Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Mục tiêu cuối cùng: Vĩnh viễn giữ tất cả các xã hội trong sự NGU ĐẦN để tạo ra một Nhà nước Nô lệ cho Số ít cai trị?

“Bất tuân là nền tảng thực sự của tự do. Kẻ vâng lời phải làm nô lệ ”

Henry David Thoreau

The Ultimate Goal: Perpetual Dumbing Down of All Society in Order to create a Slave State Ruled by the Few?

“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”

Henry David Thoreau

What must it be like to live in a state of mind where everything that happens in this human life is thought to be natural, unplanned, coincidence, or somehow unavoidable? The requirement for this devoid state of unconsciousness, is to exist in a world of cliches and regurgitation of the thoughts of others; mostly strangers. This is the belief of the masses, not because they had no choice in the matter, or spontaneously chose to be so trusting, but because they have been conditioned for generations to act and accept the propagandized lies fed to them throughout their lives by those state players with very nefarious agendas.

All this deceit is but a programed mass marketing of disinformation, an indoctrination of the many for the benefit of the few, through a plethora of brainwashing techniques. The only cure for such a circumstance as this, is to first learn to accept that something is terribly amiss, and then find the courage to search for the truth. This requires real research and education, not the ‘schooling’ that most all have been subject to since birth, and this is why those who never accept and always question false authority, continue to write, speak, and plead with their fellow men in an attempt to wake the sleeping giant that is the general population.

All that is necessary in order to see some light, should one really desire to see the light, is to understand that evil exists, and that it exists almost everywhere. Some evil is brutal and blatantly obvious, some is sneaky and silent, and much evil can be attributed to the common man due to his indifference to the plight of others in favor of himself. But the most dangerous evil is draped in the cover of doing good; claiming the high ground of what is falsely presented as the ‘greater good.’ This is how government works, as it plays on the weaknesses of humanity by using the old method of problem, reaction, solution, to create fear and then pretend to protect in the face of that false fear. This is the mainstay of all ruler’s efforts to control the human herd of sheep. Examples of this tactic abound, and have throughout history. Considering the U.S., this deceptive practice has been prevalent since the very beginning.

This deception has been especially successful from the state’s point of view concerning war, all war, and the drive to gain the support of the people against non-existent, non-threatening, monsters from afar. This boils down to the state using the masses to destroy themselves, so that the powerful can be enriched, gain control, and continue to cull what they believe to be the inferior classes. This has always been the case, as no attacks against this country have ever occurred on the mainland, and the only real attack that was against Pearl Harbor, happened on a stolen island forcibly occupied by American soldiers; using a plot to purposely set up blatant acts of war against Japan so as to initiate this attack. This was nothing more than a false flag event staged by the U.S, and created for the sole purpose of stoking fear in the hearts of the people in order to get them to support another world war based only on aggression by the West. Little was different in any war advanced by the American nation-state, including the Indian wars, the so-called Civil War, the Spanish/American War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, the ludicrous ‘War on Terror,’ and every other war plotted and planned by the ruling class and its puppets in the U.S. government since the eighteenth century and before.

Today, the threat of war and nuclear annihilation remains intact, all planned in advance, plotted, and gamed out for all to see. The problem however, is that the general public is still dumb and blind to this obvious strategy implemented at the hands of evil who control this country. The inside job that was the 9/11 ‘attack,’ gave this government and its masters two decades of ammunition so as to continue the plan of one-world government, and gain control over all of humanity, until the next stage of state terror could be unleashed on the public.

That next stage is and has been the fake and illusory threat of a ‘virus’ pandemic that does not exist and never did exist. The real threat, as is most always the case, is the state’s alleged solution to this non-existent threat purposely created once again to instill great fear in the hapless and indoctrinated public. Once that fear was solidified, the very poisonous and actively toxic bio-weapon called the ‘covid vaccine,’ was let loose on all unsuspecting members of the vast majority that is the common population, among others. As difficult as it is to swallow, hundreds of millions here, and billions around the world have succumbed to the fraudulent and absurd notion that all could die from a mystery ‘virus’; one that has never once been isolated nor identified. The state’s answer to this manufactured ‘menace’ was that our freedoms were to be sacrificed, self-imprisonment was to become universal, lockdowns and quarantines were to be implemented, the economy was to be systematically destroyed, family was to be shunned, and only those injected with a mystery poison would be safe and allowed to move about in a world all at once acting as one in concert with each; just for the sake of totalitarian control over all. What fantasy is this?

