Nhân Chủ-Chủ Quyền Cá Nhân Con Người-Thượng Đế, Nhà Nước là Ảo Thể- Chúng Ta là Thực Thể- Không có Thượng Đế, Không có Nhà Nước, Chỉ có Chúng Ta, Tôi và Quí Vị phải Quyết Định Phương Cách Tự Trách Nhiệm Trao Đổi để Sống Chung Tự Do, Bình Đẳng với Nhau Mà Thôi!
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Lời 'cảnh báo', hay chính xác hơn, lời báo trước về cái chết hàng loạt của giai cấp thống trị, như Robert Redfield, cựu chỉ huy CDC, là 800 triệu đến 4 tỷ người trong chúng ta sẽ chết vì một số bệnh cúm gia cầm bí ẩn. Khi những cái chết hàng loạt xảy ra, nó sẽ không phải do bất kỳ bệnh cúm hay ‘vi rút’ nào, mà chỉ là do chất độc độc hại đã được tiêm vào hàng tỷ nô lệ không nghi ngờ, tuân theo trật tự của nhà nước.
Các mối đe dọa từ cúm gia cầm, cúm lợn, bao gồm cả SARS, và nhiều loại khác, đã là vũ khí của nhà nước nhằm đẩy nhanh sự hoảng loạn mà không có biện pháp nào được bảo đảm trong rất nhiều năm.Cần phải hiểu rằng những thứ pha chế độc hại này đều là do con người tạo ra trong phòng thí nghiệm, sử dụng chức năng để tạo ra vũ khí sinh học.Chúng không phải tự nhiên, hoặc một số chủng gây chết người chỉ tình cờ ảnh hưởng đến các loài chim hoặc động vật khác, và nhảy sang con người một cách kỳ diệu.Ngay cả ý tưởng về điều này là lố bịch.Nếu trên thực tế, bất kỳ loại bệnh tật hay bệnh tật nào thuộc loại này thực sự gây ra cái chết hàng loạt, thì đó chỉ là do nhà nước phóng thích vũ khí sinh học có chủ đích, chứ không phải bất kỳ dòng bệnh tật bẩm sinh nào.
Telegraphing Mass Death From ‘Bird Flu:’ Is it Only a Way to Hide the Impending Deaths Due to the ‘Covid’ Bio-Weapon Injection??
April 16, 2022
By: Gary D. Barnett
“Darkness has the ability to cover up; light has the ability to uncover! Darkness is the enemy of truth; light is the friend of truth!
Mehet Murat ildan
Sometimes acceptance of obvious truth is so stark and thought to be fraught with treachery, that it is literally ignored by the many; making it more comfortable to remain hidden in madness amidst the shadows of deception and lies. While taking responsibility is the only way forward, fear of the truth often wins out, as reliance on collective ignorance gives the false illusion of safety. This behavior is always severely destructive over time, and any psychological relief always temporary, but much more often than not, it is the easy way out for the non-thinking and frightened societal herd. This natural flaw in the makeup of man is well known by the ruling class, and therefore taken advantage of in order to quell dissent and rebellion while gaining further control.
Considering our recent and current history, this was the tactic used for the entirety of the ‘covid’ scam. So long as voluntary acceptance of state propaganda by the masses prevails, this strategy will continually be used going forward in order to perpetuate the advancement of the takeover of humanity in the name of the “Great Reset.” That brings us to the latest threat by the purveyors of evil who have been allowed to rule without resistance. They claim, as voiced by former Trump appointed director of the CDC, Robert Redfield, that the next wave of monumental death worldwide will be due to a non-existent mystery bird flu. This approach by government to manufactured threats, has been around for a very long time, and in the past has been used to frighten the weak, but it is simply a lie.
Threats of avian bird flu, swine flu, including SARS, among many others, have been weapons of the state meant to accelerate panic where none is warranted for very many years. It is imperative to understand that these toxic concoctions are all manmade in labs using gain of function to create bio-weapons. They are not natural, or some lethal strain that just so-happened to affect birds or other animals by accident, and magically jumped to humans. Even the idea of this is ludicrous. If in fact, any such sickness or disease of these types were actually causing mass death, it would only be due to a purposeful release of a bio-weapon by the state, not any innate strain of a normal malady. Knowing this, how could entire populations continue to be so fooled by propaganda?
In 1997, the CDC said that “avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses first spread from poultry to infect humans in Hong Kong resulting in the deaths of 6 of 18 infected persons.” Because of this, the evil WHO and the U.S. sought to increase pandemic preparedness, obviously knowing that this would be useful indoctrination in order to create panic due to future plans to gain power over society. All of this was aligned with the WHO’s “global framework.”
In 2002, SARS was said to be the new disease to fear, and SARS-CoV was to be the “model for future pandemics.” In March of 2003, the ‘novel’ coronavirus, SARS-CoV, was said to be isolated, a lie, and identified and sequenced by nothing other than PCR, an impossibility. There was even the spectre of a future “catastrophic pandemic,” and investigations of live animal markets, as the supposed first case was found in Hong Kong, and said to be able to spread by infected persons traveling by airplane. Does this sound familiar or suspicious to any thinking individual? Is this not the same exact fraud that took place beginning in 2020, two decades later?
In March of 2006, Michael Chertoff, head of Homeland Security, an obvious expert on bird flu, was worried about a bird flu strike any day. “I can’t predict, but I certainly have to say that we should be prepared for the possibility that at some point in the next few months, a wild fowl will come over the migratory pathway and will be infected with H5N1.”
As far back as 1976, the H1N1 Swine Flu hoax took center stage, as the government and its controlled media propaganda campaign went into high gear in order to create a pandemic fraud so as to mass-vaccinate the U.S. population against a non-existent ‘swine flu.’ This conspiracy was also used as a way to get all ‘vaccinations’ available into every person possible. This led directly to 45 million people getting unnecessary injections. At the time, the CDC stated that 80% of the population needed to be ‘vaccinated,’ just as was sought in the ‘covid’ scam.
Again in 2009, the H1N1 fraud was revived, and another government call for mass ‘vaccination’ was issued. As always, the collusion between national and global ‘health organizations, government and government officials, pharmaceutical companies, and corporate insiders was evident. Nothing today has changed, it has only gotten worse, and in fact, the risk now due to the world takeover plot is much more sinister, and globally structured.
In the distant past, while control was a key factor, money from mass ‘vaccination’ was the primary goal. Today, money is a factor, but control of the minds and bodies of the proletariat herds is the result most desired by the ruling ‘elites.’ In addition, depopulation and eugenic transformation of the rest of society, all by way of controlling and lethal injection of a bio-weapon, is what is needed in order to finish the global takeover agenda.
This is a long-term plot to fool the public into believing and expecting that a future pandemic of epoch proportions is imminent. The very idea that ‘natural’ pandemics are inevitable has long been planned and embedded in the minds of the people. This is a multi-decade brainwashing of the common people in order to prepare them for not only mass sickness and death, but also for acceptance of a global governing body with unlimited power.
The most sought-after goal at this time is mass ‘vaccination,’ but this time is different in that the preferred injections are much more dangerous, much more able to physically and psychologically control large numbers of those who have taken the jab, and cause mass death beyond anything seen before. In order to accomplish such a deadly and evil agenda, the people will need to be fooled once again. They will have to believe the lies, and accept that all the impending deaths due to the weaponized ‘covid’ injections, are in fact due to a fraudulent and purposely crafted plot to place blame on a non-existent ‘virus’ that is being called an “avian bird flu.”
The ‘warning’, or more accurately, the foretelling of mass death by the ruling class, as outlined by the ex-CDC commandant Robert Redfield, is that 800 million to 4 billion of us will die due to some mystery bird flu. When the mass deaths occur, it will not be due to any flu or ‘virus,’ it will be due only to the toxic poison that has been previously injected into billions of unsuspecting, order-following slaves to the state.
