giống nòi" và "thượng đế" qua các câu chuyện cổ tích hư cấu phi lý, lạc hậu và man rợ" NKPTC
Với tình hình khủng hoảng kinh tế và băng hoại xã hội, và sau vụ Charlie Hebdo, người dân Ý đang bị Nhà Nước Chính Phủ kích động tự ái dân tộc...
Một lũ Ý Ngục tối dạ đầy mặc cảm tự ti đang "tự sướng" với video quảng cáo dưới đây do đám báo chí truyền thông đĩ điếm tay sai của Nhà Nước thực hiện, thổi phồng và lăng-xê.
"Lòng yêu nước trong ý nghĩa đơn giản, rõ ràng và xác thực nhất của nó chính là một phương tiện cho người cai trị thực hiện tham vọng và mục tiêu mua chuộc của họ, với người bị trị, nó chính là từ bỏ nhân phẩm, tri' thông minh và lương tâm con người, mà mù quáng tuần phụ kẻ cai trị. Bất cứ nơi nào lòng yêu nước được bảo vệ, bênh vực, tôn vinh, thì là nó đang luôn được rao giảng trong hình dạng vừa nói qua đó. Lòng yêu nước chính là chế độ nô lệ. "- Leo Tolstoy
"Tôi chọn nguy hiểm trong tự do hơn là an bình trong nô lệ"-(I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery) -Thomas Jefferson..
THAM KHẢO: Bài Nhạc "The Fletcher Memorial Home" - Pink Floyd
"The Fletcher Memorial Home" is a song by Roger Waters, performed by Pink Floyd.[1] The song appears on their 1983 album, The Final Cut.[2] It is the eighth track on the album, and is arranged between "Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert" and "Southampton Dock". The song is also featured on the Pink Floyd compilations Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd[3] and A Foot in the Door – The Best of Pink Floyd.
The song is about Waters' frustration with the leadership of the world since World War II,[4] mentioning many world leaders by name (Ronald Reagan, Alexander Haig, Menachem Begin, Margaret Thatcher, Ian Paisley, Leonid Brezhnev, Joseph McCarthy andRichard Nixon), suggesting that these "colonial wasters of life and limb" be segregated into a specially-founded retirement home. It labels all the world leaders as "overgrown infants" and "incurable tyrants", and suggests that they are incapable of understanding anything other than violence, or their own visages on a television screen.[5]
In its concluding lines, the narrator of the song gathers all of the "tyrants" inside the Fletcher Memorial Home and imagines applying "the Final Solution" to them.[5]
Fletcher in the name of the song is in honour and remembrance of Roger Waters' father, Eric Fletcher Waters, who died during theSecond World War at Anzio.[4] Fletcher was the maiden name of Eric Waters' mother.
It's notable that the name is also associated with the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, also known as theFletcher School.
In The Final Cut Video EP the Fletcher Memorial Home scenes are filmed at Forty Hall in Enfield.
"The Fletcher Memorial Home"
Take all your overgrown infants away somewhere
And build them a home, a little place of their own.
The Fletcher Memorial
Home for Incurable Tyrants and Kings.
And they can appear to themselves every day
On closed circuit T.V.
To make sure they're still real.
It's the only connection they feel.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Reagan and Haig,
Mr. Begin and friend, Mrs. Thatcher, and Paisly,
"Hello Maggie!"
Mr. Brezhnev and party.
"Scusi dov'è il bar?"
The ghost of McCarthy,
The memories of Nixon.
"Who's the bald chap?"
And now, adding colour, a group of anonymous latin-
American meat packing glitterati.
Did they expect us to treat them with any respect?
They can polish their medals and sharpen their
Smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for awhile.
Boom boom, bang bang, lie down you're dead.
Safe in the permanent gaze of a cold glass eye
With their favorite toys
They'll be good girls and boys
In the Fletcher Memorial Home for colonial
Wasters of life and limb.
Is everyone in?
Are you having a nice time?
Now the final solution can be applied.
And build them a home, a little place of their own.
The Fletcher Memorial
Home for Incurable Tyrants and Kings.
And they can appear to themselves every day
On closed circuit T.V.
To make sure they're still real.