All those who have taken the state’s poison should be aware that they have voluntarily allowed their minds and bodies to be altered in an untold number of ways that will likely cause major adverse effects now and in the future, including sickness, maiming, mental incapacity, disease, and death. This reality is already evident, as great harm and deaths by “unknown” causes is sky-rocketing here; over much of the western world, and across the planet in certain areas. This is not accidental or natural; it is a planned outcome.

This set up is necessary in order for the ruling ‘elites’ and their henchmen in government, to claim ownership of all property, money, and people globally. As has been said on multiple occasions, those who control the food, the money, and the energy supplies, will control the world. That is exactly what is happening right before our eyes, and only an awakening and awareness of this fact can change enough minds so that this tyrannical juggernaut can be stopped in time. It is up to each individual to recognize this risk, and decide not to participate in this destruction of mankind.

Open your minds, and seek the truth instead of remaining slaves and puppets to this system of planned global rule. It is my studied opinion that there is little time left before this onslaught against humanity reaches a level of no return. Abandon the controlling narrative, and come to your own conclusions before it is too late. While this may seem daunting and even impossible, do not rely on the asinine idiocy that is groupthink, politics, voting, and seeking false and duplicitous scum called ‘leaders.’ Cease your hiding in the face of such obvious plots of evil. In order to face this enemy, one must first face themselves, and accept the flaws you will find, and strive to correct your own house instead of condemning or relying on the whims of others.

We can overcome this insanity and madness, but only if and when large numbers of individuals stand up and challenge the current state of affairs. Remember, to obey government means only that you have become a slave, while disobedience to that same state will set you free.

“At first, man was enslaved by the gods. But he broke their chains. Then he was enslaved by the kings. But he broke their chains. He was enslaved by his birth, by his kin, by his race. But he broke their chains. He declared to all his brothers that a man has rights which neither god nor king nor other men can take away from him, no matter what their number, for his is the right of man, and there is no right on earth above this right. And he stood on the threshold of freedom for which the blood of the centuries behind him had been spilled.”

~ Ayn Rand, Anthem


Âm mưu “Great Zero Carbon” và “Sự tái thiết lập vĩ đại” của WEF(Diễn đàn Kinh tế thế giới)

Diễn đàn Kinh tế Thế giới Davos theo chủ nghĩa toàn cầu đang tuyên bố sự cần thiết của việc đạt được mục tiêu toàn cầu là “không carbon ròng” vào năm 2050. Điều này đối với hầu hết quần chúng là quá xa trong tương lai và do đó phần lớn bị bỏ qua chẳng mấy người lưu ý. Tuy nhiên, những chuyển đổi đang diễn ra từ Đức sang Mỹ, sang vô số nền kinh tế khác, đang tạo tiền đề cho việc tạo ra cái mà vào những năm 1970 được gọi là Trật tự Kinh tế Thế Giới Mới.

Trên thực tế, nó là một kế hoạch chi tiết cho một chủ nghĩa tập thể chuyên chế kỹ trị toàn cầu, một chủ nghĩa hứa hẹn tỷ lệ thất nghiệp lớn, phi công nghiệp hóa và sự sụp đổ kinh tế theo thiết kế.

Điều hầu như không bao giờ được nói đến là CO2 không thể bay lên bầu khí quyển từ khói xe, nhà máy than hoặc các nguồn gốc nhân tạo khác . Điôxít cacbon không phải là cacbon hay muội than. Nó là một loại khí vô hình, không mùi cần thiết cho quá trình quang hợp của thực vật và tất cả các dạng sống trên trái đất, bao gồm cả chúng ta. CO2 có trọng lượng phân tử chỉ hơn 44 trong khi không khí (chủ yếu là oxy và nitơ) có trọng lượng phân tử chỉ 29.

Trọng lượng riêng của CO2 lớn hơn không khí khoảng 1,5 lần. Điều đó cho thấy rằng khí thải CO2 từ các phương tiện giao thông hoặc nhà máy điện không bay lên bầu khí quyển cách Trái đất khoảng 12 dặm trở lên để tạo thành hiệu ứng nhà kính đáng sợ.

The “Great Zero Carbon” Conspiracy and the WEF’s “Great Reset”

By F. William Engdahl 

July 23, 2022 - First published on February 8, 2021

he globalist Davos World Economic Forum is proclaiming the necessity of reaching a worldwide goal of “net zero carbon” by 2050. This for most sounds far in the future and hence largely ignored. Yet transformations underway from Germany to the USA, to countless other economies, are setting the stage for creation of what in the 1970’s was called the New International Economic Order.