(Note: Special thanks to one of myreaders, who said to me recently:“I believe bird flu is what they’re using to justify/cover up unprecedented number of deaths from the jab.”I have been saying this for two years, but few have paid attention.)
“Lần đầu tiên trong lịch sử, Nền văn minh phương Tây có nguy cơ bị phá hủy nội bộ bởi một nhóm cai trị tội phạm, tham nhũng xoay quanh lợi ích của Rockefeller, bao gồm các yếu tố từ Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, và các nhóm khác nữa.Chính quyền này đã nắm quyền kiểm soát đời sống chính trị, tài chính và văn hóa của Mỹ trong hai thập kỷ đầu của thế kỷ XX ”.
“For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in
danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal
which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include
elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman,
Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of the
political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two
decades of the twentieth century.”
'Nội chiến', Thế chiến I, Thế chiến II, Triều Tiên, Vịnh Con heo ở Cuba, Việt Nam, Chiến tranh vùng Vịnh, Chiến tranh ủy quyền chống lại Iran, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, toàn bộ 'cuộc chiến chống khủng bố' không có thật, vàhiện nay Hoa Kỳ đã dàn dựng và hỗ trợ cuộc chiến ở Ukraine, chỉ là một vài trong số những điều ghê tởm do chính phủ này gây ra.
Yes, I am a Conspiracy Realist: All Government Is Conspiracy
April 17, 2022
By: Gary D. Barnett
The CIA created and heavily marketed term, “conspiracy theorist,” a
term invented to marginalize any questioning of the politically-plotted
murder of JFK at the hands of the CIA, FBI, Johnson, and others, is
still heavily in use today. It is still used to stop any supported
argument, any facts, or even any discussion concerning disagreement with
the state sponsored narrative. Anyone who utters this ignorant,
idiotic, and useless phrase as a way of ‘argument,’ should be
immediately ignored as they have not the intelligence to speak to any
critical thinking individual. In addition, those using this term deserve
no respect or reply because they have already abandoned any possibility
to listen or think.
We live in a country where everything coming from the state is based
on lies and deceit meant to either support or cover-up government
conspiracy. Remember that the definition of the word “conspiracy,” is a
secret agreement between two or more to perform some harmful or illegal
act. From the original Latin, it literally means, “to breathe together;”
or to agree, unite, or plot. All government, especially the American
government, is completely conspiratorial. The likelihood of any truth
coming from the state, state bureaucracies, state minions in enforcement
or the military, or from any mainstream media controlled by state
entities, is close to zero. If any facts are considered, everything
being told to the masses can instantly be seen as harmful propaganda,
and therefore conspiracy.
Considering the United States; its history, its hidden agendas, its
collusion, its cover-ups, its abuses against freedom and its own
citizens, its brutality, and its wars against mankind, every single
utterance from the state should be first ignored and thoroughly
dissected before any acceptance is forthcoming. Once the lies and
conspiracies are exposed, and the truth is found and embraced, future
caution should be automatic, but this has never been the case.
While U.S. abuse of power had already reared its ugly head, the
American era of deception, lies, and conspiracy began with the so-called
‘Founding Fathers’ and their attempts to solidify in the minds of the
masses the need for a powerful central government to protect their
freedom. In light of this, they drafted a political document in secret,
in the dark of night, behind locked and closed doors; all in order to
scrap entirely the Articles of Confederation in favor of a fully
centralized, unlimited government, over the people under the false
auspices of liberty, and by way of the nefarious Constitution. That was
the beginning of the end of this country in this writer’s opinion.
For purposes here, this country’s beginning will be assumed to be
1776 when the Articles of Confederation were drafted. That is a history
of 246 years, and in that time, the U.S. has aggressively warred for
approximately 230 of those years.
It could be argued that there was never a time when this government was
not either planning and plotting, or was and is active in wars of
aggression. Today, this country’s government and its enforcers are
waging war against its own entire citizenry, as well as against many
across the world.
To solidify that government conspiracy is ongoing and forever, a
compressed timeline of abuses is necessary. Keep in mind that only a
very few events that have been life-changing will be noted, as the list
of conspiracies committed by this country’s ruling class is not only
immense, but continuous.
There were of course, the wars, murder, and slaughter of the Indian
tribes, and the stealing of their lands. There is the fact that most of
the current U.S. was stolen from the native owners, including the
Louisiana Purchase with a conspired deal with France, the annexation of
all the land mass held by Mexico, the entire west, Hawaii, Alaska, and
all the territories outside the mainland. Most all of this taking was
due to collusion and pure theft, but the largest and most heinous
conspiracies began with entry into what is wrongly called the ‘Civil
War,’ a war against Americans, and then the life-changing atrocities of
WWI, and these atrocities have continued until today and likely will
continue far beyond.
War conspiracies:
The ‘Civil’ War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Bay of Pigs in Cuba, Vietnam, Gulf
War, Proxy war against Iran, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya,
Syria, the entire bogus ‘war on terror,’ and now the U.S. staged and
supported war in Ukraine, are but a few of the abominations committed by
this government.
This is but a handful of all the conspiratorial wars and coups the
U.S. has been directly responsible for, because the list is almost
endless over the past 246 years. It is useful to understand that all the
so-called reasoning to be in any single one of these and other wars and
‘conflicts,’ were staged false flags, or just outright lies. In modern
times, the U.S. and its large corporations, colluded, funded, armed, and
fully supported aggressive war at all times. The actionable impetus to
begin the Civil War was a false flag plot at Fort Sumter staged by the
evil Lincoln. The Lusitania attack was not an attack against innocent
civilians as reported, but a plot of war that had previously been
announced to the people of this country but ignored, and was one of the
events staged to gain support for entry into WWI. The Pearl Harbor ‘attack’
was completely staged and known about well in advance, so the evil FDR
could gain support to enter WWII against Germany. In fact, the U.S. and
U.S. corporations and banks funded and supported Hitler’s rise to power, all the way from before 1930 to and throughout WWII. The same is true of the Bolshevik rise in the Soviet Union,
the total support for the evil monster Stalin, and the buildup of the
Russian war machine, including helping to build Russia’s nuclear
arsenal up to and through the entirety of the Cold War. China’s domestic and military
buildup was purposely accomplished with complete U.S. involvement for
five decades as well, as all these nations and their brutal rulers have
been, and are for the most part, still supported by the U.S. today.
Again the “war on terror,” an asinine description at best, was
completely staged in order to gain more and more power against the
domestic population, while advancing long-planned geopolitical agendas
to the detriment of most all across the world. 9/11 was an inside job,
a murderous hoax (false flag) for the purpose of gaining money, power,
and control over this entire country, while allowing aggressive war
across the entire Middle-East and beyond. This was a vast conspiracy to
say the very least.
And now, the world is being taken over by the so-called ‘elite’ few,
and most every nation is waging war against its own citizenry. In the
process, the ‘covid’ and Russia/Ukraine false flag conspiracies are
lynchpins in this deceit, as defined by this and other governments, the
WHO, the CDC, and the World Economic Forum (WEF); all openly and without
cover. This is a very long-plotted conspiracy, that has been acted out
for at least twenty years prior, but began decades earlier. None of this
is hidden from view, and is easily definable as conspiracy. Even the
Russia/Ukraine ‘war’ has been an ongoing situation funded, supported,
and armed by the U.S. for at least two decades; all conspiratorial.
We are now in the middle of WWIII, and this is another conspiracy meant to finish off society so as to physically adopt the 2030 agenda
as outlined by the UN and accepted by the WEF far in advance. This
conspiracy has been ongoing, but is slated to be part of the final
takeover of societies worldwide. Each country’s government is warring
against its own in the effort to form a ‘one world government’ with
unlimited power controlled by the very few technocratic heads of this
proposed new global governing system flagrantly referred to as “The Great Reset.”