It's the only connection they feel.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, Reagan and Haig,
Mr. Begin and friend, Mrs. Thatcher, and Paisly,
"Hello Maggie!"
Mr. Brezhnev and party.
"Scusi dov'è il bar?"
The ghost of McCarthy,
The memories of Nixon.
"Who's the bald chap?"
And now, adding colour, a group of anonymous latin-
American meat packing glitterati.
Did they expect us to treat them with any respect?
They can polish their medals and sharpen their
Smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for awhile.
Boom boom, bang bang, lie down you're dead.
Safe in the permanent gaze of a cold glass eye
With their favorite toys
They'll be good girls and boys
In the Fletcher Memorial Home for colonial
Wasters of life and limb.
Is everyone in?
Are you having a nice time?
Now the final solution can be applied.
Friday, January 30, 2015
Hành Trình Trăm Bước : The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)
Hành Trình Trăm Bước : The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)
Phim vui nhẹ nhàng, nhưng Sâu Sắc và Thâm Thúy về chủ nghĩa Quốc Gia Dân Tộc, Tự Hào Văn Hóa, Truyền Thống, đầy Tình Người, Nhân Bản.
Một phim chúng ta không thể bỏ qua. Xem để thấy và hiểu được nơi xã hội Tây phương, giòng sông ngầm nhân bản vẫn âm ỉ chảy xiết trong lòng những sa mạc bạo ngược phân hóa của định chế nhà nước chính trị hôm nay, bạt ngàn những cồn cát của hãi sợ, căm thù, khủng bố, và chiến tranh đang gieo rắc hôm nay giữa những nhóm người. Cho dù như thế nào, chúng ta vẫn không căm thù. Ngay khi chúng ta bắt đầu CĂM THÙ thì bọn QUYỀN CHÍNH VỚI CHỦ NGHĨA QUỐC GIA DÂN TỘC, TÔN GIÁO chúng đã chiến thắng! WE SHALL NOT HATE! Chúng ta sẽ không căm thù!
Một vài đối thoại sâu sắc trong phim:
-Mr Kadam: "Tôi có thể tự lau chùi tường nhà tôi" (I can clean my own wall.)
- Madame Mallory: " Phía mặt ngoài của bức tường không phải là tường của nhà ông. Một cách nguyên tắc, nó thuộc về cả làng xóm (The outer wall is not your wall. Technically, it belongs to the village)
- Mr. Kadam: "Người Ấn Độ không thể trở thành người Pháp, và người Pháp không thể trở thành người Ấn Độ (Indian cannot become French, and the French cannot become Indian.)
- Madame Mallory: "Thưa ông Kadam, Tôi nghĩ rằng tôi vừa mới mất cả ngày nay chùi sạch tất cả những lời nói đó khỏi bức tường của ông" ( Mr. Kadam, I think I have just spent the whole day washing those words off your wall.)
* Madame Mallory: "Nhưng sao lại thay đổi qui thức món ăn đã có 200 năm rồi? ( But why change a recipe that is 200 years old?)
*Hassan: "Bởi vì, thưa bà, có lẽ 200 năm đã đủ lâu rồi" (Because, madam, maybe 200 years is long enough.
- Món ăn là ký ức kỷ niệm (Food is memories)
-Ở đây, nấu nướng không còn là một nghệ thuật, nó là khoa học. Luôn đổi mới, cải tiến, đổi mới ( Up here, cooking is no longer an art. It's a science. Innovation. Innovation. Innovation.)
*Jean-Pierre: (hát quốc ca Pháp) "Bọn chúng đến cắt cổ vợ con chúng ta. Cầm lấy vũ khí, hỡi công dân, lập thành đội ngũ, chúng ta hãy tiến lên. Sao cho giòng máu dơ bẩn của chúng chảy đầy đồng chúng ta" (They come to slit the throats, of our sons, our wives." "To arms, citizens, form your battalions, let us march. May their unpure blood...Flow in our fields.)
*Madame Mallory- :Và đó là ngưòi Pháp phải như vậy, đúng không, Jean Pierre? (And that is what it means to be French, n'est-ce pas, Jean-Pierre?)Jean-Pierre: "Đúng vậy" (Yes.)*Madame Mallory: "Thế nhưng, còn những cách khác để làm người Pháp nữa. Tự Do, Bình Đẳng, Tình Đồng Loại nữa. (Well, there are other ways to be French. Liberty. Equality. Fraternity.)