In reality it is a blueprint for a global technocratic totalitarian corporativism, one that promises huge unemployment, deindustrialization and economic collapse by design. Consider some background.

Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF) is currently promoting his favorite theme, the Great Reset of the world economy. The key to it all is understanding what the globalists mean by Net Zero Carbon by 2050.

The EU is leading the race, with a bold plan to become the world’s first “carbon neutral” continent by 2050 and reduce its CO2 emissions by at least 55% by 2030.

In an August, 2020 post on his blog, self-appointed global vaccine czar Bill Gates wrote about the coming crisis in climate:

“As awful as this pandemic is, climate change could be worse… The relatively small decline in emissions this year makes one thing clear: We cannot get to zero emissions simply—or even mostly—by flying and driving less.”

With a virtual monopoly on mainstream media as well as social media, the Global Warming lobby has been able to lead much of the world into assuming that the best for mankind is to eliminate hydrocarbons including petroleum, natural gas, coal and even the “carbon free” nuclear electricity by 2050, that we hopefully might avoid a 1.5 to 2 degree Centigrade rise in average world temperature. There is only one problem with this. It’s cover for a diabolical ulterior agenda.

Origins of ‘Global Warming’

Many have forgotten the original scientific thesis put forward to justify a radical shift in our energy sources. It was not “climate change.” Earth climate is constantly changing, correlated to changes in the emission of solar flares or sunspot cycles affecting Earth climate.

Around the turn of the millennium as the previous solar-led warming cycle was no longer evident, Al Gore and others shifted the narrative in a linguistic sleight-of-hand to “Climate Change,” from Global Warming. Now the fear narrative has gotten so absurd that every freak weather event is treated as “climate crisis.” Every hurricane or winter storm is claimed as proof that the Climate Gods are punishing us sinful CO2 emitting humans.

But wait. The entire reason for the transition to alternative energy sources such as solar or wind, and abandoning carbon energy sources, is their claim that CO2 is a greenhouse gas that somehow goes up to the atmosphere where it forms a blanket that supposedly warms the Earth below—Global Warming. Greenhouse gas emissions according to the US Environmental Protection Agency come mostly from CO2. Hence the focus on “carbon footprints.”

What is almost never said is that CO2 cannot soar up into the atmosphere from car exhaust or coal plants or other manmade origins. Carbon dioxide is not carbon or soot. It is an invisible, odorless gas essential to plant photosynthesis and all life forms on earth, including us. CO2 has a molecular weight of just over 44 while air (mainly oxygen and nitrogen) has a molecular weight of only 29.

The specific gravity of CO2 is some 1.5 times greater than air. That would suggest that CO2 exhaust gases from vehicles or power plants do not rise into the atmosphere some 12 miles or more above Earth to form the feared greenhouse effect.

Maurice Strong

To appreciate what criminal action is unfolding today around Gates, Schwab and advocates of an alleged “sustainable” world economy, we must go back to 1968 when David Rockefeller and friends created a movement around the idea that human consumption and population growth were the major world problem. Rockefeller, whose wealth was based on oil, created the neo-Malthusian Club of Rome at the Rockefeller villa in Bellagio, Italy. Their first project was to fund a junk study at MIT called Limits to Growth in 1972.

A key organizer of Rockefeller’s ‘zero growth’ agenda in the early 1970s was his longtime friend, a Canadian oilman named Maurice Strong, also a Club of Rome member. In 1971 Strong was named Undersecretary of the United Nations and Secretary General of the June 1972 Stockholm Earth Day conference. He was also a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation.

Maurice Strong was a key early propagator of the scientifically unfounded theory that man-made emissions from transportation vehicles, coal plants and agriculture caused a dramatic and accelerating global temperature rise which threatens civilization, so-called Global Warming. He invented the elastic term “sustainable development.”

As chairman of the 1972 Earth Day UN Stockholm Conference, Strong promoted population reduction and lowering of living standards around the world to “save the environment.” Some years later the same Strong stated:

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

This is the agenda today known as the Great Reset or UN Agenda 2030. Strong went on to create the UN Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a political body which advances the unproven claim that manmade CO2 emissions were about to tip our world into irreversible ecological catastrophe.

Co-founder of the Club of Rome, Dr Alexander King, admitted the essential fraud of their environmental agenda some years later in his book, The First Global Revolution. He stated:

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill … All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself. 