Yes, there is not much “conspiracy theory,” just conspiracy fact and
reality. Most every conspiracy that has been ignored by the compliant
masses, and considered ‘conspiracy theory’ for decades, has come true.
Most however, are still attempting to marginalize or eliminate any
credible debate by claiming that little government action is
conspiratorial, when the exact opposite is not only the case, but has
proven to be real conspiracy time and time again.
If doing the same things over and over while expecting a different
outcome is the definition of insanity, then the only valid conclusion to
be reached is that most of humanity is insane. If that is the case as
seems to be quite obvious, what is to become of those of us who know
that we live in a conspiratorial world? What is to happen to those who
believe nothing and question everything? What if all of us who fully
understand what is really going on are the only one’s prepared to resist
and never comply? What if all of us who take personal responsibility
for ourselves and our own are the only one’s willing to risk all to save
our freedom? What if we fail to convince others to fight back? If we
are defeated, what is to become of everyone else? There is but one
answer to that question; all left will be slaves dependent on the very
evil state that claims total ownership over their minds, bodies, and
souls. That my fellow man, is hell!
“The reason it is difficult is that we have been conditioned to
laugh at conspiracy theories, and few people will risk public ridicule
by advocating them. On the other hand, to endorse the accidental view is
absurd. Almost all of history is an unbroken trail of one conspiracy
after another. Conspiracies are the norm, not the exception.”
~ G. Edward Griffin, (1995)“The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve.” _________________________________________________________________________________________
Văn bản này được xuất bản lần đầu tiên vào ngày 4 tháng 4 năm 2019 trong bối cảnh Hội nghị Quốc tế Florence: Không có NATO, Không có Chiến tranh, tập trung
vào mối quan hệ chủ chốt giữa các hoạt động quân sự của Mỹ-NATO nhằm
vào các quốc gia mục tiêu và việc áp dụng các cải cách kinh tế tân tự do
sâu rộng trước và sau sự can thiệp quân sự của Mỹ-NATO.
NATO-Exit under Art. 13: Dismantle NATO, Close Down 800 US Military Bases, Prosecute the War Criminals
This text was first published on April 4 2019 in the context of the Florence International Conference: No War, No NATO whichcentred on
the key relationship between US-NATO military operations directed
against targeted countries and the imposition of far-reaching
neoliberal economic reforms both before and in the wake of US-NATO
military interventions.
At the height of the Ukraine Crisis, a World War III Scenario
Looms. Nuclear War is Contemplated. The Future of Humanity is
What are the Solutions:
NATO Exit under Art. 13. Notice of Denunciation
A Worldwide Antiwar Movement
The Disabling of War Propaganda
Sanity in US Foreign Policy
Diplomacy and Peace Negotiations,
The Closing Down of the War Economy.
Michel Chossudovsky, April 17, 2022
This article addresses the dangers and consequences of a Third
World War as well the nature of advanced weapons systems deployed by the
broader US-NATO coalition.
Extensive war crimes have been committed by NATO member states.
The object of the 2019 Florence Venue is NATO-EXIT. The Dismantling of NATO and the closure of US military bases.
There is a (somewhat contradictory) clause within the Treaty of the
Atlantic Alliance (Article 13) which enables withdrawal from NATO. This
clause has to be examined and a strategy must be envisaged.
The request of a NATO Member State to withdraw from the Treaty rests
with the Government of the United States of America. What are the legal
implications of this clause?
In our conclusion we will address what types of actions are
required by mass movements to reach this objective, bearing in mind that
since the war on Iraq (2003), protest movements have been coopted and
manipulated. While global warming makes the headlines, the dangers of
nuclear war are barely mentioned. Why?
Introduction and Overview
unspoken hegemonic objective is Worldwide militarization and economic
conquest. This imperial design is carried out through acts of war,
military intervention, coups d’Etat, regime change,
US sponsored insurgencies, cyber-warfare, economic sabotage and
destabilization. “All options are on the table”.
We are at an important threshold in our history
In relation to all previous wars, today’s advanced
military arsenal includes nuclear, biological, chemical and
electromagnetic weapons which have the ability to destroy human life on a
Worldwide scale.
War Propanganda
This military agenda is supported by an extensive propaganda apparatus.
The dangers of a World War are casually dismissed. War is portrayed
as a humanitarian endeavor. The Mainstream media contends that war is a
peace-making undertaking and that NATO should be granted the Nobel Peace
Propaganda sustains the war agenda.
It provides a human face to war criminals in high office. Without
media disinformation which upholds war as a peacemaking endeavor,
America’s military agenda would collapse like a house of cards.
The imminent dangers of modern warfare are not front page news.
War is portrayed as a Peace-making endeavour. War Becomes Peace, Realities are turned upside down.
When the Lie becomes the Truth, there is no turning backwards. War criminals are portrayed as peace-makers.
War and Globalization. The Neoliberal Agenda
War and globalization go hand in hand. Militarization supports the
imposition of macro-economic restructuring on targeted countries. It
imposes military spending in support of the war economy at the expense
of the civilian economy. It leads to economic destabilization and the
demise of national institutions.
Military interventions are coupled with concurrent acts of economic
sabotage and financial manipulation. The ultimate objective is conquest
of both human and natural resources as well as political institutions.
Acts of war support a process of outright economic conquest.
America’s hegemonic project is to transform sovereign countries into
open territories. Debt conditionalities are imposed by foreign
creditors. In turn, large sectors of the World population are impoverished through the concurrent imposition of deadly macro-economic reforms.
9/11 and the Invasion of Afghanistan. NATO and the “Global War on Terrorism”
The September 11, 2001 attacks (9/11) constitute an important and historical threshold.
On the 12th of September 2001, the North Atlantic Council in Brussels
invoking for the first time the doctrine of collective security (art. 5
of the Washington Treaty) adopted the following resolution:
“if it is determined that the [September 11, 2001] attack against the United States was directed from abroad [Afghanistan] against “The North Atlantic area“, it shall be regarded as an action covered by Article 5 of the Washington Treaty”. (emphasis added)
This historic decision was supported by media propaganda. There was
no attack against the US by a foreign power. There were no Afghan jet
fighters in the skies of New York. There was a terror event. But it was
not an act of war by a foreign power against the United States of
Without a shred of evidence, Afghanistan was tagged as the state
sponsor of the 9/11 high-jackers, all of whom were Saudi nationals.
Allegedly Afghanistan was “protecting” 9/11 terror mastermind Osama bin
Laden (who was an “intelligence asset”, recruited in the early 1980s by
the CIA ). Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts were known. On the 10th of
September (as documented by Dan Rather CBS News) Osama had been admitted
to the urology department of a military hospital in Rawalpindi, by
America’s staunchest ally Pakistan.
Moreover, in the course of September and early October 2001, the
Afghan Taliban government on two occasions contacted the US State
Department through diplomatic channels and offered to extradite bin
Laden to the U.S. This issue was not covered by the media.
Bush responded:” We do not negotiate with terrorists”.
Barely 4 weeks following the 9/11 attack on October 7, 2001, US-NATO
invaded Afghanistan, invoking the doctrine of collective security. There
was no evidence that “Afghanistan had attacked America” on September
11, 2001.
It is worth noting, confirmed by military analysts that you do not
prepare a large scale theatre war in Central Asia, thousands of miles
away in a matter of 28 days. This issue was casually dismissed by the
mainstream media. The war on Afghanistan had been prepared PRIOR to
US-NATO’s Role in Recruiting and Financing Al Qaeda Affiliated Terrorists
NATO has self-proclaimed mandate to go after the terrorists.