Xin Mời Quí Bạn Thưởng Thức Phim : Hành Trình Trăm Bước: The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)
Phim vui nhẹ nhàng, nhưng Sâu Sắc và Thâm Thúy về chủ nghĩa Quốc Gia Dân Tộc, Tự Hào Văn Hóa, Truyền Thống, đầy Tình Người, Nhân Bản.
Một phim chúng ta không thể bỏ qua. Xem để thấy và hiểu được nơi xã hội Tây phương, giòng sông ngầm nhân bản vẫn âm ỉ chảy xiết trong lòng những sa mạc bạo ngược phân hóa của định chế nhà nước chính trị hôm nay, bạt ngàn những cồn cát của hãi sợ, căm thù, khủng bố, và chiến tranh đang gieo rắc hôm nay giữa những nhóm người. Cho dù như thế nào, chúng ta vẫn không căm thù. Ngay khi chúng ta bắt đầu CĂM THÙ thì bọn QUYỀN CHÍNH VỚI CHỦ NGHĨA QUỐC GIA DÂN TỘC, TÔN GIÁO chúng đã chiến thắng! WE SHALL NOT HATE! Chúng ta sẽ không căm thù!
Một vài đối thoại sâu sắc trong phim:
-Mr Kadam: "Tôi có thể tự lau chùi tường nhà tôi" (I can clean my own wall.)
- Madame Mallory: " Phía mặt ngoài của bức tường không phải là tường của nhà ông. Một cách nguyên tắc, nó thuộc về cả làng xóm (The outer wall is not your wall. Technically, it belongs to the village)
- Mr. Kadam: "Người Ấn Độ không thể trở thành người Pháp, và người Pháp không thể trở thành người Ấn Độ (Indian cannot become French, and the French cannot become Indian.)
- Madame Mallory: "Thưa ông Kadam, Tôi nghĩ rằng tôi vừa mới mất cả ngày nay chùi sạch tất cả những lời nói đó khỏi bức tường của ông" ( Mr. Kadam, I think I have just spent the whole day washing those words off your wall.)
* Madame Mallory: "Nhưng sao lại thay đổi qui thức món ăn đã có 200 năm rồi? ( But why change a recipe that is 200 years old?)
*Hassan: "Bởi vì, thưa bà, có lẽ 200 năm đã đủ lâu rồi" (Because, madam, maybe 200 years is long enough.
- Món ăn là ký ức kỷ niệm (Food is memories)
-Ở đây, nấu nướng không còn là một nghệ thuật, nó là khoa học. Luôn đổi mới, cải tiến, đổi mới ( Up here, cooking is no longer an art. It's a science. Innovation. Innovation. Innovation.)
*Jean-Pierre: (hát quốc ca Pháp) "Bọn chúng đến cắt cổ vợ con chúng ta. Cầm lấy vũ khí, hỡi công dân, lập thành đội ngũ, chúng ta hãy tiến lên. Sao cho giòng máu dơ bẩn của chúng chảy đầy đồng chúng ta" (They come to slit the throats, of our sons, our wives." "To arms, citizens, form your battalions, let us march. May their unpure blood...Flow in our fields.)
*Madame Mallory- :Và đó là ngưòi Pháp phải như vậy, đúng không, Jean Pierre? (And that is what it means to be French, n'est-ce pas, Jean-Pierre?)Jean-Pierre: "Đúng vậy" (Yes.)*Madame Mallory: "Thế nhưng, còn những cách khác để làm người Pháp nữa. Tự Do, Bình Đẳng, Tình Đồng Loại nữa. (Well, there are other ways to be French. Liberty. Equality. Fraternity.)
Xin Mời Quí Bạn Thưởng Thức Phim : Hành Trình Trăm Bước: The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)
Tham Khảo Anh Ngữ : Cuba, Mỹ giúp Thành Trì XHCN Quay Đầu về Ngụy Quyền Quân Phiệt Batista’s?
Tsunami Facing Cuba: Return To Batista’s?