King admitted that the “threat of global warming” was merely a ploy to justify an attack on “humanity itself.” This is now is being rolled out as the Great Reset and the Net Zero Carbon ruse.

Alternative Energy Disaster

In 2011, acting on the advice of Joachim Schnellnhuber, of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Angela Merkel and the German government imposed a total ban on nuclear electricity by 2022, as part of a 2001 government strategy called the Energiewende or Energy Turn, to rely on solar and wind and other “renewables.” The aim was to make Germany the first industrial nation to be “carbon neutral.”

The strategy has been an economic catastrophe. Going from having one of the industrial world’s most stable low-cost and reliable electric generation grids, today Germany has become the world’s most expensive electric generator. According to the German energy industry association BDEW, at the latest by 2023 when the last nuclear plant closes, Germany will face electricity shortfalls.

At the same time coal, the largest source of electric power, is being phased out to reach Net Zero Carbon. Traditional energy-intensive industries such as steel, glass production, basic chemicals, paper and cement manufacturing, are facing soaring costs and shutdowns or offshoring and loss of millions of skilled jobs. The energy inefficient wind and solar, today costs some 7 to 9 times more than gas.

Germany has little sun compared with tropical countries, so wind is seen as the major source for green power. There is a huge input of concrete and aluminum needed to produce solar or wind farms. That needs cheap energy—gas or coal or nuclear—to produce. As that is phased out, cost becomes prohibitive, even with no added “carbon taxes.”

Germany already has some 30,000 wind turbines, more than anywhere else in the EU. The gigantic wind turbines have serious problems of noise or infrasound health hazards for residents nearby the huge structures and weather and bird damage. By 2025 an estimated 25% of existing German windmills will need replacement and waste disposal is a colossal problem. The companies are being sued as the citizens realize what a disaster they are. To reach targets by 2030 Deutsche Bank recently admitted the state will need to create an “eco dictatorship.”

At the same time the German push to end gasoline or diesel transport by 2035 in favor of e-vehicles is on course to destroy Germany’s largest and most profitable industry, the auto sector, and take down millions of jobs. The lithium-ion battery-powered vehicles have a total “carbon footprint” when the effects of mining lithium and producing all parts are included, that is worse than diesel autos.

And the amount of added electricity needed for a zero carbon Germany by 2050 would be far more than today, as millions of battery chargers will need grid electricity with reliable power. Now Germany and the EU begin to impose new “carbon taxes,” allegedly to finance the transition to zero carbon. The taxes will only make electric power and energy even more expensive, insuring the faster collapse of German industry.


According to those advancing the Zero Carbon agenda, it is just what they desire: the deindustrialization of the most advanced economies, a calculated decades-long strategy as Maurice Strong said, to bring about the collapse of industrialized civilizations.

To turn the present world industrial economy backward to a wood-burning, windmill turning dystopia where blackouts become the norm as now in California, is an essential part of a Great Reset transformation under the Agenda 2030: UN Global Compact for Sustainability.

Merkel climate adviser, Joachim Schnellnhuber, in 2015 presented the radical green agenda of Pope Francis, the encyclical letter, Laudato Si , as Francis’ appointee to the Pontifical Academy of Science. And he advised the EU on its green agenda. In a 2015 interview, Schnellnhuber declared that “science” has now determined that the maximum carrying capacity of a “sustainable” human population was some six billion fewer people:

“In a very cynical way, it’s a triumph for science because at last we have stabilized something –- namely the estimates for the carrying capacity of the planet, namely below 1 billion people.”

To do that the industrialized world must be dismantled. Christiana Figueres, a World Economic Forum Agenda Contributor and former executive secretary of the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, revealed the true aim of the UN climate agenda in a February 2015 Brussels press conference where she stated, “This is the first time in human history that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally changing the economic development model that has reigned since the Industrial Revolution.”

Figueres’ 2015 remarks are echoed today by French President Macron at the January 2021 World Economic Forum’s “Davos Agenda” where he claimed that “under the current circumstances, the capitalist model and open economy are no longer feasible.” Macron, a former Rothschild banker, claimed that the “only way to get out of this epidemic is to create an economy that is more focused on eliminating the gap between the rich and the poor.” Merkel, Macron, Gates, Schwab and friends will do so by bringing living standards in Germany and the OECD down to levels of Ethiopia or Sudan. This is their zero carbon dystopia. Severely limit air travel, car travel, people movement, closing “polluting” industry, all to reduce CO2. Uncanny how conveniently the coronavirus pandemic sets the stage for the Great Reset and UN Agenda 2030 Net Zero Carbon.