Yet there is ample evidence that NATO was involved in supporting as
well as recruiting Al Qaeda affiliated mercenaries in Kosovo, Libya and
Syria.(among other countries)
Video: NATO is Helping to Fight Terrorism Every Day (Source NATO)
In Syria, from Day One (March 17, 2011), the Islamist “freedom
fighters” were supported, trained and equipped by NATO and Turkey’s High
Command. According to Israeli intelligence sources (Debka, August 14,
NATO headquarters in Brussels and the Turkish high command are meanwhile drawing up plans for their first military step in Syria,
which is to arm the rebels with weapons for combating the tanks and
helicopters spearheading the Assad regime’s crackdown on dissent. … NATO
strategists are thinking more in terms of pouring large quantities of
anti-tank and anti-air rockets, mortars and heavy machine guns into the
protest centers for beating back the government armored forces. (DEBKAfile, NATO to give rebels anti-tank weapons, August 14, 2011)
This initiative, which was also supported by Israel, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States involved a process of organized recruitment
of thousands of jihadist “freedom fighters”, reminiscent of the
enlistment of the Mujahideen to wage the CIA’s jihad (holy war) in the
heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war (1979-89).
In NATO’s war on Libya in 2011, support was channelled to the Al Qaeda affiliated jihadist opposition to the Gadaffi government.
The Legitimacy of “Humanitarian Warfare”
The twisted justifications for US-NATO led wars are:
“The Just War” (Jus ad Bellum). NATO contends that all itswars are morally justifiable. This is tantamount to legitimizing extensive war crimes.
“The Global War on Terrorism”. The
counter-terrorism campaign is fake. Amply documented, NATO is involved
in supporting and recruiting jihadist mercenaries (Syria 2011).
“Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) with a view to instilling (Trump style) Western “democracy” Worldwide.
Pre-emptive war as a means of “self-defense”, Attack them
before they attack us. This doctrine also pertains to nuclear weapons,
i.e. blow up the planet as a means of ‘self-defense”
RussiaGate, “Self-defense” against Russia under the doctrine of collective security
Pivot to Asia, Targeting China.
Financing US-NATO led Wars
In recent developments, President Trump has proposed major spending
cuts in health, education, social infrastructure “while seeking a large
increase for the Pentagon”. At the outset of his administration,
president Trump confirmed that he was increasing the budget for the
nuclear weapons program launched by Obama from 1.0 trillion to 1.2
trillion dollars. The stated objective was to make the world safer.
Throughout the EU, extended military spending coupled with austerity
measures is leading to the demise of what was called the “Welfare
NATO is committed to increasing military spending. It is the right
thing to do to “keep our people secure, according to NATO Secretary
General Jens Stoltenberg
This favors the weapons producers at the expense of social
programs. Mass movements against neoliberal economic policy and social
inequality (Yellow Vests) cannot, therefore, be divorced from the
anti-war movement.
Globalization and the Corporate Power Structures
Global warfare sustains the Neoliberal Agenda and vice versa.
Neoliberalism broadly defined is not limited to a set of economic
paradigms and structural reforms. What we are dealing with is an
imperial project broadly serving powerful global overlapping interests:
Wall Street and the Global Banking Apparatus
The Military Industrial Complex,
Big Oil,
the Biotech conglomerates, Bayer-Monsanto et al
Big Pharma,
The Global Narcotics Economy and Organized Crime,
the Media Conglomerates and the Information and Communication Technology Giants.
The military agenda is geared towards supporting and endorsing these
powerful interests groups. There is of course within these sectors,
mounting conflict between global conglomerates, each of which have their
lobby groups.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
NATO and the De Facto US Military Occupation of Western Europe
70 years ago NATO was born. In April 1949, The North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) established what was designated as the doctrine of
“Collective Security” under Art. 5 of the Washington Treaty.
NATO has a sordid history of aggression and war crimes:
Ever since its founding in April 1949, NATO has served as
the vehicle to spur the arms race in the name of ‘peace through
strength’. In that very same year, the Truman Administration in the
United States secretly developed “Operation Dropshot’ to launch a
devastating ‘first-strike’ against the former Soviet Union to completely
obliterate that country. Throughout the ‘cold war’ years, the U.S. and
its NATO allies always maintained an overwhelming military superiority
over the USSR and the Warsaw Pact – a fact that they cynically concealed
from public view at the time, but now readily admit. (Canadian Peace
The unspoken objective of NATO –which is of significance to
our debate in Florence–, was to sustain under a different label, the de
facto “military occupation” of Western Europe. The US not only
continues to “occupy” World War II “axis countries” (Italy, Germany),
it has used the NATO emblem to install US military bases throughout
Western Europe, as well as in Eastern Europe in the wake of the Cold
War, extending into the Balkans in the wake of NATO’s war on Yugoslavia.
Today, NATO consists of 29 member states, most of which have US
military facilities on their territory, with the largest deployments of
US forces in Germany and Italy. Bear in mind these are not NATO bases.
The latter are limited to command and logistics: e.g. SHAPE Supreme
Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Casteau, Belgium, NATO Allied Command
Transformation, Norfolk, Virginia
12 founding member states in 1949 Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France,
Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
A number of other countries have established partnership agreements
with NATO. Israel is a de facto member of NATO, based on an agreement
reached in 2003. In turn, the US has established a host of military
alliances on a regional basis.
Under the semblance of a multi-national military alliance, the
Pentagon dominates NATO decision-making. The US controls NATO command
structures, which are embedded into those of the US. The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) as well as the Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic
(SACLANT) are Americans appointed by Washington. NATO current Secretary
General Jens Stoltenberg is essentially a bureaucrat. He does not call
the shots.
Two other key command structures Allied Command Transformation (ACT) and Allied Command Operations (ACO), “responsible for the planning and execution of all NATO military operations” were added in 2002.
Under the terms of the military alliance, NATO member states
are harnessed into endorsing Washington’s imperial design of World
conquest under the doctrine of collective security.
In 1949, NATO became a Cold War instrument which prevented and
undermined the development of trade, political, social and cultural
relations between Western Europe and the Soviet block including Eastern
For Washington, with the Pentagon pulling the strings, NATO has become a convenient military “multi-state proxy”.
The strategic objectives of the US with regard to NATO are:
The de facto US Military Occupation of Western, Eastern Europe and Canada through the establishment of US military bases in most NATO member states
The imposition of US Foreign Policy, requiring the
acceptance (under the doctrine of collective security) of all US war
plans by NATO member states (including military deployments on Russia’s
A mechanism whereby the Pentagon finances its wars and military operations through contributions by each NATO member state, at tax-payers expense;
The conduct of US-led wars under the emblem of the NATO military
alliance, thereby obliging NATO member states to deploy their military
capabilities as well as “do the dirty work for us”, i.e. killing and
destruction on behalf of Washington.
The extension of US influence in the post war period into the former
colonies of Western European countries (France, Belgium, Italy,
Military Occupation is tagged as “Protection” and the governments of NATO member states are actually “Paying the U.S. to Occupy their countries”. It is all for a good cause. “Make the World Safer”:
“The biggest indignity yet was the ludicrous demand that
NATO allies pay to host the American troops permanently garrisoned there
– to essentially bankroll their own occupations. Last week, it was
reported the US would begin asking some of its most hospitable allies –
those nations home to hundreds of thousands of soldiers – to foot the
bill for the cost of keeping them “safe.”(H. Busyinzki),
I should mention that in addition to recommending NATO for the Nobel
Peace Prize, the media relentlessly presents NATO as an instrument of
US Military Bases and Global Military Alliances
The Pentagon’s grip extends well beyond the 29 NATO member states. It
also includes partner countries as well as a broad system of military
alliances in all major regions of the World including Latin America,
North Africa and the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, South
East Asia, East Asia (Japan, South Korea) and Oceania. Israel is a de
facto NATO member state.
Military alliances and military occupation go hand in hand.
More generally the creation of military alliances has become a means
to install US military bases in a large number of countries, including
countries which were the victims of US led wars and military
interventions. (eg Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Iraq)
With the exception of NATO Strategic Command and its Logistics bases, there are no NATO military bases.
There are US bases located in host countries (including NATO member
states) as well as national military bases under the jurisdiction of the
NATO member states, often in a joint arrangement with the US.