Post Categories: Canada
Eric Margolis | Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 9:22 Beijing

US Embassy in Cuba
It’s taken over half a century for the US to finally figure out how to neutralize pesky Communist Cuba. Invasions, air raids, crushing sanctions, attempts to murder the Castro leadership by exploding cigars and poisons, diplomatic isolation, poisoning crops – all failed.
Now, the lame duck Obama administration has finally figured out how to put an end to Cuba’s Communist system: human wave attacks by hordes of American tourists in loud golf wear yelling “USA,USA!” and waving Visa cards.
The flood gates open in March. Once this happens, the charming, lovely island of gracious people that I’ve known since my youth will go the way of Nineveh, Tyre and Atlantis. They’ll probably even rename eastern Cuba as Sandals III and Hedonism IV, while beautiful old Havana becomes Disney Pirate’s World.
My heart weeps at this prospect. What made Castro’s Cuba uniquely charming was its glorious dilapidation, quaint prudery, and freedom from consumer vulgarity.

Cuba was pretty much crime free. Visitors were treated with respect and rarely pestered. Even the state controlled prices were rock bottom, making Cuba, with its lovely beaches, gorgeous weather and zesty rums the ideal resort for lower and middle income tourists. Well-behaved, polite Canadians make up the majority of visitors. Sayonara to their C$500 (US $410) week all-inclusive vacations.
Once US airlines open regular flights to Havana and Varadero Beach, the Old Cuba will be soon wiped away.
For Americans, long banned from Cuba, this island is the ultimate forbidden fruit. Few Americans are even aware that Havana is a century older than my native New York City.
But beautiful, sexy and charming as Cuba certainly is, it’s biggest problem is dire lack of tourist infrastructure. A few so/so European hotels have been built, but not enough to even handle current demand.
The old hotels, like the Nacional where I’ve stayed since I was ten years old, is aging rapidly. Older hotels in downtown Havana are way over the hill. Varadero Beach is lovely but it hotels remind one of Bulgarian Black Sea resorts.
There are shortages of fresh food across the island. Tourists subsist on frozen chicken that US farm lobbies managed to get around the US blockade. How much rubber chicken can one eat? When in Cuba, I savor glorious black beans and rice three times a day. If you’re looking for fine cuisine, go to St Barts.
A big plus for Cuba its world class healthcare and biomedical research. Elderly tourists need have no medical concerns in Cuba –as they should on many small West Indian islands. For example, the Turks and Caicos are lovely but they don’t have a single decent hospital.
Cuba is going to face big trouble when the tourist tsunsmi hits. Havana will have to limit the tourist inflow. Otherwise, hotels and eateries will be swamped and assailed by bribes. Taxis, fuel, and even imported food will be in dire shortage. So will landing slots at Havana and other regional airports.
Cubans are not ready for loud, aggressive tourists shoving money in their faces. Nor are these easy-going islanders mentally prepared for tens of thousands of pushy New Yorkers (I’m also one) or overly emotional Miami Cubans who think they are returning royalty.
Waves of carpet baggers will pour in trying to buy everything that isn’t nailed down with their gringo dollars. Every Cuban exile sees himself as the next El Presidente.
All this seems inevitable. I was in Moscow during the fall of Communism and it was not a pretty sight. Many Russians feel deep shame to this day. And so will patriotic Cubans who struggled – and sacrificed – to keep their island independent of Uncle Sam for half a century.
Looking at the rest of today’s modernized Latin America, many Cubans will wonder if their long battle was really worth it. At least none will miss the Communist secret police and neighborhood informers.
One suspects a majority of Cubans eagerly await the Yankee invasion. They have suffered long enough for the sake of pride and independence.
I vividly recall Batista’s corrupt, raunchy Cuba of 1953. It’s likely that once the Communists are swept away, the island could revert to those bad old days. Cuba will face a US Congress that still demonizes the Castro brothers and idolizes Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu.
Eric S. Margolis is an award-winning, internationally syndicated columnist. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune the Los Angeles Times, Times of London, the Gulf Times, the Khaleej Times, Nation – Pakistan, Hurriyet, – Turkey, Sun Times Malaysia and other news sites in Asia.
Copyright Eric s. Margolis 2015
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