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F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook” where this article was originally published.


Friday, July 22, 2022

Video: Cuộc chiến của các tập đoàn đối với trẻ em của chúng ta, "Tìm cách kiểm soát giá trị của chúng"

Toàn bộ quá trình làm suy thoái và hủy hoại con cái của chúng ta phải dừng lại ngay bây giờ.

Khi con cái chúng ta nên chơi ở ngoài trời, bắt ếch trong rừng, xây pháo đài từ cành cây, hoặc giúp cha mẹ trồng rau diếp và cà rốt — và từ đó hiểu được mối quan hệ giữa con người, nước, đất và thiên nhiên, thì ngược lại chúng được khuyến khích và bắt buộc, để có được tất cả thông tin từ truyền hình hoặc internet, vốn bị chi phối bởi các tập đoàn đa quốc gia này, các tổ chức coi con cái chúng ta không phải là công dân tương lai hoặc là nền tảng xây dựng nền dân chủ hợp hiến, mà là người tiêu dùng bị khai thác và thao túng để gia tăng lợi nhuận.

Video: The War of Corporations on Our Children, “Seeking to Control Their Values”

This whole process of degrading and destroying our children must stop now.

By Emanuel Pastreich 

July 21, 2022


The older generation takes a strange pleasure in reiterating comments about the absence of responsibility, the lack of focus and the indulgence of young people, using these arguments as a means of excusing the bleak future that their children and grandchildren face. Those arguments are rarely original, but rather they are force-fed to baby boomers by the media as a means of relieving them of all responsibility and of distracting them from the true causes of the tragic shifts that they observe obliquely.

It is assumed that for reasons unknown, somehow, young people are less capable, less attentive, less motivated and less concerned with planning for their careers and their futures. This argument makes the previous generation feel somehow more worthy and superior and that is precisely the hook that is lodged in the sweet treat.

Nowhere in the discussion about the challenges youth face is any mention made of how corporations have targeted them and exploited them, from cradle on, or of how the fundamental structure of government has shifted since the end of the Cold War so that it no longer plays the role of defending or of protecting the citizen, the child, against the vultures and jackals of the corporate world, but rather serves as a marionette with a smiling face through which arguments to justify the dictatorship of finance are promulgated and made to seem scientific, authoritative, and even ethical to the public.

To be sure, the breakdown of a sense of community, of the concepts of personal responsibility and of ethical commitment among youth is a sad reality. It is accompanied by isolation, loneliness, and uncertainty about the future that undermines all aspects of life.

But the problems that our children face are not brought on by themselves, but rather the result of a brutal assault on their childhood by corporations that seek to dominate their values and their thinking from the cradle on so that they are unable to think for themselves, unable to create their own communities, or their own lives, and dependent on content, and on relations, supplied by those corporations, and the investment banks that lurk behind them.

When our children should be playing outside, catching frogs in the woods, building forts out of tree branches, or helping their parents to plant lettuce and carrots—and thereby understand the relationship between humans, water, soil and nature, they are encouraged, compelled, to get all information from the television or internet which is dominated by these multinational corporations, organizations that see our children not as future citizens, or as the building blocks for a constitutional democracy, but as consumers to be mined and manipulated so as to increase profits.

When our children should gain wisdom and insight from their own experiences, from their interactions with friends and teachers, and should learn first from their parents and grandparents, uncles, aunts and neighbors, they are forced to watch television, to surf the internet and to play various video games from an increasingly young age. Their parents are told that exposure to technology will make their children competitive and modern—it is a sickening lie.

The purpose of getting children connected with images presented by television, movies and the internet from an early age is addict them to a consumption economy, to reduce their ability to think for themselves, and to encourage superficial thinking dominated by excitement and quick action that destroys their capacity to understand complex issues, and their ability to concentrate.

The bombarding of our children with commercial images that suggest how they should behave, and what is of value, is a direct assault on the Constitution because it intentionally undermines the capacity of the individual to be a citizen. That is to say that the advertising and public relations employed in the commercial media and entertainment is illegal.

Also, the assault on our children through the commercial media cannot be detached from pornography. Even in the most innocent cartoons, corporations insidiously insert messages suggesting that we should evaluate others in terms of how they please us, that humans are commodities and that we must market ourselves, and our sexuality, in order to be successful.