Today there are approximately 39 US military bases in Germany (based on official sources), many of which are under a system of joint command with Germany and NATO.
Of significance, beyond the scope of this article, are the broad
structures of military alliances of Russia and China under the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization (SCO).
Turkey (a member of NATO) is now collaborating with Russia as well as
Iran. America’s staunchest ally Pakistan is now a full member of the
SCO and is actively collaborating with China.
Geographic Combat Commands. US Military Bases Worldwide
America’s System of Geographic Combat Commands was established in the
wake of World War II. It constitutes the foundations of global warfare,
leading to the deployment of US Air, Navy and Land forces Worldwide,
including the militarization of outer space and the deployment of
nuclear weapons. In turn, all major theater wars are coordinated by US
Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska,
The United States currently has more than 800 formal military
bases in 80 countries. In turn, US-led military and economic alliances
have played a key role in extending America’s sphere of influence.Once these military bases are established in countries, they remain. The host country becomes a de facto ally of the US.
From a strategic point of view with modern day warfare, the
geographic combat commands are in some regards obsolete. They are
largely geared towards controlling countries which host US military
bases. They do not constitute an effective structure for waging
strategic military operations against Russia or China.
800+ US Military Bases. Where are they Located
Joint Forces command agreements are signed between
the US and its allies. The host countries must not only endorse US
military doctrine, they also contribute sizeable financial resources
which are used to fund US military operations. In this regard, NATO
member states contribute financially to sustaining the US-led military
The map below is incomplete. It does not include US bases under Joint Command
America’s allies are also caught in the nexus of sustaining the US
weapons industry (“defense contractors”) through multibillion dollar
Nuclear War and Nuclear Weapons
“The Privatization of Nuclear War”
US Military Contractors Set the Stage
US-NATO interventions are presented as peacemaking endeavors. A new
generation of “more usable” “low yield” nuclear weapons are categorized
as “harmless to civilians”. This initiative was first formulated during
the George W. Bush administration. The concepts are contained in the
2001 Nuclear Posture Review, adopted by the Senate in 2002.
Hiroshima Day 2003: Secret Meeting at Strategic Command Headquarters
On August 6, 2003, on Hiroshima Day, commemorating when the first
atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima (August 6 1945), a secret meeting
was held behind closed doors at Strategic Command Headquarters at the
Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska.
Senior executives from the nuclear industry and the military
industrial complex were in attendance. This mingling of defense
contractors, scientists and policy-makers was not intended to
commemorate Hiroshima. The meeting was intended to set the stage for the
development of a new generation of “smaller”, “safer” and “more usable” nuclear weapons, to be used in the “in-theater nuclear wars” of the 21st Century.
In a cruel irony, the participants to this secret meeting, which
excluded members of Congress, arrived on the anniversary of the
Hiroshima bombing and departed on the anniversary of the attack on
Nagasaki. More than 150 military contractors, scientists from the
weapons labs, and other government officials gathered at the
headquarters of the US Strategic Command in Omaha, Nebraska to plot and
plan for the possibility of “full-scale nuclear war”, calling for the
production of a new generation of nuclear weapons – more “usable”
so-called “mini-nukes” and earth penetrating “bunker busters” armed with
atomic warheads.
According to a leaked draft of the agenda, the secret meeting
included discussions on “mini-nukes” and “bunker-buster” bombs with
nuclear war heads “for possible use against rogue states”:
Participants intimated:
“We need to change our nuclear strategy from the Cold War
to one that can deal with emerging threats… The meeting will give some
thought to how we guarantee the efficacy of the (nuclear) stockpile.”
The post 9/11 nuclear weapons doctrine was in the making, with
America’s major defense contractors directly involved in the
decision-making process.
The Hiroshima Day 2003 meetings had set the stage for the
“privatization of nuclear war”. Corporations not only reap
multibillion-dollar profits from the production of nuclear bombs, they
also have a direct voice in setting the agenda regarding the use and
deployment of nuclear weapons.
The nuclear weapons industry, which includes the production of
nuclear devices as well as the missile delivery systems, etc., is
controlled by a handful of defense contractors with Lockheed Martin,
General Dynamics, Northrop Grunman, Raytheon and Boeing in the lead. It
is worth noting that barely a week prior to the historic August 6, 2003
meeting, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) disbanded
its advisory committee which provided an “independent oversight” on the
US nuclear arsenal, including the testing and/or use of new nuclear
devices. (The above text is an excerpt from Michel Chossudovsky’s Towards a World War Three Scenario, The Dangers of Nuclear War. Global Research, Montreal, 2011)
Dangerous Crossroads: The Future of Humanity is Threatened
Needless to say, the World is at a dangerous crossroads. The future
of humanity is threatened. Lies and fabrications permeate US-NATO
military doctrine. Those who decide believe in their own propaganda. Not
only do they believe that tactical nuclear weapons are peace-making
bombs, they are now putting forth the concept of a “Winnable Third World
War”. Taking out China and Russia is on the drawing board of the
We are at the juncture of the most serious crisis in World
history. A Third World War using nuclear weapons is terminal. This is
not an understatement.
Military interventions are not limited to conventional warfare. What
is at stake is a process of global warfare using advanced weapons
systems. The safeguards of the Cold War era have been scrapped. The
concept of “Mutually Assured Destruction” pertaining to the use of
nuclear weapons has been replaced by the doctrine of preemptive nuclear
The INF Treaty is defunct. Nuclear weapons are portrayed by the media
as peace-making bombs. They are no longer tagged as Weapons of Mass
Destruction. They are to be used in what the Pentagon calls “bloody
nose” operations.
In the 2001 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) under the
Bush administration, the Pentagon introduced the notion of pre-emptive
nuclear war, namely the use of nuclear weapons on a first strike basis
as a means of “self defense”.
The new generation of so-called tactical nuclear weapons (mininukes)
has been been categorized as “low yield” and “more usable. The US Senate
in 2002 approved their use in the conventional war theater. They are
contemplated for use against North Korea and Iran.
They are tagged as “safe to the surrounding civilian population
because the explosion is underground.” These “low yield” tactical
nuclear bombs have an explosive capacity between one third and twelve
times a Hiroshima bomb.
“More Usable” “Low Yield Nuclear Weapons Deployed in Five
Non-Nuclear Weapons States: Germany, Italy, Belgium,The Netherlands,
The “Official” Nuclear Weapons States
Five countries, the US, UK, France, China and Russia
are considered to be “nuclear weapons states” (NWS), “an
internationally recognized status conferred by the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)”. Three other “Non NPT countries” (i.e.
non-signatory states of the NPT) including India, Pakistan and North Korea, have recognized possessing nuclear weapons.
It is worth noting that North Korea was the only declared
nuclear weapons state which voted YES at the UN General Assembly, in
favor of the prohibition of nuclear weapons under Resolution L.41.
Nobody knows about this. WHY: Because the mainstream
media has not mentioned it (“Fake News” through Omission) or as in the
case of The Guardian and Bloomberg, the DPRK was casually lumped
together with the other nuclear weapons states which voted NO (against
the resolution).
“Oops News”. “We made a mistake”. We did not really check the UN General Assembly documents.
Israel: “Undeclared Nuclear State”
Israel is identified as an “undeclared nuclear state”. It produces
and deploys nuclear warheads directed against military and civilian
targets in the Middle East including Tehran.
Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Turkey: erroneously categorised as Non-Nuclear Weapons States”
The nuclear weapons capabilities of these five countries including
delivery procedures are formally acknowledged. The US has supplied some
480 B61. thermonuclear bombs to five so-called “non-nuclear states”,
including Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey. In recent
developments the B61.11 mini-nukes are to replaced by the recently
developed B61.12. Based on 2014 data Italy possesses 50 B61 tactical
nuclear weapons at its Aviano base. It is unclear whether these bombs
are under US or National Command.
Casually disregarded by the Vienna based UN Nuclear Watchdog
(IAEA), the US has actively contributed to the proliferation of nuclear
weapons in Western Europe. As part of this European
stockpiling, Turkey, which is a partner of the US-led coalition against
Iran along with Israel, possesses some 90 thermonuclear B61 bunker
buster bombs at the Incirlik nuclear air base. (National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005) By the recognised definition, these five countries are “undeclared nuclear weapons states”.
The stockpiling and deployment of tactical B61 in these five
“non-nuclear states” are intended for targets in the Middle East.
Moreover, in accordance with “NATO strike plans”, these thermonuclear
B61 bunker buster bombs (stockpiled by the “non-nuclear States”) could
be launched “against targets in Russia or countries in the Middle East
such as Syria and Iran” ( quoted in National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe, February 2005)
Click to See Details and Map of Nuclear Facilities located in 5 European “Non-Nuclear States”
The stockpiled weapons are B61 thermonuclear bombs. All
the weapons are gravity bombs of the B61-3, -4, and -10 types.2 . Those
estimates were based on private and public statements by a number of
government sources and assumptions about the weapon storage capacity at
each base .(National Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons in Europe , February 2005)
Germany: Nuclear Weapons Producer
Among the five “undeclared nuclear states”, “Germany remains the most
heavily nuclearized country with three nuclear bases (two of which are
fully operational) and may store as many as 150 [B61 bunker buster ]
bombs” (Ibid). In accordance with “NATO strike plans” (mentioned above)
these tactical nuclear weapons are also targeted at the Middle East.
While Germany is not categorized officially as a nuclear power, it
produces nuclear warheads for the French Navy. It stockpiles nuclear
warheads (made in America) and it has the capabilities of delivering
nuclear weapons.
Moreover, The European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company – EADS
, a Franco-German-Spanish joint venture, controlled by Deutsche
Aerospace and the powerful Daimler Group is Europe’s second largest
military producer, supplying .France’s M51 nuclear missile. Germany
imports and deploys nuclear weapons from the US. It also produces
nuclear warheads which are exported to France. Yet it is classified as a
non-nuclear state.
Fidel’s Message on the Dangers of Nuclear War
In 2010, October
12 to 15, 2010, I had extensive and detailed discussions with Fidel
Castro in Havana, pertaining to the dangers of nuclear war, the global
economic crisis and the nature of the New World Order.
Fidel Castro and Michel Chossudovsky, Havana, October 2010
These meetings resulted in a wide-ranging and fruitful interview which was subsequently published by Global Research.
Recorded on the last day of the Conversations, October 15, 2010, Fidel Castro made the following statement:
In a nuclear war the “collateral damage” would be the life of all humanity.
Let us have the courage to proclaim that
all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make
war, must disappear!
“The use of nuclear weapons in a new war
would mean the end of humanity. This was candidly foreseen by scientist
Albert Einstein who was able to measure their destructive capability to
generate millions of degrees of heat, which would vaporize everything
within a wide radius of action. This brilliant researcher had promoted
the development of this weapon so that it would not become available to
the genocidal Nazi regime.
Each and every government in the world
has the obligation to respect the right to life of each and every nation
and of the totality of all the peoples on the planet.
Today there is an imminent risk of war
with the use of that kind of weapon and I don’t harbour the least doubt
that an attack by the United States and Israel against the Islamic
Republic of Iran would inevitably evolve towards a global nuclear
The World’s peoples have an obligation to
demand of their political leaders their Right to Live. When the life of
humankind, of your people and your most beloved human beings run such a
risk, nobody can afford to be indifferent; not one minute can be lost
in demanding respect for that right; tomorrow will be too late.
Albert Einstein himself stated
unmistakably: “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be
fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”. We
fully comprehend what he wanted to convey, and he was absolutely right,
yet in the wake of a global nuclear war, there wouldn’t be anybody
around to make use of those sticks and stones.
There would be “collateral damage”, as
the American political and military leaders always affirm, to justify
the deaths of innocent people.
In a nuclear war the “collateral damage” would be the life of all humanity.
Let us have the courage to proclaim that
all nuclear or conventional weapons, everything that is used to make
war, must disappear!”
Fidel Castro Ruz, October 15, 2010
Flashback: The Unspoken History of Nuclear War
The Manhattan Project established in 1939 together with Britain and
Canada developed the first atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. What was the purpose of the Manhattan Project? The official
explanation is that it was America’s response to Nazi Germany’s intent
to develop the atomic bomb. Bear in mind, the Manhattan project was
launched in 1939, two years prior to America’s participation in World
War II.
What is never mentioned in the history of nuclear weapons is that the
Manhattan Project had formulated a plan to use nuclear weapons against
the Soviet Union as early as 1942. In other words, the Nuclear Arms Race
was not the product of the Cold War. It took it roots during World War
II when the US and the Soviet Union were allies. And present US military
doctrine is largely a continuation of the nuclear weapons program
initiated under the Manhattan Project:
All major cities of the Soviet Union were included in the list of
66 “strategic” targets. The tables below categorize each city in terms
of area in square miles and the corresponding number of atomic bombs
required to annihilate and kill the inhabitants of selected urban areas.
Six atomic bombs were to be used to destroy each of the larger cities
including Moscow, Leningrad, Tashkent, Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa.
The Pentagon estimated that a total of 204 atomic bombs would be required to “Wipe the Soviet Union off the Map”. The targets for a nuclear attack consisted of sixty-six major cities.
To undertake this operation the “optimum” number of bombs required was of the order of 466 (see document below)
The document outlining this diabolical military agenda had been
released in September 1945, barely one month after the bombing of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki (6 and 9 August, 1945) and two years before the
onset of the Cold War (1947).
Video produced by South Front
The secret plan dated September 15, 1945 (two weeks
after the surrender of Japan on September 2, 1945 aboard the USS
Missouri, see image below) , however, had been formulated at an earlier
period, namely at the height of World War II, at a time when America
and the Soviet Union were close allies.
War with Russia and China
Nuclear Weapons were contemplated to be used against Russia since 1942, and against China since October 1949
Currently, there are detailed plans by the US military (which are in
the public domaine) to wage war against both Russia and China.
Four non-compliant countries including China, Russia, Iran and North Korea have been singled out.
At the outset of 2019, War against China and Russia is on the drawing
board of the Pentagon. The use of nuclear weapons is contemplated on a
preemptive first strike basis.
Recent reports (2015-2018) commissioned by the Pentagon confirm the
details of Washington’s military agenda against China and Russia (see
reports by the Rand Corporation’s War against China project and the
2018 National Defense Strategy Commission, War against China and Russia.
On March 1st, 2018 president Vladimir Putin unveiled an array of
advanced military technologies in response to renewed US threats to wipe
the Russian Federation off the Map, as contained in Trump’s 2018 Nuclear Posture Review.
Below is a review of detailed war plans against Russia and China.
These plans are in the public domaine. They are based on the premise
that the US can win a nuclear war.
In May 2014, the Russian Aggression Prevention Act (RAPA) was
introduced in the US Senate (S 2277), calling for the militarization
of Eastern Europe and the Baltic States and the stationing of US and
NATO troops on Russia’s doorstep:
Directs the President to: (1) implement a plan for increasing U.S. and NATO support for the armed forces of Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, and other NATO member-states; and (2) direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to NATO to seek consideration for permanently basing NATO forces in such countries.
In 2018: the US National Defense Strategy Commission report entitled “Providing for the Common Defense” outlines the contours of a war with Russia
The thrust of the report is that “global peace and stability” and
“America’s own security, prosperity, and global leadership” are
threatened by Russia and China.
Across Eurasia, grayzone aggression is steadily
undermining the security of U.S. allies and partners and eroding
American influence. Regional military balances in Eastern Europe, the
Middle East, and the Western Pacific have shifted in decidedly adverse
What the report recommends is the conduct of “preemptive” action
against both China and Russia, with a view to sustaining US military
The United States needs more than just new capabilities;
it urgently requires new operational concepts that expand U.S. options
and constrain those of China, Russia, and other actors.