This subtle attack on the core values in children feeds into real pornography, starting with boys. Corporations plant sick images of violence and humiliation of women in the minds of young boys in an attempt to addict them to a false, violent and perverse sexuality which can only be purchased, and that is incompatible with love for women.

If boys have their sexuality torn away from love, and attached to competition and narcissism, girls will be the clear victims. Whether they end up with boys who can no longer express affection, or are compelled to behave like the women in pornographic movies so that they can get attention, girls are sacrificed to profit in this debased culture.

This whole process of degrading and destroying our children must stop now.

We must understand that the commercial advertising with which our children are bombarded is not primarily aimed at selling products. The primary agenda of what had degenerated into brainwashing and propaganda is to inculcate in them a passive, dependent, reactive and flippant attitude that will render them incapable of thinking for themselves, of searching for solutions on their own. They are indoctrinated to turn to the media, controlled by corporations, for solutions to every aspect of their personal lives.

It is a scientific fact that the use of social media and internet surfing remaps the connections between brain cells, training the individual to favor short-term stimulation, constant changes, and exciting and stimulating scenes.

As a result of such behavior modification, the capacity of the individual to read and comprehend long and complex texts, to understand multidimensional problems in the economy and society, and to engage others in meaningful dialog is destroyed. A few years soaking in the narcissistic consumer culture forced on youth produces people incapable of anything other than working to feed themselves and releasing accumulated stress by indulging in self-centered video games, pornography, food consumption, or action films.

For those marinated in this consumption culture, what does not appear on TV, or on the internet, seems unreal, insubstantial. By contrast, the falsehoods propagated through commercial media are assumed to be real, more substantial than the reality that surrounds them.

When this political crisis, this social disaster, is brought up in polite conversation, the knee-jerk response is that we must make our messages brief and dumb them down so that youth will listen. No one in the room suggests that we need to create a culture so as to protect our youth from this war, to allow them to focus, to concentrate, to read and digest books, to enjoy art and music, and to create it themselves.

Children assaulted by the commercial media from infancy have no chance to preserve their own liberty. They are not permitted to develop their own metaphysical compass. No moral or scientific forces exist for them other than what can be seen, and especially can be seen in the commercial media.

Many are left incapable of evaluating the impact of forces that are not explicitly visible. They do not even realize that the smartphone that they hold in their hand does not belong to them at all, but is constantly updated and changed so as to manipulate them by multinational corporations pursuing agendas about which they understand little.

The commercial media, advertisers and entertainment moguls have intentionally created a culture of forgetfulness. We are trained by the media to forget what happened yesterday, to lack any historical perspective on politics, culture, society and technology. But if we cannot remember our past, other than the slick images fed to us by the media, then we cannot establish our own interpretations, and democracy becomes impossible.

So also, we forget what happens to the plastic that we dispose of. We forget what the implications for the world of foreign wars are. We forget what will happen to future generations if we continue to destroy the ecosystem in the pursuit of a narcissistic consumption culture.

The commercial media also wants to crush our imaginations, our creativity.

Of course commercials suggest that somehow using your Iphone will make you more creative, more innovative. A closer look reveals that what is called “innovative” and “imaginative” is the manipulation of images and symbols supplied by the multinational corporation. There is no freedom and no autonomy to be found anywhere in that world.

Imagination means also the ability to imagine things that are not visible. That is a skill that the corporations wish to crush. They do not want us to be able to imagine the hidden powers that shape our world for profit. They do not want children to have the imagination to see how the cynical players on Wall Street and Madison Avenue set out to destroy their minds, how the brutal road ahead is decided for them by invisible powers.

The Constitution defends freedom of speech for the citizen. It does not grant corporations the right to brainwash and destroy the minds of citizens from childhood, rendering them incapable of making their own decisions.

As long as this criminal operation is tolerated, we will have no democracy and no government. This criminal operation must end now and the kings of advertising and public relations must face jail terms for their criminal actions against our youth, their use of technology and marketing to enable the “rape of the mind.”

Corporations, banks and the advertising and public relations firms that they fund are destroying our minds, and our ability to perceive reality. Because they attack stealthily the means by which we perceive, we are unaware of the tremendous damage that they do. Just as the brain does not feel pain, so also our schemata for perception of the world are blind to how they are undermined by false narratives and stimulation aimed at behavior modification.

Nothing less than a revolution can end this war on our children, this extermination campaign against our future.

The War of Corporations against our Children from Emanuel Pastreich on Vimeo.

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This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.

Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 202