While the report does describe a possible war scenario with Russia or
China, it recommends a sizeable increase in the US military budget. A
recommendation which is currently carried out by president Trump.
War with China Scenario
In 2015, a detailed report by the Rand Corporation commissioned by the US Army outlines a war scenario with China
Whereas a clear U.S. victory once seemed probable, it is
increasingly likely that a conflict could involve inconclusive fighting
with steep losses on both sides. The United States cannot expect to
control a conflict it cannot dominate militarily.
The report is
notoriously ambiguous. It focusses on how a war can be avoided while
analyzing the circumstances under which a preemptive war against China
is a win for the US:
The presumption of this report is that China is
threatening us, which justifies pre-emptive warfare. There is no
evidence of a Chinese military threat. The purpose of the RAND report
is that Chinese policymakers will read it. What we are dealing with is a
process of military intimidation including veiled threats:
While the primary audience for this study is the U.S. policy community, we
hope that Chinese policymakers will also think through possible courses
and consequences of war with the United States, includ ing potential
damage to China’s economic development and threats to China’s
equilibrium and cohesion. We find little in the public domain
to indicate that the Chinese political leadership has given this matter
the attention it deserves.
The Report outlines “Four Analytic Scenarios” on how a war with China could be carried out:
The path of war might be defined mainly by two variables:
intensity (from mild to severe) and duration (from a few days to a year
or more). Thus, we analyze four cases: brief and severe, long and severe, brief and mild, and long and mild.
The main determinant of intensity is whether, at the outset, U.S. and
Chinese political leaders grant or deny their respective militaries
permission to execute their plans to attack opposing forces
The concluding comments of the report underscore the
potential weakness of China in relation to US-allied forces “…they do
not point to Chinese dominance or victory.”
The report creates an ideological war narrative. It is
flawed in terms of its understanding of modern warfare and weapons
systems. It is largely a propaganda ploy directed against the Chinese leadership.
It totally ignores Chinese history and China’s military perceptions
which are largely based on defending the Nation’s historical national
While the US, according to the report, does not contemplate the use nuclear weapons, the report examines the circumstances under which China might use nukes against the US to avoid defeat.The analysis is diabolical:
Thus, it cannot be entirely excluded that the Chinese
leadership would decide that only the use of nuclear weapons would
prevent total defeat and the state’s destruction. However, even under
such desperate conditions, the resort to nuclear weapons would not be
China’s only option: It could instead accept defeat. Indeed,
because U.S. nuclear retaliation would make the destruction of the state
and collapse of the country all the more certain, accepting defeat
would be a better option (depending on the severity of U.S. terms) than
nuclear escalation. This logic, along with China’s ingrained no-first-use policy, suggests that Chinese first use is most improbable. (p. 30)
In other words, China has the option of being totally destroyed or surrendering to the US. The report concludes as follows:
In a nutshell, despite military trends that favor it,
China could not win, and might lose, a severe war with the United States
in 2025, especially if prolonged. Moreover, the economic costs and
political dangers of such a war could imperil China’s stability, end its
development, and undermine the legitimacy of the state. (p 68)
Unconventional Warfare (UW)
Included in the Pentagon’s arsenal is the use of various instruments
of subversion including the support of terrorist insurgencies as
outlined the Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare manual (leaked by Wikileaks).
The emphasis is on using “surrogates”, namely irregular forces,
non-state and paramilitary terrorist entities which will do the dirty
work for us:
UW [Unconventional Warfare] must be conducted by, with, or through surrogates; and such surrogates must be irregular forces. Moreover, this definition is consistent with the historical reasons that the United States has conducted UW. UW has been conducted in support of both an insurgency, such as the Contras in 1980s Nicaragua,
and resistance movements to defeat an occupying power, such as the
Mujahideen in 1980s Afghanistan. UW has also been conducted in support
of pending or ongoing conventional military operations (p. 1-2)
The stated purpose outlined in Army Field Manual is to use UW to
support “insurgencies” and “resistance movements”. The “War on
Terrorism” (WAT) is also defined as part of the UW arsenal:
“UW remains an enduring and effective means of warfighting and is recognized as a central effort in the WOT…
ARSOF namely Army Special Forces “support the WOT by providing forces trained and equipped”.
The report focusses on the use of special forces which are integrated
into the fabric of the War on Terrorism (WOT). What this means in
practice is the processing of embedding of US-NATO forces in Al Qaeda
affiliated terrorist insurgencies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya,
Unconventional Warfare (UW) also extends into the realm of financial
manipulation, acts of sabotage, cyberwarfare etc. The Army Field Manual
on UW also details and condones the instruments of Irregular Warfare (IW) which may resort to illegal activities such as the Iran-Contra:
“Transnational criminal activities, including
narco-trafficking, illicit arms dealing, and illegal financial
transactions, that support or sustain IW.”
The Anti-war Movement: How to Reverse the Tide
Pursuant to the Florence April 7, 2019 Stop NATO Conference, concrete actions would consist in:
demanding the withdrawal from NATO by the 29 member states leading to the abolition of NATO.
closing down of US bases and military facilities in all NATO member states
the withdrawal of all US military personnel from NATO member countries
the repeal of payments of NATO member countries for the financing of US military bases and facilities
freezing of military budgets, reallocating resources to civilian social programs.
The mass movement would integrate anti-war protest with the campaign against the gamut of neoliberal economic reforms.
To achieve these objectives, what is required is the development of a broad based grassroots network
which seeks to disable patterns of authority and decision making
pertaining to war and the economy. This is by no means an easy and
straightforward undertaking. The NGOs funded by Wall Street
control a variety of “protest movements”. Since the Iraq war(2003) the
anti-war movement is virtually non existent.
This network would be established nationally
and internationally at all levels of society, towns and villages, work
places, parishes. Trade unions, farmers organizations,
professional associations, business associations, student unions,
veterans associations, church groups would be called upon to integrate
the antiwar organizational structure. Of crucial importance, this
movement should extend into the Armed Forces as a means to breaking the
legitimacy of war both within the command structure as well as among
service men and women.
A related task (as a priority) would be to disable war propaganda through an effective campaign against media disinformation. (including
support of the online independent and alternative media). This is no
easy task given the wave of censorship against freedom of speech as well
as the online manipulation of search engines and social media
What has to be achieved as a first priority is to dismantle the propaganda apparatus which sustains the legitimacy of war and neoliberalism.
In that regard, the independent media has failed. The power structures
behind the mainstream media, social media, etc, must be confronted.
Without this network of media disinformation, the war criminals in high office wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.
Beware however of the flow of ideas emanating from several alleged
progressive NGOs and “Left intellectuals” who are often financed by the
establishment foundations. These are the entities which organize the
so-called protest movements, generously funded by corporate foundations.
Intellectuals should not be the driving force of a Worldwide anti-war
movement. What is required is a democratization of research and
analysis, which serves to support a mass grass roots movement. The
complexity of the global system (its military,economic, political
dimensions) must be understood by the grassroots of the movement.
Changes within the Armed Forces, Security, Intelligence Law
Enforcement apparatus are required with a view to eventually
democratizing the command structures. Democratizing the decision-making
apparatus of police and law enforcement is also something to be
It is worth mentioning that while millions of people across the World
have gathered under the banner of “Global Warming” and Climate Change,
todays wars including Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela are not
mentioned. Nor are the dangers of a Third World War.
The issue of poverty and Worldwide unemployment resulting from the imposition of neoliberal reforms is also sidetracked.
And the police apparatus is repressing the Yellow Vest movement.
There is also the unspoken issue pertaining to “Left intellectuals”
who are often coopted into playing lip service in favor of US-NATO
humanitarian wars including Yugoslavia (1999), Afghanistan (2001), not
to mention Syria (2011) and Libya (2011).
While climate change is a legitimate concern, why are these protest
movements limited to global warming. The answer is that many of the key
organizations involved are generously funded by Wall Street foundations,
including the Rockefellers, Tides, Soros., et al.
The Wall Street protagonists of war and neoliberalism are funding
dissent against Wall Street. It’s what I would describe as “manufactured
Challenging the Corporate Media
The corporate media would be directly challenged including major news
outlets, which are responsible for channelling disinformation into the
news chain. This endeavor would require a parallel process at the grass
roots level, of sensitizing and educating fellow citizens on the nature
of the war and the global crisis, as well as effectively “spreading
the word” through advanced networking, through alternative media outlets
on the internet, etc. It would also require a broad based campaign
against the search engines involved in media censorship on behalf of the
The creation of such a movement, which forcefully challenges the legitimacy of the structures of political authority, requires a degree of solidarity, unity and commitment unparalleled in World history. It would require breaking down political and ideological barriers within society and acting with a single voice. It would also require eventually unseating the war criminals in high office, and indicting them for war crimes.
Abandon the Battlefield: Refuse to Fight
The military oath taken at the time of induction demands unbending
support and allegiance to the US Constitution, while also demanding that
US troops obey orders from their President and Commander in Chief:
“I,____________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I
will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against
all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and
allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President
of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me,
according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
So help me God”
The President and Commander in Chief Donal Trump has blatantly
violated all tenets of domestic and international law. So that making an oath to “obey orders from the President” is tantamount to violating rather than defending the US Constitution.
“The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) 809.ART.90
(20), makes it clear that military personnel need to obey the “lawful
command of his superior officer,” 891.ART.91 (2), the “lawful order of a
warrant officer”, 892.ART.92 (1) the “lawful general order”, 892.ART.92
(2) “lawful order”. In each case, military personnel have an obligation
and a duty to only obey Lawful orders and indeed have an obligation to
disobey Unlawful orders, including orders by the president that do not
comply with the UCMJ. The moral and legal obligation is to the U.S.
Constitution and not to those who would issue unlawful orders,
especially if those orders are in direct violation of the Constitution
and the UCMJ.” (Lawrence Mosqueda, An Advisory to US Troops A Duty to
Disobey All Unlawful Orders,
The Commander in Chief is a war criminal. According to Principle 6 of the Nuremberg Charter:
“The fact that a person [e.g. Coalition troops] acted
pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve
him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice
was in fact possible to him.”
Let us make that “moral choice” possible, to enlisted American, and US-NATO Coalition servicemen and women.
Disobey unlawful orders! Abandon the battlefield! … Refuse to fight in a war which blatantly violates international law.
But this is not a choice which enlisted men and women can make individually.
It is a collective and societal choice, which requires an organizational structure.
Across the land in North America, Western and Eastern Europe and in all NATO coalition countries, the new anti-war movement must
assist enlisted men and women to make that moral choice possible, to
abandon military service at US military bases around the World, as well
as in the battlefield in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as in
Syria and Yemen.
This will not be an easy task. Committees at local levels must be set
up across the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Japan
among other countries, which have troops engaged in US led military
We call upon veterans’ associations and local communities to support this process.
US-NATO coalition servicemen and women including senior military
officers are victims of internal propaganda. This movement needs to
dismantle the internal disinformation campaign. It must effectively
reverse the indoctrination of coalition troops, who are led to believe
that they are fighting “a just war”: “a war against terrorists”, a war
against the Russians, who are threatening the security of America. It
must also, as mentioned earlier, “democratize” the command structures.
The legitimacy of the US military authority must be broken.
What has to be achieved:
Reveal the criminal nature of this military project,
Break once and for all the lies and falsehoods which sustain the “political consensus” in favor of a pre-emptive nuclear war.
Undermine war propaganda, reveal the media lies, reverse the
tide of disinformation, wage a consistent campaign against the
corporate media
Break the legitimacy of the war-mongers in high office.
Dismantle the US sponsored military adventure and its corporate sponsors.
Bring Home the Troops
Repeal the illusion that the State is committed to protecting its citizens.
Uphold 9/11 Truth. Reveal the falsehoods behind 9/11 which are used
to justify the Middle East Central Asian war under the banner of the
“Global War on Terrorism” (GWOT)
Expose how a profit driven war serves the vested interests of the
banks, the defense contractors, the oil giants, the media giants and the
biotech conglomerates
Challenge the corporate media which deliberately obfuscates the causes and consequences of this war,
Reveal and take cognizance of the unspoken and tragic outcome of a war waged with nuclear weapons.
Call for the Dismantling of NATO
Implement the prosecution of war criminals in high office
Close down the weapons assembly plants and implement the foreclosure of major weapons producers
Close down all US military bases in the US and around the World
Develop an antiwar movement within the Armed Forces and establish
bridges between the Armed Forces and the civilian antiwar movement
Forcefully pressure governments of both NATO and non-NATO countries to withdraw from the US led global military agenda.
Develop a consistent antiwar movement in Israel. Inform the citizens
of Israel of the likely consequences of a US-NATO-Israeli attack on
Confront the pro-war lobby groups including the pro-Israeli groups in the US
Dismantle the homeland security state, call for the repeal of the PATRIOT legislation
Call for the removal of the military from civilian law enforcement.
In the US, call for the enforcement of the Posse Comitatus Act
Call for the demilitarization of outer space and the repeal of Star Wars
Call for the freezing of military budgets as well as a reallocation of resources in favor of the civilian economy
People across the land, nationally and internationally, must mobilize
against this diabolical military agenda, the authority of the State and
its officials must be forcefully challenged.
War can be prevented if people forcefully confront their governments,
pressure their elected representatives, organize at the local level in
towns, villages and municipalities, spread the word, inform their fellow
citizens on the implications of a nuclear war, initiate debate and
discussion within the armed forces.
What is required is the development of a broad and well
organized grassroots antiwar network which challenges the structures of
power and authority, the nature of the economic system, the vast amounts
of money used to fund the war, the shear size of the so-called defense
What is required is a mass movement of people which
forcefully challenges the legitimacy of war, a global people’s movement
which criminalizes war.
What is needed is to break the conspiracy of silence, expose
the media lies and distortions, confront the criminal nature of the US
Administration and of those governments which support it, its war agenda
as well as its so-called “Homeland Security agenda” which has already
defined the contours of a police State.
The World is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern
history. The US and its NATO allies have embarked on a military
adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity.
It is essential to bring the US war project to the forefront of
political debate, particularly in North America and Western Europe.
Political and military leaders who are opposed to the war must take a
firm stance, from within their respective institutions. Citizens must
take a stance individually and collectively against war.
We call upon people across the land, in North America, Western
Europe, Israel, The Arab World, Turkey and around the world to rise up
against this military project, against their governments which are
supportive of US-NATO led wars, against the corporate media which serves
to camouflage the devastating impacts of modern warfare.
The military agenda supports a profit driven destructive global
economic system which impoverishes large sectors of the world
This war is sheer madness.
The Lie must be exposed for what it is and what it does.
It sanctions the indiscriminate killing of men, women and children.
It destroys families and people. It destroys the commitment of people towards their fellow human beings.
It prevents people from expressing their solidarity for those who
suffer. It upholds war and the police state as the sole avenue.
It destroys both nationalism and internationalism.
Breaking the lie means breaking a criminal project of global destruction, in which the quest for profit is the overriding force.
This profit driven military agenda destroys human values and transforms people into unconscious zombies.
Let us reverse the tide.
Challenge the war criminals in high office and the powerful corporate lobby groups which support them.
Break the American inquisition.
Undermine the US-NATO-Israel military crusade.
Close down the weapons factories and the military bases.
Bring home the troops.
Members of the armed forces should disobey orders and refuse to participate in a criminal war.
[part of this section was written in 2010]
The original source of this article is Global Research